Carpaccio Magazine Issue #14: "Alea Iacta Est"

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Carpaccio magazine

“Alea iacta est”

# 14

Carpaccio Magazine Issue #14: “Alea iacta e st ”* “ The die h as been cast” / “La suerte está echada ” / “El s d a u s ja e s ta n tir a ts ” Get a copy of this issue here: WE SEND IT TO EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD

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*Julio César

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: s r ito

edMaria Cerezo Emma Llensa

Photo: Emma Llensa 4 Carpacciomagazine

Front cover: Illustration: Andr茅s Mauricio Rojas Rojas Back cover: Photo: S a m a n t h a C a s o l a r i Collaborators: (thanks to): Alexander Kostinskyi, Andr茅s Mauricio Rojas Rojas, Aurora Ira, Aysha Banos, Benedetta Falugi, Brooke Shaden, bruce new, Christopher Schreck, Damian Archerama, Eddie Jimenez, Fatma Gultekin, Gabriel Miller Tafra, Gemma Casc贸n, GSR, Guillaume le moine, Ilona Sonnewend, Jackie Jakaitis, Jessica Bartolini, Jihyun Yeo, Juan Weiss, Krysthopher Woods, Kyle Jorgensen, Louise Chen, Marco Cedrone, Maria Sim贸, Matea Jocic, Michael Vicent Manalo, Nichelle S., Patrick Carpentier, Rodolfo Vanmarcke, Sam Spreckley, Samantha Casolari, Sarah A. Palmer, Sarah Dunn, Sasha Tugolukova, Scott Nellis, Sebastian Jefford, Sofia Ajram, Sophie Xu, Stefan Dauth and Vladislaw. ISSN: 2013-4517

All artwork shown on Carpaccio Magazine is copyrighted and protected material and may not be reproduced, adapted or altered w/o the consent of the original artist(s). Carpacciomagazine 5

Andrés Mauricio Rojas Rojas 26, Bogotá,Colombia

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“El Ojo esa pequeĂąa herramienta contra la muerte: Estos dibujos son sobre todo ejercicios de tiempo,son rayas y colores que uno tras otro le van restando tiempo a otras cosas para que ocurran las imagenes.Los dibujos sobre todo los he asumido como ejercicios de busqueda,conocimiento y terapia ,como espejos que pretenden ilustrar esa escurridiza figura que pocas veces se logra registrar y mucho menos comprender:uno mismo. Cada imagen es una mirada,una manera de saltar e intentar atrapar objetos,sensaciones,palabras que quedan zumbando,canciones,intentos fallidos y anhelos,cada imagen pretende diginificar el tiempo de los ojos.â€? Carpacciomagazine 7

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Aysha Banos 18, New York, NY

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Aurora Ira 32, tel aviv

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Brooke Shaden 23, Los Angeles, California

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“I was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and went to college in Philadelphia at Temple University. I graduated with two degrees in Film and English in December 2008, and it was then that I picked up my still camera and began shooting. I was inspired by an alternate style of expression, and it was my love for visual storytelling that possessed me to create as many surreal images as I could and share them. Now I am living in Los Angeles, California working as a full time photographer. “ Carpacciomagazine 17

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Jackie Jakaitis 19, New York City

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Sebastian Jefford 19, Bristol, England

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Samantha Casolari “I am an italian photographer based in Brooklyn, NY. I grew up in Italy but lived in Paris, Milan, and Uganda, and moved to NY in 2003 to pursue a Master’s degree in International Affairs at Columbia University. I’ve been working as a full time photographer for the past 3 years, shooting for magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, New York Magazine, Vice, Flair, Io Donna, GQ, the Independent, and many others. My work has been exhibited in several galleries in NY, London, Paris and Italy, and was awarded with prizes such as Premio Celeste, Talent Prize Museo del Corso, International Photography Award, American Photography 24, International Reportage Award, and others. Last year I shot the campaign AW77 for Nike Italy.” 22 Carpacciomagazine

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Inverview with:

Sasha Tugolukova

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CM: Tell us something about yourself Being originally Russian I was brought up in Lithuania which was still part of USSR at that time. My parents wanted me to become an economist or philologist, something serious and practical but I had my own views on future career and I entered the school of arts. After two years I found myself bored with strict and conventional art tutoring and I decided to move to London to pursue a career in a more contemporary field. I graduated with a BA Hons in Illustration from the London College of Communication in 2008 and since then I have been enjoying the life of freelancer. CM: Why illustration? What’s illustration for you? Illustration is a special form of existence for me where I can communicate with the outside world through my own unique language. I can manipulate this language, distort and play 28 Carpacciomagazine

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with it as I please. I love putting on the paper the things that I can not say aloud. Illustration is like a powerful self expression tool for me. CM: We can see in your portfolio that you are using different media (collage, pure line, colorful drawings, drawings just in black and white...) What kind of artwork do you prefer? With which you feel most comfortable and why? I think it is one of my biggest challenges when it comes to choosing the technique. I am still learning how to juggle all of them as I cant give a preference to one. 30 Carpacciomagazine

If it’s my personal work usually my mood tells me whether to pick up scissors or pencil. When it comes to commissioned project I have to choose the media that will compliment and communicate the brief in the best way. Usually I go for collage as it allows me to make mistakes and be inaccurate, with drawings I need to be more precise and pedantic, I need to be in control of the line. I am quite a perfectionist. CM: Where do you get your inspiration? I don’t know...from everywhere and nowhere, it is coming out of my head spontaneously like snapshots. Probaby not the best answer but I can never understand when illustrators say that evryday life and things around them can be inspiring. I just get headache when I try to do that. Carpacciomagazine 31

CM: What are your influences? It is a long list. I always look back at art historythere is so much to admire and get influenced by. I am also obsessed with human body and I never get bored of portraying it. Maybe that is my inspiration? CM: Are you working on a future project? Yes. I was comissioned to produce a series of fashion collages so for 32 Carpacciomagazine

the next weeks I will be caught in the world of cutting, glueing and putting toghether. CM: Do you have any suggestions to help emerging artists? Work hard, work a lot and believe in what you do! That should be the motto for all illustrators. If you follow these three simple rules you will always be on the high wave! I am still trying to get there. Carpacciomagazine 33

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//Sasha Tugolukova Carpacciomagazine 35

Benedetta Falugi Italy

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Juan Weiss Buenos Aires, Argentina 40 Carpacciomagazine

Matea Jocic Zagreb, Croatia

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GSR “Nací en Zaragoza hace 27 años, y después de pasar una temporada viviendo en un pueblecito en los Alpes Austriacos, me he asentado en Alemania. Aunque nunca he recibido una educación artística, llevo dibujando desde que era pequeña y aprovechando cualquier oportunidad para aprender y experimentar con nuevas técnicas. Desde 2009 formo parte del Atelier Ahmad Rafi y estoy preparando mi primera exposición con el Atelier en Mayo.” 42 Carpacciomagazine

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Ilona Gorecka-Sonnewend Germany

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Fatma Gultekin

Ankara, Turkey 30

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Damiรกn Ancherama 23 BA,, Argentina 50 Carpacciomagazine

Stefan Dauth 38 Berlin, Germany Carpacciomagazine 51

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The German capital City is captured by the photographer Stefan Dauth. In 2003 he generated with Teneues Publishing the book “Berlin” in gripping black and white impressions. Now in 2010 - “White Berlin” is different: The snow paralyse the City, the economic crises shows one’s true colours.

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Stefan Dauth born in Karlsruhe/Germany. Studdied communication & design with a major in photography at Darmstadt Faculty of Design. Now based in Berlin as a freelance-photographer focusing on technology, interior and travel. Advertising and documentary photography for a wide range of national and international clients.

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CM: Tell us something about yourself My name is Sofia Ajram. I’m from Montreal, Canada although I grew up in Aurora, Ontario. Aurora upholds a huge part of what inspires me, because I live downtown now and I rarely get a peek at nature, except for in my imagination and in my dreamscapes. Some call me a 58 Carpacciomagazine

Inverview with:

Sofia Ajram

photographer. I’m currently studying Graphic Design at Dawson College. It’s one of the most exciting endeavors I’ve ever embarked on. It’s the only specialty trade I’ve ever studied. I never studied photography, although that’s what I love doing, perhaps even more so than design. Photography... It’s like solidifying my dreams into reality. Carpacciomagazine 59

CM: Why photography? What’s photography for you? When I was sixteen I volunteered at a non nobis event for an entire evening. At the end of the night when I took out my contact lenses, I could no longer see. I was taken to the hospital and was seen over a period of four days by six different doctors and ophthalmologists. It was indescribably painful, I wouldn’t even be able to give you a mental image of what it was like, but they found it to be untreatable after I was 60 Carpacciomagazine

put on a multitude of medication. I cried for hours because I thought I would be blind for the rest of my life and I realized how huge it would be for me to lose one of my senses. My vision gradually returned to me, although the event happened twice again after that between three or four month intervals. I think I’ve always been a visual artist more than anything else, and I think photography spoke to me on such a level that intertwined dream and reality that I fell so deeply into infatuation with the thought of documenting my life - both Carpacciomagazine 61

dreaming and waking, through a lens. I want to share those galaxies behind the irises of my unconscious self. CM: Between your most used tags in flickr there are words like these: “trees, winter, punk, indestructible, leaves, disturbed, downwiththesickness, stars, woods, vodoo, water...� Do you think these words define your work? 62 Carpacciomagazine

I don’t find they define my work. I think it’s interesting that you would point those tags out. The reason they’re common is because I used to tag my photos - I don’t really anymore. I think it’s futile

to try and categorize my, or, anyone’s work. I can see something of mine and think “voodoo dance”, whilst someone else may see the same image and think, “social experiment”. It’s all subjective, and I’m not a writer, so I don’t like adding text to my images. If I do, it’s usually a quote, because it’s the only way Carpacciomagazine 63

I find I can verbally express myself; through other’s words. I just don’t have the capability to do so myself. That being said, the artistic influence from my work can be categorized. What inspires me is ever-changing, because the more I meet people, the more I discover new things, the more I dream... then the more I have to work with. CM: How do you see yourself in ten years from now? It’s difficult to imagine... I’ve never been a very realistic person... and my life was recently turned upside down through a series of unforeseen events, so I don’t know. Perhaps, if I’m lucky, on another planet with デビット.

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CM: Do you have any advice for emerging artists? Do you want to add anything? I’m not big on advice but If I had to dish any out, I’d say don’t limit yourself to stereotypical capabilities. I center my work around lucid dreams and nightmares rather than my waking life because I aim to explore the unknown; the impossible. Do not stick to replication of something you see in front of you - photograph from your memory’s eye, or your unconscious eye. You will find the results will surprise you. // Carpacciomagazine 67

Sarah Dunn 19, Georgia, USA “Being an artist is like being unhuman...I mean, you have to be pretty unhuman to really put yourself into the positions you do when making art, physically and mentally. I hate’s so barren. I prefer to go exploring and make art of people and nature and moments and everything else life has to offer.� 68 Carpacciomagazine

Guillaume Le Moine 28, Lyon, France

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Eddie Jimenez

17, Southern California

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Alexander Kostinskyi 22, Kyiv, Ukraine 74 Carpacciomagazine

Kyle Benjamin Jorgensen 27, Pocatello Idaho, USA “My name is Kyle Jorgensen and I’m an artist residing in Idaho, USA. My area of work includes both traditional printmaking, painting, and some mixed media approaches. Some of the themes behind my work have included finding direction, the Idaho wilderness, architecture, and the environment. I received my BFA in 2009.” Carpacciomagazine 75

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Gemma Casc贸n

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Sabadell, BCN

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Christopher Schreck

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Marco Cedrone

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Maria Simó MOHINES Lo triste de pensar que no habrá nadie que nos piense cada día: esperar que alguien te vea después de tanto tiempo, se diga “te has convertido en una bonita neurótica” y recuerde tu voz al final del día (es que ni siquiera las sábanas frías.) Pensar que pueden pararte por la calle, decir “eres de una belleza dolorosa”. Lo triste es que todos son cualquiera. Lo triste es no sentirse familiar a uno mismo (es que ni siquiera los espejos.) Que te dijeran que puedes estar perfectamente sola, que te dictes de memoria las mentiras (es que ni siquiera necesitar testigos.) Lo triste de esto, escribir notas de suicidio a perfectos extraños.

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22, Granada, Spain

A GRANDES RASGOS No era desde luego nada de otro mundo -nada floreado ni puntiagudo ni exóticoy la primera impresion era por defecto: nadie diría que fuese desagradable en sus medidas, en los ojos de piedra convidados al espectáculo del mundo. Y sin embargo era hermosa, tranquilamente iba socavando en los días aquello que dicen de las primeras impresiones. Iba, desvariando en armonías de redondez y hechura. Diría con miedo de acertar que en la luz adecuada cualquiera, cualquiera podía enamorarse de ella.

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Rodolfo Vanmarcke

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33, Venezuela Carpacciomagazine 91

Krysthopher Woods 20, Buenos Aires, Argentina “Krysthopher Woods es un hombre lobo adicto al café, amante de las bufandas, el frío y los felinos. Desde muy pequeño comenzó a dibujar, siendo sus primeras obras, las figuras de seres gatunos sobre sus propios pañales, así como también murales abstractos en las paredes de su habitación. Tal fue su fascinación por el mundo del dibujo, que desde entonces nunca ha podido parar de crear extraños mundos oscuros y retorcidos sobre el papel. Si Krysthopher Woods no dibuja, pues entonces Krysthopher Woods no es feliz. Actualmente, este joven hombre lobo se encuentra estudiando la carrera de Diseño Gráfico y realizando la imagen para la banda Metropol (Valencia, España)” 92 Carpacciomagazine

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Sophie Xu 20, Philadelphia, PA majoring in graphic design and minoring in photography - doesn’t like speaking but speaks in photos.

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Gabriel Miller Tafra 27, Punta Arenas, Chile

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Kiev, Ukraine

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Sam Spreckley


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Louise Chen “I graduated from University of California: Santa Cruz late last year with a degree in art. I had my first relatively big, successful art show in NYC in January. I have been working on shows since then and have had my hands full making art. I consider myself extremely lucky to have had these opportunities so soon after graduating college and to be able to call myself a working artist. I plan to love every moment of it. I work with several different mediums but my primary focus is drawing and printmaking. I like to make drawings that have subliminal meanings, but are also very simple to read. I’m obsessed with floral patterns and have yet to discover all of the things i can do with them to make an image more interesting or beautiful.� 98 Carpacciomagazine

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Jihyun Yeo 1984, Seoul, South Korea


“I was there series is about is about exile. The behaviour of taking photos of myself obsessively reflects my unsettled life. By taking self-portraits, I can remember what happened in certain town, where I lived, and I manage to remember details of memories, which usually slip away. Only physical traces can prove that I was here, like evidences of my existence. - Work continues to video for Performance elements Performance elements that come along with making self-portraits, such as running until the timer ends and posing. I aimed to make it humorous; because the photographs themselves are heavy, gloomy, or serious, actually shooting them is a mess and funny, especially when it comes to a self-portrait. In photography less exposure makes one photograph more mysterious and stunning. I aimed to quench my thirsty anxiety through exposing the process to flip the way of common order often presents itself.� 100Carpacciomagazine

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Scott Nellis Brighton, UK

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Nichelle Singer 16, Calgary, Canada “I’ve always had a great interest in art for as long as I can remember. Whether it be drawing or painting, anything that was possibly creative. However, it wasn’t until about four years ago that I picked up the camera and started taking photos. Since then I’ve been doing photo shoots every week with various models and experimenting with techniques; constantly trying to improve my skills”


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Jessica Bartolini

23, Cecina (LI) Italy 112 Carpacciomagazine

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Bruce New

“My work is an attempt to document my existence. To leave a visual record of my thoughts, ideas, and fantasies. I currently reside in the wilds of Kentucky, with a bird and our son, on a mountaintop, right next to the sun, where I create my artwork high on butterfly wine� 114 Carpacciomagazine

Sarah A. Palmer

L.A., California Sarah A Palmer was born in 1984 in Minneapolis, MN and Graduated with a BFA in Photography & Media from CalArts in 2009. She currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she enjoys photographing instances of solitary confinement. Carpacciomagazine 115

Patrick Carpentier 44 Brussels 116 Carpacciomagazine

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Michael Vincent Manalo Michael Vincent Manalo was born in December 1986. He is a freelance artist/designer. He loves life. Art and photography for him is a bus that drives him to places where dreams exist, while music is a car that takes his soul to places where emotions can be grasped. He enjoys playing and experimenting with the guitar, the harmonica, the keyboard and the bongos.


“theflickerees” “We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.”, Garry Jenkins.

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Sa m a n t h a C a s o la r i

Carpaccio Magazine call for submissions Issue #15 Carpaccio Magazine llamada de colaboraciones #15 Carpaccio Magazine crida de col·laboracions num. #15

The Morning of Our Lives (“La mañana de nuestras vidas”) (“El matí de les nostres vides”)


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