NINTH EDITION cartifacts + The latest from research, insights and the retail media industry must-readCartology's

Laurence Morris, “This allowedcampaignustobring the Nando’s brand to life for Woolworths’ customers. We targeted customers pre-shop with inspiring recipe content - this ensured the Nando’s brand was top of mind for shoppers once in-store, which is reflected in the sales uplift we saw over the campaign period.”
In our ninth edition of Cartifacts, we’ve got fantastic content to share with you.
That said, take care of yourself and your loved ones out time, Cartology
2 CARTIFACTS Hi reader,there
Retail media is getting serious traction in-market, so we've spoken to Vandita Pandey from PepsiCo ANZ and Omnicom Media Group's Julia Amouyal and Simon Odisho to tap into the important role it plays within their organisations as retail media continues on its Wetrajectory.diveinto the blue with the exciting new Cartology and BIG W retail media partnership and the BIG opportunity it presents for brands, and we also get to know the new head of client partnerships and sales for BIG W, Sophie Hicks-Lloyd. This winter has been a doozy for coughs, colds and COVID. In line with this unfortunate trend, we take a look at the sneezin’ season and how customers are behaving and shopping with immunity boosting activity top of mind.

Source: Woolworths Transaction Data Focus Period: 28/07/2021-28/09/2021 (9 Weeks) vs. Pre Period: 29/07/2020-29/09/2020 (Last Year);
Cartology created an omnichannel, contentled campaign for Nando’s to inspire shoppers to experience the Nando’s range of at-home products in fresh new ways. Recipe inspiration was key. Eye-catching creative at key points along the path to purchase, including a recipe advertorial in Ideas magazine, a social stop-motion video recipe driver and front of store digital screens engaged on-target shoppers as they entered stores ensuring Nando’s was top of mind.
Aussie cooks are turning up the heat at home with the famous flavours of Nando’s.
Nando’s Cartology campaign with kick.
Nando’s campaign packed a punch, delivering an impressive: Looking for creative ways to fire up your brand? Talk to Cartology.
From mild to wild, Nando’s range of Peri-Peri sauces inspired fans of their takeaway flavours to splash, drizzle and spice up their homemade meals. Getting new to brand customers and existing customers fired up to enjoy the Nando’s flavours they love at home was key to the campaign’s success. Content-led solutions
Cartology Post Campaign Reporting
Hot results! upliftcustomer21% (duringcnew70%tobrandustomerscampaign) (repeat13%purchasers13weekspostcampaign)

Vandita: Retail media is now fully integrated into our broader media strategy and is reflected in most of our media plans. We would prefer to invest in retail media as long as the ROI is comparable or better than more traditional media investments (digital, open web). We work closely with our retail media partners to build out a robust set of KPI’s and measurements that help to drive the best effectiveness and efficiency.
The role of retail media with
Julia and Simon: A key opportunity for brands investing in retail media is the richness of insights provided, allowing us to get a deeper understanding of customers and their behaviours. Our clients are looking for that level of detail so it is important to better understand what retail media can offer. For us, those insights are essential to deliver better planning responses, tailoring our channels to support each other optimally and actioning plans that capture audience nuances further down the funnel. Where does retail media sit in your strategy?
What excites you about the opportunities for brands in retail media?
PepsiCo and Omnicom Media Group
Vandita: As consumers spend more time online, shop more frequently online, and expect more personalisation, we see a lot of value in retail media. Retail media offers access to robust and scaled 1P data, and rich insights on specific and relevant clusters for each brand or campaign, which can be used to reach consumers and shoppers both on and off platform with personalised and contextually relevant messaging, helping to deliver across our objectives with strong ROI’s.
Julia Amouyal, Group Business Director TRIO powered by OMG Vandita Pandey, Head of Marketing ANZ PepsiCo Simon Odisho, Planning Director TRIO powered by OMG Retail media has firmly secured its place as an integral piece in the FMCG marketing puzzle according to guest contributors Vandita Pandey, Head of Marketing for PepsiCo ANZ, Julia Amouyal, Group Business Director and Simon Odisho, Planning Director of TRIO powered by OMG.

Vandita: We have made several changes in our marketing and media approach as a result, in our mix. More investment through retail media networks both on and off platform – that includes investing directly through them as a managed service and/or leveraging their audience data to more effectively target consumers and and contextually relevant communication and messaging.
What are your biggest priorities in the next 12 months? Vandita: To build an internal data strategy and data spine that can efficiently and effectively reach our consumers and shoppers online. As a part of this strategy, we will assess where/how best to personalise communication, offers and more using the data and insights to maximise impact CARTIFACTSof
Changing customer behaviour is a key driving force behind retail media. How has marketing and media planning changed in response?
Julia and Simon: Personalisation is one of the ways we are looking to deliver the right comms to the relevant customer with the intention to build awareness and consideration of the product that aligns most to that consumer and their browsing occasion. It has been important to work with partners to track and understand the success of the metrics, particularly on comms that have the applied customer segments. This allows us to optimise our creative strategies and align to the segments driving the most success for our individual brands.

It’s sneezin’ season
Time to tackle those winter coughs and colds. C old and flu season is in full swing, but customers aren’t taking it lying down. Instead, they’re taking steps to improve their immunity and find the right solution for when a cold strikes or their allergies flare up. Prevention vs cure We know that 63 per cent of Australians are concerned about their immune system health, while 83 per cent feel they should be doing more to boost their immunity1. The pandemic has created an increased interest in immunity boosting products, with customers increasingly looking to vitamins and supplements to help with modern lifestyle concerns such as stress and sleep. Customers say they are now more invested in a healthier lifestyle compared to their behaviours.pre-pandemicThereisalso a growing interest in organic, plant-based products as customers become more aware of natural ingredients and concerns.environmental Taking health to heart Woolworths’ customers take a proactive approach when they’re under the weather. Over the autumn/winter period of 2021, Woolworths saw a 22 per cent sales increase in sport nutrition4, a +10 per cent increase in

that nutrition plays a role in your overall immune health? Eating all the colours of the rainbow, with a diet rich in nourishing fruit and vegetables can help support immune health. Add in garlic, onion, turmeric and ginger for extra benefits, and look after your gut with fermented foods and foods rich in prebiotics (such as wholefoods and fibre) to help support the health of your immune system.”
Sources: 1. PureProfile Survey 2021, Unleashed Key trends on the vitamin and supplement industry 2021 report, Roy Morgan Single Source Australia Oct 2018Sep 2019, NutraScience Labs 8 important mineral and vitamin industry trends to watch in 2021 Apr 2021 2. PureProfile Survey 2021, Unleashed Key trends on the vitamin and supplement industry 2021 report, Roy Morgan Single Source Australia Oct 2018-Sep 2019, NutraScience Labs 8 important mineral and vitamin industry trends to watch in 2021 Apr 2021 3. PureProfile Survey 2021, Unleashed Key trends on the vitamin and supplement industry 2021 report, Roy Morgan Single Source Australia Oct 2018-Sep 2019, NutraScience Labs 8 important mineral and vitamin industry trends to watch in 2021 Apr 2021 4. Source: Woolworths Quantium Data 02/06/2021 - 29/06/2021 vs. 03/06/2020 - 30/06/2020 5. Source: Woolworths Quantium Data 19/05/2021 - 17/08/2021 vs. 20/05/2020 - 18/08/2020 6. Source: Woolworths Quantium Data 02/06/2021 - 29/06/2021 vs. 03/06/2020 - 30/06/2020 7
83% of Australians feel they should be doing more to boost their immunity1. and minerals can support your immune system,” says WhetherSimone. planning ahead, or treating a stuffy head, shoppers are serious about their health. Grocery shopping is an omnichannel experience, and with 96 per cent of householdsAustralianshopping with Woolworths, retail media ensures brands are reaching customers where and how they choose to shop. Cartology provides brands with multiple retail advertising opportunities to influence decisions with highly recalled, impactful campaigns in the moments that matter most. n
Sarah Gray, General Manager, Health and Nutrition, healthylife.
"Did you know... deli convenience soups5 and health foods6, in addition to a 180 per cent sales increase in healthy drinking chocolate5 Chief Health Officer at healthylife, Simone Austin shares that from the 2022 Living Healthy Report, 46 per cent of Australians were thinking about their immune health more than pre“Apandemic.healthydiet, moving your body and looking after your mental wellness are all key to a healthy immune system. Our basket data in the Living Healthy Report shows that we have room as a nation to improve on our diet including eating more fruit and vegetables. Those vitamins

Think BIG Cartology and BIG W have BIG plans for customers and brands.

From our unmissable Front of Store Screens network and impactful POS in-store, to Cartology Promoted Products’ advanced search capabilities and engaging Digital Display on, Cartology meets BIG W customers at key points in their shopping journey. n
As one of Australia’s best known and loved brands, BIG W holds an enviable position with 170 stores nationwide, 2m in-store transactions every week and over 4.2m weekly visits online at andhowCartology’sthatTogether,’sapartnershipdeliversatscale.abilitytoknowcustomersthink,planshop,pairedwiththe
The partnership will elevate the customer’s journey at every stage with engaging retail media touchpoints to inform, inspire and drive Forpurchase.ourclients it means unlocking new capabilities, deeper understanding,customerand more impactful and measurable BIG W advertising solutions to help brands grow. A customer first product ecosystem Our omnichannel ecosystem is focussed on delivering an enhanced customer experience, offering information and inspiration throughout the BIG W
Cartology solutionscustomer-ledprovidesmediaforbrands, powered by the Woolworths Group and driven by deep customer insights. With more than 13.5m Everyday Rewards members and 1m+ BIG W Inner Circle members, Cartology gets customers in a way no-one else can.
scale of BIG W, enables brands to connect with customers on their shopping journey. A bigger and better experience for customers and brands
9 market-leading products to help our partners reach their customers along the path to purchase. In building our product ecosystem we’ve put our customers at the core, to deliver best in class marketing solutions for our partners across key stages on their path to purchase.
With BIG W eCommerce sales growing 21%1, it’s never been more important to make your brand stand out along the evolving omnichannel customer journey.¹
C artology and BIG W joining forces is an exciting new step in the evolution of retail media.
¹Source: Woolworths Group Third Quarter Sales Results. Reported 3 May 2022. 2 Source: BIG W data 29.03.21 - 29.03.22 Get in touch with the team at Cartology to unlock something BIG.

2 What’s exciting about retail media for brands and partners? It’s the growth we’re experiencing and the sizable opportunity this presents for brands. Our unrivalled ability to understand the customer and their journey, as well as how and what they shop, is incredibly powerful in delivering effective retail media campaigns. It’s these customer-centric solutions based on real customer insight that sets us apart.
3What can brands expect from Cartology with BIG W in our ecosystem? A new way of building their brand and product awareness within BIG W. We truly understand the BIG W customer mission and will offer new media formats and opportunities, paired with closedloop reporting, strategic guidance and customer insight to grow their brands in the moments that matter most. I think they are very ready to receive that.
4 What’s the best career advice you’ve been given? Just. Say. Yes. I believe in throwing your hat in the ring and seeing what you can learn. It’s the best way to get to know colleagues, learn other disciplines in your business and view different approaches. n Cartology and BIG W offer big opportunities for brands, says Head of Client Partnerships and Sales for BIG W, Sophie Hicks-Lloyd.
Getting to Sophieknow... Hicks-Lloyd
1 Tell us about your role at Cartology? Heading up the rollout of BIG W, I’m building a team of 12 to work with our colleagues in BIG W commercial and marketing to deliver the best possible brand and product solutions for our clients across instore and online BIG W touchpoints.

CARTIFACTS 11 (logo1) Always on my shopping list ✔ McCo Beauty Xtend Lash mascara ✔ McCo MagicBeautyBrows (a game-changer if you over-plucked in the 90s) ✔ McVitties Dark Choc coated digestives ✔ 3L Milk - every shop (three boys in our house) ✔ Vanish Gold Pre Stain removal spray (again, three boys!) Check out the latest news and global trends from the retail industry. 1insiderIndustry Retail media growth and the secret sauce 2 Up next in retail marketing: Meeting customers 'in the moment' 3 Woolworths Group launched Woolworths at Work, grown for business clickreadto ISTOCKOFCOURTESYILLUSTRATION

12 CARTIFACTS Add to cart Add to cart Sponsored Add to cart CORNORIGINALCHIPS
Meet the suite
The customer journey is evolving and today’s omnichannel customers now shop wherever and however they Forchoose.some, this means researching online and planning well before they go in-store, while for others it means choosing to shop online or in-store. This increasingly hybrid shopping experience means brands need to show up and meet customers where they are to influence how they plan and shop. But how? And where?
With Cartologys end to end solutions, brands are able to reach customers inside and outside of the Woolworths ecosystem, through our suite of highly targeted, data-led retail media Fromsolutions.browsing through to buying, Cartology can activate at scale across the entire customer journey. We deliver highly efficient and contextually relevant campaigns at key touchpoints that ensure brands are top of mind for customers who are primed to purchase. n Did you know... There are over 42 million product searches
Source: Adobe Analytics, average monthly searches 06/07/20-04/07/21(web and app).
From browsing to buying, here’s how Cartology activates at scale along the path to purchase.
13 GI CORNORIGINALCHIPS thisTry ORIG NALCORN CHIPS RECIPE IDEAS ORIGIN L CORN CHIP ORI NA C RN HIP 3 3 3 TrythsTry his ips CARTIFACTS 1:1RewardsYouTubeEmailSocial DisplayDigitalCPP DestinationsBranded Facebook BVOD MediaPOS FreshNetworkScreen FOS Screens In-storeRadio
Get in touch Talk to us about our unique, customer-focused media solutions Contact your Cartology representative for more information