Smoky Hill Express Issue 5 - 2011

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c o u l d fractured. ask anyone Over the next couple 13 who their best days he kept asking his l i pr friend was and they mom about school and if A 5would say ‘Leibert’,” said he could go to school. New e u Weber. Year’s Day he collapsed. ss I Phillips left behind him “He was with his father. I 3 3 Death e mother, his older brother drove out to North Suburban m c o m e s his u and sister, and his nephew. hospital. They were doing l o V u n e x p e c t e d l y. “I had three but the CPR for 45 minutes. The l - It does not wait Lord called o my baby home. doctor said stop because ho for anyone. As second He was the love of my life. he was already gone,” c S semester began, it did so He is my pride and joy,” said Kore. The requested gh i H a little more empty than said Kore. “Mommy loves autopsy showed that ill H before, as there was one you very much. She’d do because of the fracture he y less Blazer walking the anything for her son. If he received at the wrestling ok halls who would never be needed something she’d match, it caused broken Sm returning. On January 1, get it the next day. Mommy vessels which created a sophomore Leibert Phillip taught him many things. She blood clot that went up into passed away. loves him very much and his lungs. Before this he had “We miss him. We miss that’s the most important been healthy. his presence. My English thing is that I gave him love. “I’m still angry and hurt class seems empty. I always I would give him all the love and I’m not going to let it think ‘oh there’s so many in the world that he needs go easily. I’m sad about it. kids missing’ but the other and wants. I was a very That was my heart. I called day, hardly anyone was,” supportive parent but now him my huggable bear. I said Student Achievement he’s gone and he’s in the just hate what happened to Services Teacher Susan arms of God. He joined his him,” said Kore. Weber. Phillips enjoyed grandparents.” A common injury took singing and dancing. He Phillips was on the the life of this beloved loved music and weight school wrestling team and Blazer. He will be missed by training. He was always twisted his ankle at the those he left behind and will willing to help and would home tournament against always be remembered. greet everyone and make Grandview after his mom “We miss his presence. them feel welcome. dropped him off at the He was happy to walk “I look like a gentleman,” school and went to work. through these doors every Leibert wrote on a paper She was not called and day. He was a Blazer. he turned in to his teacher. notified about his injury This was his school,” “He perceived himself as a after it happened and found said Weber. ion t gentleman and he was. He out from a student who saw tra s was always well dressed,” her when she came to pick i in said Weber. Phillips adored him up after. Kore is a nurse m d a his mother’s cooking and and took care of his ankle d n she loved to cook for him. that night and later took him la er “We were very close. to Children’s Hospital v O He was the love of my life. I where they found rs e have his nephew here. They out his ankle ng a were like brothers. They was h at were three years apart,” e d said Phillip’s mother Linda t’s n Kore. Everyone considered e ud t him to be their best friend. s “He maybe had ut o two or three best ab e l friends but you ic



n w o d s ut t u co h s dS l a n 5 p a i l c r 4 . e n i Ov p r P

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