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OFFICIAL ORAL EXAMS 1. WHO CAN TAKE THE EXAM? These oral exams will be taken by the students who have already passed the written part of the subject. 2. HOW MUCH DOES THE EXAM COUNT? 50% of the total grade. And remember you have to pass both the written and the oral part in order to pass the subject. 3. WHEN IS THE EXAM? The day of the oral exam will be announced by the teacher when you take the written exam. The teacher will contact you through email to let you know whether you have passed the written exam or not and to fix an appointment for the oral exam if necessary. 4. WHAT IS THE EXAM LIKE? The exam consists of two parts. You are not allowed to read during your performance. Part 1: PRESENTATION You will have to give a presentation (10 minutes maximum) on ONE of the two topics given below (you should bring appropriate visual aids, preferably a powerpoint presentation). CHOOSE ONLY 1 OF THE PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation about your company (units 1 & 2) Make sure you include ALL the following topics: a) The structure of your company (you can use an organization chart, following the model on page 53 of the book). b) Some key dates in the history of your company, following the model on p. 56. c) A graph showing the development of some quantitative element, such as sales, profits, number of clients, etc. You have an example on page 57. 2. Launching a product (unit 3) Your company is planning the launch of a new product. Prepare a presentation including the following information: a) Description of the product. b) The target group (type of market, age group, gender...) c) Research techniques (talking to customers, questionnaires...) d) Design features (colour, packaging...) e) Price f) Type of advertising campaign (TV, radio, magazines...) Part 2: SPONTANEOUS TALK Casual conversation with the teacher with no pre-specified topic.

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