==== ==== THE DASH DIET (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://dashdietandhypertension.healthandfitnessjournals.com/ ==== ==== Relationships for the Healthy Self When someone is always thinking negative about them self, they soon begin to think on the bad side of life. Life is not as bad as people seem to think it is. While many people make their life bad, they can thrive to make it better. If you dont do anything on the positive side, its only going to cause you bad health later. Thinking this way can cause you many problems in life. Some of the sickness that can develop from negative thinking and living is depression. Depression will affect your relationships in a negative way, and in time, it will rob you of good health. How can you change negative thinking into positive thinking? In order to change your negative thinking to positive thinking, you will either have to hit rock bottom or your will have to work toward a positive outlook. If you decide you want a more positive lifestyle, then you must put forth the effort to achieve your goal. Once you decided what you want to do, then you can do something about it. One of the things you will have to do is to really dig deep inside your soul and pull out all the bad issues you want to work with, so you can find answers to your problems. Dont sit there and say it cant be done because you are only lying, to yourself. Anything can be turned around with some work. How can learning to think positive benefit me? When you learn to think positive there will be many benefits for you. Your relationships will improve, since people will become more willing to spend time with you. You might have so many good things about you that you will not know how to act. The reason for this is that you will be happy instead of being sad. Think about it. Who wants to be friends with someone always suffering depression without working to get through the problem? How do I go about making these changes? First, you will have to assess your behaviors. For example, if you see yourself sitting on a couch watching television all day, by assessing you, you will see a need to change. Try spending some of your time with your partner instead of being lazy all day. You have to stop poor behavior patterns in order to improve your health. Get off the sofa and go for a walk, get active, you can do it. Maybe you will have to start thinking about the way you feel about yourself. Instead of always thinking negative about your self, think positive about you. This is all good ways to start. As you start, you will notice that you will feel better in no time. You have to accept the changes and move on. Pick up your head and lean forward instead of backwards. How will changing negative think in to positive thinking help me? Once you have changed your negative thinking into positive thinking you will start to feel healthier and enjoy healthy relationships with others. Instead of always feeling like there is no way out, you know there is a way out of most problems. You have to do something to help your self. So get off the sofa and start thinking good things, get active, go for a walk. Do something to get you on the move. You need to stop dwelling on failure and focus on the bright side of life. Once you start to
work, it will all come together. Just dont give up and no matter what keep on moving to the brighter side of life. You will come to hard times, but keep your head up high and keep on moving not letting anything get in your way. Keep on going. Finally, in time you will enjoy good health and healthy relationships with others.
==== ==== THE DASH DIET (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://dashdietandhypertension.healthandfitnessjournals.com/ ==== ====