Carrie Anne Photography Senior Welcome Guide

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A LITTLE ABOUT CARRIE: I was once a high school senior. Truth! I remember my senior session. I hope you will too! I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up but I did graduate from college. I’m married. We have twin boys who are quickly approaching their senior year! We have a daughter who rocks our world and an extra chromosome (Down Syndrome)! I LOVE creating art just for you! These are my peeps! We have fun doing life together! They are my why!

A FEW FAVORITES: VACATION SPOT: Maui, but I’m up for finding a new favorite! COLOR: Depends on the day and purpose. I tend to wear a lot of black. SWEET TREAT: Dark chocolate all the way! BEVERAGE: Water or my pink drink! FOOD: Home cooking! Nothing beats it! LENS: 70-200mm for seniors or my 105mm for wedding details. HEELS OR FLATS: Flats! I’m short and I’m totally ok with it. ENTERTAINMENT: A comedian and laughing until you can’t breathe! CONVENIENCE: My iPhone so I always have a camera with me.




WHAT TO EXPECT: EXPECT the unexpected. There is only one you and the session and art created will be uniquely yours.

EXPECT to relax and have fun! I’m never looking through my camera thinking, “I can’t believe they’re posing like that!” Instead, I see family resemblances, similar expressions and beautiful features. Most importantly, I see you! I’ll guide you and make you feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera. I promise!

EXPECT to chat. I love learning about you, your interests, work, school, activities, future plans, family, etc. It’s even better when we discover we have a something or someone in common!

LOCATIONS: We’ll visit about

SCHEDULING: I am a boutique-style

options during your pre-session consultation. If you have access to unique locations, I’m always up for exploring those options too!

photographer so I take on a limited number of sessions and never more than one per day.

PAYMENT: The non-refundable

OUTFIT IDEAS: Layers & accessories

session retainer is due at booking to reserve your exclusive date. The remaining balance is due the day of your session.

add interest & dimension. Local boutiques as well as Maurice’s are great at styling outfits. I also have Pinterest boards for outfit inspiration.

STYLE TIPS: No matter who you are, the most important style tip is to wear clothes that fit; not so tight you can’t move or they are gaping open at the buttons and not so baggy you have no shape. Variety is the spice of your session and it allows us to choose combinations that complement your chosen locations. I love photographing dressy to active and everything in between. Sunglasses, hats, musical instruments, your favorite coffee mug/cup, books, your phone, sports equipment, hunting gear, awards …… you get the idea. We may not use them all but bring ‘em! I’m always happy to take a look at your options. We can FaceTime, you can message me photos or I can pop over if you are here in town. Still unsure? Here’s a Senior Guy or Senior Girl Pinterest board for inspiration.

SESSION SELECTIONS HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR ULTIMATE | $750 + tax Th e u l ti mate e xpe rie n ce ! Mul ti ple o utfi t chan ge s , mu ltip le l o ca tion s a nd u p to 3 h ou r s o f ti me to crea te trad i ti on al an d l i fe -in spi red po rtrai ts. In clud e s a l l p ro fe ssion al l y se le cted and e dite d ima ge s p re sen ted di gi ta ll y on li ne , a cu sto m vid eo a nd an 8x10, co mpl ime nta ry, cu sto m de si gn ed , la y -flat b oo k ; stress-free as you leave the photo selection and design decisions to me!

HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR CLASSIC | $550 + tax Va ri e ty o f l oo ks w i th in o ne l o ca tio n . U p to 1 ½ hou rs o f time to cre a te tr ad i ti ona l and l i fe -in spi re d p ortra i ts. In cl ud e s al l p ro fe ssio na ll y se l e cte d a nd ed i ted i ma ge s p re sen ted di gita l ly on li ne . Co mpl i me nta ry, cu sto m d e si gne d, 5x5 la y-fla t boo k ; stress-free as you leave the photo selection and design decisions to me!

HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR | $350 + tax Va ri e ty o f l oo ks w i th in one l o ca tio n . U p to 1 h ou r to crea te trad i tio na l a nd l i fe -i n sp ired po rtrai ts. In cl ud e s all p ro fe ssion al l y se le cted and e di te d ima ge s p r e se nted di gi ta ll y in an on li ne gal l ery w i th p rin t re le a se exclu si ve ly to Mp ix fo r pr in tin g.

SESSION ELEMENTS All session levels include: *Your purchased session as described above *Planning and pre-session consultation *My time, talent and professional equipment *Professionally selected and edited, full-resolution portrait files, presented digitally in a personal, online gallery for you to download and keep for life and print as you see fit. *Print permission

Exclusively reserve your session date with:

*A signed contract and $150 retainer. *Remaining balances are due in full at the time of your session.

FAQs Q: May I have ALL images from my session? A: Yes. I professionally cull your session to remove undesirables. The rest are all yours! Q: Do you edit all of the images in my gallery? A: Yes. Basic edits have been completed on all gallery images. Skin retouching, braces removal, head swaps and such can be completed per image for an additional fee. Q: Can I make my own prints? A: Yes. Print permission is provided for all purchased sessions. Q: Will you travel for a session? A: Yes. Locations within 30 minutes are included at no charge with purchase of all full session. I will happily travel further but additional fees will apply. Q: What methods of payment can you accept for my retainer and balance? A: Cash or good check or I can invoice you conveniently and securely for each through PayPal Me. Q: What do you mean by life-inspired images? A: Good question! Traditional portraits have the subject looking at the camera and smiling. We’ll capture that eye contact and smile, but we’ll also capture some movement and personality that may or may not have eye contact with the viewer. I’ve included examples of both in this Welcome Guide.


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Reserves your session date exclusively for you. Think V.I.P.! No rushing through your session so I can get to my next client. You have my full attention. Includes your pre-session consultations; wardrobe, location planning etc. Covers my time, experience, knowledge and professional equipment on the day of your session. I consider it an enormous honor to document such an important life milestone! Is non-refundable as I am turning away other work for your exclusive day.

ONCE YOUR SESSION IS COMPLETE: You’ll be provided access to your own online gallery of all edited images from your session as well as your complimentary, custom designed portrait book if you purchased the Classic or Ultimate session. This process takes about 4 weeks to complete.

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