carthage music department presents
Thank You, Goodnight Student Recital by
Jessica Golinski featuring
Emily Zank, soprano accompanied by
Melissa Cardamone
Sunday, April 10, 2022 | 2 p.m. | Recital Hall
program Hark! The Echoing Air Sleep Now
Purcell, Henry (1659-95)
Barber, Samuel (1910-81)
Fauré, Gabriel (1825-1924)
Fauré, Gabriel (1825-1924)
Laudamus Te Frühlingsglaube
Emily Zank, soprano
Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741)
Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Le Violette
Scarlatti, Alessandro (1659-1725)
Vittoria, mio core!
Carissimi, Giacomo (1605-74)
O mio babbino caro
Puccini, Giacomo (1858-1924)
biography Jessica Golinski is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in music (with a concentration in vocal performance), and biology. She began her studies in vocal performance at age 10; she started professional studies at age 14. In high school, Jessica performed as a soprano/alto in all four choirs, and earned top marks at State Solo and Ensemble competitions for her last three years. She was also selected to participate in the Honors choir for three consecutive years, was selected to participate in the Dorian festival at Luther College, and was awarded a National choir award in high school. Jessica is currently a Junior at Carthage College where she studies with Dr. Elena Batman, and has been singing with the Carthage Choir for the past three years. She has excelled in her studies in music and biology, where she has been honored to be on the Dean’s List every semester consecutively for the past three years. After completing her Bachelor’s degree, Jessica plans to pursue graduate studies in biology, working toward a career in biological research. Jessica also enjoys playing piano in her free time, where she has been playing since age 6. She would like to thank her vocal professor and accompanist for continuously coaching and helping to make her a better musician, as well as her mother, for supporting her academic pursuits. A special thank you goes out to Sandra Norwick, a grandmother who did nothing but support and encourage her grandchild, one who will always be remembered.
translations Lydia Lydia sur tes roses joues, Et sur ton col frais et si blanc, Roule étincelant L’or fluide que tu dénoues.
Lydia, on your rosy cheeks, and on your neck, so fresh and white, sparkling, rolls the fluid gold that you untie.
Le jour qui luit est le meilleur: Oublions l’éternelle tombe. Laisse tes baisers de colombe Chanter sur ta lèvre en fleur.
The day which is gleaming is the best: let us forget the eternal tomb. Let your dove’s kisses sing on your blossoming lips.
Un lys caché répand sans cesse Une odeur divine en ton sein: Les délices, comme un essaim, Sortent de toi, jeune Déesse!
A hidden lily ceaselessly diffuses a divine scent in your breast: like a swarm, delights escape from you, young Goddess!
Je t’aime et meurs, ô mes amours! Mon âme en baisers m’est ravie. O Lydia, rends-moi la vie, Que je puisse mourir toujours!
I love you and am dying, o my loves! My soul is ravished by kisses. O Lydia, give me back my life, that I might die eternally!
translations Aurore Des jardins de la nuit s’envolent les étoiles, Abeilles d’or qu’attire un invisible miel, Et l’aube, au loin tendant la candeur de ses toiles, Trame de fils d’argent le manteau bleu du ciel. Du jardin de mon cœur qu’un rêve lent enivre S’envolent mes désirs sur les pas du matin, Comme un essaim léger qu’à l’horizon de cuivre Appelle un chant plaintif, éternel et lointain. Ils volent à tes pieds, astres chassés des nues, Éxilé du ciel d’or où fleurit ta beauté Et, cherchant jusqu’à toi des routes inconnues, Mêlent au jour naissant leur mourante clarté.
From the gardens of night the stars fly away, like golden bees which an invisible honey lures, and the dawn, afar, stretching the innocence of its cloths, laces the blue mantle of the sky with threads of silver. From the garden of my heart that a slow dream intoxicates my desires fly away on the footsteps of morning, like a light swarm which, on the copper horizon, a plaintive song calls, eternal and distant. They fly to your feet, stars chased by the clouds, exiled from the golden sky where your beauty flowers and, searching for unknown routes leading to you, mix their fading brilliance into the dawning day.
Laudamus Te Laudamus Te, Benedicimus Te, Adoramus Te, Glorificamus Te
We praise you, We bless you, We adore you, We glorify you
Frühlingsglaube Die linden Lüfte sind erwacht, Sie säuseln und weben Tag und Nacht, Sie schaffen an allen Enden. O frischer Duft, o neuer Klang! Nun, armes Herze, sei nicht bang! Nun muss sich Alles, Alles wenden.
The gentle breezes have awakened They stir and whisper day and night, They create at all ends. O fresh fragrance, o new sound! Well, poor heart, don’t be afraid! Now everything, everything must change.
Die Welt wird schöner mit jedem Tag, Man weiss nicht, was noch werden mag, Das Blühen will nicht enden. Es blüht das fernste, tiefste Tal: Nun, armes Herz, vergiss der Qual! Nun muss sich Alles, Alles wenden.
The world becomes more beautiful everyday You don’t know what might happen next The bloom will not end. The furthest, deepest valley blooms: Well, poor heart, forget the pain! Now everything, everything must change.
translations Ständchen Leise flehen meine Lieder Durch die Nacht zu dir; In den stillen Hain hernieder, Liebchen, komm zu mir! Flüsternd schlanke Wipfel rauschen In des Mondes Licht; Des Verräters feindlich Lauschen Fürchte, Holde, nicht. Hörst die Nachtigallen schlagen? Ach! sie flehen dich, Mit der Töne süßen Klagen Flehen sie für mich. Sie verstehn des Busens Sehnen, Kennen Liebesschmerz, Rühren mit den Silbertönen Jedes weiche Herz. Laß auch dir die Brust bewegen, Liebchen, höre mich! Bebend harr’ ich dir entgegen! Komm, beglücke mich!
Silently my song begs Through the night to you; Down into the quiet grove, Darling, come to me! Whispering, slim treetops rustle In the moonlight; The hostile eavesdropper’s ear Maid, fear not. Do you hear the Nightingales singing? Oh! They implore you, With the sounds of sweet laments, They Plead for me. They understand the bosom’s longing, Know love’s pain, Stirring with their silvery tones Every soft heart. Let them also stir your breast, Darling, listen to me! Trembling, I awaited you! Come, make me happy!
Geheimes Über meines Liebchens Äugeln Stehen verwundert alle Leute; Ich, der Wissende, dagegen, Weiss recht gut, was das bedeute.
Over my darling’s eyes Standing amazed all people; I, the knower, against, Knows quite well what that means.
Denn es heisst: ich liebe diesen Und nicht etwa den und jenen. Lasset nur, ihr guten Leute, Euer Wundern, euer Sehnen!
Because it says: I love this one And not this and that. Just leave, you good people, Your wonder, your longing!
Ja, mit ungeheuren Mächten Blicket sie wohl in die Runde; Doch sie sucht nur zu verkünden Ihm die nächste süße Stunde.
Yes, with immense powers Does she look around? But she seeks only to proclaim Him the next sweet hour.
translations Le Violette Rugiadose Odorose Violette graziose, Voi vi state Vergognose, Mezzo ascose Fra le foglie, E sgridate Le mie voglie, Che son troppo ambiziose.
You dew-covered, Richly-scented, Gracely, lovely violets, Which are standing Shy and bashful, and half hidden amongst the leaves, You are scolding My desires, That is overly ambitious.
Vittoria, mio core! Vittoria, vittoria, mio core! Non lagrimar più, È sciolta d’Amore La vil servitù.
Victory, victory, my heart! Don’t weep anymore, The humiliating servitude Of love loosen.
Già l’empia a’ tuoi danni Fra stuolo di sguardi, Con vezzi bugiardi Dispose gl’ingannati;
Before, the cruel, against you Into a multitude of gazes, With lier charms Arranged her tricks;
Le frode, gli affanni Non hanno più loco, Del crudo suo foco È spento l’ardore!
Frauds and griefs No longer take place, The warmth of his cruel fire Has been extinguished!
Da luci ridenti Non esce più strale, Che piaga mortale Nel petto m’avventi:
From pleasant lights No longer does leave a dart, That could a mortal lesion Rush in my breast:
Nel duol, ne’ tormenti Io più non mi sfaccio È rotto ogni laccio, Sparito il timore!
No longer in pain, in troubles I macerate myself All ties are broken, The fear disappeared!
translations O mio babbino caro O mio babbino caro, mi piace, è bello bello, vo’andare in Porta Rossa a comperar l’anello! Si, si, ci voglio andare! E se l’amassi indarno, andrei sul Ponte Vecchio ma per buttarmi in Arno! Mi struggo e mi tormento, O Dio! Vorrei morir! Babbo, pietà, pietà! Babbo, pietà, pietà!
O my dear father, I like him, he’s handsome, handsome I want to go to Porta Rossa To buy the ring! Yes, yes, I want to go there! And if my love were in vain, I would go to Ponte Vecchio And throw myself in the Arno! I am pining and I am tormented, O God! I would want to die! Daddy, have mercy, have mercy! Daddy, have mercy, have mercy!
upcoming events Chamber Music Recital Monday, April 11 • 7:30 p.m. A. F. Siebert Chapel • Tickets required Jazz Ensemble Wednesday, April 13 • 7:30 p.m. A. F. Siebert Chapel • Tickets required Student Recital: William Dowell Tuesday, April 19 • 7:30 p.m. Recital Hall • Tickets required Student Recital: Norris Jones Wednesday, April 20 • 7:30 p.m. Recital Hall • Tickets required Performing Arts Series: Chanticleer Friday, April 22 • 7:30 p.m. A. F. Siebert Chapel • Tickets required Student Recital: Lena Welch Saturday, April 23 • 2 p.m. Recital Hall • Tickets required Student Recital: Emma Eckes Saturday, April 23 • 7:30 p.m. Recital Hall • Tickets required
Fine Arts at Carthage acknowledges that the land on which our building stands is part of the traditional Potawatomi, Sioux, Peoria, Kickapoo, and Miami peoples past, present, and future. These homelands reside along the southwest shores of Michigami, North America’s largest system of freshwater lakes. We honor with gratitude the land itself, and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. Many Indigenous peoples thrive in this place—alive and strong, and this calls us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit as well.
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