Fire Up Your Fitness volume 1, issue 2

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This weeks focus:

Master Your Eating Habits

see editor’s note for a special

Fire U p Your Fitness! Healthy Weight Loss Guide volume 1, issue 2

Break Positive Habits Down Into Manageable Steps To

Get The Summer Body You Want > learn to love your > learn to recognize self by embracing the the tell-tale signs of real you... faults & all. emotional eating.

> buy the foods you love to eat without breaking your bank.


a letter from your editor: All We

This Week 1 So You Want To Lose

Weight For Summer, Huh? no non-sense tips to shed pounds

on page


Are You All Wrapped Up In Emotional Eating? six ways to keep an eye on your cravings

Need Is A Little Love. Self Love That Is. So much has been said, written and sung about how pragmatically we go about showing love to those around us, it’s hard to keep up. But how often are we encouraged to love ourselves, without feeling guilty about it? You know as well as I do about how important it is to show ourselves some love from time-to-time to maintain a balanced mind, body, & spirit. Taking care of ourselves both inside and out is a essential element of professing self-love. When you devote adequate time to your needs, you gain energy, focus, & happiness. One thing that's important to remember first and foremost is that you are a valuable person. You have to truly believe that you can love yourself and that you deserve to be loved.

4 Take The Punch Out

Of Impulsive Grocery Store Purchases a smarter way to shop for your food

8 Reduce Your Portion

Sizes And Actually Lose Weight you can eat chocolate cake and slim down

peruse last week’s issue of

Fire Up Your Fitness Magazine

Begin your journey toward showing love for yourself by “claiming today as the first day of the rest of your life”. Some of you will find this to be a difficult hurdle to jump over... but it has to be done in order to make positive steps forward. Let go of any negative feelings that you hold against yourself and... instead, embrace the real you ... faults & all. Even though you have talents you’re striving to strengthen, weaknesses you prefer to lessen, and habits you want to break, accepting where you are with them at this very moment is the first step to a successful change. Think positively about your efforts and you’ll improve in a positive way.

After all, it's your faults and imperfections that make you the perfectly unique individual you are right now! Accepting them actually helps you to get where you want to be. No one in the whole-wide-world is just like you. Which is no small wonder! So don’t take that fact for granted. Showing love towards yourself strengthens your confidence and empowers you with an optimistic attitude... both of which serve to make your life more fulfilled & bring you success. Loving and accepting all of you makes it possible for others to love you completely. When you love yourself first, you can more easily love others and their faults, too.

Fire Up Your Fitness! Visit The Event Page Daily for Exclusive Ideas, Tips & Ways to Lose Weight This Summer!

With equal benefit... your relationships are based on truth rather than some unreal picture you have of someone or the one they have of you. Put these words into action by... allowing yourself a few moments here and there to reflect on and accept each & every imperfection... and compliment yourself on your strengths as they reveal themselves throughout the week. Have a fantastic week and be healthy! Carolyn Terry Editor P.S. To get more details on how to properly attend to the care and feeding of your mind, body, and spirit read my blog post - 3 Ways to Show Love to Yourself


so you want to lose weight for summer, huh?

Get It Done! with these no-nonsense pound shedding strategies. Summer is just around the corner! It's time to kick your New Year's resolutions into high gear. You can lose a significant amount of weight in just a few weeks for summer without a gym or even heavy dieting. Follow these easy-to-implement weight loss tips to help you shed your unwanted pounds before this summer ends: First and foremost, become more active. Your goal should be to develop healthy habits. By practicing these, you can burn calories without being strapped to an elliptical machine.


Choose habits that are simple to maintain, enjoyable, and productive.

âœŚ Walk the dog rather than letting him out into the yard. Instead of stopping at the coffee shop in your car every morning, wake up fifteen minutes earlier to speedwalk there before getting ready for work. âœŚ Choose activities that are relevant to your life. Then, you'll feel a commitment to the task. The dog needs to be walked, no matter what. And you definitely want your morning coffee! When you feel dedicated, your efforts are less likely to stagnate.

Whether You Dig Veggies Or Not, Use This Tip To Make ‘em Perky!

For the freshest flavor, eat your veggies right after you cut them up. When that’s not an option, toss them with a half teaspoon of salt and let sit uncovered for one hour.

Eat Summery Meals. Summery meals are characterized by being refreshing, simple, tasty, tany and healthy. Even though summer is only peeking through the clouds right now, try to adapt to a summery diet of fruit bowls, spinach salads, grilled salmon, vegetable kebabs and other fresh options. ✦ It's okay to crave sugary foods, but some choices are better than others. End your evening meal on a sweet-tart note ... to avoid a binge later. Sweet treats like kiwi, black cherries and nectarines all make for healthy, tantalizing & satisfying snacks.

✦ Add a little sizzle! If you're making a Chicken Caesar salad, grill the chicken rather than simply baking or cooking in a pan. This adds visual interest and a nice smoky taste. You can also grill almost any vegetables that are going into the salad. Prep Your Meals In Advance. Dishes like salads and fruits are easy to prepare ahead and store in an airtight container. Marinate your meat and fish rather than cooking it ahead because it can lose its moisture once cooked.

Losing weight is rarely a quick task, but it is simple! By breaking it down into manageable slices of effort, your goals are much more attainable. And by the end of summer, you'll have the leaner, healthier body you deserve! Get This! According to the U.S department of Agriculture research, adults are supposed to eat 4 1/2 cups of produce each day, yet only get about 60 percent of that.


Are You All Wrapped Up In Emotional Eating? Experts believe that up to 75% of overeating may be due to reasons other than physical hunger. If you want to improve your relationship with food, learn to identify and control emotional eating. Enjoy a more fulfilling bond with your food by learning how to recognize the tell-tale signs of emotional eating, and how it works. Emotional eating occurs when you use food to manage your feelings, rather than to satisfy your hunger. This can trigger guilt and create a cycle where you eat because you feel bad and feel bad because you eat.


Positive feelings can also play a role if you associate food with celebrating.

It can be a balancing act at best, but keep your perspective in tack. It's okay to take pleasure in food and enjoy sharing it with others. Concerns arise only when emotional eating interferes with your health and well being. Are there times when you feel as though your eating habits are out of control? Be honest with yourself... how many times have you planned to have yogurt and fruit



for breakfast, but instead, wound up stopping off for a bacon sandwich on the way to work? Keep a close watch on your cravings. A strong desire for specific dishes is a common symptom of emotional eating. When you're actually hungry, everything on the menu sounds appealing. When you're depressed over a recent breakup, ice cream may be the only thing that will do.

Before You Reach For A Second Serving Of Potato Salad: short circuit your mindless eating habits by deciding if you’re still hungry. Food for thought: The way you eat may be grounded in patterns that started in childhood. Take a moment to consider your family’s dining habits. Maybe you were rewarded with fresh out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies when you got good grades. Use these 6 guidelines to help you manage your relationship with food.

1. Develop positive coping techniques. Comfort foods deliver only short-term relief. Find more effective methods for managing daily stress, such as meditation, music or physical exercise.


Keep a journal. It's easier to spot patterns when you write down when and why you

eat. You may notice that you snack on potato chips when you're bored, even though you've just eaten a full meal.

3. Substitute healthy foods. You can benefit from your cravings if you reach for nutritious alternatives. Homemade pita triangles dipped in olive oil can replace French fries with ketchup. Indulge your taste buds with pieces of fresh juicy fruit when you want dessert.


Control portion sizes. Eliminating all your favorite treats can cause a backlash from deprivation. See if a sliver of key lime pie makes you just as happy as a big slice and savor every bite.

5. Avoid temptation. If you find your favorite cookies to be too irresistible, simply banish them from your pantry. Choose restaurants that specialize in grilled fish if you have trouble declining fried chicken.

6. Get adequate sleep. Being chronically tired makes you more vulnerable to overeating by increasing your cravings for simple carbohydrates. Aim for 8 hours of sleep every night. Keeping your bedroom temperature at about 60 to 65 degrees can help you fall asleep faster and burn a small amount of calories while you sleep. Get in the habit of rewarding yourself for good behavior. Set realistic goals... and praise yourself when you attain them. Buy yourself something special or take a mini vacation. If you need more help to change the way you eat.. seek professional help. Counseling may clarify the underlying issues you need to address. Nutritionists can advise you on a diet that will work with your lifestyle. Use these suggestions to stay in control of the way you eat. By liberating yourself from emotional eating you’ll not only protect your health... you can also eat the foods you love.


Take The Punch Out Of Impulsive Grocery Store Purchases Have you noticed lately that your grocery bill is going up? Although the cost of food may be rising, some of your growing grocery store costs might be due to making impulsive purchases. If you shop when you're lacking energy, hungry, or in a hurry, chances are good you sometimes make hasty decisions about food.

Think about food products you don't use much or that your family doesn't want to eat anymore. Consider excluding them from your store list. Before you leave home to go grocery shopping, double-check for any items you may need but haven't yet listed. Add those to your list. Allow a reasonable amount of time to grocery-shop. Having ample time to shop means you're more likely to cut down on hurrying through the store and grabbing whatever food product strikes your fancy at the moment.

2. Make a real effort to avoid processed food. Food items in boxes, bags, or cans usually have additives and other unhealthy ingredients. If you "think healthy" at the store, you'll most likely save yourself from picking up all those processed, packaged foods. After getting home from the store, if you've ever said, "Now why did I get that?" these tips are for you:

3. Stick to the store list. Now that you've made a list of everything you need, purchase only items you've listed.

1. Keep a pad of paper and pen in the

If sticking 100% to the list is difficult, consider allowing yourself just one or two foods not included on your store list.

kitchen. When you notice you're getting low on something you use regularly, write it on the list. If you're tech-oriented, enter those items into your smart phones so you'll have them with you the next time you go to the store.


Think about those items carefully to ensure they're worth the price and that you can use them in preparing healthy meals or snacks for your family.

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Fire up your fitness!

4. Eat a healthy snack before you go grocery shopping. An old grocery-shopping rule is, "Never go grocery shopping when you're hungry." It's no secret that people tend to spend more when they're feeling starved while shopping. A bag of chips here, a candy bar there, and you just bumped your grocery bill a few dollars. 5. Establish a budgeted amount of money you plan to spend at the grocery store. Let's say you don't want to exceed $75 per week on food. While you're at the checkout counter, the store staff tells you your bill is $79. What can you do? Quickly look over your food items. Decide what you can do without. See if there are snack items you don't really need. Make a concerted effort to reduce the total to $75.00, as you planned.

Then, when you get home, consider whether you need to raise your budgeted amount to spend on your next trip to the store. You might conclude you didn't really need the items you put back. Or you may realize that $75 just isn't enough to meet your needs and you should raise your budget a little. Pat yourself on the back for the planning you did to avoid impulsive purchases at the grocery store. You made a real effort and it shows. Recognize that with just a few changes you can pretty well end impulsive purchases at the grocery store. Cutting down on your impulsive purchases at the grocery store is entirely possible. With some advance planning and use of these tips, you'll reduce your overall grocery store spending and decrease your impulsive purchases. You'll be successful in reaching your shopping goals, and have more money to show for it!



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Reduce Your Portion Sizes And Actually Lose Weight Portion control is key to losing weight without feeling deprived. You can eat chocolate cake and other foods you love if you just reduce the serving size. Follow these steps to cut back on potion sizes and to form habits that will stick.

beauty, inner balance, wellness!

1. Plan weekly menus. Sketch out your eating plan for a week at a time and use it to guide your grocery shopping. Many people underestimate how much they eat. This system will make any discrepancies obvious. If you run out of food before the end of the week, you may need to re-evaluate your diet.

2. Read the package labels It's easy to assume that convenience foods are packaged in single servings. Double check the label to be sure. You Can Also Connect with

Essentials for Total Wellness on FaceBook.

A single bottle of juice often contains 2 or more servings, so find out how many calories you're really consuming.

3. Learn to eyeball. A three-ounce portion of grilled fish is about the size of a deck of playing cards. A cup of breakfast cereal looks about as big as a tennis ball. You may want to measure and weigh your favorite foods while you're learning to visually estimate portions.

4. Count your bites. Really! Counting each bite is another temporary method that can help. Notice how many bites you're eating. By eating more mindfully, you may find that your taste buds are satisfied with just a few spoonfuls of ice cream.

5. Divvy up your plate. As you learn to visually estimate portions, you'll discover about how much of your plate they typically cover. Keep this in mind when you dish up your food. Health experts recommend that most adults get about 2 to 41/2 cups of vegetables daily,

so get used to giving them the most room. Use smaller dishes. Smaller plates and bowls will make servings look more generous. Keep big platters off the table to remove the temptation to help yourself to more. When snacking, put just a few chips in your bowl at a time. Force yourself to walk back to the kitchen again if you want more.

6. Package or freeze leftovers. You can save time by baking big batches of lasagna. Just put the leftovers in the freezer right away so that you don't succumb to the temptation to have just a little more. These new eating habits are effective and easy to learn. By reducing your portions sizes, you can manage your weight while enjoying a wide variety of delicious and healthy foods.

Put it all together!

First and foremost, become more active. Choose habits that are simple to maintain, enjoyable, and productive. Emotional eating occurs when you use food to manage your feelings, rather than to satisfy your hunger. You can enjoy your favorite chocolate cake and other yummy foods if you simply reduce the serving size. Cutting down on your impulsive purchases at the grocery store is entirely possible. With just a few changes you can buy the foods that you love to eat and stay within your budget. By breaking it all down into manageable slices of effort, your goals are much more attainable. And by summer’s end, you'll have the leaner, healthier body you deserve!


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