CARTIF Annual Report 2022

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20 22 Annual Report

Annual Report

20 22


01 General Data


-What is CARTIF?


-Goal, vision and values


-Members of the CARTIF Foundation


I. Veolia, new member of the CARTIF Assembly


-Figures CARTIF 2022


-2022 Customers


-Accreditations and certifications


-Platform, network and associations


02 Sergio Sanz, appointed CARTIF Deputy


03 Research Areas and their projects


General Manager

-Agri-food technologies



31 32

-Biotechnology VALOMASK CO2SMOS

33 35 36

-Natural Resources and Climate




-Circular Economy LIFE ALGAECAN FREE4LIB -Industry 4.0 SMART-DRAW S-X-AIPI

40 41 43 44 45 47 48





-Cultural Heritage SRURAL TExTOUR

52 53 55 56




59 60

-Industrial Solutions




-Energy Systems ReUseHeat FLEXINDUSTRIES -Renewable Energy SUDOKET MATRYCS -Smart Cities

64 65 67 68 69 71 72 73



-Energy and Climate Policy







04 Analysis and testing laboratories

81 83 84


-Accredited laboratories for analysis and testing (biomass and materials)


-Other laboratories


05 Special 2022. Awards and recognitions to CARTIF projects






-Sensors for senior by Innovadores


-Heritage, AR&PA 2022 International Award


-Valomask by Onda Cero


-"Merit" of the LAE materials by NADCAP



General Data

What What is is CARTIF? CARTIF? CARTIF is a horizontal research and application technology centre specialized in providing innovative solutions to companies to improve their processes, systems and products, boosting their competitively and creating new business opportunities.

After turning 28, the centre and the research staff which is part of it has extensive experience in different economic sectors to provide comprehensive support to companies with very diverse characteristics, ranging from energy, environment, construction and infrastructures, to agri-food and health.


José Ramón Perán CARTIF General Manager

Goal, Goal, vision vision and and values values Our goal. Be reference in apply research, technological development and processes innovation, products and systems offering integral multidisciplinary solution which reach a high impact because of its capacity for anticipation and systematic interaction with society, the business world and universities.


Our vision. The results achieved in the research lines enable us to provide comprehensive services in technological development and innovation tasks to companies. Furthermore, participating in strategic alliances with leading companies and technology centres allow us to exchange scientific knowledge and experiences.

Our values Excellence. Search of the highest quality in all the activities carried out to be perceived as a benchmark both by the organizations itself and by the rest of the society. Sustainability. Development of the organization in order to satisfy current needs without compromising its continuity. All this made with a clear focus on Corporate Social Responsibility and contribution to the Environment. Enthusiasm and creativity. Behaviour of the group with a high level of involvement and motivation. Capacity to generate ideas and initiatives. Commitment to regional development. Promote sustainable development in the region to improve the quality of life and increase its competitive capacity.


Members Members of of CARTIF CARTIF Foundation Foundation Governance Dr. José Ramón Perán. CARTIF General Manager Technology Advisors Dr. Fernando Aldama. Former general secretary of the CYTED Programme Patronage Presidency. D. Félix Moracho, Founding partner of Huercasa Vice-presidency. D. David Esteban Miguel, General secretary CEOE Castilla y León Secretariat. D. Enrique Baeyens Lázaro, Vice-rector for research UVA Members. Quesería Entrepinares S.A., Galletas Gullón S.A., Dragados, Bodegas Matarromera, Productos Solubles S.A.



Affiliates. Acciona, Aciturri, Boecillo Town Council, Carburos Metálicos, Divisa IT, Iberdrola, Industrias Ríos, Unicaja Banco, Veolia.

-VEOLIA, new member of the CARTIF Assembly-

Veolia, leading company in optimised resource management, has become part of the CARTIF Assembly to continue supporting the centre´s activities and to continue its ten years of collaboration in multiple research and technological development projects.


Figures Figures CARTIF CARTIF 2022 2022



+9.62% (2021)



Contracted Staff +6.82% (2021)


+12.9% (2021)

59.8% Men 40.2% Women 15

Figures Figures CARTIF CARTIF 2022 2022 [projects signed in 2022]



International Projects



Projects with companies





National Projects

Regional Proejcts



Total Incomes


+5.38% (2021)


2022 2022 Customers Customers


Accreditations Accreditations and and certifications certifications CARTIF has two accredited laboratories in compound materials test, paints, barnishes, sealants, resines and wood pellets by ENAC, and of non-metallic tests according to the aerospacial standar AS7003 by Nadcap.

In addition, has certifications by AENOR in quality and environment (ISO 9001 and 14001) and in R&D (ISO 166002).


Platforms, Platforms, networks networks and and associations associations


European European Partnerships Partnerships


Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Gala

II Renewable Gas Salon


II CyL Food Industry Conference

CLUSTER SIVI recording



Sergio Sanz, appointed CARTIF Deputy General Manager

Sergio Sanz Hernando, current Head of R&D Programmes Department, has been named new CARTIF Deputy General Manager. The Sanz´s designation as Deputy General Manager is a turning point in history of the reference technology centre, as in Castilla y León, as national and international level, in researching, development and innovation.


Sergio Sanz, Industrial Engineer with specialisation in Electronics, specialising in Automatics (2000) and Master in Systems Engineering and Automatics (2005) from the University of Valladolid, has spent more than twenty years developing his professional career in lines of research related to the field of energy, such as Renewable Energies, Fuels Cells, Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Smart Cities. Sanz has held various positions in the research and R&D field, starting as a researcher and project manager, as well as Head of Energy Division, until he became Head of the R&D Programmes Department. In addition to growing professionally in CARTIF, he has collaborated as an associate professor at the University of Valladolid as a professor of advanced studies in energies in the aforementioned university. He is author of 6 papers in specialised conferences and he had worked in more than 50 R&D project, the most important being thouse related to energy efficiency in buildings (DIRECTION -FP7 2011 www.direction-fp7-eu) and Smart Cities (CITyFiED - FP7 2013 and REMOURBAN-H2020 2014 In this way, he has also given lectures on solar energy systems control, energy efficiency in buildings and industry, and smart cities in Spanish and South American universities: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Universidad de Valladolid (UVA), Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) and Fundación Universitaria Los Liberadores (FULL) in Colombia. 26


Research areas and their projects


The Food Area, with more than 20 years of experience, focuses its activity on the development of products within the framework of healthy and sustainable food. The research team is committed to changing the current model and, in order to strive against this, it works from the generation of ideas and their implementation, to obtain the fruits of research, development and innovation.

Research lines 1. Research in the use of new protein sources and application of innovative technologies for the modification of tecnofunctional properties of ingredients and obtaining new food products. 2. Research for the development of health products through dry and conservation technologies. 3. Research and development of new applications to guarantee quality and food security. 4. Research in the reformulation of products in nutritional quality and sustainability.


Project completed 2022

IN-PACT project emerges to look at sustainability innovation and innovative practices along the entire food chain in the European Union to see where we are heading in the trend towards a more sustainable food system transition.


This project is looking forward to valuate, from a general point of view, the practices which have been and being carried out along the food chain in the European Union, including all the parties involved in the processes, from consumers to government and political challenges.


The research was based on a literature review of innovative practices in sustainability, semi-structured interviews to obtain information on these processes, and study of their results. Tender financed by the JRC (EC/JRC/SQV/2020/MVP/1225) Project global value: 94,000 € CARTIF value: 81,811.35 € Competitive call

Project started 2022

In order to carry out the elaboration of these products, the team have opted for the extrusion, the technology that allows to improve the functional properties of food, as well as to obtain products with different shapes, textures, colours, smells and flavours. CARTIF´s role in this proposal is divided into three main activities, starting with the conceptual development of the new snacks, through the optimization of experimental conditions in the extrusion equipment at pre-industrial scale, to the valorisation and adjustment of the process through nutritional, functional, physico-chemical, organoleptic and microbiological characterisation. ICE R&D Projects 04/18/SO/0019 Project global value: 141,045.10 € CARTIF value: 51,004.45 €


The GARNOVA project rises in response to the growing consumer demand for the healthier snacks. In this situation, the company PATATAS FRITAS DE SORIA GARIJO BAIGORRI, S.L. propose the development of a new range of innovative snacks elaborated from 100% vegetable raw material.


The Biotechnology and Sustainable Chemistry Area (BQS) moves forward the implementation of solutions applied to the industrial sector, as well as to the protection and improvement of the environment, carried out from the point of view of the development of more efficient, sustainable and integrated products and processes in the useful life cycle. Research lines 1. Research in processes with chemical-catalytic reaction processes, heterogeneous catalysts and (bio)adsorbent materials. 2. Research in thermochemical processes and intensification of pressure processes for the transformation of plastics, biomasses and recalcitrant waste into value-added products. 3. Development of biobased materials with applications in polymers, adhesives and coating with special properties. 4. Development of advanced fermentation process (with substrate in liquid phase and/or gas) 5. Application of advanced chemical and enzymatic hydrolisis processes for waste and lignocellulosic biomass treatment. 6. Development of new applications and microbiological tools. 7. Extractions and purification of active ingredients and proteins by biocatalysis and/or GRAS solvent.


Project completed 2022


The VALOMASK project came up to solve the major environmental problem about the increase in medical wastes generated by the context of the pandemic outbreak. As a solution, the project has proposed the design and development of a sustainable management of this waste in the context of the covid-19 outbreak. In order to solve this problem, the project pretended generate bioproducts as of discarded facemasks, of different types and with various applications.


CARTIF worked on the study of existing techniques for the separation of plastics and their application in the masks, the design and development of a fully mechanical treatment procedure in the municipal solid waste treatment centres, the quality characterisation, above all the valorisation of this wastes in the thermochemical processes, as pyrolysis, the optimisation of fermentation, up to the analysis of the results. This process has made it possible to obtain two valuable products: a gaseous fraction, the main component of which is methane, and a liquid fraction, both made up of hydrocarbon mixtures. Grants for the implementation of R&D projects, in work centres in Castilla y León, in the context of COVID-19 outbreak, cofinanced with FEDER 2014-2020. Project global value: 630,000 € CARTIF value: 200,000 € No. partners: 2

Project started 2022

CARTIF, in addition to look after the technical, financier and administrative management the project, will work on the development of bioprocesses and bioproducts, such as the fermentation-CO2 /H2 gas and synthesis gas to obtain chemical products, or the anaerobic bioacetate fermentation and alternative substrate, as well as give support in the implementation of the dissemination plan. European programme H2020 GA No.101000790 Project global value: 6,918,240 € CARTIF value: 855,000 € No. partners: 15 Competitive call


The CO2SMOS project seeks to improve the chemical sector and biobased industries through the development of new technologies based on processes of converting biogenic CO 2 and raw renewable materials of renewable origin into (bio)chemical. In order to get it, the project will work on the development of an integrate technologies platform which combine innovation technology-based, electrochemical and catalysis processes using renewable energies and green hydrogen.



The Natural Resources and Climate area works in the treat and sustainable management of natural resources, and the improvement and protection of the environment through research and process development. In addition, the area pays attention to the aspects will contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change. Research lines 1. Research into techniques for the sustainable use of water, recovery and purification processes using soft technologies, and decontamination and potabilisation processes. 2. Research into techniques and technologies for the renaturation of spaces, bio-filters, remediation of degraded soils and soil restoration solutions, formulation of substrates, amendments and composting processes. 3. Research in forest management, in new systems and improvement of crops. 4. Development of natural solutions for the air quality improvement. 5. Research of bioproducts with agrifood origin.


Project completed 2022


One of the current challenges of drinking water consumption is the presence of natural radioactivity and the LIFE ALCHEMIA project has been researching the development of actions to find a solution to this problem.


The project, coordinated by CARTIF, has worked on the development of radioactivity elimination systems based on filter beds, which aim to reduce the cost of water purification by up to five times. In order to ascertain the technical feasibility of using these systems, these solutions have been implemented in four pilot plants, three in Spain, especially in the province of Almería, and another in the city of Viimsi, in Estonia. What has been achieved through all these actions has been the reduction of water rejection to a minimum, from 30-35% in the reverse osmosis plants to 10% in the new systems tested. At the same time, energy consumption has been reduced in each of the three pilot plants in Almeria, from 70% in Alboloduy to 98% in Tahal. LIFE Programme-LIFE16 ENV/ES/000437 Project global value: 1,523,450 € CARTIF value: 309,604 € No. partners: 5 Competitive call

Project started 2022

CARTIF in addition to the coordination of the project, will work on the validation of the sensors, the identification of precursors of certain determinants, and clustering activities with other projects including the development of the cluster website. With all these parameters, the aim is to achieve the knowledge proposal, to carry out validation tests of equipment to improve indoor air quality. European programme H2020 GA No.101057693 Project global value: 7,984,484 € CARTIF value: 740,000 € No. partners: 16 Competitive call


The K-HEALTHinAIR project arises in response to the need to identify health risks based on indoor air quality and to propose measures to reduce them. To identify them, the project consortium will carry out the characterisation of nine different scenarios in which it will monitor physical, chemical and biological parameters of five pilots distributed throughout Europe: Barcelona, Rotterdam, Baden-Wurtemberg, Polonia/Austria and Norway.


The Circular Economy area seeks to promote the circular approach based on the implementation of the concept of zero waste, through the sustainable management of the waste flows and by-products. These activities include, among others, the recovery of waste, the implementation of effluent treatment and reuse techniques and the minimisations of polluting atmospheric emissions. Research lines 1. Design and development of biological and thermochemical processes for the treatment of organic waste, as well as the pre-treatment of certain wastes. 2. Development of separation/upgrading technologies for gaseous mixtures. 3. Development of processes for depolymerisation of plastics and recovery of composites. 4. Recovery of nutrients of residual currents and second life cycle as fertilizers (struvite, digestate, biologically stabilised manure) 5. Reuse of water: advanced treatment for the removal of emerging and recalcitrant pollutants. 6. Research on metal recovery processes from batteries, brine, electronic and other waste streams and equipment. 42

Project completed 2022


The LIFE ALGAECAN project proposed a solution to the problem of contamination of the wastewater treatment system from the processing of fruit and vegetable. To implement it, a combination of heterotrophic microalgae cultivation and spray drying of the harvested microalgae has been proposed.


The ALGAECAN demonstration plant, located on the premises of the company HUERCASA in Sanchonuño (Segovia) and VIPI in Brezje (Lithuania), managed to treat approximately 1m3 per day of wastewater from two demonstration sites for six months. In turn, it achieved a final water suitable for reuse as cleanning or irrigation water for neighbouring land. In addition, the environmental impact associated with sewage sludge generation and discharge, and nutrient lossess associated with sludge generation, were reduced by 100%. Another of the data of interest obtained was that, through studies on the valorisation of the algae product, it can be used as an organic fertiliser with a nutrient content of 6%N, 2.5% P O ans 1.5% K O, and as a raw material in the manufacture of animal feed. LIFE Programme-LIFE16 ENV/ES/000180 Project global value: 1,728,018 € CARTIF value: 535,878 € No. partners: 4 Competitive call

Project started 2022

In turn, it will provide technologies to achieve the remanufacture of more environmentally friendly batteries through the improvement of processes for the reuse of metals and polymers as secondary raw materials, as well as the use of non-reusable elements in other fields. The CARTIF team, as well as being in charge of the technical coordination and management of the project, will work on research into an ultrasound process for the delamination of cathodes, hydrothermal and electrochemical relithiation as direct recycling, the evaluation of the environmental life cycle, and the circularity and techno-economic study of the hazardousness and operability of recycling technologies. European programme Horizon Europe GA No. 101069890 Project global value: 9,283,175 € CARTIF value: 882,825 € No. partners: 22 Competitive call


The FREE4LIB project, coordinated by CARTIF, has been created to provide an efficient and sustainable solutions for recycling lithiumion batteries at the end of their useful life through six new processes. After recovery, the aim is to give a second life to highly efficient materials, such as metal oxides, metals and polymers.

I N D U S T R Y 4 . 0

CARTIF is working on the development of innovative enabling technologies that allow production companies to advance in the application for the "Industry 4.0" philosophy in their production processes. This whole process is pursued with the aim of allowing the production means to be interconnected in their factory and in the value chain so that those responsible for the factory itself can give an agile response to different changes that may arise in the daily work. Research lines 1. Research in modelling and diagnosis in predictive maintenance of activities under varying operating conditions. 2. Research in prediction of activities life cycle models under constant operating speeds. 3. Development of data acquisition systems for the supervision of processes. 4. Development of new sensors addressed to IoT. 5. Optimisation of operations management in manufacturing.


Project completed 2022

The SMART-DRAW project aimed to guarantee the predictive detection of failures and malfunctions in the process of calibrating steel bars in cold steel processing equipment in order to ensure the reliability and quality of its processes.


In the steel industry, drawing and turning are two of the main operations involved in the transformation and machining of products madre from steel wire rod. Through both operations, calibrated steel bars are obtained, which will later become the raw material for constructive elements in numerous manufacturing industries (shock absorbers and suspensions, or shafts for machinery).


To ensure these processes, CARTIF, in collaboration with the company ISEND, worked on different actions such as the quantification of the main failures for the drawing and turning operations, or the development of a predictive maintenance system. The main results obtained have been the design of a cost-effective embedded hardware for the monitoring of drawing machines, as well as analysis and diagnostic algorithms for the detection of incipient faults in these machines. CDTI R&D Projects Cervera Technology Transfer Project global value: 580,500 € CARTIF value: 115,000 € No. partners: 1

Project started 2022

This proposal is born with several purposes: to extend the lifetime of AI applications by generating simpler interfaces, to provide the process industry with more sustainable state-of-the-art AI-based tools, and the deployment of reliable AI technologies in the process industry, bridging the gap between AI and automation. CARTIF, in addition to being the project development coordinator and technology provider within the asphalt use case, will lead the tasks performed in work packages WP1 "Management and coordination" and WP5 "Demonstration of auto-X AI prototypes, user training and performance improvement in the process industry". In addition, thanks to its experience in other international projects, CARTIF will be the technology provider within the asphalt use case. European programme Horizon Europe GA No. 101058715 Project global value: 5,986,540 € CARTIF value: 625,000 € No. partners: 14 Competitive call


The s-X-AIPI (Self-X Artificial Intelligence for the digital transformation of the European process industry) project is committed to the research, development and experimentation of an innovative toolkit of autonomous, reliable and personalised Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies.


The Infrastructures area is committed to the development of technological solutions focused on Sustainable and Smart Construction. It works with special emphasis on sensorisation and monitoring of infrastructures, integration of renewable energies in building or 3D printing technologies in construction, among others, integrating everything into the global concept of urban and territorial regeneration. Research lines 1. Development of AI based solutions for the support decision-making in construction. 2. Development of solutions for the improvement of structural health through vibration control. 3. Development of solutions of infrastructures digitalization. 4. Development of robotic solutions, 3D data process and additive manufacturing .


Project completed 2022

The aim of I-NERGY project was to develop and demonstrate the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-based services as an innovative tool, adapted to the energy sector.


It was born to contribute significantly to achieving optimal technoeconomic management of the EPES value chain, especially for SMEs and technology industries. At the same time, it takes advantage of and complements the AI resources and tools offered by the AEIU platform, another European project, in which CARTIF participates, which aims to provide user with these AI-based resources and to analyse future research needs in these fields.


European programme H2020 GA No. 101016508 Project global value: 5,585,744.50 € CARTIF value: 216,375 € No. partners: 17 Competitive call

Project started 2022

The CARTIF team will work on the development of the façade 3D printing system, on the control of the printing, including the pumping system, as well as leading and coordinating the sustainable renovation products and processes with the work for integrating BIMbased workflow. In addition, they will participate in the activities of the Spanish demonstration, especially in the façade 3D printing system. European programme Horizon Europe GA No. 101069820 Project global value: 9,141,455 € CARTIF value: 425,125 € No. partners: 23 Competitive call


The INPERSO project is committed to the renovation of buildings from a more sustainable and efficient perspective throughout their life cycle. To this end, it will combine industrialisation and customisation through the integration of new technological components that, together with the advantages of prefabrication, pre-integration and robotic 3D printing, will drastically reduce the time and costs of construction processes, this increasing resources, productivity, safety and quality, along with the reduction of resources. These will be demonstrators in Spain, the Netherlands and Greece.


The Cultural Heritage area works on the development of innovative solutions for the research and dissemination of heritage in its different meanings: cultural heritage and nature heritage. Its work is based on the application of technology to heritage, with the aim of promoting and improving its conservation, restoration and dissemination. Research lines 1. Development of solutions and customized studies of rural and urban regeneration based in cultural and natural heritage. 2. Development of solutions based in multiscale image processing and multispectral and 3D data. 3. Research in HBIM modelling and application of digital technologies for the natural and cultural heritage. 4. Research in new techniques for the culture and intelligent tourism. 5. Development of methodologies for the technical inspections of historic buildings and real estate.


Project completed 2022


The SRURAL project is committed to the digitisation of one of the key sectors for Castilla y Leon: cultural and natural heritage. With the incorporation of disruptive technologies, such as cognitive computing, on-axis computing and dynamic geo-information, it has worked on the transformation of the territory through the modes of management, its use and exploitation.


The objectives of the project range from automating the incorporation of information into geographic information systems, increasing the processing capacity of intelligent information systems through the incorporation of computing techniques, to decentralising the processing of information to avoid the saturation of communications in rural areas. CARTIF´s role in this project is based on the deployment of techniques for inventory, monitoring and protection of cultural heritage, automatic mapping technologies and precision forestry techniques. R&D projects in effective collaboration between CSTT and companies. CCTT4/20/VA/0004 CARTIF value: 939,442.31 € No. partners: 5

Project started 2022

Cultural Tourism (CT) represents 37% of the tourism sector, experiencing an annual growth of 15%. This fact implies the capitalisation of certain regions and sites of interest that have great cultural, social and environmental potential, both in the EUR and beyond. The project has consolidated a total of 18 partners who together are represented in the quintuple helix of social innovation: knowledge, business, society, government and entrepeneurship. Some of the objectives of this research have been to establish a strong dialogue with the representatives of the demonstrators and stakeholders in each of them in order to identify strategies, procedures and tools to promote the socio-economic development of Europe in order to assess the effectiveness and sustainability of attracting, managing and diversifying CT in the EU. European programme H2020 GA No. 101004687 Proejct global value: 3,816,125 € CARTIF value: 310,750 € No. partners: 18 Competitive call


The TExTOUR project aims to design, validate and scale up at various levels policies and strategies that have a positive impact on territorial social and economic development based on cultural tourism.


The Health area is committed to applied research in the field of well-being and health through two distinct lines of work: robotics and the interaction of forces between robots and people as a social health care service; and decision support, located in the socio-care field and in the field of resource and process management.

Research lines 1. Development of systems based in humanoid robots for social applications. 2. Development of robotic applications and integrated systems physical rehabilitation. 3. Development of digital enablers to improve socio-assistance processes. 4. Development of digital enablers to improve the management of socioassistance processes.


Project completed 2022


The Sharem project pretended to make a qualitative leap in rehabilitation robotics by integrating new emerging technologies for optimal patient-robot interaction under the "Assist As Needed" paradigm, with the use of physiological signals that allow the patient to be introduced into the "Human In The Loop" control loop within virtual reality (VR) environments.


The objectives on which this project was based included the design and development of a robotic rehabilitation platform with a "modular" design, configurable according to the needs of the care centre, and the development of therapies for activities of daily living with new virtual reality interfaces, among others, seeking to estimate the instantaneous psycho-emotional state of a user interacting with these new elements. Following the research, significant differences have been found in the variables of pleasure, well-being and stress reduction, with respect to the use of VR in the tasks, which makes it possible to affirm two of the hypotheses specifically stated: well-being and pleasure are greater with the use of VR glasses in the tasks carried out with the care robot called PHYSIOBOT. Collaboration Challenges 2017 RTC-2017-6591-1 Project global value: 303,262.64 € CARTIF value: 242,610.11 € No. partners: 5 Competitive call

Project started 2022

To carry it out, the proposal is structure in three axis to work in detail on the develop of an ambient intelligence system in which alarms and recommendations will be established, mechatronic and robotic devices for care and support in moving around the home, as well as consolidating the development of an experimental robotics observatory for independent living in Castilla and Leon. CARTIF, which has the main role of coordinator of the project, will be in charge of some tasks such as the integration of social robots as support elements, the development of a system that offers multiple services, as well as support and movement in the local people. Innovation Projects GSS-Next Gen. Projects.IN./22/M/01 Project global value: 4,000,000 € CARTIF value: 2,899,999.99 € No. partners: 4 Competitive call


The EIAROB project comes to help in the lifes of elderly and dependent people as since the principal aim of this initiative is promote their autonomy and improve their quality of life thanks to robotics.


The Industrial Solutions area aims to help the clients to promote the efficient manufacturing and the transition to the factory of the future by investing in collaborative robotics and advanced automation from a perspective of profitability and market positioning that results in profits.

Research lines 1. Development of designs and prototypes of new mechanic and structural systems. 2. Development of user support solutions for assembly lines based on the Poka Yoke system. 3. Development of new solutions in artificial vision for the control fo quality at the industry based in Deep Learning. 4. Development of assistance systems for the collaborative robotic, such as AI modules of task management based in physical and metal charge. 5. Development of new controllers for the optimization of control systems through the advance automatic control of processes. 6. Development of solutions for the digitalization of information provided by plant operators. 62

Project completed 2022

The TRREX project (Extended Rage Robot Enabling Technologies for the Flexible Factory) worked to improve the factories of the future through the research and development of technologies that contribute to the deployment of mobile industrial robots.


Thanks to this initiative, the aim was to increase the flexibility of plants enable the optimisation of industrial processes and thus improve their productivity. The technologies developed in the initiative have been validated in three different industrial scenarios: extended logistics and flexible machine service, flexible line service and manufacturing of large parts.


CARTIF has collaborated in the research of new dynamic task planning techniques, as well as in the development of new discovery protocols to generate new production recipes. The results of the TRREX project include the development of tools based on multi-agent systems and the creation of a wearable application based on HTML and JavaScript. CIEN-CDTI Programme Project global value: 6,432,826 € CARTIF value: 96,000 € No. partners: 8

Project started 2022

In order to increase the competitiveness of the Spanish business sector, the 5R Network lands on a proposal that will strengthen its capabilities and generate applied knowledge. CARTIF, one of the five technology centres that are members of the network, collaborate in improving the capabilities of Spanish industry in relation to robotic technologies, has environments for validating results that can be reflected in high-level publications, involves the relevant actors in creating and transmitting a positive vision of robotic technology, including robotic technologies to society, not creating false expectations and demonstrating the possibilities they offer. Cervera Technology Centres Programme · CER 20211007 Project global value: 3,993,282 € CARTIF value: 780,925 € No. partners: 4 Competitive call

5R 5R

The 5R Network (Cervera network in Robotic technologies for Intelligent Manufacturing) emerges from the decision of CARTIF, Centro de Aplicaciones Láser AIMEN, el Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales CATEC, Eurecat y Tekniker, to create a collaborative network to act as broker in the develop and to introduce of new robotics technologies in the industrial fabric.


The Energy Systems area works on the hybridisation of technologies and the development of solutions that integrate generation with renewables at different scales. They committed to the management of heating and cooling networks, solutions that optimise the communication and operation of renewable generation plants, and the integration of hydrogen as a key vector in the transition towards the decarbonisation of the global energy model. Research lines 1. Research in hybrid strategies of renewable systems. 2. Development of advance technologies of production, storage and distribution of H2 . 3. Research at the application of fuel batteries in residential microgeneration. 4. Development of advance strategies of hybrid generation systems and management of heat grids of low temperature. 5. Development of recovery and valorisation of residual heat strategies in industrial processes. 6. Development of industrial digital twin and energy optimization of industrial processes. 66

Project completed 2022

The REUSEHEAT project was set up to demonstrate pioneering, advanced, modular and replicable systems that enable the reuse of available waste heat on an urban scale.


The initiative addressed technical and non-technical barriers to mobilise heat recovery projects and investments in urban environments across Europe.


Four large-scale demonstrations have been carried out to show the technical and economic feasibility of waste heat recovery/reuse in data processing centres (Brunswick, Germany), urban grey water collectors (Nice, France), hospital cooling systems (Madrid, Spain) and a metro station (Berlin, Germany). Other expected results of this initiative have been the "ReUseHeat Handbook", the guide for future investors including technologies, business and contractual models, risk estimation, bankability and licensing aspects, and even a mapping of the energy potential available from urban waste heat sources in Europe. European programme H2020 GA Nº 767429 Project global value: 4,883,673.01 € CARTIF value: 376,750 € No. partners: 18 Competitive call

Project started 2022

CARTIF will contribute its expertise in the electricity market through multiple tasks, such as replicability and scalability of the solutions, cooperation with international actors outside the EU, actively participating in the design and prototyping of renewable energy generation and storage solutions together with other research institutes, among other multiple tasks. European programme Horizon Europe GA Nº101058453 Project global value: 17,128,870 € CARTIF value: 641,250 € No. partners: 35 Competitive call


The FLEXINDUSTRIES project focuses on the flexibility of industrial environments by supporting an inclusive energy transition for energy-intensive industries. Its main objective is to design and implement energy efficiency measures and flexibility methods and to ensure that the solutions connect seamlessly with electricity and heating networks. To put this into practice, tests will be set up in 7 real-life industrial environments.


The Energy Efficiency area offers its knowledge and ICT tools to support the design and maintenance of buildings in new constructions or refurbishment projects, near-zero energy buildings and energy-positive districts. All this through the integration of innovative technologies to model, characterise and propose advanced solutions that combine the best technologies (passive/active) available on the market.

Research lines 1. Research in advance and intelligent strategies for the management, operation and maintenance of buildings based in AI/AML/DL for the generation of decision support systems. 2. Application of digital enabling technologies for the improvement of buildings sustainability and intelligence. 3. Building digitalization and generation of digital twins. 4. Application of blockchain technology in the energy area.


Project completed 2022

The SUDOKET project emerged as a future alternative for the construction sector in the SUDOE area (Southwest Europe) through the mapping, consolidation and dissemination of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs).


Construction is a key sector for innovation through the application of KETs due its expansion and impact on the environment and the economy, as its represents 10% of EU GPD and generates around 20 million jobs. Through this new tool. the aim was to be able to design and build Innovative Buildings with new features and respecting the environment.


CARTIF worked to achieve the following proposals: KETpedia: an online and collaborative information system. KETcluster: an online information system in which the different R&D actors are identified, classified and related. KETedu: an educational product consisting of a technical book and guide, which compiles the results of the study carried out in the project. INTERREG SUDOE SOE2/P1/E0677 Project global value: 2,098,069.51 € CARTIF value: 145,215 € No. partners: 12 Competitive call

Project started 2022

The technical solution follows the MATRYCS Reference Architecture and consists of three fundamental pillars. These three will be validated in 11 large-scale pilots, focusing on digital twins, building operation improvement, building design and infrastructure, European or national policy evaluation and energy efficiency. The CARTIF team will deliver an open architecture for energy efficient smart buildings, work on improving a number of enabling technologies, deliver an open modular big data cloud analytics toolbox, and even work on establishing the Big Data Alliance as a dynamic data-driven ecosystem to attract new data centres and SME service providers, enabling adoption and replication in the EU. European programme H2020 GA Nº101000158 Project global value: 4,577,835 € CARTIF value: 493,250 € No. partners: 18 Competitive call


The MATRYCS project will be responsible for defining and deploying a reference architecture for the real-time exchange, management and processing of building data, and traslating this reference architecture into an open, cloud-based data analytics toolbox.


The Smart Cities area is committed to the development and implementation of strategic plans in cities, improving their sustainability by adequately planning the energy transition in the medium and long term (2030 -2050). It also helps to deploy these solutions among the city´s infrastructures and seek to make informed decisions by applying advanced machine learning and big data technologies. It develops Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (PACES) and Integrated Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (PIMUS) for Municipalities, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of these plans.

Research lines 1. Research over urban platforms based in open specifications including support decision-making systems. 2. Research and development of urban indicators systems. 3. Development of methodologies and tools for the design of urban transformation strategies in cities. 4. Research in new governance methods.


Project completed 2022

The mySMARTLife project, led by CARTIF, arose to change the course of cities by investing in sustainable cities, increasing energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy and reducing CO2 emissions.


During the development of the project, 150 smart actions have been carried out in the lighthouse cities of Nantes, Hamburg and Helsinki, and the cities of Bydgoszcz (Poland), Rijeka (Croatia) and Palencia (Spain) will learn from these experiences. These actions include innovative technological solutions such as the renovation of buildings, the use of renewable energies, clean transport and ICT solutions as urban platforms.


In numbers, mySMARTLife has reahced the figure of 65,406 m 2 of 2 refurbished buildings and 97,115 m associated with new construction, achieving a 37% improvement in energy efficiency. The main results obtained have been a map of waste heat source visualisations at European level, the definition and deployment of the Waste Heat Source Assessment Framework, and a platform for monitoring and calculating indicators, among others. European programme H2020 GA Nº731297 Project global value: 21,156,114.61 € CARTIF value: 1,153,464.40 € No. partners: 27 Competitive call

Project started 2022

The renovation packages are designed along three main axes: circularity, multi-functionality, prefabrication, respect for the aesthetics and heritage value of the building. CARTIF, coordinator of the project, plays a very important role in the proposal as it is in charge of defining the taxonomy of these renovation packages and generation of a digital repository of products, of giving support in the definition and deployment of the BIM-IPD methodology, as well as developing a replication plan of the renovation packages, beyond the project itself. European programme Horizon Europe GA Nº101079951 Project global value: 12,561,346.95 € CARTIF value: 1,015,000 € No. partners: 25 Competitive call


The REHOUSE project is created to overcome the barriers that make building renovation rates in Europe very low. To achieve this, it will work on the development and demonstration of 8 renovation packages or innovative technologies in 4 demonstrator buildings located in Greece, Italy, France and Hungary.




The Energy and Climate Policy area assits public entities in the implementation of policies by defining and/or evaluating urban and territorial planning strategies, as well as developing tools that help them during the decision-making process. All these guidelines are carried out through the use and exploitation of geo-reference information in public databases, elaborating GIS maps and geolocalised studies with various levels of detail that allow the evaluation of climate and energy parameters. Research lines 1. Research and development of integrated evaluation models for the support at the definition of policies in climate change and energy transition matter. 2. Development of advance climate services for the support at the definition and evaluation of mitigation and adaptation strategies.. 3. Research in advance techniques at the multi-scale energy planning.


Project completed 2022


The ePARCERO project was committed to the development of an automated viewer that allows the identification of cadastral plots without current use in demonstrators located in logistics hubs in Castilla and Leon, taking into account the different conditions that may affect each plot.


To achieve these objectives, the CARTIF team has worked on the identification of data sources for the analysis of unused plots, the collaboration in the design of the catalogue of possible uses, the calculation engine for the identification of plots, and the development, deployment and validation of the prototype for the visualisation of plots. Thanks to all these steps, it has been possible to develop algorithms for the identification of disused plots. The visualiser is accesible through the following link: The algorithm has been validated in two proofs of concept and has benefited 113 rustic and 14,054 urban plots in the Leon-Burgos corridor, and 113 rural and 4,804 urban plots in the SalamancaFuentes de Oñoro corridor. In addition, up to 20 indicators are given to guide the user in the decision making process to provide the plot with a new use. R&D Projects Programme for SMEs Project global value: 130,015.99 € CARTIF value: 46,500 € No. partners: 3

Project started 2022

The proposal will integrate information from climate science, earth systems, social system and impact and risk modelling methods at different scales through five relevant case studies in Europe prior to their integration of the WILLIAM model. CARTIF, with the role of scientific and technical coordination, will be in charge of ensuring consistency in the project results, as well as the development of analysis of possible improvements for their integration as new functionalities in the climate module of the IAM WILIAM, as well as the design for the architecture of the ICT toolkit and its data storage. European programme Horizon Europe GA Nº101056858 Project global value: 6,687,425 € CARTIF value: 613,287.50 € No. partners: 16 Competitive call


The NEVERMORE project goes a step further in the fight against climate change through a catalogue of policies and strategies to assess and understand its impacts and risks, as well as the effects of mitigation and adaptation strategies, promoting climate action.


The Smart Grids area is committed to research and development of optimal management systems for microgrids with renewable generation and battery storage. It is also working on the development of systems to manage the flexibility of sets of electrical loads and industrial processes, which opens the door for uses to provide auxiliary services, or to participate in future flexibility markets.

Research lines 1. Research in advance control algorithms for the optimal planning of hybrid energy grids (sector coupling), distributed and with storage. 2. Research in control algortihms for the flexibility demand, demand response and its participation in markets. 3. Research in algorithms for the observability and reconfiguration of the electric grid (resilience). 4. Research in tools for the management of energy communities. 5. Research in advance and intelligent strategies for the management, operation and maintenance of buildings based in AI/ML/DL for the generation for support decision making systems.


Project completed 2022


The MUSE GRIDS project emerged with the intention of contributing to the development of a management system for interconnected local energy grids in order to take better advantage of the synergies between these grids, maximising operational efficiency and reducing costs, energy losses and CO2 emissions. In turn, it sought to help local communities gain independence from the main grid through the promotion of self-consumption based on renewable energy sources.


To achieve this, the project deployed demand response solutions in two demonstrators in Italy and Belgium. The CARTIF team has collaborated in the development of an energy analysis and planning tool, electricity demand prediction models for heat networks, predictive controls for real and virtual demonstrators, and tools for the simulation of demand response strategies for energy communities. The project has resulted in an optimal methodology for electricity and heat demand forecasting, optimal and predictive control of energy systems, and tools to support Aalborg University´s energy planning application. European programme H2020 GA Nº824441 Project global value: 7,344,534.50 € CARTIF value: 400,000 € No. partners: 17 Competitive call

Project started 2022

The platform will enable smart management of energy use in the community. Using optimal control techniques, the platform calculates the energy flows between the members of the community, and between the community and the external market, in order to meet certain economic and energy objectives. CARTIF will work on the design of the platform for its deployment in the cloud, on the development and programming of distributed log books using blockchain technology, and on the implementation of different market tips on the digital platform for the economic and energy interaction of users, among others. CDTI R&D Proejcts Programme Project global value: 977,988 € CARTIF value: 150,000 €


The GeMICE project aims to address the need for energy communities to be able to manage their energy. To this end, the project will develop an intelligent platform for its management through which members will be able to sell their excess production, or cover their deficits with the excesses of others.


Laboratories and equipment

ACCREDITED ACCREDITED LABORATORIES LABORATORIES FOR FOR ANALYSIS ANALYSIS AND AND TESTING TESTING (BIOMASS (BIOMASS AND AND MATERIALS) MATERIALS) Solid Biofuel Laboratory CARTIF´S Solid Biofuels Analysis and Testing Laboratory began its activity in 2005, supporting the centre´s R&D activities on the energy use of biomass and offering an analysis and testing service to all stakeholders involved in the biomass value chain. In 2015 it became the first Spanish laboratory to achieve ENAC accreditation (file number 335/LE1276) for the testing of solid biofuels. In addition, its currently the only laboratory accredited in Spain under the full scope of the ENplus certification system for wood pellets for non-industrial uses (UNE-EN ISO 172252), recognised by the European Pellet Council (EPC) as an accredited testing entity in certification processes.

Analysis and testing: Immediate analysis Elemental analysis Energetic analysis Minority analysis 87

Analysis on pellets Analysis on ashes from biomass Other analyses Other services and tests on biofuel

Materials Laboratory CARTIF´s Materials Testing and Analysis Laboratory offers its clients a fast and efficient testing service adapted to their needs, guaranteeing the quality of its tests in accordance with the criteria and requirement of ENAC (file number 335/LE1276), AIRBUS and NADCAP. The LAE of materials has extensive experience in the analysis and characterisation of a wide range of non-metalic composite materials, adhesives, glass fibre, carbon fibre, peelable materials, paints, sealants, varnishes, resins, polymers and plastics, in sectors as diverse and strategic as aeronautics, automotive, construction and textiles, among others. It has MERIT qualification from the aeronautical manufacturer AIRBUS and NADCAP.

Analysis and testing: Physical-chemical tests on plastic materials and composites. Physical-mechanical tests on plastic materials and composites. Test on coatings (resins, paints and sealants):

Other laboratories 1.Photocatalytic Laboratory He has developed analytical methods for the determination of photocatalytic activity and, consequently, the evaluation of air purification performance using photocatalytic semiconductor materials applied and/or embedded in various matrices, such as paints, asphalt pavements, precast concrete, etc. 2. Agri-food Laboratory It works on the development of extruded products, characterisation of flours and flour preparations, experimental cooking, physico-chemical characterisation of foods, sensory characterisation, nutritional characterisation and shelf-life studies of ingredients. 3.Biotechnology Laboratory Focus on the development of green chemistry, fermentation, upstream processes, downstream processes and molecular biology. 4. NBS Laboratory - Nature-based solutions CARTIF is the first technology centre to create a Natura Based Solutions (NBS) laboratory, consisting of different pilots in controlled conditions in which ecosystem services are evaluated and different configurations are tested.


5. Environment Laboratory Among other tasks, the environmental laboratory carries out studies on the biodegradability of organic waste under anaerobic conditions, studies on the recovery of nutrients from wastewater and livestock waste by chemical precipitation, characterisation of materials, studies on the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants and air quality monitoring. 6. Water and Effluent Treatment Laboratory This laboratory works in the food, industrial and pharmaceutical sectors, among others, and uses technologies such as reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, microfiltration and phytoremediation. 7. Agro-forestry Laboratory This laboratory offers comprehensive agricultural and forestry studies, analyses and tests at laboratory, greenhouse and field level, customised services for the agricultural sector, forestry and manufacturers of agricultural inputs (fertilisers, biostimulants, pesticides and substrates), and studies of new systems for gardening, agriculture and serviculture in urban environments.


Special 2022. Awards and recognitions to CARTIF projects

REMOURBAN REMOURBAN by by ASPRIMA-SIMA ASPRIMA-SIMA The REMOURBAN project received the ASPRIMA-SIMA award for "Best th Urban Regeneration Initiative" in its 19 edition for its plan to refurbish the FASA housing in Valladolid. The rehabilitation of the FASA District, focused on energy efficiency and innovation, has reduced more than 70% of carbon emissions. Almost 400 homes and more than 1,000 residents have directly benefited from this initiative through a financing model based on energy savings of 30%.

FASA buildings rehabilitated by REMOURBAN project


The award, presented by the ASPRIMA-SIMA real estate developers, is one of ten categories that recognise the best projects in the sector in various fields, such as innovation, company training and sustainability. The REMOURBAN experience has been a turning point in the city´s path towards environmental sustainability and in honour of the "Mission Smart and Climate Neutral Cities 2030", a list of which Valladolid is a member.


MUSE MUSE GRIDS GRIDS The MUSE GRIDS project received the European Sustainable Energy Award 2022 in the Innovation category. An award that praises this initiative as one of the outstanding EU-funded project, ongoing or recently completed, that show the original and innovative path towards the clean energy transition. The award ceremony took place during European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), where European Commissioner for Energy, Kadry Simson, met with the four award winners to congratulate them on their work.

"Premios Energía Sostenible 2022" Awards Ceremony

MUSE GRIDS is and EU-funded project that integrates energy-intensive municipal utilities such as water, electricity, natural gas and heating and cooling networks with a smart energy system. This allows for greater control, energy saving and affordable local generation of renewable energy for selfconsumption. The demonstrator cities were Osimo (Italy) and Oud-Hervelee (Belgium).

MUSE GRIDS dissemination material.


SENSORS SENSORS for for SENIORS SENIORS by by `INNOVADORES´ `INNOVADORES´ CARTIF and the University of Valladolid received the Iberdrola Award for the Best University Research Project for their initiative on sensors for elderly people´s homes. A proposal designed to guarantee their day-to-day safety. Last June, El Diario de Castilla y Leon held the Innovadores 2022 Awards, a meeting where talent and research come together to form the perfect tandem. The system proposed by CARTIF researchers and the University of Valladolid has 33 sensors distributed among different areas: 28 motion sensors, 3 door sensors and 2 temperature sensors. The aim of this configuration is to reveal whether parallel or unusual activities are taking place in the home of a person living alone, without any intrusion into the personal lives of the users using these systems.


CARTIF and University of Valladolid at Innovadores 2022 Awards


Heritage, Heritage, AR&PA AR&PA 2022 2022 International International Award Award The AR&PA Iberian Biennal of Cultural Heritage awarded the AR&PA 2022 International Prize to CARTIF and its Cultural Heritage research team last November. An edition in which digitisation and the application of new technologies acquire special relevance as tools for diagnosis, characterisation and intervention, and accessibility to cultural heritage. CARTIF receives this award as a great recognition to its daily work in preservation and conservation of the territory after years of collaboration and participation with AR&PA in different aspects, mainly in AR&PA Innovation, as a meeting point for research projects on Cultural Heritage assets. The research team works on the development of innovative solutions for the research and dissemination of heritage in its different meanings. The area bases its lines of research on the development of personalised rural regeneration studies, solutions based on multiscale and multispectral image processing, and research into HBIM modelling.



VALOMASK VALOMASK by by ONDACERO ONDACERO The Valomask project, led by FCC Medio Ambiente and in which CARTIF is member, received the Sustainability and Environment Award from Onda Cero Valladolid last June. This award represented the great commitment with which the initiative was born: to commit to the proper management of protection material waste in the context of COVID-19, such as face masks. This project arose as an alternative to generate bioproducts of different types and with different applications from them. Valomask integrates its CTR treatment and its subsequent valorisation and bioconversion into useful products for other sectors. During the gala, the Honorary Award was presented to the journalist Vicente Ballester, on the occasion of his 25 years sharing microphones in Onda Cero programmes such as "Valladolid en la Onda" or "Protagonistas".


CARTIF and FCC Medio Ambiente at ONDACERO Awards


"MERIT" "MERIT" of of the the LAE LAE of of MATERIALS MATERIALS by by NADCAP NADCAP CARTIF´S Analysis and Testing Laboratory (LAE) renews, for another year, the "MERIT" distinction from the international accreditation NADCAP. This recognition, awarded by the Performance Review Institute (PRI), renews for two more years reaffirming the commitment, work and high performance of LAE as an independent testing laboratory. Thanks to its daily efforts to improve and offer a service to both public and private entities, CARTIF´s Analysis and Testing Laboratory has a wide range of official accreditations and certificates, both nationally and internationally (AENOR, ENAC, AIRBUS and NADCAP), which make its role a key piece for the sector. Once again, this distinction from NADCAP gives a new boost to the CARTIF laboratory team to continue carrying out its daily work and to improve the business fabric, both nationally and internationally.


CARTIF Materials Laboratory


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