==== ==== THE DASH DIET (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://dashdietandhypertension.healthandfitnessjournals.com/ ==== ==== Relationships and the Healthy Inner Self
Relationships should always be considering a living thing. It is not very surprising that even among the best of you; there is often a relating problem. When any two people start moving toward each other as in forming a relationship, if there is love and willingness, the relationship is bound to take hold. In order to remain healthy, one should consider a relationship. Most people in the world would not pass up the opportunity to feel loved, appreciated and needed. At maturity levels, it is natural to become aware of the devastating effects of loneliness. Humans yearn for the rewards of being loved and needed. Failing to develop healthy skills, one may slip through the cracks and miss healthy relationships. We must all thrive through painful situations throughout our life while emerging into deep wounds from our past. Others may simply put the success of finding a relationship into the hands of love. Many of you wait for love to do it all. Are you one of those? Love is not the sole solution that solves all our impersonal needs. This is as bad as waiting on your instincts to guide you. Placing yourself in the hands of love has been proven to cause more problems than one may want to encounter. Too many times, people have reached for love, only to draw back their pain. Never think that love is the total solution to a relationship. Let your social self become involved. What is it telling you? In this world, everyone is alone. This is devastating to humans. Love and relating only helps to make the knowledge of loneliness more bearable. So in order to bring another into your life you should first respect them as a living human being. Action is what you want, not rejection. We must be willing to examine each other to work toward healthy relationships with others. We must take measures to prevent failure from robbing us of our healthy relationships. Never be afraid to face a problem if one should exist. Never avid the problem and do nothing to correct it. Take action when problems emerge, so that the heart does not harden. If you cannot solve the problems, perhaps getting out of the relationship is the best solution. Take on the challenge to profit while realizing that in due time you will learn ways to solve problems effectively. It will build a stronger love for each other. You may find this your greatest possibility.
Do not play childish games on your partner. This will only degrade your relationship. Be alert to small irritations that if left unattended may turn into huge monsters. Always take your
partner serious. Do not take yourself so seriously. You may find that if you learn to listen, that you may learn something about your relationship. Cultivate compassion if you want to be accepted by others. The nature of your relationship should be examined for better or worse. Learn to express your feelings. Only then will you learn the value of your feelings. Nourish your relationship with tenderness and intimacy. Everyone wants and deserves the best out of their relationship. Never forget that each one involved in a relationship has a history. Each of you has a voice to be heard when involved in a relationship. Learn to give a little and you may find a greater reward awaiting you. No one has planned to live alone his or her entire life. Each of you deserves an active companion to share your life with. Fill your life with love; happiness; joy; laughter, and intimacy. If you accomplish this, you will never be alone in a relationship.
==== ==== THE DASH DIET (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://dashdietandhypertension.healthandfitnessjournals.com/ ==== ====