Effective Way to Make Straight Hair into Curly Hair Many people prefer to have curly hair style to give a romantic look to the face. Here’s an easy steps to turn straight hair into curly hair Wash your hair and comb it out removing all the tangles. Let your hair to dry, but leave it slightly damp Using a roller split your hair into sections, then with the tail end of the comb lift a small portion of hair from your scalp and remove the tangles by running the comb through the hair. Twist your hair around the roller, starting from the end of your hair and stopping when the roller reaches your scalp Secure the roller in place using the bobby pins or clips. Set the rest of your hair in rollers. To create ringlets or tighter curls, set your hair with hair clips or bobby pins. With the tail end of the comb pull few strands of hair up and away from your head and comb that hair portion to remove any snarls. Wind your hair around your finger until that portion of hair is completely wound around your finger. Securely hold the wound portion of hair by using bobby pins or a hair clip. In the same manner repeat the process for the rest of your hair. To tighter your curls leave hairclips, bobby pins and the rollers in hair for a longer period. After several hours remove the hair rollers, bobby pins and hair clips and brush hair to create the look you want. Hair cues 52 Curzon Crescent, Ontario, N1k1Z9, 519-221-0516