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From simple beginnings embraced by Lutheran pioneers nearly
165 years ago, Carthage College has emerged as a leading liberal arts
institution, respected for its challenging academic program, personal care and attention, and an abiding respect for human values. Just as the sun rises each day over Carthage’s home on Lake Michigan, the enduring Carthage promise is to ignite in each student the desire to achieve at the highest level as they choose
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their own path to success. Our pride flows from cultivating the knowledge, understanding, skills, and discipline crucial to
successful navigation of each student’s life journey.
Our Heritage Throughout the past 165 years, Carthage has developed a tradition of distinction in our people, our programs, and our community. It is a heritage of accessible and challenging professors who change lives; of classmates who remain friends across decades; and of treasured campus memories. We share these memories and experiences of our days on campus—both in Carthage, Illinois, and those formed during the past half-century in Kenosha, Wisconsin. We celebrate Carthage’s proud status as a 2011 Best College in the Midwestern Region, a 2011 Best Baccalaureate College, and a premier Lutheran college of the arts and sciences. Throughout our history and into our future, Carthage remains true to our fundamental mission, even as we pursue new heights. While the College always will mean different things to different people, the one common element for us all is quality education with shared values and beliefs. It is Carthage’s devotion to the individual student that has led to our past triumphs and also forms the key to the promise of tomorrow. It is the commitment of those many students to each other, to their college, and to their families and communities that changes the world in many ways. Embedded in the Carthage experience is the opportunity for all students to discover their potential for excellence, leadership, and service. It is the realization of this potential—made possible by their experience at a special college—that makes their future, and ours, truly inspiring.
Our College: Today and Tomorrow The Carthage story, throughout its history, has been one of becoming. Carthage is forever becoming. We are driven by the possibilities of the future, by the potential for significance, and by the vision of what can be—for each individual student, and for the College itself. Securing the future for an institution that will provide transformative opportunities for students today and in the coming decades requires a solid foundation. As we prepare for tomorrow, we must build on the progress and accomplishments of those who have come before us. They form the foundation upon which Carthage now stands. All the successes and gains made by the College over the past 165 years must not only be celebrated, they must inspire Carthage and its students to strive for greater accomplishments. While the College’s roots date back nearly 165 years, we recognize that our continued vitality requires a focus on the next generation. Seeking truth, building strength, and inspiring service are imperatives of the Carthage mission. Even as we continue to resolve complex issues that face all colleges, we keep an eye on the big picture and realize our own potential. We must navigate our own path to success in an ever-changing social, economic, and political environment. We must focus intently on what we wish to become, and move with courage toward this vision. During the past 50 years, even as our graduates have established themselves throughout the United States and in other nations, we have endeavored to cultivate a special relationship with the Kenosha community as well as with Southeastern Wisconsin/Northeastern Illinois. The success of those efforts has found expression in the extraordinary support that Carthage has received at key junctures in its development. We are very proud of these community relationships because they have helped Carthage in its process of becoming. We have grown together.
Funding our 21st Century College From its founding in 1847 to the present day, Carthage has much to celebrate—165 years of great memories and people, 50 years of a wonderful partnership with the Kenosha community, and the past 25 transformative years, a period during which we have achieved the vision of Carthage’s longest-serving president. While we rejoice in these accomplishments, our job is not done. Hard work and sacrifices by others have positioned us better than any of our predecessors to make responsible decisions in securing the future of Carthage. It is essential that we do everything possible to continue our forward momentum. To ensure that Carthage’s reputation for academic excellence, student achievement, and service to community continues to grow; and to ensure the College realizes its full potential; we must have the tangible support of alumni and friends who are willing to commit vital resources.
Therefore, we are proud to announce the largest fundraising campaign in the history of the College. The Board of Trustees adopted Celebrating Carthage during their 2005 Board Retreat. The total effort has a comprehensive goal (dating from 1991) of raising $1 million in gifts for every year of the College’s existence since its founding in 1847. The Trustees established December 31, 2012, as the deadline for meeting the goal of raising $165 million. This fundraising effort appeared highly ambitious back in 2005. It is a testimony to the fervor of Carthage alumni and friends that the campaign is on target to achieve success by the closing date. That said, a strong commitment by Carthage supporters will be necessary to ensure that the goal is achieved. As of May 2011, outright gifts, pledges, and estate commitments received have moved the College 90 percent of the way to success. We are pleased to report that only $15 million remains to be raised in pursuit of the goal. Celebrating Carthage is a comprehensive fundraising campaign. Its objective is to secure endowment and annual gifts, as well as gifts for capital projects and equipment. Therefore, all outright gifts, documented pledges and estate commitments to Carthage prior to December 31, 2012, count toward the campaign goal of $165 million.
Your Support Makes a Difference
As a teaching college, Carthage allocates resources with the principal objective of bringing benefit to our students. This orientation forms the three main priorities toward which gifts and commitments will be applied. 1. Students Carthage must attract, retain
continues to rise, support for current and
and educate the very best people and the
future students is essential for success.
very best students. They represent the next
The commitment of the College’s partners
generation of informed citizens, business and
will play a crucial role by extending the
political leaders, artists, and educators—the
number and amount of scholarships available,
next generation of Carthaginians. As the
and providing the resources to increase
College’s reputation increases in stature
undergraduate learning opportunities.
and the value of a degree from Carthage
At this time in our nation’s history, as well as in Carthage history, financial support for our neediest students has never been more important.
2. Academics Carthage stands for a
Donor support
classical education in the arts and sciences.
undergirds our ability to
Regardless of a student’s major, the twin
maintain a strong faculty
processes of building vocabulary, and learning
and a strong curriculum.
to use that knowledge to think independently,
Your support also provides
are the focus of teaching and learning at the
the chance for students to
College. Additionally, all Carthage students
pursue distinctive learning
are encouraged to use their education to
opportunities that might
contribute to the research and knowledge
otherwise be unavailable,
base in their chosen field of study.
including internships,
The core and general education, the
campus leadership
major field of study, and electives from
involvement, community
across the entire academic spectrum, come
service learning projects,
together in approximately equal thirds
and much more.
to constitute a Carthage baccalaureate
“Being on the Carthage Microgravity team allowed me to apply text-book physics to solve real-world problems. Working with NASA engineers, and getting within a few yards of the space shuttle before its final launch, are experiences I will never forget.” — Amber Bakkum, ‘12, Physics, Mathematics Winthrop Harbor, Ill.
With the support of its partners, the
education. In the recent past, there have
College will nurture student and faculty
been significant accomplishments in
academic achievement, further advancing its
curricular policy, and the overall quality
role as a hub of intellectual life, and a center
of instruction has risen appreciably. An
of academic excellence that garners national
increase in the number of faculty has brought
respect in a growing number of fields.
to Carthage individuals with excellent credentials and seriousness of purpose.
Your Support Makes a Difference
3. Campus Infrastructure Modern, efficient facilities are essential to a quality learning environment and to attracting the best faculty and students to the College. Investment in infrastructure is one of the most effective ways of investing in the long-term future of the College. These are facilities that will withstand the test of time. Their initial price is considerable, but in the long run, they are a tremendous bargain. Future donors need not worry about replacing what our generation will leave to them. Since the turn of the century, Carthage has invested more than $125 million
“I love how much Carthage has grown in just the last three years. I’m excited to see the Student Union become a central location for students to hang out and enjoy activities close to the residence halls.” — Jason Hartfield, ‘12, International Political Economy Kenosha, Wis. 10
in new and improved facilities, and thanks to the support of its generous donors, it has fully funded all of those projects without adding to the long-term debt of the College. Each project materially has strengthened the College’s ability to recruit students.
Within the broader Celebrating Carthage campaign initiative, there has been a succession of special capital projects, including the N. E. Tarble Athletic and Recreation Center, Hedberg Library, the A.W. Clausen Center for World Business, The Oaks student village, and Tarble Arena. While the transformation of large parts of the campus has been dramatic, and the recent completion of the new Student Union and
“Without the Altera Scholarship, I would not have been able to attend Carthage. The scholarship gave me the chance to experience all of the amazing opportunities here that would have passed me by otherwise. It really changed my life and I am eternally grateful.” — Maeve McFadden, ‘12 English Decatur, Ill.
Art Keller Stadium will provide a competitive advantage to the College throughout the 21st century, continued investment in maintenance of campus infrastructure is necessary to preserve that advantage.
Ways to Give Carthage is many things to many people. Yet, the core of our mission is simple—we are here to ensure student success. Indeed, we must continue to focus on this mission so that our students are well prepared for today’s challenges and opportunities. Our supporters help us maintain this focus. Each gift is important to the lives of our students. Charitable gifts that support scholarships, internships, and research projects are examples that have a direct and immediate impact. Support of the academic program and learning resources do likewise. The campus is a different place today as a result of generous gifts that have transformed the physical spaces where learning occurs. Carthage is fortunate to have many benefactors who have remained steadfast in their support, even during challenging times. Everyone who gives to Carthage adds to the strong support system that our students rely upon as a springboard to success.
If you would like to assist in our Celebrating Carthage campaign, you can do so in one or more of the following ways. Current Gifts Outright one-time gifts may be made with cash, securities, real estate or personal property and may be designated to the area or program of your choice. Pledges Multi-year commitments, often spread over a three- to five-year period, enable you to make significant contributions in a manner that best accommodates your personal financial circumstances. Planned Giving Gifts made from the assets you have accumulated over your lifetime may take many forms. Most common are estate gift commitments from your will or revocable trust. There are many more opportunities. Gifts from retirement plan assets are becoming more common. Gifts of life insurance are possible. Real estate can be an attractive option. Life income gifts like charitable gift annuities and charitable trusts provide donors with income benefits and Carthage with remainder gifts. The list goes on. Each provides Carthage with a generous gift and each has it own particular tax advantages. Henry Denhart Society For many Carthage alumni and friends, planned gifts are among the most significant charitable investments they will make. There are advantages to sharing with Carthage news of your intention to make an estate gift and its estimated value. All such gifts identified before December 2012 count toward the Celebrating Carthage campaign goal. Letting the College know that you have provided a gift as part of your estate plan initiates your membership in the Henry Denhart Society, a gathering of more than 500 individuals who likewise have committed resources to the long-term viability of Carthage. Becoming an indentified Carthage supporter at any giving level allows us to include you in activities and celebrations that honor your investment, and bring you together with others who share your commitment to Carthage and its students. Your support of the people and the programs at Carthage College is sincerely appreciated. Investments like yours help us maintain our focus on providing an outstanding educational future for our students. For additional information about giving to Carthage College, please contact:
Office of College Relations 2001 Alford Park Drive Kenosha, WI 53140 (262) 551-5703 • (800) 551-1518 13
Our Promise Our heritage, leadership and traditions sustain our College today and ensure our viability for tomorrow. Investing in students, academic programs, and infrastructure secures our future as a leading 21st century liberal arts college, and honors the people, programs, and places that are Carthage. As one of the nation’s most respected religiously-affiliated liberal arts colleges, Carthage holds the promise and potential to favorably strengthen the very fiber of our society’s wellbeing. To fulfill that promise, to realize that potential, Carthage’s reputation for academic excellence, individual achievement, and service must continue to grow. Commitment of vital resources by alumni and friends of the College is essential to these objectives. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, each Carthage student has an increasing number of possibilities when choosing their path to success. Still, we cannot rest. At a time of rapid technology transformation and an ever more integrated global economy, our students must be more enlightened, better informed, and increasingly resilient. A Carthage education is a distinctive and irreplaceable element of their preparation. We, as Carthage College stakeholders, must remain steadfastly committed to supporting a rigorous and inspiring Carthage education, encouraging each and every student along their life-changing journey of discovery and fulfillment. The partners who brought the College to life and fostered its growth during the past 165 years are enshrined in the history of this great institution. Now, it is our time to protect the promises and leverage the investments of those who came before.
It is time to add to Carthage lore the names of those new and emerging partners who, by dint of their faith, courage, and imagination, will pave the way to Carthage’s next generation of progress.
The opportunity is now. The need is real. Help Carthage make history today and for years to come by becoming a part of Celebrating Carthage.
165 • 50 • 25
CELEBRATING CARTHAGE 2001 Alford Park Drive Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 800-551-1518