==== ==== Internet Marketing Software For 99 Cents (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://tradingglobal.tradebit.com/files.php/5003-Software-Programs-Internet-Network ==== ==== How to Expand Your Email Program It is very important for the business to diversify and expand for survival. Certainly, increase in the number of emails is a tricky proposition, especially if you are showing your subscriber with emails on different topics than they had chosen in the start. The subscriber does give you permission to mail him when he subscribes and registers on your website. You may think just another email about a new product or sales flyer wont hurt and instead will increase the marketing and the email program and in turn the business. You would want to get the most out of the subscribers database by getting maximum return on the member acquisition costs. But it is not as simple as it sounds as you may irritate the present subscribers so much that they wont sign up for new information. In fact you may receive flood of unsubscribe requests or spam clicks or just indifference. Interest cannot be interchanged with permission. Assumption must not be made that you have the permission to message them anything that they had not requested. There is a minute point where the email program goals meet the preferences and expectation of the subscriber. Instead of increasing the email frequency, emphasis must be made on increasing the quality of the email in order to make each email valuable to the customers. Switching from a bi-weekly email to a weekly one means that the content should be twice as effective. The content should be relevant along with being effective. Relevant content is the key point of targeted marketing. The current emails should include more specialized publications in order to make the most out the customer database. Do not try to impose the companys will on the customers; instead take them to the new information by making it as attractive as possible. The marketing program can be expanded by not violating the expectations or the original permission grant, in order to respect the readers interest. Certainly permission must be taken from them. Increasing the frequency of newsletters also means increase in expenditure. While emailing we might think that the email belongs to a different category but if the subscribers are not able to differentiate a regular newsletter from the special offer, the effort is worthless. The emails should always start by a topic in the message category chosen by the subscriber. Always include a link for signing up, which is easily locatable. Many marketers do not realize the value of transactional messages. If the buyers are not able to signup for the email program when buying, the transactional email can be send to them to confirm the product purchase and also to promote the companys newsletter. Since the new subscribers are eager, this enthusiasm must be highlighted in the welcome letter which should also include other offerings which werent chosen at the time of sign-up. The information should be brief and the benefits must be focused upon. A link should be included which would direct to the subscribers preference page where the sign-up choices can be edited. It is a good idea to create a facility by which they can email the article to their friend. If the
information is really interesting, there will be chain of subscribers.
Sample issues can be do wonders to get new customers if they are used properly, otherwise they will result in the spam folder. The sample can be tested initially on recent buyers or current subscribers who didnt respond to emails during a time period. Clearly state on the top that this email is a sample only and the receiver will continue to receive it if they sign-up for it. Certainly diversifying and branching out the email holdings helps in the growth of the email program and business. Success can be attained when the subscribers are given freedom to manage their inboxes. Use the channel for emailing which the subscribers has given permission to. PPPPP Word Count 656
==== ==== Internet Marketing Software For 99 Cents (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://tradingglobal.tradebit.com/files.php/5003-Software-Programs-Internet-Network ==== ====