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Years ago, proximity to resources, access to markets and conventional transportation were enough to fuel growth and prosperity. What once would position your company for success may not be enough today. However, by aligning supply chains, businesses can become more resilient and agile.

“In these uncertain times, facing headwinds with inflation, increasing rates and supply chain challenges, having a banking partner you trust and rely on is more important than ever before,” says Jeffrey Schaefer, Senior Vice President of Corporate Banking.

“Associated Bank has fortified ourselves in the Upper Midwest commercial banking market with well over 120 years of dedicated support and service to our valued clients. Having the privilege to work for Associated Bank in Southeastern Wisconsin for 16 years, I know trust is earned when actions exceed words.”

As a reliable financial partner, we’ve grown globally with our clients and developed a broad-based picture of supply chains in a full spectrum of industries. This is the point of view we offer.

The Mid-Range of a Pendulum

Fixing disruptions, solving issues and addressing challenges to supply have become all-too-familiar occupations. We’ve been allowing the pendulum of supply—from local to national to offshore to global— to swing for too long. The goal is to capture the mid-range of that supply chain pendulum. However, reaping the advantages of globalization, while mitigating its risks, isn’t enough to fix today’s problems.

The Nature of Improvement

Diversifying sources of supply through on-shoring, near-shoring and investing in manufacturing and transport facilities requires investment. Easing transportation jams alone won’t yield solutions, and new manufacturing capacity—on the part of our clients or their suppliers—won’t necessarily solve the problem.

Where We Stand

In the past we saw the end of low-cost, untroubled energy sources, cost savings on inventory, commitments to globalization and the rapid deployment of offshore manufacturing. Together, these ingredients created the present situation. Today, we need a detailed analysis and a wide-ranging assessment of the supply chain to assure agility and resilience moving forward.

The Continuity of Supply

Providing your business with options is the key to offering reliable resources for supply and distribution. It’s a balancing act and investment is needed to bring this balance into action. Circumventing transportation jams, boosting domestic supply capabilities, providing a prudent inventory to assure continuity—all three are typically essential parts of an overall answer.

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