Services for Contractors

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I NTRODUCTI ON Pr i mar i l ys er v i ngs mal l andmedi um bus i nes s es ,Car r i ngt on Bl ak eAc c ount anc yhav eov er10y ear sex per i enc ei n ac t i ngasaf i nanc i al depar t mentf orbus i nes s es ,pr ov i di ng dai l ys uppor tf orf i nanc i al needsal ongwi t hannual r equi r ement s . Moder nWor l d,Moder nMet hod Youmayt hi nkt hatal l ac c ount ant sar et hes ame,andy es weagr eet heyar e,whatac c ount ant ss t r uggl ewi t hi s ex pl ai ni ngwhatt heydo,whi c hi sl i s t eni ngt oy ou.As ac c ount ant swepr ov i dewhaty ouwoul dex pec t ,f i nanc i al , bus i nes sandt axs er v i c es.Ouradv ant agei st hatwel i s t en t oy ouandwhaty ourgoal sar ef ory ourbus i nes s ,whati si t t haty ous eekt odowi t hy ourmoneyandr es our c esi nhand Eac handev er yoneofourac c ount ant shasex per i enc e wor k i nghandi nhandwi t hs mal l bus i nes s es ,s ot heyk now howandwhatt odos oy ouc anobt ai ny ourgoal s .Whet her i ti sc as hf l ow,i nv oi c i ng,book k eepi ng,ors i mpl ygi v i ngy ou aqui c kt i pony ourt ax ,eac hl i t t l ec ommentwi l l addupi n y ourbus i nes s .Whati smor ewec har geonaf i x edr at e bas i s ,nott heamountofhour st hatwewor k ,meansmor e i nc ent i v ef orust ogeti tr i ght ,f i r s tt i me. Rel at i onshi pst hatl ast . . . Yourac c ount antmaybear oundf orawhi l e,many bus i nes s esnev erc hanget hei rac c ount ant ,s oy ouneedt o l i k et hem,ast heywi l l bel ook i ngaf t ert hec api t al i ny our bus i nes s ,t omak es ur ey ouar eont r ac k .Wewi l l wor khar d i nbui l di ngal as t i ngr el at i ons hi pwi t hy ou. Whathappensnext . . . Of t ent hemos ti mpor t antques t i onwhenpur c has i ng,what happensnex t .Pl eas er eadt hr ought hi sbook l et ,l ookatour webs i t eandgi v eusac al l t odi s c us smor eofwhatwedo andhowwewi l l del i v erf ory ourbus i nes s .Ourpar t ner sar e onl yaphonec al l away .

How t or egi st er : Vi si twww. car r i ngt onbl akeaccount ancy . com anddownl oadourf or m


Cal lourt eam on02079545978 Fi li nt heappl i cat i onf or m

Car r i ngt onBl akeAccount ancywasset upt ospeci f i cal l yser vi cesmal l busi nesses,bet heysol et r ader s,l i mi t edcompani esandpar t ner shi ps. Under st andi ngt hatyoudon’ tneedl ot sofser vi ces,butast r ai ghtt al ki ng ser vi cet hatwi l lgi veyouanswer s.Focusi ngonpr ovi di ngyouri nvoi ce pr ocessi ng,annualr et ur nsandyourt axst r at egy ,wi l lmeanyoucan f ocusongr owi ngyourbusi ness. Notonl ydowepr ovi det hi spackage,butweal sogof ur t hert hanot her account ant s,wi t hourexper i encei nbusi nesswear eabl et oof f eradvi ce oncashf l ow,st r at egi esi nmar ket i ngandadvi ceonweal t hmanagement , al lpar tofwhatweal r eadydo.Wi t hourexper i enceandsmal lbusi ness appr oachweof f ert hatl i t t l ebi text r ai namoder nandeverchangi ng busi neswor l d. Pr oducti nf or mat i on: -Wewi l lassi styoui nact i vat i nganaccountandyouruni quet ax r ef er encenumber( UTR)wi t hHerMaj est y’ sRevenue&Cust oms ( HMRC) -Wepr ovi deeachsol et r aderwi t hcer t i f i edassi gnmentcheckst o ensur eyouhavecor r ectwor ki ngst at usandanexpensesal l owance. -Ourpr oduct sandser vi cesar eavai l abl et oal lUKwor ker saged16+, howevert heymayal soappl yt of or ei gnwor ker sout si deEEAonVI SAs -Ourser vi cescal cul at eandpr ovi deof f set t i ngofwor kr el at edexpenses, t hesear ei ncur r edwhol l yandexcl usi vel ywhi l stwor ki ng,t opr ovi de addi t i onalt axr el i ef . Ouronl i nesyst em al l owsyout osubmi tt hesedi r ect l yt ous. -Weadvi seyouhowt osetupCl ass2Nat i onalI nsur ance -Ourt eam wi l lgi veyouaccesst oouronl i nepor t al ,dayor ni ght -Asasol et r aderi ti si mpor t antt obei nsur edwi t husyougai n Publ i cLi abi l i t yI nsur anceof£1m pr ot ect i ngyouandt he wor kyoudo. -Ourt eam pr ovi deal lendofyeardocument at i on,suchas st at ementofear ni ngs;t hi scont ai nsal lt henecessar y i nf or mat i onr equi r edf oryouryear endt axr et ur n submi ssi on. I nsur ance: 1. Opt i onal24/ 7per sonalacci dentcover ,whi chi ncl udesupt o£50, 000 deat hcover( Ter ms&Condi t i onsappl y ,pl easevi si tourwebsi t ef or f ur t herdet ai l s) 2. Opt i onalgoodi nt r ansi t ,wi t hupt o£50, 000cover( Ter ms&Condi t i ons appl y ,pl easevi si tourwebsi t ef orf ur t herdet ai l s) Weof f er3l evel sofcover ,eacht ai l or edt oyourneedsasaSol eTr ader .

KeyBenef i t s: Youwi l lr ecei veassi st anceandadvi ce wi t hal lofyoursel fempl oyedst at ut or y andl egalr esponsi bi l i t i es. Wechar geonef ee,noext r asandno r egi st r at i onf ee Bui l ti ni nsur ancef oraddedpeaceof mi nd Onl i neaccesst opaysl i psandexpenses f or ms Conveni entof f i cehour s9am t o6pm

LI MI TED COMPANI ES Asal i mi t edcompanyCar r i ngt onBl akeAccount ancycanasi styout obe compl i antwi t hl egi sl at i on,ensur eyouar eI R35compl i ant ,andmake sur eyourshar edi vi dendandpayar eal someet i ngyourneeds.Wi t h t hesei nmi nd,aswel last r adi t i onalaccount ancysuchast axandannual r et ur ns,woul df or m par tofourwor konceyouassessusbypr ovi di ngal l r el evantandr equi r edi nf or mat i on. KeyBenef i t s: Youwi l lr ecei veassi st ancef oral ll egal andst at ut or yr equi r ement sf oryour busi ness Ther ei sonl yonecostf ort heser vi ce, t her ear enohi ddenext r as,ensur i ng budgetmanagement Bui l ti ni nsur ancepr ot ect syournew companyatnoext r acostt ot heser vi ce Onl i nesuppor tandSMSnot i f i cat i onsf or yourpaysl i psandexpensesf or ms Conveni entof f i cehour sf r om 9am t o 6pm,Mondayt oFr i day

Wear eher et omakesur eyouhavet het i met ospendonyourbusi ness, avoi di ngpenal t i eswhi chcanf i nanci al l yhur tyourbusi ness,aswel las pr ovi di ngadvi ceonyourweekl yexpensesandcashf l ow.Ourser vi ces al socoveryourt axpl anni ngandpr ovi si on,ensur i ngyoucor r ect l ymeet yourr equi r ement s,keepi ngupdat edonl egi sl at i on,ever yt i mei ti s changed. Haveachatwi t hust odayandf i ndoutaboutourser vi ces,bot hi n account ancy ,busi nessconsul t ancy ,t axandmanagment . Pr oducti nf or mat i on -Wehel pyousetupyourLi mi t edCompany ,i ncl udi ngi ncor por at i onwi t h Compani esHouseandhel pi ngyout ogett hest r uct ur eofyou companyr i ght . -Wewi l lr egi st eryouf orPAYE,Cor por at i onTaxandVAT( i fr equi r ed) -Al lendofyeardocument at i oni spr epar edandpr ovi dedt oyoui nt he f or m ofaP60andf i nanci alaccount s.Wi t ht hi sanendofyearst at ut or y r et ur ncanbemade. Whathappensnext Vi si twww. car r i ngt onbl akeaccount ancy . co. uk anddownl oadacopyofourappl i cat i onf or m Cal lourt eam on02079545978 Fi l li nt heappl i cat i onf or m


Wepr ovi dear angeofser vi cesf orPar t ner shi ps i ncl udi ngcompl i ance,commencementand cessat i on( i ncl udi ng,admi ssi onofnewpar t ner s andpar t nercessat i ons) ,f i nanci ng,conver si ont o Li mi t edLi abi l i t yPar t ner shi ps,andcapi t algai ns t axi mpl i cat i onsofassetdi sposal s. Wewi l lal sodealwi t hal lenqui r i esf r om HMRC andensur et hatal lcompl i anceobl i gat i onsar e met .Wecanal sopr ovi dehel pandpl anni ngon Payr ol landVATcompl i ancemat t er s. Ser vi cei nf or mat i on: -Wesuppl yt r adi t i onalser vi cesi ncl udi ng, bookkeepi ng,account sr ecor dkeepi ng,r egul ar account sst at ement s,managementaccount s, andpayr ol lser vi ces. -Pr epar at i on,cal cul at i onandsubmi ssi onf or VATRet ur ns,i ncl udi ngal lcompl i ancer el at ed i ssues. -Pr epar at i onofaccount sf oranuni ncor por at ed busi ness. -SetupofLi mi t edcompany ,oraLi mi t ed Li abi l i t yPar t ner shi p. -Per sonalandcor por at et axcompl i anceand pl anni ng -Companyval uat i onsandassoci at edt axadvi ce oni mpl i cat i ons. -Wear eal soabl et oassi stchar i t abl eand nonchar i t abl et r ust eeswi t ht hei raddi t i onal compl i anceandr epor t i ngr equi r ement s.

I fyouwi sht oknowmor eaboutourt axser vi ceor woul dl i ket oar r angeaf r eei ni t i almeet i ngi n or dert odi scusshowwecanhel pyoui nmor e det ai lpl easecal lourt eam t oday . I fyouwi sht oknowmor eaboutourt axser vi ceor woul dl i ket oar r angeaf r eei ni t i almeet i ngi n or dert odi scusshowwecanhel pyoui nmor e det ai lpl easecal lourt eam t oday . I naddi t i ont ot hi swear eal soabl et osubmi tt he Sel fAssessmentRet ur nseachpar t nerwi l l per sonal l yneedi nor dert ocor r ect l ycal cul at et ax r equi r edbyHMRC.I nsuppor t i ngbot hoft hese document si noneser vi ceouraccount ant scan suppl yyoual loft hei nf or mat i onyouwi l lneedt o avoi dpenal t i esatever ysubmi ssi on. Li mi t edLi abi l i t yPar t ner shi ps Wecanal sopr ovi deaf ul lr angeofser vi cest hat suppor tLi mi t edLi abi l i t yPar t ner shi ps,t hesecan i ncl udet hesuccessf ulst r uct ur aladvi ceand ar r angement sf ori ndi vi dual s,al ongwi t ht het ax ar r angement s,whi char eof t ennodi f f er entt o t hoseoft r adi t i onalpar t ner shi ps. Formor ei nf or mat i onabouteachoft hese ser vi cesof f er edpl easecont actourt eam whowi l l behappyt oanswermor equest i ons. Al t er nat i vel ypl easef i l li nt hef or m andr et ur nt o us.

APPLI CATI ON FORM Ti t l e:Mr/Ms/Mi ss/Mr s/Ot her :

Sur name:

For ename( s) :

Tr adi ngName: Busi nessAdr ess:

Dat eofBi r t h: Pr i vat eAddr ess:

Pr i vat eemai l : eas et i c kher ei fy oudonotwi s ht or ec ei v ey ourpay s l i pv i aemai l  Pl


HomeTel phone:

Wor kemai l :

Mobi l eTel ephone: Busi nessNat ur e: Descr i pt i onofBusi ness: Expect edSal es Est i mat ednumberoft r ansact i ons: Speci alr egul at i onr equi r ement ssuchasCI Sf or m /Tr adi ngSt andar ds/FSA:

NINumber :



_ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ A A N N N N N N A







Checkl i st st oci r cl e:

FORM 648

Moneyl aunder i ngcheckl i st s

New cl i entcheckl i st s

St andi ngor derf or m

Bank/ Bui l di ngSoci et yDet ai l s: Bank/ Bui l di ngSoci et yName: AcountNumber :

Bui l di ngSoci et yRef :

Sor tCode:


Car r i ngt onBl akeAccount ancyLt d,New Loom House,101BackChur chLane,LondonE11LU,UK. Car r i ngt onBl akeAccount ancyLt di sasubsi di ar yofCar r i ngt onBl akeGr oupLi mi t ed. Car i ngt onBl akeAccount ancyi sacompanyr egi st er edi nEngl andandWal eswi t hcompanynumber06763788.VATnumber971007928.

I MPORTANT I NFORMATI ON -Ouropeni ngandcl osi nghour sar e9am t o 6pm,Mondayt oFr i day -I fyouappl ybyappl i cat i onf or m pl easenot e t hatt hesemustber ecei vedbyt heThur sdayat 5pm,t heweekbef or e,i nor dert or ecei vepay byt hef ol l owi ngFr i day( at ot alofcal endardays bef or e) -Al lexpenseandt i mesheetsubmi ssi onsmust bei nouronl i nesyst em nol at ert han2pm on t heTuesdayeachweekt oensur ecor r ect pr ocessi ngofpayment s Whatnext ? -Tor ecei vesuppor tatanyt i mepl easecal lour t eam on02079545978 -Downl oadourappl i cat i onanyt i me,24hour sa day ,youcansubmi ti tbypostoremai l . -Onceyousubmi tyouri nf or mat i onourt eam wi l l conf i r mt hatt heyhaver ecei vedi tandar e pr ocessi ngi t ,i fyoudonotr ecei vet hi s conf i r mat i onpl easegeti nt ouchi mmedi at el y .

Usef ulnumber sandemai l : Car r i ngt onBl akeAccount ancyLt d NewLoom House,101BackChur chLane,LondonE11LU NewBusi ness:+44( 0) 2079545978 Cust omerSer vi ces:+44( 0) 2079545995 Emai l :i nf o@car r i ngt onbl akeaccount ancy . com Web:www. car r i ngt onbl akeaccount ancy . com

Car r i ngt onBl ak eAc c ount anc yLt di sas ubs i di ar yofCar r i ngt onBl ak eLt d i sac ompanyr egi s t er edi nEngl andandWal eswi t hc ompanynumber 06763788.VATnumber971007928

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