Catalog supermarketuri Carrefour Market Pipera si Caramfil

Page 1

Rafinamentul gustului la cele mai bune prețuri!


Pepene Cantalup

500 llegend eg egend nd g, per caserolă Enntry2 ntttry trtry2 rry2 ryy2::En :EEEnnntry ntrtry t 2

Import, perEnEntry2 kg Entr EEntry ntry2 ntr nntry trtry2 ttry rry2 ryy2 y2::En Ent EEn ntry nt nntr trttry rryy2

leeegend llegen ege eg egen geend gen ggend eennndd pr:rr:: Pr ppr Price_zl ice ice_ ice_z iic cee_ ce_zl ce_ ce ce_z e_zl _zl __z zzll, , PPrriic ice_g ice ice_ ice_gr ce_ ce cce_gr e_gr e_g ee_ _gr _g ggrr Naaame: Name Nam NName: ame am me:ee:: NName, me m Name Nam Na ame, ame aam meee,, , Info me, m Inf Inf In nnfo fo fo, , Pe PerUn rUnit rrUni rU Unit Uni UUn nnit niitit Entr Ent Entry1 EEntry En ntttry1 ntry1 nntry ntr ry1 rry yy11:Ent :En ::Entry :E :Entr Entr EEntry Ent En ntrttrtry nt nntry rryy1


pr: Pr pr P ic ice_z ice_ ice ce_z ce_ e_zl e_z __zl zl,l, , PPrriice_gr zl icce_g cce_gr ee_gr _gggr Name: Name NNam ame: aame me:e: NName me m Naaame Nam Name, ame, am meee,, , In m Info Info, , PPe Per erUn rUUnit rUnit rU nnitiit Entr Entry EEntry1 nt ntry nntry1 ntrtry1 try try1 yy11:Entry :Entr :E Entry En Entry nnttryy1 ntr


EEnt Entr Entry ntry3 nt ntry nntr trtry3 try tryy33:Entry Entr Entry nntryy3 EEntry4 Ent ntry4 ntry :E ntr :En Entr EEnt ntry n ryy4



Mere Granny Smith

Import, per legătură legend Entry2:Entry2

per kg EnEEntry ntry2 ry2 y :E :Ent ::Entr Entr Ent Entry ntry2

leeg leg egend gend endd pr: Pr pr Pric ice_ iice ce_z cce e_zl e_ e_z _zl zll, , Priice_gr cee_ e gr g Name Na NNam ame am me:e: Nam me Nam mee, , Info nfo f , , PeerU fo, rUnnnititt rUn Entry EEn ntry1 ntry try1 try y11:E :En Entry Entr EEn nntry tr 1


pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


per buc.Entry2:Entry2

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1




Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Salată Verona Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Entr Entry3 Entry Ent EEn ntry ntry3 nt nntr trrryy3 ttry3 y3:E :EEnt Entry En Entr ntttry ntr nntry trrryy3 Entry4 Entr Ent EEntry En ntrttry4 ntry4 nt nntry trtry rry4 ry y4::EEEn y4 Ent Entr ntr nntry ntttrtry rryy4


539 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry3 EEn ntry3 y33:E ::En :Entry Entry En ntryy3 EEnntrtry4 ry4 y44:E :En :Ent EEntry nt y4 ntr y4


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


120 ml, Magnum, diverse sortimente per buc.

Caramfil Ofertă valabilă în perioada 14.06-27.06.2012. Catalogul este valabil în Carrefour Market Pipera și Caramfil!

Piept dezosat de rață

Șuncă Mediteraneană


29 13


Santivia, per kg

Suraki, per kg



legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Creveți Jumbo

400 g, Del Mare, per buc.



120 g, Negroni, per buc.

165 g, Calvo, per buc.

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Aperitiv Mixt


legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Ton bucăți natur/ulei vegetal

299 LEI


legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

LEI Entry1:Entry1 Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Toast fară coajă

300 g, Karamolegos, per buc.

Unt semisărat

82% grăsime, 250 g, Président, per buc.

649 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

759 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Miez de lapte

225 g, Delaco, diverse sortimente per buc.

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Bleu fondant

125 g, Carrefour, per buc.

699 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Al 2-lea la -50%!* Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Ouă ecologice x 6 buc.

Carrefour, per caserolă

649 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Preț per 2 buc.:

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

9.74 LEI 3.25 LEI

Preţ a 2-a buc. la -50%*:

Lapte Ecologic

3.5% grăsime, 1 L, LaDorna, per buc. *Reducerea se aplică la cumpărarea a 2 produse identice. Produsele se iau de către client de la raft.


165 LEI

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Desert “Felie de lapte” 30 g, Kinder, per buc.

129 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

1690 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Lapte de cocos Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

400 ml, Thai Choice, per buc.

999 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

989 LEI

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Prune deshidratate

250 g, Carrefour, per buc.

500 g, Carrefour, per buc.


Mini baghetă French


150 g, per buc.

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Biscuiți Nougatelli 160 g, Merba, per buc.

2599 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

475 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Orez bob cu bob Thai 500 g, Riso Scotti, per buc.

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Cafea măcinată

1890 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


250 g, Davidoff, diverse sortimente per buc.


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Mic dejun Crunchy 375 g, Verival, per buc.

CADOU: Chips, 80 g, Lay’s!

630 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Apă minerală necarbogazoasă 1.5 L, Vittel, per buc.

867 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

681 LEI

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


2 x 2 L, diverse sortimente per pachet

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Detergent lichid pentru vase

500 ml, Frosch, diverse sortimente per buc.

1339 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Gel de duș Jasmine Di Java Tesori, per buc.


În magazin, vei găsi sute de produse cu tradiţie, mezeluri și carne proaspătă de la Angst

449 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Bere sticlă

0.33 L, Leffe, blondă/brună per buc.

Frigărui berbecuț

File de porc



Angst, per kg


Angst, per kg

legend pr: Price Price_zl, zl , Price Price_gr gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


2049 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Salam de Sibiu Angst, per EEntry2 Enkg nntry ntry2 ntry2:Entr try try2 try ry2 ryy22:E :Ent ::Entry :En Entry Entr EEn ntry nntr ttrrryy2 try

leegend legen leg legend ege eg eegen gen ggend end end en nd pr:r:r: PPrrice_ ppr ice_zl ice_z ic iice ce_zl cce_ ce_z ce ee_z e_zl e_ _zzll, , Pr Priice_g ice ic ice_gr ce ce_g cee_gr ce_ ce_gr e_g _gr _g ggrr Name: Name NNam Na ame: aam me:ee:: Na m me Nam Name, NName ame, aame am mee,e, , Inf me, m IInfo In nfo nnf ffoo, , Pe PerUnit rrUn Uni Unit Un nitit EEntry Entry1 En Ent nntry1 try1 try1 ryy1:En :Entry :Entr Entry Entr EEn nntry try r1 ry


Entry3 Entry3 Entry t y3:En :Entry :Entr :Ent :E Ent EEn Entry ntry ntry tryy3 Entry4 Entry Ent Entry4 ry4 y4:Entry :Entr :E :Ent Entry Entr ntryy4


Tel.: 0374.208.953

Fax: 0374.208.954/955

Orar: L-S: 8:30-22:00 D: 8:30-21:00 Adresă: Bd. Pipera, nr. 17, Voluntari

Tel.: 0374.203.176

Fax: 0374.203.177

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

0.75 L, Vinul Cavalerului, Serve, diverse sortimente, per buc.

Angst, perEntry2:Entry2 kg Entry3:Entry3

2706 Entry4:Entry4


Orar: L-S: 8:00-22:00 D: 8:00-20:00 ● Adresă: Str. Nicolae Caramfil, nr. 71-73, sector 1, București ●

S.C. Artima S.A. sat Chiajna, comuna Chiajna, Autostrada București-Pitești, Nr. 11-12, Centrul Comercial Carrefour Militari


Vin alb/roșu/rosé


legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


CUI 11735628

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