1 minute read
Launching stage
Connect your existing and new stores
Set up the automated database transfer by first configuring your current Magento (Adobe Commerce) cart and then specifying the new WooCommerce cart.
Current cart setup
When migrating from Magento (Adobe Commerce), you’ll be asked to provide the following:
Store URL - enter the domain URL of the Magento (Adobe Commerce) store (e g , https://my-magento-store-url com)
In tall Bridge - download the bridge files and connect the stores More info here.
New cart setup
When migrating to WooCommerce, you’ll be asked to provide the following:
Store Admin URL - enter the domain URL of the new WooCommerce store run free Demo migration
Admin credentials - provide the admin login and password of the new WooCommerce store.
You can to the Cart2Cart WooCommerce test store to see ho it orks But
Only Demo migration can be performe to the test store, not Full You’re only require to tick the checkbo an select WooCommerce as a platform you ant to migrate to Once the Demo is finishe , you’ll be provi e ith the a min access cre entials so that you can see the result of the Demo transfer
Select the entities & extra options
Specify the Magento (Adobe Commerce) store entities you want to transfer to the new WooCommerce platform. Cart2Cart allows you to migrate every possible eСommerce data type and its accompanying attributes. Simply click on the All Entities checkbox, and the tool will migrate them.
What data can be migrated from Magento (Adobe Commerce) to WooCommerce:
Options (Name, Price), Attributes (Name, Values)
Name, SKU, Short Description, Full Description, Status, Manufacturer, Tax Class
URL, Meta Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, Weight
Downloadable Products (Price, Files, Expiration Date), Grouped Products (Associated Products), Virtual Products, Product Tags, Upsells, Cross-sells
Variants (SKU, Weight, Attributes, Quantity, Price, Special Price, Additional image, Special Price From-To Date)
Sale Price, Sale Price From-To Date, Cost
Base Image, Additional Images
Quantity, Manage Stock, Stock Status, Backorder.
Name, Description
URL, Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords.