Redemptive Self,Personal Transformation & Visualization

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==== ==== THE DASH DIET (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) ==== ==== Ending the Redemptive Self Issues Ends justify the means One must analyze ones ideas and thoughts before they are brought out to the outer world. Soul is the analyzer as well as the interpreter of your thoughts and actions. One must take help of this interpreter each time he is ready to make some important decision in life. It will help you out with those dilemmas, which could make you feel restless and nervous. But sometimes there is conflict within us. Since human being is both rational and emotional. Sometimes it is hard to come at some concrete solution. Rationality stops you from committing those blunders in life, which can be disastrous. A small instance of such blunders can be overcoming temptations. Sometimes one feels attracted to a thing so much that the person wishes to acquire it. Like wish to own a beautiful necklace but since one might find it difficult to buy, he decides to steal it. Stealing is a bad attribute, which one must avoid. This will be the rational voice of the human mind and will continuously haunt him until and unless he actually gives up the thought of acquiring the thing through wrong means. Means and ends are important in each individuals life. He lives his life wishing to become something. At different stages of life, he sets his goals and targets, which he would like to achieve. And in accomplishment of these goals, he pursues a path according to his convenience and liking. This path directs his actions and activities. While in accomplishment of his goal, one forgets to analyze the path he has chosen. One must always analyze ones actions by placing them under the scrutiny of morality. Morality is the rational and logical structure, which separates the wrong and bad from good and right. This scrutinizing is called as the soul searching. One must have the capability to ask oneself, why. What? If? These questions are very important which any individual must consider while he takes any decision in life. If a person ignore this soul searching activity then it might be that tomorrow when he will move ahead in life he might face problems to which he would never be able to find a solution. One must forget the old saying you reap what you sow.

Soul searching is only possible if one is willing to put oneself under the scrutiny of the soul. If an individual will consider himself correct then it can be a possibility he might ignore the other side of the coin, which still exist even he has closed his eyes. Considering oneself as right is not a bad thinking, only if he is right. One should be confident about his unrighteousness only when he has

well analyzed his thoughts and actions. One must choose right path, which is not only beneficial for oneself but for the whole humanity. Since it is said that goodness attracts goodness, it can be that if you do good to others then that goodness might return you back in tones. Choosing a right path will help an individual to become more sound and patient. Patience and serenity are an accomplishment found in few as every human being is running after his or her materialistic desires. As soon as one is satisfied, other takes its place. We must understand that temptations are just momentary attractions, which can never be satisfied, as they are endless chain of desires. Blindly following them can only result in regret and remorse. So if one wish to get rid of experiences, like guilt, regret, remorse and repentance then one must judge his or her actions before he or she actually commits them.


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