Studio 7 Portfolio

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carolyn andrews 100846527 studio 7 professor suresh perera carleton univeristy 2015









drawing meditation depicts a performance of the mind, a choreography of thought and emotion through which we can discover ourselves and re-engage with our humanity.

section A


The concept of "Click-bait" is to entice viewers to click through to the story behind a vague but tempting title. The title announces an event and defines the experience without describing the performance - they tell you what to think or feel about the story before you even decide to click on it. This breeds a disengagement from the humanity of experiencing a story and discovering what feelings that story evokes in yourself as an individual. The mere existence of this form of media is indicative of its purpose and its effect, as marketers and websites care only about quantity of viewers. There is no humanity in the numbers, so they don't need to create humanity in the medium. We explored this notion of disengagement within this video by illustrating the uncontrollable nature of clicking through these articles. What might begin as genuine curiosity and engagement quickly turns into simply a way to spend time, mindlessly clicking through links, unable to make an informed choice about what to read and watch. It spirals into a chaotic mess of meaningless information and forgettable moments.

click-bait concept

This Video Points Out A Major Problem In Our Society. It Will Change The Way You See The Internet. com/watch?v=C6YqSHj0 2X8

CLICK. click-bait video

montreal old port shipping pier

site analysis “connections�

three-dimensional connections

shadow study

connection details

meditative drawing

meditative drawing detail

meditative drawing

concept model

concept model

rastered concept model

concept model

midterm presentation

midterm presentation

without the existence of connection, loneliness could not be felt. without the existence of loneliness, solace could not be found. without the existence of solace, connection could not be appreciated.

section B








concept plan

concept plan

projection elevation

concept elevations

model concept perspective

model concept plan

The form of the Triskelion allows for an ever-changing, never-ending corridor through which one can walk, focused and meditating, while experiencing and discovering new perspectives both internally and externally.

section C


three emotions evoked through three spaces

the feeling of empty time

15 sections

building walk-through


plan built from sections

highlight paths of circulation

studio space

plan suspended beneath model

final model

gallery exhibition

top view of model

plexi model

final model

final model being dismantled

view towards tower

overlay with rastered plexi

overall view

overlay with rastered plexi

view toward city

overlay with rastered plexi

meditative drawing over plan

meditative drawing over plan

meditative drawing

The Triskelion is a Celtic symbol for balance in threes, often interpreted as mind-body-soul, heaven-earth-hell, or land-water-sky. This form provided a basis for my concept, that one can gain different perspectives on their emotions, feelings and states of mind through the act of meditation. Meditation depicts a performance of the mind through which we can discover ourselves and re-engage with our humanity, offering fresh perspectives and new ways of thinking. Feelings with negative connotations, such as “loneliness,” can be rediscovered to be perceived as “solace,” a much more positive outlook. The implication of the words changes based on our perception. The Triskelion allows for an ever-changing, never-ending corridor through which one walks, in a form of meditation. Moving through, one connects with the land, water and air, finding balance, focus, solace. The sectional model explores the spaces of the corridor in relation to the rest of the building and pier by slicing the entire structure at various points along the endless walk. The curving and sloping form continually brings the wanderer closer to and farther from the land, the sky and the water on a meditative journey. Viewing the model, one must get close to it, move around it and try to see inside it. As the viewer moves, parts of the model come into and out of focus, parts of the building become clear while other parts get lost in the whole of the construction. This parallels the process of meditation in the mind, as focus on specific things brings those things into focus, allowing a better understanding of the whole to be gained. Moving forward, I believe that the form of the Triskelion is merely a starting point, and that the same conceptual clarity can be gained using other forms, harnassing the ephemeral nature of the spaces to acheive a meditative construction.

final project reflection

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