==== ==== THE DASH DIET (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://dashdietandhypertension.healthandfitnessjournals.com/ ==== ==== Development of the Redemptive Self To develop the self of an individual it is necessary to redeem the self from any guilt or any sin. Once the self of an individual is free from all sorts of culpability, an individual is sure to prosper. Guilty is the biggest and the foremost hindrance in the development of the self. Self of an individual consists of a spiritual self and real self. Self of an individual can be redeemed only once the person strives to attain unity with God. For the betterment of an individual, it is necessary to redeem the self from all miseries, conflicts, sufferings, judgment, punishment and sorrows. The best way to redeem self is to unite with the true God and be saved from any illusions. In the hectic and the chaotic world, it is important to strive hard to keep the soul pure and clean. One wishes to live a happy and contended life. We always want things to fall our way and only those incidences to occur which are sure to please us. Culmination is sure to redeem the self from the state of confusion and bewilderment. One must decide as to what an individual desire to achieve or should set the goals and then strive hard to achieve it. If an individual is happy, in the work, he or she is engaged then an individual is bound to feel contended and soul would feel lighter and healthy. One must sit back and analyze the hidden self of an individual by communicating with the unconscious mind of an individual. It is not hard to communicate with the latent self as it can be done through meditation. During meditation, an individual tries and achieve unity with the real self and try to understand its working. It is prerequisite to set priorities and then work towards its achievement. One must question and try to find what is that an individual wants material things or true love and then accordingly work for it. One must be clear about as to what an individual wants to redeem. Redemption has many connotations as to what an individual save within him or herself, perfect within us, retrieve within ourselves, free within ourselves or achieve within ourselves. There are many benefits of redemption as it enables an individual to achieve freedom, joy, respite, awareness of the conscious self and growth in self worth of an individual. The biggest hindrance in the development of self and the process of redemption is never to let ego come in your way. One must never try to pretend what one is not. The tried and tested formula to achieve redemption is music as it is the easiest form of art for achieving the desired results. Music has the power to make an individual feel elevated, relaxed, happy, romantic, fulfilled and hopeful. Music has the power to soothe the mind and the soul. Music has been long in practice and there is music for every feeling, which an individual can experience once in his or her lifetime. Other art forms are even used to make an individual feel relaxed. Involving in charity and social service one can achieve the real targets and goal of his life. Redemption is the sure shot formula, which can bind to make an individual feel the ecstasy as the person is free from all sorts of negative feelings, and only the positive energy flows into the body of an individual. Positive outlook also makes the soul redeem as positive outlook makes the vision
of an individual clear and free from feelings of jealousy and hatred. Redemptive self of an individual will take an individual on the path of success and prosperity.
==== ==== THE DASH DIET (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://dashdietandhypertension.healthandfitnessjournals.com/ ==== ====