carthage music department presents
March Choral Concert Carthage Chorale Carthage Treble Choir Peter Dennee, conductor Carthage Choir Dimitri Shapovalov, conductor
Monday, March 28, 2022 | 7:30 p.m. | A. F. Siebert Chapel
program carthage chorale
peter dennee, conductor melissa cardamone, piano
From Once on This Island Stephen Flaherty The Human Heart (b. 1960) Katherine Retek, mezzo soprano From Candide: The Best of All Possible Worlds Seeking Light Essence Christian, soprano Aaron Carlson, tenor Franco Basili, assistant conductor
carthage treble choir
Leonard Bernstein (1918–1990) Brandon Williams (b. 1975)
peter dennee, conductor melissa cardamone, piano
From Macbeth Act 1 – Coro di Streghe: Che faceste? dite su!
Giuseppe Verdi (1813–1927)
From Le dernier sorcier Act 1 No. 1 – Par ici,par ici! Act 1 No. 9 – Tourne comme un tonton Act 2 No. 10 – Finale Verveine (an elf ): Allison Hull, mezzo soprano Krakamiche (an old sorcerer): Ryan White, bass
Pauline Viardot (1821–1910)
program carthage choir
dimitri shapovalov, conductor gregory berg, piano
From Ordo virtutum: Hildegard of Bingen Prologue (1098–1179) Sing Joyfully From Johannes-Passion [St. John Passion], BWV 245:
William Byrd (1543–1623) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
35. Und gaben ihm Backenstreiche 36. Kreuzige, kreuzige 37. Pilatus sprach zu ihnen 38. Wir haben ein Gesetz 39. Da Pilatus das Wort hörete 40. Durch dein Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn Evangelist: Katrina Seabright and Bennett Shebesta Pilate: Elise Brevik and Brian Dean Jesus: Gregory Berg From The Settling Years: A Hoopla From Psalm 42, op. 42 7. Why, My Soul, Art Thou So Vexed?
There is no intermission.
Libby Larsen (b. 1950) Felix Mendelssohn (1809–1847)
texts and translations Hildegard Patriarche et Prophete: Qui sunt hi, qui ut nubes?
Patriarchs and Prophets: Who are these, who seem like clouds?
Virtutes O antiqui sancti, quid admiramini in nobis? Verbum del clarescit in forma hominis, et ideo fulgemus cum illo, edificantes membra sui pulchri corporis.
Virtues: O ancient holy ones, why do you marvel at us? The Word of God grows bright in the form of a man, and thus we shine with him, building the limbs of his beautiful body.
Patriarche et prophete: Nos sumus radices et vos rami, fructus viventis oculi, et nos umbra in illo fuimus.
Patriarchs and prophets: We are roots, and you are branches, the fruit of the living eye, of which we were the shadow.
Bach 35. Evangelist: And they gave him blows with their hands. Then Pilate came out again and said to them : Pilate: Look, I bring him out to you so that you can know that I find no fault in him Evangelist: And so Jesus came out and wore a crown of thorns and a purple robe. And he said to them: Pilate: Look, this is the man! Evangelist: When the chief priests and the officers saw him, they cried out and said:
35. Evangelist: Und gaben ihm Backenstreiche. Da ging Pilatus wieder heraus und sprach zu ihnen: Pilatus: Sehet, ich führe ihn heraus zu euch, dass ihr erkennet, dass ich keine Schuld an ihm finde.
36. Crucify him, crucify him!
36. Kreuzige, kreuzige!
37. Evangelist: Pilate said to them: Pilate: Take him and crucify him; for I find no fault in him Evangelist: The Jews answered him:
37. Evangelist: Pilatus sprach zu ihnen: Pilatus: Nehmet ihr ihn hin und kreuziget ihn; denn ich finde keine Schuld an ihm! Evangelist: Die Jüden antworteten ihm:
38. We have a law and according to the law
38. Wir haben ein Gesetz, und nach dem Gesetz
Evangelist: Also ging Jesus heraus und trug eine Dornenkrone und Purpurkleid. Und er sprach zu ihnen: Pilatus: Sehet, welch ein Mensch! Evangelist: Da ihn die Hohenpriester und die Diener sahen, schrieen sie und sprachen:
texts and translations he should die because he made himself the son of God.
soll er sterben; denn er hat sich selbst zu Gottes Sohn gemacht.
39. Evangelist: When Pilate heard what they said, he was even more afraid and went back to the hall of judgment and said to Jesus: Pilate: Where do you come from? Evangelist: But Jesus gave him no answer. Then Pilate said to him: Pilate: You won’t speak to me? Do you not know that I have the power to crucify you, and I have the power to set you free? Evangelist: Jesus replied: Jesus: You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above: therefore the one who handed me over to you has the greater guilt Evangelist: And from then on Pilate endeavoured to set him free.
39. Evangelist: Da Pilatus das Wort hörete, fürchtet’ er sich noch mehr und ging wieder hinein in das Richthaus und spricht zu Jesu: Pilatus: Von wannen bist du? Evangelist: Aber Jesus gab ihm keine Antwort. Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm: Pilatus: Redest du nicht mit mir ? Weißest du nicht, dass ich Macht habe, dich zu kreuzigen, und Macht habe, dich loszugehen ? Evangelist: Jesus antwortete: Jesus: Du hättest keine Macht über mich, wenn sie dir nicht wäre von oben herab gegeben; darum, der mich dir überantwortet hat, der hat’s größ’re Sünde. Evangelist: Von dem an trachtete Pilatus, wie er ihn losließe.
40. Through your imprisonment, Son of God, must our freedom come. Your prison is the throne of grace, the refuge of all believers. If you had not accepted slavery, our slavery would have been eternal.
40. Durch dein Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn, Muß uns die Freiheit kommen; Dein Kerker ist der Gnadenthron, Die Freistatt aller Frommen; Denn gingst du nicht die Knechtschaft ein, Müßt unsre Knechtschaft ewig sein.
texts and translations Verdi [scene: a group of witches gather as Macbeth arrives] Che faceste? dite su? Ho sgozzato un verro. E tu? M’e frullata nel pensier La mogliera di un nocchier: Al dimon la mi cacciô. Ma lo sposo che salpô; Col suo legno affogherô. Un ravaio ti darô, I marosi leverô, Per le secche lo trarrô.
What have been doing? Tell us! I have slit a boar’s throat. What have you done? I’m thinking of a steermsan’s wife who chased me to the devil, but her husband has set sail and I’ll drown him with his ship. I shal give you the north wind. I shall raise the waves. I shall drag it across the shallows.
Un tamburo! Che sarà? Vien Macbetto. Eccolo qua?
A drum! What can it be? Macbeth is coming. He is here.
Le Sorelle vagabonde Van perl’aria, van sull’onde, Sanno un circolo intrecciar Che comprende e terra e mar.
The wandering sisters fly through the air, sail over the waves, They bind a circle through the sea.
Viardot [symopsis: A chamber opera in two acts, Le dernier sorcier revolves around Krakamiche, a once-powerful sorcerer whose presence in the great woods has upset the fairies, the forest’s rightful inhabitants, and disturbed the harmony of the land. Through the combined efforts of the fairy folk and their queen, the sorcerer’s daughter and her prince, and a hapless valet, Krakamiche ultimately learns key truths about humility, love, and living in harmony with the natural world.
Act 1 No. 1 (Par ici) [scene: The scene takes place in a forest, the ruins of Krakamiche’s castle center stage. There is a door in the front of the castle and another door on the side, leading from the first door. The bottom window is dimly lit. There are large trees, one with a hole, at the bottom of a spring coming out of a rock. The scene is empty when the curtain rises. The elves enter, one by one, from both sides of the stage.]
texts and translations Elves: Par ici, nous voci! Verveine: Vite faisons une niche au vieux papa Krakamiche. Elves: Petit fous, venez tous! Il est là! Verveine/Elves: Il est là dans sa cachette, tournant sa baguette . Pour se faire un petit peu de feu! Verveine: Mais nous par la chemnée faisons tomber une ondée. Pour éteindre son fourneau sous l’eau! Elves: Oui, oui, par la chemnée faisons par la cheminée, tomber petits ruisseaux de l’eau! Le feu s’éteint! Bravo! Krakamiche: Au diable, le maudits lutins. Je vous entends, petits coquins. maudits lutins! Elves: Ha, ha, . . . Hi, hi, . . . Vieux sorcier, vieux papa, le voilà bien mari! Verveine: C’est bien! Elves: Mais tu ne peux plus rien! Il a’enrage en sa cachette, Tournant sa baquette pour se faire un peu de feu! Nous avons fait une niche, au vieux papa Krakamiche! Verveine: Mais déja dans la feuillée la fauvett’ est évaillée le vent léger du matin Chasse le petit lutin Avec la rosée. Elves: Hi, hi, hi! Ha, ha, ha! A bientôt, vieux papa! Partons tous, cachons nous. Que chacun dans la calisse D’une fleur vite se glisse.
Elves: Over here, here we are! Verbena: Quick, let’s hide from old papa Krakamiche. Elves: Little fools, come all! He is there! Verbena/Elves: He is there in the his hiding place, waving his wand to start a fire! Verbena: But we pour water down his chimney. We extinguish his fire with water! Elves: Yes, yes, through the chimney let’s let little streams of water flow by stealth. The fire is out! Well Done! Krakamiche: To hell with the damn elves! I hear you, little rascals, damn elves! Elves: Ha, ha . . . Hee, hee, . . . Old sorcerer, old papa, he married well! Verbena: It’s good! Elves: But you cannot do anything more! He is enraged in his hidden place, Waving his wand to make a little fire! We made a place, for papa Krakamiche! Verbena: But already in the woods the warbler is awake, the light morning wind chases away the little elves with the morning dew. Elves: Hee, hee, hee! Ha, ha, ha! See you soon, old papa! Let’s all go, let’s hide. Let everyone from the chalice of a flower quickly sip!
texts and translations Act 1 No. 9 (Tourne comme un tonton) Elves: Tourne, tourne, tourne comme un tonton. Krakamiche: Ha-ha! Ho-ho! Osezvous bien! Ces elfes ne respectent rien! Elves: Ha, ha, ha, ha! Bondis! Tourne, tourne, tourne comme un tonton víeíl amour de Krakamichon. Krakamicha: Le so. . .le so. . . le sorcier pou. . . pou. . . pourra se venger. Elves: Ha, ha! Bondis, cher Krakamichon Tourne, tourne, tourne! Krakamiche: Il saura se venger! Elves: Turn, turn, turn!
Act 1 No. 9 (Turn, turn, turn, old uncle.) Elves: Turn, turn, turn, old uncle. Krakamiche: Ha-ha! Ho-ho! How dare you! These elves do not respect anything! Elves: Ha, ha, ha, ha! Jump! Turn, turn, turn Krakamiche’s old love. Krakamicha: The so. . . the so. . . the sorcerer wi. . . wi. . . will take revenge! Elves: Ha, ha! Jump, dear Krakamiche Turn, turn, turn! Krakamiche: I will know how to take my revenge! Elves: Turn, turn, turn!
texts and translations Act 2 No. 10 (Finale) Verveine: Salut! O forêt bien aimé. Elves: Rêjouis toi! Réjouis toi, car l’etranger a fui ton ombre parfumé. Rejouis toi! Rien ne peut plus te profaner. Salut, rochers vêtus de lierre. Source limpid’, ombrages frais. Verveine/Elves: Salut, forêt hospitalière nous ne te quitterons jamais!
Act 2 No. 10 (Finale) Verbena: Hail! O beloved forest. Elves: Rejoice! Rejoice, for the stranger has fled your fragrant forest. Rejoice! Rejoice for nothing can desecrate you anymore. Hail, ivy clad rocks Clear springs, cool shade. Verbena/Elves: Hail, hospitable forest, we will never leave you!
carthage chorale peter dennee, conductor melissa cardamone, piano Gabriela Booth Aaron Carlson Essence Christian Alecia Corey William Dowell Shelldyn Earnest Michael Flesher Reed Freund Heather Frey Christopher Glade Emily Halfmann Thomas Hougen Norris Jones, Jr. Lexy Klawonn Sarah Loster
Jacqueline Miller Eamonn Moore Emma Murphy Danae Palmer Joelle Rapp Katherine Retek Emily Roubik Shawn Runningen Hailee Sundquist Bryan Tamayo Jeffrey Watkins Aaliseyah Winston Cindi Zdrinc Austin Zepeda
carthage treble choir peter dennee, conductor melissa cardamone, piano Sydney Anderson Tiffany Borger Destanee Brantley Taylor May Bulanek Jessica Childress Essence Christian Frannie Drake Tajaniah Drone Emma Eckes AK Engleson Annika Erickson Kelsi Gennrich Grace Hanson Raelyn Hastings Ally Kline Chloe Kroeger Taylor Kwasny
Tabitha Mani-Eapen Eva Menzia Natasha Mizera Emma Murphy Elizabeth Neybert Kiera Notz Kayla Raye Amelia Reinitz Bailey Schneyr Kelsey Spofford Lauren Szeszol Caitlin Whiteman Teagan Wilkins Kriseria Wolf Mikayla Wright Emily Jean Zerger
carthage choir dimitri shapovalov, conductor gregory berg, collaborative pianist and associate director franco basili, london roysden, katiann nelson, rehearsal assistants Faith Albright Miguel Bartolome Franco Basili Adam Blackwood Elise Brevik Nicholas Caldwell Madeline Crawford Rebecca Culley Brian Dean Nicholas Dekker Mitchell Dziewior Colin Eagen Isabelle Esquivel Christopher Glade Jessica Golinski Lauren Hammes Rachael Jasien Norris Jones Nathan Koehlert Savannah Kroeger
Audrey Marshall Jenna Meola Avery Morris Jada Moss Nathan Myers John Myers Katiann Nelson Lydia Ochoa Tamsin Olson Matthew Pakkebier Angelina Palladini Samantha Pardo Lianna Pfister London Roysden Katrina Seabright Bennett Shebesta Lucy Smith Bryan Tamayo Cephas Towle Benjamin Young
upcoming events Treble Choir Invitational Concert Thursday, March 31 • 7:30 p.m. A. F. Siebert Chapel • Tickets required Away From The Mirror April 1-2 • 7:30 p.m. Wartburg Theatre • Tickets required Student Recital: Brian Dean Saturday, April 2 • 2 p.m. Recital Hall • Tickets required Student Recital: Azniv Khaligian Sunday, April 3 • 2 p.m. Recital Hall • Tickets required Student Recital: Bryan Tamayo Monday, April 4 • 7:30 p.m. Recital Hall • Tickets required Big Guns April 7-9 • 7:30 p.m. Studio Theatre • Tickets required Choral Symphonic Concert Saturday, April 9 • 7:30 p.m. A. F. Siebert Chapel • Tickets required Student Recital: Jessica Golinski Sunday, April 10 • 2 p.m. Recital Hall • Tickets required Chamber Music Recital Monday, April 11 • 7:30 p.m. A. F. Siebert Chapel • Tickets required
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