==== ==== THE DASH DIET (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://dashdietandhypertension.healthandfitnessjournals.com/ ==== ==== Willpower in the Redemptive Self Realize the importance of willpower of the redemptive self Willpower is something we all are blessed with but only a selected few of us are able to realize it and use it for their benefit. The will can be best defined as an individuals decision to initiate or stop any activity or action consciously. The power of the will is a very personal issue, which varies from person to person. Willpower is one of the main factors, which allow a person to realize his dreams and aspirations. Any individual who is determined to achieve his goals in spite of several difficulties and facing several odds is often the person who has very high willpower and who knows how to use it efficiently. On the other hand, an individual who is not able to achieve his goals even if he is provided with favorable circumstances is often the person who has a very weak willpower. Most of the people are often misinformed about the basic meaning of willpower. Willpower is merely something, which helps a person in the process of self-motivation and has absolutely no power to achieve any task on its own. It can only motivate and make a person determined enough to aspire for a specific goal. Nevertheless, the initiative to achieve that task has to be taken by that individual himself. In addition, it is important for a person to use his willpower intelligently. For example, any person aspiring to become popular in his social circle, if starts drinking alcohol consciously is not a very wise step. As this step can soon transform into an addictive habit which he may find difficult to kick later. In such cases, even an individuals willpower fails to help him to get rid of this addiction. There are several theories given on the concept of willpower by famous philosophers and psychologists. The most famous of these is given by Thomas Aquinas where he says that a will of a person will always strive to choose and make right decisions for an individual. In case, if it ever makes a wrong decision for the person, it will only happen in case of some severe error or ignorance on the part of the concerned individual. As the will always aspires to make right decisions for an individual who may work in favor of him, it will also help him to make new choices, take up new activities and progress further in life. Our willpower also plays a very important part as far as the process of self-healing is concerned. It helps an individual to kick his bad habits. Whenever an individual makes a decision to ditch some addictive habit like drinking, smoking, gambling and his willpower guides him to become a bit more self- conscious and work towards detoxifying himself. In such situations, the internal spiritual powers of an individual take over and they allow him further tread on the process of self-healing and spiritual development. One must always keep the fact in
mind that there is a supreme power above us which monitors all our actions and thought processes. This supreme power is that of the god which has blessed with this free will. Free will has been given to each individual and it depends on him whether to use or misuse it. Most of the people consider it as their blessing provided it is used carefully without indulging in any negative activities. Experienced philosophers are of the belief that this free will was given so as to allow every individual to develop his own individual personality. Hence, it is onus of an individual to use his willpower of the redemptive self to free himself from all the negative influences and tread on the process of development and success.
==== ==== THE DASH DIET (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://dashdietandhypertension.healthandfitnessjournals.com/ ==== ====