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“40 years ago, I created L’Occitane with a desire to preserve the authentic traditions of Provence and to share this wonderful land with the world.” - Olivier Baussan Founder of L’Occitane

“For over 30 years, L’Occitane has drawn inspiration from French and Provençal art de vivre and techniques to create skincare and bodycare products dedicated to your beauty and to your well-being, with our aromachologie collection. Our products are rich in natural active ingredients and essential oils, which are often organic and always of controlled origin.”


Table of Contents Introduction to L’Occitane... 6-17

Company Overview... 7 Market Overview ... 8-9 SWOT Analysis... 10 Perceptual Map... 11 Current Top Competitors... 12-13 Channels of Distribution... 14 Points of Sale... 15 Current Communication and Promotion... 16 CRM... 17

New Strategic Initiative... 18-27

Bee-auty Machine Experience... 20-21 Technology Implimentation... 22-23 Mock-Ups... 24-25 Operational Plan... 26-27

Market Analysis... 28-35

Charles De Gaulle Airport... 30-31 Beijing Capital International Airport... 32-33 Atlanta International Airport... 34-35

Proposed Target Customer... 36-41

Demographics... 36-37 New Proposed Target Customers... 38-41

Communication and Promotional Plan... 42-53

Event Description... 43 12 Month Activity Plan... 44-45 Social Media Promotions... 46-53

Financial Plan... 54-55 Conclusion... 56 Appendix... 57-71

Mission Statement “To pass on the Mediterranean art de vivre and traditions through high-quality, effective and natural beauty products.�


Company Overview History In 1976, at the age of 23, Olivier Baussan distills Rosemary essential oil which he sells at the local markets of Provence. In 1977, the first harvest of lavender occurs, which is the iconic symbol of Provence. Olivier learns about the women who produce shea butter in Burkina Faso, Africa and places a large order because of its nourishing properties in 1980. The following year, the first L’Occitane factory and store opens in Volx, Provence.

In 1992, the first boutique opens in Paris on Rue Vavin. Because it is a sensorial brand, they were one of the first companies to feature Braille labeling on its products in 1997. The same year their Japan boutique opened. The verbena harvest collection launches in 1999. In 2001, the first L’Occitane Spa opens in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The same year, they partner with ORBIS, an international NGO that fights blindness.

In order to benefit both their customers and the environment, L’Occcitane begins to offer eco-refill packaging in 2009. The Immortelle Divine Cream which launched in 2011 received the “Best Miracle Cream” award following user trials organized by the Anti-Aging Beauty Bible. The online magazine, Fantastic Provence, launched the same year in order to promote the knowledge and love of the south of France. In 2012, the brand has over 2,000 stores worldwide.

Market Overview The global cosmetic market was 460 billion USD in 2014 and is estimated to reach 675 billion USD by 2020 growing at a rate of 6.4%. Out of all of the cosmetic products, skincare has the highest market share and Oral Cosmetics is said to be the fasted growing market during the forecasted period. APAC has been leading the cosmetic industry with a market share of 35% in 2014, followed by Western Europe and North America. The reason for the high market shares is because the customers are fairly beauty conscience.

Revenue The net sales for FY2015 were $1,343,095,231.80, which was a growth of 11.7%. The overall same store sales growth increased to 5.7%. There have been positive results from the brands positioning, pricing, online activities, as well as favorable exchange rates. L’Occitane’s sales in China, Japan, Hong Kong and the United States were the main factors of the net sales growth in FY2015.


Future Growth Plans L’Occitane wants to create a lasting “customer centric” brand experience with an upgraded retail network and digital platform, which will be combined with the growth opportunities. Also, to implement a new marketing program to strengthen the L’Occitane brand’s position in key global markets. L’Occitane aims to focus on digital marketing, marketing communication and product sampling, & attractive flagship stores with optimised footfall and sales conversion. All of the key markets delivered growth in local currency - China, Hong Kong, Brazil and Russia performed the best, growing at 20.1%, 13.1%, 10.6% and 10.4% respectively.

SWOT Analysis Strengths -Worldwide recognition with prime locations around the world. -The content is relevant to the brand -Brand has consistent products.

Opportunities -Expand loyalty program - Transparency of the making of products -Tips on how to be sustainable -Brand ambassador


Weaknesses -Could improve omni-channel presence -Men’s marketing strategies (digital & social media, stores) could be more prominent -Lack of emphasizing the organic & sustainability factors

Threats - Several companies that have same price ranges and concept - Competitors using celebrities - Unable to be provide an engaging digital experience to the consumer

Perceptual Map Difficult

Price Low




Through research of company’s that have similar product categories as L’Occitane, these are the top ten competitors. You can see that Burt’s Bees and L’oreal are at a lower price point and are much more accessible, whereas company’s such as Fresh, Clinique, and Clarins are closer in price point and accessibility.

Current Top Competitors & Market Position LUSH Lush was founded in 1995 in the United Kingdom by Mark Constantine and Liz Weir. They have products for bath and shower, hair, face, body, makeup, and perfume. LUSH believes in buying ingredients from companies who do not conduct or commission tests on animals. They invent their own products and fragrances, and make them fresh by using little or no preservatives or packaging. Only vegetarian ingredients. The Charity Pot, a specific lotion sold, donates the profit made on it to wildlife preserves.

AVEDA Aveda was founded in 1978 by Horst Rechelbacher. Their product offering is for both men and women and it ranges from haircare, skincare, makeup, and perfume. The art and science of pure flower and plant essences is the foundation for Aveda. Their vision is to connect beauty, the environment, and well-being. Aveda strives to take care of the world we are living in with the products they make by giving back to society. Every April to honor Earth Day, Aveda donates 100% of the purchase of their limited-edition light the way candles to Global Greengrants 12 for water projects in over 80 countries. Fund

CLINIQUE In 1976, Clinique was the first cosmetics company to see that there are different skincare needs for men and gave them a practical line of products. They strive to be the most trusted, prestige beauty brand in the world. Clinique’s goal is to be seen as the smart choice with innovative ways to execute high quality, effective, safe, allergy tested, fragrance free products that were made to enhance individuals beauty and designed for living.

LOREAL L’Oreal manufactures and develops hair care, hair color, skincare, color cosmetics, and fragrances for consumers and professional markets. They have become a leader in the beauty industry and are committed to innovation and quality and have products that appeal to everyone. They have 32 international brands.

FRESH Fresh was founded in 1991 in Boston by Lev Glazman and Alina Roytberg starting out as an apothecary shop. They transformed everyday routines into memorable beauty rituals. Product categories range from skincare, bodycare, fragrance, haircare, and candles. They offer a sensorial experience and are dedicated to natural ingredients, addictive scents, and rich textures.

Channels of Distribution

L’Occcitane is sold in department stores, e-commerce and m-commerce, travel retail, specialty multi-brand retailers, and brick and mortar. Their product is sold in over 100 countries, and e-commerce business had more than 20% increase over the same period last year. Their E-commerce channel made a strong growth during the year, which was mainly supported by corporate initiatives to improve digital marketing and enhance customer relationship. The Overall Same Store Sales Growth was 1.6%. Distribution expenses increased by 10.4% to 620 million in FY2015.


Points of Sale Using Yourcegid Retail, a solution provided by Cegid, L’Occitane can integrate POS, store operations, inventory management and merchandising, customer relationship management (CRM) and loyalty across all stores and channels. More than 1,000 stores in 25 countries currently are equipped with the cloud-based retail management solution allowing the retailer to track store sales, product trends, and other vital insights in real time. China, Hong Kong, Brazil and Russia were among the fastest growing countries at constant exchange rates.

Current Communication & Promotion L’Occitane’s marketing expenses increased by 14.5% to $146,081,284.50 in FY2015. As a percentage of the net sales, the marketing expenses increased 0.3 points to 11.1% of net sales. The main reasons for this increase would be due to investment in advertising, digital media, and CRM. The total costs of sales, distribution expenses, marketing expenses, research and development expenses and general and administrative expenses for FY2015 was $1,013,436. L’Occitane uses digital and social media advertising, in-store advertising, and events. Including events such as the Party in Provence event in New York City. They partnered with Please Don’t Tell, which is bar in the east village. It consisted of beauty rituals and Provencal-inspired refreshments. 16

CRM The marketing and CRM teams in some of the key markets have continued to initiate innovative collaboration with social networking platforms including Line in Japan, Kakao Talk in Korea, and Wechat in China. All aim to further integrate their physical and digital platforms to enhance brand experience and engage new and existing consumers. Under the new brand awareness program to raise L’Occitane’s awareness and relevance to skincare products, the Group launched a “Skin Care Recruitment Campaign” which targeted digital sampling mechanism as one of the key features in order to drive new customer acquisition in an effective manner. To facilitate the spread of L’Occitane’s true stories, a marketing team engaged top beauty bloggers and vloggers (video bloggers) as brand ambassadors to deliver interactive and multimedia branding contents consisting of brand, product, and holiday campaign movies.



I N I T I T I VE A L’Occitane’s new strategic initiative is to give the consumer an interactive shopping experience with a “bee-auty vending machine” in the shape of a flower stand in major airports globally that will inform the consumer of the dying bee population. Doing so, L’Occitane will give a portion of the funds to the Global Bees Foundation, which will result in an increase of sales and awareness.


Where the Bee-auty Vending Machines Will Be Planted Atlanta, Georgia

Paris, France Beijing, China

Bee-auty Vending Machine Experience Step 1. When one steps up to the Bee-auty Vending Machine a sensor will detect their presence and the garden on the screen will begin moving as if being blown by the wind. Bees will be flying around pollinating the many flowers and when the start button on the screen is touched, the flowers will bloom and reveal the products that are being sold in the vending machine that season.

Step 3. When the donation is made and the product is fully paid for, a bee will fly over to the chosen product (multiple bees if more than one product is purchased) take the product from the flower, and fly out of sight. The product will then be dispensed and given to the consumer. 20

Step 2. When a product is selected by the consumer a box will appear showing the information of the product and what flower(s) is used to make it. It will then go on to say that the bee population is dying, and without bees pollinating the flowers this product will no longer be possible to make. The consumer will be given an option to donate a certain amount [$1 - desired amount] to save the bees.

Technology Implementation Zoom Systems Founded in 2002, Zoomsystems is a leading automated retailer that gives the customer a seamless shopping experience. Zoomsystems is based in San Francisco and is featured worldwide in the US, Canada, Japan, and Europe. They have partnered with such companies as Nespresso, Benefit Cosmetics, Honest Company and Best Buy. These are featured in airports, malls, resorts, and military bases.


Touch Magix Touch Magix is a next generation technology that features gesture tracking platform with endless possibilities. This technology is used to create large Interactive Wall and Interactive Floor surfaces with projected images or video. With the sensor in the technology, it is able to create an interactive experience and engagement for the consumer who is using the product.

T1V T1V is based out of Charlotte, North Carolina. They provide interactive experiences with their Multi Touch, multi user, multi application touch screen application. The screens can be operated simultaneously on the interactive walls to give the consumer an interactive and engaging shopping experience.


12 - 18 Month Operational Plan Research and development for the beauty vending machines will start in June 2016 and go through to October 2016. The research will consist of how the technology will work, and what will drive the consumers to be drawn to the strategic initiative. Kiosks were researched by the group, the kiosks operate by using a touch screen in order for customers to get the products. After this research and development, we do consultations to determine what company can give us the most attainable product that fits with our guidelines. Afterwards, we would start to source our technology product. Installation for the vending machines will start in June 2016 and continue through to the launch in August of 2017. After installation, training will occur from May to July of 2017. Before the product can be launched, it needs to be tested to see if there is any adjustments that need to be made. The product testing will last from November to April of 2016. Lastly, the kiosks will be launched in August of 2017.




Operational Plan (2016-2017)





Research and Development Technology Sourcing Consultation Installation Training Budget Product Testing Launch

Operational July2016Plan (2016-2017) August2016


October2016 June2016


Febraury2017 June2016

November2016 July2016 December2016 August2016 September2016 January2017

Research and Development Technology Sourcing Consultation Installation Training Budget Product Testing Launch

Operational Plan December2016 (2016-2017) November2016

Research and Development Technology Sourcing Consultation Installation Training Budget Product Testing Launch

March2017 July2016

August2016 April2017

September2016 May2017


Market Analysis: Airports L’Occitane has retail spaces located in airports around the world. They carry a variety of products to cater to each customer wants and needs. Our strategic initiative features a vending machine system that saves the bee population and is convenient for our on-the-go clients.


To test out our initiative, we decided to choose three of the busiest airports. We chose HartsfieldJackson Airport in Atlanta, Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris, and Beijing Capital International Airport. The airports in Atlanta and Paris currently have L’Occitane retail spaces. Beijing currently does not have a L’Occitane store. By placing a bee-auty vending machine in The Beijing Capital International Airport, this will give L’Occitane a competitive advantage in the airport.

Charles De Gaulle Airport The Paris airport handled 65,766,986 passengers and 497,763 aircraft movements, which makes it the world’s eighth-busiest airport and Europe’s second-busiest airport in terms of passengers served. It also is the world’s tenth-busiest and it is Europe’s second-busiest airport in aircraft movements. In Septemeber of 2011, traffic for Charles De Gaulle was 5,550,103 passengers for the month. CDG airport hosts up to 1,350 aircraft movements per day and there are four runways. The airport is made up of a total of 3,260 hectares of airport surface area.

Where the Bee-auty Machine will be located and why We chose Charles De Gaulle Airport because it is one of the busiest airports in the world as well as the same country where L’Occitane was created. With L’Occitane stores present in Terminal 2C and Terminal 2D, we feel that placing our bee-auty vending machine in 2F would be beneficial for business. Stores in that area include: Hermes, Longchamp, Cartier, and Laduree.


Competitors There are two main competitors located within the Charles De Gaulle Airport. Beauty Unlimited and Kiehl’s are located in Terminal 2E.

Beauty Unlimited: Beauty Unlimited is Paris’ largest fragrance and cosmetics store. They carry big name perfumes, such as Viktor and Rolf. One advantage L’Occitane has is that Beauty Unlimited does not carry skincare products.


Kiehl’s is owned by L’Oreal and has been around since 1851. They are not only a competitor in the airport, but also as competitor with the other beauty retailers. Their product category ranges from skincare, haircare, and bodycare. With L’Occitane stores present in Terminal 2C and Terminal 2D, we feel that placing our bee-auty vending machine in 2F would be beneficial for business. Stores in that area include: Hermes, Longchamp, Cartier, and Laduree.

Beijing Capital International Airport Beijing Capital has rapidly grown in rankings of the world’s busiest airports in the past decade. It had become the busiest airport in Asia in terms of passenger traffic and total traffic movements by 2009. Since 2010, Beijing Capital International Airport has been the second busiest airport in the world. The airport registered 557,167 aircraft movements (take-offs and landings), ranking it 6th in the world during 2012. In terms of cargo traffic, Beijing airport has also witnessed rapid growth. By 2012, the airport had become the 13th busiest airport in the world by cargo traffic, registering 1,787,027 tonnes. Beijing Airport accounts for $6.5 billion dollars in the economy.

Where the Bee-auty Machine will be located and why The L’Occitane Bee-auty Vending Machine will be located in Terminal 3. Brand names, such as, BVLGARI, Swarovski, and Ferragamo are located in this terminal. This is the busiest terminal in the airport, which is why we feel the opportunity to enter this area.


Competitors There are currently no L’Occitane stores in this airport. Kiehl’s is the current competition located in Terminal 3 carrying bath and body products similar to L’Occitane. With there being a gap in the beauty and body brands in Beijing Capital, we feel this is an opportunity for L’Occitane to be introduced to this market. There are currently no Zoomshops in the Beijing airport which gives L’Occitane the competitive advantage with this technology.

Atlanta International Airport Hartsfield-Jackson has a direct economic impact of approximately $24 billion for the local and regional economy. There are close to 300 concession outlets throughout the airport, including 114 food and beverage outlets. Atlanta consists of 182 retail and convenience outlets, 2 Duty Free stores and 55 staffed service outlets which covers approximately 234,000 square feet. Hartsfield-Jackson is in the process of adding about 75 new specialty retail stores including spas, wine bars, high-end retailers and more.

Where the Bee-auty Machine will be located and why In Terminal A there is already a L’Occitane store. The machines will be located in three different terminals: Terminal C, Terminal E, and International Terminal. Atlanta International Airport is one of the largest in the world so placing three machines here will be successful for the company. This gives our customer an opportunity to shop within our brand and to be accessible for people walking to their next gate.


Selected Terminals In Terminal E, there are several different high-end brands such as Mont Blanc and Swarovski. Placing a Bee-auty Machine here would be a good opportunity to be located near this market. Terminal C is located in the middle of the airport. This is also where many retail stores are located in the airport. The Honest Company Zoomshop is located here, as well, which is a direct competitor with L’Occitane. The International Terminal in Atlanta reaches thousands of passengers daily from around the globe. By placing the beauty vending machine in this section of the airport, it would not only reach many new consumers traveling into Atlanta but also cater to the current L’Occitane clientele. Our new bee-auty vending machine will be located in Course F near Kiehl’s and Mac Cosmetics.

Competitors The main competition for L’Occitane in the airports are The Honest Company and Benefit Cosmetics. They are both zoomshops created by Zoom Systems, the company producing the kiosks for L’Occitane in the airports.

The Honest Company Zoomshop located in Hartsfield-Jackson Airport

carries bath and body products for both women and babies. It is located in Terminal C and Terminal D. They carry on-the-go diaper supplies, lotions and shampoos. Because of they carry body products, they are considered competition to L’Occitane.

Benefit Cosmetics is located in Terminal C of Hartsfield-Jackson Airport.

The zoomshop created by Zoomsystems for Benefit Cosmetics carries on-the-go beauty products. Many of the products are quick solutions for travelling, such as acne, beauty products, and quick makeup fixes.

Demographics The demographic segments that L’Occitane will be targetting with the new strategic initiative will be Up-and-Comers, Upper Crust, and Money and Brains. These frequent travelers care about their skin and beauty regimens while they travel. Their employment levels are management and professional being the reason they travel so often, whether for business or pleasure. They will value L’Occitane’s products in the vending machines and when given on airlines because it will make them feel more refreshed for their journey and happy to be treated with small luxuries that benefit both themselves and the bee population. The average income for these three segments comes to $199,230.


Demographics Traits

Lifestyle & Media Traits

Urbanicity: Second City Income: Upper Mid Income Producing Assets: Moderate Age Ranges: Age 25-44 Presence of Kids: HH w/o Kids Employment Levels: Management and Professional Education Levels: College Graduate Ethnic Diversity: White, Black, Asian, Mix

Order from priceline.com Travel to South America Read Cigar Aficionado Watch South Park Nissan Altima Hybrid


Upper Crust

Demographics Traits

Lifestyle & Media Traits

Urbanicity: Suburban Income: Wealthy Income Producing Assets: Millionaires Age Ranges: Age 55+ Presence of Kids: HH w/o Kids Employment Levels: Management and Professional Education Levels: Graduate Plus Ethnic Diversity: White

Shops at Saks Fifth Avenue Vacation in Europe Read The Atlantic Watch Golf Channel Lexus LS

Money and Brains

Demographics Traits

Lifestyle & Media Traits

Urbanicity: Urban Income: Wealthy Income Producing Assets: Elite Age Ranges: Age 45-64 Presence of Kids: Family Mix Employment Levels: Management and Professional Education Levels: Graduate Plus Ethnic Diversity: White, Black, Hispanic, Mix

Shops at Banana Republic Travel for business Read New York Times Watch tennis Mercedes E Class

L'Occitane's New Proposed Customers


William Huntington

Marseille, France 63 years old Freelance Writer & Professional Fashion Photographer $180,000 / yr Multiple nationalities in the United Kingdom, France, and U.S. Enjoys sailing, traveling, and studying Potential products of interest: Divine Cream, Cade After Shave Balm, and Shea Butter Hand Cream

Felicity Daniels


Bejing, China 29 years old Business Analysist $98,000 / yr Travels back and forth for new and existing clients Enjoys the gym, her local coffee shop, and watching documentaries Potential products of interest: Vervena Refreshing Towelettes, Roll On Deodorant, and Immortelle Precious Mist

Grace Braye

Upper East Side, New York City 57 years old Law Professor $165,550 / yr Travels to her international law firms and other law schools Enjoys art galleries, gardening, and visiting her summer home in France Potential products of interest: Shea Butter Ultra Rich Lip Balm, Divine Under Eye Cream, and Lavender Hand Cream

Communication and Promotional Plan With the new strategic initiative, L’Occitane will not only maintain their current customer base, but reach to a new target market as well. We will be reaching to the on the go and technology savvy individuals. Consumers will now have what they need when traveling at the touch of their fingertips. The objective of all marketing is to be engaging with the consumers and focus on an interactive and user-friendly experience. This will be executed through different social media platforms, events, web and mail. The events will allow for consumers to see what the brand stands for on a personal level.

Events The first event will occur on Earth Day, April 22nd, to bring awareness about the impact that individuals have on the environment. There will be an in-store event with refreshments and beverages. When customers bring in their used shampoo bottles they will receive a discount on a refill while supplies last. It will be part of the pre-launch and give hype to our upcoming event in the summer. We will launch our initiative on National Honey Bee Day not only throughout the airports but in Central Park. There will be a spa in the park to really engage with the consumer and the exclusivity factor. They can sign up for the event ahead of time to claim their spot. To follow up with our initiative we will also hold an event in December on World Soil Day. We will have an in-store promotion that will encourage the customer to recycle and give out biogradable boxes that can be planted and grown to produce wildflowers.

12 Month Activity Plan The communication and promotional calendar shows the specific dates in 2017-2018 that L’Occitane will be promoting the strategic initiative. The activities for pre-launch will occur 5 months before the event in Central Park on National Honey Bee day in August. During this time, it allows the focus to be put towards the social media accounts, as well as direct and digital activities. The launch will happen in the summer during August and post-launch will occur from September to December.



Pre- launch

2017 January






Social Media Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Pinterest Direct E-mail Mail Print Digital Website

Events National Honeybee Day August 19th in Central Park Earth day April 22nd World Soil Day December 5

Pre- launch May


Social Media Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Pinterest Direct E-mail Mail Print Digital Website

Events National Honeybee Day August 19th in Central Park Earth day April 22nd World Soil Day December 5

launch Post PreLaunch


2017 January July

February August

March September

April October

May November

June December

Social Media Promotions Several different social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and Pinterest, will be used to promote the upcoming events and information on the strategic initiative. This will allow the consumers to be updated with all of the pertinent information. It will show the start of the strategic initiative and keep excitement for the consumers up to the launch. All social media platforms will be active for pre-launch, launch, and post-launch.




E-mails will be sent out to consumers to give the information on the strategic initiative. Advertisements will be featured in stores to promote the initiative and upcoming events. E-mails, direct mailing, and print will be executed in April for Pre-Launch, August for Launch, and December for Post-Launch. The e-mails will be sent out to customers in the beginning of April, August, and November of 2017 to promote Earth Day, National Honey Bee Day, and World Soil Day.

Existing Landing Page The L’Occitane website will be promoting the upcoming event at Central Park to support the bee population. Customers can sign up in advance to secure a spot for the spa event. It will be shown on the homepage to engage with the consumer as soon as possible. Additonally, Loccitane.com will feature tips on how to save the bees as well as upcoming events in store.



Airport Kiosks with implementation (5)

$50,000.00 $8,000 per kiosk

implementation $2

Screens with Implementation (10)

$150,000.00 13500 per screen

implementation $1

Rent for the space in airport $3,000 a month (12 months)


Event in Central Park - Space for rent


time for the event - 18- 48 hours (set up and prep)


honey/ refreshments


Eiffle tower


2 Tents


10 Massage Specialists ($20 an hour)










Marketing Campaign Print






MISC Biodegradable boxes (20k)






Net sales 2015: increase of 12% TOTAL


Forecasting Sales

Profit After Expenses:












implementation $2,000 implementation $1,500



















$20,146,428.40 $20,146,428.40 $16,117,142.72 $12,087,857.04 $10,073,214.20 $12,087,857.04

Conclusion L’Occitane is a global leading retailer in the beauty industry. With its rich French Heritage and excellent customer service, it has appealed to many customers. Implementing the new strategic initiative will provide not only awareness of the dying bee population but also revenue for the company with its interactive shopping experience. Using this technology will tap new markets and customers as well as maintaining the ones that are already in place. This will give L’Occitane the chance to expand their business ventures through a more interactive platform which will not only increase footfall and profit but also give a modern update to the existing experience.



Key Trends

- Consumers care about products being organic and they want to be informed about the benefits of sustainable products. - Products geared toward the aging population is in higher demand. - Products & services geared toward infants & young children. - Men’s products & services - Brand loyalty


2016 Beauty Industry Analysis US Beauty Industry Segments

Market Share by Revenue

Hair Care


Skin Care




Perfumes & Colognes


Deodorants, Antiperspirant, Feminine Cleaning


Oral Hygiene




The beauty industry is quite immune to economic turmoils. Even though consumers are more price conscience through times of economic downfalls, they still continue to spend in this market segment. The beauty industry as a whole, hair care is the largest segment. Skincare comes in a close second, growing rapidly and is expected to have a revenue of almost $11 billion by 2018. This growth is attributed to an increase of skincare awareness and its importance, but also the high demand for the men’s market (Senna).

Other Competitors It was founded in 1984, when Roxanne Quimby used leftover beeswax from Burt Shavitz’s honey bees to make candles. The company went global in 1999. In 2006, they expanded into drugstores and Target. They were names #1 in an ImagePower Green Brands Survey. From their ingredients to the packaging, are simple, natural, and responsible. For over 80 years, Lancome has been one of the world’s leading luxury beauty brands. They are committed to making beauty accessible to women in over 160 countries around the world. Lancome offers skincare, fragrances, and makeup. Their mission is to give women superior products and services that fulfill their enthusiasm for beauty. Clarins was founded in 1954 by Jacques Courtin. They view sustainability as an opportunity to showcase its issues. The laboratories are pioneers in the fields of science and plant technology. They offer skincare, makeup, and fragrances. Over time, their formulas are enriched and enhanced to deliver more quality, sensorial pleasure and beauty.

Origins was founded in 1990 by Leonard Lauder. They harness the power of plants to create high performance skincare. They are committed to nature as well as the environment. They offer skincare, bath & body, hair, and makeup. The products are manufactured using renewable resources, wind energy, and earth-friendly practices.

Products Being Sold in the Bee-auty Vending Machines


Omni-Channel Audit Social Media

L’Occitane’s website is ranked #21,561 globally and #16,452 in the United States. For April of 2016, there were 2.90 million visits, and the average time spent on the website was 03.22. Page views were 3.81 and the website had a bounce rate of 48.54%. The United States had the most traffic at 17.85%, with France following at 13.23% and Japan at 11.64%.

Traffic Volume




- Google + has same photos and posts from Instagram.

-Help & contact on website are available at the top of screen at all times.

- All platforms have similar content.

-Each product has Quick View and Add to Bag before clicking on it, making it easy to purchase.

Terminal Maps where Bee-auty Machines are Located Atlanta C53 C51 C49 C55


C45 C43


C39 C37

C35 C33 C31











C57 C52 C50


C48 C46



9 29

16 14




7 25




*3 C38



















Domestic Terminal

Domestic Terminal South

Domestic Terminal North


1 2 3 4 5 6

Atlanta Bread Company Baja Fresh Brews and Blues Burgers BBQ & Brews Charley’s Grilled Subs Chick-Fil-A

26 14 4 6

C34 C32 C30




6 15












7 8 9 10 11 12

Five Guys Burgers and Fries French Meadow Bakery & Café Fresh Healthy Café La Madeleine Country Fresh Links Pino Gelato

13 14 15 16

Pronto! Merato Starbucks The Varsity Vending Machines



Escalator Train Concourses B, A, T, Domestic Terminal, Domestic Baggage Claim, Ground Transportation

International Terminal


40 21

24 31 20

11 1


rev 20131218

Escalator/Elevator Train Concourses D, E, F, International Terminal, International Baggage Claim

12 23






11 30










20 21 22 23 24 25

ALL ATL ATL Today News & Convenience Atlanta Daily World Bijoux Terner Brookstone Buckhead Books

26 27 28 29 30 31

Diverse Fire CZ Inmotion Entertainment Midtown Magazines Mori Luggage Swarovski

40 41 42 43 44

ATM FedEx Drop Box Telephones, TTY, Volume Control Telephones Telephones, Volume Control Telephone XpressSpa

*1 Delta Air Lines Connection Ticket Service Center *2 Recharge Station *3 Smoking Lounge *4 Delta Sky Club Automated Emergency Defibrillator (AED) Elevator Escalator Restrooms

C1 43



Escalator/Elevator Concourses F International Terminal International Baggage Claim Via Walkway




46 2


*35 45 22






*1 41




11 1 16 7








22 42 45

42 45




35 41 32 22 20



9 5

4 8


25 38 30







28 13

















Domestic Terminal

Domestic Terminal South

Domestic Terminal North











*4 *373


13 36 34 5

E5 24

42 46







Escalator / Elevator Mezzanine Level Concourses F, D, C, B, A,T International Terminal International Baggage Claim Domestic Terminal Domestic Baggage Claim Ground Transportation Via Train

Food and Beverage






42 46





International Terminal





27 28

40 Airport Information 41 ATM / Currency Exchange 42 FedEx Drop Box / UPS Drop Box Pre-Paid Phone Cards Travel Insurance 43 Interfaith Chapel 44 Telephones, TTY, Volume Control Telephones 45 Telephones, Volume Control Telephones


Airport /Airline Facilities

1 Arby’s

9 Nature’s Table

20 ATL News and Gifts

30 Mont Blanc

2 The Bar

10 One Flew South

21 Best Buy Zoom

31 New York Times Books & News

3 Boar’s Head Kiosk

11 Panda Express

22 Brooks Brothers

32 Pandora

4 Caribou Coffee

12 Qdoba (Open Until Midnight)

23 CNBC Smartshop

33 Shades of Time

5 Freshen’s

13 Sojourner’s

24 CNN Newsstand

34 Sound Balance

6 Goldberg’s Bagels & Deli

14 TGI Friday’s

25 Duty Free Shops

35 Spanx

7 McDonald’s

15 Vending Machines

26 Global New Express

36 Straight Talk Wireless

8 Nathan’s Hot Dogs

16 Villa Pizza

27 Headphone Hub

37 Swarovski


28 Inmotion Entertainment

38 Swatch


29 Michael Kors

39 Tech Interaction


40 Tumi

rev 20131219



45 45



29 39 40 41



*1 Delta Sky Club *2 Delta Airlines Ticket Counter *3 Lufthansa Senator Lounge *4 AICA Ticket Counter *5 Smoking Lounge

Automated Emergency Defibrillator (AED)



Charles De Gaulle


Sources http://usa.loccitane.com/timeline,82,1,34665,342382.htm http://group.loccitane.com/key_figures.aspx?l=en https://www.luxurydaily.com/how-luxury-brands-must-navigate-point-of-sale/ http://www.cegid.us/expertise/Loccitane.asp http://image.slidesharecdn.com/loccitanefinalbayetducrocqdumasgueuguenmevilsanguinetti-140301093446-phpapp02/95/loccitane-en-provence-facebook-post-analysis-4-638.jpg?cb=1393666772 http://group.loccitane.com/investors_reports.aspx?l=en http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=30628 http://www.burtsbees.com/Our-History/story-history,default,pg.html http://www.lorealusa.com/group/our-activities/key-figures.aspx http://www.origins.com/our-history http://www.clinique.jobs/clinique/our-history.html http://www.lancome-usa.com/discover-lancome/discover-lancome,default,sc.html http://www.clarinsusa.com/en/explore-clarins-story/Responsible-beauty-innovation.html?iscontentfolder=true https://www.lvmh.com/houses/perfumes-cosmetics/fresh/ http://www.lushusa.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-Lush-Site/en_US/AboutUs-OurStoryShow?cid=our-fresh-story http://www.aveda.com/discover/index.tmpl#section=mission http://specialtyretail.com/issue/2008/08/retail-locations/airport-retail-101-your-top-15-faqs-answered/ http://affordabletent.net/products/tentstentaccessories.html http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20120704005017/en/France-Foreign-Travellers-GoodNews-Airport http://www.atlanta-airport.com/docs/business/20080908_KioskDeignSpecificationPackage.pdf http://zoomsystems.com/about-us/news-events/are-airports-shopping-mall-future http://www.travelandleisure.com/travel-guide/paris-charles-de-gaulle-international-airport-xdt/ things-to-do/beauty-unlimited http://www.kiehls.com/ http://zoomsystems.com/our-clients/benefit-cosmetics https://www.franchisehelp.com/industry-reports/beauty-industry-report/ http://www.touchmagix.com/about-us/about-us http://www.t1v.com/interactive-software http://img.loccitane.com/OCMS/Group/doc/pdf/EN/20150709_FY2015_AnnualReport_EN.pdf https://www.nycgovparks.org/rules/section-2-10

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