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Solutions Increase Revenues. Reduce TCO.

Profitable Services. Fast Deployments. Easy Operations. Service providers today are struggling to implement services that are more profitable and less painful from the operations aspect. RAD’s Service Assured Access solutions alleviate these pains with a toolkit that helps service providers, wholesale carriers and mobile operators to increase their revenues and lower TCO throughout the service lifecycle.

Based on a standard set of Carrier Ethernet tools, RAD’s Service Assured Access solution makes it easier to plan, deploy, provision, and maintain existing and new services, allowing operators to offer a resilient, always-on service with predictable QoS/QoE.

Profitable Carrier Ethernet Service assurance has become a “must have” to help control the bottom line:

Increase Revenues: • Improve customer stickiness • Reduce churn • SLA transparency • Fast TTM

• SLA/premium service introduction • Upselling opportunities

Reduce TCO: • Automated operations • Reduce truck rolls • Minimize technician calls • Reduce trouble-ticket handling

Who Benefits:

Retail Providers of Business Ethernet Services • Ability to deliver value-added services with differentiated Quality of Service/ Experience • Predictable performance to minimize SLA violations

Wholesale Providers

Cloud Providers • Assured service quality and reliability between Data Centers

• Clear demarcation to meet SLAs

International Service Providers • End-to-end SLA monitoring across multiple 3rd-party SP networks • Carrier-to-carrier connectivity for guaranteed SLA between carriers

• Complete visibility and controlled service hand-off • Timing synchronization as a service for LTE/LTE-A deployments

Mobile Operators Leasing Backhaul Networks • Performance validation of leased connections • Meet mobile broadband/ LTE service requirements

• Guaranteed Quality of Service/ Experience with assured access to the Data Center

Throughout the Service Lifecycle Service Assured Access is a collection of attributes that provide: Same service look & feel over any access Ethernet & legacy services Reliability & protection Advanced H-QoS Synchronization over packet Service visibility, end-to-end Performance monitoring SLA reporting

Fault Management

Ongoing Performance Monitoring

• Automated fault detection & isolation

• Scalable long-term KPI collection engine


• Fast detection (3.3 ms) of LOC

• Link aggregation group (LAG) using IEEE 802.3-2005 LACP (link aggregation control protocol)

• EVC alarm propagation (AIS & RDI)

• One-way delay measurements

• Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (G.8032 ERPS) • EVC protection (G.8031)

• H/W-based fault management, OAM (CC, LB, LT) • Wire-speed loopback testing (L2/L3)

• PM dashboard (SLA policies, correlation, violation alerts) • End-customer PM portal & SLA reports • PM as a Service

Service Turn-Up • Automatic installation • Zero-touch configuration • Auto-inventory discovery • One-touch service validation • On-demand remote modification

Service Management System • Point-and-click provisioning • Security access profiles, network partitioning • GUI: Network clouds, links, nodes, end-to-end services, status indication • Multi-platform Java for Windows, UNIX • Northbound TMF MTOSI interface to NMS/OSS

Traffic Management • Classification • CIR + EIR traffic policing per flow (CoS)

Ethernet Performance Monitoring Portal • Collects, stores and presents KPIs from RAD devices • Actual performance metrics based on ITU-T Y.1731: • Frame delay (latency)

• Hierarchical scheduling, shaping

• Frame delay variation (jitter)

• Congestion avoidance mechanism

• Availability

• Packet delivery ratio • Threshold policy management

Timing TDM over Packet • CESoPSN

• Synchronous Ethernet • Built-in GPS


• IEEE 1588v2 TC & slave for frequency & phase


• Distributed IEEE 1588v2 GM

• UDP/IP encapsulation

• Hybrid SyncE & 1588 ToD

• Performance dashboard with aggregated and drill-down views • Instant and scheduled report generation • Immediate detection of service degradation

Deployment Modes & Services Choose the Service Assured Access that is right for you:

Build a Complete SAA Network with NTUs and Aggregators A complete Carrier Ethernet access solution, including smart demarcation and Ethernet service aggregation devices deployed in linear and ring topologies. Implement Service Assurance across the entire access, between customer locations for VPNs, across an Ethernet transport domain for mobile backhaul, intercarrier connectivity, IP VPN and Internet access, between Data Centers, and OTT cloud services.

SAA NTUs for Existing Networks

Instant Upgrade for 3rd-Party Devices

Add Service Assured Access capabilities to your network with RAD’s intelligent Carrier Ethernet demarcation CPEs. Provision, monitor and manage your services end-to-end over your existing packet switched network.

Get instant Carrier Ethernet functionality for your switches, router modules and Ethernet converters using MiNID, RAD’s miniature NID in an SFP sleeve. Plugging the MiNID into these devices is a fast and easy way to implement Ethernet OAM capabilities and service demarcation in non-Carrier Ethernet equipment.

Cloud-Based Service Assured Access (PMaaS) RAD is also offering a SaaS solution that includes a powerful performance monitoring software tool, a team of experts for monitoring and analyzing the reported data and a cloud-based infrastructure for easy and fast access to the SLA parameters. RAD’s PM as a Service allows operators to derive value with minimal effort, by understanding the source of any problem or by forecasting needs and bottlenecks.

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PM as a Service (PMaaS): All the value, none of the pain. Outsource your Service Assured Access operations to RAD:

Service Provider Network RADview

Server farm


Data Collection • RADview-PM collects KPI statistics from network devices (RAD ETXs or 3rd-party NIDs with MiNID) • Data transmitted from service provider network to cloud over a secure VPN • Customer-specific threshold control


Expert Analysis • Monitor actual performance vs. SLA • Anticipate service degradation and SLA violations based on performance trends • Isolate malfunctioning segments using fault analysis tools • Forecast future demand per end-customer

Reporting & Recommendations • Deliver reports to SP via cloud-based PM portal • Escalate QoS issues to SP operations • Identify upselling opportunities

• Hit the ground running: Fast deployment of value-added services

• More satisfied customers

• Realize savings by turning CapEx into OpEx

• Fewer SLA violations and truck rolls

• No dedicated manpower or training required

End-User Reporting (optional) • Deliver reports to end-user via cloud-based PM portal (modified view) • Provide analysis and recommendations based on inter-organization usage • No integration issues with OSS/BSS

Applications Building a Service Assured Access Access Aggregation


First Mile





1/10 GbE RADview



PDH Cell Site


10 GbE Ring




Customer Premises ETX-5300A ETX


Ch. STM-1/ OC-3

1/10 GbE Ring

Your Needs

Our Solution

Your Benefits:

Deploy a new high performance Ethernet access network that will enable both premium Ethernet/IP and TDM service delivery.

A complete Carrier Ethernet Service Assured Access solution, including smart demarcation and Ethernet service aggregation deployed in linear and ring topologies. Support MEF-certified, multi-CoS Carrier Ethernet and TDM pseudowire with hand-off to packet or SDH/SONET cores, respectively.

• Carrier Ethernet access ecosystem from a single source for any access technology • Versatile deployment topologies in the access, including star, mesh and Ethernet ring (G.8032) connectivity • Allow both Ethernet (up to 10G) and TDM E1/T1 service delivery to the end user over the same access link • Full Service Assured Access capabilities to increase revenues and lower TCO

CE 2.0 Business Services with RAD Demarcation MiNID


Branch ETX FE/GbE/10 GbE

Cloud/Data Center ETX-5300A GbE/ 10 GbE



Branch ETX


Packet Switched Network

HQ ETX FE/GbE/10 GbE Airmux


Service Assurance – Access to Core Services

Service Assurance – VPN Services

Your Needs

Our Solution

Your Benefits:

Deploy MEF-certified, multi-CoS Carrier Ethernet 2.0 services with SLA assurance and reporting over various access media, addressing the business needs of L2 VPN and cloud access service customers.

Best-of-breed Carrier Ethernet portfolio with full Service Assured Access capabilities, allowing SPs to easily plan, deploy, provision, and maintain SLA-based services for enterprises, with the same “look and feel” over fiber/copper/ TDM/wireless access.

• Reduce the required skill level of on-site technicians with automatic turn-up testing and birth certificate reporting, zero-touch configuration • Increase service coverage & customer reach • Reduce SLA violations, service downtimes, trouble tickets & truck rolls • Improve customer loyalty with transparent reporting of actual SLA performance

Applications Wholesale Carrier Ethernet Services Service Assured Access – E-Access

Wholesale Network

Mobile Operator A MiNID


RAN Controller Site Mobile Operator A

ETX 1/10 GbE

Retail SP B End-Customer Sites ETX

Retail SP B ETX-5300A

Packet Switched Network


Retail SP C

Retail SP C End-Customer Sites ETX



Your Needs

Our Solution

Your Benefits:

Provide wholesale Carrier Ethernet transport services to multiple service providers. Ensure a seamless service hand-off between provider domains and end-to-end visibility into network and service performance.

Enable standardbased carrier-to-carrier connectivity with guaranteed end-toend SLA performance across multiple provider networks, using Carrier Ethernet 2.0 definitions and E-NNI functionality.

• Support mobile and business service providers over the same transport network • MEF-certified Carrier Ethernet 2.0 E-Access support with single-CoS and/or multiple-CoS EVC/OVC • 1 GbE and 10 GbE E-NNI interfaces with optional redundancy • High capacity aggregation device with small form factor saves rack space at the PoP

Applications Mobile Backhaul with Timing Distribution Service Assurance – Mobile Backhauling

Mobile Network

Transport/Wholesale Network

Mobile Network ETX


RADview with PM Portal










Packet Switched Network



Distributed PTP GM



n x STM-1/ OC-3



Timing (1588PTP/SYNC-E)

Your Needs

Our Solution

Your Benefits:

Backhaul multigeneration mobile traffic over a packet-based transport network, while distributing accurate timing synchronization without forklifting existing infrastructure.

Connect colocated eNodeBs and BTSs, as well as small cells to deliver 2G/3G/4G traffic over the same RAN. Use RAD’s bestof-breed timing and synchronization over packet suite to ensure high performance for mobile traffic.

• Integrated Carrier Ethernet with TDM pseudowire support in the same device • Full SAA to verify QoS and performance for LTE/LTE Advanced • Ensure service visibility and control for small cells, while meeting space and power supply restrictions • Highly accurate phase (Time of Day) and frequency synchronization for base stations and backhaul networks using standard IEEE 1588v2 and/or Sync-E technologies • Distribute clock to small cells where GPS is not applicable; deploy cost-effective back up for GPS


Specifications are subject to change without prior notification. The RAD name, logo and logotype, are registered trademarks of RAD Data Communications Ltd. RAD product names are trademarks of RAD Data Communications Ltd. Š2013 RAD Data Communications. All rights reserved. Catalog number 802581, Version 05/13

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