Poster presentation | 10th IALE World Congress

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Landscape ecology - an evolutionary analysis of the design practice AUTHORS: Caroline Ferreira Fernandes e Luis Pedro de Melo Cesar

Graduation Project - University of Brasília


BACKGROUND The Landscape design joins ecology in order to reestablish the ecosystemic balance although it is not known for certain what are the project guidelines that should be considered in the development of a landscape desing. Most of the studies found in the literature treat their actions punctually and requires a global analysis of them. However, it is essential that holistic guidelines be established to guide the development of the project.This measure can contribute to the progress of the ecological design of the landscape and thus achieve greater efficiency in the restoration of the ecosystem balance. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to identify project indicators in the landscape ecology that stand out within the Environmentalist, Ecogenesis and Naturalism movements between the 19th and 21st centuries.





Based on a temporal cut that analyzes three important movements within landscape ecology, the Environmentalism, the Ecogenesis and the Naturalistic gardens, inserted between the 19th and 21st century, the study seeks to trace an evolutionary panorama of the design practice, starting from a general analysis of the historical and social context that encloses each movement and increasing for a regional and design analysis of three projects chosen according to their iconic importance and relevance in their specific time.




Fernando Chacel

Fens and Riverway

ECO 92 (RIO 92)


RIO + 20



Park Gleba E


ANALYSIS *Historical context



*Regional context


*Design drawing

Lurie Garden


*Ecological design

Piet Oudolf

*Ecosystem approaches




Fens and Riverway - 1878 e 1895

Park Gleba E - 1991

Lurie Garden - 2004

Frederick Law Olmsted

Fernando Chacel

Piet Oudolf

The landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted developed a project in the city of Boston, United States that seeks to remake free spaces that have undergone territorial expansion towards the water bodies, through cuts and landfills, becoming unhealthy and degraded areas. With a park complex project, the architect integrates the landscapes through an ecological green corridor, recovers and renaturalizes the banks of the main rivers of the region.

Fernando Chacel, in 1991, develops a landscape project for Park Gleba E, located in the neighborhood of Barra de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. The region underwent a drastic transformation in the mid-1970s, due to uncontrolled urbanization and verticalization, which ultimately compromised its entire ecosystem balance. Given this scenario, the architect implements in practice the ecology and the concept of the echogenesis in this project.

The Lurie Garden project, developed by the landscape designer Piet Oudoulf is located in Chicago, USA and was the result of a conservation movement, embedded in the urban landscape of a large city. This is a garden in the mold of the naturalist movement that seeks to create a natural habitat for fauna and flora through the use of prairie vegetation and an ecologically sensitive maintenance practice.

The project was divided into three intervention models, the first one with a recovery of the mangrove and restoration of the whole area of the ​​ basin, entitled Mangrove Model, the second model, seeks to recreate the landscape of the restinga vegetation and conform a space with characteristics of a natural garden and, finally, the third model called Model Park, made use of the vegetation in a very ornamental way, providing the conviviality and the passage of the visitors.



Historical context

Regional context

Industrial Revolution

Humid continental climate

Technological transformation

Industrial city

Liberal X Post-liberal cities

Territorial expansion

Design drawing

Ecological design

Ecosystem approaches

Watercourses that recover and restore riverbanks

Purpose of developing a project with ecological approaches

Indicators / project practices

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Sanitary reform

Disappearance of water bodies with the channeling and landfill of water courses River pollution and lack of public leisure spaces

Inspired by the English naturalist gardens, however, adopting a more plastic composition with curves, seeking to imitate the natural design of the landscape

Changes in the hydrological regime

Requalification of watercourses

Use of riparian vegetation

Does not cover recrative use, only contemplative. It makes reference to walks by the internal ways to the corridor.

Connection of green spaces through an ecological corridor

Modernist influence and plastic compositions that conforms a vegetation mosaics inspired by the landscaping of Roberto Burle-Marx.

Recovery of mangrove and restinga vegetation

Connection between parks and green areas - ecological corridors

Measures taken to improve sanitation Flood control Environmental Conservation

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Population movement to create green areas in the middle of the city and improve the quality of life Stockholm Conference 1972 and Rio 92 New demands for the city Housing verticalization (multiply in the free spaces)

New urban planning proposals Modern movement

Tropical climate Real Estate Boom Water quality deterioration and silting Loss of vegetation cover around basins Environmental guidelines for protected areas

Riparian vegetation recovery

Recovery of local biodiversity

Ecosystem Restoration

Reconstitution of original ecosystems

Use of native vegetation

Use of vegetation /seedlings from the site itself

Several ways of public space appropriation. From the contemplative to the educational

Landscape composition according to natural phytophysiognomies Biological control of communities Environmental monitoring



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Sustainable development

Rio + 20

Temperate climate

Sustainable architecture

Densely populated city

The crisis of the intensive regime of accumulation

Civil society involvement in the recovery and protection of biological diversity

Environmental scarcity New urban challenges Systems thinking

Reconnecting people with nature

Break with English landscaping and adoption of the principles of wild gardens. Creation of communities of multiple species that develop in a natural way and have different sizes and colors throughout the seasons, proposing several experiences to users

Predominant use of grasses

Natural habitat creation

Low maintenance cost

Use of native prairie plants

Provide the minimum conditions for the natural ecosystem management

All seasons are clearly defined

Ecological support for wildlife reintroduction

Taxonomic diversity Communities of multiple species Use of perennial grasses Natural development and support for wildlife

In view of the Fens and Riverway, Park Gleba E and Lurie Garden projects and their connection with the landscape movements, it is understood that each one of them has a relevant and efficient approach to solve the central problem at that is proposed, within the inserted context. Therefore, it is believed that the combination of these approaches can provide a broader understanding of the criteria to be contemplated in the development of an landscape ecology design. Therefore, it is concluded that analyzing the movements and their different approaches, as well as their trajectory over the years, is relevant for the establishment of guidelines that aim the progress of the ecological design of the landscape. In this way, other studies will be necessary to support the global understanding of the project practice aiming at the ecosystemic balance.

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