Carpaccio Magazine: issue #9 "Every angel is terrible"

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Carpaccio magazine “every angel is terrible”



Carpaccio Magazine Issue #9:

“every angel is terrible” “For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, which we are still just able to endure, and we are so awed because it serenely disdains to annihilate us. Every angel is terrifying.” Porque lo bello no es sino el comienzo de lo terrible, ése que todavía podemos soportar; y lo admiramos tanto porque, sereno, desdeña el destruirnos. Todo ángel es terrible Perquè el bell no és res més que el començ del terrible, que encara suportem tot just, i ens meravella tant perquè amb indiferència desdenya destruir-nos. Tot àngel és terrible. “Duino Elegies”, Rilke. Carpacciomagazine

: s r ito


Maria Cerezo Emma Llensa


emma & maria in 2005

Front cover: Illustration: Olaf Hajek

Back cover: Design; Emma Llensa

Collaborators: (thanks to): Juarez Rodrigues, Annette Perhrsson, Cendrine Rovini, Chrissie White, Silvia Maria (Silvizm), Sophie Xu (drowninsanity), Chris Kim, Seb Lewsley, Jonás d García, Gemma Capdevila, Olaf Hajek, Adelaide Ivánova, Jaci Berkopec, Bene Rohlmann, David P. Frohnapfel, Lisa Costigan, Li Hui, Michael Schlegel, Luciano Scherer, and Xiaohan Shen. Interview with: Olaf Hajek

ISSN: 2013-4517

All artwork shown on Carpaccio Magazine is copyrighted and protected material and may not be reproduced, adapted or altered w/o the consent of the original artist(s). Carpacciomagazine

Juarez Rodrigues Brasil




Annette Pehrsson

21 Sweden buy her book here


Cendrine Rovini

10 Carpacciomagazine

38, Francia, OssĂŠja

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Chrissie White ‘93, Seattle, USA 14 Carpacciomagazine

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Silvia Maria (Silvizm)

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drowninsanity [sophie xu] 20 years old - currently resides in Philadelphia, PA majoring in graphic design and minoring in photography - doesn’t like speaking but speaks in photos. 18 Carpacciomagazine

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Chris Kim 22, Toronto, Canada 22 Carpacciomagazine

Seb Lewsley

London, UK

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JonĂĄs d GarcĂ­a 38, Valencia 24 Carpacciomagazine

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Gemma Capdevila 21, Cardedeu, Catalunya

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illustration: Maria Cerezo

Olaf Hajek

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CM: Tell us something about you... Olaf Hajek: I am an illustrator and painter living in berlin but work for international clients worldwide. I only paint and don´t work digital, I need to work with the paint and the surface, otherwise I would not get any obsession for my work. I love the fact that work and leisure somehow belongs together and that all I do somehow gives me inspiration.

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CM: Where do you get inspiration? Olaf Hajek: my inspiration comes from many things..I love to travel and love to see exhibitions. My favorite destinations are South Africa and New York. I am very inspired by american folkart, indian miniatures or african art, but of course of temporary art as well. I love to collect art and travel to visit a lot of art fairs. Living in Berlin Mitte gives me the idea that art somehow is something which belongs to the everyday routine. 34 Carpacciomagazine

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CM: What are your influences? And your favorite artists? Olaf Hajek: Folkart, art brut, flowers, birds.... artists..neo rauch, henry darger. CM: Could you give some advices to emerging illustrators? How did you start in this difficult world? In fact, Do you consider this is a “difficult world�?

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Olaf Hajek: When I started as an illustrator the world was not that digital... I sent out little booklets with copies of my work and tried to do a lot of appointments. I think these days there are so many talented people out there, that I imagine that its difficult for all of them to make a good living just from illustration. But my advice is to develop a personal style and think global....trying to find agents in different countries and send the work around....

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Olaf Hajek Illustrator Berlin 44 Carpacciomagazine

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27, SĂŁo Paulo (Brasil)

Adelaide IvĂĄnova 46 Carpacciomagazine

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Jaci Berkopec 18, currently attending the School of Visual Arts in NYC. Originally from Minnesota. I capture feeling within a frame. The camera sees what humans normally would not see; whether it is a specific color, or the moment a soul loses buoyancy. I always focus on capturing raw, dramatic emotion something deep and secret. This set of photographs was taken at a point where I was caught between independent and dependent life, when a blur of emotion would rush over me and I would create art. For me, the photographs represent freedom, discovery, frustration, and independence. Carpacciomagazine 59

Bene Rohlmann 24, muenster, germany

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David P. Frohnapfel 24, Alemania

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Lisa Costigan

29, Rota, Spain

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Li Hui

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Michael Schlegel 22, Freiburg, Germany

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Luciano Scherer 22, S達o Paulo - Brasil

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Xiaohan Shen

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24, Sydney, Australia Carpacciomagazine 77

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