Drive Time Magazine Autumn 2009

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INSIDE: News l Classifieds l Giveaways l Features Autumn 2009

A Quarterly Magazine for The Driving Community

Fto pR E E ick up

AS time goes by

A brief history of Britain’s Driving and a glimpse at its future

Welcome Welcome to our fourth issue of Drivetime. The summer driving

season is well underway and this year has seen a pleasant increase in the number of enquires to join the clubs within our area. With so much variation such as Private Driving, Scurry, Showing, Le Trec and Horse Driving Trials there is something available for everyone. At Drivetime we would very much like to hear from the Clubs, winners and representatives of the various disciplines. From our experience we find the Clubs to be extremely friendly and welcoming to new members. Members are extremely keen to offer advice and help, encouraging the new ones to ‘have a go’. Let us have your stories and news from the season and we shall do all we can to support at Club level and beyond. Let’s hope for good weather and enjoy the rest of the Season.

Linda, Sue and Shirley – The DriveTime Team Drivetime Front Cover image courtesy of Tony Golding

Harness the Power!

Great offers for 2009! Classic in brown. Single and pair on special offer for spring! Mk.II Empathy collars separately or within sets! SL range specifically for Shettys and small ponies! Safety gullet straps, quick release fittings and much, much more! See website for your local stockists !

Discover the Zilco Advantage

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as we believe that it is at this level we shall find the next wave of

Autumn 2009

History of Driving 03

driving – Then and now … and what might come

The changing face of Britain’s Driving and a look back at its roots


Words by Pat Crawford

Images supplied by Tony Golding

hen we speak of ‘driving’ in this country it almost always refers to hitching up horses or ponies – and the occasional donkey. In other countries mules, dogs (Huskies for example) and the occasional ‘exotic’ species is used – apparently including ostriches! Nowadays most of the driving done in this country relates to sport or recreation. Until a few years ago, the majority of the big breweries retained a team of draught horses – representative of the days when their strength played an essential part in delivering huge barrels of beer and ale but latterly used mainly to take part in the big shows. Sadly, the considerable expense involved was considered unwarranted by the firms’ accountants and almost all have disappeared. Fortunately – the now quite rare – classes put on by some shows for trade turnouts still attract entries – but numbers are declining. Arguments abound as to whether horses were first ‘driven’ or ‘ridden’ – enthusiasts on both sides of the debate claiming top place. Some of the earliest substantiated evidence of horses being driven relates to 

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History of Driving

In some parts of the country, heavy horses are making something of a comeback  the Sintashta chariot burials

that took place in the southern Urals somewhere around 2000BC Five hundred years later, horsedrawn chariots were in use in various parts of the world, most specifically Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece. It’s more than likely that horses were driven very much earlier – certainly by 2,500BC – but the evidence is unclear and historians argue about dates. Certainly by 1600BC, driving had become far more sophisticated, the design of chariots had improved and

harness incorporated a breast collar and breeching. (Today something quite similar remains in use with light vehicles.) Although we tend to associate chariots with racing, in the early years they were actually tools of war! Those early drivers soon wanted their horses to pull heavier weights and this led to several innovations including the invention of the driving collar – which is believed to have originated in China about 500AD. Interestingly, documentation indicates that the collar didn’t arrive in Europe until sometime in the ninth century – and it was the twelfth century before its use spread throughout the continent. Before that, yokes or breastcollars were used to hitch the animals to lighter-weight vehicles. Right up to the early railways, horse drawn vehicles were the mode of getting from one place to another – however great the distance. Horses pulled stage coaches and delivery vans. They carried the emergency services in the

form of the doctor and fire equipment. Covered wagons played a huge part in populating the ‘Wild West’. By the early 1900s, motorised transport was beginning to take over from the horse. At the same time, mechanisation was making an appearance in farming. Estimates at the time suggested that one tractor could replace five horses. Gradually the jingling of trace chains and the creaking of leather began to be replaced with something much noisier. The stunning pictures of a team ploughing – hungry birds wheeling above ready to make a quick descent to collect worms and the other delicacies turned by the plough – became a thing of the past. Today, horse drawn vehicles continue to play a very important part on occasions of State. The Royal Mews – where all the state harness is maintained by Master Harness-maker members of the Society of Master Saddlers (SMS) – displays HM The Queen’s State vehicles. These include the Gold

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Autumn 2009 State Coach built for George III in 1762. (Interestingly, its grandeur was not paralleled with comfort and apparently Queen Victoria refused to ride in it – but it has been re-sprung in modern times!) The magnificent Cleveland Bays and the Windsor Greys, all highly schooled to cope with noise, bustle and huge crowds, never fail to please. The King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery (SMS member) is a mounted unit based in London’s St John’s Wood area. The Troop, as it is known, provides a gun carriage and a team of black horses for State and Military funerals and is also famous for the very exciting displays involving the state saluting guns, each pulled by a team of six horses. All members of The Troop – male and female – are trained as fighting soldiers and some are deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq – this is in addition to their not inconsiderable ceremonial duties. What goes around comes around! In some parts of the country, heavy horses are making something of a comeback – most especially in accessible places

History of Driving 05

in forestry or where gradients render the use of mechanised machines dangerous. And some scientists and commentators are suggesting horses might need to be brought back in a much bigger way in the fight against the issues associated with climate change. Information about training to be a harness-maker – and lists of Master and Qualified harness-makers – are available from the SMS – www. mastersaddlers., telephone: 01449 711642 DT

days when their strength played an essential part in delivering huge barrels of beer and ale

Julie Elliott’s Morgan Horse mare ‘Dutchess’ competing in hackney style patent show harness made by Iris Males Competition winning driving bridle. Both images supplied by Mrs Hazel Morley, Chief Executive of The Society of Master Saddlers (UK) Ltd

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Heavy Horse Leg Oil Supplies

We specialise in oil for your horses’ legs, feet and hair. Look after your horse and keep him right, with legs, feet and hair in show condition

We specialise in Leg Oil Mixed  Shire Oil and Clydesdale Oil  Cob Oil  Original Hoof Oil  Flour of Sulphur in 5kg tub  Garlic Powder in 3Kg tub or 12.5 Kg foil pack

Trouble with mites, itching, scrubbing, stamping, biting or mud fever? Use…  Leg Oil Mixed – based on an old remedy to keep legs, feet and hair in sound condition

Blended by Horse people for Horse people Contact Sarah Mobile: 07836 606893 Telephone: 01904 728430 Fax: 01904 728447 Email:

HILLAM Full Range of Exercise Vehicles

From Shetland to Shire Prices from £430 We are also agents for IDEAL HARNESS AND ZILCO Visit our website at or tel: 01274874939

Advertise in this space for as little as



REMEMBER NO SALE – NO FEE FREE until sold service FREE service for buyers FREE ADVERTISING FREE Qualified advice

We have the largest selection of Horses/ponies Vehicles, Harness & Transport

T: 01722 712437 E: W:

LOG ON TO THE NEWLY UPDATED WEBSITE Whilst on line check out our retail shop

Denney Equestrian Ltd Patented Snaffle and Dual Action Bits for a kinder more positive contact All our bits are sold on a month’s trial See full details on the website Tel: 07817 683509 and 07933 785551

Fairbourne Carriages We are now taking orders for the following items: Livery Coats & Capes • Double Breasted Great Coats Benjamins • Driving Rugs & Aprons (also wet weather) Quarter Sheets • Hearse Drapes

Please contact Jane or Rose at:

No VAT charged

Fairbourne Carriages (in Kent) on

Call: 01274 491 550 or 01273 491 922

01622 859502 to discuss your requirements

Pony and Carriage Ltd We supply horse drawn carriages harnesses and carriage driving accessories for pleasure & commercial use Specialising in every thing you might need for carriage driving For product information or assistance:

+44 (0)56 00 729143 2 Kingsdon, Colyton, Devon EX24 6EZ

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Autumn 2009

Photos from IHDT 07

Drivetime Snapshot

Pictures from this year’s South of England Carriage Driving Fair, Ardingly Showground Images supplied by Craig Payne from

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The Oaks Annual Driving Show

important notice

The Oaks Annual Driving Show, Sunday, August 16th, 2009 Broad Farm, Hellingly, East Sussex


his is a plea to Light Trade drivers to come forward and compete at our annual show. We have a super new venue, very visible to the general public, therefore, hopefully generating interest in our sport, and Light Trade always makes for maximum visual impact. Sadly, we had no takers for this class last year, but for 2009 have Osborne qualifier status for both two wheel and four wheel vehicles ( and our date does not clash with Chertsey) so it would be great to see as many of you as can make it to East Sussex. The Oaks is a local club, affiliated to the BDS and as such, offer a variety of classes including

Drivetime Private Driving, Open Whip, Multiples, Mountain and Moorland, Country turnout, Exercise, Tandem and Junior as well as two disabled classes. Many of these are also Osborne qualifier’s. We are, as a club, very busy with a variety of events for our members, but our annual show gives everyone a chance to put on” posh frocks” and for the equines to strut their stuff along with visiting drivers thus giving the classes a competitive edge. Our “in-house” catering is well known to all who’ve been to events before and our members are more than happy to help each other and visitors alike, either giving advice or taking it from the more experienced. I do have one other ‘thing’ on my wish list, and that is for a commentator, preferably with experience in driving and types of vehicles – we have our own commentary box, so if there’s anyone out there available and willing, then please get in touch with me. We look forward to seeing competitors and spectators alike. For more information and schedules please telephone Jan Curd on: 01323 849615 or 07799331631

The London Harness Horse Parade 2009

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Autumn 2009


Welfare in Animal Transport Order (WATO) For the transport of equines. Take your WATO test @

Grayswood Carriage Driving Centre

01962 777863

• BDS Approved Test Centre • Weddings • Liveries • Horses taken for training in harness • L essons by the hour or residential courses Roger & Sue Page

Lowhill Farm, Hampshire SO50 7HF

Jack In A Box

OAKS DRIVING CLUB A friendly carriage driving club ideal for those wishing to take up carriage driving based in East Sussex with members in West Sussex, Kent and Surrey. For further details and a list of future events please ring the Membership Secretary Hilary Hill on 01435 866108 or the Chairman Martin Holgate on 01424 893002


Outgrown Family pony??

Ring Ian or Frances for helpful advice or to discuss your requirements and order on 01424 756021 or 07749 761068 Email:

Why not have him broken to harness and discover an exciting new hobby for all the family!

We have nearly all you need for the 2009 Driving Season!! Distributors of Zilco & Tedman Harness Bowlers, Aprons, Fleck Whips, Underhalters, Stopwatches, Number Holders, Gloves, Bits, Helmets, Poly Pads & coming soon ‘Body Protectors’ suitable for carriage driving Marathon Shirts to your own design from

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Not sure? Then why not come along for a carriage driving taster session with one of my schoolmasters, and find out what it’s all about! Free friendly advice is only a phonecall away call Sonny Hillier

07930 265915 anytime 01795 870437 eves

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West Sussex


Tipping Cart suit Shetland/small pony. Exc. Cond. Only for sale as too small for miniature 34” Shetlands.

Tel: 0 1273 454269/ 07703 562322






£5,000 ono

£5,000 ono

2 whl Ralli Car suit 15.2–16.2hh by Underwoods of Jersey. Restored to County standard/ nickel metal fittings. Widened shafts for small draft horse,can be moved back to original. Price to include lamps. Harness as seen in photo is also available. Tel: 01534 854733 (Tara Hill)

Fenix F2000 marathon vehicle – 405kg. Delayed steering, separate front/rear disk brakes, hand brake, independant suspension, adjustable driver’s seat. Comes with pair pole, team bars attachment and shafts. Overhaul by Fenix late 2008. Tel: 01534 854733 (Tara Hill)




£6,000 ovno


Height – To make 15hh+ Age – Yearling (T) Welsh Cob Yearling Chestnut Filly. Weaned/eating well. Out of Commonfields Bay Lady by Grayswood Magic Buccaneer with Derwen and Nebo lines. Ridden/driven in his younger days. Tel: 0 1962 777863/ 07771 515354

Height – 14.1hh Age – 6yrs (P) Welsh X Hackney R/Drive Red Roan Blagden. Good to shoe, box/traffic. Very good driver all round.

Height – 16.1hh Age – 7yrs (P) Reg Friesian Mare, Great temperament. R&D. Good to hack alone/co. Placed in dressage. Home Bred. No dealers please.

Tel: 0 1252 680461/ 07787 367124

Tel: 01474 700184 07507 644280





Hartland Shetland Sport. Dark green/cream. Suit pair of 37” Shetlands. Rear disc brakes, parking brake, under seat storage. removable lamp brackets, seats 4. light/strong adj shafts and sprung adj pole/ padded pole buffer. Includes opt. wedge seat Tel: 01883 343161


West Sussex

£4,000 ono


Height – 11.3hh Age – 4yrs (P) Andie Reg Welsh A Stallion and Blue, unreg moorland gelding. R&D, single and pair. Seen traffic. Ideal scurry pair. One placid and one fast. No sensible offers refused. Price is for the pair with pairs harness. Tel: 07773 323618



Height – 16.2hh Age – 13/15yrs (P) Bill and Ben R&D Gelderlanders. Single and pair. Done Weddings/ shows. Well matched, easy to do. Good in traffic. Shown at Windsor by top young driver. No sensible offer refused. Price for the pair. Tel: 07773 323618

Height – 15.2hh Age – 12yrs (P) Seasoned Friesian driving pair, mares equal height/age. One has good breeding, Premier 2. Both ride, good mannered. Sell as pair but can split. Video/ pictures available

Height – 15.1hh Age – 10yrs (P) Coloured Stallion proven, good bone/feather. Kind with mares. Ideal to run with mares.

Height – 15.2hh Age – 3yrs (P) Irish Draught X Colt. Beautifull Blagdon. Very easy to handle, lunges/ been sat on. Successfully shown in hand. Moves well big trot. Good in all aspects.

Tel: 07970 225281

Tel: 07766 055309

Tel: 07810 308704

West Sussex


Buckinghamshire £2,200 ono


Height – 12.2hh Age – 8yrs (P) Welsh Sec C Gelding. Black/2 white socks. Cracking R&D. Suit to compete HDT/pleasure drive. Gt 2nd Riding Pony. Easy to do. Micro chipped etc. With full wardrobe. Tel: 01494 868534/ 07913 849742

Height – 15.2hh Age – 8yrs (P) IDX Chestnut Mare. Loving family horse. Ride or Drive. Hack alone/co. Bit green, lots potential. Unflappable. Saddle/ harness/carriage/rugs available as extras. Tel: 01524 782210/ 07946 354916

£800 ono

Height – 14.3hh Age – 2yrs (T) Traditional black cob colt. Well bred. Would make ideal R&D cob. Good to handle, plenty of hair and bone. Tel: 0 1903 211256/ 07766 055309


Height – 15.3hh Age – 11yrs (P) Hanoverian X mare. Premier Private showing horse. Wins Hickstead, Cornwall, 3x HOYS, Scottish Champion 07. Winner Concours d’elegance 3 countries. Regal. Suit enthusiastic amateur. Tel: 0 1386 860626/ 07594 588411

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Autumn 2009

Controversial New Website 11

Should horse-drawn carriages be

banned? Words by Linda Warburton

There is a growing interest in banning horsedrawn carriages with a dedicated website www. Set up in America. The site has support from Europe, Ireland, Canada and the Middle East. Whilst the plight of many of the horses is dire and anyone would agree that in these circumstances some kind of ban should be imposed, there really can be no argument for blanket banning of horse drawn carriages. As in our NagMag issue this month, the draft animal is the mainstay of the economy in places such as Gambia, without them people would not survive. As a result, the farmers do take care of the animals and, through an ongoing education programme, are given further help and support to ensure the welfare of their animals. In the UK, draft animals are now almost entirely driven for sport or pleasure only, because of this Essex

£1,550 ovno


their welfare is paramount to the owner. It should be said here, that many of the horses actually enjoy and thrive on pleasing both themselves and their owners in their chosen sport, such is the bond between the two. Horse-drawn carriages used for the pleasure of tourists, in such places as New York and Europe, can be called into question and it is this aspect, and this aspect only, which needs to be addressed.


To fit 14.2hh to 15.2hh Dog Cart, Warner back to back. Finished in green,lined in cream/ cream trim. Rear disc brakes/ solid rubber tyres. Superb.

To fit Shetland/small Welsh A Exercise Cart in vgc. Handmade wooden show cart, used 3 times. Swingle tree, padded green seat. Lovely cart.

Tel: 07812 030416

Tel: 01793 512581/ 07810 832799

Traditional Driving Cobs ALWAYS FOR SALE Suitable for novices for pleasue driving and smart enough for trade classes


Wiltshire To fit 12hh to 13hh Exercise Cart in very good condition. Swingle Tree.

Tel: 0 1793 512581/ 07810 832799




To fit 14 to 15.2hh Replica London Van. Trad coach built body, all brass fittings. 53” wide, 92” long, 76” high. Carriage lamp not included. Consider p/ex 4 wheel pleasure carriage. Tel: 01782 765382/ 07733 262640

Pictured; Black and white mare. 12 years old. 14.3 hh. The most amazing mare to drive, pulls an open top wagon. Suitable for a total novice. She has bred 3 black and white fillies. Nothing bothers her. £POA Super 14hh heavy black cob, 3yrs, abundance of feather. £2,000 Flashy 14.4hh, 8yrs, Reg Sec D mare – chestnut, flaxen mane and tail, 4 white socks, plenty of action back and front, very easy to handle and drive. £4,000 All these cobs can also be ridden Selection of coloured colts and fillies – foals to 2yrs available

For more info please contact Mandy Gardner

01452 742328 / 07767 233001 (Glos)

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Windsor Park Equestrian Club

By Grace and Favour L

Windsor Great Park, Smith’s Lawn Horse Trials, Sunday 21st June

aying in the Southeast corner of Windsor Great Park, Smith’s Lawn, believe to be named after a 17th century gamekeeper, has played many roles over the centuries. The whole area was originally grazed by deer until the 18th century when it was turned over to sheep grazing and heathland. The deer were reintroduced in 1979 by the Duke of Edinburgh, the present Ranger of the Park. During the First World War it became the Headquarter of the Canadian Forestry Corps and during the Second World War an aerodrome situated there became the home for the American Air Force. From the time of

Credit: Sally Taylor

the Normandy landings the RAF hosted a Tiger Moth training camp on the lawn. From aeronautics to equestrianism since 1955 the lawn has become home to the Guards Polo Club and the Windsor Park Equestrian Club. President of the Windsor Park Equestrian Club is H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh KG,KI Windsor Park Equestrian Club hold many events over the summer months on Smith’s Lawn as do the Guards Polo Club, including the Cartier International Polo Day. One such event is the Smith’s Lawn Horse Trials which was held on Sunday 21st June. The grounds offer the Drivers a magnificent tour as they drive through the avenue of Elm Trees planted during the reign of King Charles ll. The marathon crosses the Long Walk and continues through the Deer Park to the Copper Horse, a large statue of King George lll, erected to commemorate the contributions he made to the park and the estate farms. Not only do the driving members have wooden hazards to negotiate but their horses must also be prepared for the deer! Bob Alexander driving a trandem

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Credit: Sally Taylor –

ing Ulisha Jonathan Carnduff driv

Autumn 2009


Maple Leaf Carriage Company

Canadian Crafted Carriages from one of the world’s largest horsedrawn vehicle manufacturers To view all vehicles available from Maple Leaf Carriages check our website Carriages available from stock or order custom made


01323 847 482 07736 184909

Victoria Edmondson BVSc MRCVS For ADDED performance! As a rider, driver and equine veterinary practitioner Viki is pleased to have been able to assist driving clients at local, national and international levels improve their performance. Viki offers private consultations at your premises, on a showground or at her clinic for any equine locomotor or medical matter including mobilisation & manipulation (under sedation if required). A telephone call to arrange an initial conďŹ dential and detailed consultation could be all it takes to put your team on the road to better performance. Testimonials and case histories can be provided.


Newdigate, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 5BH Tel: 01306 631012 or 07971 291460 Fax: 01306 631013 E.mail: Please mention

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