Report on Giving 2011
Carthage is emerging as a leading liberal arts college. Support from alumni and friends of the College is a crucial element in this advancement. Even during challenging economic times, people see the great value of a Carthage education— both to students and the communities they will shape. It is heartening to see so many step forward to help make this success possible, to invest in this college and these students. Gifts to Carthage take many forms. People make cash donations, planned and estate gifts, and in-kind contributions of property. They volunteer their time in service to the College. We are grateful for these commitments because they undergird the investments that make Carthage outstanding. The principal beneficiaries of our supporters’ generosity are students. Gifts to Carthage fund development of superb amenities such as the new Student Union. They make it possible to attract outstanding faculty and post-doctoral scholars. They provide critical financial support for students during especially difficult times for families. And they allow the College to provide undergraduate scholarship and research opportunities that command national respect. All gifts this year, and through the end of 2012, help move Carthage toward achieving the goal of raising $165 million—a million dollars for each year of the College’s existence. It is an ambitious goal, but well within reach. Within these pages we recognize those who are a part of this effort to achieve big dreams. Their faith in Carthage and commitment to its continued excellence makes us grateful and proud.
Thank you.
Brad Andrews, Ph.D. Senior Vice President for Academic Resources
Report ON giving 2011
Teal Dowling
, ’09, immersed herself in pre-med studies Carthage while continuing to participate in high-level equestrian competition. Now she is studying veterinary medicine at Michigan State University. Ms. Dowling has won 50 national championships in the U.S. and Canada, with 120 top-10 finishes. She was 8 when she qualified for her first appearance at a national event, and won her first title at 14. “You know how some people get passionate about something? Some people just can’t stop running,” she says. “I can’t stop riding.” She says riding gives her a rush of adrenaline that’s hard to describe. The pinnacle for Teal came when she was chosen National Horsewoman of the Year for 2005-06, an honor she compares to college football’s Heisman Trophy. The award is chosen by a panel of representatives from equestrian governing bodies and the U.S. Olympic Committee. Ms. Dowling had been a pre-med student at Carthage, but later decided to become a veterinarian. “I kind of fought this for a while,” she says, recalling that when a favorite horse suffered a knee injury many years ago, and was unable to stand, “we put him down, I wanted to be there. After that, I decided I didn’t want to be a vet. I decided I couldn’t do that, I like animals too much.” But Ms. Dowling was impressed by the relationships that veterinarians build with animal owners, and how
"They’ll go out of their way to help you succeed — they want you to do well.”
happy they seem with their work. “Since I’m really happy, I figure this is where I belong,” she says of veterinary studies. She is scheduled to graduate in 2014.
While she attended the College, Teal appreciated how “professors were very nice about being able to make up labs and move things around, so I could compete,” she said some years ago. “They’re really good one-on-one, they’re eager to answer questions, and make it very easy to find help when you need it. Now Teal faces studies she admits are “challenging,” and has found the way Carthage professors prepared her is something else to appreciate about the College. “You knew you had to study hard, to really know your stuff,” she recalls. “They did a really good job making sure I understood the material. They’ll go out of their way to help you succeed — they want you to do well. I felt bad here for kids who had easier undergraduate exams.” Since she was 5, Teal rode horses three times a week. She has curtailed her riding, due to studies, and limits her competition to the summer. But she still dreams of a chance to compete in equestrian events at the Olympics. She says she would need to find a sponsor to provide a topgrade horse and trainer, and she estimates an Olympic-caliber horse would cost $250-500,000 to buy. “You can put me on any mount in the world and I can get the job done,” she says confidently. Olympic equestrian competition is doable for the next two decades, since she says the average age of Olympic competitors is in their 30s. But Teal intends to remain around horses for a long time. She has begun a breeding business, and hopes to continue riding for decades. “I saw a guy who was 80 win four national championships,” she says. “A lot of people in their 70s and 80s still compete.”
Amelia McCarthy
, ’91, was a prominent young attorney in Milwaukee, but she sought to accomplish more in her life. Through the Peace Corps, she accepted a position with Oonte, a non-government organization operating a children’s center in the African nation of Namibia which supports more than 400 orphans and vulnerable children. “Being born in America — such a great country with unbelievable resources and wealth — I was extremely fortunate to have good health and get a great education from places like Carthage and Marquette Law School where giving back through public service is so highly emphasized,” Ms. McCarthy said. Besides administrative duties at Oonte, Ms. McCarthy has also assisted with some of the drafting and redrafting of Namibia’s Child Care and Protection Bill. Describing her work on this project, Ms. McCarthy wrote that “I have learned a ton about Namibian and African culture through this process.” While there have been occasional frustrations, “I also constantly remind myself that this is not my country - it’s theirs. In the end, their opinion is the only one that really matters. So, all I can do is throw out questions to stimulate discussion and hope that will help them to make well informed decisions.” Ms. McCarthy is also hoping to help raise money to build a permanent facility. Through recent fundraising efforts, including a visit by Namibia’s first lady, Oonte was able to purchase the land on which it operates. Christian von Dehsen, professor of religion, taught her two decades ago. “Going there is completely in character for her,” he says. “She’s a very passionate person, and the kind of person you like the minute you meet her. We’re all very proud of her. She’s an inspiration to our students.” The experience has had a profound impact on Ms. McCarthy. “The orphans and vulnerable children that I see every day have so very little and face so many obstacles,” she
Report ON giving 2011
wrote. “Many have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS and have no other known relatives so they are left to raise their younger brothers and sisters by themselves in what are commonly known here as ‘child-headed households.’ Others are living in ‘grandparent-headed households’ as one of as many as 16 kids are trying to be raised by a single grandparent. These kids sleep on the dirt ground in dilapidated mud or wood huts (if they have a hut - some simply live under a raised pile of sticks with no walls); they have little food and few pieces of clothing. They have no toys and, of course, no TV, much less video games or a computer. Many, if they don’t die, get terribly sick from malaria during the rainy season and many have seen their only shelter — a mud hut — literally get washed away by the rain. Yet despite all of their hardships, these kids are all so incredibly positive; they have such big amazing hearts and they find such joy in the smallest things.”
"I was extremely fortunate to get a great education from places like Carthage and Marquette Law School where giving back through public service is so highly emphasized." Prof. von Dehsen is eager to see what Ms. McCarthy, who once played a season as a quarterback in the Women’s Professional Football League, will do when she returns from Namibia. “She’s very straight-forward,” he says, “and when she puts her mind to something she sticks to it. She’s got a great mind and a big heart.”
David Leiting
Like many adult students, , ’79, says he “was kind of in a hurry to get on with life,” when he enrolled at Carthage after three years in the U.S. Army. Mr. Leiting considers his busy years at Carthage a turning point in his life. After he graduated, Mr. Leiting became a special agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. His FBI experience and training opened the door to his present position as Eastern Hemisphere director of security for BP. “I really believe being a Carthage graduate helped me get into the Bureau,” Mr. Leiting says. “At least two of the board members who interviewed me knew of Carthage, and thought highly of it.” Mr. Leiting’s journey to his position at BP’s headquarters in London began with a wrestling scholarship to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where “I improved my wrestling skills dramatically, but I didn’t apply myself academically,” he says. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do.” After one year of college, Mr. Leiting enlisted in the Army. “I needed the three years in the Army to decide what I wanted to with my life,” he says now. He settled on the FBI as his goal, then went to the Bureau’s Kenosha office and talked to Burdena “Birdie” Pasenelli, who would become the highest-ranking
"I really believe being a Carthage graduate helped me get into the bureau.”
female agent in FBI history. “She sat me down and told me not to major in criminal justice, but accounting,” he recalls. “She said, ‘that’s the best way to get in.’” At Carthage, Mr. Leiting was selected by the faculty as the outstanding accounting major in his class, and graduated magna cum laude. He also won a College
Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin wrestling championship, and graduated in two years. He accomplished these things while married, holding down outside jobs, and taking 20 credits per term. Mr. Leiting spent seven years of his decade in the FBI participating in three long-term undercover investigations into organized crime and political corruption, which he estimates led to more than 200 convictions. “I’ve got a thousand stories, and some of them are even true,” he says with a chuckle. “It was a fantastic experience, really satisfying work. It was a dream to get into the Bureau, I had no regrets.” Mr. Leiting left the FBI to join Amoco, the Chicago-based oil company that BP acquired several years later. With Amoco, Mr. Leiting traveled to more than 60 countries, doing investigations and strengthening security for company employees and facilities. On Sept. 11, 2001, Mr. Leiting was in New York, at BP’s annual global security meeting of its top 75-80 security managers worldwide. “Our current BP America CEO, Bob Malone, was 10 minutes into his talk, when the first plane hit,” he says. Minutes later, Mr. Leiting and his colleagues watched as terrorists flew a second jet into the World Trade Center. “Fortunately, we had three or four satellite phones in the office,” Mr. Leiting adds, allowing the security staff to communicate with intelligence and law enforcement agencies and BP’s global businesses throughout the crisis. Mr. Leiting's career bears a slight resemblance to an answer he gave in third grade when class members were asked what each wanted to do for a living. “I said I wanted to be a spy. The teacher said that was sweet, but that ‘you’ve got to pick something else.’ “I said, ‘Why? Somebody has to do that job.’”
James Unglaube
, ’63, has spent more than four decades serving the cause of Lutheran higher education, including fundraising duties for Carthage.
That association began when Mr. Unglaube and his wife, LaRue (Rhine) Unglaube, ’64, attended the College in its final years in Illinois. They met “over a bucket of mashed potatoes” when both worked in the kitchen there, he recalled. After earning master’s and doctoral degrees in chemistry at the University of Iowa, Mr. Unglaube began his career at Lenoir-Rhyne College, and soon became academic dean. In 1977, he joined the Lutheran Church in America’s (LCA) department for higher education, and served as director from 1982 to 1987, then serving in a similar role for 10 years with the new Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). One of the accomplishments he is proudest of is an educational outreach program to the African nation of Namibia. During the 1980s, he recalls that “Lutherans all over the world were advocating for Namibian independence from South Africa.” He and Carthage trustee Naomi Linnell, at the time a higher education staff person in the former American Lutheran Church (ALC), proposed that Lutherans in the U.S. show a form of tangible support for Namibia, which has a majority Lutheran population. “Why don’t we become part of the advocacy by educating 100 Namibian students in colleges of the church,” is how Mr. Unglaube recalls the proposal. “Under apartheid, basically no Namibians could get a college education in Namibia, and only 3-5% were finishing high school.” The ALC and LCA (and later ELCA) colleges had to finance the Namibian students themselves through full scholarships. “What we had to do was sell the 28 colleges of the church on the idea,” Mr. Unglaube adds. “All but a couple agreed, and we were thrilled. The church in Namibia selected the students, and we determined which college they’d attend.” The first Namibian students were admitted to U.S. Lutheran colleges in 1986, and all graduated by 1996. During this time, Mr. Unglaube went to Namibia to conduct annual
Report ON giving 2011
orientation sessions for students who would enroll in U.S. colleges. Perhaps the most interesting part of the story is how many of the students returned to Namibia, where they hold high-level government and business positions. Many more are serving as teachers or administrators in public education. Several are medical doctors and dentists, and at least half of the graduates have graduate degrees. By contrast, Mr. Unglaube says many African students who come to the U.S. to study remain here. “Of that 100, all but four or five went home to an independent Namibia,” he reports. “There was a dire need for college graduates. One of the Namibian Lutheran bishops told the students the scholarships were given to the people of Namibia, and they were the carriers and needed to come back and help their people.” Mr. and Mrs. Unglaube have begun research on a book that would tell the story of the Namibian students. Last year they returned to Namibia for a reunion with graduates of the program. This was Mr. Unglaube’s 12th trip to Namibia. “It’s like a second home for me,” he says.
"This is simply a much better place than it's been anytime in it's history.”
Mr. Unglaube is also proud of Carthage’s progress since his years as a student. “This is simply a much better place than it’s been anytime in its history,” he says.
Jack Harris
’49, earned degrees in history and social science. While at Carthage, he was active in student government and Circle K. He was also the editor of the yearbook, associate editor of the student newspaper, and a class officer.
Mr. Harris would be the first to tell you that today’s College is different in many ways from the one he attended in a small Illinois town. But he says Carthage reinforced values that have stayed with him. Attending Carthage was “an opportunity to make friendships,” he recalls. “The teachers I had were excellent,” and he believes those teachers were as good as or better than his teachers in graduate school. While a senior at Carthage, Mr. Harris worked in the College’s public relations office, an experience he says taught him how to write succinctly. “I learned about a lot of things that opened doors to me that helped me professionally,” he says. After earning a master’s degree at the University of Iowa, Mr. Harris returned to Carthage a year later as publicity director. Except for one year, Mr. Harris was employed by Carthage until 1979. He was Carthage’s first development director, followed by 16 years as vice president for development. During his tenure, his office coordinated several major capital campaigns
than $1 million annually for programs in education, health, child care, stewardship, and help for the aging. He served Siebert from 1979 to 1993. He then founded Harris and Associates, a consulting firm. Mr. Harris also served as a member of the Carthage Board of Trustees. He was granted Vice President Emeritus status in 1990 by the College. He was granted the President’s Medal of Honor in 1985, and received the Carthage Flame, the College’s highest award, in 1994. One value that Carthage stressed in Mr. Harris’ day that continues today is service to others. “You go to a college like Carthage, it remains with you,” he says. The Lutherans of Wisconsin, Inc. named Mr. Harris "Lutheran Man of the Year" in 1993. Over the years, Mr. Harris has been involved in the Kiwanis Club, Elks Club, Rotary
"You go to a college like Carthage, it remains with you.”
which helped raise money towards the $19 million needed for early development of the Kenosha campus. In 1979, Mr. Harris left Carthage to become president of the Siebert Lutheran Foundation, one of the largest benefactors of the College. The foundation distributed more
International, United Way, and the American Red Cross. Willingness to serve, Mr. Harris adds, is a big part of the “very fulfilled and satisfying life” he can look back upon.
Ewald Kessler
, ’41, was born in Germany, and grew up in Kenosha, where his father made mattresses for the Simmons Mattress Company. He came to Carthage as a freshman in 1937 at the urging of another Carthage student, Louis Piehl. Mr. Kessler had $25 to his name. After his first year he was penniless, hitchhiked back to campus, and continued in school as a result of campus work for Carthage faculty members Drs. Alice Kibbe and Robert Neumann. Dr. Neumann, a German professor, “got me a job taking care of the first floor of North Hall, which was a boys’ dormitory,” Mr. Kessler recalls. “I stayed on campus and worked in the biology department with Dr. Kibbe in the summertime. Dr. Kibbe got me a scholarship so I could remain in school.” Mr. Kessler also chauffeured Dr. Neumann on weekends. “He couldn’t drive because he had a bad leg,” Mr. Kessler says. “He used to serve as a substitute preacher in smaller communities. Every other Friday, after class, I’d drive him to Macomb to see his daughter.” Mr. Kessler remembers traveling through Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin as a member of the Carthage Choir. “It’s quite different from today, when they travel to Europe, but it was a big deal,” he says. “It was a very close-knit group of people,” he says of students in his era. “It was a very friendly atmosphere, you got to know just about everybody. I owe the College a lot.” After graduating, Mr. Kessler began a 40-year career in education, teaching biology, physical education and social studies at schools in Sheridan, Somonauk, Leland and Morris, Ill., before two decades as a guidance counselor in the Crystal Lake, Ill. schools. He also coached basketball and baseball. Along the
Report ON giving 2011
way he completed a master’s degree from the University of Illinois. While in Sheridan he met his wife Betty and they were married for 60 years before her death in 2004. Mr. Kessler was one of a group of Carthage alumni from the 1940s who held annual informal get-togethers since the 1950s, usually at locations in downstate Illinois, where many of them lived. Last fall they gathered on campus for what may be the last time, on a weekend billed as “the Greatest Reunion for the Greatest Generation.” Mr. Kessler was the oldest in a group of 37 Carthaginians who sat in on classes, had a dinner, and enjoyed a variety of activities. Part of the weekend for Mr. Kessler was a reunion with his granddaughter, Heather Kessler, ’11, a Lincoln Chamber Singer
"It was a very friendly atmosphere, you got to know just about everybody.”
pursuing a double major in music and education. “I talked her into it, because of the music program,” says the proud alumnus.
The Enduring Gift Society The Enduring Gift Society recognizes benefactors who contribute a total of $100,000 or more during their lifetime, including funds donated through estates.
Platinum Level Donald D. Hedberg (‘50) Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and predecessor bodies Siebert Lutheran Foundation, Inc. The N. E. Tarble Family
The Estate of Robert Morin The Estate of George H. Musch William (‘41) and the late Doris Niemann The Estate of George (‘24) and Hazel Osborn The Estate of Elsie Queckenstedt Alan Ruud Susan (Young, ‘69) Ruud Stover Franklin I. and Irene List Saemann Foundation Snap-on Incorporated David and Catherine Straz, Jr. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and predecessor organizations Mary Kimbrough Webb (‘39) and the late Albert Webb The Todd Wehr Foundation Wisconsin Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc.
Gold Level Joel Bleeke (‘75) Charitable Foundation The Estate of Irene E. (Schuknecht, ‘70) Borsh A. W. (Tom, ‘44), Helen and the late Peggy Clausen The Estate of Joycelynn Clausen The Estate of Wesley and Mildred Gallup The Estate of Emmert and Leola Gassman, (‘27) Imogene and the late Samuel Johnson, and SC Johnson Jockey International and the Steigerwaldt and Waller Families Maggie Klingenmeyer Ihde The Kresge Foundation
Silver Level The Estate of Alice (Moody, ‘35) and Robert Chapin Lila Collins The Estate of Harlan J. Ingwalson The late C. Charles Jackson The Estate of Ruth A. Maxwell (‘74) Janet May National Science Foundation The late Mary Palmer The Estate of Alice (Mack, ‘39) and Neill Rowe The Estate of Lorraine Sinkler Edward (‘57) and Alice (Lawler,’57) Smeds Mary (Kimbrough, ‘39) and the late Albert Webb
Platinum Level $5,000,000 - above Gold Level $1,000,000 - 4,999,999 Silver Level $500,000 - 999,999 Bronze Level $100,000 - 499,999
The Todd Wehr Foundation Bronze Level 1335 Foundation Abbott Laboratories Fund Nadine and the late George Acker (‘34) Altria Group, Inc. American Chemical Society The Estate of Clarence Anderson The Estate of Mary Frost Ashley The Estate of Ella Sue Beck (‘29) Mary Bishop and Eli Wolf The Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation The late Harold and the late Patricia (Thompson,’66) Brainard Howard and Elizabeth Brown David and Lyn Brunn Ann and Axel Bundgaard F. Gregory and Barbara Campbell The Estate of Wilbur and Martha Capps The late Howard (‘38) and the late E. Ruth Carlson Steven and Cindy Chapman The Estate of Charles and Vivian Chevillon The Estate of Marie E. Children Chrysler Foundation Consolidated Papers Foundation, Inc. Virginia (Altera, ‘74) and Robert Cornog The Estate of Valborg Crossland David and Estelle Dale William (‘48) and the late June (Thomsen, ‘41) Diehl Robert and Lois Dittus The Estate of Ronald and Wilma Dopp The Estate of Stephen B. Dozier (‘30) The Estate of Frank W. and Susan Drew
The Estate of Adele Eisenhower (‘41) Mary and the late Leonard Enroth The late George (‘28) and the late Dorothy (‘27) Eykamp The late Owen Fess (‘40) Judith (Ewig, ‘61) and John Fritsch The Estate of Earl Garard (‘22) The Estate of Betty Gies The Estate of Pearl Goeller (‘20) Inez and the late Dr. Paul (‘38) Goerner John Gorton (‘66) Greater Kenosha Area Foundation Edna (‘38) and the late Kenneth Gross H. Jeffrey (‘80) and Susan Hamar The late Ortha (Berger, ‘48) and the late Kenneth Harstad Peggy Hedberg, (‘81) Helwig Foundation The Estate of Edna Johnson The Estate of George L. Karstetter (‘38) The late Pearl Kesselring Thomas Kieso (‘73) Joyce (Helwig, ‘51) and the late John Koenitzer Thomas (’63) and Martha Lentz The Estate of Mary L. Link The late Norman and the late Grace Lutz The Estate of Gladys Lynch Richard Marconi (‘56) Glenn and Barbara Madrigrano Joseph and Shirley Madrigrano James (‘62) and Oralee McNamara Gloria and the late Charles Mullen Diane Muri and John Aldridge The Estate of Ernest and Edna Newhouse The Estate of Eric Olson
The Estate of Marianne (Reed, ‘61) and James Parker John Pender Clifton and Gladys Peterson Terry (‘70) and Evelyn Pillinger Eugene and Joan Potente, Jr. Racine Community Foundation, Inc. The Estate of Susan C. Rahm (‘69) The Estate of Evelyn A. Rogers Rebecca and the late Robert Romeis W. David and Gael Romoser Ruud Lighting, Inc. The Estate of Ruth Schaefer (‘07) Loren (‘65) and Vickie (Myers, ‘67) Semler The Estate of Jeanette Smith The Estate of Wilfred Sonntag (‘26) Margaret O. and the late John (‘43) Spangler Linda and the late Arthur Staubitz The late Ethel Steffey (‘27) William (‘64) and the late Barbara (Susina, ‘64) Stewart John Stewig The Estate of Helen F. Stolldorf The Estate of Marion Strom Dennis and Natalie Troha The Rev. Dr. Ross (‘43) and the late Margaret (Doering, ‘42) Trower James (‘63) and LaRue (Rhine, ‘64) Unglaube Albert Van Maren (‘65) and Marianne Kidd The late Delferd Walser (‘25) Lawrence Weiss (‘70) Wisconsin Energy Corporation Foundation, Inc. Joan and the late Raymond Worley
The following list of donors and gifts reflects the 2010 fiscal year - July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
Recognition Clubs $25,000 and above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lincoln Club $10,000 - 24,999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lentz Club $5,000 - 9,999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trustees’ Club $1,000 - 4,999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President’s Club $500 - 999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dean’s Club $250 - 499 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heritage Club $100 - 249 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Century Club $1 - 99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carthaginian Club
1934 Century Club
Bernice (Hightower) Ihlenfeld
Heritage Club
The late H. Leon Harter David and Bonnie Scharf
President’s Club
Heritage Club
Dean’s Club
Century Club
Century Club
Carthaginian Club
Carthaginian Club
Leroy and Edith (‘45) Botkin Margaret (Beckstrand) and Robert (‘41) Roth Carlos and Constance (‘44) Van Auron Ruth (Meeker) Shaw Max and Martha Stewart
Lovina (Baughman) and Charles (‘49) Hermanek Erland Nelson Waldo and Ruth Berger Carol Jean (Piper) Wolff Marilyn (Shaw) and E. Nelson James
President’s Club
A.W. and Helen Clausen
President’s Club
Joan (Main) and Paul (‘42) Swope
Dean’s Club
Carthaginian Club
Dean’s Club
Heritage Club
1936 Century Club
Alice (Sothmann) Bollinger
1938 Dean’s Club
Edna (Fisher) Gross Hazel (Dale) Lovett Century Club
Trustees’ Club
Miriam (Spielman) Cotanch President’s Club
Carthaginian Club
President’s Club
1942 President’s Club
Isabel (Campbell) Rossey
Paul and Joan (‘44) Swope Anne (Paton) Wade
Carthaginian Club
Century Club
Elizabeth (Jaster) Finney
1939 President’s Club
Mary (Kimbrough) Webb Carthaginian Club
William and Jerry Berger
1940 Lincoln Club
The late Owen Fess President’s Club
Fred Spangler
Constance (Andrews) and Carlos (‘43) Van Auron
Robert and Margaret (‘43) Roth Charles and Marilyn (‘43) Hopson Arlene (Riechers) Ricci
Irene Hall Harriet (Heins) Wood Carthaginian Club
Naomi (Roth) and James Bryant M. Elizabeth (Huey) Damron Frances (Bremer) Griebel Rudolph and Winifred Hazucha Christian Meyer
1943 Lentz Club
Ross Trower
Charles and Lovina (‘47) Hermanek Dorothy Urquhart Century Club
Robert and Ruth (‘50) Law Estelle (Gruhn) Miller Carthaginian Club
Frederick and Jewel (‘46) Marks
The late Fred Boettner Alice (Flickinger) Stahl
Virginia (Mueller) Huston Marguerite Kaufman
Heritage Club
Lentz Club
Lentz Club
Raymond Ingwalson
Dean’s Club
Ann (Winter) and Robert (‘48) Lesher
Mary Bowman Calvin and Nona (‘48) Claus Edward and Avon (Wellendorf) Crismore B. James (Gilpin) Koch Rosabel Rasmussen Phyllis (Schreckenberg) Smith
Marilyn (Martin) and Charles (‘41) Hopson
Irma (Niekamp) Anderson Paul Baughman
Century Club
Dean’s Club
Edith (Tieckelmann) and Leroy (‘43) Botkin William and Isabelle (Nelson, ‘45) Wittig
1946 Lentz Club
Jewel (Beres) and Frederick (‘48) Marks Heritage Club
The late Wilfred Pagel Century Club
Milton and Marie Meyer Carthaginian Club
Charlotte (Swaney) Briber Charles and Ruth Hanson
1947 Dean’s Club
Robert and Ann (‘49) Lesher, Sr. Wallace Rossmiller Century Club
James Elston Amy (Heltzel) and John Purtzer Stratewula (Kehias) and Robert Wulfkuhle Carthaginian Club
Nona (Holappa) and Calvin (‘49) Claus Mervin Loper Lois (Johnson) Mayer Rogene (Hartje) Poppen Corolyn (Bennehoff) and Maurice Ter Hark Milton and Evelyn Whitney
1949 Trustees’ Club
Jack and Mae (‘52) Harris President’s Club
Marjorie (Pizarro) Humburg Warren and Carol (Prange) Reckmeyer Robert and Ellen (‘50) Vanosdol
Century Club
Lavern Blair Joy (Bewersdorf) Christensen James and Doris Craig Roland Krinker Donald Krueger Ruth (Bauer) and Robert (‘49) Law G. Victor and Evelyn Main Albert Nyland III Richard Odehnal Shirley Pope Dolores (Ronk) Prellberg John and Viola Rasmussen Dorothy (Reidner) Zarcoff John Zehfus Carthaginian Club
Robert and Rubye Beitzel Clifford and Ireta Crone William and Nancy Goessel The late Marilyn J. Krueger Phyllis (Boddiger) and Hubert Linn Ruth (Johnson) Mandelbaum Robert and Dawn (Cooksey) Smick Ellen (Hankel) and Robert (‘49) Vanosdol H. James and Eleanor (‘51) Wrath
The late Neubert Bohl Charlotte (Schaeffer) Frederick Joan Frey Elizabeth (Van Duzer) and Walter Gutierrez Carmen (Grewe) and James Haskell Lucille (Freitag) and George (‘51) Hrivnak Oscar Klamer Kenneth and Roberta Kutlik Don and Patsy Rapp Burton Schroeder Helen (Urbanek) and John Taylor Warren and Elizabeth Wandrey Walter and Beth White
Dean’s Club
President’s Club
John and Mona Bickers Russell and Phyllis Fergus Robert and Geraldine (‘51) Green Hugh Hart Robert Hartman Robert Holtzman Don and Joan Huber Robert and Mary Lou (‘47) Jeanmaire Donald and Carlee (‘51) Petelle Heritage Club
R. Bob Nygren John and Margaret Turlo Carl and Nora (Arbaugh) Zitzewitz, Jr.
President’s Club
Richard and Dorothy Anderson Lois (Buss) Ennes Eleanor (Johnson) and H. James (‘50) Wrath Dean’s Club
Earl Fenn, Jr. Geraldine and Robert (‘50) Green Sigurd and Dianne (‘53) Nelson Carlee (Pochert) and Donald (‘50) Petelle Heritage Club
Richard Preis
Mary Lou (Kreppert) and Robert (‘50) Jeanmaire
Century Club
Rudolph and Jo Ann (‘52) Bittner David and Beverly Ellis Evelyn (Evans) and Ray (‘52) Humphrey Patricia (Booterbaugh) Jorgensen Carl Kammeyer Shirley (Sonneman) Kozak Charles and Della (‘52) Moen Richard and Theresa Pettibone Donald and Wanda Riechers Wilma Schneider Keith Wickert Carthaginian Club
Rudolph and B. Elaine (‘52) Asmus John and Shirley Boudry Paul and Dorcas Doering George and Lucille (‘50) Hrivnak Hardin and Helen James Earl and Phyllis (Kubly) Meissner Leona (Hartje) and Carl Nelson Tessie (Twietmeyer) and Calvin Pringle Philip and Rebecca Schroer
1952 Trustees’ Club
Mae (Voth) and Jack (‘49) Harris Dean’s Club
Gloria (Sorensen) and Ralph Layman Constance (Twietmeyer) and Dudley Swanson Century Club
Jo Ann (Gilbert) and Rudolph (‘51) Bittner Roger and Melicent Hansen Ray and Evelyn (‘51) Humphrey Jack and Annette (Walser) Kilver Della (Utesch) and Charles (‘51) Moen Lenwood and Donna (Hiteman) Monte Robert and Arlyn Mueller Willard and Kathryn Nelson Camilla (Brems) Ross Richard Seibert Carthaginian Club
B. Elaine and Rudolph (‘51) Asmus Donald and Annelise (‘54) Hinnenthal John Keller Theodore and Gatsie Larson Ralph and Nancy (‘53) Lyerla Barbara (Hamm) and James (‘55) Rife Harold and Le Vaun Risdon Elizabeth (Jones) Walker
1953 President’s Club
Sidney and Grace Hamper Dean’s Club
Dianne (Hatfield) and Sigurd (‘51) Nelson Heritage Club
1954 Lentz Club
Odelle (Monte) Leonard President’s Club
Delores (Carson) and Myron (‘57) Pihl Don Moldenhauer and Mary Kay Wagner-Moldenhauer Heritage Club
Norma (Barnes) and William Beach Marlys (Dokmo) and Kenneth (‘53) Hurst, Jr. Century Club
Richard and Lois Bailey Robert and Kay (‘53) Chiples Sheryl (Shupe) and Russell Cramm Paul and Norma Doering Lewis and Margaret Payne Wayne and Alzada (‘55) Wachholz Carthaginian Club
Rollyn and Charleta Affeldt Ledith (Garber) and Max Ambs Beverly (Roe) and Matthew Bridich Thomas and Cornelia (‘58) Foley Robert and Nancye (‘56) Gerding Annelise (Jensen) and Donald (‘52) Hinnenthal Shirley (Taylor) Shular Helen (Haberman) and Harold Simpkins
1955 Dean’s Club
Jean (Twietmeyer) and Thomas Dirksen Janice (Knutson) and Thomas Evensen Joan (Groenert) Peterson Robert and Janis Versen Heritage Club
Paul and Judith Johnson Century Club
Dale Benson David and Jean (‘57) Hockman Reva and Raymond (‘53) Hoewing Ronald and Lou Ann Leonard Catherine (Hockman) Rambo Joyce (Seifert) and Carl (‘56) Satre Marjorie (Erickson) Thiel Alzada (Spath) and Wayne (‘54) Wachholz Carthaginian Club
Ronald and Audrey (‘58) Glossop Bert Korte James and Barbara (‘52) Rife Delores Schuh-Schjerven and William Schjerven Doris (Tarnow) Shaw M. Constance (Bingaman) Tucker
1956 Lentz Club
Dale Hallberg
Kenneth and Marlys (‘54) Hurst, Jr. Phillip Olson
President’s Club
Century Club
Dean’s Club
Kay (Johnson) and Robert (‘54) Chiples Raymond and Reva (‘55) Hoewing Irwin and Josie (Backer) Lanquist Lloyd and Lynn Meyer Alice (Thravalos) Mianecki Inge (Teel) and Sven Ruetman David and Mary Schroer Herbert and Janet Veit Carthaginian Club
Paul Baer Rosemarie (Winkler) and Edward Effertz Patricia (Etscheid) and John Jacob Lois (Berg) Johnson Lois (Holford) and Arthur Lepper Nancy and Ralph (‘52) Lyerla Helen (Meseck) Magnuson Chauncey and Doris Mickelson Patricia (Meyer) Schutt
Report ON giving 2011
Jack and Marian Nitz Don and Judy Henderson Heritage Club
Dorothy Goos Gloria and Richard Hayes Rayburn James and Corrine (‘57) Zoellick Century Club
Lawrence and Susan Crone Warren and Rebecca Diskerud Anne (Beckstrand) Dudycha Delmer and Jo Ann (‘57) Eggert Kenneth and Martha (‘58) Gorsky Carl and Joyce (‘55) Satre Janet (Schultz) and James (‘58) Schroeder Hans and Peggy Thomsen
J-term travel combines study with a new perspective of the world, and often includes service. In the top photos, students visited New Orleans; in the bottom set music department chair Peter Dennee led a group of students to the African country of Namibia, where Carthage has helped a center for children. 11
Julio Rivera, Provost of the College, right, presided over New Student Convocation for the first time. Mr. Rivera, President Campbell, Kenosha Mayor Keith Bosman and student government president Joshua Baker welcomed 805 incoming students. Carthaginian Club
Gerald and Miriam Eisele Nancye (Lesher) and Robert (‘54) Gerding Kenneth and Margaret Gohr Grace Mc Ewen Carol (Nelson) and Thomas (‘59) McGuine Leonard Rempert Ronald and Geraldine Schoo Prosper and Charlotte (‘57) Tournear
1957 President’s Club
Jens Miller Myron and Delores (‘54) Pihl Ronald and Barbara (‘58) Stamer Robert and Beverly Walters Dean’s Club
Donald Sondrol Eugene and Lois (‘59) Wensel Heritage Club
Ronald Armagost The late Paul Ellis and Bernice (’58) Ellis Harold and Martha Hockman Edward and Judith (‘58) Simko Donald and Janet Zitzewitz Corrine (Lambrecht) and James (‘56) Zoellick Century Club
Barbara (Bunnell) and Elbert Bowen Duane and Carol (‘58) Dixon Jo Ann (Lamb) and Delmer (‘56) Eggert Harold and Juanita Fisher Leland Gleasman Phillip and Ryoko Hausknecht Jean (Meyer) and David (‘55) Hockman Thomas and Suzanne (Lignell) James, Sr. Margaret (Sanger) and C. William Keighin Ronald and Joyce Lavin Roy and Priscilla Moore, Jr. John and Cathy Sell Donald and Donna (‘59) Thannen
Carthaginian Club
Katherine (Dietz) Barbaro Thomas Bowersox and Jeanette Erkert-Bowersox Eugene and Barbara Carlson Andrew and Donna Carlsson Barbara (Erkert) and John Cooperrider Maurine (Anderson) Donnelly John and M. Suzanne Eakins Ronald and Maryann Graham John and Erma Hickey Alice (Leach) Paluch Frank and Irene Rutter, Jr. James and Patricia Swinburne Charlotte (Schwebel) and Prosper (‘56) Tournear Delores (Baer) and Gerald Vojtko
Carthaginian Club
Carol (Fagerlin) Bucholz Cornelia and Thomas (‘54) Foley Genevieve (Axelsen) and Kenneth Gamble Audrey (Lutz) and Ronald (‘55) Glossop Daniel and Nancy Hamlin Carla (Koch) Jaeger Donald and Rosemary Paluch Marlene (Bentheimer) and Irving Radtke Herbert and Joanne (‘59) Reed Barbara (Barnes) Woerner
1959 President’s Club
Betty (Obert) and Leon (‘58) Armagost Cornelia (Ellis) Green
President’s Club
Guy Meiss Leon and Betty (‘59) Armagost Barbara (Boyd) and Ronald (‘57) Stamer
Dean’s Club
R. W. and LeNay (McGue) Anderson Joleen (Buss) Gleasman Lois and Eugene (‘57) Wensel
Dean’s Club
Larry Krull and Mary Park Krull Heritage Club
Bernice (Ihlenfeld) Ellis and the late Paul (’57) Ellis Judith (Gorsky) and Edward (‘57) Simko Wayne and Sharon Torgeson Century Club
Carol and Duane (‘57) Dixon Leah (James) and Roy (‘59) Everson, Jr. Joyce Fahrenholtz Ellsworth and Kay (‘59) Freyer Martha (Hinrichs) and Kenneth (‘56) Gorsky William and Jean Kienzle Frederick and Jolene (Andersen) Lesher Donald and Audree (‘59) Nielsen George Pedersen James and Janet (‘56) Schroeder Suzanne (Scheibe) and Franklin Stoneburner Charles and Karen Vavrin Barbara Wegner
Heritage Club
Clayton and Shirley (Eller) Diskerud Richard and Judith (‘61) Dokmo Nancy Lersch Centurty Club
Carol (Anderson) Bloemke Gil and Lillian Boese Roy and Leah (‘58) Everson, Jr. Kay (Cleveland) and Ellsworth (‘58) Freyer Paula (Beebe) and George Hayward Audree (Asmus) and Donald (‘58) Nielsen Richard and Barbara (Aidich) Stamer Donna (Helker) and Donald (‘57) Thannen Robert and Virginia (‘61) Trendel, Jr. Jacob and Kathleen Uebel Carthaginian Club
Coral (Albiani) Ackerman Nancy (Koehler) and Warren (‘60) Behling Wilma (Blenz) Boese
Lawson and Janet Faler Jacqueline (Diekmann) and Douglas Groff Alan and B. Elizabeth Hewey Thomas and Carol (‘56) McGuine Joanne (Whitaker) and Herbert (‘58) Reed Paul Schoenhaar Verginia (Cortright) Wheeler
1960 Century Club
John and Nancy (Dorner) George, Sr. Nan James Noack Arthur and Jean Jennings Marjorie (Goulden) and Gary (‘61) Larson Donald and Helen Lemke Harold Lindberg Maureen (Seyller) and Richard Mikyska Warren and Barbara Schulstad Wayne and Barbara (‘62) Stegman Jon and Mary (‘77) Swift Jack Thiel Richard and Deborah Vancil Carol (Haasch) and Edwin Witzke Carthaginian Club
Heritage Club
Charles Carlin Judith and Richard (‘59) Dokmo Jon and Marilyn Peterson Margot (Greenlimb) and Richard (‘63) Woolard Century Club
David and Susan Hoffman Beverly (Hand) Keller Gary and Marjorie (‘60) Larson Emil and Karen Novak Donald Pardonner and Judith Reninger Paul and Judith Schacht Virginia and Robert (‘59) Trendel Ralph and Emilie Welsh Carthaginian Club
Joan Ehrenberg Patricia (Colby) and Robert Nakamura Sharon Pfeiffer DiAnne (Denison) and Larry Sager Stanley and Florence Truckenbrod Arthur and Beth Zerbel
1962 Lentz Club
Warren and Nancy (‘59) Behling Virginia (Detrick) Crase Richard Gustafson Frederick and Ruth (Kilgus) Overdier Carol Reinholtz Michael and Marilyn Taylor
Ann (Mullins) Tindall
Dean’s Club
Lentz Club
Judith (Ewig) and John Fritsch Dean’s Club
Ronald and Jane (Bonander) Geison Marie (Rothfuss) and Roy Kruse Caryl (Koepke) and Edward May R. Dale McCleary Donald and Ann Piehl Carol (Piediscalzi) and Terrence Rohr John and Dorothy (Beck) Voyta
President’s Club
Fred and Susan (‘64) Bess Kenneth and Maureen Drum Walter and Joann (‘63) Kilgus The Estate of Joy C. Valentine David and Vicky Werner Heritage Club
Paul and Barbara Parker Kristin (Romeis) Ramsdell Robert and Caryl Swanson Bruce and Julie Viernow Century Club
Tiina and Neal (‘63) Buckaloo Shyla (Gitter) Carbone E. James Douglas, Jr. Roger and Carolyn (‘65) Eigenfeld Laura Lee (Paton (Maaske)) Frey Warren and Carol Gammeter James and Carol (‘64) Nelson
Howard and Patricia (Long) Reblitz James Schneider Barbara and Wayne (‘60) Stegman William Strand Barbara (Jones) and Glenn Stuart Carthaginian Club
Judith (DeLapp) and Kenneth Andrews James and Mary Greunke Anthony and Suzanne Gudvangen Janice Henningsen Shirley (Schroeder) Jones Kenneth and Carol (‘64) Kiser Dorothy (Whitaker) and Larry (‘63) Maaske David and Sandra (‘64) Novak Thomas and Linda Nyman William and Ruth Sapp
1963 Lincoln Club
Thomas and Martha Lentz Lentz Club
James and LaRue (‘64) Unglaube June (Boatman) and Ashton Waller President’s Club
Joann (Boatman) and Walter (‘62) Kilgus Dean’s Club
Janet Salstrom Bruce Sandelin Heritage Club
Roger and Marjorie (Gable) Asplund Yvonne (Pfabe) and William Juhl Robert Muschewske and Leaetta Hough Richard and Margot (‘61) Woolard Century Club
Neal and Tiina (‘62) Buckaloo Judith (Hager) and Roger Carlsen Richard and Sigrid Gronning Kent Hodges David and Kay (‘64) Ivarson John Kness Donald and Judy Kay Koepke James and Carol Sloan
Carthaginian Club
Catharine Dahlquist Diane (Lorenz) and James Hall Jerry and Sharon Ideus Carole (Vermillion) and Paul Laffey Jane (Dokmo) and James Landsverk Larry and Dorothy (‘62) Maaske Suzanne (Lindblad) and Lyle Nelson Jodeanne Pfeiffer Alice (West) and Joseph Wendling
1964 Lentz Club
LaRue (Rhine) and James (‘63) Unglaube President’s Club
Susan (Fogel) and Fred (‘62) Bess Dean’s Club
Richard Chinlund Century Club
Philip and LaVerne (‘65) Engelhardt Kay (Zarn) and David (‘63) Ivarson Mary Jane (Peterson) and Donald Lewis Carol (Spencer) and James (‘62) Nelson N. Henry and Ramsey Pevsner Rodney and Barbara Randall Albert and Phyllis Rother Paula (James) and Peter (‘65) Schmitz Jerilyn Wetterling Powers Carolynn (Smith) Whaples Elaine (Nelson) and Gerald Worth Carthaginian Club
Ronald Clemens Roger and Carol Hug Larry and Kathleen Kempf Carol (Goetz) and Kenneth (‘62) Kiser Sandra (Horback) and David (‘62) Novak Faith (Overdier) and Rodney Pfeiffer Janice (Nagy) Selby Robert and Rita Sullivan
1965 Lentz Club
Loren and Vickie (‘67) Semler Trustees’ Club
Albert Van Maren and Marianne Kidd President’s Club
Carl and Karen Engelhardt Jay and Susan (‘67) Maher David and Barbara (Gatz) Powers John and Celia Sladek, Jr. Dean’s Club
Elizabeth (Dean) and Hugh (‘66) Foster Donald and Virginia Eken Malcolm and Annette Mitchell Century Club
Carolyn and Roger (‘62) Eigenfeld LaVerne and Philip (‘64) Engelhardt R. Alan Kimbrough Audrey (Vanderwalker) and David Mayer Michael and Diane (‘66) Mikkelson Thomas and Judy Richter Peter and Paula (‘64) Schmitz Mary Jo (Barda) Scott Patricia (Thompson) and George Strombom Edward and Marjorie Truschke Richard and Jane Weiderman Lyle Wood Carthaginian Club
Penelope (Fagerstrom) and Donald Anderson Mary Castrodale Thomas Hardt James Nelson Allan and Sherry Jo Thom Douglas Wohn
Report ON giving 2011
1966 President’s Club
Burton and Gilda Bratt John Gorton The late Lauri Makela Dean’s Club
Hugh and Elizabeth (‘65) Foster Heritage Club
Richard and Barbara Knecht Century Club
Ronald Bielke Dorathy (Kamphausen) Bobzin Richard and Mary Sue Carnes Rosemarie (Poletto) Clancy Dean and Donna Davidson Robert Haasch Barbara Jereb Mary Ellen (Bunda) and Kenneth Johnson Clare (Hall) Korp Diane (Brown) and Michael (‘65) Mikkelson Roger and Phyllis (‘67) Minner, Jr. Sharon (Klug) and Thomas Nyman Tom Owen William and Jane Whyte Donald and Terri Wruck Carthaginian Club
Barbara (Aden) Allen Randall and Barbara Borgwardt Kathleen (Eckman) Bush Nancy Carrington-Schmidt and Paul Schmidt Mary (Gross) and James Clark John and Wendy Dorn Roxanne (Whitson) and John Frey Dennis and Brigitte Hagerman Tessie (Heubach) and Stephen Heath Shirley (Gitter) and Edgar Hoogacker Robert and Rebecca Kinnear James and Linda Lemke Sandra (Wessel) and Dennis Maves Cynthia (Koetz) and Kenneth Miller Gary and Marcia Richter Brian and Bonnie Smith Carlotta (Wells) and Duane Smith Stephen and Rene Wadewitz Stewart and Virginia (‘67) Waller Gayle (Oderkirk) and Gerald Wuori Alan and Rebecca Zoellner
1967 Lentz Club
Philip and Karin (Allen) Pratt II Vickie (Myers) and Loren (‘65) Semler President’s Club
Susan (Hidding) and Jay (‘65) Maher Harry and Lois (‘69) Niese Dean’s Club
Creston and Susannah Hart Susan Salstrom Heritage Club
G. Martin and Sandra Bezik, Jr. Thomas and Kristine (‘68) Thommesen Century Club
Charles and Judith (Boyer) Ashley Thomas Bentz Karen (Petermann) Dunton Thomas Fugette John and Carolyn (‘69) Gavurnik Robert and Susan (‘68) Hawkinson, Jr. Warren and Donna Johnson, Jr. Thomas and Margaret (‘70) Keller William and Judith Leitze Myron and Patricia Marlett Phyllis (Furth) and Roger (‘66) Minner Benita (Schreiber) and Richard Myles Louis and Sara Smith, Jr. Robert and Beverly (Spencer) Unglaube Dennis and Janice Waisman David and Betty Walther Reinholt and Carol (‘68) Wasemiller
Carthaginian Club
James and Nancy Fuller Jeannie (Spence) and Stanly Godbold David and Marcia Judd Kathryn (Thommesen) and James Lange Neva (Roby) and Wayne Lura Shirley (Sandmeyer) Messing Rolland and Judi Papendick Ronald and Susan Popp Virginia (Church) and Stewart (‘66) Waller Terry and Connie Welke
Dieter Jedan Stephen and Lynn Kieffer Phillip and Barbara Lange Gary and Janice (‘70) Lawell Patricia (Clay) Miller Harvey Nelson John and Cheryl Peacock Jeffrey and Virginia Petersen Susan (Young) Ruud Stover Douglas and Marilyn Schoen Curtis and Pamela Siegel Nancy (Kothrade) and Harold Stalf Dorothy Wendt Elizabeth (Mehan) and Ralph Woldt
Carthaginian Club
President’s Club
Cary and Sharon (Byrge) Bjork Clifford Schmidt Dean’s Club
Francisco and Margaret Alvarez Heritage Club
Janice (Van Zile) Hamm Alice (Magnuson) Kobrow Robert Raleigh, Jr. Kristine (Rasmussen) and Thomas (‘67) Thommesen Gerald Ugland Century Club
Barbara Bacon-Dent Larry and Nancy Bergman Walter and Kathleen (Rowe) Bruns Phyllis (Olson) and Gerald Hand Susan (Dieter) and Robert (‘67) Hawkinson, Jr. Sandra (Charlson) and Richard Ligocki Thomas and Mary McDonell Jean Ann Von Rohr Carol (Cory) and Reinholt (‘67) Wasemiller Carthaginian Club
Gloria Chubrilo Linda (Zastrow) Cook Penny (Peterson) and Charles Durban Robert and Elizabeth Felber Donna (Willis) and Dennis Ferson Janette Franke Donald and Alice Hawes Douglas and Joyce (Tanck) Herolt Donald Hill Dennis and Connie (‘69) Leopold Sandra (Naegeli) and Martin (‘71) Moskopf John Oboikowitch and Margaret Calvert John David and Keri Kay Peters Donald and Sandra Sittler Paul and Rae Tyriver Daniel and Elizabeth Wunderlich Peter and Margaret Wynstra
1969 President’s Club
Lois (Spee) and Harry (‘67) Niese Eric and Carol Otterbein Robert and Diane (Ferch) Zapf Dean’s Club
Robert and Karen (‘70) Cook John and Judy (‘70) Cooley John Erickson Susan (Hayek) and Michael Shaw Timothy Yanacheck and Ann Heaslett Heritage Club
Caryl Dierksen Sharon (Gollish) Koelsch Lynn (Martin) and Ronald Kunz Joan (Fagerstrom) and Martin Peterkin Century Club
Douglas and Karen Appleby James and Jane (‘70) Barsch Jerry and Christy (‘72) Burmeister Fredric and Pamela Carlson Gail (Grosnick) and Ronald Cooper Dennis Day and Renee Raddatz-Day Carolyn (Nereim) and John (‘67) Gavurnik Hope Hoenig Judy (Johnson) and Jon Hollingshead Mary (Gebauer) and Robert Jacobs
Susan (Ballantyne) Betts Terry and Kathy Bishop Stephen and Karen (‘72) Cass Kathleen (Holmes) and John Goeppinger JoAnne (Pelsma) and Allen Jameson Thomas and Toni (‘72) Jooss Kenneth and Linda Kaim Jeanne (Lill) and James Knapp Robert and Doris Kurth Connie (Zumkeller) and Dennis (‘68) Leopold Alan and Barbara Miralgio Lila Muhlenbeck Jo Anne (Lewis) and Gary Olson Darwin and Nancy Peterson Michael Richardt James and Joyce Roessler Mark and Sharon Schrading Kenneth and Patricia (‘71) Sebby Ann (Shouba) and Bruce Strom Lane (Olson) and Joseph Updegrove Elaine (Batka) and James Viviano
1970 President’s Club
John and Dianne Anderson Kenneth and Marianne (‘71) Boehne Douglas Farr Connie Parli Dean’s Club
Jacqua (Spring) and Brandon (‘72) Koltz Richard Johnson Judy (Nowatske) and John (‘69) Cooley Karen (Mantych) and Robert (‘69) Cook Heritage Club
William Lindstrom Jane Nystrom Century Club
Jane (Burgermeister) and James (‘69) Barsch Kenneth and Margaret Bartels Nancy Blachowski Jane (Young) and Carl (‘72) Breitlow Gregory and Deborah Casperson John and Carolyn Fredriksen Elsie (Anderson) and William Goulding Virginia (Grimes) and Joseph Howe Margaret (Hubert) and Thomas (‘67) Keller Sharon (Gregorius) and Stanley Koenig Janice (Peterson) and Gary (‘69) Lawell Mark Lukas Sharon (Keller) and Alex Matusevicius James and Pura McClure Bradley Nelson and Nancy Kauffman Nelson Alan and Eileen Oberdeck Earl and Sandra Schafer Mark and Shu Mei Wilgus Carthaginian Club
Vincent and Linda (‘91) Angel Jane and Wayne Beem Helen (Hack) and Michael Bodven Phillip and Marilyn Carl Gail (Gipp) and Robert Copelan W. Charles and Judith Dill Norma and Jeffrey Diver Dennis and Jeannine (‘72) Ellertson
Christine Frank Judith (Lehrmann) Griswold Marybeth Harris John and Pamela Karnatz Lyn (Snodgrass) and Gary (‘71) Kuehnel Christine Ryden Martin and Myrna (Barroga) Schultz Marnette (Roth) and Gary Severance Elaine (Anderson) and Stephen Sherry R. Thomas and Luann (‘72) Spraker Karen (Schleicher) and Kent Turkow Ruth (Bolling) and Josiah Wilson
1971 President’s Club
Marianne (Litawa) and Kenneth (‘70) Boehne Dean’s Club
Gregory and Jean (‘72) Bergner Heritage Club
Joanne (Ludwig) Greathouse Lindsay Nicholson Century Club
Victoria Blough J. Scott and Colleen (‘75) Campbell Frank Efird, Jr. Cynthia (Osgood) and Wesley Geib Hugh and Karen Greeley II Roger Gullickson Wayne and Karen Haberkorn Paul and Julie Hegele Gregory and Julie Johnson Christine Krueger Richard and Carol Massat Charles and Betty Nystrom James and Anne Oakley Diane Olson Steve Poulos Gregg and Estelle Rebenstorf Nels and Gretchen (Schlichter) Ritola Daniel and Barbara Schmidt James and Carla Wilks Carthaginian Club
Mary Beth (Beau) and Richard Ament Scott Amick Darcia (Althoff) Behrens Paula (Frestel) and Charles Bullis Dalibor and Jacquelyn (Tetting) Drummer Janet (Deuth) Dugdale Jane (Rasmussen) and Laurence Eshleman Leda (Kieren) and John Fields Gail Freund Vickie (Julin) and Michael Grochowski Vivian (Lord) and Wayne Joubert Gary and Lyn (‘70) Kuehnel Charlotte (Birchell) and Joseph Laba Pamela (Wians) Lanteri Paul and Diane Lewis Ruth (Lundahl) and Frederick Lubs Jennifer (Demko) Lusk Martin and Sandra (‘68) Moskopf Patricia Pixler Paula (Fanke) Pollock Ruth Rowe Barbara Schweig Patricia (Hansen) and Kenneth (‘69) Sebby Linda (Bryzek) and Alan Varney Merry (Harper) Wellman Lyla (Nelson) and Ralph White Marcia Yahn and Paul Uebelher Cynthia (Bastian) Zaugra
1972 Lincoln Club
W. Craig and Janice (‘74) Deaton Lentz Club
Kathleen (Roberts) and Daniel (‘73) Hetland President’s Club
David and Sheila Endres Robert and Diana Placko Dean’s Club
Jean and Gregory (‘71) Bergner Frederick and Betty Jean Body Brandon and Jacqua (‘70) Koltz Jack and Jane (‘80) Spencer
Heritage Club
Sandra (Johnson) Adams Karen (Larson) Evans Cary and Melissa Haller Diane (Benno) and Reginald Hughes Craig and Jane Songer Century Club
Jeffrey and Carol Bainbridge Eunice (Kanwischer) Becker Carl and Jane (‘70) Breitlow Christy and Jerry (‘69) Burmeister Frank Columbus Jule Ann and Donald Johnson Craig and Linda (‘74) Kastilahn Richard Lange Cynthia (MacKinnon) and Ronald (‘80) Larson Jodee (Tetting) Liedtke Toni (Katsenes) and Jack Lorenz Steven and Susan McIntosh Gary and Joanne Petersen Ronald and Cathy Rayner Karen (Haines) Sautebin Carolyn (Harris) and Timothy Sundquist Lesley (Deibler) and Walter Totten Marion Widmar Carthaginian Club
Richard Anderson Christine (Muller) and Wiley Askew Karen (Bjork) and Stephen (‘69) Cass Cynthia Dingwall Jacqueline (Whitehead) Dorsey Glenda (Seng) and Arthur Dupons Jeannine and Dennis (‘70) Ellertson Rachel (Hayes) and David Fisher Greta (Dukleth) and Paul Frost Audrey and Robert Hartman Melanie Henricksen Elaine Jacklin Richard and Barbara Johnson Toni (Teske) and Thomas (‘69) Jooss Ellen (Kasper) and Timothy (‘74) Kartisek John and Darlene Maaske John and Elaine Malzahn Terri Morrissey Sharon (Harrington) Mulcahy John Nelson Leeann (Loehrke) and DuWayne Ostrem Joseph Rose Kenneth Sajeske Marjorie (Linn) and James Smith Charles and Catherine Spillner Luann (Livingston) and R. Thomas (‘70) Spraker Bruce and Lorene Steinway
1973 Lincoln Club
Thomas Kieso Lentz Club
Daniel and Kathleen (‘72) Hetland Dean’s Club
Sharon (Green) Asmus John Duncanson Paul and Christine Price Heritage Club
Eric and Mary (Cato) Koster Century Club
Nancy Bartels-Holiman James and Marlene Blake Kenneth and Janice Brandt Gerald and Lois Caslavka Marcia (Carlson) and James Craig Georgia (Henningsen) Heffel Diane (Hamm) and William Katt Charles and Susan Leonard Jeffrey and Donna (Goelz) Matheus Sue (Sinks) and James Nijoka Harry and Barbara (Anger) Penington Joseph and Marilyn (Fry) Stepnik Jill (Pryse) and Woodrow Svoboda Thomas and Carole Wilson
Carthaginian Club
Shirley (Stanek) Allesee Joanne (Meyers) and Brian Bastian John and Deborah (‘74) Blair Janice (Bennett) and Theodore Brunnelson Pamela (Pagles) and Kelly Camp Richard Carey Claudia (Hughes) and Willem Dijstelbergen Douglas and Susan (‘74) Ehrick Kathleen (Kauffman) Gienko Janis Hessefort Lynda (Helm) and Robert (‘81) Laudonio William and Myrle Madole Carol (Neu) and Roger Merten Thomas and Pam Mohr Donna (Bellack) and Michael Morse Janne (Ehmen) and Billy Oliver Carol (Lansing) and Roger Pfister Sharyn (Sisk) and David Sheen Dru (Oechler) and Michael Spitzer Richard and Sherry Stokes Janet Thieme Nancy (Heinkel) and Thomas Thomsen Doris (Beckman) Vakos Janice Wichmann and Steven Hunsader Karen Wolfe
1974 Lincoln Club
Virginia (Altera) and Robert Cornog Janice and W. Craig (‘72) Deaton President’s Club
Dennis Monroe and Patricia Weller President’s Club
Philip and Diane (‘76) Slocum Karen (Fink) Van Lone and Richard Britton Heritage Club
Henry and Deborah Belusa Barry and Mary (‘75) Horek Thomas and Robbi Hurckes Derek and Susan McDermott Susan (Anderson) and Douglas Raether Century Club
John Clausen Kristen (Severson) and Daniel (‘75) Fox Vicki and Douglas (‘76) Grant Susan (Ash) and Mark (‘76) Gustafson Bruce and Martha Haynes Linda (Cooper) and Craig (‘72) Kastilahn Vicki (Morton) Petreman Lynn Eve Sturm James and Robin Thompson John and Margaret Vitkus Carolyn (Kessler) and Todd Wessell Ronald and Jean Willing Carthaginian Club
Ground was broken April 24, 2010, for the new Student Union, and construction has moved steadily forward since then, as the former Seidemann Natatorium was transformed into the new campus “living room”. 14
Deborah and John (‘73) Blair W. Rickford and Robin Broniec Stephanie (Schultz) and Richard Buehler Albert and Jean Clasen, Jr. Terrence and Colleen Conway Susan (Moldenhauer) and Douglas (‘73) Ehrick Carolyn and Russell Fenske Melvin and Lynn Fukuda Patricia and Steven Holly Timothy and Ellen (‘72) Kartisek Craig and Christine LeRette Judy Luedtke John and Kathryn Lukanich, Jr. Todd Lund Chris and Diane Olson Gretchen (Roth) Rasch Kevin and Linda Rattle Pamela Resong Janet (Johnson) and William Rudhman Annie (Balis) Waters Sadie Watts Jeffrey and Bethalyn (‘75) Wedge Gary and Kathy (Barflmecjt) Wee Marie (Busch) and Mark Wingard Linda Yeaton Day and Jerome Day Pamela (Drucker) Young
1975 Trustees’ Club
The late Diane (Peyret) and the late Ronald Zalokar President’s Club
John and Mary Kaye Jeanmaire Jeffrey and Marja Koenitzer James and Susan Pfotenhauer Dean’s Club
Jane (Slezak) and Lester Sturgeon Heritage Club
Barbara (Williams) and Jeffrey Anderson Jeffrey and Barbara Anderson Deborah (Poll) and Scott Gordon Mary (Stormer) and Barry (‘74) Horek Nancy Jenkins Thomas Jensen Century Club
Colleen (Kittelson) and J. Scott (‘71) Campbell J. Timothy and Marilyn Diemer David Echelbarger and Christine Thomas-Echelbarger Daniel and Kristen (‘74) Fox Carol Nailor Scott and Jean (McPherson) Needham Kathleen Panning and Gary Brandenburg Susan Smicklas-Wadsworth and James Wadsworth Darrell and Karen Willson Carthaginian Club
Kristyne Allison Ross and Heidi Anderson Jack and Jane Armstrong Peter and Catherine Beckstrand Katherine Carlson Leslie (Yau) and Tsu-Wu Chou Fay (Timm) Christensen Mary (Miron) and Donald Cota Chadwick Dresser Sylvia Hackbarth Lee Hartwig Gary and Carol Heck Margaret (Perch) and Robert Jaegly Susan (Prew) and Mark Janssen Lisa (Rowe) and Mark Johnson Ellen (Grasser) Kupfer Carl and Erika Lorence John Mikkonen Patricia Moran Steven and Janan Mulvey Noel and Ellen Niemann Michael and Kimmie Jo Scholzel Robert and Kathy Stried Dale and Diane Vanderpool Robert and Adrienne Waters Bethalyn and Jeffrey (‘74) Wedge
1976 Lentz Club
Gina Madrigrano Friebus and William Friebus President’s Club
Thomas and Nancy (Shaw) Massnick Diane (Jole) and Philip (‘74) Slocum John and Holly Welch Dean’s Club
David and Nancy Rosenbalm Heritage Club
John and Marian Bleeke Debra (Telschow) Kohl Steven and Heide Olson Fred and Cynthia (Ebe) Vogt, Jr. Century Club
Marcia Anderson Steven and Barb Bayerlein Rebecca (Campbell) and Robert Earnest Dean Ennes Douglas and Vicki (‘74) Grant Ruth (Pinekenstein) and Paul Guenther Mark and Susan (‘74) Gustafson Deborah (Schultz) and Thomas (‘77) Heller Amy Larsen
David and Patrice Rehm Jennifer (Nolden) and Darrell Reynolds Susan (Gillis) and James Ringer Kenneth Schneider Gary Stanulis Kim and Kim Louise Strand Walter Wade III Carthaginian Club Karen (Roecker) Bacha Deborah (Brach) Brooks Melanie (Heimsoth) and Frank Davenport Pamela (Parobek) and William Eltrich Fern (Rasmussen) and Robert Fiesthumel Trudy (Kastens) and Daniel Hoyer Debra Janacek-Nelson and Mark Nelson (‘78) Debra (Brandt) and Peter Johnson LeeAnn Lambrecht Harry and Mary Jo Lindgren Marianne (Adamczyk) and Robert Maleske Paul and Patricia Mierow Margaret Miller Juliane (Huley) and John Mueller David and Gina Narey Linda (Persinger) and Ronald Osikowicz Scott Pierce Michael and Deborah Rudan Norma (Hobbs) and John Shilkus Michael Vijuk Steven and Patricia Volkman Natalia (Petrovic) and James Wheeler Barbara (Gray) and Steven Whitney
1977 President’s Club
Hoyt Harper II and Beth Eggenberger Robert and Christina Klatt II Peter and Nancy Martin Kurt Piepenburg and Kate Jerome Dean’s Club
Erik Humlie
Heritage Club
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Behrmann Daniel Michalak Patricia Milner Dunn and James Dunn Robert and Jill (‘78) Suhr Century Club
Karen Affeldt Steven and Jacque (Biery) Anderson Kevin and Nancy Brunner David and Diane (‘78) Clawson Dana and Van-Ha Cowell John Fricke Earlene (Jornt) and Mark Girman William and Harriet Goetluck Thomas and Deborah (‘76) Heller Timothy Holm David and Karen Johnson Joanne (Rohling) and Christopher Kudrna Steven and Janice (Linduska) Langford Jolene (Anderson) and Michael Morris Christine Ryberg Scotton and James Scotton Mary and Jon (‘60) Swift Robin Williams-Voigt and Lee Voigt Carthaginian Club
Janet (Berndtson) and John Bergeson Kathlyn (Sawtell) and Terry Bliven Rebecca (Smith) and James Cairo Sally Conklin Susan (Ganz) and Leonard Donohoe Miriam (Johnson) and Donald Englund Denise (Dotson) and Paul Gifford Kerry and Rhonda Lee Hays Judith (Timmerman) and Joseph Heck Barbara (Bero) and Jack Hottle Sandra (Matsen) and Ronald Poisel Cheryl (Larson) and Robert Williams
Report ON giving 2011
1978 Lentz Club
Nancy Lyon and Gary Hansel President’s Club
E. Byron Anderson and Rachel Tomasek Steven and Debra (‘80) Hartfield Wendy (Stone) and Vladimir Stadnyk Dean’s Club
Steven Anderson Linda and Scott Kania Even Raymond Smith, Jr. Heritage Club
Richard Dunning II and L. DeAne Lagerquist Patricia Hamilton and William Freund Nancy (Vandenberg) McLaughlin BettyAnn Mocek Jill (Miller) and Robert (‘77) Suhr Century Club
Dale Bruzas Diane and David (‘77) Clawson Mark and Pamela Forsberg Guy and Gail Hagen Thomas and Lynn (‘79) Hartog Robin Jones Jeannie Linss Deborah Luedke Charles and Joanne (‘86) Martini Anne (Crane) and Bruce Morgan Patrick and Dawn Tierney Robert and Dee Vogt James and Janet (‘79) Wolfenberg Carthaginian Club
Glenn and Mary Lou Anderson Sharon (Dahlen) and William Baer Jane Gronholm Jeffrey and Judith (‘79) Haseman Susan (Johnston) and Charles Kraft Janet Ledger Elaine (Andresen) Lundgren David and Diane Nelson Mark Nelson and Debra JanacekNelson (‘76) Sandra (Marten) Novak Ann (Kuffel) and Larry Penke Carol (Salette) and Michael Pfister Yvonne (Richardi) and Stephen Schrank Susan (Anderson) and Earle Simpson Wayne and Gladys Thompson Dwight and Dorothy Vorpahl, Sr. Randy Welch
1979 President’s Club
LeAnn Pedersen-Pope Elaine Walton Dean’s Club
David and Natalia Leiting Heritage Club
Dale and Roberta Jacobs Century Club
Gilbert Anderson Michele (Heck) and Richard Caskey Amy (Standridge) and Richard Cermak Debra (Galstad) and Eliot Chertack Stephen and Judith (‘81) Farwig Michael and Jeanne Flynn Susan (Kelley) and Mark Godsil Lynn (McCormack) and Thomas (‘78) Hartog Murry Holmstrom Dennis Larson Larry and Mary Magnesen Anita Paunescu-Davis and Thomas Davis Jon Ryberg John and Maria Erling Spangler, Jr. Kalen (Kalfahs) and James Theusch Janet (Koenitzer) and James (‘78) Wolfenberg Carthaginian Club
Judith (Raupp) and Timothy Baxter Cynthia (Joiner) and Evert Berndt Thomas and Deborah (‘80) Bosworth
Jeneen (Banker) and John Carnes Richard Ginkowski Sue (Myhre) and Scott Hagerty Judith (Smucker) and Jeffrey (‘78) Haseman Denise (Gillespie) Herrington Robert and Susan Hetico, Jr. Mark Hinterberg Lorraine Hollingsworth Thomas and Julie (‘80) Kook David Kukla Martin and Judith Laub Jim Martinson and Maria Gutierrez Catherine (Nunnelley) and Gregory Popham Jean (Gavac) and Roger Rosen Judith (Ploetz) and Russell Schulberg Vanessa Triplett-Williams and Derrick Williams Scott Weber
1980 Lentz Club
H. Jeffrey and Susan Hamar President’s Club
Debra (Erickson) and Steven (‘78) Hartfield Dean’s Club
Jane (Anderson) and Jack (‘72) Spencer Heritage Club
Edward Gericke Richard and Marjorie Versen Century Club
Gary and Nancy Anderson Phillip Jensen Ronald and Cynthia (‘72) Larson Linda Levin Robyn (Anderson) and Leon Muff Kathryn (Rogers) and Jeffrey Nelson Timothy and Eunice (Drummer) Peterson Scott and Antoinette Roe Julie Starks Barbara (Butcher) and Leon Tylenda James Yahr and Debra Buntrock Yahr Carthaginian Club
John and Linda Bergo Deborah (Evoy) and Thomas (‘79) Bosworth Kurt and Vicki (‘82) Chroust Dianna and Vernon Cox Julie (Brattebo) Egre Robert and Katherine Francour Eileen and Michael Gallo Julie Hamar Ann (Shaughnessy) and Robert Ibler David Ittel Alan and Kirsten Karraker Karen (Jamieson) and Keith (‘81) Kolstad Julie (Bakker) and Thomas (‘79) Kook Sandra (Carnahan) and John Slota Jeffrey and Lorilee (Herrmann) Villwock Lynann Von Bergen Jodi (Hammel) and Lawrence Wojnicz
1981 Lentz Club
Katherine Madrigrano Comi President’s Club
Betsy Hanisch and Thomas Sawyer Kurt Moeck Daniel and Jane Pechauer Dean’s Club
James Chakour Century Club
Keely (Reeves) and Kim Boley Julie (Weber) and Amos Coffman Judith (Friese) and Stephen (‘79) Farwig Cheryl Gemignani and Joseph Valoe Margaret (Wilk) and David Gregorski
Karen (Meyer) and Charles (‘82) Krey Gregory and Lori Miller Scott Paulan Jeffrey and Lisa Postlewaite David and Dawn Rieckmann Paul and Karen Speidel Pamela (Crone) and Kenneth Stofferahn Mary (Pangborn) and Michael Thomae Robert and Tanya (‘82) Tuszynski Carthaginian Club
Century Club
Calvin and Priscilla Andre Kerry and Carol (‘82) Antoniewicz Jonathan Arena Robert and Karen Aslan Francesca (Bisciglia) and Thomas Carswell Rosemary (Stoecklin-Wilson) and Mario Maglio Fay (Taylor) and Charles Miller David and Mary Swift Thomas Vignieri and Alison Amherst
Janet (Faber) Behling Peggy (Wilkerson) and William Bounds Constance (Steiner) Braun Dale and Deborah Brinker Elizabeth (Kiner) and Michael Bruha Elisabeth Carey-Plimpton Louise (Tomasek) and Randall Creasy Geoffrey and Paula (Serzynski) DeLucca Richard and Melissa Green Mark and Jody Herder Keith and Karen (‘80) Kolstad Mark and Kelly Kurth Robert and Lynda (‘73) Laudonio Robert and Kathryn (‘82) Multerer Julie (Grasham) Osterhout Christina (Carnes) Ptasinski Christine (Anderson) and John Rehagen Brian and Ann Reynolds Lena Steele-Williams and Cornel Williams Pamela (Bartz) and Michael Thomey Julie (Anderson) Vollbrecht Deborah Zimmerman
Carthaginian Club
Dean and Donna Matthews
Dean’s Club
President’s Club
Audrey (Akvick) Walsh Heritage Club
Kent and Barbara Eliason Carolyn Feldt and Mark Boatwright Donna (Kante) Gordon Pamela (Massnick) and Randy Grandmaison Shirley Gronholm Karl and Martha (‘86) Hipchen Lynn Johnson Deborah (Van Overmeiren) and Douglas Johnson Ronald and Karen Kirsch Leslie Langan-Gluck and Robert Gluck Karl and Sandra Lescelius Joyce (Hegeman) and Walter Muller Lois (Griffith) Topping Rebecca (Harris) and Dennis Trainor Sheryl (Bakker) and Darrell Voelker Timothy and Susan (‘85) Warnke Lovie (Tillman) Whitfield Sue (Hunkeler) and Brian Yee David and Susan Zimmerman Kurt and Jill (‘82) Zimmerman
1984 Lentz Club
Ruth Johnson Fred Tissot
Scott Harris Paul Smith and Caroline KriderSmith Robert and Elizabeth Tinkoff
Heritage Club
Century Club
Daniel and Julie Beyers Jon and Rebecca Cooley Karen (Murphy) Dahl Michael and Gina Hackbarth Laura (Johanning) and Timothy Nye Glynis Payne-Walker and Adam Walker (‘90) Christopher and Melissa Rubino Deborah (Grenier) and Steven Simms Raymond and Sandra Trusky
Carol (Morgan) and Kerry (‘83) Antoniewicz Mark and Glenda (Shilling) Conforti Laurel (Oncken) Curet Michael and Michaelene (‘86) Gentile, Jr. Valerie (Koukios) and Christian Hallen Curt and Nelda Karas Charles and Karen (‘81) Krey John and Susan Linse Pamela Peterson Theodor and Victoria Repsholdt, Jr. Carol (Hintzsche) and Mustapha Sabbar Tanya and Robert (‘81) Tuszynski Tracey (McNeely) and John Zabriskie Carthaginian Club
Vicki (Scheffler) and Kurt (‘80) Chroust Timothy Craft Robert and Patricia Edwards Laura (Gretebeck) and Jack Hopkins Curtis and Barbara Hubmann Phyllis (Holzman) and Gerald Koskinen Mitchell and Carla Lucie Kathryn and Robert (‘81) Multerer Patricia (Boll) and Kevin Neis Nancy Nelson Tad and Lynne Nelson Patricia (Krenzke) and James Staaden Scott and Kimberly Sylwester Jill (Pihl) and Kurt (‘83) Zimmerman
Kathleen (Gall) and David Berg Gregory and Jill Nichols Century Club
Carthaginian Club
Ann (Wycoff) and Michael Arends Jennifer Bowyer Vicki (Thoreson) and Sam Carrion David and Kimberly Dummer, Jr. Gary and Linda Exner Lauren (Clements) Gonzalez James and Jean Holan Dale Horner James and Julie (‘85) Keller Hope (Henschel) and Kim Kuck Mary (Anichini) and Daniel Lisowski Jamie (Jolly) and Donald Lundquist George Nemcek Peggy (Dolan) and Kevin Robertson Peter and Cynthia Rucks
1985 Trustees’ Club
Patrick and Kimberly Anderson President’s Club
James and Evelyn (Ellenberger) Bennett Heritage Club
Frederick and Joan Krull
Laura (Van Puymbrouck) and John Francis Ronald and Marilyn (‘87) Huber Patricia Roeder
Dean’s Club
Century Club
1983 Trustees’ Club
Kevin and Carmen (‘05) Arentz Timothy Rucks
Daniel Hyczewski Patrick Kavanaugh
Ronald and Rhonda Kirstein Brian Lombard Wayne Loney James Ring Carthaginian Club
Leslie (Green) and Michael Beck Mary Cappitelli Allegra (Devereaux) and Thomas Clark David and Tamara (‘87) Coeur Mary Gau and Kevin Wolf Nanci Johnson Katherine and Timothy Just Julie (Rasmussen) and James (‘84) Keller Karla (Barth) and Jeffrey Kostein Richard Lori Fred and Cinzia Savaglio Deborah (Rakow) and Michael School Daniel Sorenson Carol (Bajczyk) and Richard Vincent Ronda (Sjoerdsma) and Mark Wadina Susan (Maas) and Timothy (‘83) Warnke Curtis and Terri Weiskirch Timothy and Kimberly Zeldenrust
1986 President’s Club
Steven and Laurel (Serpe) Kling Dean’s Club
John and Katherine (‘88) Felton Mary (Meyers) and Dudley Riggle Century Club
Cheryl and Jeffrey Carlisle Peter and Eliza Dennee Michaelene (Galvin) and Michael (‘82) Gentile Linda and Alon Jeffrey Bradley and Marcia (Kasdorf) Kolstad Joanne and Charles (‘78) Martini Susan (Hornbostel) Spieker Carthaginian Club
Robert and Faye Boehler Susan (Hurst) and Michael Collins Annette (Eichmann) and Jeffrey Erdmann Martha (Kohn) and Karl (‘83) Hipchen Julie (Dokmo) and Paul (‘87) Miller Susan (Johnson) and Geoffrey Nelson Tanya Pannell Steven and Michelle Rem William Schaefer Jay and Linda (Halstenrud) Shaffer RuthAnn (Challis) and Randy Wiesemann
1987 President’s Club
Sarah (Hunt) and William Harris Heritage Club
Jeffrey and Jodi Gott Marilyn (Landmann) and Ronald (‘85) Huber Century Club
Renee (Johnson) Adamson Rodney and Eileen Carter Mary (Petkevich) Dzurisin Scott Lundgren Paul and Marcia Miller Tracy and Heidi (Henschel) Pellett Carthaginian Club
Karen (Bruce) Benzin Tamara (Grabow) and David (‘85) Coeur Michael and Lisa Graham Michael Grochowski Cindy (Czubakowski) and Brian Guentzel Michael and Carolyn Kroes Karen (Bond) and Franklin McCulloch Paul and Julie (‘86) Miller Todd and Laura Miller Lori (Hendrickson) and John Mueller Marvin and Kathryn (Dickfoss) Rasch Leslie (Annis) and Robert Rasmussen
Contributions • $2,874,218 Year Ended June 30, 2010
Purpose Church 1%
Matching Gifts 3%
Annual Operations 34%
Endowment 23%
Parents 9%
Red: Foundations Slate: Alumni Tan: Friends Brown: Parents Flesh: Matching Gifts Black: Church
Red: Capital Facilities Tan: Endowment Slate: Annual Oper.
Alumni 42% ($1,200,317)
Foundations & Corporations 17% ($489,222)
Capital Facilities Fund 44%
Friends 29%
Note: Of the $2,440,002 in total contributions, $355,761 came in the form of estate gifts, and $300,000 in planned gifts. Eileen (Phelan) and David Robel Kenneth and Amy (‘88) Scolaro Philip and Paula Sorensen
1988 President’s Club
Rebecca (Rucks) and Frank Belmont August and Michele Schmidt IV Dean’s Club
Katherine (Semler) and John (‘86) Felton Century Club
Tamra (Grundahl) Bahr Diane Kane Jerry and Sandra Larson Sheri (Garvoille) Pollock Peter Sinsky Jean (Gogolin) Thur Barry and Cheryl Wintringer Carthaginian Club
Kari (LaJeunesse) and Richard (‘89) Aiello Mark and Pauline (‘89) Amborn Cynthia (Holderness) Lichter Cynthia (Speckmann) and Lance (‘89) Lindholm Andrea (Berres) and Lawrence Robers Amy and Kenneth (‘87) Scolaro Sharon (Sabatino) and Harold Steiger Vicki (Paulsen) and John Wisser
1989 Century Club
Christopher and Sara Barger Marion (Horn) and Scott Gagnon Beverly (Fane) and Dan King Julie Rhodes Karl and Sara (Anderson) Schmitt Shalabh and Karla (‘90) Tandon Carthaginian Club
Richard and Kari (‘88) Aiello Pauline (Gall) and Mark (‘88) Amborn Delia Chiappetta John and Josephine Huber Sara (Busack) and Larry Joswiak Kelly Kaleck-Schlinsog and Jerry Schlinsog Lance and Cynthia (‘88) Lindholm Mary Michel-Egolf and Barry Egolf Gregory and Patricia (‘91) Nikolich Roberta (McVettie) and Jack Quick Donald and Virginia Squires Carol (Dysart) Stancato Heidi Wahlmark Marianne (Durrant) and Charles Wilson Sharon (Haase) and James Zsebe
1990 President’s Club
Lorilyn Krug
Dean’s Club
Gregory and Barbara Huss Heritage Club
Mark and Diane Guskey Dymon and Pamela Farrer
Michele (Nelson) Robinson Amy (Lux) Samet Elvina (Goetz) Schmidt
1992 Heritage Club
William Haithcock and Anne Reese Vicki (Jacob) and Gregory Kost Century Club
Robert Helfferich Brian and Tracy (‘92) Maxwell Ruth (Hickethier) and Mark Schenning Karla (Rasmussen) and Shalabh (‘89) Tandon Adam Walker and Glynis PayneWalker (‘84) David and Amy Zuelke
Eric and Coleen (‘93) Carlson Katherine (Sebastian) and Paul Ehlert Tracy (Patch) and Brian (‘90) Maxwell Michele (Price) and James Olshanski Thomas and Bridget (‘94) Tauscher Mark and Nanette Tyunaitis Robert and Susan VanBendegom, Jr.
Carthaginian Club
Carthaginian Club
Century Club
Barna and Karen Bencs Susan (Becker) and Mark (‘95) Knapp Liesl (Timmerwilke) Kochanny Louise (Borck) and William Kohle Mary (Herrmann) Nolan The late Elizabeth (Piper) and Scott (‘92) Rogalsky Robert Sport and Lydia Gilmore Kathleen (Sturicz) and Larry Van Tubbergen
Jennifer (Parker) and William (‘93) Dolan Patrick and Diane Gain Timothy Hasko Michelle (Wandersee) Heinrich Frances and William Kroll Scott and the late Elizabeth (‘90) Rogalsky Chad Spaulding Ann (Bose) and David (‘98) Willems
President’s Club
President’s Club
Robert and Pamela Cibrario
Steven and Stephanie Domin
Dean’s Club
Century Club
John Dobersek Heritage Club
Scott Trottier
Century Club
Tracy Brockmeier Drew and Tracy Franzen Stacey (Kruse) and Joseph Nunn Daniel Pagni Mary (Robinson) and Kevin Schroeder Lana (Pierson) and Jeffrey Stanich Lori (Hartnell) and David Wermske Carthaginian Club
Linda and Vincent (‘70) Angel Julie (Menter Hartgerink) and Matthew Eisenhauer Mary (Nauertz) and Paul Kedzie Michelle Mortenson-Cahill and Michael Cahill Patricia (Moore) and Gregory (‘89) Nikolich Erik and Jessica (Levine) Olson Carissa Peterson
Coleen (Mulvihill) and Eric (‘92) Carlson Carol (Clark) and Richard Halom Thomas Lee Jeremy and Cori Niemuth Carthaginian Club
Diane Brandes-Crass and Matthew Crass William and Jennifer (‘92) Dolan, Jr. Daniel Falkinham David and Jill Freudenwald Marilyn (Miller) Hall Phillip and Julie Lehmann Ann (Thomas) McDonough Stacy (Buley) and Jay Owens Lynn and Ernest Parks Anna Schneider Cynthia Seifert Susan (Rasor) and Bruce Sullivan
1994 Heritage Club
Brian McTernan Margaret (Skinner) Miller Century Club
Timothy and Jennifer Gatz Charles Keller Thomas Polzin, Jr. and Megan Reich-Polzin Claudia Presta Bridget and Thomas (‘92) Tauscher Carthaginian Club
Howard and Susan Geissman Bruce and Dolores Hoening Amy (Hendricks) and Bryan Matte Mary and John Reimer Susan (Neufeldt) and John Warren
1995 President’s Club
Melanie Jumisko Shaw and Brian Shaw Dean’s Club
Melanie (Roseland) Stoddard Century Club
Christian and Erin Ballman Michael Hooks Kristin Jacobson Nancy (Haskins) and Robert January Luc and Leona Le Karen (Finlay) Morton Carey (Boecker) and Joel (‘96) Peterson Abbie (Adolph) and David (‘96) Reitzel Brian Scuglik Carthaginian Club
Jennifer (Carlson) Caldwell Kristina Crotty Anne (Thompson) Emerson Christopher and Ann (‘97) Hill Sheila Kamprath Mark and Susan (‘90) Knapp Heike (Trudrung) and John Louis Danielle (Mumenthaler) and David (‘97) Marifern Andrew and Lisa Mitchell Pamela Petersen
1996 Dean’s Club
Darrell and Teresa Erdman Gary and Carrie (‘98) Williams Century Cub
Todd Neal Joel and Carey (‘95) Peterson David and Abbie (‘95) Reitzel Loren and Karen Semler David and Ellen (Novy) Whitman
Carthaginian Club
Lee and Lucy (‘97) Bergstrom Debra (DeSanto) Binninger Eric and Marie Hafferman Lori (Geary) and Brian Hansmeier Roberta (Mulder) Harriff Kim (Reilly) Joseph Daniel Kerr Robert and Marlene Martin Eric Nelson Melissa Stellmach
1997 President’s Club
Christine King
Heritage Club
Elizabeth Johnson Stanley Komperda Scott and Mary Remenschneider Rena (Benn) and Brian (‘98) Weyrauch Century Club
Gretchen Barsch and Brian Holbrook Daniel and Cara (Eddy) Kniss Christopher Magiera Douglas Schnell Corry (Nessman) and Brent (‘98) Stanley Carthaginian Club
Trisha (Persaud) and Bradley Andrews Norah Belmonte Lucy (Ratzki) and Lee (‘96) Bergstrom Jeanne Dinkelman LeAnn (Peterson) and Michael (‘98) Domin Jimmy and Kelly Gerber Vincent and Katherine Gloria Benjamin and Heather (Lincoln) Gorres Lorraine (Thompson) Groves Connie Hansche Kelly Heimerman Ann (Nogal) and Christopher (‘95) Hill David Johnson Patricia (Prozanski) Kolodziej Craig Kosinski David and Danielle (‘95) Marifern Amy (Savaglio) and John Miceli Jamie Mitchell Chad Pohlmann Amy (Blaskowski) and David Slonecker Michelle (Dejno) and Joseph (‘98) Snyder Adam Weber Marta (Larson) and Daniel Wesenick
1998 Trustees’ Club
David and Heather Wiers Dean’s Club
Carrie (Mills) and Gary (‘96) Williams Heritage Club
Brian and Rena (‘97) Weyrauch Century Club
Joshua Flannery Kristine (Simon) Freitas Roger and Debra Koessl Rodney and Nancy Roscizewski Brent and Corry (‘97) Stanley Carthaginian Club
Donna (Krenzke) and Marvin Andersen Donna and Jeffrey Coia Michael and LeAnn (‘97) Domin Jaime (Marsh) and Thomas Esler Trisha (Stratman) Falk Chad Giese Jenny (King) Hafermann Maria (Milosavljevic) Ingram Annemarie (Wensing) Meier Sheila (Conoboy) and Daryl Metcalf Jason Snyder Joseph and Michelle (‘97) Snyder Timothy and Tiffany (‘01) Wassenaar David and Ann (‘92) Willems Carol (Savard) and Ed Ziesemer
1999 President’s Club
Andrew and Leigh Ann (Mondrawickas) Boncher Dean’s Club
Thomas and Tracy Kelley Kimberly Schwelle Heritage Club
Roberta (Swanepoel) Billig Andrew and Jennifer Freitag Jason and Silvija (‘01) Papka Century Club
Kevin and Christina (Yerga) Miller Samuel and Emily (Kuhn) Rajkowski David and Sarah (‘01) Turek Carthaginian Club
Jeremiah and Amy (‘01) Bohn Matthew and Danielle (‘00) Geary Christopher Geryol Alicia Gray Chad and Andrea (‘00) Krueger Ryan and Lora (‘01) McNeely Mark Mollenhauer
Michael and Wendy (‘00) Murray John Olson Richard Ramczyk Lisa Romoser Thomas and Tanya (‘01) Schaer Paula (Hrycay) and Lorenc Slamann
2000 President’s Club
Trisha Treml
Heritage Club
Tammylynne (Johnson) Jonas Kevin Sullivan Nicholas and Teika (‘01) Terry
Perry Gregory Deborah (Tucholl-Golz) Gutierrez Andrea (Dolan) and Chad (‘99) Krueger Linda (Willkomm) and Hans Lothar Langenstroer Wendy (Todryk) and Michael (‘99) Murray Dana (Wick) and Gabriel (‘02) Powers Tory (Sanders) White
2001 President’s Club
Jason Froehner
Century Club
Dean’s Club
Carthaginian Club
Heritage Club
Lisa Szymanski Carl Bogar, Jr. Amy (Ludovice) Bruning Kevin Burris Soterios and Courtney (‘02) Filippis Jeffrey Garland Danielle (Syens) and Matthew (‘99) Geary
Michelle Hickey-Gramke Adam and Katheryn (Kuenster) Hale Silvija (Redzic) and Jason (‘99) Papka Teika (McCord) and Nicholas (‘00) Terry
Century Club
Marcus and Melissa (‘03) Hosman Jason and Bethany Milligan Brian and Cherie (Matthaidess) Robinson Sarah (Lorentz) and David (‘99) Turek Carthaginian Club
Amy (Haselberger) and Jeremiah (‘99) Bohn Matthew Campbell Beverly (Danner) Cantwell Andrew Dodge Vicki (Thomas) Keith Jessica (Bald) and Kevin Koloen Lora (Clay) and Ryan (‘99) McNeely Catherine (Rasman) Rasman Tanya (Pecher) and Thomas (‘99) Schaer Nicole Traxel Tiffany (Hammond) and Timothy (‘98) Wassenaar
2002 Century Club
Robert and Laura (Gienko) DeBartolo James Oboikowitch Gregory and Lori (‘03) Swiderski Carthaginian Club
Century Club
Patrick Brown Melissa (Keimel) and Marcus (‘01) Hosman Lori (Hutchinson) and Gregory (‘02) Swiderski Sarah (Winchowky) and Greg Weller
Jason and Cyranda (Werda) Ahonen Angela (Walker) Atkinson Robert Bishop Courtney (Halleck) and Soterios (‘00) Filippis Jacquelyn (Hongsermeier) Haas Brian Kling Jennifer (Tokar) Lagoni Gabriel and Dana (‘00) Powers Cynthia (Harris) Skarda
Carthaginian Club
LuVern Marx III
Dean’s Club
Jessica Sladek
Janet (Hall) Freng Rebecca McMaster Todd Platta Briana (Hillman) and James Sokolowski Laura (Stein) VanKammen Natalie (Martinez) Villarreal
2004 President’s Club Dean’s Club
Justin Zahn
Century Club
Kim Ferizi Keith Hansen Brandon Helms Tracy Schirmang Ronald Schuster Susanna (Craven) Swenson Carthaginian Club
Whitney Day Kenten Dernbach Rebecca (Worster) and Steven (‘05) Frenk Michelle Handzel Diane Presta Thomas Sturino, Jr. Jean (Holme) Wasik Kate Workman
2005 Dean’s Club
Carmen (Toldness Arroyo) and Kevin (‘83) Arentz George Demos
During any season, if you can’t find a way to have fun at Carthage, you’re not trying. Report ON giving 2011
Heritage Club
Mary (Goetz) Vlasin Carthaginian Club
Kathleen Bloedorn Claire Dahlman Kristin Daily and David (‘06) Pirazzini Amanda (May) Duncan Amber Fierke Steven and Rebecca (‘04) Frenk Heather Jensen Sarah (Jones) Kliethermes Shannon Murphy Melissa Nicholson Heidi (Struebing Ebinal) Strangberg
Christopher McCall Douglas Mouradian Gary Mouradian, Jr. Sean O’Connor Elizabeth Olson John Paluzi III Elizabeth Plapp Danielle Schmidt Samantha Seagren Lyndi Toohill
2010 Dean’s Club
Katie Lundgren Amanda Djurickovic Century Club
Bryant Fazer Bradley Livingston
Cara Cejna Joseph LaMattina Anthony Milano Alison Teichart
Dean’s Club
Carthaginian Club
President’s Club
Keith Kobelt Heritage Club
Jamin McGinnis Century Club
Lisa Balek Jason Kalinowski Daniel Ross-Jones Carthaginian Club
Jason Atanasoff Valerie Coduto David Pirazzini and Kristin (‘05) Daily Andrew Geocaris Shannon Higgins Ryan High Catherine Malnarick Elizabeth Maxwell Matthew Pomeroy Matthew Rogowski Stacy Velasco Kirby (Oren) Witherby
2007 Century Club
Chelsea King
Carthaginian Club
Heidi Close Lauren Croix Anthony Gullo Deanna Henrikson Erik Keil Aaron Morris Chase Murphy Kimberly Nommensen Daniel Perusich Amanda (Credille) Petrovic Michael Roehl Erin Shelton Amy (Kratochvil) Sullivan Rhianna Swaton Carly and Patrick (08) Walsh Cheryl Wintjen Tanner and Michael Tanner
2008 Carthaginian Club
Melissa (Harris) Davidson Kenneth Evans Nebojsa Franciskovic and Ashley Morgan (‘10) Elizabeth Griffith Sean Highsmith Sarah Jung Christine Karlovitz Rosanna (Barbieri) Molinaro Tina (McMullen) Steinke Patrick and Carly (‘07) Walsh
2009 Century Club
Andrew Connor, Jr. Daniel Dembkowski Carthaginian Club
Ryan Batley Sarah Brown Alexa French Jay Grossert Glendon Hannaman Emily Hart Timothy Herbert Elizabeth Hughes Daniel Jakubczak
Jonathan Abolins Samantha (Kreppel) Alberts Giuliana Alfano Thomas Amarantos Jason Ambrose Corianna Anderson Kyle Andrastek Alexander Annes Amanda Anthony Cade Arndt Jessica Arney Renee Asmann Heidi (Michaelis) Auch Eric Ball Eric Barker Jo Bartel Kristen Baudo Jessica Bauer Jonathan Baugher Andrew Bax Jessica Beach Katherine Beaman Sara Beckel Marissa Beckman Joel Beckman Alice Bednar Caitlin Bees Warrick Bell Victoria Benda Meghanne Bennett Kathryn Bergren Jennifer Bickle Noah Birk Patricia Blatter Natalie Boettcher Lindsey Bollmann Brian Bonamarte Nikki Bonarirgo Kristen Bonds Steven Bonn Christopher Bovett David Bower Austin Brady Kaitlyn Brander Danielle Brewer Eric Brightwell Jessica (Schuebel) Brown Andrew Brown Maxwell Brunner Amanda Buck Austin Burby Samantha Burgholzer Jennifer Burke Eileen Burke Jacqueline Burke Laura (Kauzlarich) Burmeister Ashley Burns Katherine Burshiem Joseph Busse Kristie Butterworth Kelsey Cadogan Amber Callender Timothy Callow Jillian Carey Sarah Carlino Stephen Carlson Amanda Carmody Eric Carson Nicole Case Shannon Chesna Rachel Chiariello Sarah Childers Carmelo Chimera Natalie Christensen Katherine Chwistek Ashley Coey Patrick Coffey II Leah Coleman
Nathaniel Conklin Lauren Connell Carlin Cook Blaine Cornelius Grace Craig Carly Crittendon Samantha Cruz James Culver Gabrielle Cvikel Christina Dahmen Rebecca Danek Scott Danly Darrell Davis Brittany Dayton Kevin Deacon Daniel DeBoeuf Stephanie DeFranco Margarita (Mendez) DeLaCruz John Delk Stephanie (Roberson) DeMars Elizabeth Dickinson Alison Dore Rosemary Dorn Casey Dreher Ryan Duncan Megan Durbin Katrina Dvorachek Daniel Easley Jordan Eder Laura (Young) Edgar Eric Eggum Shannon (Lynch) Emanuelson Jeremy Engelhardt Kelsey Epping Sarah Esguerra Caryn Evenhouse Angela Falese James Fallis Aileen Farrell Matthew Favero Sean Fendley Nina Fiegel Charlotte Finch Christopher Finn Kaitlyn Fitzgerald Kori FitzMaurice David Foss Thomas Fox Amanda Fredericks Carrie (Chew) Freeman Rachel Freese Kathryn Frese Isa Fritz Bradley Frye Jared Fryksdale Andrew Gamarra Christina Garcia Michael Gardner Brandon Geweke Katrina Giammarino Melissa Gorlewski Sarah Grampovnik Nicole Grasse Matthew Gray John Grayson Steven Greenwood Robert Greskoviak David Griffin Ani Grigorian Jessica Grosskopf Carol (Zeman) Gudbrandsen Justin Gutche Krista Hale Naseem Halloon Emily Halverson Lauren Hansen Russell Hansen Angela Harden Brett Harmeling Camden Harrison Mary (Walter/Barrows) Hauch Andrea Hawkins Drew Heckmon Scott Heeter Sarah Heiney Troy Heinrich Tracy Heitman Ellen Heitmann Stephanie Heklowski Krystal Herrera Julia Hiett Cody Hilton Shana Hitchcock Kristine (Young/Ryan) Hobson Chumley Hodgson Carl Hoefler Jessie Hoeger Mark Hoover Daniel Hrvatin Stephanie Hueramo Nathaniel Hughes
Steffanie Hummert Joanna Huszla Kyla Hylinski Steven Ideran Eric Jaburek Karen Jackson Andrea Jacobsen Zachry Janssen Kathleen Jarger Veronika Jerikova Ann Jespersen Kristen Jessup Jessica Jezwinski Rachel Johnson Karlie Johnson Jeffrey Johnson Dorothy (Ross) Jones Ryan Karg Scott Kaseska Brian Kaspar Allison Kelley Christine Kelley Robyn Kempf Christopher Kempton Laura Kilen Allison Kinczyk Katharine Kirby Gina Klein Katherine Klemke Sean Knudson Glenn Knuth Jeffrey Koeneman Ryan Koessl Stacy Kogelmann Nathan Konrad Anna Kordek Kimberly Kostecki Kristin Kott Tyler Kroll Jaclyn Krug Michael Kurdi Amanda (Sackman) Kutis Loreena Lair Joshua Lamers Laura (Meza) Landa Luis Laredo Katherine Larson Andrew Lenox Jason Lesner Julie Levar Trevor Lipsett Laura Lipton James Litz Rachel Loftis Richard Loisi Sara Lopez Ashley Lowry Ross Lowry Heather Lucas-Butak Albert Lucci, Jr. Julie Magliulo Meghan Mahorski Sarah Malz Michael Manata Johnny Mares, Jr. Samantha Martin Bryce Martin Derek Matthews Amanda Matusky Sara May Andrew Mayor Meggan (Leonaitis) Mazanet Michaela McGinnis Kathleen McGinnis Melissa Meeker Nicholas Merchut Patricia (Antlsperger) Merrill Craig Mertes Alyssa Messina Jeffrey Meyer Melanie Michalski Nemanja Milicevic Lindsay Miller Brent Mitchell Katie Mondry Shannon Monte Eric Moore Madeline Moreau Ashley Morgan and Nebojsa Franciskovic (‘08) Keith Motycka Jacquelynn Muench Kelsey Muldoon Michelle Mulhall Timothy Mullin Nicole Munce Vanessa Munoz Kaela Munster Luke Musselman Allison Myers Troy Namath
Laura Neubauer Austynne Newberg Nicole Newton Lesley Newton Brett Neylan Sara Niedzwiecki Travis Nienhaus Richard Niesen, Jr. Kendra Nitch Stephanie Noel Christopher Nordskog Kyle Oberlies Janelle Olsen Katelynn Olson Molissa Owen Rachel Page Emily Palandri Courtney Palmer Kevin Panke-Buisse Jennifer Pasciak Erica Pascual Patrick Patton Meghan Roman Stacey Rosenwinkel Ryan and Kelly (‘09) Ross Nicholas Rowe Emily Royals Martha Rugumyamheto Catherine Ryan Kenneth Sabbar Alpha Sabbithi Kristiena (Escobar) Saffell Scott Salamone Amy Santiago Katherine Schif John Schiro Stephen Schreiber Angela Schroedl Timothy Schultz Jonathan Schulz Matthew Schuman Allison Schwartz Michelle Sconzert Tiffany Scott Brittany Sebetic Michael Seese Sarah Serrano Randi Shaver Ashlie Sheckells Stephen Shepley Jessica Shopiro Bryan Shredl Jason Shumway Holly Sikora Alycia Slack Courtney Snelten Nicholas Sobieszczyk Molly Sommers Heidi Sorensen Ana Soskic Megan Spatchek Kristen Stangas Samantha Stephenson James Stevens Katherine Stevens Kaitlin Stewart Kelsey Stewart Colton Stombaugh Joseph Stubenvoll Andrew Suhr Amanda Superczynski Alyssa Surges Michelle Swallow Michael Swanson, Jr. Anna Szymczak Jeffrey Teague Steven Telkamp Nathan Temiquel Amy (Janecky) Terry Lori (Mulvaney) Thies Charles Thompson Matthew Tokarz Adam Tolo Elisa Trantham Justine Treuden James Trevor Kyle Turner Tracy (Delfield) Twigg-Galicia Bryce Ulmer Jessica Underwood Timothy Urban Bradley Urias Alexander Van Huis Trevor Van Laanen Kimberly VanAcker William Viarnes Nicole-Elise Victoria Michael Vidas Steven Vogt Keith Volante Rebecca Volkman
Karel Vollrath John Voynovich Bradley Wagner Justin Walker Brittany Walls Chas Walton Catherine Waltz Dana Watt Matthew Weiskotten Douglas West Trevor Whately Heather White Brian Willenbring Joseph Williams Christopher Williams Jennifer Wilson Tyler Wishau Rachel Wolf Nathan Wright Cory Wulff Plumb David Yelk Gina Yi Julia Yob Rachel Youngberg Bryan Zahakaylo Ellen Zanis Claire Zautke Katherine Zierke Stephanie Zipp Dianne (Schlagel) Zizzo
Master's Graduates Trustees’ Club
Mae (Voth, ‘86) and Jack Harris President’s Club
Steven (‘95) and Stephanie Domin The Estate of Marilyn J. Krueger (‘50) Guy Meiss (‘71) Dean’s Club
Audrey (Akvick, ‘82) Walsh Gary (‘02) and Carrie (‘98) Williams Heritage Club
Shirley (Eller, ‘79) and Clayton (‘59) Diskerud Ronald (‘87) and Marilyn (‘87) Huber Margaret (Skinner, ‘94) Miller Century Club
Rodney (‘90) and Eileen Carter Amy (Standridge, ‘84) and Richard Cermak Harriet (Peterson, ‘81) and William Goetluck (‘77) Murry Holmstrom (‘82) Jule Ann (‘88) and Donald Johnson Karen (Meyer, ‘88) and Charles (‘82) Krey Rosemary (Stoecklin-Wilson, ‘91) and Mario Maglio David (‘05) and Abbie (‘95) Reitzel Susan (Hornbostel, ‘88) Spieker LynnEve Sturm (‘77) Mary (‘87) and Jon (‘60) Swift Carthaginian Club
Trisha (Persaud, ‘01) and Bradley Andrews Justin Belot (‘10) Carl Bogar, Jr. (‘09) Shannyn (Boero, ‘10) Borzynski Peggy (Wilkerson, ‘82) and William Bounds W. Rickford (‘81) and Robin Broniec Sandra (Krahn, ‘84) Daugherty Barbara David (‘10) Jacqueline (Whitehead, ‘06) Dorsey David (‘97) and Kimberly Dummer, Jr. Julie (Menter Hartgerink, ‘96) and Matthew Eisenhauer Paulene (O’Neil, ‘88) and Walter Fleuchaus Janette Franke (‘92) Robert (Bob, ‘89) and Janet Gall Denise (Dotson, ‘99) and Paul Gifford Shannon Higgins (‘10) Dean Johnson (‘98) Erik Keil (‘10) Patricia (Prozanski, ‘03) Kolodziej Janet Ledger (‘00) Elaine (Andresen, ‘91) Lundgren Rebecca McMaster (‘10) Amy (Savaglio, ‘00) and John Miceli
Homecoming 2010 Report ON giving 2011
Terri Morrissey (‘84) Michael (‘04) and Wendy (‘00) Murray Eric Nelson (‘02) Ronda (Cliff, ‘95) and Jim Nissen Lynn (‘97) and Ernest Parks Diane Presta (‘06) Miguel Rojo Polo (‘10) Sergio Salazar Salazar (‘10) Briana (Hillman, ‘09) and James Sokolowski Niki Sugiyama (‘10) Laura (Stein, ‘03) VanKammen Stewart (‘75) and Virginia (‘67) Waller Jeffrey (‘98) and Tina Weiss Merry (Harper, ‘78) Wellman Christine (Printz, ‘10) Wells Cheryl Wintjen Tanner (‘07) and Michael Tanner Douglas Wohn (‘65)
Parents and Past Parents Lincoln Club
Steven and Cindy Chapman Glenn and Barbara Madrigrano, Sr. Lentz Club
Frederick (‘48) and Jewel (‘46) Marks Dean (‘84) and Donna Matthews Philip (‘67) and Karin (‘67) Pratt II Ann Tindall (‘62) June (‘63) and Ashton Waller Trustees’ Club
Jack (‘49) and Mae (‘52) Harris Carl and Janice Tomasek The late Diane Zalokar (‘75) and the late Ronald Zalokar President’s Club
Irma Anderson (‘48) Leon (‘58) and Betty (‘59) Armagost Timothy Ball John and Marilyn Bendixen Fred (‘62) and Susan (‘64) Bess Kenneth (‘70) and Marianne (‘71) Boehne David and Jeanne Calteux John Cobb Clifford (‘50) and Ireta Crone
Ivan and Shirley Eckholm Carl (‘65) and Karen Engelhardt Gregory Frings Hoover and Shirley Grimsby Mark Hafferkamp Steven (‘78) and Debra (‘80) Hartfield Christopher Honn Cathryn John Robert (‘77) and Christina Klatt II William Madden Jerry and Margaret Miller Don Moldenhauer (‘54) and Mary Kay Wagner-Moldenhauer Harry (‘67) and Lois (‘69) Niese Myron (‘57) and Delores (‘54) Pihl Richard Sikes, Jr. Elinor Siklossy John (‘65) and Celia Sladek, Jr. Philip (‘74) and Diane (‘76) Slocum Donald Snydel Ronald (‘57) and Barbara (‘58) Stamer Ralph and the late Margaret Tenuta John and Suzanne Van Huis Charles Vignieri John (‘76) and Holly Welch Robert (‘69) and Diane (‘69) Zapf
Caryl (‘61) and Edward May Malcolm (‘65) and Annette Mitchell Steven Noel Joan Peterson (‘55) Paul (‘73) and Christine Price W. David and Gael Romoser Richard Ruffie Richard Shopiro Susan Smith Andrzej Snarski Jack (‘72) and Jane (‘80) Spencer Timothy Stone Robert (‘55) and Janis (‘55) Versen Eugene (‘57) and Lois (‘59) Wensel Dennis Winfield
Robert Schlack Charles Schranck, Jr. Donald Sebetic Edward (‘57) and Judith (‘58) Simko Robert (‘77) and Jill (‘78) Suhr John Sullivan Fred (‘76) and Cynthia (‘76) Vogt, Jr. Donald Walker Mark Wallace Michael and Susan Witkauskis Charles Yanz Jane Zemke Donald (‘57) and Janet Zitzewitz Carl (‘50) and Nora (‘50) Zitzewitz, Jr.
Heritage Club
Century Club
Dean and Carolyn Brockmeier Rand and Patricia Burnette John Condon III Clayton (‘59) and Shirley (‘59) Diskerud Richard (‘59) and Judith (‘61) Dokmo Thomas Fanning Robert Greffly Janice Hamm (‘68) Kent and Carole Henning Diane (‘72) and Reginald Hughes Craig Hurst Kenneth (‘53) and Marlys (‘54) Hurst, Jr. William and Jennifer Kelley, Jr. Richard (‘66) and Barbara Knecht Alice Kobrow (‘68) Eric (‘73) and Mary (‘73) Koster Bruce Meier Margaret Miller (‘94) Bruce and Lydia Milne Micheal Montemurro Randy Morgan Richard and Barbara Mowen, Jr. Robert Muschewske (‘63) and Leaetta Hough Stephen Nesbitt Gregory (‘84) and Jill Nichols Chris and Barbara Nolan, Jr. Michael and Kathy Oldani Gary and Marlene Park Keith Rosenberg Daniel Ross Arnold Rothenbaum James Samargis
Deans’ Club
Anthony Aiello R. W. (‘59) and LeNay (‘59) Anderson Paul Anderson Frederick (‘72) and Betty Jean Body Robert and Michele Bonn Robert (‘69) and Karen (‘70) Cook William Davies W. Craig (‘72) and Janice (‘74) Deaton Richard and Edythe Even Greg Gadient Bruce Haines Hugh Hart (‘50) Robert (‘50) and Mary Lou (‘47) Jeanmaire Robert and Susan Johnson, Jr. William Klupchak Larry Krull (‘58) and Mary Park Krull (‘58) Robert (‘48) and Ann (‘49) Lesher, Sr. Gary Lundgren Kathleen Matthaidess
Gene Acciari Mark Acklin Roy Alan Dennis Allen Steven (‘77) and Jacque (‘77) Anderson Matt and Rita Andis Alfred Angeli Barbara Aubel Timothy Baldridge John Banschbach James (‘69) and Jane (‘70) Barsch Thomas Bax Steven (‘76) and Barb Bayerlein Gary Becker William and Beverly Beckmann James Bell Roger Bennetts Kari Berens Glenn Binstein Carol Bloemke (‘59) Kevin (‘77) and Nancy Brunner Michael Brunner Douglas Buboltz James Burklow Glenn Callow J. Scott (‘71) and Colleen (‘75) Campbell John Carabelli Walter Carlson Timothy Carmody Richard (‘66) and Mary Sue Carnes James Carson James Cejna Ralph Chavez Edward Chesna
Vincenzo Chimera Kenneth Civik Jerome Colten Jon (‘84) and Rebecca Cooley C. Philip Curley Charles D’Angelo Thomas Daniels Mark Danly Gerald and Magdalene Danzer Judy Dauparas Dennis Day (‘69) and Renee Raddatz-Day Nicholas Demars Walter Dembkowski Lawrence and Yvonne Dennee Joseph Dimock Michael Dobson E. James Douglas, Jr. (‘62) Michael Duda James and Janice Duncan III Leonard Eggum Donald Eickmeyer Brian Epping Roy (‘59) and Leah (‘58) Everson, Jr. G. Scott Falknor James Farrell Leslie Fialco Tina Fishhaut Patrick Fitzpatrick, Jr. Russel Fouts Donald Fox Laura Lee Frey (‘62) Harold and Mary-Lou Fricke Scott Geiger, Sr. Martin Geweke Michael Gibbons Glenn and Christine Gienko Scott Gierke Gerard Girdaukas Earlene (‘77) and Mark Girman Richard Glassman Duncan Greathead Margaret (‘81) and David Gregorski Richard Groessl Gary and Mary Groezinger Ruth (‘76) and Paul Guenther Thomas Hale Calvin and Yvette Haller Timothy Harden Robert Harrison Charles and Margaret Hayes Katherine Hazelwood Gunther Heinrich Richard Heitmann
William Herbert Phillip Herrera Michael Higgins Harold and Alice Hintzsche Raymond (‘53) and Reva (‘55) Hoewing David (‘61) and Susan Hoffman Timothy Hoffman James Hoffman, Jr. Howard Hoover John Houtz Gregory Inciardi Tammy Infalt Paul and Beverly Jacobson Nan James Noack (‘60) Thomas (‘57) and Suzanne (‘57) James, Sr. Thomas Jason Dieter Jedan (‘69) Linda (‘86) and Alon Jeffrey Kent Jespersen Jule Ann (‘72) and Donald Johnson Keith Johnson Timothy Johnson Teresa Kapka Beverly Keller (‘61) Thomas (‘67) and Margaret (‘70) Keller James and Judy Kenning David Kerr Keith Kieffer William (‘58) and Jean Kienzle Frederick Kist Patricia Klawitter Gary Klein Karl Koenemann Roger (‘98) and Debra Koessl Andrew Konieczny Ronald Kozlowski John Kroll Donald Krueger (‘50) Steven Kunzie Borys Kusyk Dennis and Jan Lamers Richard Lamers Jacob and Delilah Landmann Arthur Landry Robert and Deloris Langseth Robert Lanning Ronald (‘80) and Cynthia (‘72) Larson Joseph Lavey James Leazer Keith Lee
Endowment Growth Market Value of Endowment
60 June 30, 2011
47.0 43.4
37.6 36.5
17.8 15.5
14.1 10
Frederick (‘58) and Jolene (‘58) Lesher Ingmar and Betty Levin Jodee Liedtke (‘72) Harold Lindberg (‘60) Pamela Lord Margot Lori Richard Lowry Bruce Ludwig Mark Lukas (‘70) Kevin and Sharon MacKinnon Robert Malloy Michael Maratea Frank and Janice Marrelli Jeffrey Martinski Gary McAdams T. Patrick McCabe Denise McKeehan John McQuade Lloyd Melis Jean Melton John Milinac Timothy Mirkiewicz Douglas Moore Roy (‘57) and Priscilla Moore, Jr. Jolene (‘77) and Michael Morris Leroy Munster III Timothy and Kathy Myers Robert Navarre Robert and Arlene Neybert Roberta Noe Sharon (‘66) and Thomas Nyman Timothy O’Brien Gerald O’Neill Roger Owens Larry Parks Anthony Passanante Fran and Jacquelyn Patch Jonathan and Jill Paulus George Pedersen (‘58) Harry (‘73) and Barbara (‘73) Penington Dean Peterson Timothy (‘80) and Eunice (‘80) Peterson Charles Peterson Steven Petti Jeffrey Pickhardt Paul Piekosz Chris Plagge Martha Plapp Martin Popp Jeffrey (‘81) and Lisa Postlewaite Thomas Pourier, Jr. Randal Pribek William Ragla David Ramirez Rodney (‘64) and Barbara Randall Donald (‘51) and Wanda Riechers Bruce Ringstrand Preston Robertson Curtis Robinson David Robinson Bernard Rogalski Thomas Rush Carol (‘82) and Mustapha Sabbar Anthony Sammarco William Schiavone Nicholas Schlageter Daniel (‘71) and Barbara Schmidt Warren (‘60) and Barbara (‘60) Schulstad Jeffery Sebens Terrence Secora Darwin Shepley, Jr. S. Jayarama Shetty Richard and Mary Sjoerdsma Thomas Slefinger Kevin and Cathy Smith Hyatt Smith Todd Snelten Robert Soderholm Craig Sprovach Tim Stenerson Suzanne (‘58) and Franklin Stoneburner Patricia Sturges Dave Superczynski Jill (‘73) and Woodrow Svoboda Jon (‘60) and Mary (‘77) Swift Kenneth Szabo Karla (‘90) and Shalabh (‘89) Tandon Donald (‘57) and Donna (‘59) Thannen Barbara Theobald Marjorie Thiel (‘55) Hans (‘56) and Peggy Thomsen Jordan Tilden Diana Tomaska-Kochmit Mark Treuden
Report ON giving 2011
Donald Troendly Robert Tumberger Deborah Urban Alan Utzig Paul VanAcker Alicia Vernon John (‘74) amd Margaret Vitkus Gene and Karen Volkman Scott Waltz Jere Weber, Jr. Eric Welser Ronald Welser Robert Werges, Sr. William (‘66) and Jane Whyte Thomas and Kathleen Wiers Alvin and Jean Wilks Jeffrey Wilmarth Carol Jean Wolff (‘47) Donald (‘66) and Terri Wruck John Zehfus (‘50) Carthaginian Club
Frederick Adams Rollyn (‘54) and Charleta Affeldt Douglas Allen Donna (‘98) and Marvin Andersen Jeffrey Andersen Lisa Andersen Kelly Anderson Mark Anderson Steven Anderson James Andrews Vincent (‘70) and Linda (‘91) Angel James Arundel La Moine and Sandra Aude Jeffrey Avery James and Bonita Ayres Jean Baker Duane and Patricia Baker Theresa Bandoli Keith Barber Richard Batley Bruce Battersby Heidi Beaugrand-Eberhardt Rex Beaumont Robert and Juanita Becker Duane Beelow Jane (‘70) and Wayne Beem Scott Beltran R. Bruce Bennett Alex and Janet Betley Mark Bickle Robert Bielowicz David and DeeDee Black John (‘73) and Deborah (‘74) Blair Linda Boelter Linda Bonarirgo Robert and Carol Boros Thomas Boutet Nancy Bower The late Thomas Bowersox (‘57) and Jeanette Erkert-Bowersox (‘57) Robert and Gail Bowyer Ronald and Miriam Branstrom Louise Brattland James Brimmerman Kent Brodie Michael Brown Timothy Brown Larry Brucher Alfonzo Bruno David Bryer Mark Bures John and Shirley Burg, Jr. Michael and Signe Burkart Michael Busse Steven Butler Thomas Byrne Jerry and Ruth Caliendo Kenneth and Evelyn Castello William Catlin Daniel Chervenak David Chesonis Michael Chwistek Roger Clark Robert and Darlene Clauss Wayne Clavio William Clearfield Michael Connolly Linda Cook (‘68) Jon Cooke Terence Cortez Dianna Cox (‘80) and Vernon Flesner Terry Creekmore Craig Crotty Thomas Czyz, Sr. Mary Dahm Michael Dauck Helen Davidson Charles Davies
Edward Deal Cynthia DeBartolo Michael DeBoeuf Robert Degenhart Denise DeLoria Patricia Demos John and Marian Dexter Albert Dickey Lee Dickinson Mark Dirck Robert Dobbratz Marvin and Helen Dorak Dalibor (‘71) and Jacquelyn (‘71) Drummer David Duncan Michael Dzik John (‘57) and M. Suzanne Eakins Joel Eby Paul and Patricia Eddy Richard and Janet Edelmann Douglas (‘73) and Susan (‘74) Ehrick Raymond and Candace Eichholz Eileen Elenz Chester Elliott, Jr. Mark Emanuelson Ralph and Rosemary Engelking Daniel Engle Edward Erminger Raymond Favero Howard and Annabelle Fenske Brad Fidder Allan Finch John Finn Michael Finnemann Thomas Fisher Leanne Flaherty Jose Flores Vito Florio James Fox Gail Freund (‘71) Helen Frisk Paul and LaVerne Froehner Gerald and Betty Fudala Thomas and Linda Gage Robert and Janet Gall Phyllis Garbrecht James and Claudia Geocaris Robert Gerowitz Frederick Gettelman Sam Giliberto James and Judith Glover Gaylord and Elaine Goerl Arthur Goldsworthy Steven Graves James Grenawalt Kathryn Grey Valerie Grigsby Walter Griskavich Thomas Gritton, Sr. Richard Grudt Anthony (‘62) and Suzanne Gudvangen Kathleen Haas Thomas Hamilton William Hammer Michael Hams Robert Hansen Jon and Jacalyn Hanson Gary Harrison Asad Hayauddin Kevin Haywood Donald and Joyce Heinrich Robert Heinz Kenneth Heklowski John Henn Janice Henningsen (‘62) Mark (‘81) and Jody Herder James Hiatt Wayne and Ruth Ann Higgins David Hill Thomas Hill II Randy Hillman Karl (‘83) and Martha L. (‘86) Hipchen Martha J. Hipchen Woodrow amd Ava Hodges Joel Hoeger John Hoeksema Lorraine Hollingsworth (‘79) Richard Horner Homer and Marjorie Howard John (‘89) and Josephine Huber John Hughes John and Judith Hukey Debra Jackson Duane and Lois Jacobson Carla Jaeger (‘58) Robert and Margaret (‘75) Jaegly James Jensen George and Ruth Johnson
Once again, the Business and Professional Coalition luncheons brought distinguished speakers to Carthage, including Chicago Blackhawks president John McDonough, top; longtime U.S. Army intelligence officer Donald Woolfolk, center; and former Arthur Andersen executive Duane Kullberg, bottom. 21
Paul Johnson Wayne Johnson Robert Jones Michael Jones, Sr. Mark Joyce Gary and Carol Kapitan Connie Kaye Mary Keyes William Kinell Robert (‘66) and Rebecca Kinnear Kenneth and Mary Ellen Klamut Lorraine Kochajkiewicz Kenneth Kogelmann Lawrence Kohn John Kovanda, Sr. Timothy Kowalski Evelyn Krug Michael Kuehne Robert and Marie Kuntz John Lamorgese Donald Lamphere James Landi Jane (‘63) and James Landsverk Rany and Gloria Lang Leslie Langan-Gluck (‘83) and Robert Gluck Debbie Larson David Larson Stephen Lawrence Gary Layden Russell Leight Lenore Lenten Kent Linkfield Maria Liogas Stephen Lochen Donald Lund Elaine Lundgren (‘78) John Lydon Marion Madeja Daniel Magurshak Victor Main Marion Makowski Richard and Jane Malafa Floyd and Arlene Mann Ruth Marks Paul Marshall Thomas Martin La Mont Martin Daniel Martino II
Teresa Mastin Juan Matias Anne McCarthy Robert McCarty Lonnie McCollum James McCulloch David McElwain Christopher McGuiggan Thomas (‘59) and Carol (‘56) McGuine Richard Meeker Jacki Meliza James Meyer Jeffrey Meyer Louise Michalski Lawrence Mielke Paul (‘76) and Patricia Mierow Charles and Fay (‘83) Miller Beth Mix Mayhew Dennis and Lynne Monaco William Moore Stanley Muench Steven (‘75) and Janan Mulvey Dale Murfield Daniel Murray Robert Musselman James Nelson Sharon Nelson James Nessling Thomas Neylan Ronald Nikkinen Roger and Pamela Nogal John Norwood John Oboikowitch (‘68) and Margaret Calvert Thomas O’Brien Thomas O’Connell, Sr. Marcia O’Donnell Benjamin Ogden Charles O’Keefe II Ole Oleson Robert Olken Joseph O’Ryan Steven Papke Robert Paulmeyer Robert Pavlik, Jr. Cheryl Peaslee Patricia Pedersen Earl Petermann
Charles and Lori Peterson Faith (‘64) and Rodney Pfeiffer Charles and Carol Phillips John Platta Lee Plinska Paula Pollock (‘71) Keith Potts Ronald Prankus Thomas Price Denise Punzel Bradley and Linda Purcell Kurt Rabenhorst Marlene (‘58) and Irving Radtke Carol Raimondi Peter and Tamara Rallo, Sr. Rogelio Ramos Bret Rappaport Kevin (‘74) and Linda Rattle Glen Rauwerdink Theodor and Dorothy Repsholdt, Sr. Patrick and Linda Rich Robert Ripper Olene Ristow Mark Ritter Eileen (‘87) and David Robel Andrea (‘88) and Lawrence Robers Peggy (‘84) and Kevin Robertson Wayne Rogoski David Rohe Joseph and Helen Rose James and Vada Rosenbalm Troy Rosenbrook Danny Rudy Edward Ruffolo Robert Ryba Christine Ryden (‘70) Paul Savignano Jerome Schaefermeyer Donald Schlieve Patrick Schmidt Michael Schroeder Paul Schuenke Kimberly Schultz David Semerdjian and Barbara Frank-Semerdjian Gregory Serviss Florence Shawl Ronald Shelton Paula (‘99) and Lorenc Slamann, Jr.
Robert Slattery William Smialek Gerald Smith Phyllis Smith (‘49) Thomas Smith Harold and Lois Solberg Gary Sopeth Wendy Sorensen James and Margaret Sorenson Michael Spatchek Evalyn Spinder Scott Spitzer Alison Spotts Donald (‘89) and Virginia Squires David and Jeanne Stansfield Laurie Stebbins Kurt Stefans Mary Stein Duane and Kathleen Steinberg Lottie Stokosa Richard and Margaret Streff Susan (‘93) and Bruce Sullivan Brian Sullivan Clifford Swanson Anthony Swantek Dean Swoboda Bill Szczesniak John Tackes Thomas Tassone Lynn and Fern Tavs Corolyn (‘48) and Maurice Ter Hark Eugene and Donna Thomas Paul Tinjum Ben Trotter Paul Tucker Delores (‘57) and Gerald Vojtko Robert and Linda Vokes Steven (‘76) and Patricia (‘76) Volkman Lynann Von Bergen (‘80) Kenneth and Margaret Waack Delores Weddel Jeffrey (‘74) and Bethalyn (‘75) Wedge Gregg Weinstock Cy Werda David Westgate Thomas Wetherald Paul Weyrauch
Donald and Patricia Whelpley Alec White Milton (‘48) and Evelyn Whitney Barbara (‘76) and Steven Whitney Janice Wichmann (‘73) and Steven Hunsader David (‘98) and Ann (‘92) Willems Alvera Willhite Thomas Wilson Steven Wojciechowicz Craig Yapp Jeffrey Zahn James Zahrobsky Herbert Zautke Kathy Zeidler Mark Zierke Carol (‘98) and Ed Ziesemer David (‘83) and Susan Zimmerman Neil Zimmerman Douglas Zubka Pamela Zundl
Robert (‘72) and Diana Placko Brenda and Richard Poggendorf Judith Schaumberg and Frank Aigner August (‘88) and Michele Schmidt IV Elaine (‘79) Walton Michael and Stephanie West Robert (‘69) and Diane (Ferch, ‘69) Zapf Dean’s Club
David and Lyn Brunn Jack (‘49) and Mae (Voth, ‘52) Harris
Donald and Barbara Boe Robert and Michele Bonn F. Gregory and Barbara Campbell Charlotte and Samuel Chell Hugh (‘50) Hart Paul and Christa Hegland Gregory (‘90) and Barbara Huss James Igleheart Robert (‘50) and Mary Lou (Kreppert, ‘47) Jeanmaire Allen Klingenberg Roger and Sharon Lindberg David and Julie Missurelli Dudley and Mary (Meyers, ‘86) Riggle Julio Rivera and Kathleen Kavanagh Timothy (‘83) Rucks Jane (Anderson, ‘80) and Jack (‘72) Spencer Gary (‘96) and Carrie (Mills, ‘98) Williams Justin (‘04) Zahn
President’s Club
Heritage Club
Faculty and Staff Lentz Club
James (‘63) and LaRue (Rhine, ‘64) Unglaube Trustees’ Club
William and Julia Abt John Antaramian Frank and Rebecca (Rucks, ‘88) Belmont Robert (‘91) and Pamela Cibrario Robert and Lois Dittus Steven (‘93) and Stephanie Domin William and Blanche Gunderson Sarah (Hunt, ‘87) and William Harris Ruth (‘84) Johnson L. J. (‘04) Marx III Glenn and Carol Miller Patrick Pfaffle Kurt (‘77) Piepenburg and Kate Jerome
D. Gregory and Kathleen (Gall, ‘84) Berg Clayton (‘59) and Shirley (Eller, ‘59) Diskerud Mardell and Rob Fisher William (‘92) Haithcock and Anne Reese (‘92) Edwin and Paula Kalke Todd and Kimberly Kelley Rick Matthews Joseph McAlhany Margaret (Skinner, ‘94) Miller Richard and Barbara Mowen, Jr. Gregory (‘84) and Jill Nichols Linda and Thomas Noer Kathy and Michael Oldani
Robert Schlack Aaron Trautwein Susan and Michael Witkauskis Century Club
Gregory Baer Jonathan Bruning Temple and Elisabeth Burling Peter (‘86) and Eliza Dennee James and Janice Duncan III Donald and Vonny Gottschalk Thomas and Sally Groleau Greta Hansen Donald and Jule Ann (‘72) Johnson Beverly (Hand, ‘61) Keller Arthur Landry Lloyd Melis Kathy and Timothy Myers Roberta Noe Michele (Price, ‘92) and James Olshanski Elaine Radwanski and Karl David Kelle-Laura Rogers Carol (Hintzsche, ‘82) and Mustapha Sabbar Daniel and Diane Schowalter Richard and Mary Sjoerdsma Mark and Kay Snavely Julie (‘80) Starks Susanna (Craven, ‘04) Swenson Jon (‘60) and Mary (‘77) Swift Adam (‘90) Walker and Glynis Payne-Walker (‘84) John Weiser Lori and Jeff Winters Brett Witt Matthew and Mary Zorn Carthaginian Club
Bradley and Trisha (Persaud, ‘97) Andrews Jason (‘06) Atanasoff Amy (Ludovice, ‘00) Bruning Sarah (‘10) Carlino Thomas (‘10) Fox Andrew (‘10) Gamarra Danielle (Syens, ‘00) and Matthew (‘99) Geary Denise (Dotson, ‘77) and Paul Gifford
Judith and James Glover Elsie Hart Woodrow and Ava Hodges Ellen Huck Erik (‘07) Keil Steven Kirk James and Rachel Lochtefeld Daniel Magurshak Robert and Marianne (Adamczyk, ‘76) Maleske Vinita Matthaidess Meggan (Leonaitis, ‘10) Mazanet Chester Melcher Edward Montanaro Ronda and Jim Nissen Lynn (‘93) and Ernest Parks Helen Pflugrad Thomas Powers Janet Rakow Christine Renaud Leroy and Mary Slater Daniel Spranger Kathleen and Duane Steinberg Wayne (‘78) Thompson and Gladys Hollant Janine Tolentino Lois (Griffith, ‘83) Topping Thomas and Lois Van Dahm Paul and Katherine Zavada
Friends Lincoln Club
Inez Goerner Joseph and Shirley Madrigrano, Sr. Janet May Gloria Mullen The Estate of Evelyn A. Rogers
Lentz Club
Mary and Eli Bishop Erin Grunnet Elizabeth Hrajnoha Thomas Madrigrano Charles and Sandra Moody Carl Nelson Gary and Cindy Wilson Eli and Mary Wolf
Trustees’ Clulb
Rita Petretti Fred Young, Jr.
President’s Club
Mary Jane Barth Howard and Elizabeth Brown John Brunner William Bucha Margaret Ceis Peggy Douglas Sam Eemons James and Connie Ferwerda Mark and Janice Franzen Imogene Johnson William Kelley Kitty Knapp Duane Kullberg Ronald Levy Serge Logan Joseph and Kathy Madrigrano, Jr. Robert Parr Paulette Petretti Charles Reagan Glenn and Eleanor Sather Bettie Schindler Joyce Schowalter Wolfhart Schubach Margaret Spangler David and Catherine Straz, Jr. Christopher Tenuta Ralph Wirebaugh
Dean’s Club
Mark Bernhardt William and Karen Boyd Erno and Suzanne Dahl James and Shirley Duncan, Jr. Eleanor Eisfeller Edythe and Richard Even The late Naomi Farr Paul and Nancy Geertsen Ronald Gunden Robert and Mildred Herder Susan and Robert Johnson Kenneth Keyes Richard Keyes Doris Larsen William Loughner
Randall McGraw Paul Parks John Raiswell Jack Shaw Tudi Smith Michael Strohm Joyce Swift Ann and Thomas Venn Heritage Club
Beverly Alfes Lorraine Body Keith Burchett John Cortesi Leslie Cox Lawrence Cripe Sophia Cripe James DeBoeuf Robert Fredrick Edward Gager Ronald Gigstead Kent and Carole Henning Edward Jarosz Vivienne Kahle Robert Koupeny Anthony Machi Clayton Meier Helen Pagel Jeffrey Petras Mary Smogar W. Richard and Joan Witt Gerald Yahr
Century Club
Norma Acciari Timothy Albers Larry Albertson Olivia Andrea Steven Arredondo Vincent Arrigo Thomas Arundel Barbara Aubel Nelson Ball Laird Barber Paul Barlow Richard Baron Jeff Barrow and Kathryn PotterBarrow Bernadette Baumann
Mary Louise Beckstrand Kenneth Bedgood William Beiermann Rebecca Belmont John Bennethum Paula Bienemann Harold and Juanita Bjork Nancy Bolton Harriet Borg Linda Bornbach Glenn and Mildred Buzzard Raymond and Mary Ann Camosy Vincent Carbone John Chapman Marcelle Chromy John Cortez Emily Crecchio Magdalene and Gerald Danzer Sonja Dauparas Yvonne and Lawrence Dennee Ralph Dobson Michael Dobson Richard Douglas Quintus Drennan, Jr. Lisa Dudley-Mundahl Green Lorraine Dunteman Michael Durkin Thomas and Mary Ann Eggerud Michael Eiklenborg Ruth Engstrom Marian Epping Mark Everts Stephen Fenchel Jerry Florence Troy Foster Robert Fouts Mark Gander Orestes Garcia Debra Gates Mary George Charles and Patricia Gohs Eugene Grabinski Mary and Gary Groezinger James Gulbrandsen Eugene Hanneke, Jr. Donald Hardy, Sr. Mary Harper Franklin and Ellie Hartzell Michael Higgins
John Hoeksema Richard Hollarbush Kathleen Hunt Martha Hunt John Huston Rose Iannelli Angelo Iasillo Mariano Imbarrato Gary Jensen Elissa Johnsen Paul Johnson Michael Johnson Judy and John Juliana Doris Kaps Edward Kaps John Keeley, Jr. Irene Kelly Lauren Kirkner Margaret Kisman Donald Kissel Kandy Klein Keith Koch The Estate of Erwin Koch James Komarec William Laidig Kevin Lambright Mark Lecy Randall Lee Sally Lemke Jeffry Lindbloom John Lindemulder Alexandra Lowry Paul Luetmer Anthony Lydon Douglas MacGregor David Macke John Majewski Robert Manino Tim Marler Janice and Frank Marrelli Bruce Mattson Sarah McGinn Timothy McLaughlin David Mead Thomas Melzer John Messman Russell Meyer Keith Milkowski The late William Miller
Tarble Arena was the place to be this winter, as Steve Djurickovic of the Red Men capped his career by winning the Jostens Trophy as the outstanding male player in Division III. The Lady Reds also maintained their winning tradition.
Report ON giving 2011
A steady stream of campus productions in theater, dance, and a variety of music genres reflect Carthage’s commitment to the fine arts. Melvin and Linda Miritz Frank and Gina Missurelli Morris Moore William Morrissey Karl Mueller Diane and John Muri Kathryn Nesbitt Arlene and Robert Neybert James Oberweis Michael O’Brien Fumiko Ogasawara John and Judy Page Doris Parks Larry Parks Johnny Passarelli Katie Patzke Karen Pedersen Dennis Peterson Donnamarie Petti Thomas Pinto Martha Plapp Richard Pratt William Radek Karen Reichling Caroline Reimer Michael Richards Lawrence Rieger John Ringlein Sally Roberts Paul Rogalski Mary Root William Rucks Mary Ryan Guy Sarli Gottlieb Schafer Francis Schmelzel Edwin Schrock
Judith Schwerman Philip Schworer Michael Servant James and Shirley Seymour James and Elika Shapiro Jack Simpson Albert Smiles Cathy and Kevin Smith Cynthia Strommen John Szatkowski Jason Taulman John Tennyck Dominick and Gina Tirabassi, Jr. John and Patricia Tomsheck David Tresch Lawrence Tumberger Lori Turk Richard Uihlein Kenneth Van Dine Jean Verbrick David Viles Christopher Wagner James Wartinbee Edward Weaver Edward Welters Richard and Wilma Werstler Gordon and Audrey West Robert Wetherald Norma Wittman Robert Yanz Lynn Youngberg Theodore and Marion Youngquist Martin Zanin Carthaginian Club
Sherryl Abplanalp Harold Abrahamsen
Doris Acciari Kenneth Acciari Tom Addison Kathleen Sharon Addy David Adler Marjorie Agnello Anthony Aiello, Jr. Daniel Alderton Roger Allen Richard Allen Brian Alley Antonio Ammendola Mark Anders Charles Andersoni Delores Anderson Henry Anderson John Anderson Karl Anderson Ron Anderson Caroline Andrews Linda Andrews Robert Angerame Charlotte Argall Bruce Armstrong Lee Arneson Lauren Arnold Edward Arntson Linda Ashida J. Brooks Augustine Steven Azuma John Badtke Betty Baer Richard Bake Ray Baker Jane Baker Nellie Baker Vedia Baker
Rodney Bakkala George Baldyga Paul Balle Nikolaus Bappert David Barclay Vincent Barile Fred Barksdale Ann Barncard Nicholas Barnicke, Jr. Joanne Bartholomew Ellen Bartolomei James Bathey Kenneth Baumann Albert Bax James Beatty Milton Beazley Donna Becker Dorothy Becker Juanita and Robert Becker Larry Beeler Gregory Beer Diane Behnke Curtis Beischel Dean Beischel Nick Bekas E. Jane Bekos Thomas Belanger James Bell Paul and Joann Bella Nicholas Bellavia Jennifer Bennett Robert Bennett Shirley Bentheimer William Bergamini Joann Bergmann Mark Berkowitz Charlene Bermele
Rodney Berna Catherine Bibbiano Charles Bibbiano Jay Bickford Linda Bielic Patricia Bielick Christopher Bielowicz Sophie Bielowicz James Bierbower James Bierwirth John Bilski Seymour Binstein Deborah Bishop Dee Dee and David Black Gregory Blackwood Cynthia Blair Michele Blasz Steve Block Robert Bloom James Bluebaum Elisabeth Blum Patricia Boecher Jay Bohan Carol Bohl Martha Boks Cara Boland John Boland Elizabeth Bollero Dan Bolstad Calvin Bolwerk Shirley Bombard Christine Bonn Jeri Bonomo Ronald Borkus Nella Bosman Diane Bosovich Alfio Bottari
Mario Bottari Kevin Bowens Stephanie Boyens Caroline Bradbury Edward Brady Chris Brand Edward Brandes Miriam and Ronald Branstrom Louise Brattland Karin Braun Nicole Braun Gordon Braun Maryann Breen Sandra Brehl John Brennan Russell Brewer Patrice Brewington David Brooke Eugene and Ellen Brookhouse Eddie Brown Barbara Brown Lee Mary Ruth Broz Sharon Buccino Craig Buck David Buddle Gordon Buddle Arnold Bukal Shirley and John Burg James Burgess John Burke James Burlison Marie Burns Candace Busarow Timothy Bush Lon Buss Kimberly Butera June Butler
John Byrne Joseph Byrne Sheila Bystol Randy Calm Steven Caloway Winona Campbell Fernando Camporese Bernard Cannata Joseph Cardoza Paul Carey Ione Carlsen Halina Carlson June Carlson John Carlson Marvin Carlson Lee Carlson-Fisher Wallace Carpenter Alfred Carrubba Robert Casey Carter Cavalier Blanca Cavazos David Centella Jeffrey Chaney Thomas Cheney Walter Cheney Arnold Chesna Thomas Chesna Victor Chillemi Anthony Chimera Silvana Chimera Francisco Chou Kevin Christensen Viola Christianson Steve Christner Eugene Chudy Shirley Chudy Joseph Cieslewicz Josephine Cipriani John Ciszek Michael Clancy John Clark James Clarke Darlene and Robert Clauss Fred Clavio, Jr. Harry Clement Jacob Clement Micheal Clendening Felicia Cohen Jennifer Colby H. Dwayne Colclough Michelle Coleman Robert Colosi Jeffrey Colstock James Colvin Michael Conley James Connelly Daniel Connor Richard Conrath William Copeland Marilyn Corey Paul Cortez Jennifer Cortez Allen Cottrell Christine Cowell Delores Craft Carol Cramer Joe Crema John Crook Clayton Crost Martha Crost Neal Crost Dianna Crowe Helen Cuda James Cummings Sandra Cupelli-Gonzalez Marshall Cushman Robert Dahl Laura D’Amato Janet Dauparas John Dauparas George David Dorothy and Owen Davies Owen and Dorothy Davies Dolores Davies Lorraine Davies David Davis Jane Davis Jeff Davison Helen Dawiec Hilda Day Jasper De Maria Anthony and Lisa DeBartolo Eugene DeBartolo Lori Debee Charlotte Decker Jean Decoster Walter Dee Michael Deely Stacy Dekeyser John DeMartino Gary Demas
Report ON giving 2011
Ann Dempsey Sean Derrig Troy Devoe Robert Dickert Stephen Digiovine Vito Dimaso Bonnie Dirck William Dittman Clifford Dixon Mary Dixon Mark Dobson Scott Doffek Michael Donahue Helen and Marvin Dorak Jane Doud David Douglas Deanne Douglas Daniel Doyle Michael Dradi Eric Dreher Zofia Dripps John Drozd Matthew Dudek Roxanne Dudley Kent and Joyce Duesing Elizabeth Duffy Kevin Duhig Daniel Dwyer Kerry Dwyer Kenneth Dziubek Robert Eastburg Lori Eder John Egan Diane Ehlenfeldt Loretta Eickmeyer Kevin Eickmeyer Kent Eklund Alan Ellingham Ronald Ellingsen Mary Elliott Paul Elsen Rosemary and Ralph Engelking Susan Erdmann Steven Erlain William Erminger Stewart Etten Gerald Euting and Linda Neilson Euting Lawrence Evitts Kathryn Falcon C. Elizabeth Fanning Anita Faraone Neal Farella Cynthia Farmer John Feldner Michael Feminis Annabelle and Howard Fenske Robert Ferguson Robert Ferlmann Omar Fernandez John Ficco, Jr. Mary Fiedler Robert Fitzgerald John Flanagan, Jr. Michael Flannigan Michael Flasch Walter and Paulene Fleuchaus Frank Folkens Geraldine Folker Richard Foltz Harris Ford Harry Ford Steven Foreman Harriet Forsythe Bert Foster, Jr. Paul Fox Terry Fox Timothy Frakes James Frale, Sr. Christopher Franco Debra Franco Richard Frankel Guy Franzese, Sr. Jack Fredrick James Frey James Friebel James Friel Helen Frisk Ralph Fronczkowski William Frye Kevin Frye Betty and Gerald Fudala G. Donald Fuehrer Kurt Fuehrer Jeff Fuhrman James Fuhs Jerry Furlong Mark Furloni Cheryl Gabler Marjorie Gahart Janet and Robert Gall
Leo Gallo Beverly Galvani Marc Ganz Janet Garcia Brian Garlock Tracy-Anne Garrett-Herbig Daniel Garvey Lynn Garvey Fred Garzino John Gates Robert Gaw Erika Geiger Sue Geiss Christopher Genin James Gerken Ronald Gerlach Thomas Gervais Gilbert Gettes Helen Getzelman-Schultz Edsel Gill George Gilmartin Kurt Ginkel Everette Glas Nick Glass Karl Glassen Edward Gleason Gerald Gleason Carol Glogovsky Robert Glogovsky Nicholas Gnas Steven Goebel Richard Goettig Florence Gofron Richard Golden Patricia Gomez Juan Gonzalez Gerald Goodrich Thomas Gore Philip Gould Michael Grabner Stephen Graff Kent Granell Raymond Grant Ronald Grant Joseph Graser Mary Jane Graser Hiram Grau Karen Graves Ronald Greco David Green James Green Wayne Green Amy Greenbaum Mark Gregory Dorothy Grenke David Grimm David Gritton Michael Gritton Judith Gross G. Michael Gude Brian Guhl Keith and Carol Gumbinger Robert Gutgsell Christine Guth Craig Gwaltney John Haas Dean Haase Elizabeth Haase Wendell Hackworth Allan Hale David Hall Debra Hall Richard Handrahan Eric Hannemann Beverly Hansen Dennis Hansen Ken Hansen Gordon Hansmeier Gregory Hanson Charles and Sylvia Hanson Thomas Harding Donald Hardy, Jr. Jillian Harlan Dale Harrah Carol Harrington Lorraine Harris Michael Harris Trudee Hart Sean Hastings Robert Hatfield William Havranek Donald Hayes Sharon Heath Felicia Heckel Bonnie Heffernan Gerald Heideman Loran Hein Joyce and Donald Heinrich James Heinz, Sr. Corey Held Marlene Helinski
Bonnie Heller Dennis Helmke Dorothy Hendee Kimberly Hendee James Hendrix, Jr. Barbara Henkel Lawrence Henkel Marilyn Henkel Walter Herbig William Herrmann Thomas Hester Sharon Hieb Ruth Ann and Wayne Higgins Edward Hillard Norman Hillner Owen Hobson Mary Hocin John Hodel Claud Hodges Edith Hoefer Dennis Hoeksema Allison Hoey Philip Hoffman Harold Hogen Darin Hohimer Gerald Hollander Bryan Hollenbach Nathan Holman Larry Holtsclaw Norman Holtz Gerald Hooks, Jr. Michael Hopkins Shirley Horvath Kirk Hosteng Robert Hovorka Daniel Howard John Howden Robert Huber Angela Hudson Christopher Hufman Robert Hulick John Hutnick Sandra Ingram Theresa Irace Gregory Isaacson Peter Jabeck Erik Jackson Gerald Jacob Fred Jacobeit Martin Jacobs Sally Jacobs Lois and Duane Jacobson Kathleen Jadolon Kenneth Jaeck Roger Janczak Dolores Janes Lois Janson Amelia Jaramillo David Jarrett Adam Jensen Lenore Jensen William John Clayton Johnsen, Jr. Christina Johnson Hobert Johnson Jessica Johnson Kurt Johnson Ruth and George Johnson Stewart Johnson William Johnson Kathleen Johnston Michael Joho Clayton Jones Erin Jones James Jones Nolan and Rachel Jones Barbara Jordan Lynne Juhl Patricia Kallal Joesph Kaltwasser John and Phyllis Kamperschroer Mark Kane George Kanzler Greg Kapala John Kaps George Karahalios William Karakosta Richard Karmik III Kathryn Karrigan William Kase Todd Kath Doris Kazell Kris Kazian Joseph Keck Mark Keckeisen Austin Keller Donald Keller John Keller, Jr. Angela Kelly Audie Kelso John Kennedy
John Kenny Dennis Ketterman Laverne Keune Earl Keyes Benjamin Kiefer James Kiefer Michael Kiewicz John and Pauline Kiltinen Kathleen King Ken King Donald Kirby Joseph Kish Edward Kissel Sophie Kissel S. Marshall Kite, Jr. Mary Ellen and Kenneth Klamut Dale Klapmeier Dale Klassy Frank Klaus Martin Klein Roger Klein Thomas Kleve Edison Klingler Michael Knese Joan Knight Casper Knizeski Debra Knowles Patricia Knowlton Gary Knutsen Anthony Kocienski William and Edith Koehler James Koeneman James Kohl Joseph Kohn Janet Komassa Virginia Kondraros Gary Kopczynski Cathy Koplin Malena Koplin Fred Korth Mark Kotkosky Keith Kouba Costi Kourplas Phillip Koutnik Kenneth Kozelka Deborah Kozlowski Margaret Kozlowski Edward Kramer Robert and Marlene Krause Shirley Krause Steven Krause Jay Krcmar Charles Kresse Vic Kressin Peter Krimmer Bruce Kubitz Randal Kuceyeski Mary Kuchenmeister Christine Kushner Rodney Kuske John Laabs Barbara Lackey William Laidig Anna Laing Ralph and Margaret Lambrecht Esther Landgren Ralph Lange Dante LaPorte Shirley Larisch James Larsen David Larson Debbie Larson Ellen Larson Nancy Larson Richard Larson Walter Larson David Latkowski Mark Latkowski Brian Lauer David Lauer Arthur Lavelle Daniel Lawrence Daniel Lazurka Gus Leakakos Tommy Leakakos Ernest Leazer Dennis Lee Jean Leedham John Lehuta James Leonard Lee Leppert David and Diane Lerseth Marianne Leslie Linda Lewin Alan Lewis Keith Lewitzke Thomas Lierman Gary Lindeman Roy Lierman Rex Link Mary Linssen
Nick Liogas Mary Jane Lippert Alice Littlejohn James Livingston Javier Llamas, Jr. Michael Lobraco III Jason Lochen Ralph Loehmann David Loepker Paul Lokotz Michael Lombard Leonard Long Patrick Looby Janis Lorch Albert Lossau Robert Lovdahl James Lovell Susan Lueck Kenneth Lunden Wayne Luplow James Lutes James Luzzi Virginia Luzzi Christopher Lydon John Lydon James Lynam Arthur Lynn Victor Mabee Tracy MacCallum Doreen Mach Stephen Maciejczyk Marcia Mackowiak Geraldine Magerski Gregory Maggard Robert Maier Jeffrey Malinowski John Mallinas Thomas Marchal John Marchese Zarko Markovic Ruth Marks Joseph Marovitch Felicula Marquez Jim Mars Jean Marshall Gregory Martin Philip Martin Luis Martinez Robert Martinski Wayne Martinski Tiffany Masias Gary Maske Donald Mathiebe Richard Mathis Lena Matschke Edwin Matthews Katherine Mattson Sidney Mattson Joseph Mattus Josephine Matulewicz Ann McCarty Shirley McAdams Raymond McBride Craig McCafferty Greg McCallister Jason McCallum Justin McCarthy Robert McCarty Linda McCleary John McCormick Sybil McCotter Forrest McCune William McDermott Matthew McGrain Michael McGuire James McIntyre Ronald McKenzie Brian McMahon Michael McNally Mary Anne McNamara Elizabeth McNamara James McNicholas Maureen McPencow Sharon McQueen Bruce Meagher Scott Means Lila Melby Richard Melton, Sr. Sandra Melton Michael Mendoza Mary Merchant Luke Mertens Edith Meyer James Meyer Thomas Meyer Michael Micek Timothy Micinski Daniel Mickelson William Mickey Joseph Migliore Janice Milano
Freshman Class 2010 at a Glance 6,885 Applications 69% Admit Rate 746 Freshmen 24.37 Mean ACT 3.30 Mean High School GPA 21 States Represented AL, CA, CO, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, MI, MN, MO,
Foreign countries represented
Japan, Kenya, Mongolia, Nepal Martha Milano Gail Milas David Miller Harold and Catherine Miller Linda Miller Ralph Miller Richard Miller Richard and Naomi Miller Scott Miller Jerry Miller Maretta Miller Robert Miller, Jr. Jennifer Milligan Kenneth Milling Mark Minch Jack Minder Joel Mishler Anna Marie Mitchell Don Mitchell Roger Moddes Fredrick Moeller John Mogk Henry Mok Judith Moldenhauer Tammy Molina Kathleen Monefeldt Jeremiah Montemayor Robert Moody Michael Moon Melinda Morales Nick Morano Gary Morgan Dave Moritz Ralph Morrison Edwin Mosher George Mosier Marshall Moss Ronald Mowery Bernard Muellers Robert Mulcahy Richard Munaretto Helen Murphy Kathleen Murphy Sara Murphy Paul Musgrave James Myhre Orville Myrie Eliot Narotsky Joseph Nasca Troy Neely Mayra Negron Harry Nehls Timothy Neitzel William Neketis, Sr. William Nelan Rochelle Nelson Nancy Nettesheim Joseph Neumann Walter Neumayer Danny Newville Margaret Niccolai Norma Niccolai Irving Nicholson, Sr. Mark Nickel Mark Niemice Jeffrey Nikutin Russell Nixon Charles Nolan
Steven Noonan Frank Noto Dennis Nowicki Richard Nyman Gordon and Sandra Oakes Jacquelyn O’Connell John O’Connell Stephen Odegard Burke Oehrlein Gerald Ogren Charles O’Keefe Jerome Oksiuta Dwayne Olsen Jack Olson John O’Malley James O’Neill Gerald Ontko Benedict Ori Marc Ori Charles Ortmann Robert Osbun James O’Shea Jennifer Ota John Ott, Jr. Michelle Oxman Ron Paaske Barbara Page Basil Paoulos Rosemary Papaleo Yvonne Parise Mickey Parker Jerry Parks Terry Parks Michael Parrish Jeffrey Parry Florence Parry Heide Catherine Paske Arthur Patek Raphaela Rae Paterno Larry Patrick Rosemary Patrick Loretta Paulmeyer Richard Paulmeyer Russell Paulmeyer Donald Pawelski Ebrahim Payrow-Olia James Pechous Ellen Pedraza Randall Penn David Perna Janet Perry Lawrence Perryman Catherine Pesch Bruce Pesek Saul Peters Joseph Petersen Patricia Petersen Robert Petersen Ryan Petersen Darwin Peterson Delbert Peterson Donald Peterson Kinley Peterson Gregg Petrosky Steven Petti Peter Petti, Jr. Ernest Peyron James Pfeifer
Carol and Charles Phillips Dorothy Phipps Audrey Pikunas Joseph Pillizzi Tom Pinchbeck Jeffrey Piwowarczyk Michael Place John Ploger Wendell Podulka Lucelia Pollock Susan Polowy Todd Ponath Robert Portle John Potter LaVern Pottinger Howard Poulson David Poupore Patrick Powers Robert Prange Nickey Prater Joanne Precht Russell Precht Thomas Prell Arthur Preus Melinda Preuss Beatrice Pribek Deidre Pribek Lisa Pribek Don Prince Ric Proctor Victoria Progar William Pucher Patricia Pusateri Kathleen Putnam Dorothy Quattrin Vito Raimondi Tamara and Peter Rallo Larry Ralston Mary Ramming Pedro Ramos Steve Ramos Vince Ranieri Ryan Ratfield Terry Rawsky Bruce Redeker Deborah Redmond Kathleen Reed Patricia Reed Christine Reeves Jerold Rehfeld Dale Reichhart Rose Reichhart Timothy Reidy Raymond Reitz Earl Rentmeester Dorothy and Theodor Repsholdt Marygrace Reyes Darrell Rhoades Frank Ricciardi Linda and Patrick Rich Brenda Richardson Joanne Richardson Lavergne Richardson John Richetta Cathy Riddle Michael Riggle Dorothy Ringstrand Russell Ringstrand
Scott Ringstrand James Ritter Michael Ritter John Rizos Donna Robbins Paul Roberts Peggie Roberts Alan Robinson Joseph Robinson, Jr. Judith Roblee Fred Roediger, Jr. Donald Rogenhofer James Rogers Marjorie Rohe Lynn Rohe Bruce Roman Iola Rosenbaum Chad Rosenbecker Dolores Rosenbrook Leon Rosko Marilyn Roth Candyce Rousseau Susan Rowan Dale Roy Laura Rozzoni Brian Ruden Maureen Rudy Dwight Rueter Janine Rueter Kenneth Rundquist Elisa Ruscitti Vincent Rusnak Larry Rutkowski Jerry Rutter Joesph Ruzicka Alice Ryan Jill Rylander Dennis Rzepka Michael Sadler Michelle Sadler John Sagat Douglas Sakaguchi Dennis Salomonson James Salvadori Lino Salvadori Vincent Sama William Samatas Edmundo Sanchez Fabian Sanchez Ronald Sanderfoot John Sandvig Donna Sass Jared Sass Ralph Sass Erik Sator Ernst Saunders Paul Saydak Stephen Scahill Joe Scarlato Michael Schaffer William Schencke Scott Schenke Lorrie Schenning Sandra Schenning Anna Schifano Hank Schmidt John Schmidt Arthur Schmieding Elaine Schmitt Robert and Sigrid Schneider Thomas Schneider Jeffrey Schoner Keith Schrader Kevin Schrader Edward Schrock Arthur Schroeder J. Scott Schroeder Lois Schroeder Paul Schroeder Rhonda Schubert Barbara Schultz Lori Schultz Kathryn Schulz Eva Schweitzer Patrick Scoles Kifflie Scott Steven Scott William Scully Kurt Sebo Kenneth Secora Carol Selby Surges Dale Senensky Ronald Servant Vicki Sessions Irene Sesterhenn Richard and Winifred Severson Daniel Seybold Robert Sfasciotti David Shallcross Reul Shaw Kevin Shawgo
Gerald Shepherd David Sherman George Shinnick William Shiple Susan Siewert Geri Sikora Edmund Sikorski Craig Sipich Roger Sipple Ann Skokan Michael Slamann Lorenc Slamann, Sr. Joan Slattery Margaret Slavik Glenna Sloan Adam Slotkus Gary Smith Gerald Smith George Smith Helen Smith Jolanta Smith Kenneth Smith Stephanie Smith Thomas Smith Dale Smithy James Snider David Snooks Mary Soflin Elizabeth Solum Maryellen Sorensen Margaret and James Sorenson Roger Souba Shawna Sparks Peter Speca Donald Sperling Dorothy Sperling John Spiegel Evalyn Spinder Donald Sponenburg Mary Staahl Kris Stache Jerald Stachel Michael Staley Heather Stanley Jeanne and David Stansfield Steven Stark Emily Steckiewicz Jerome Steidl James Stein Bernard Steingart Myra Steinys Vicki Stephens Michael Steplyk Wayne Stetson, Jr. Carrie Stetson-Calvo Jerome Stevens Mark Steward Robert Stewart Vincent Stigler Randy Stilwell Ray Stinnett Jimmy Stoneberg Mary Storz Kelvin Strand Stephen Strasburg Jon Street Oskar Strubel Patrick Sturch David Stutzman Robert Stutzman Bruce Suchomel Vilia Sutkus-Kiela Janet Swain Robert Swanson Scott Swanson Laurie Swartwout Kim Swenson Richard Szaflarski Susan Szpisjak Ronald Takacs Thomas Taube Michael Tavs Fern and Lynn Tavs Jan Taylor Leo Taylor Terry Taylor Nathan Temple Thomas Terwall Colleen Theobald Robert Theriault Michael Thom Paul and Jodelle Thomas Todd Thommes James Thompson, Jr. Marian Thomsen Mary Thornberg Brian Tibbs Victor Tippet Ildiko Todorovic Gerald Tolsma Dolores Tomaszewski
Bryan Tornow Donald Traska David Traum Bruce Treudt Harold Treudt Joseph Trimarco, Jr. Viola Tripp Gary Troudt William and Nancy Truby Rodney True Kerry Trunkett Kellie Truppa Steven Tumberger Raymond Ulbert Rory Underwood Marylee Unrath Wayne Utterback John Valaske Mark Valerugo Daniel Vallee Jon Vandenburg Eleanor Vandewarker Randy Varga Darrell Varley Linda Vasquez Peter Vasquez Robert Vasquez Gregory Vaughn Liz Veja Jesus Veliz Michael Vercimak James Vernon Loris Verseman Douglas Vicino Edna Villa Justin Vince William Vincent John Vitellaro Paul Vlaming Brian Voelker Camille Vollaro Filomena Volpe Rosemary Volpe Frederick Von Heimburg Robert Voss Ralph Voyta, Jr. Margaret and Kenneth Waack Michael Waas Nicholas Wagner Eric Waisanen Alfred Walden John Walker Norman Wall Thomas Wall, Sr. Robert Wallen Francis Walrath Beverly Walsh Mary June Ward Christine Wardynski Guy Warke Edward Waschbusch Mildred Wasche John Watson Donald Weatherford David Weber Michael Weddel Calvin Weddle Mark Weiland Deborah Weiner Edward and Gloria Weiskotten Tina and Jeffrey Weiss James Weiss Mark Welch Scott Welch Thomas Wendling James Wenger Lucille Werges Randall West David Wetherald Charles Whately Robert Wicinski Linda Wickline Cheryl Wiesner Agnes Wilcox Kurt Wildner Bobbi Willard Gregory Willard Mary Williams William Williamson Gerold Willing Jeffrey Willis James Wilmsen J. Mark Wilson Shirley Wilson Thomas Wilson Diane Wiltgen James Winski Rosa Wisher Larry Witt Ralph and Beatrice Witt Joseph Wodarczyk
Rebecca Woessner John Wojciechowicz Leonard Wojciechowicz Steven Wolfson Rhea Wollangk Jeffrey Woller Alletta Wood Jervey Joan Woodham Russell Wortley Robert Wright Marlene Wylie Chuchanee and Gordon Wyllie Geninne Yacullo Kimberly Yafchak James Yahr Lois Yahr Raymond Yanz Harlan Yearian Melissa Yim David Young Mary Pat Young James Zabel Dennis Zarling Helen Zechmeister Norma Ziegler H. William Zilisch Donald Zimmerman William Zinaveah M. Carolyn Zirbes Robert Zobel
Foundations, Corporations and Matching Gift Companies 1335 Foundation
Abbott Electronic Security Abbott Laboratories Fund Accenture Foundation Alamo Insurance and Financial Services, Inc. American Chemical Society American Express Foundation Ameriprise Financial Aon Foundation Armitage Academy Associated Banc-Corp AT&T Foundation Balestrieri Environmental & Development, Inc. Bank of America, N.A. BASF Corporation Batavia Custom Travel, Inc. Baxter International Foundation Bear Realty Bearcat Leasing Corporation Blondies Style, LLC BP America, Inc. Brady Corporation Brookwood Foundation Bucyrus-Erie Foundation, Inc. Butler Chemical Co., Inc. C & H Distributors, Inc. Camosy Construction, Inc. Capillo Del Rey Carthage Lacrosse Red Stick Club Central Survey, LLC Century 21 House Center Plus Certified Construction Services LLC Chem-X-Ray Services Corporation Chubb & Son Cicchini Asphalt Paving Inc Comfort Temp, Inc. Comprehensive Orthopaedics, S.C. Country Insurance & Financial Countryside Market, Inc. Damar Natural Stone Imports, Inc. D’Angelo Insurance Agency, Inc. Decorating By Lee Department of Veterans Affairs DeRango’s of Kenosha, Inc. Discover Financial Services Dock Floats LTD Donna Wolf Steigerwaldt Foundation Dreamhouse Draperies, Inc. Dresser-Rand Co. Edison International EnCana USA Engineered Security Solutions, Inc. Enterprise Rent A Car Finishing & Plating Service Foursquare Financial Group Franklin I. and Irene List Saemann Foundation Gateway Mortgage Corporation GE Foundation Godin, Geraghty & Puntillo S.C. Goode Volleyball Grainger Global Sourcing Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Report ON giving 2011
Guttormsen, Hartley, Wilk & Higgins, LLP H & R Construction, Inc. Havlic & Associates, Inc. Hess Companies Hieb, Inc. HSBC Ideal Industries Foundation Illinois Tool Works Foundation Intel Foundation - JK Group International Body Shop, Inc. IT Pro Secure Corporation J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc. Jockey International, Inc. Johnson Bank of Racine Johnson Controls Foundation Johnson Diversey JPMorgan Chase Foundation Kenosha Hospital & Medical Center Kenosha Radiology Center Kenosha Unified School District Kline Residential Appraisal Services, Inc. Kraft Employee Involvement Program L and M Meats, Inc. Laclede Gas Charitable Trust Landmark Credit Union Larry Krepline Farms, LLC Lee County Title, Inc. Lee Mathews Equipment, Inc. Lee Plumbing Mechanical Contractors, Inc. M&I Bank Corporation Macy’s Inc. Madrigrano, Aiello, & Santarelli, LLC Mary Frost Ashley Charitable Trust Maryl L. Smith Agencies, Inc. McDonald’s Foundation McGraw-Hill Companies Merck Company Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Microsoft Corporation Midwest Display & Packaging, Inc. Mid-West Enterprises, Inc. Mighty Pac, Inc. Milwaukee Plate Glass Co Mobile One A Division of McTernan & Company, Inc. Modern Woodmen of America Monsanto Fund National Collegiate Athletic Association National Science Foundation NCIIA Five Colleges, Inc. Northern Trust Northwestern Mutual Foundation P A Contracting P.& L. Screw Products, Inc. Packaging Solutions, Inc. Palmen Motors, Inc. Park Promotions, Inc. Parker & Associates, D.D.S, P.C. PepsiAmericas Foundation PepsiCo Foundation Pfizer Foundation, Inc. PG&E Corporation Pinnow Pharmacy PJ Doghouse, Inc. Pretty Prairie Farms Quad/Graphics, Inc. R C Smith Concrete Company R J Underground, Inc. Racine Community Foundation, Inc. Rasch Construction & Engineering, Inc. Raymond James Company Reich Chiropractic Clinic, P.C. Riley Construction Corporation Rocco Fiore & Sons RSVDQ Inc. Russ Meyer Used Cars, Inc. S B Associates, Inc. (Sylvan) Sanofi-aventis SC Johnson Wax Fund, Inc. Sentry Insurance Foundation, Inc. Shipshewana Harness & Supplies, LLC Sisters of Saint Dominic Smeds Foundation Southport Volleyball Club Standby Power System Consultants, Inc. State Farm Companies Foundation Tenuta’s, Inc. The Bar of Appleton The Baxter International Foundation The Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation The Prudential Foundation
The Somers House The Trainers Club, Inc. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Title Underwriters Agency Torcaso’s Inc. Toys “R” Us, Inc. Trottier Agency Truesdell Mini-Mart, Inc. U.S. Bancorp Foundation U.S. Cellular U.S. Oil/Schmidt Family Foundation University of Wisconsin–Green Bay USG Foundation, Inc. Valeri Agency, Inc. Verizon Foundation Wachovia Foundation Wamboldt Properties, LLC Washington Park Tavern, Inc. Wauwatosa Savings Bank Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Wisconsin Energy Corporation Foundation Wisconsin Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc. Youngberg Ranch Your Image Works, Inc.
Churches Beth Hillel Temple Kenosha, Wisconsin Christ Lutheran Church Palatine, Illinois Christ Lutheran Church Mequon, Wisconsin Grace Lutheran Church Monroe, Wisconsin Messiah Lutheran Church Twin Lakes, Wisconsin Norway Lutheran Church Wind Lake, Wisconsin St. John’s Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Wares Grove Lutheran Church Butler, Illinois ELCA Region 3 and 5 Synods Northern Illinois Central/Southern Illinois Southeastern Iowa Northeastern Iowa Northwest Wisconsin Greater Milwaukee South/Central Wisconsin La Crosse Area Eastern North Dakota South Dakota Northwestern Minnesota Southwestern Minnesota Saint Paul Area Southeastern Minnesota
Henry Denhart Society Chartered in 1991, in the spirit of Carthage’s first benefactor, Henry Denhart, the Henry Denhart Society recognizes individuals whose planned or endowment gifts contribute most significantly to the College’s future. Recipients of the Book and Flame Award have completed such with a minimum value of $10,000.
Names with an * indicate Book and Flame Award recipients Mrs. Nadine Acker* Karen Affeldt Audrey Allen Carmen Ambroggio Irma Anderson* Patrick and Kimberly Anderson Richard B. and Dorothy J. Anderson* Leon and Betty Armagost Roger and Marge Asplund The Rev. Paul Baer Roger Bain The Rev. James and Jane Barsch The Rev. Paul Baughman Linda Bauschke
Eunice Becker Kenneth Becker* Mary Louise Beckstrand Harry and Audrey Behrens Jeffrey and Elizabeth Berhmann Khristine Beilfuss Laurie Belter Waldo and Ruth Berger Margaret Berhenke* Dr. Fred H. and Susan F. Bess Dr. and Mrs. John R. Biancalana* Timothy J. and Susan A. Bishop Glen C. Bitter Mary J. and Bruce F. Bitzan Dorathy Bobzin Dr. Richard and Jean (Burr) Boehm* Kenneth and Marianne Boehne Elsie M. Boese Leroy and Edith Botkin* Mary L. Bowman Robert and Susan Brandt Muriel N. Brauer* Carl and Jane Breitlow The Rev. Sandra R. Britton Wayne H. Brooks David and Lyn Brunn* Carol Louise Bruss* Darlene Bueker* The Rev. Everett and Dorothy Bunck Axel C. and Ann Wagner Bundgaard* Wendell and Melinda Byram* Barbara and Greg Campbell Deborah Carls Mr. and Mrs. David Lesher Carlson* The Rev. Dr. Richard and Mary Sue Carnes Carthage Women’s Club* Mary Catron Cindy & Steven Chapman George J. Chardukian* Susan M. Chesen Kay Chiples Richard M. Christman Rose Marie Christy Rosemarie (Poletto) Clancy Nona and Calvin Claus* A.W. Clausen* John Clausen Tamra Clausen Steven and Robin Clawson Julie and Amos Coffman John and Judy Cooley* Robert and Virginia Cornog* Robert P. Cowden Mary K. Cramer Aloys J. and Sieglinde U. Daack Barbara Dale Dennis R. Day Tina Dayne Sharon Decker The Rev. William Diehl* Cynthia Dingwall Clayton and Shirley Diskerud* Robert and Lois Dittus* Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Dokmo Marvin Dorak Kenneth and Maureen Drum* The Rev. David L. Echelbarger and The Rev. Christine ThomasEchelbarger James L. Eckdahl David and Doris Ehlert* Bonnie Andersen Engel Lois A. Ennes* Penny Enroth* Linda Even and Scott Kania Joyce Fahrenholtz John and Helga Fairgrieve Douglas M. Farr Edith Fellows Anne Felton Ruth L. Flesner* The Rev. Dr. Ellsworth and Kay Freyer John W. and Judith A. (Ewig) Fritsch* Warren E. and Carol Gammeter Ronald and Jane (Bonander) Geison Leland C. Gleasman Mrs. Paul G. Goerner* John L. Gorton Karen and Robert Graham Joanne Greathouse Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Grede Dr. Cornelia A. (Ellis) Green Ted G. Greenlee
Dr. and Mrs. Hoover T. Grimsby Edna Gross* Linda Hagemann Amy Haines and Kim House Diane and Richard Halom* Miss Linda Haluska H. Jeffrey Hamar Patricia Hamilton The Rev. Dick and Jaynie Hamlin Janice Hamm* Betsy A. Hanisch* Roger K. and Melicent M. Hansen Vicki Hansen The Rev. Richard J. and Barbara Hanson Joseph and Marion Harding Thomas J. Hardt Mae V. and Jack S. Harris* William C. and Sarah Harris Susannah and Creston Hart Robert Hartman Donald Hedberg* Janet L. and Steen W. Heimke, Jr.* Penny L. and Frederick G. Henke Kent and Carole Henning The Rev. and Mrs. Donald W. Herdman Charles and Lovina Hermanek Kurt Mark Hilden The Rev. Thomas and Karen Hilger Alice A. Hintzsche* Kent Hodges Dr. Carol Holm Elizabeth Hrajnoha* Gordon B. Hubbs Timothy W. Hughes Marjorie Humburg* Erik Humlie Kenneth A., M.D., and Marlys D. Hurst Virginia M. Huston* Bernice (Hightower) Ihlenfeld Dr. Raymond W. Ingwalson* Valerie and Cherelle Ireland Dr. and Mrs. John R. Jeanmaire Richard and Annette Johnson Ruth A. Johnson Warren (Chip) and Donna Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jooss Ronald and Sharlene Jung Don and Yvonne Kaelber* David and Virginia Kehl Beverly Keller* Ewald Kessler* Walter and Joann Kilgus R. Alan Kimbrough Jeanette V. and Leonard J. Klappauf Carlene Hunter Klement Maggie Klingenmeyer* The Rev. Howard Knox Cathy L. Kobs Sharon S. Koelsch, Joyce C. Koenitzer* Shirley Kozak Marty Kraemer Dennis and Joy Krubsack The Rev. Donald Krueger* Mrs. George W. Krueger* Lorilyn Krug Vera Kuhn* LeeAnn Lambrecht John R. and Sandy Lang Thomas W. Lentz* Odelle (Monte) Leonard The Rev. Dr. Robert R. Lesher and Ann Winter Lesher Don and Mary Jane Lewis Gary and Jodee Liedtke Loy and Natividad Lovitt Charlotte Lukas* Mark Lukas* Joseph F. and Shirley M. Madrigrano* Larry and Peggy Magnesen John and Elaine Malzahn Ruth Mandelbaum* Dorothy Marconi* The Rev. Fred and Jewel Marks* David Marshall Mary Massey Thomas P. and Nancy A. Massnick* Jeffrey and Donna Matheus Alex and Sharon Matusevicius Janet S. May* Audrey D. Vanderwalker Mayer Lois Mayer James and Oralee McNamara* Guy Meiss* Dr. Christian H. Meyer
Donald M. Michie Alice Mianecki The Rev. Christopher M. and Donna Miller The Rev. Glenn and Carol Miller The Rev. Ivan H. Miller* Jens Miller Margaret Miller* Dr. Melvin and Linda Miritz* Malcolm and Annette Mitchell Mark Mollenhauer Alan R. and Patricia A. Morgan Terri J. Morrissey The Rev. Frank S. Moyer Gloria Mullen* Diane Muri* Scott R. and Jean Needham Carl B. Nelson The Rev. Carl O. Nelson* Bernice Newkirk Noel R. Niemann William L. Niemann* Harry and Lois Niese Jack and Marian Nitz* Emil T. Novak Betty O’Grady Andrea Rinne O’Reilly John Oboikowitch and Margaret Calvert* Diane L. Olson Thomas L. and Susan Bullen Olson Wendell Olson* Kevin Orlakis Eric W. Otterbein Doris Ove Jan Paddock The Rev. Kathleen Panning and The Rev. Gary Brandenburg Martin and Florence Panning Edwin W. and Grace Ann Parkhurst, Jr. Connie M. Parli Susan Paul John and Cheryl Peacock John H. Pender Clifton and Gladys Peterson* Timothy and Eunice Peterson Joan H. Peterson* Kurt Piepenburg and Kate Jerome Thomas Pierce Mike and Dee Pihl Terry and Evelyn Pillinger* Patricia Pixler Philip and Karen (Allen) Pratt* Rick and Brenda Poggendorf* Gordon and Jean Postlewaite The Rev. Dr. Richard I. Preis* Paul and Christine Price Dawn Raabe Catherine Rambo Elizabeth Randel Rosabel Rasmussen Kimberly Rehfeldt Bradley and Agatha Reiners Carol Reinholtz Lynn and William Reining Leonard A. Rempert Theodor P., Jr. and Victoria C. Repsholdt Robert F. Reshan Lindsay and Tami Rhodenbaugh Nels and Gretchen Ritola Terrence and Carol Rohr Rebecca J. Romeis* Isabel Campbell Rossey* Lisa Ross-Miller The Rev. Robert and Margaret Roth* Albert and Phyllis Rother Bruce C. Sandelin Glenn A. and Eleanor S. Sather* Paul K. Schacht Ms. Florence Schaefer Judith Schaumberg and Frank Aigner Lois Schmidt* Jacob W. Schneider Wilma J. Schneider* Wilbur and Katherine Schnitker* James and Susan Schweke Michael and Lynne (Galligani) Seago John C. Seal* Sarah and George Serigos Dr. Pamela Sherer Dr. John R. Sladek, Jr. and Dr. Celia Sladek Edward W. and Alice Smeds* Dr. Robert J. and Dawn C. Smick Dr. Louis W. Smith, Jr.* Phyllis Schreckenberg Smith
Donald Sondrol Fred Spangler Harold and Nancy Stalf Ronald and Barbara Stamer* The Rev. Jonathan P. and Barbara Redman Stansfield Gary E. Stanulis Linda Staubitz* William Steigerwaldt* The Rev. William M. Stewart* Richard W. Stitzel* Kenneth A. and Cathleen M. Stofen Christine Swannell The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Swanson Daniel T. Swift Ralph J. Tenuta* Ann Tindall* Carl and Janice Tomasek Jack and Pamela Tootson Mildred M. Trede The Rev. Robert and Virginia Trendel* Dr. Ross H. Trower* Robert and Tanya Tuszynski LeRoy Ufkes* Gerald Ugland James and LaRue Unglaube* Karen Van Lone and Richard Britton Mr. Albert Van Maren and Ms. Marianne Kidd Lois P. Wagner June and Ashton Waller* The Rev. Dr. Robert and Beverly Walters Elaine L. Walton Donald R. and Lois Z. Wantage Marilyn Ward Mary Kimbrough Webb* Barbara Ann Wegner Mr. Charles F. Werner David and Heather Wiers Darrell and Karen Willson The Rev. William and Isabelle Wittig* Barbara Woerner* Earl F. “Bud” Wolf Jim and Janet Wolfenberg Carol Jean Piper Wolff Harriet L. Wood* J. Nelson Wood Richard and Margot Woolard Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kurt Wruck Tim Yanacheck Dianne Yeoman The Rev. and Mrs. T. A. Youngquist* James and Corrine Zoellick Anonymous 43 individuals, representing 33 families
Memorials Clifford Baumann, ’51 Violette H. Beitzel Eunice and Merle Boyer Marlis J. (Brunner, ’50) Breisch Wesley Christian, ‘51 Carl E. Dahlquist, ‘64 George Earley Robert D. Everson Maurice Felton, ’57 George Greathouse Amy Sue Griffith, ‘92 Robert B. Hegland Flora Heine Ronald L. Heinz, ’81 F. Robert Humburg, ’49 Martha Jornt Burton Kintzler Robert Kiser John E. Koenitzer William Lazareth Elizabeth Roth Makela, ’66 Irene Marty Ruth (Anderson, ’74) Maxwell Joy E. (Peters, ’59) Moldenhauer Norman A. Oechler Peter Rasmussen, ’50 Margaret Shaver Hallett June Shulz-Romtvedt Donald E. Wagner, ’42 Marge Walters Garnet (Walker, ’57) Wirebaugh Walter E. Wittman, ’43 Carolyn Wolf Hazel Young
Denise Anderson Faith Lutheran Church Cuba City, Wisconsin
Stephanie Austin St. Mark Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois
Dorothy Anderson Otter Creek Lutheran Church Highland, Wisconsin
Kim Bailey Bethel Lutheran Church Oconto Falls, Wisconsin
Glenn Anderson ‘78 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Hancock, Michigan
Warren Bailey First Lutheran Church Port Wing, Wisconsin
Patricia Abrego Christo Rey Hispanic Lutheran Church Chicago
Irma Anderson ‘48 Bethania Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin
Danielle Balmer Zion Lutheran Church Ashippun, Wisconsin
Becky Adams Bethany Lutheran Church Mauston, Wisconsin
Jeffrey and Barbara Anderson ‘75/’75 Grace Lutheran Church Loves Park, Illinois
Frederick Baltz St. Matthew Lutheran Church Galena, Illinois
Torchbearers provide vital personal links to Carthage’s Lutheran constituents. Members of ELCA congregations, Torchbearers share news about the College through their churches’ various communications efforts and identify prospective students.
Julene Adams First Lutheran Church Paxton, Illinois Joanne Adrain Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church Oregon, Illinois Veronica Aguilera First Lutheran Church Joliet, Illinois Lynette Ahrndt ‘88 North Cape Lutheran Church Franksville, Wisconsin Alice Akins Faith Lutheran Church Forreston, Illinois Kelly Albrecht Immanuel Lutheran Church Dixon, Illinois Rich Albrecht First Trinity Lutheran Church Chicago Sharon Algie Christ Lutheran Church Sterling Heights, Michigan Luana Allen Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Eau Claire, Wisconsin Shelley Allman Redeemer Lutheran Church Plymouth, Wisconsin Jane Amble Christ Lutheran Church Menomonie, Wisconsin Ledith Ambs ‘54 Faith Lutheran Church Okemos, Michigan Mary Beth Ament ‘71 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Wausau, Wisconsin Lidia Amonson ‘69 Bay Shore Lutheran Church Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin Rickey Amstutz Holy Cross Lutheran Church Livonia, Michigan Nancy Anderegg French Creek Lutheran Church Ettrick, Wisconsin Marge Andersen Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Northbrook, Illinois Paul Andersen ‘76 Grace Lutheran Church Tomahawk, Wisconsin Peter Andersen ‘67 Christ the King Lutheran Church Escanaba, Michigan Craig Anderson Trinity Lutheran Church Rice Lake, Wisconsin Dawn Anderson Faith Lutheran Church Brownstown, Michigan
Judy Anderson Bethany Lutheran Church Star Prairie, Wisconsin Karen Anderson Trinity Lutheran Church Moline, Illinois Lita Anderson Grace Lutheran Church Villa Park, Illinois Nancy Anderson Lakeview Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin Robert Anderson ‘49 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Washington, Illinois
Hugo Banberth Bethany Lutheran Church LaPorte, Indiana Valerie Bandes St. John’s Lutheran Church Boscobel, Wisconsin Orson and Cynthia Bangert Christ Lutheran Church Sharon, Wisconsin Earl and Carole Bansback ‘53/’53 Messiah Lutheran Church Fort Wayne, Indiana Carol Barber Trinity Lutheran Church Valparaiso, Indiana
Ronald and Pamela Anderson First English Lutheran Church Peoria, Illinois
James and Jane Barsch ‘69/’70 Lutheran Church of the Resurrection Racine, Wisconsin
Steven Anderson ‘77 Messiah Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin
Cynthia Barth ‘80 St. Barnabas Lutheran Church Cary, Illinois
Susan Anderson ‘84 Grace Lutheran Church Dodgeville, Wisconsin
Lawrence Bauer ‘72 Cross & Crown Lutheran Church Roscoe, Illinois
Susan Anderson Dovre/Bethel Lutheran Church New Auburn, Wisconsin
Marion Bauman ‘66 At Large Excelsior, Minnesota
Timothy Anderson Immanuel Lutheran Church Altona, Illinois
Tammy Beard Trinity Lutheran Church Ottawa, Illinois
Suzanne Anderson-Hurdle Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Romeoville, Illinois
Mary Beauchamp St. Peter Lutheran Church Arenzville, Illinois
Vernita Andre St. Mark Lutheran Church Roseville, Michigan
Pat Becker Emmanuel Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois
Jean Pierre Appel Bethany & Elim Lutheran Churches Almena, Wisconsin
Suzanne Becker Galilee Lutheran Church Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Patty Ardies Christ Lutheran Church Chicago
Peter Beckstrand ‘75 Franklin Lutheran Church Viroqua, Wisconsin
Leon and Betty Armagost ‘58/’59 Messiah Lutheran Church Wauconda, Illinois
Marcie Beckwith Hope Lutheran Church McFarland, Wisconsin
John Ashland S. Beaver Creek Lutheran Church Hardies Creek Lutheran Church Ettrick, Wisconsin
Donald Behrendt Peace Lutheran Church Green Bay, Wisconsin
Patti Aslakson Primrose Lutheran Church Belleville, Wisconsin Pam Atchison St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Dwight, Illinois Len Atkins ‘95 Bay View Lutheran Church Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Lona Atkinson Mt. Morris Holden Lutheran Church Wautoma, Wisconsin Jennifer Atwood Holy Cross Lutheran Church Wheaton, Illinois
Mark Behrens ‘68 Calvary Lutheran Church Moline, Illinois Heidi Beland Bethel Lutheran Church Menominee, Michigan Carla Beleske Grace Lutheran Church Marshfield, Wisconsin Lillyanne Belusa ‘72 William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital Madison, Wisconsin Leah Bemis First Lutheran Church Onalaska, Wisconsin
Shelly Benck Immanuel Lutheran Church Bethany Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church Cashton, Wisconsin Lori Benoy Ezekiel Lutheran Church River Falls, Wisconsin Linda Bensen Trinity Lutheran Church Oak Lawn, Illinois Dawn Benson Irving Park Lutheran Church Chicago Paul Berge Emmaus Evangelical Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin Ben Bergren Trinity Lutheran Church Rolling Meadows, Illinois Debbie Bernard Christus Lutheran Church Clintonville, Wisconsin Shelley Berndt St. John Lutheran Church Green Bay, Wisconsin Patricia Berquist Mount Zion Lutheran Church Oak Lawn, Illinois Warren Best Christ Lutheran Church Melrose Park, Illinois Dale Beutler Faith Lutheran Church Palos Heights, Illinois Nalani Bever St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Wilton, Wisconsin Bradley and Mary Beyer Bethlehem Lutheran Church Mosinee, Wisconsin Peggy Beyer St. Paul Lutheran Church Hanover, Illinois William Beyer ‘88 Trinity Lutheran Church Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin Kathryn Bielfeldt St. John Lutheran Church Campbell Hill Lutheran Church Peace Lutheran Church St. Peter Lutheran Church Chester and Steeleville, Illinois Bonnie Billings Glen Flora/Hope Lutheran Church Ladysmith, Wisconsin David Birnbaum Grace Lutheran Church Saginaw, Michigan Timothy Bishop ‘80 Shepherd of the Way Church Rosemount, Minnesota Nancy Blachowski ‘70 Whitnall Park Lutheran Church Hales Corners, Wisconsin Stephen and Linda Blake Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Merrill, Wisconsin Rebecca Blink ‘87 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Neenah, Wisconsin Jacquelyn Block ‘81 Our Saviour Lutheran Church Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Linda Block St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Neenah, Wisconsin Jeff Boardman Redemption Lutheran Church Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Sue Bochenek Christ Lutheran Church Warren, Michigan Dan Bohlman Apple Grove Lutheran Church Argyle, Wisconsin Marilyn Borchardt Living Hope Lutheran Church Saukville, Wisconsin Robert and Sally Borcherding ‘69/’70 St. John’s Lutheran Church Springfield, Illinois Leroy and Edith Botkin ‘43/’45 Ascension Lutheran Church Northbrook, Illinois Kate Boullion Perry Lutheran Church Mount Horeb, Wisconsin Nancy Bowen Galilee Lutheran Church Pewaukee, Wisconsin Mary Ann Bowman Bone Lake Lutheran Church Luck, Wisconsin Joel Bradtke Immanuel Lutheran Church Merrimac, Wisconsin David Brandfass West Middleton Lutheran Church Verona, Wisconsin Judy Brandt Our Savior Lutheran Church Naperville, Illinois Angie Bratty St. Paul Lutheran Church Greenville, Michigan Julie Brault St. Paul Lutheran Church Gillman, Illinois Gail Brazeau Trinity Lutheran Church Ishpeming, Michigan Michael Brecke St. Paul Lutheran Church Fish Creek, Wisconsin Traci Breitung Trinity Lutheran Church Loyal, Wisconsin Karla Brekke Trinity Lutheran Church Edgerton, Wisconsin Karen Bremmer St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Pearl City, Illinois Marilyn Bridges Zion Lutheran Church Cadillac, Michigan Dale and Deborah Brinker ‘81/’81 St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church Antioch, Illinois Emily Britz Grace Lutheran Church Darlington, Wisconsin Dean Brockmeier Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Elk Mound, Wisconsin Mary Brodd St. John Lutheran Church Rock Island, Illinois Rebecca Brode Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Crestview Hills, Kentucky Pauline Broge Zion & Calvary Lutheran Church Winter, Wisconsin Jane Brown Kings Valley Lutheran Church Osseo, Wisconsin
Mary Brown Bethel Lutheran Church Drove Lutheran Church N. Auburn, Wisconsin
Kurt Carlsen Zion Lutheran Church North Henderson, Illinois
Mary Louise Clough Lebanon Lutheran Church Chicago
Gerald Danzer ‘86 Zion Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin
Robert Carlson St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Virginia Coleman First English Lutheran Church Richmond, Indiana
Marlene Daubert Zion Lutheran Church Elgin, Illinois
Ruth Carlson Messiah Lutheran Church Washburn, Wisconsin
Sue Collins Grace Lutheran Church LaGrange, Illinois
Patrice Davignon Zion Lutheran Church Ann Arbor, Michigan
Ross Carmichael Calvary Lutheran Church Chicago
Susan Collins ‘86 St. John Lutheran Church Gillett, Wisconsin
Gloria Davis Rush River Lutheran Church River Falls, Wisconsin
Richard Carnes ‘66 Trinity Lutheran Church New Era, Michigan
Kenneth Comstock St. Mark Lutheran Church Jefferson, Wisconsin
Sue Davis Holy Trinity Church Lafayette, Indiana
Judy Carr Zion Lutheran Church Superior, Wisconsin
Judy Cook Emmanuel Lutheran Church Livonia, Michigan
Joleen Davison ‘71 Calvary Lutheran Church Antigo, Wisconsin
Nancy Carrington-Schmidt ‘66 First Lutheran Church Dangola, Illinois
Linda Cook ‘68 St. John’s Lutheran Church Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Donna and Fred de Oliveira, Jr. ‘69 St. James Lutheran Church Houston
Edward Brushaber St. Luke Lutheran Church Temperance, Michigan
Gregory and Deborah Casperson ‘70 Shepherd of the Bay Lutheran Church Ellison Bay, Wisconsin
Peggy Cook Lutheran Church of Mahomet Mahomet, Illinois
Kimberly Deaton ‘00 St. Matthew Lutheran Church Urbana, Illinois
Carol Louise Bruss ‘51 Lake Park Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Arissa Cavin Bethel Lutheran Church Chicago
Juanita Cooper Christ Community Lutheran Church Columbia, Illinois
David Deem Lutheran Church of the Cross Metropolis, Illinois
Paul Brynldson ‘78 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Leila Chambers House of Prayer Lutheran Church Mequon, Wisconsin
Angela Copeland ‘90 Lord of Life Lutheran Church Portage, Michigan
Eric Deffenbaugh Faith Lutheran Church Brookfield, Illinois
Richard Brzowsky Lutheran Church of Redeemer Centralia, Illinois
Alice Chenoweth St. Paul's Lutheran Church Baraboo, Wisconsin
Diane Copple Good Hope Church Garden City, Michigan
Mary DeFrancisco Miller ‘66 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Dixon, Illinois
Howard Buchholz Living Hope Lutheran Church Frankfort, Illinois
Diana Chesen Trinity Lutheran Church Pell Lake, Wisconsin
Bonnie Corcoran Balsam Lutheran Church Amery, Wisconsin
Leslie Dehn ‘85 Cross of Life Lutheran Church Brookfield, Wisconsin
Gary and Bonnie Bucholz ‘73/’74 Christ Lutheran Church Clarendon Hills, Illinois
Gladys Chmiel Calvary Lutheran Church Brookfield, Wisconsin
James and Debra Cornelius ‘70 Highland Community Lutheran Church Wausau, Wisconsin
Wayne Deloach Peace Lutheran Church Dresser, Wisconsin
Denise Buehler Griffith Lutheran Church Griffith, Indiana
Karen Christen St. Paul Lutheran Church Marion, Wisconsin
Nancy Craig Samuel Lutheran Churcha Muskegon, Michigan
Sarah Bultman ‘92 Grace English Church Berlin, Wisconsin
Jeanne Christoff ‘68 St. Michael’s Lutheran Church LaGrange Park, Illinois
Patty Crank Bethel Lutheran Church Bartonville, Illinois
Mandi Buonincontro Grace Lutheran Church Cambridge, Wisconsin
Karen Christopherson First Lutheran Church Amery, Wisconsin
Dennis Creswell Pilgrim Lutheran Church Wausau, Wisconsin
Kathleen Burkheimer Trinity Lutheran Church Milledgeville, Illinois
Jeff Chubb Peace Lutheran Church Morris, Illinois
Margaret Cross ‘72 St. Timothy Lutheran Church Naperville, Illinois
Tracy Buttrum Our Savior Lutheran Church Pekin, Illinois
Paul and Margit Churness ‘77/’77 Faith Lutheran Church Durand, Wisconsin
Audrey Crowell St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Random Lake, Wisconsin
Martha Butzier Zion Lutheran Church Bagley, Wisconsin
Diane Clark Bethel Lutheran Church St.Clair Shores, Michigan
Paulette Cummings St. John Lutheran Church Saginaw, Michigan
Robert Buzzard Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Chicago
Grace Clark Kickapoo United Lutheran Church Peace Lutheran Church Soldiers Grove, Wisconsin
Jo Cypher St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Medford, Wisconsin
Robert and Jane Brown ‘78/’74 St. James Lutheran Church Lake Forest, Illinois Shannon Brown Trinity Lutheran Church Durand, Illinois Darlene Brown-Wanta Christ Lutheran Church Jackson, Wisconsin Darlene Bruce St. Andrew Lutheran Church Oshkosh, Wisconsin Valerie Bruins Osseo Evangelical Lutheran Church Osseo, Wisconsin Janice Brunnelson ‘73 St. Andrew Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin
Justine Cadena St. Olaf Lutheran Church Rubicon, Wisconsin Chris Calhoun Trinity Lutheran Church Appleton, Wisconsin Dana Callgreen United in Faith Lutheran Church Chicago William Callister Zion Lutheran Church Clifton, Illinois Susan Cane ‘64 Grace Lutheran Church Springfield, Illinois Christy Canfield Joy Lutheran Church Prescott, Wisconsin
Report ON giving 2011
Mary Clark ‘66 Luther Memorial Church Quincy, Illinois Calvin and Nona Claus ‘49/’48 Our Savior Lutheran Church Arlington Heights, Illinois Jami Clawson St. John’s Lutheran Church Dundee, Michigan Brant Clements St. Paul Lutheran Church Nachusa, Illinois
Coleen Daggett Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church South Haven, Michigan Greg Daher Bethany Lutheran Church New Lisbon, Wisconsin Chentel Dahl Immanuel Lutheran Church Viroqua, Wisconsin Karena Dahl Norwegian Lutheran Church Chicago
Kathy Clinton Lord of Life Lutheran Church Darien, Illinois
Gary Daines Our Saviour Lutheran Church Skogdlean Lutheran Church Westby, Wisconsin
Jackie Closson Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Harlan, Indiana
Carol Danforth First Lutheran Church Rock Port, Missouri
Sheri Delvin St. Paul Lutheran Church Evanston, Illinois Donna DeMuth St. Paul Lutheran Church Chatsworth, Illinois Yvonne Dennee Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Menasha, Wisconsin Denise Derey Bethlehem Lutheran Church Portage, Wisconsin Rose DeRossi Zion Lutheran Church Tinley Park, Illinois Karen Derwin ‘70 Eden Lutheran Church Munising, Michigan Sue Devermann Our Savior Lutheran Church Lansing, Illinois William Diehl ‘48 Trinity Lutheran Church Kalamazoo, Michigan Stephen and Janet Diemer ‘71/’73 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Marinette, Wisconsin Roberta Dierbeck Dr. Martin Luther Lutheran Church Oconomowoc, Wisconsin Claudia Dijstelbergen ‘73 All Saints Lutheran Church Byron, Illinois Ben Dillon St. Paul Lutheran Church Franklin Grove, Illinois Sue Dirks St. Paul Lutheran Church Sterling, Illinois
The H.F. Johnson Center for the Fine Arts is the site for several provocative exhibits each year, coordinated by art gallery director Diane Levesque, top center. 29
Clayton and Shirley Diskerud ‘59/’59 St. John’s Lutheran Church Annandale, Minnesota
Donna Dye St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Sandy Ditewig Redeemer Lutheran Church Hinsdale, Illinois
Patty Dyreson Trinity Lutheran Church New London, Wisconsin
Duane and Carol Dixon ‘57/’58 Trinity Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois
Paula Dziekan ‘86 Advent Lutheran Church Boca Raton, Florida
Renee Dixon St. Stephen Lutheran Church Lansing, Michigan
Ralph Easterhaus St. John Lutheran Church Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Susan Evans Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church Chicago
Paul Doering ‘54 Living Christ Lutheran Church Germantown, Wisconsin
Ivan and Shirley Eckholm St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Beloit, Wisconsin
Linda Ewer Woodland Lutheran Church Nekoosa, Wisconsin
Katie Donicht Peace Lutheran Church Menomonie, Wisconsin
David Edison Salem Lutheran Church Jonesboro, Illinois
Stuart Dornfled Emanuel Lutheran Church Brandon, Wisconsin
Lynn Edwards ‘86 Our Savior’s Church Beloit, Wisconsin
Sue Faber Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Hubertus, Wisconsin
Lawrence and Donna Dow Pioneer Lake Lutheran Church Conover, Wisconsin
Scott Ehle Zion Lutheran Church Fairwater, Wisconsin
Nancy Dowell First Lutheran Church Monmouth, Illinois
Joan Ehrenberg ‘61 Unity Lutheran Church Chicago
Antonio Doxtator Lutheran Church of the Great Spirit Milwaukee
Annette Eichorst ‘86 St. John Lutheran Church Joliet, Illinois
Kathy Doyle First English Lutheran Platteville, Wisconsin
Steven and Carol Ekblad ‘74/’75 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Janesville, Wisconsin
Karen Drahos Lakeside Lutheran Church Webster, Wisconsin
Ann Ekern North Beaver Creek Lutheran Ettrick, Wisconsin
Christine Drew Modena Lutheran Church Central Lutheran Church Mondovi, Wisconsin
Donald and Kathleen Eklov ‘74/’74 All Saints Lutheran Church Highland, Wisconsin
Teresa Drexler ‘03 Grace Lutheran Church Apple Valley, Minnesota Wendy Drexler Zion Lutheran Church Stratford, Wisconsin Anne Dudycha ‘56 Holy Communion Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin Denise Duffy St. John’s Lutheran Church Oconomowoc, Wisconsin Janet Dugdale ‘71 Holy Nativity Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Kay Dugger Bethel Lutheran Church Danville, Illinois JoAnn Duitsman Immanuel Lutheran Church Thomasaboro, Illinois Sarah Dunford Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Green Bay, Wisconsin Kelly Dunn St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Palmyra, Wisconsin Janice Dunteman ‘61 Christus Victor Lutheran Church Elk Grove Village, Illinois Debi Durch Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Bloomer, Wisconsin
Carthage is now in its third decade of welcoming visitors to the annual Christmas Festival, as capacity crowds again filled A. F. Siebert Chapel for three performances. For many of our neighbors, the holiday season wouldn’t be the same without the Christmas Festival. 30
Melissa Durkin ‘92 Stavanger Lutheran Church Seneca, Illinois Earl Dutko ‘92 St. Petri Lutheran Church Flanagan, Illinois
Kathleen Elfers Christ Lutheran Church Salem, Wisconsin Ann Elliot Holy Spirit Lutheran Church West Bloomfield, Michigan Nan Ellis Immanuel Lutheran Church Cairo, Illinois Dennis Ellisen Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Pulaski, Wisconsin Jan Elsner Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Palos Heights, Illinois Rachel Emrick Our Saviour Lutheran Church Appleton, Wisconsin Diana and Kenneth Endress ‘90 Trinity Lutheran Church Waukegan, Illinois Lauren and Richard Engen ‘76 Christ the Servant Lutheran Church Waukesha, Wisconsin Dean Ennes ‘76 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Oak Park, Illinois John and Kristin Enright ‘77/’79 Zion Lutheran Church Belvidere, Illinois Barb Entzminger Colfax Lutheran Church Colfax, Wisconsin Brett and Elizabeth Erickson ‘96 Hope Lutheran Church Milton, Wisconsin Maria Ernst Scandinavia Lutheran Church Scandinavia, Wisconsin
Wanda Esting First Lutheran Church Rock Island, Illinois Darlene Evans St. James Lutheran Church Chicago Renee Evans St. Peter’s Lutheran Church St. Claire, Michigan
Barbara Fadrowski Atonement Lutheran Church Muskego, Wisconsin Vicki Fahler ‘71 Our Redeemer Church Newberry, Michigan Bonnie Fallen Luther Memorial Lutheran Church Chicago Michelle Farley Salem Lutheran Church Sandwich, Illinois Elaine Farmer Salem Lutheran Church Chicago James Fatka St. Paul Lutheran Church Forrest, Illinois Karen Fatzinger Holy Cross Lutheran Church Creve Coeur, Missouri Peggy Fechtelkotter ‘84 Peace Lutheran Church Poplar, Wisconsin Renae Feldner McFarland Lutheran Church McFarland, Wisconsin Anne Felton First Lutheran Church West Allis, Wisconsin John and Katherine Felton ‘86/’88 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Naperville, Illinois Doris Ferb ‘67 St. Paul Lutheran Church Oregon, Illinois Brian Ferguson Mount Zion Lutheran Church Hudson, Wisconsin Donna Ferson ‘68 All Saints Lutheran Church Wakefield, Michigan Debbie Fiederdall St. John’s Lutheran Church Evansville, Wisconsin Katherine Finegan Bethany Lutheran Church Republic, Michigan Elizabeth and Mike Fischer ‘87 Mission Evangelical Lutheran Church Wausau, Wisconsin Kelli Fisher Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Coloma, Wisconsin Sue Flanders Immanuel Lutheran Church Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Jill Flynn Grace Lutheran Church Virginia, Illinois
Linda Gaertner ‘74 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Lombard, Illinois
Diane Golder Hope Lutheran Church Hubbard Lake, Michigan
Justin Hallock Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Neenah, Wisconsin
Virginia Heimerdinger ‘50 St. John Lutheran Church Pearl City, Illinois
Mark Hineman Lutheran Church of the Cross Arlington Hgts, Illinois
Michael Flynn ‘79 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Aurora, Illinois
Sharon Gall St. Peter Lutheran Church Marathon, Wisconsin
Carrie Goldsworthy Bethany Lutheran Church Ishpeming, Michigan
Kimberly Heine St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Sullivan, Wisconsin
Harold and Alice Hintzsche First Lutheran Church Kirkland, Illinois
Nancy Folkedahl Holmen Lutheran Church Holmen, Wisconsin
Karen Gallagher Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Superior, Wisconsin
Norma Gomez First Lutheran Church Berwyn, Illinois
Viktoria Halmagyi St. James Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran Church Vandalia and Loogootee, Illinois
Jacinda Helfer Trinity Lutheran Church Alton, Illinois
Laurie Hirth St. John Lutheran Church Fowlerville, Michigan
Pat Ford Faith Lutheran Church Homewood, Illinois
Carol Gallatin Grace Lutheran Church Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Linda Gonzales St. John Lutheran Church Lincolnwood, Illinois
Lisa Helland ‘87 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin
Hope Hoenig ‘69 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Schaumburg, Illinois
Richard Ford Bethel Lutheran Church Stronghurst, Illinois
Genevieve Gamble ‘58 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church McHenry, Illinois
Lisa Goodwin Pontoppidan Lutheran Church Elliott, Illinois
Amy Helles First Lutheran Church Cushing, Wisconsin
Barry Hoerz First Lutheran Church Ogdensburg, Wisconsin
Joanna Helmbacher Trinity Lutheran Church Shumway, Illinois
Jodi Hoesli Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Appleton, Wisconsin
Robin Helmore Abiding Presence Lutheran Church Rochester Hills, Michigan
Katherine Hofer St. Peter Lutheran Church Emden, Illinois
Virginia Helms ‘63 First Lutheran Church Mt. Carroll, Illinois
Juanita Hofstrom Jefferson Prairie Lutheran Church Poplar Grove, Illinois
Dale Henderson St. Matthew Lutheran Church Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Kathy Hogan Christ Lutheran Church Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Joanne Henderson Luther Memorial Church Des Moines, Iowa
Laura Hoins Our Savior’s Lutheran Church La Crosse, Wisconsin
Nancy Henke St. Stephen Lutheran Church Wausau, Wisconsin
Carolyn Hollatz Immanuel Wilmington Lutheran Church Caledonia, Minnesota
Melodee Forrest Holy Cross Lutheran Church Glenwood City, Wisconsin Mark Forsberg ‘78 Messiah Lutheran Church Marquette, Michigan Marie Foster Trinity Lutheran Church Golden, Illinois
Marianne Gardner ‘60 Faith Lutheran Church Joliet, Illinois Patty Gardner Emmanuel Lutheran Church Ypsilanti, Michigan
John Gorder Augustana Lutheran Church Chicago Mandy Gould Faith Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois
Carol Halom ‘93 First Lutheran Church Stoughton, Wisconsin Kathy Hand Zion Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois Kurt Handrich ‘91 Pella Lutheran Church Clinton, Wisconsin Bruce Hansen ‘75 Covenant Lutheran Church Stoughton, Wisconsin Charlene Hansen ‘59 First Lutheran Church Prophetstown, Illinois
Susan Garten Resurrection Lutheran Church Indianapolis
Margaret Grant Faith Lutheran Church and Moe Lutheran Church Clayton, Wisconsin
Stephen Gauger Calvary Lutheran Church Rapid River, Michigan
Dale Gregoriew Christ The Servant Church Allen, Texas
Curt Hanson Pilgrim Lutheran Church Superior, Wisconsin
Cindy Gavin Trinity Lutheran Church Clawson, Michigan
Eric and Kari Gribble ‘97/’99 County Line Lutheran Church Markesan, Wisconsin
Kris Hanson Bethel Lutheran Church Green Bay, Wisconsin
Connie Frase Immanuel Lutheran Church Colfax, Illinois
Bradley Gee Hope Lutheran Church Farmington Hills, Michigan
Cathy Groelle St. Paul Lutheran Church Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Richard Hanson ‘57 Grace & Peace Lutheran Church Peoria, Illinois
Jill Frazier Messiah Lutheran Church Port Byron, Illinois
Vickie Gehrke Faith Lutheran Church Moline, Illinois
Cindy Harden United Lutheran Church Crystal Falls, Michigan
Betty Freeland First English Lutheran Church Goshen, Indiana
Alice Gerken Olivet Lutheran Church La Crosse, Wisconsin
Mark Gruner Blanchardville Lutheran Church Hollendale Lutheran Church York Memorial Church Blanchardville, Illinois
Lori Freese Acacia Park Lutheran Church Norridge, Illinois
Stacie Gibbons St. Peter Lutheran Church Janesville, Wisconsin
Robert Freuck Florist Avenue Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Susan Giese Christ Our Savior Church Sussex, Wisconsin
Joan Frey ‘50 Zion Lutheran Church Liberty, Illinois
Joy Gilbert Wellington Park Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Ellsworth and Kay Freyer ‘58/’59 St. John Lutheran Church Grafton, Wisconsin
Pattye Gilmour Atonement Lutheran Church Belmont, Wisconsin
Debbie Frick First United Lutheran Church Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Barbara Girod Faith Lutheran Church Three Lakes, Wisconsin
Chris Friedneberger St. John Lutheran Church Alma, Wisconsin
Paul Girod ‘69 Christ the King Church Combined Locks, Wisconsin
Laurie Fries ‘86 Grace Lutheran Church Oconto Falls, Wisconsin
David Glesne Trinity Lutheran Church Washington Island, Wisconsin
Beverly Friese St. John Lutheran Church Flanagan, Illinois
Ila Gober Peace Lutheran Church Port Byron, Illinois
Sue Frutig Mt. Zion Lutheran Church LaGrange, Indiana
Nancy Goble Midvale Community Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Brandy Foulkes Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Sun Prairie, Wisconsin Donald Fox Lower Coon Valley Lutheran Church La Crosse, Wisconsin
Anita Fry St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Warren, Illinois Kathy Fry United Lutheran Church Oak Park, Illinois Daniel Fugate Trinity Lutheran Church Fort Wayne, Indiana Debra Futris ‘78 Martha and Mary Lutheran Church Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Report ON giving 2011
Connie Godfrey St. John Lutheran Church Farmington Hills, Michigan Daryl Goduto ‘84 Messiah Lutheran Church Brownsburg, Indiana David Goetz ‘79 St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Forest Park, Illinois Betty Golden Immanual Lutheran Church Golden, Illinois
Debbie Grupe Lutheran Church of the Atonement Florissant, Missouri Jean Grupe Trinity Lutheran Church Galesburg, Illinois Carol Gucinski Concordia Lutheran Church Superior, Wisconsin Jon and Lorene Gutzmann ‘86/’87 Ascension Lutheran Church Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Linda and Richard Haapanen ‘93 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Waukegan, Illinois Linda Haas Bethany Lutheran Church Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Richard Habighorst St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Neenah, Wisconsin David and Nancy Hackbarth ‘71/’71 Immanuel-Trinity Lutheran Church Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
James and Marilynn Hansen Cross Lutheran Church Burlington, Wisconsin
Mary Harder Grace Lutheran Church Elkhart, Indiana Barbara Harding Grace Lutheran Church Wilmington, Illinois Beth Hare Faith Lutheran Church Livonia, Michigan Donna Harris Westby-Coon Prairie Vang Lutheran Church Westby, Wisconsin Vicky Hastings Prince of Peace Church St. Joseph, Illinois Shirley Hauck Lord of Life Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Roland and Betsy Hayes ‘74/’75 St. Michael’s Lutheran Church Roseville, Minnesota Thyme Hayes ‘93 St. Stephen Lutheran Church Bloomington, Minnesota
Ann Hagemeann First Lutheran Church Plano, Illinois
Patricia Heath St. John Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran Church Dorchester and Shipman, Illinois
Colin Hagensick Redeemer Lutheran Church Milwaukee
William Hecht St. Peter Lutheran Church Benson, Illinois
Audrey Hains ‘65 St. Paul Lutheran Church Niceville, Florida
Paul Hegele ‘71 Ascension Lutheran Church Louisville, Kentucky
Kim Hakengos Grace Lutheran Church Appleton, Wisconsin
Peter Heide ‘74 St. John Lutheran Church N. Freedom, Wisconsin
Bond Haldeman St. Michael’s Lutheran Church Hustisford, Wisconsin
Mark and Ellen Heideman ‘75/’75 Zion Lutheran Church Shawano, Wisconsin
Floyd and Gail Henschel First Lutheran Church Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Martha Herberer Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church Washington, Illinois John Herder ‘76 Redeemer Lutheran Church Stevens Point, Wisconsin Pat Hermanns Christ the King Lutheran Church Onalaska, Wisconsin Gail Hermodson The Village Church Milwaukee Daniel and Kathleen Hetland ‘73/’72 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Mt. Prospect, Illinois
James Holmberg ‘77 Immanuel Lutheran Church Escanaba, Michigan Lori Holtman Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Stanley, Wisconsin Donald and Sharon Honold Immanuel Lutheran Church Bailey’s Harbor, Wisconsin Helen Hord Trinity Lutheran Church Stambaugh, Michigan Melissa Hostetler Ascension Lutheran Church Saginaw, Michigan Kathy Hoth Kingo Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Heather Heun St. Paul Lutheran Church Metropolis, Illinois
Terry Houchin Resurrection Lutheran Church Bloomington, Illinois
Alan Hewey ‘59 Holy Cross Church Decatur, Illinois
Diane House Big Drywood Lutheran Cadott, Wisconsin
Carol Hiduk Living Lord Lutheran Church Lake St. Louis, Missouri
Jamie House Peace Lutheran Church Belleville, Illinois
Rachel Higgens Cross Lutheran Church Pigeon, Michigan
Jacalyn Houts St. Stephen Lutheran Church Edgar, Wisconsin
Dawn Hilde First Lutheran Church Cumberland, Wisconsin
Geoffrey Hoy St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Mayville, Wisconsin
Debby Hilgendorf Cross & Crown Lutheran Church Indianapolis
Edward Hudelson Trinity Lutheran Church Chenoa, Illinois
Debby Hill Bethesda Lutheran Church Dresser, Wisconsin
Sandy Huebscher St. John’s Lutheran Church Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Roderick and Laura Hill ‘93/’93 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Sandwich, Illinois
Chris Hughes Zion Lutheran Church Kewanee, Illinois
Betty Hillsberg Ascension Lutheran Church Bonduel, Wisconsin
Timothy Hughes ‘76 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Lori Hunter Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Eagle River, Wisconsin
Kris Jaskula Peace Lutheran Church Southgate, Michigan
James Johnson Hope Lutheran Church Mineral Point, Wisconsin
Karen Joyce St. John Lutheran Church Romeo, Michigan
Daryl Hurst Trinity Lutheran Church Ann Arbor, Michigan
Donna Jensen First Lutheran Church Iron Mountain, Michigan
Jeanne Johnson Messiah Lutheran Church Elgin, Illinois
Holly Jurss ‘73 St. Matthew Lutheran Church Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Kenneth and Marlys Hurst, Jr. ‘53/’54 Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Church Waupaca, Wisconsin
Leonard Jepson First English Lutheran Church Mishawaka, Indiana
Jennifer and Jess Johnson ‘96 St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Wautoma, Wisconsin
Susan Kaare East Koshkonong Lutheran Church Cambridge, Wisconsin
Grace Jerome Parkview Lutheran Church Chicago
Josie Johnson First Lutheran Church Beardstown, Illinois
Alice Johnson Saron Lutheran Church Ashland, Wisconsin
Marguerite Johnson ‘68 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Carole Kaitschuk ‘56 United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Peace Steeleville, Illinois
Cherie Johnson Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Chicago
Marti Johnson Faith Lutheran Church Wataga, Illinois
Dean Johnson Calvary Lutheran Church Lee, Illinois
Mary Ellen Johnson ‘66 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Lindenhurst, Illinois
Deborah Johnson ‘83 Christ the Lord Lutheran Church Elgin, Illinois
Robert Johnson Norwood Park Lutheran Church Chicago
Donna Johnson Coon Valley Lutheran Church Coon Valley, Wisconsin
Linda Johnson Seyenkulo Zion-Avalon Park Lutheran Church Chicago
Doug Johnson Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Rockton, Illinois
Leroy Johnsrud Castle Rock Lutheran Church Montfort, Wisconsin
Elizabeth Johnson Cambridge Lutheran Church Cambridge, Illinois
Carolyn Jones St. Paul Lutheran Church Seymour, Indiana
Fran Johnson Our Savior Lutheran Church Burbank, Illinois
Debbie Jones Cross Lutheran Church Clinton Township, Michigan
Helen Johnson NW & SW Prairie Lutheran Church Viroqua, Wisconsin
Michael Jones St. John Lutheran Church Toluca, Illinois
James Johnson ‘84 Bethel Lutheran Church Hudson, Wisconsin
Traci Jones St. John Lutheran Church Mendota, Illinois
Amy Hutchins Peace Lutheran Church Baldwin, Wisconsin James and Kathy Imme ‘73/’73 Norway Lutheran Church Wind Lake, Wisconsin Raymond Ingwalson ‘35 St. Stephen Lutheran Church Longwood, Florida Paula Isolampi ‘84 Augustana Lutheran Church Hobart, Indiana Heidi Jacobson Gilman and Spring Lake Lutheran Church Spring Valley, Wisconsin Marty Jacobson St. Matthew Lutheran Church Itasca, Illinois Sally Jacobson Evangelical Lutheran Church Black River Falls, Wisconsin Thomas Jacoby First Lutheran Church Pecatonica, Illinois Janet Jaeger Immanuel Lutheran Church Jackson, Michigan Linda Jaeger ‘71 Salem Lutheran Church Peoria, Illinois Angie Janoska All Peoples Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Ruth Kemp St. Peter Lutheran Church St. Stephen Lutheran Church Camp Douglas, Wisconsin Elaine Kendall First Lutheran Church Galesburg, Illinois Rachal Keniston University Lutheran Church Eau Claire, Wisconsin Pamela Kesslar Bethlehem Lutheran Church Brodhead, Wisconsin
Roger Klein ‘71 Immanuel Lutheran Church Watertown, Wisconsin James and Laura Kline, Jr. ‘94/’94 Joy Lutheran Church Gurnee, Illinois Sue Klopfer Christ Lutheran Church Waterford, Michigan Debbie Kluetz First English Lutheran Church Wausau, Wisconsin Nancy Knapp Trinity Lutheran Church Ingleside, Illinois
Thomas Kamprath Salem Lutheran Church Mendon, Illinois
Michelle Ketepa St. Paul Lutheran Church Grosse Point Farms, Michigan
Mary Martha Kannass Hephatha Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Jerry Key Peace Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Vicki Kastel Hope Lutheran Church Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Cheryl Keyes Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Menomonie, Wisconsin
Craig and Linda Kastilahn ‘72/’74 Grace Lutheran Church Libertyville, Illinois
Kim Kibat Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Ida, Michigan
Linda Kay Our Savior Lutheran Church Riverdale, Illinois
Michelle Kiekhaefer St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Slinger, Wisconsin
Donna Knudsen Zion Lutheran Church First Lutheran Church Manawa and Ogdensburg, Illinois
Sonja Keesey-Berg Advent Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Penny Kies First English Lutheran Church Platteville, Wisconsin
Cathy Knudson Trinity Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
William Keippel St. Luke Lutheran Church Chicago
Jack and Annette Kilver ‘52/’52 Faith Lutheran Church Jacksonville, Illinois
Thomas Knutson First Lutheran Church Harvey, Illinois
Diane Keith St. Luke Lutheran Church Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Janis Kinens Advent Lutheran Church Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Barbara Koch New Hope Lutheran Church Sand Creek, Wisconsin
Mike Kellerhals St. Philip Lutheran Church Glenview, Illinois
Sarah Kirby Mt. Zion Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church Litchfield, Illinois
Robin Koerner Zion Lutheran Church Horicon, Wisconsin
Kathy Kelm Faith Lutheran Church Janesville, Wisconsin
Ronald Kirchdoerfer First Lutheran Church Hayward, Wisconsin
Donna Knoll St. Paul Lutheran Church Michigan City, Indiana Lane Knouse St. Timothy Lutheran Church Wyoming, Illinois Don Knowles Immanuel Lutheran Church Earlville, Illinois
Jackie Koivu Zion Lutheran Church Ferndale, Michigan
Peter and Marjorie Kolettis ‘58 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church West Bend, Wisconsin
Ralph Kuespert Bethlehem Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois
Jean Lane Trinity Lutheran Church Waupaca, Wisconsin
Sylvia Lee-Thompson Spring Prairie Lutheran Church DeForest, Wisconsin
Marcia Lisney ‘82 Grace Lutheran Church Larsen, Wisconsin
Jan Lundin Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Sayner, Wisconsin
Keith Kolstad ‘81 Zion Lutheran Church Marinette, Wisconsin
Sue Kuester Northlake Lutheran Church Northlake, Illinois
Lawrence Lange ‘81 Grace Lutheran Church Green Bay, Wisconsin
Tricia Lehner First Lutheran Church Barron, Wisconsin
Stacey Lisowski Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Whitehall, Wisconsin
Jean Lunt Living Christ Lutheran Church Hanover Park, Illinois
Brandon and Jacqua Koltz ‘72/’70 Divine Word Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Ann Kulju Bethel Lutheran Church Ishpeming, Michigan
Joyce Langer St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Roger Lenander St. Joseph Lutheran Church St. Joseph, Missouri
Narda Loebl Springdale Lutheran Church Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin
Ralph and Nancy Lyerla ‘52/’53 Mt. Morian Lutheran Church Anna, Illinois
Carol Koresko Messiah Lutheran Church Aledo, Illinois
Karen Kurschner Dallas Lutheran Church New Scandanavia Lutheran Church Dallas, Wisconsin
Tina Langman Chetek Lutheran Church Chetek, Wisconsin
James Leschensky Our Savior’s/St. John’s Churches Cornell, Wisconsin
Susan Lynn ‘79 Atonement Lutheran Church Springfield, Illinois
Shirley Larisch Trinity Lutheran Church West Bend, Wisconsin
Frederick and Jolene Lesher ‘58/’58 Prince of Peace Lutheran LaCrescent, Minnesota
Bruce Loewenhagen ‘73 Midvale Community Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Rudolf Korte ‘68 Trinity Lutheran Church Zion Lutheran Church Adams, Wisconsin
Carol Kurth Antioch Lutheran Church Farmington Hills, Michigan
Nancy Kostanski Christ the King Church Brookfield, Wisconsin
Stephen Kurth Bethel Lutheran Church Poynette, Wisconsin
Laura Kozenski ‘90 Mt. Pleasant Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin
Kenneth Kuziej Arland Lutheran Church West Akers Lutheran Church Prairie Farm, Wisconsin
Kathy Kramer Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Ashland, Wisconsin Richard and Beth Krause Faith Lutheran Church Milwaukee Tom Krieger Trinity Lutheran Church Fairbury, Illinois Carol Krogan Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Viroqua, Wisconsin June Kruse Berwyn United Lutheran Church Berwyn, Illinois Sue Kubic Grace Lutheran Church Richmond, Illinois Gail Kueffner-Haw Prince of Peace Church Portage, Michigan
Cindy Kuzminski St. John Lutheran Church New Baltimore, Michigan Bill Kvigne Mt. Sterling Lutheran Church Mt. Sterling, Wisconsin Vickie Kwiatkowski First Evangelical Lutheran Church Blue Island, Illinois Denise Lake Christus Victor Lutheran Church Dearborn Heights, Michigan Diane Lambert Immanuel Lutheran Church Milwaukee Nikki Lambert St. Andrew Lutheran Church Glenwood, Illinois Heather Lampert St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Middleton, Wisconsin
Heidi LaRosa ‘94 Unity Lutheran Church Milwaukee Carolyn Larsen ‘85 Resurrection Lutheran New Berlin, Wisconsin Cindy Larson Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Marshfield, Wisconsin Ruth Larson Trinity Lutheran Church Frankfort, Michigan Beverly Laseke All Saints Lutheran Church Palatine, Illinois Dawn Lathrop St. Paul Lutheran Church Oregon, Illinois Debbie Lawyer St. Paul Lutheran Church Orion, Illinois John Leaf Immanuel Lutheran Church East Moline, Illinois Barry Lee-Brown St. John Lutheran Church Princeton, Illinois
Shirley Logan St. Paul Lutheran Church Cole Camp, Missouri
Marcia Lyons Bethel Lutheran Church Hawkins, Wisconsin Sandra Maki Calvary Lutheran Church Chicago
Kim Lewin Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Hartland, Wisconsin
Sharon Lomax Redeemer Lutheran Church Oak Forest, Illinois
Bonnie Lewis Long Lake Lutheran Church Sarona, Wisconsin
Kim Longfellow Augsburg Lutheran Church Porter, Indiana
Patti Lewis Grace Lutheran Church Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Lynne Loosen ‘72 Mt. Hope Lutheran Church West Allis, Wisconsin
Janice Maleug Zion Lutheran Church Peace Lutheran Church Caroline and Tigerton, Wisconsin
Nadine Lillie St. John Lutheran Church Bartonville, Illinois
Debra Lorenz Martin Luther Lutheran Church Chicago
Steven Mall St. Marks Lutheran Church Chillicothe, Illinois
Arlene Lindell St. James Lutheran Church Chicago
Terry Lorenz Elk Creek Lutheran Church Osseo, Wisconsin
Char Maloney St. Stephen Lutheran Church Chicago
Jeffrey and Jennifer Lindell ‘92/’93 First Lutheran Church Muskegon, Michigan
Paul Lovestrand Gethsemane Lutheran Church Baldwin, Wisconsin
John Malzahn ‘72 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Muncie, Indiana
Charlotte Lingel Lincoln Park Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Denise Lund Immanuel Lutheran Church Grand Ledge, Michigan
Johanna Maragos Advent Lutheran Church Morton, Illinois
Pat Lingo St. James Lutheran Church Western Springs, Illinois
Rick Lund St. Martin Lutheran Church Cross Plains, Wisconsin
Gwen March Immanuel Lutheran Church Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Leonard Liptack Faith Lutheran Church Spring Grove, Minnesota
Ruth Lundborg Faith Lutheran Church Lexington, Kentucky
Ralph Marquardt New Scandinavia Lutheran Church Dallas Lutheran Church Dallas, Wisconsin
Wanda Malaney Adoration Lutheran Church Greenfield, Wisconsin
Commencement is an end and a beginning for Carthage graduates. It’s the end of four unforgettable years of personal growth, and the beginning of lives worth living. Report ON giving 2011
Statement of Activities Year Ended June 30, 2010 Educational Activities
Unrestricted Net Assets Revenues, Gains and Other Support Tuition and Fees Less: Unrestricted Scholarships and Grants Endowed Scholarships and Government Grants Net Tuition and Fees Government Grants Contributions Sales and Service of Auxiliary Enterprises Other Sources Endowment Transfer
$74,775,722 -27,337,6718 -249,097 $47,188,907 $536,141 736,287 14,052,604 349,601 — $62,863,540
Net Assets Released from Restriction Operations Capital Endowment
$1,382,452 210,195 —
Total Operating Revenues, Gains and Other Support
Total Operating Expenses and Losses Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets From Operations Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets From Operations before Depreciation
Marsha Moe Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Iola, Wisconsin
Richard Nelson Alpine Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois
Jackie McGee St. Luke Lutheran Church Grand Rapids, Michigan
Terri Moe First Lutheran Church Clear Lake, Wisconsin
Sue Nelson Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Thomas and Carol McGuine ‘59/’56 Grace Lutheran Church Woodstock, Illinois
Charles and Della Moen ‘51/’52 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Freeport, Illinois
Patricia Newborn ‘86 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Gordon and Carol Mohns Grace Lutheran Church Monroe, Wisconsin
Carolyn Newton St. John Lutheran Church Louisville, Kentucky
Robert and Carol Mohr ‘76/’76 Bethel Lutheran Church Muskego, Wisconsin
Helen Nickel Faith Lutheran Church LeRoy, Illinois
John and Sandy Montague All Saints Lutheran Church Oak Creek, Wisconsin
Ralph Niehaus Ware's Grove Lutheran Church St. Luke Lutheran Church Butler and Irving, Illinois
Ella McKinley Incarnation Lutheran Church Milwaukee Cindy McManus Memorial Lutheran Church Milwaukee Sue McMillan Salem Lutheran Church Sycamore, Illinois Susan Melby Trinity Lutheran Church Stevens Point, Wisconsin Barbara Menard Trinity Lutheran Church Manlius, Illinois Rebecca Mengel ‘85 Bethlehem Lutheran Church Elgin, Illinois Caroline Merwin Hope Lutheran Church Dearborn, Michigan Carolyn Meurer St. John Lutheran Church Ashton, Illinois Andrea Meyer St.Luke Lutheran Church Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin
Expenses and Losses Program Instruction Academic Support Public Service Student Services Auxiliary Enterprises Support Expenses Institutional Support Allocable Expenses Operations/Maintenance of Plant Depreciation Interest Less Allocated Expenses Net Loss on Disposal of Plant Facilities
Susanmarie McElwee-Tonstad ‘81 Central Lutheran Church Edgerton, Wisconsin
$25,149,949 2,541,801 292,707 5,596,062 9,036,656 13,324,280 5,034,195 4,075,060 1,635,697 -10,744,952 — $55,941,455 $8,514,73
Jennifer Meyers King of Kings Lutheran Church Shelby Township, Michigan Charles Miller St.Peter’s Lutheran Church Fennimore, Wisconsin Gwendolyn Miller Zion Lutheran Church Chicago J.T. Miller Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Addison, Illinois Mary Milligan ‘51 St. John Lutheran Church Mt. Pulaski, Illinois Barbara Mills First Lutheran Church Princeton, Illinois
Lana Moore Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Oconomowoc, Wisconsin Wendy Moore Saron Lutheran Church Ashland, Wisconsin Cindy Morgan Pentecost Lutheran Church Milwaukee Geneen Morgan ‘59 St. Andrew Lutheran Church Columbia, Missouri Gloria Morris Abiding Savior Lutheran Church Milwaukee Karen Moser St. John Lutheran Church Oregon, Wisconsin Suzanne Moylan ‘77 St. Paul Lutheran Church Milwaukee Melanie Muehlmeyer St. Mark Lutheran Church Auburn, Indiana Darlene Muellner Grace Lutheran Church Kewaunee, Wisconsin Beverly Murrell St. Stephen Lutheran Church Chicago Nancy Myhre ‘87 Peace Lutheran Church Belmont, Wisconsin Laurie Nanista Bethlehem Lutheran Church Chesterton, Indiana
Donald and Audree Nielsen ‘58/’59 St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Mundelein, Illinois Kristin Nielsen Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Milwaukee Judi Nielson English Lutheran Church Ellsworth, Wisconsin Jenny Nieman St. John’s Lutheran Church Spencer, Wisconsin Kay Niemeier Our Savior’s Lutheran Church West Salem, Wisconsin Harry and Lois Niese ‘67/’69 Lutheran Church of the Atonement Barrington, Illinois Laurie Nieting Dekorra Lutheran Church Poynette, Wisconsin Mike Nisbet New Spirit Lutheran Church Chicago Della Norby Peace Lutheran Church Cobb, Wisconsin Roger Nordberg ‘70 Ascension Lutheran Church Waukesha, Wisconsin Kim Norrbom Redeemer Lutheran Church Wittenburg, Wisconsin Jane Novak Grace Lutheran Church Westchester, Illinois
Henrietta Milner Immanuel Lutheran Church Rock Falls, Illinois
Ann Nava St. Thomas-Holy Spirit Lutheran Church St. Louis
Pat Miner Hope Lutheran Church Plainwell, Michigan
Scott Needham ‘75 First Lutheran Church New Richmond, Wisconsin
Ronald Nowland Bell’s Coulee Lutheran Church Bangor, Wisconsin
Amy Minniecheske Zion-Immanuel Lutheran Church Tigerton, Wisconsin
Craig Nelson Calvary Lutheran Church Minong, Wisconsin
David Nygard Messiah Lutheran Church Joliet, Illinois
Jane Nowak St. John Lutheran Church Mosinee, Wisconsin
Elizabeth Martin Christ Lutheran Church Belvidere, Illinois
Susan Mason ‘77 St. John’s Lutheran Church Orlando, Florida
Shana May St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Princeton, Illinois
Mike Missall Bonnet Prairie Lutheran Church Rio, Wisconsin
Fred Nelson Redeemer Lutheran Church Park Ridge, Illinois
John and Louise Nygard ‘56 St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church Skokie, Illinois
Chloe Martinez Grace Lutheran Church Evanston, Illinois
Kari Massey Trinity Lutheran Church Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Janet McCarthy ‘85 Mt. Zion Lutheran Church Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Carol Mitchell Calvary Lutheran Church Angola, Indiana
Leona Nelson ‘51 St. James Lutheran Church Forreston, Illinois
Peter Nylen ‘79 All Saints Lutheran Church Wales, Wisconsin
Cindy Marty Christus Lutheran Church Greenville, Wisconsin
Thomas and Nancy Massnick ‘76/’76 Christ the King Lutheran Church Delafield, Wisconsin
Lou McCarthy Emmanuel Lutheran Church Ludington, Michigan
Paul Mittermaier St. John Lutheran Church Jackson, Wisconsin
Marc Nelson ‘97 Sugar Creek Lutheran Church Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Thomas Nyman ‘62 Our Savior's Lutheran Church Stillwater, Minnesota
Cindy McCullough St. Andrew Lutheran Church Waukesha, Wisconsin
Laurie Modjewski Calvary Lutheran Church Minocqua, Wisconsin
Jeannine Oakes St. Luke Lutheran Church Park Ridge, Illinois
Judi McDonald St. Mark Lutheran Church Belleville, Illinois
Dale Moe Pigeon Creek Evangelical Lutheran Church Pigeon Falls, Wisconsin
Mark Nelson Bethany Lutheran Church St. Paul Lutheran Church Aniwa, Wisconsin
Jon Mason ‘69 St. Mary’s Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Patricia Mason St. John Lutheran Church Somonauk, Illinois
Robert Mattson ‘71 Grace Lutheran Church Knoxville, Illinois Tricia Maxey St. Mark Lutheran Church Polo, Illinois
Michael Nelson Alleluia! Lutheran Church Naperville, Illinois
Michael Obert, Jr. ‘60 Resurrection Lutheran Church Niles, Illinois
Shiela Odegard Faith Lutheran Church Grantsburg, Wisconsin
Dawn Paul Bethany Lutheran Church Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Brad Pohlman Luther Memorial Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Karl Redelsheimer Pilgrim Lutheran Church Chicago
Lyle Roe Nazareth Lutheran Church Withee, Wisconsin
Shawn Schabacker Faith Lutheran Church Rochelle, Illinois
Linda Oelze Bethlehem Lutheran Church Traverse City, Michigan
Connie Paulick Peace Lutheran Church Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Sandra Poisel ‘77 Christ Lutheran Church Jeffersontown, Kentucky
Joanne Reed ‘59 First Lutheran Church Sterling, Illinois
Laurie Roehl Trinity Lutheran Church Lake Mills, Wisconsin
Sarah Schaffner First Lutheran Church Lee, Illinois
Marilyn Oftedal ‘55 First Lutheran Church Decatur, Illinois
David Paulson East Immanuel Lutheran Church Amery, Wisconsin
Gayle Pope Christ Lutheran Church Nauvoo, Illinois
Bret Reedy Plattville Lutheran Church Minooka, Illinois
Scott Rogalsky ‘92 Grace Lutheran Church Ripon, Wisconsin
Donald Schambow ‘57 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church West Allis, Wisconsin
Brenda Ogorski Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Manchester, Missouri
David Pavesic American Lutheran Church Gibson City, Illinois
Debbie Porter Prince of Glory Lutheran Church Madison Heights, Wisconsin
Gene Reid Wiley Lutheran Church Ellisville, Illinois
Claudette Rogers Good Shepherd Lutheran Church North Aurora, Illinois
Jerald Schara St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Mazomanie, Wisconsin
Joel Oines St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church Wauzeka, Wisconsin
Becca Pecher Trinity Lutheran Church Chesterfield, Missouri
Eugene Porter Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Marion, Illinois
Marion Reideleerger First Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois
Laurie Rohrwasser St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Waukesha, Wisconsin
Beverly Schedel Messiah Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Gayla Pellum St. Matthew Lutheran Church Urbana, Illinois
Linda Porter Zion Lutheran Church Ferguson, Missouri
Doreen Reifel Resurrection Lutheran Church Chicago
Norene Rolenitus ‘84 Trinity Lutheran Church Des Plaines, Illinois
Anton Scheer Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Mt.Vernon, Illinois
Janne Oliver ‘73 Trinity Lutheran Church Macomb, Illinois
Harry and Barbara Penington ‘73/’73 First English Lutheran Church Whitewater, Wisconsin
Suzann Powers St. John Lutheran Church Metropolis, Illinois
James Reiff St. John Lutheran Church Oshkosh, Wisconsin
W. David and Gael Romoser Fox Point Lutheran Church Fox Point, Wisconsin
Hazel Scherer ‘48 Trinity Lutheran Church Olney, Illinois
Jayne Oliver Halfway Creek Lutheran Church Holmen, Wisconsin
Sonya Perry Hebron Lutheran Church Hebron, Kentucky
Richard Preis ‘51 Atonement Lutheran Church Overland Park, Kansas
Lisa Reiman St. Thomas Lutheran Church Cheboygan, Michigan
Edgar Roschke Reformation Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Elvira Schmidt Pilgrim Lutheran Church Frederic, Wisconsin
Ashley Olson Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
Donald and Carlee Petelle ‘50/’51 Shepherd of the Prairie Lutheran Church Huntley, Illinois
Lisa Pristas Grace Lutheran Church Howell, Michigan
Nancy Reistad Christ Lutheran Church Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota
Laurel Rose Grace Lutheran Church Thiensville, Wisconsin
Jean Schmidt First Lutheran Church Gladstone, Michigan
Dieter Punt First Lutheran Church Pontiac, Illinois
Chris Repp Epiphany Lutheran Church Carbondale, Illinois
Mike Rose Redeemer Lutheran Church De Soto, Missouri
Lynn Schmidt First Lutheran Church DeKalb, Illinois
Melinda Pupillo English Lutheran Church La Crosse, Wisconsin
Theodor Repsholdt, Jr. ‘82 Zion Lutheran Church Deerfield, Illinois
Nancy Rosnow Zion Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Nancy Schmidt Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Gillespie, Illinois
Carol Quall St. John’s Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Thomas Reuff St. John Lutheran Church Phillips, Wisconsin
William and Carol Roth ‘50/’77 Grace Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin
Ruth Schmidt ‘48 Trinity Lutheran Church Park Forest, Illinois
Tina Rabe St. Luke’s Church Campbell Hill, Illinois
Edwin Reuter St. John Lutheran Church Chester, Illinois
Sandra Rowoldt Sharon Lutheran Church Bessemer, Michigan
Ruth Schmidt Grace Lutheran Church Grafton, Wisconsin
Kathy Ragan Christ Lutheran Church Spring Green, Wisconsin
Jean Reynolds Lutheran Church of Mahomet Mahomet, Illinois
Janice Ruch Bethel Lutheran Church Chicago
Tari Rakowski Five Points Lutheran Church Blue River, Wisconsin
Merry Reynolds Nathaniel Lutheran Church First Lutheran Church Bruce, Wisconsin
Nancy Rumschlag King of Glory Lutheran Church Carmel, Indiana
Wayne and Christine Schmidt ‘69/’70 Salem Lutheran Church Orlando, Florida
Susan O’Leary Trinity Lutheran Church Arkdale, Wisconsin
Barbara Olson Luther Valley Lutheran Church Beloit, Wisconsin Charles Olson Calvary Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois Christine Olson Faith Lutheran Church Valders, Wisconsin Cindy Olson American Lutheran Church Kankakee, Illinois Erik Olson ‘91 Trinity Lutheran Church Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin Jean Olson First Lutheran Church Manitowoc, Wisconsin Kimberly Olson St. Paul Lutheran Church Wheaton, Illinois Kathi Oman Christ Lutheran Church Monticello, Illinois Mary Orfgen New Hope Lutheran Church Little Elk Creek Lutheran Church Downsville, Wisconsin Leeann Ostrem ‘72 Bethel Bethany Lutheran Church Viroqua, Wisconsin Doris Ove ‘50 Grace Lutheran Church Elmwood Park, Illinois Marsha Paetz Zion Lutheran Church Freeland, Michigan Leta Palmer St. John’s Lutheran Church Reedsburg, Wisconsin Diane Palosaari First Lutheran Church Lodi, Wisconsin Laurie Papini Christ Lutheran Church Vernon Hills, Illinois Jane Parsneau Our Redeemer Lutheran Church La Crosse, Wisconsin Janese Passow Ascension Lutheran Church Minocqua, Wisconsin
Report ON giving 2011
Carissa Peterson ‘91 Peace Lutheran Church Waunakee, Wisconsin Dean Peterson Bethany Lutheran Church Escanaba, Michigan Debbie Peterson St. Timothy Lutheran Church Menasha, Wisconsin Kenneth Peterson Good Shepherd Church South Bend, Indiana Phillip Peterson Tanum Forest Lutheran Church Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Timothy and Eunice Peterson ‘80/’80 Faith Lutheran Church O’Fallon, Illinois Todd Peterson Trinity Lutheran Church DeKalb, Illinois Mary Petrie St. John’s Lutheran Church Johnson Creek, Wisconsin Melanie Philips Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church Bloomingdale, Illinois Clarice Pierce First Lutheran Church Eau Claire, Wisconsin Myron and Delores Pihl ‘57/’54 Trinity Lutheran Church Harvard, Illinois Eloide Pinter St. John Lutheran Church Peru, Illinois Connie Pinzl Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin Walter and Virginia Pippert Norway Grove Lutheran Church DeForest, Wisconsin Diane Plant Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Woodridge, Illinois Martin and Marilyn Plinske St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Villa Park, Illinois
Julie Rankila Trinity Lutheran Church Spooner, Wisconsin James Ranney Evangelical Lutheran Church Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin Barbara Rapp Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Elizabeth, Illinois Arnold and Francine Rask Immanuel Lutheran Church Springdale Lutheran Church Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin Marian Rasmussen ‘51 Trinity Lutheran Church Lanark, Illinois Rosabel Rasmussen ‘49 Luther Memorial Church Springfield, Illinois Kevin Rattle ‘74 Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Racine, Wisconsin Carol Rau ‘71 Christ Lutheran Church Stoughton, Wisconsin Shirley Read Our Savior Lutheran Church Bradley, Illinois Debbie Rebholz Immanuel Lutheran Church Compton, Illinois Warren and Carol Reckmeyer ‘49/’49 Trinity Lutheran Church Mt. Morris, Illinois
Bobbie Rhoades St. John Lutheran Church Oshkosh, Wisconsin Julie Rhodes ‘89 Bethany Lutheran Church Lemont, Illinois Nancy Richmond St. John Lutheran Church Antigo, Wisconsin Kay Richter Calvary Lutheran Church Two Rivers, Wisconsin Karen Rider Bethlehem Lutheran Church Indianapolis Wanda Rimestad ‘81 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Amery, Wisconsin Bruce Rimmereid St. John’s Lutheran Church Bloomer, Wisconsin Jane Roach Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Lena, Illinois Jamie Robbins St. John Lutheran Church Fort Wayne, Indiana Linda Roberts Peace Lutheran Church St. Joseph, Michigan Royan Rodney United Lutheran Church Gardner, Illinois
Vicky Rusch Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Plover, Wisconsin Cheryl Russell Pilgrim Lutheran Church Marysville, Michigan Karen Russell Immanuel Lutheran Church Lincoln, Illinois Michael Russell Jubilee Lutheran Church Chicago Jenny Sack East Koshkonong Lutheran Church Cambridge, Wisconsin Jennifer Sais Lutheran Church of the Master Troy, Michigan Kenneth Sandlin St. Paul Lutheran Church Hillsboro, Illinois Jennifer Sauby ‘71 St. John Lutheran Church Marion, Wisconsin Susan Sauerberg ‘76 Resurrection Lutheran Church Oro Valley, Arizona Vickie Sauter Immanuel Lutheran Church Amboy, Illinois Carla Sawall First English Lutheran Church Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Jennifer Schneider Messiah Lutheran Church Park Ridge, Illinois Mary Schneider St. John’s Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Steven Schneider ‘88 St. John Lutheran Church Avoca, Wisconsin Douglas Schoen ‘69 Emmanuel Lutheran Church Menominee, Michigan David Schone Faith Lutheran Church Augusta, Illinois Jeanine Schramm All Saints Lutheran Church Fox Lake, Illinois Kathryn Schreitmueller Resurrection Lutheran Church Green Bay, Wisconsin Marcia Schroeder Christ Lutheran Church Lancaster, Wisconsin Hal Schroetter Big Elk Creek Lutheran Church Barum Lutheran Church Elk Mound, Wisconsin Marci Schubert ‘91 Christ Lutheran Church Stockton, Illinois Nancy Schubert Immanuel Lutheran Church Chicago Stephanie Schulte Trinity Lutheran Church Kirkwood, Missouri
Debbie Schultz St. Paul Lutheran Church Altamont, Illinois
Larry Sexe Deerfield Lutheran Church Deerfield, Wisconsin
Joan Simonson Taylor Lutheran Church Taylor, Wisconsin
Tania Sporrord Christ Community Lutheran Church Green Bay, Wisconsin
Minerva Stephani St. Paul Lutheran Church Ironwood, Michigan
Mark Strietelmeier Zion Lutheran Church Portland, Indiana
Judy Schultz Trinity Lutheran Church Cedarburg, Wisconsin
David Shaw ‘71 Mamrelund Lutheran Church Kent City, Michigan
Sandy Simonson Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Elgin, Illinois
Andra Stackhouse Resurrection Lutheran Church Saginaw, Michigan
Tina Steward Peace Lutheran Church Charlotte, Michigan
Eric Strom St. John Lutheran Church Green Bay, Wisconsin
Lori Schultz ‘81 Holy Cross Lutheran Church Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
Shirlee Shaw Immanuel Lutheran Church Wausau, Wisconsin
Dean Simpson Cross Lutheran Church Roberts, Wisconsin
Dan Stalker St. Paul Lutheran Church Streator, Illinois
Eric Stibbe ‘09 St. John’s Lutheran Church Pearl City, Illinois
Grace Strong ‘67 Zion Lutheran Church Ironwood, Michigan
Marjorie Schultz Messiah Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois
Meagan Sherman-Sporrong Mayfair Lutheran Church Chicago
Karen and Phil Simpson ‘71 Redeemer Lutheran Church Bradenton, Florida
Jackie Stanifer St. Paul Lutheran Church Alpena, Michigan
Karen Stingely Christ Lutheran Church Valparaiso, Indiana
Kathy Stutsman Trinity Lutheran Church Goshen, Indiana
Pat Schultze St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church West Chicago, Illinois
Elaine Sherry ‘70 Peace Lutheran Church Burlington, Wisconsin
Geralyn Slack Christ Lutheran Church Stoughton, Wisconsin
Henry and Sharon Starkey Bethel Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Sarah Stobie Trinity Lutheran Church Grand Rapids, Michigan
Robert and Jill Suhr ‘77/’78 Christ Lutheran Church Mequon, Wisconsin
Michele Schulz St. John’s Lutheran Church Alliance, Nebraska
Luan Shevcik Zion Lutheran Church Mt. Olive, Illinois
Cheryl Sligay St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Dearborn, Michigan
Linda Stockinger English Lutheran Church Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin
Timothy Suminski ‘82 Bethlehem Lutheran Church St.Charles, Illinois
Betsy Schurke Redeemer Lutheran Church South Holland, Michigan
Nicole Shibata ‘03 Augustana Lutheran Church West St. Paul, Minnesota
Joseph Smith Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Hartland, Wisconsin
Julie Starks ‘80 St. Stephen the Martyr Lutheran Church Greendale, Wisconsin
Richard and Colette Stoehrmann New Life Lutheran Church Bolingbrook, Illinois
Mark Sundberg Peace Lutheran Church Lake Zurich, Illinois
Almarie Schwarting St. John’s Lutheran Church Richland Center, Wisconsin
Rob Sider Trinity Lutheran Church Warrenville, Illinois
Sandi Smith St. James Lutheran Church Grosse Point Farms, Michigan
Lori Stokes Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Newberry, Michigan
John Sutherland Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Beldenville, Wisconsin
Paul Schwartzkopf Christ Lutheran Church Quincy, Illinois
Mark Sidney Immanuel Lutheran Church New Douglas, Illinois
Steven Solberg Immanuel Lutheran Church Negaunee, Michigan
Krista Stokke First Lutheran Church Granville, Illinois
Caroline Svob Trinity Lutheran Church Canton, Illinois
Steven Schwier Christ the King Lutheran Church South Bend, Indiana
Deborah Sievers Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Lockport, Illinois
Carole Solsrud Mindoro Lewis Valley Lutheran Church Ettrick, Wisconsin
Suzanne Stoneburner ‘58 Luther Memorial Lutheran Church Delavan, Wisconsin
David Swan Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Hazelwood, Missouri
Steve Sievers Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Lockport, Illinois
Robert and Diane Sonders ‘60/’60 St. Paul Lutheran Church Waukegan, Illinois
Sharon Steinke St. James Lutheran Church Fall Creek, Wisconsin
Michelle Sowa Resurrection Lutheran Church Oak Forest, Illinois
Kathy Steinmetz Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Tomah, Wisconsin
Paul and Karen Speidel ‘81 Church of the Good Shepherd Prospect Heights, Illinois
John Stennes-Spidahl Brush and Fish Creek Lutheran Church North Coon Prairie Lutheran Church Portland Lutheran Church Cashton, Wisconsin
Kay Secord Lord of Life Lutheran Church Plant City, Florida Lois Semingson Eleva Lutheran Church Eleva, Wisconsin Sally Serrano First English Lutheran Church Grosse Point Woods, Michigan Roxie Severson Immanuel Lutheran Church Strum, Wisconsin
Joan Sigurslid Christ Lutheran Church DeForest, Wisconsin Cheryl Sikorski Christ Lutheran Church Somerset, Wisconsin Vicki Simon Gloria Dei Lutheran Church New Holstein, Wisconsin
Dru Spitzer ‘73 Trinity Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin
Mary Ann Starks Atonement Lutheran Church Green Bay, Wisconsin Sally Stauber Faith Lutheran Church Glen Ellyn, Illinois David and Ellen Steenrod ‘77/’78 First Lutheran Church Freeport, Illinois Sandy Stein St. Thomas Lutheran Church Sterling Hgts., Michigan
Marcia Strahl First Lutheran Church Chadwick, Illinois Julia Strand Immanuel Lutheran Church Eau Claire, Wisconsin Sandy Strand Calvary Lutheran Church Oshkosh, Wisconsin Patsy Stretch Our Savior Lutheran Church Normal, Illinois
Christine Swannell ‘73 Ascension Lutheran Church Milwaukee Keith Swanson Incarnation Lutheran Church Green Bay, Wisconsin Philip and Paula Swasko ‘81/’82 Berwyn United Lutheran Berwyn, Illinois Joan Swessel Christ the Victor Lutheran Church New Berlin, Wisconsin
Julie Swiggum Redeemer Lutheran Church Rio, Wisconsin
Elyse Tillman Resurrection Lutheran Church Godfrey, Illinois
David Ufkes Immanuel Lutheran Church Marseilles, Illinois
Judy Wagner Grace Lutheran Church Pembine, Wisconsin
Jan Wendel St. John Lutheran Church Wilmette, Illinois
Jeffrey and Julie Tavs ‘91/’93 Immanuel Lutheran Church Waupun, Wisconsin
Lowell Timm Capitol Drive Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Jack Ufkes ‘59 Trinity Lutheran Church Carthage, Illinois
Greg Wajerski ‘71 Arbutus Lutheran Church Pearson, Wisconsin
Carol Wendt St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Waterloo, Wisconsin
Wayne and Barbara Taylor ‘70/’70 Lutheran Church of the Cross Arlington Heights, Illinois
Roger Timm Ascension Lutheran Church Riverside, Illinois
Ollie Ulvilden Bethany Lutheran Church Ephraim, Wisconsin
Cindy Waldbillig St James Lutheran Church Verona, Wisconsin
Lori Wernicke ‘85 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin
Kenneth Tegtmeier Zion Lutheran Church Farmersville, Illinois
Penny Timmons St. James Lutheran Church Rock Island, Illinois
Beverly Unglaube ‘67 Grace Lutheran Church Woodstock, Illinois
June Waller ‘63 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Chicago
Donna White Faith Lutheran Church Cameron, Wisconsin
Priscilla Tentoni ‘70 King of Glory Lutheran Church Greenfield, Wisconsin
Vicki Tollakson Adams Lutheran Church Argyle, Wisconsin
Robert Walters ‘57 Calvary Lutheran Church Clarkston, Michigan
Darin Wiebe All Saints Lutheran Church Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Shavonne Terry Ashburn Lutheran Church Chicago
Nathan Tolzmann Ebenezer Lutheran Church Chicago
James and LaRue Unglaube ‘63/’64 Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Minneapolis
Peter Wang Truth Lutheran Church Naperville, Illinois
Audrey Wigand Nativity Lutheran Church Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Steve Terry St. John’s Lutheran Church Bloomington, Illinois
Peggy Tomaszewski Grace Lutheran Church Alepna, Michigan
Suzanne Warner Rejoice Lutheran Church Geneva, Illinois
Dorothy Wilcox Immanuel Lutheran Church Yorkville, Illinois
Jon and Marva Tetting ‘74/’75 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Kenosha, Wisconsin
Richard Tomlinson Zion Lutheran Church Philo, Illinois
Linda Watkins Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Black Earth, Wisconsin
Diane Wilk Edison Park Lutheran Church Chicago
Thomas Tews St. John Lutheran Church Leopolis, Wisconsin
John Tompsett ‘79 Church of the Resurrection Hartland, Wisconsin
Marsha Watson St. Paul Lutheran Church Jasper, Indiana
Kathie Wilkinson Emmanuel Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin
Harry Theisen Bethlehem Lutheran Church DeKalb, Illinois
Debbie Tomsky Joyful Spirit Lutheran Church Bolingbrook, Illinois
Tauna Watson St. John Lutheran Church Springfield, Illinois
Loretta Williams Our Lord’s Lutheran Church Maryville, Illinois
Mona Theisen Bethlehem Lutheran Church DeKalb, Illinois
Peg Tooley Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Marshall, Wisconsin
Barbara Watz ‘61 Calvary Lutheran Church Belleville, Illinois
Pam Williams Messiah Lutheran Church Bay City, Michigan
Kristal Thieding St. Peter Lutheran Church Loganville, Wisconsin
Jane Tornow ‘70 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Neenah, Wisconsin
Donna Wavra Trinity Lutheran Church La Crosse, Wisconsin
Venice Williams SeedFolks Youth Ministry Milwaukee
Kathy Thiele Faith Lutheran Church Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Kristine Totzke Martin Luther Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Jackie Wawiorka ‘88 St. John Lutheran Church Oconto Falls, Wisconsin
Ronald and Jean Willing ‘74 Atonement Lutheran Church Racine, Wisconsin
Sandy Thoma Calvary Lutheran Church Neillsville, Wisconsin
Meredith Townsend St. John Lutheran Church Elizabeth, Illinois
Joanne Wayne Grace Lutheran Church Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
Barbara Willis Grace Lutheran Church Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Sabine Thomas Zion Lutheran Church North Manchester, Indiana
Russ Trachte Trinity Lutheran Church Fountain Lutheran Church Hustler, Wisconsin
Craig and Sharon Weber ‘72/’74 First Lutheran Church Geneseo, Illinois
Leslie Willis Christ Lutheran Church Chicago
Harold Weber Zion Lutheran Church Walsh, Illinois
Caryn Wilson Christ Lutheran Church Monroe, Michigan
Joanne Weber Light of Christ Lutheran Church Algonquin, Illinois
Jon Wittrock St. Andrew Lutheran Church Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Matthew Weber ‘86 Salem Lutheran Church Ironwood, Michigan
Linda Wohlfarth Capron Lutheran Church Capron, Illinois
Bethalyn Wedge ‘75 All Saints Lutheran Church Port Orange, Florida
Janet Wold Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois
Tammy Thomas Living Waters Lutheran Church Crystal Lake, Illinois
Tamra Uteg Pilgrim Lutheran Church Indianapolis Nick Utphall St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church Monona, Wisconsin Laura Uzzardo Cross of Glory Lutheran Church Lockport, Illinois Mary Van Ryzin ‘94 St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Greendale, Wisconsin Melissa Van Tassell St. John Lutheran Church Janesville, Wisconsin Ruth VanDemark Wicker Park Lutheran Church Chicago Glen Vanderkloot Faith Lutheran Church Springfield, Illinois Rebecca Venn ‘89 Peace Lutheran Church Rosedale, Wisconsin Rita Verhey St. Stephen Lutheran Church Midlothian, Illinois Robert Vetter Albany Lutheran Church Albany, Wisconin
Betty Tranberg Living Hope Lutheran Church Ettrick, Wisconsin
Kristine Victory ‘89 Redeemer Lutheran Church Woodstock, Illinois
Jeff Travis Immanuel Lutheran Church Watertown, Wisconsin
Gene Vincent First Lutheran Church Ohio, Illinois
Kristen Travis ‘88 Immanuel Lutheran Church Watertown, Wisconsin
Sharon Vislay St. Paul Lutheran Church Temperance, Michigan
Neal Traxel Christ the King Lutheran Church Port Washington, Wisconsin
Fred and Cynthia Vogt, Jr. ‘76/’76 Hope Lutheran Church Long Grove, Illinois
Kimberly Trent Lake Edge Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Mary Voigt ‘77 St. Paul Lutheran Church Peoria, Illinois
Karen Tribbey Burke Lutheran Church Madison, Wisconsin
Delores Vojtko ‘57 Holy Cross Lutheran Church Libertyville, Illinois
Jay Trygstad St. Mark Lutheran Church Worth, Illinois
Jean Ann Von Rohr ‘68 Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church Milwaukee
Evelyn Tucker First Lutheran Church Iron River, Michigan
Peter Vorhes Faith Lutheran Church Calumet, Michigan
Ireve Thorson Hainesville Lutheran Church Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Cindy Turner Salem Lutheran Church Peoria, Illinois
Barbara Voss Tabor Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois
Marilyn Thurber Redeemer Lutheran Church Hudson, Wisconsin
David Tweed ‘81 Joyful Servants Lutheran Church Tampa, Florida
Steven Tibbetts Zion Lutheran Church Peoria, Illinois
Rita Tweed Joyful Servants Lutheran Church Tampa, Florida
Daniel and Marianne Wachholz ‘60/’59 Epiphany Lutheran Church Elmhurst, Illinois
Fred Thomas-Breitfeld Jackson Park Lutheran Church Milwaukee Viviane Thomas-Breitfeld Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Waukesha, Wisconsin Krista Thompson ‘06 Barneveld Lutheran Church Barneveld, Wisconsin Marcia Thompson Barneveld Lutheran Church Barneveld, Wisconsin Renee Thompson Faith Lutheran Church Marshfield, Wisconsin Linda Thompson-Nylen ‘80 All Saints Lutheran Church Wales, Wisconsin Calvin Thoreson Little Norway Lutheran Church Squaw Creek Lutheran Church Black River Falls, Wisconsin
Report ON giving 2011
Craig Wagner Christ Lutheran Church Palatine, Illinois
Kevin Weeks Zion Lutheran Church LaMoille, Illinois Barbara Wegner ‘58 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Cudahy, Wisconsin Dale Wegner Cross Lutheran Church Ixonia, Wisconsin Joanne Weidemann West Immanuel Lutheran Church Osceola, Wisconsin William and Diana Welk ‘57 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Rockford, Illinois Anita Welker Shepherd of the Lakes Church Walled Lake, Michigan Neal Weltzin ‘78 Georgetown/Trinity Churches Cumberland, Wisconsin
Craig Wolfgram ‘82 Bethany Lutheran Church Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Kim Wolin Trinity Lutheran Church Clawson, Michigan Georgia Wollum Rock Creek Lutheran Church Mondovi, Wisconsin Harriet Wood ‘42 American Lutheran Church Rantoul, Illinois Howard and Joyce Woods Immanuel Lutheran Church Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Jan Worms St. Martin of Tours Lutheran Church Mascoutah, Illinois H. James and Eleanor Wrath ‘50/’51 Bethlehem Lutheran Church Joliet, Illinois Deedee Wright St. John Lutheran Church Danforth, Illinois Lit Inn Wu True Light Christian Church Schaumburg, Illinois Dolores Yarbrough ‘53 Grace Lutheran Church Champaign, Illinois Delores Yerges Faith Lutheran Church Columbus, Wisconsin Kelly Ylitalo Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Manistique, Michigan Charles Young Windsor Park Lutheran Church Chicago Dennis and Rosemary Zahn St. Paul’s Liberty Lutheran Church Deerfield, Wisconsin Ann Zander St. John Lutheran Church West Milwaukee, Wisconsin Vicki Zanter Bethel Lutheran Church La Crosse, Wisconsin Paul and Deborah Zech ‘74/’75 Bethel Lutheran Church Palatine, Illinois Anna Mae Zeinemann Zion Lutheran Church Wausau, Wisconsin Carrie Zempel St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Sheboygan, Wisconsin Nancy Zick Messiah Lutheran Church Twin Lakes, Wisconsin Ronald and Barbara Ziemer Resurrection Lutheran Church Franklin Park, Illinois Kris Zierke Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Seneca, Illinois Margaret Zimmerman Trinity Lutheran Church Loyal, Wisconsin James Zoellick ‘56 Bethany Lutheran Church Crystal Lake, Illinois Nicholas Zook Concordia Lutheran Church Chicago Chrissy Zurcher Augustana Lutheran Church Andover, Illinois Barbara Zurfluh Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran New Glarus, Wisconsin Margaret Zvoda Mt. Calvary Lutheran Rothschild, Wisconsin
Dan Woolman Middle Coon Valley Lutheran Church Chaseburg, Wisconsin Aaron Wooster Shalom Lutheran Church Pickney, Illinois
Advisory and Governing Bodies Business and Professional Coalition The Business and Professional Coalition promotes interaction between Kenosha and Racine business leaders and Carthage by making the intellectual resources of the College available to the community. The Coalition hosts regular distinguished speakers who address topics of timely interest. Through these programs, the Coalition identifies other opportunities for involving the business and professional communities in the life of the College.
Ralph Tenuta Co-Chairman
Chairman of the Board Johnson Bank of Kenosha Chairman Tenuta’s, Inc. Kenosha, Wisconsin W. Craig Deaton Co-Chairman
President Gateway Mortgage Corporation Kenosha, Wisconsin Nickolas E. Arnold, ’81 City Administrator (retired) Kenosha, Wisconsin David Barnes President Cost Cutters of Wisconsin, Inc. Kenosha, Wisconsin The Honorable Dennis Barry Racine Circuit Court Racine, Wisconsin The Honorable David M. Bastianelli Kenosha Circuit Court Kenosha, Wisconsin Elizabeth Brown Civic Leader Kenosha, Wisconsin Robert A. Buhler President and Chief Executive Officer Open Pantry Food Marts of Wisconsin Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin Raymond Camosy Chairman Camosy Inc. Kenosha, Wisconsin Roger Caron President (retired) Racine Area Manufacturers & Commerce Racine, Wisconsin Marcel Dandeneau Director of Public Affairs (retired) Dairyland Greyhound Park Kenosha, Wisconsin Kenneth L. Fellman Community Bank President M & I Bank Kenosha, Wisconsin Connie Ferwerda Civic Leader Kenosha, Wisconsin Phillip R. Godin Partner Godin, Geraghty & Puntillo SC Kenosha, Wisconsin John L. Gorton President Gorton Farms, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin William H. Kelley Vice Chairman Jelly Belly Candy Company North Chicago, Illinois
The Honorable Barbara A. Kluka Kenosha Circuit Court Kenosha, Wisconsin Bob Lee, Sr. President and Chief Executive Officer (retired) Lee Plumbing Company Kenosha, Wisconsin Jess S. Levin Community Executive Tri City National Bank Racine, Wisconsin
Evelyn K. Bennett, ‘85 Vice President, Sales/Marketing William Frick & Company Libertyville, Illinois Susan R. Blust, ‘88 Language Consultant Kenosha, Wisconsin Daniel Burrell Dean of Liberal Arts Milwaukee Area Technical College Milwaukee
Thomas P. Mahoney President Johnson Bank of Kenosha Kenosha, Wisconsin
Leo Chiappetta Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction (retired) Racine Unified School District Racine, Wisconsin
Eugene Potente, Jr. The Studios of Potente Kenosha, Wisconsin
Betsy A. Hanisch, ‘81 Entrepreneur Wood Dale, Illinois
Jack Rice Civic Leader Kenosha, Wisconsin
Debra Hartfield, ’80 Manager, Division Learning and Development Abbott Laboratories Abbott Park, Illinois
Kelly Semrau Vice President, Global Public Affairs/Communications SC Johnson Racine, Wisconsin Peter J. Sinsky, ’88 Chief Financial Officer Riley Construction Corporation Kenosha, Wisconsin Gregg Thompson Chief Executive Officer Bukacek Construction, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin Russell C. Weyers Chief Executive Officer Johnson Bank of Racine Racine, Wisconsin Advisory Committees
Established by the Trustees, the Advisory Committees serve as bridges between the College and its constituencies, particularly the local community. The committees meet twice each year with faculty of the academic division with which they are affiliated, and engage in discussions of current opportunities and challenges faced by the respective division. Individually, Advisory Committee members remain in contact with the College and provide advice on an ad hoc basis. The Career Center and Adult Education
Susan B. Ruud Stover, ‘69 Chairman
Vice President and Corporate Secretary Ruud Lighting, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin Andrew Abram Human Resources Manager In-Sink-Erator Racine, Wisconsin John P. Anderson, ‘70 Director, Executive Compensation USG Corporation Chicago Nickolas E. Arnold, ‘81 City Administrator (retired) City of Kenosha Kenosha, Wisconsin Carol Barkow Director of Community Partnerships Racine Area Manufacturers & Commerce, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin Kim Beckett, ’99 Human Resources Manager Johnson Diversey Elmhurst, Illinois
David H. Zuelke, ‘90 Worldwide Industrial Director Compliance Snap-on Industrial Kenosha, Wisconsin
Louise Mattioli Director of Professional Development (retired) Kenosha Unified School District #1 Kenosha, Wisconsin
R. Scott Pierce, ‘71 District Administrator Central High School District of Westosha Salem, Wisconsin
Division of Education
Jackie Niles TDS Metrocom Milwaukee
Bob Sagadin Educator The Prairie School Racine, Wisconsin
Gordon D. Postlewaite, ‘59 Chairman Assistant Superintendent for Administration (retired) Oswego Community Unit District #308 Oswego, Illinois Ronald W. Bailey Educator Tremper High School Kenosha, Wisconsin Anthony F. Bisciglia Superintendent (retired) Kenosha Unified School District Editor/Publisher, The Effective School Report
Kenosha, Wisconsin
John A. Johnson, Jr., ‘98 Strategic Storage Specialist Oracle Chicago
Russell O. Carlsen Consultant SC Johnson Wax Area Director Wisconsin Association of School Boards Racine, Wisconsin
Robert W. Klatt, ’77 Vice President, Sales American Chemet Corporation Deerfield, Illinois
Tom Creighton Head of School (retired) Armitage Academy Kenosha, Wisconsin
Tim Mahone President TMCG, Inc. Kenosha, Wisconsin
Melissa Davidson, ’08 Civic Leader Forest Park, Illinois
Daniel Mouw HR Mouw Services, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin Phyllis Murray Corporate Director of Human Resources and Safety Birchwood Foods Kenosha, Wisconsin Cathy L. Nelson, ‘71 Vice President of Human Resources (retired) Personnel Decisions, Inc. Minneapolis Harry A. Niese, ‘67 President Midwest Neon Supply Chicago Eric W. Otterbein, ‘69 Director of Training and Development (retired) TAP Holdings, Inc. Lake Forest, Illinois John P. Pelej, ‘70 Deputa Superinitendent (retired) Racine Unified School District Racine, Wisconsin Robert M. Placko, ‘72 Senior Vice President, Human Resources Motorola Inc. Schaumburg, Illinois David Rehm, ’76 Chief Financial Officer (retired) Wells Lamont Niles, Illinois Alan L. Spiegel, ‘01 Attorney at Law McLario, Helm & Bertlilng, S.C. Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin Gary Vaillancourt Director, Marketing and Community Relations Kenosha Unified School District Kenosha, Wisconsin William R. Whyte, ‘66 Vice President of Human Resources Gateway Technical College Kenosha, Wisconsin
Karen Dosemagen, ’78 Educator Southport Elementary School Kenosha, Wisconsin Teresa S. Giampietro, ‘88 Principal McKinley Elementary School Kenosha, Wisconsin Earlene E. Girman, ‘77 Civic Leader Kenosha, Wisconsin Mari L. Grobschmidt, ‘02 Educator The Prairie School Racine, Wisconsin Patricia Hammes International Baccalaureate District Coordinator Racine Unified School District Racine, Wisconsin Melissa J. Harris, ‘00 Curator of Conservation Education Racine Zoological Society Racine, Wisconsin Gordon A. Hess, ‘70 Principal (retired) Frank Elementary School Kenosha, Wisconsin Beverly D. Hicks Educator (retired) William C. Giese Elementary School Racine, Wisconsin Patricia M. Johnson Director (retired) Armitage Academy Kenosha, Wisconsin Steven J. Knecht, ’96 Assistant Principal Athletics and Operations Bradford High School Kenosha, Wisconsin Christine A. Krueger, ‘71 School-to-Work Coordinator (retired) Franklin Public Schools Franklin, Wisconsin Sandra L. Lindgren, ‘75 Educator Somers Elementary School Kenosha, Wisconsin
Cara M. Obrochta, ‘93 Civic Leader Lake Zurich, Illinois Christopher Olley President St. Catherine’s High School Racine, Wisconsin Lynn R. Parks, ‘93 Educator Bullen Middle School Kenosha, Wisconsin Rose Parquett Head of School Armitage Academy Kenosha, Wisconsin Nola Starling-Ratliff Principal Roosevelt Elementary School Kenosha, Wisconsin John A. Sykora Director of Education Sylvan Learning Center Kenosha, Wisconsin Richard Zimmermann Assistant Headmaster The Prairie School Racine, Wisconsin Division of Fine Arts
June Boatman Waller, ‘63 Chairman Trustee Franklin I. and Irene List Saemann Foundation Champaign, Illinois Pat Badger Performing Arts Head The Prairie School Racine, Wisconsin Kim DeBerge DeBerge’s Kenosha, Wisconsin Nancy Dokter Dokter Public Relations and Marketing Racine, Wisconsin Flora Doody Mural Restoration Project Chicago Public Schools Chicago Sidney C. Hamper, ‘53 President The John H. Vanderpoel Art Association Chicago Richard Huennekens Renquist Design Racine, Wisconsin Emile Mathis Mathis Gallery and Frame Shop Racine, Wisconsin Norman McPhee Managing/Artistic Director (retired) Racine Theatre Guild, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin Clifton E. Peterson, M.D. (retired) Kenosha Hospital & Medical Center Kenosha, Wisconsin Katina Petsas-Parizek International Academy of Design and Technology Chicago
Donald Schwartz Vice President, Project Development Catalyst Construction, LLC Hales Corners, Wisconsin Victoria Seebeck Seebeck Gallery Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin Lois E. Solberg Executive Director (retired) Racine Arts Council Assistant Director, Artists Gallery Racine, Wisconsin Paula Touhey Director Kenosha Public Museum Kenosha, Wisconsin Terri M. Wruck Manager Snap-on Charitable Contributions Snap-on Incorporated Kenosha, Wisconsin Division of the Humanities
Richard J. Aiello, ‘89 Principal Tremper High School Kenosha, Wisconsin Elizabeth K. Brown Civic Leader Kenosha, Wisconsin
Raymond J. Camosy President Camosy Construction, Inc. Kenosha, Wisconsin Michele M. Caskey, ‘79 Vice President (retired) Mindseye Research Group Lisle, Illinois Richard K. Fields Director, Market and Consumer Insights Group Snap-on Tools Kenosha, Wisconsin Bonnie J. Flessen, ‘92 Doctoral Candidate Lutheran School of Theology of Chicago Chicago Douglas M. Gole, ‘92 National Sales Manager VIP Sports Marketing, Inc. Mequon, Wisconsin Heidi Hahn, ’93 Senior Marketing Consultant Metavente Corporation Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin Florence Parry Heide Author Kenosha, Wisconsin Amelia A. McCarthy, ‘91 Attorney Gass Weber Mullins LLC Milwaukee Nalin Mehta Controller Monarch Plastics, Inc. Kenosha, Wisconsin Frank Missurelli Publisher
Zion Benton News
Zion, Illinois
Kristine Nieman Head of Administrative Services Kenosha Public Library System Kenosha, Wisconsin
Alice Peterson Foreign Language Coordinator (retired) Racine Unified School District Racine Carrie May Poniewaz Attorney at Law Otjen, Van Ert & Weir, S.C. Milwaukee Fr. John Richetta Pastor Emeritus Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church Kenosha, Wisconsin Virginia A. Shipe, ‘86 Chief Executive Officer Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers Chicago David C. Wiers, ‘98 President Satori Enterprises LLC Chicago The Hon. S. Michael Wilk Circuit Court Judge Kenosha, Wisconsin Division of Natural Sciences
John R. Sladek, ‘65 Chairman
Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience University of Colorado School of Medicine Aurora, Colorado
Timothy R. Hansen Vice President for Academic Affairs Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science North Chicago, Illinois H. Rodney Holmes Professor of Biology Waubonsee Community College Sugar Grove, Illinois Brandon J. Koltz, ‘72 Vice President Symbiont West Allis, Wisconsin Richard G. Kron Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics The University of Chicago Chicago Alexander Markovic Directgor, Medical Radiation Physics Department Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science North Chicago, Illinois
Gil Boese, ‘59 President Foundation for Wildlife Conservation, Inc.
Theodore J. Roseman Vice President, Scientific Affairs Baxter Healthcare Corporation Round Lake, Illinois
Zoo Director Emeritus, Milwaukee County Zoo Milwaukee
James Shapiro, M.D. Comprehensive Orthopaedics. S. C. Kenosha, Wisconsin
Jamil Bou-Saab Vice President Terra Engineering, Ltd. Chicago
Christopher D. Stone, M.D. Michael E. DeBakey Heart Institute of Wisconsin Kenosha, Wisconsin
Robert Broach Senior Research and Development Associate UOP Research Center Des Plaines, Illinois
Division of the Social Sciences
William Carlisle, D.V.M. Kenosha Animal Hospital Kenosha, Wisconsin
Kathleen M. Barca Assistant Superintendent, Strategic Planning Innovation, and Community Partnerships Kenosha Unified School District Kenosha, Wisconsin
Hugh P. Greeley, ‘71 Chairman The Greeley Company Marblehead, Massachussetts
Report ON giving 2011
Gregory D. Johnson Vice President (retired) Snap-on Incorporated Kenosha, Wisconsin Patrick M. Kavanaugh, ‘85 Broker Re/Max Geneva Realty Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
The Hon. Samantha Kerkman State Representative, 66th Assembly District State of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin
Stanley C. Penzotti Vice President, Pharmaceutical Development Clarus Therapeutics, Inc. Northbrook, Illinois
Susan Gaud Director, External Technology (retired) Kraft Foods, Inc. Glenview, Illinois
John T. Jansen Director Department of Human Services Kenosha County Kenosha, Wisconsin
John A. Moore President WorldLink, Ltd. Milwaukee
John R. Bleeke, ‘76 Vice Chairman and Associate Professor Of Chemistry Washington University St. Louis
Mark Franzen Managing Director Milliman, Inc. Brookfield, Wisconsin
William Ivy Chief Financial Officer In-Sink-Erator Racine, Wisconsin
Thomas J. Kelley, ‘99 Director of Strategic Planning United Hospital Systems, Inc. Kenosha, Wisconsin
Diane Muri Public Health Administrator (retired) City of Racine Racine, Wisconsin
James R. Ferwerda, M.D. (retired) Kenosha, Wisconsin
Thomas J. Heller, ‘77 Thomey & Heller and Associates Kenosha, Wisconsin
David K. Miller, ‘93 Director, Planning and Research Walgreens Corporation Deerfield, Illinois
Joy K. Anderson Senior Director, Tissue Repair New Product Development Baxter Healthcare Corporation Deerfield, Illinois
Allen W. Cowley, Jr. Chairman, Department of Physiology Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Clarence L. Griffin, Jr. President Griffin & Associates Kenosha, Wisconsin
Seymour Adler Commissioner Governor’s Juvenile Justice System Kenosha, Wisconsin
Kevin M. Brunner, ‘77 City Manager City of Whitewater Whitewater, Wisconsin Clair Mills Callan Chief Executive Officer Callan Consulting Senior Fellow National Alliance for Health Information Technology Chicago Kathryn B. Comstock Executive Director Women and Children’s Horizons Kenosha, Wisconsin Paul M. DeFazio Psychiatric and Psychotherapy Clinic Kenosha, Wisconsin
Nancy A. Lyon, ‘78 Senior Vice President The Northern Trust Company Chicago Brian P. Maxwell, ‘90 Vice President of Sales Patch Products, Inc. Beloit, Wisconsin Clifton E. Peterson, M.D. (retired) Kenosha Hospital & Medical Center Kenosha, Wisconsin Jennie Ragland DeVry University Lincolnshire, Illinois Q. A. Shakoor II Alderman and Supervisor Eighth District Racine, Wisconsin Neville H. Simpson Director Pan American Associates Wynnewood, Pennsylvania Jon A. Tetting, ‘74 Vice President of International, Industrial Division Snap-On Tools Kenosha, Wisconsin Trisha Treml, ‘00 Retirement Consultant Hewitt Associates Lincolnshire, Illinois Karen A. Van Lone, ‘74 Director of Financial Analysis and Planning (retired) Treasure Chest Advertising Company, Inc. Glendora, California John Baker Welch, ’76 Vice President Rothschild Investment Corporation Chicago Donald W. Wruck III, ‘96 Attorney at Law Wruck Paupore, LLC Dyer, Indiana Lydia M. Zopf, ‘06 Supported Employment Specialist Thresholds Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center Chicago
The Senior Class of 2010 gave Carthage an updated media system for the cardio-theater in the Semler Fitness Center.
Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2010
Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Student Accounts Receivable (net) Other Receivables Government Grants Receivable Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets Investments Endowment Investments Deposits Student Notes Receivable (net) Funds Held by Others Construction in Progress Property, Plant and Equipment (net)
Total Assets
$19,938,717 5,532,879 841,076 833,359 437,407 5,399,292 38,933,634 807,980 2,555,451 58,091 3,275,112 102,851,010 $178,464,008
Liabilities and Net Assets
Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities Capital Lease Obligations Deferred Revenue Deposits Held in Custody for Others Annuities Payable Asset Retirement Obligation Misc. Notes Payable Capital Lease Obligations Long-Term Debt Government Grants Refundable
Total Liabilities
Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$5,554,981 7,617,994 223,904 1,734,437 561,253 43,894 843,367 35,150,000 2,669,721 $54,399,551
$87,052,598 10,087,032 26,924,827 $124,064,457 $178,464,008 39
Science Works
Randall S. Bednar, ‘81 Vice President Information Technology A.O. Smith Corporation Milwaukee, Wisconsin Susan Gaud Kraft Foods, Inc. (retired) Glenview, Illinois Michael G. Gentile, ‘82 President - Hand Tools Division Snap-on Incorporated Kenosha, Wisconsin Betsy A. Hanisch, ‘81 Entrepreneur Wood Dale, Illinois Debra L. Hartfield, ‘80 Division Manager, Learning & Development Abbott Laboratories Abbott Park, Illinois Donald D. Hedberg, ‘50 Civic Leader Janesville, Wisconsin Michael T. Hopkins, ‘78 Attorney IP Special Counsel, LTD Milwaukee Marc Hujik President Prophet Asset Management Inc. Kenosha, Wisconsin Timothy R. Konicek, Ph.D., ‘75 Director-Venture Investments Center for Technology Transfer Madison, Wisconsin John E. Nygard, ‘56 President Advanced Bio-Control Technologies Skokie, Illinois Douglas O. Pauls, ‘84 Senior Materials Engineer Rockwell Collins Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Rodney J. Randall, ‘64 Accenture (retired) Naperville, Illinois
Fr. Joseph Shimek St. Mary Catholic Church Kenosha, Wisconsin
John D. Real Special Projects Manager (retired) Modine Manufacturing Company Racine, Wisconsin
David Wensel Director LECG Chicago
Alan J. Ruud President and Chief Operating Officer Ruud Lighting, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin Fred Young Young Radiator Company (retired) Racine, Wisconsin
Margaret Winter Associate Director ALCU Prison Project Washington, D.C.
Interdisciplinary Studies
John W. Busey II Robert W. Baird, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin
John W. Danford Department of Political Science Loyola University Chicago Chicago Richard K. Fields Director, Market and Consumer Insights Group Snap-on Tools Kenosha, Wisconsin Erik Guenther Hurley, Burish & Stanton Madison, Wisconsin William Haithcock Principal Harborside Academy Kenosha, Wisconsin H. Rodney Holmes Waubonsee Community College Sugar Grove, Illinois Carole Johnson Director, Local & Regional Community Programs The Johnson Foundation Racine, Wisconsin
Alumni Council The Alumni Council provides leadership for alumni relations activities and advises the administration on the full range of College activities. Elected by members of the Alumni Association, the Council supports development of alumni clubs, initiates activities that involve alumni, selects recipients for the Distinguished Alumni awards, and fosters volunteerism among fellow graduates.
David Wiers, ‘98 Council President
President Satori Energy Chicago
Silvija Papka, ‘01 Council Chaplain
Manager, Marketing and Consumer Insights Snap-on Incorporated Kenosha, Wisconsin Thomas Kelley, ‘99
President Elect, Council Nominations Chair
Vice President, Finance and Strategic Planning United Hospital System Kenosha, Wisconsin
Andrew Boncher, ‘99 Biology Teacher Warren Township High School Gurnee, Illinois Kevin Brunner, ‘77 City Manager City of Whitewater Whitewater, Wisconsin F. Gregory Campbell President/Professor of History Carthage Kenosha, Wisconsin Rodney Carter, ‘87 Attorney Davis & Kuelthau, S.C. Brookfield, Wisconsin Heidi Close, ‘07 Reading Teacher/Specialist Racine Unified School District Racine, Wisconsin Timothy Craft, ‘82 Services Manager WE Energies Milwaukee Kenten Dernbach, ’04 Director of Basketball Operations Northern Illinois University DeKalb, Illinois Kim Ferizi, ‘04 Portfolio Manager Auctos Capital Management Chicago Nancy Massnick, ‘76 Library Director Hartland Public Library Hartland, Wisconsin James Oboikowitch, ‘02 Account Executive Chicago Cubs Chicago
Elizabeth O’Donnell, ’08 Outpatient Clinicals Implementation Services and Internal Trainer Epic Systems Corporation Verona, Wisconsin Lisa Romoser, ’99 Middle School Substitute Teacher Berwyn School District 100 Berwyn, Illinois James Ring, ‘85 Vice President Instant Whip Foods Chicago Jillian Smith, ’07 Executive Assistant to the President Chicago Blackhawks Chicago Aaron Trautwein Professor of Mathematics Carthage Kenosha, Wisconsin David Zuelke, ‘90 Director- Compliance Snap-on Incorporated Kenosha, Wisconsin Emeritus
Joanne Greathouse, ‘71 Director, Radiology Program Apollo College Phoenix Debra Hartfield, ‘80 Division Manager, Learning and Development Abbott Laboratories Abbott Park, Illinois John Oboikowitch, ‘68 Manager of Product Development (retired) Baxter Healthcare Corporation Deerfield, Illinois
2011-2012 Calendar of Events
September 4 New Student Convocation
September 15-16 Greatest Reunion for the Greatest Generation (Classes of 1940-1949) Sept. 30- Oct. 2 Homecoming
October 10-19 Alumni Travel: Reflections of Italy
October 21-23 Autumn Family Weekend
December 2-4 Christmas Festival, A. F. Siebert Chapel
January 18 Celebrating Carthage Luncheon in Tucson, Ariz.
January 18 Celebrating Carthage Dinner in Phoenix area
January 19 Celebrating Carthage Southern California Dinner
January 20 Celebrating Carthage Northern California Dinner
March 5-10 Celebrating Carthage Florida Gatherings
March 14 Celebrating Carthage Dinner in Rockford, Ill.
March 15 Celebrating Carthage Dinner in Madison, Wis.
March 24 Celebrating Carthage Dinner in Washington, D.C.
April 13 Celebrating Carthage Dinner in Appleton/Greenbay, Wis.
For more information on these and other Carthage events, please call the Office of College Relations at 800-551-1518 or send e-mail to
Board of Trustees The ultimate authority concerning all governance matters at Carthage lies with the Board of Trustees. The Trustees select the leadership of the College and approve the strategic direction and objectives of the institution. Fully self-perpetuating, the Trustees hold leadership positions in business, the professions, and the church. The Carthage Board is one of the most prestigious nonprofit boards in the region.
Officers F. Gregory Campbell President of the College William R. Abt Senior Vice President for Administration and Business Bradley J Andrews Senior Vice President for Academic Resources John M. Antaramian Counselor for Community Partnerships Robert R. Bonn Director of Athletics Abigail Hanna Registrar Paul R. Hegland Special Assistant to the President Todd D. Kelley Vice President for Library and Information Services The Rev. Ross Larson Interim College Pastor Louise Paskey Dean of Students Julio C. Rivera Provost Robert J. Rosen Associate Vice President for Communications Michael T. West Associate Vice President for Adult Education Emeritus Robert C. Dittus Vice President Emeritus for Admininistration and Business Eugene A. Engeldinger Vice President Emeritus for Academic Information Services Ruth A. Johnson, ‘84 Registrar Emerita Judith Schaumberg Provost Emerita James M. Unglaube, ‘63 Vice President Emeritus for College Relations
Report ON giving 2011
Chairman Debra S. Waller, ‘78 Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Jockey International, Inc. Kenosha, Wisconsin First Vice Chairman Jeff Hamar, ‘80 President and CEO Galleher, Inc. Santa Fe Springs, California Secretary Mark E. Barmak Vice President, Government Affairs (retired) Abbott Laboratories Abbott Park, Illinois Ex Officio Treasurer William R. Abt Senior Vice President for Administration and Business Carthage President F. Gregory Campbell College Attorney Phillip R. Godin Godin, Geraghty & Puntillo, S. C. Kenosha, Wisconsin Trustees Ross A. Anderson, ‘75 Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S. C. Milwaukee The Rev. Jeff Barrow Bishop Greater Milwaukee Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Mary Bishop President and Chief Marketing Officer (retired) Leo Burnett USA Chicago Steven M. Chapman Group Vice President - Emerging Markets and Businesses Cummins Inc. Columbus, Indiana
Richard M. Christman Chairman Giant Partners, LLC Chairman Caresoft Global, LLC Decatur, Illinois W. Craig Deaton, ‘72 President Gateway Mortgage Corporation Kenosha, Wisconsin John L. Gorton, ‘66 President Gorton Farms, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin Hoyt H. Harper II, ‘77 Senior Vice President, Brand Management Starwood Hotels and Resorts White Plains, New York Marilyn Hedberg Civic Leader Manalapan, Florida
Gordon D. Postlewaite, ‘59 Assistant Superintendent for Administration (retired) Oswego Community Unit District #308 Oswego, Illinois Loren H. Semler, ‘65 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Semler Industries, Inc. Franklin Park, Illinois John R. Sladek, Jr., ‘65 Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience University of Colorado School of Medicine Aurora, Colorado The Honorable David A. Straz, Jr. Ambassador at Large and Honorary Consul, Republic of Liberia Tampa, Florida
William H. Kelley Vice Chairman Jelly Belly Candy Company North Chicago, Illinois
June Boatman Waller, ‘63 Trustee Franklin I. and Irene List Saemann Foundation Charleston, Illinois
Thomas E. Kieso, ‘73 Co-Owner Wm. F. Meyer Company Aurora, Illinois
Gary D. Wilson President Wilson Printing, Inc. Mundelein, Illinois
James R. Klauser Senior Vice President (retired) Wisconsin Energy Corporation Milwaukee Thomas W. Lentz, ‘63 Chairman Global Display Solutions Inc. Roundhead, Ohio William R. Madden President and CEO Knauz Automotive Group Lake Bluff, Illinois Gina Madrigrano Friebus Vice President-Administration (retired) W.O.W. Distributing Co., Inc. Sussex, Wisconsin
Trustees Emeriti Waldo E. Berger, ‘47 President (retired) Berger Construction Company Cedar Rapids, Iowa
John H. Pender Senior Vice President & Chief Investment Officer (retired) Aid Association for Lutherans Appleton, Wisconsin
A.W. Clausen, ‘44 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (retired) Bank of America Corporation San Francisco
Edward W. Smeds, ‘57 President, Operations (retired) Kraft Foods Glenview, Illinois
Robert A. Comog Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer (retired) Snap-on Incorporated Kenosha, Wisconsin John W. Fritsch President Fritsch Charitable Foundation Libertyville, Illinois
Ralph J. Tenuta Chairman of the Board Johnson Bank of Kenosha Chairman Tenuta’s, Inc. Kenosha, Wisconsin John P. Timmerwilke Director, Information Services (retired) Nutrilite Products Buena Park, California
William D. George President and Chief Executive Officer (retired) SC Johnson Racine, Wisconsin The Rev. Hoover T. Grimsby Senior Pastor (retired) Central Lutheran Church Minneapolis Jack S. Harris, ‘49 President Emeritus Siebert Lutheran Foundation Brookfield, Wisconsin Donald D. Hedberg, ‘50 Civic Leader Gulfstream, Florida The Rev. Raymond A. Heine Bishop (retired) Michigan Synod Lutheran Church in America Detroit The Rev. Robert H. Herder Bishop Emeritus East Central Wisconsin Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Appleton, Wisconsin
Dean A. Matthews, ‘84 General Manager Matthews Distributing Company of Iowa Dubuque, Iowa The Rev. Wayne N. Miller Bishop Metro Chicago Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America