Natural Health Crusader Issue 1, 2013/2014

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Summer 2013/2014

Issue 1

Food your kids eat COULD BE K C I S M E H T G MAKIN Is your diet causing

bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence or some other illness?

Heal t hy Summer



For Frank Caruso’s e-book visit

Is excess



FAT? See Inside for help...

Come on, buy Australian!


“At the age of 24

my life changed forever when I discovered that

Natural Living was the key to vibrant health! Dear Reader, It all started in 1979, when I decided to join a gym to lose weight and get fit. One day I arrived at the gym with a burger in one hand and a can of soft drink in the other. George, (the gym owner) pulled me aside and said, “Frank, it’s really great that you’re training here, but if you don’t change your diet you won’t live a long and healthy life....What you eat today, is what you are tomorrow!” I asked George; “So in your opinion, what is a good diet?” George turned around and picked up a book from behind the counter, handed it to me and said, “Frank, do yourself a favour, buy this book and read it, I promise you it will change your life.” I thought to myself, “Do I really need to read a book to know what to eat?” George was very persistent. Reluctantly, I purchased the book just to get him Me (1982) off my back. I really didn’t have any intention of reading it. After a couple of days I thought I should read a few pages because George would surely ask me questions next time I popped into the gym. I eventually picked up the book and started reading the first chapter and I couldn’t put it down. I read the whole book in 3 days and just as George had promised, it changed my life forever. It was as though I had been struck by lightning. The book was called The Miracle of Fasting, by Paul Bragg. p2

I was so motivated by Paul’s philosophies that I literally changed my lifestyle habits overnight. I cut out most processed foods, increased my intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, and replaced white pasta with wholemeal pasta, white rice with brown rice and white bread with wholemeal bread. I substituted sweets with raw nuts and seeds, sugar with raw honey, stopped consuming dairy products and started drinking 2 litres of pure water daily. I also increased my exercise activity from 3 to 6 days a week. More than anything, the book inspired me to learn as much as possible about bowel management through internal cleansing and good nutrition. As a result, I spent the next 5 years reading every book I could get my hands on about bowel health, internal cleansing, herbal medicine and vitamin therapy. The more I read, the more I wanted to know! All my time was totally consumed with learning more about this new health approach. It became crystal clear to me that good bowel management and good nutrition were the secret to regaining and maintaining vibrant health. Taking responsibility for good health

For the first time in my life I realised that I had a choice. I could take responsibility for my own health and follow the principles of natural living and live a long, healthy and active life, or throw caution to the wind and keep my fingers crossed and hope that I wouldn’t end up with a major illness.

I chose to take responsibility for my own health and I haven’t looked back. Now in my late 50s (I turn 60 next year), I can honestly say I feel more alive, alert and have more energy today than I did 40 years ago.

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I considered myself somewhat lucky to have discovered the benefits of bowel health and good nutrition at a young age. So I’ve made it my mission and goal in life to educate as many people as I possibly can about these important health principles and the key role they play in the prevention of disease. Prevention is better than cure!

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Over the years the Caruso’s Natural Health range expanded to offer many other quality herbal and nutritional formulas, which focus on a much broader range of health conditions. These include formulas which promote general health and well-being. Dedicated to improving your health Today I have a dedicated team of passionate experts helping me. They are all totally committed to their work. With over 100 years of collective experience in the health industry between them, they are devoted to developing high quality products that can have a positive result on your health. I’m so proud to have them working with me at Caruso’s Natural Health.

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Educating people to be embrace the principles of natural living

It’s because of their dedication, our high quality ingredients and our strict quality control that I can guarantee my products 100%. If you are not satisfied with any of my products, simply return the unused portion to Caruso’s Natural Health, with your proof of purchase and I will refund your money.

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I thought one of the best ways to achieve my goal was to open a health food store. So as soon as I had saved enough money (and with the help of my brother Tony and the bank) I opened up my first health food shop on the 1st of November 1982 (my 28th birthday). At last I could devote most of my time to educating people about bowel management and natural living. From then on I couldn’t wait to get to work every morning…I absolutely loved what I was doing! After 13 years of working in my store, it became obvious to me that many natural health companies weren’t as passionate or as dedicated about natural living as I was. Wr iting my health newsletter (1990) So in June 1995 I decided to start my own range of health products called ‘Totally Natural Products’ (now Caruso’s Natural Health). I wanted to develop a small range of unique, high quality nutritional products and lifestyle programs that would have a positive effect on people’s health and make a difference to their lives. I launched a range of herbal cleansing formulas designed to get your digestive system back on track. Today these formulas still remain an important part of the Caruso’s Natural Health range and are used by thousands of Australians every day.

My team is constantly looking at ways to develop quality new products and lifestyle programs that will help promote good health for all Australians. To this day I’m still heavily involved in my business and I remain just as committed about educating and helping people to achieve better health through bowel management and good nutrition as I was when I started way back in 1979. Yours in vibrant health,

Frank Caruso Founder of Caruso’s Natural Health

Free Health e-book PS: Over the years my family and friends have encouraged me to write a book so I can share my vast knowledge and help more Australians live healthy lives. This year I have decided to take time out and finally do it. I hope to publish my book early next year. I’m living proof that if you take responsibility for your own health, and embrace the principles of natural living you can live a long, healthy and active life! In my book I share these principles and hope they have a positive impact on your life just like they did for me. That’s all I wish for. If you would like to secure a free copy of my book please go to our website au and click on the Free e-book offer link and I will send you an e-copy as soon as it’s published. p3

Men, If you’re tired of

urinating too often at night you may be ready for some

encouraging news and a little love. Caruso’s ProstateEZE MAX may be just what you need. Frank Caruso is so passionate about his ProstateEZE MAX formula that he stands behind every pack with a 100% money-back guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team of experts who created ProstateEZE MAX with your medically diagnosed benign prostatic hypertrophy, (also known as an enlarged prostate) symptoms in mind. Could a herbal formula help your urinary flow problems? With a little help from some clinical researchers, Caruso’s Natural Health brings you their ProstateEZE MAX and some encouraging results. An Australian preliminary clinical trial* found that 87.8% of active trial participants experienced improvement with their mild to moderate medically diagnosed, benign prostatic hypertrophy symptoms with ProstateEZE MAX. Whilst one a day the researchers formula suggest further clinical studies on a larger sample with the addition of more objective outcomes, such as flow rate, are required, we thought this result was great news.


Do you suffer from any of these? ProstateEZE MAX formula contains Pygeum, a special herb that is used to help with problems like needing to go urgently, or not being able to start, or stop, or experiencing pain or a burning feeling. If you can relate to one or more of these symptoms, you should consult your Healthcare Professional. Relieve your urinary flow problems or get your money back. Try ProstateEZE MAX for the symptomatic relief p4

of medically diagnosed benign prostatic hypertrophy. With Caruso’s 100% money-back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose except too many visits to the bathroom and the other symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy. Please see the ProstateEZE MAX carton or our website for details on our money-back guarantee. ProstateEZE MAX, and the entire Caruso’s Natural Health range, is available from leading health stores and pharmacies. Caruso’s ProstateEZE MAX 30 capsules is $46.95 RRP. It is also available in an economical 60 and 90 capsules size. For more information on ProstateEZE MAX please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480. Or visit

Caruso’s is an Australian family-owned business, founded in 1982, on a love of helping Australians lead healthier lives. This love goes into everything they do and they believe it’s the way they make it that makes all the difference. ProstateEZE MAX is a Registered Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. © Caruso’s Natural Health. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional. * ProstateEZE MAX was used in an Australian double blind, randomised, placebo controlled study on men with medically diagnosed Enlarged Prostate. There were 32 men in the active treatment group and 25 men in the placebo group. Lasting 3 months, the trial was conducted by Coulson et al on behalf of Caruso’s Natural Health.


Frank Caruso

IF EXCESS FLUID is making you look and feel bloated try a little herbs and a lot of love.

Caruso’s Fluid Away may be just what you need to drain the fluid away. Frank Caruso is so passionate about his Fluid Away formula that he stands behind every pack with a 100% MoneyBack Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team of experts who created Fluid Away to help you with excess fluid. Could three medicinal herbs help with your fluid retention? With a little help from some expert herb growers, Caruso’s Natural Health brings you their triple-herb formula to help reduce fluid retention. Fluid Away is created from three herbs that come with diuretic properties, which may help drain excess fluid via your urinary system - Celery, Dandelion and Phyllanthus. How a triple-herb formula may help your fluid retention. Celery is a well known diuretic and may also help with rheumatism and gout.

Dandelion is traditionally known for its diuretic properties and works as a tonic on the urinary tract. Phyllanthus, also known as Stone Breaker, has been used in Ayurvedic medicines for its diuretic properties. Fluid Away also comes with Vitamin B6, which as well as helping to alleviate some forms of PMS, may also help with fluid retention. Drain the fluid away or get your money back. Try Caruso’s Fluid Away if you’re suffering from fluid retention. With Caruso’s 100% Money Back Guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose except excess fluid. Please see the Fluid Away carton or our website for details on your Money Back Guarantee. Fluid Away, and the entire Caruso’s Natural Health range, is

available in leading health stores and pharmacies. Caruso’s Fluid Away 30 tablets is $19.95 RRP. It is also available in a 60 economical tablets size. For more information on Fluid Away please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480. Or visit Caruso’s is an Australian familyowned business, founded in 1982, on a love of helping Australians lead healthier lives. This love goes into everything they do and they believe it’s the way they make it that makes all the difference. Fluid Away is Registered Trade mark. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional. Fluid Away is not a weight loss product.

CHC52966-07/13 p5

Are the chemicals in YOUR children’s food making them SICK? D

id you realise, some of our kids most loved snacks and treats could be contributing to the growing incidence of learning difficulty, behavioural problems and recurring colds and flu, among other health problems?

Most parents feed their families food they understand is good for them. However, we are often under the impression that a“healthy”food is healthy, when in reality it may not be. A growing concern is the concept of “chemical overload”, particularly for children.

Juvenile Arthritis, and many more. Disodium 5-ribonucleotides (flavour enhancer 635) can cause the usual effects of food additives (such as children’s How healthy are ‘healthy’ foods? behavioural problems, Popular after school snacks include potato chips headaches and irritable bowel and instant noodle snacks. They are quick and symptoms). This additive can also easy to prepare, and they tout labels such as cause a severe itchy rash or welts (often “wholegrain”,“high in fibre,”or“baked, not fried.” Sounds pretty good, right? Unfortunately some of called Ribo Rash) and/or possibly allergic reactions. It is suspected that a reaction to 635 these much loved munchies include ingredients could trigger the development of multiple food such as flavour enhancers in the form of MSG intolerances in some people. & Disodium 5-ribonucleotides, as well as bad antioxidants in the form of a compound called BHA (antioxidant 320) is a synthetic anti-oxidant butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). used to prevent rancidity in fats and oils. These From diarrhoea to behavioural problems additives can be associated with a very wide range of reaction symptoms such as MSG (flavour enhancer 621 on labels) can irritability, restlessness and difficulty falling cause symptoms including burning, numbness, asleep, mood swings, anxiety, inattention, facial pressure, chest pain, migraines, diarrhoea, difficulty concentrating, eczema and other nausea, stomach cramps, asthma, insomnia, itchy skin rashes, reflux, bloating, abdominal children’s behaviour and attention problems, p6

pain, stomach aches, headaches or migraines, tonsillitis, sinusitis, joint pain and arthritis. Be careful with cordials, packaged fruit juices and yoghurts Cordials, packaged fruit juices and yoghurts are other common items you may give your children. However, in addition to the high sugar content, they often contain the addition of sulphites (labelled as numbers 220-228), which function to preserve the ingredients to prolong their shelf life. Sulphites have been associated with food intolerance symptoms including headaches, irritable bowel symptoms, behaviour disturbance and skin rashes. However, they are probably best known for their impact on asthmatics. In 1984, Australian researchers discovered that more than 65% of asthmatic children had a sensitivity to sulphites. And, in 1999 the World Health Organisation increased their estimate of the number of sulphitesensitive asthmatic children globally from 4% to 20-30%. We all work hard to do what is best for our children. It is important to remember that, in the end, it is about balance. Aiming to balance your child’s diet with healthy fresh (unpackaged) foods, with the occasional treat is a good place to start. If your child exhibits any of the symptoms listed above, you may wish to talk to your healthcare professional.

… s m u m g in k r o w d r a h , y s Attention all bu

Are you feeling

really tired, stressed or lacking in energy? Raising a family can be challenging Does any of this sound like you? Working full time; cleaning the house, making lunches, dinner and snacks; looking after baby; driving kids to school; doing the laundry, ironing and housework; shopping; breaking up a million fights; bathing the kids and that’s just the beginning! There’s little wonder, running a family can come as a shock!

You take care of your loved ones, but who takes care of you? Mum’s multi does, that’s who! Mum’s multi is a new, broad spectrum, timed release multi-vitamin. Mum’s multi has been formulated to help keep you feeling good and looking great! The quality Mum’s multi formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, which is a proud, Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. In 1979 Frank’s life changed when he discovered poor nutrition cause many health problems. In 1982 Frank opened his first health food shop. In 1995 Frank began Totally Natural Products (now Caruso’s Natural Health). Frank still remains passionate about educating and helping people achieve better health. Mum’s multi comes in a special bi-layered, multi-matrix tablet. The ‘Feel Good’ layer has been formulated to be released quickly, whilst the ‘Look Great’ layer releases gradually over eight hours.

The Feel Good layer What the Feel Good layer offers you... Tired, fatigued and need more energy? Some women not only experience tiredness and fatigue, they feel absolutely drained! Mum’s multi contains 9 different nutrients to help give you the boost of energy you may need. Is stress getting the better of you? Being a busy, active mum can really be rewarding. But it can also be really stressful as well. Mum’s multi has been specifically developed to help you with stress. Immune system support Mum’s multi contains great nutrients to help support your immune system. These nutrients include Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6 and Silicon. For healthy blood The Folic acid, Iron and Vitamin B12 found in Mum’s multi are all blood tonics and can assist in maintaining normal blood. Plus the Vitamin B1 supports healthy heart function. Great for women whom want to be mums Mum’s multi contains a therapeutic dose of Folic acid. You would take Folic acid daily for one month, before conception and during pregnancy. Folic acid may reduce your risk of having a child with birth defects of the brain and/or spinal chord, such as Spina bifida and Anencephaly.

“Being a busy

Mum requires more


The Look Great layer Here’s what the Look Great layer offers you... Support skin health Silicon found in Mum’s multi is used for the elasticity, firmness and strength of your skin. Is excess fluid making you look big and bloated? Mum’s multi may reduce fluid retention. For healthier digestion Good digestion is vital for good health. Mum’s multi aids digestion.

Blood circulation, Cholesterol, PMT & General health and well-being Because Mum’s multi is formulated with Niacin it may assist with blood circulation. Mum’s multi may help maintain normal, healthy Cholesterol levels. It may also help manage the symptoms of PMT. Mum’s multi contains Magnesium, which is important for health and wellbeing. Plus Mum’s multi does a whole lot more including... Healthy hair, skin and nails! Mum’s multi contains nutrients to help support the health of your hair, skin and nails. Protecting your body’s cells Mum’s multi is full of antioxidants to help protect your cells from free radical damage.

100% Money Back Guarantee We are very confident about Caruso’s Mum’s multi. So much so, we’re offering you a 100% Money Back Guarantee. See the pack for further details. If you want to look after your family the best you can, you have to look after yourself as well! So why not try Mum’s multi today? Mum’s multi is available from leading health stores and pharmacies in a 30 tablets size for only RRP $24.95. It is also available in an economical 60 tablets size. For more information on Mum’s multi please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480 during office hours (Sydney time). Or visit www. CHC52873-04/13 p7

Does your Gut

need rescuing? If you suffer from constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, cramping, irregular stools, bad breath or dermatitis, you should read this important information now!



Good bacteria to the rescue!

Rescue your gut after you’ve taken antibiotics If you have been taking a course of antibiotics, new triple action Gut Defence may assist with maintaining normal, healthy gut flora. 100% Money Back Guarantee We are very confident with the Gut Defence formula. So much so, we’re offering you a 100% Money ack o s r we b t a il Back Guarantee. See s ite f o r d e pack for further details. Triple action Gut Defence for your digestive health No one wants to suffer from constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, cramping, irregular stools, bad breath or dermatitis. Maybe triple action Gut Defence is just what you need. Triple action Gut Defence is available from leading health stores and pharmacies in a 30 capsules size for only $22.95 RRP. It is also available in an economical 60 capsules size. Gut Defence is found in the refrigerated section of your health food store or pharmacy. For more information on triple action Gut Defence please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480. Or visit Gut Defence is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. © Caruso’s Natural Health Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. CHC52864-05/13

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Why are Good bacteria so important for your health? Your body contains trillions of health giving living bacteria within its digestive tract. If you are deficient in these important good bacteria, here’s some really good news. There’s a therapeutic probiotic formula called Gut Defence, which you can take to help ensure you have an abundance of health giving good bacteria in your gut. The quality Gut Defence formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, which is a proud, Australian owned family company, founded Frank Caruso by Frank Caruso. In 1979 Frank’s life changed forever when he discovered that poor bowel management and poor nutrition lie at the root of many health problems. In 1982 Frank opened his first health food shop so he could devote more time educating people about natural living. In 1995 he began Totally Natural Products (now Caruso’s Natural Health) because he wanted to develop a range of high quality nutritional products and lifestyle programs that would have a positive effect on people’s health. Frank still remains committed in educating and helping people achieve better health. Triple action Gut Defence when you have digestive distress. When your intestinal bacteria is out of balance you may suffer from constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, cramping, irregular stools, bad breath or dermatitis. The special triple action Gut Defence formula provides an entire army of good bacteria to help fight against the invasion of bad bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. By taking this therapeutic probiotic formula you can go from digestive distress to digestive health. The whole idea behind triple action Gut Defence is to

If your Digestive system could talk, this is what it might say about triple action Gut Defence.

favourably alter your intestinal bacterial balance and promote good digestive health. Scientifically formulated by the researchers at the Australian natural health company, Caruso’s Natural Health, triple action Gut Defence is a high potency probiotic designed to repopulate your intestine quickly for maximum benefit. Additional support makes a difference Triple action Gut Defence contains an essential matrix of three good probiotic bacteria. These bacteria are all naturally found in your gut. They include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus rhamnosus. These probiotics cover a wide range of digestive health conditions. This means you get good support, which can really make a difference. Lactobacillus acidophilus may assist in the relief of bloating, constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, cramping and irregular stools. It may also improve atopic dermatitis. As a bonus Lactobacillus acidophilus may help support your Urinary system. The next probiotic is Bifidobacterium lactis, which may assist constipation, bad breath and flatulence. The third key probiotic is Lactobacillus rhamnosus. This important probiotic may: reduce the duration of diarrhoea; help in the management of bad breath; enhance your immune response and assist with atopic eczema. As you can see, all these probiotics do different things, but they also overlap on some conditions, which is good news for you.

The secret

to looking and feeling younger longer! O

ur population is getting older, with the senior population expected to more than double by the year 2055. And while we may be living longer we aren’t necessarily living better or healthier. Who wants to spend their last 10 or 15 years feeling sick and tired?

Proper nutrition is absolutely vital to any anti-ageing or longevity plan. There is little doubt our diets have changed significantly from those of our distant ancestors. Studies have indicated that our lifestyles are high in stress, low in activity, high in refined foods, animal fats and proteins, and

Fight ageing with good nutrition

lack fresh fruits and vegetables. These factors are all making us sick. For your own benefit, there must be a return to diets rich in plant based nutrients, particularly foods that contain high levels of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants protect the cells of your body from the damage caused by pollution, toxins in your food and water, and even the compounds that are created when you breakdown and metabolise your food. Damage to cells equates to ageing and dysfunction. More than likely your poor body is constantly being bombarded by chemicals. So fight back with good nutrition! Choosing the right foods makes all the difference The foods richest in these antioxidants include the following: brightly coloured orange, yellow and red vegetables, leafy green vegetables and fresh berries. Choosing organic produce will further minimise your intake of harmful toxins and pesticides that can cause further oxidative damage. The following foods are the most commonly sprayed items today: apples, strawberries, grapes, celery, peaches, spinach, sweet capsicums, nectarines, cucumbers, potatoes, cherry tomatoes, kale and zucchini. It is not essential to purchase only organic produce, but do aim to source these from a certified

organic supplier when possible. You’ll feel more confident knowing you are eating clean, nutrient rich food, without the nasty additives and risk. Reducing mental toxins Mental and emotional wellbeing is also important for living longer. It has now been proven that a healthy mind set significantly influences your physical health and wellbeing. Some people find that adopting specific spiritual or religious beliefs may assist in helping them develop a life purpose and sense of belonging, while others maintain this by focusing on a balance between work and relaxation, emphasising enjoyment in life and taking the time to engage in social interaction with others. So while you provide nutrition for your body through the foods and drinks you consume each day, take notice of how you are feeding your brain and emotional mind as well. What is the status of your thoughts? Are they predominantly positive or negative? How do you feel about yourself and how do you choose to spend your time? Whatever works best for you, aim to create the life you truly desire, and you will be on your way to living longer, happier, and with more energy and good health to enjoy every minute! p9

Are you suffering from Living with Anxiety has its challenges. It can be a combination of mixed feelings, nervous, restlessness or irritability. Anxiety is a reaction or coping mechanism a person uses to deal with difficult situations. So why suffer from the feelings Anxiety may bring to your life? If you are frustrated and tired of nervousness, some worry or sleeplessness, you should read this important information now! There’s


a naturally derived Anxiety remedy called Anxiety AID, which could be just what you need. The naturally derived Anxiety AID has been developed to help you relieve the symptoms of Anxiety, so you can go about your day to day life as normally as possible. Anxiety AID contains powerful but gently anti-Anxiety herbs, which may help you feel less tense. Relieve mild Anxiety, stress and insomnia…naturally. By helping to manage your Anxiety, things may get easier for you. Anxiety AID contains ingredients for mild Anxiety, stress and Insomnia. Anxiety AID is therapeutically formulated to promote a feeling of calm, making your Anxiety easier to deal with. The first powerful herb in Anxiety AID is Magnolia. Magnolia bark is a traditional Chinese medicine and is used as a general anti-anxiety and anti-stress agent. The next powerful herb is Passion flower. This herb may assist with Anxiety and nervousness. Passion flower may have a sedating action on you. Having problems sleeping? Passion flower is also great for people suffering from Insomnia, Passion flower may assist people whom have difficulty falling asleep. And has been used for tenseness, restlessness and irritability associated with a difficulty sleeping. Traditional calming agent The final Anxiety fighting herbal ingredient in Anxiety AID is Cyracos. This ingredient is a special extract of

the herb Melissa officinalis. This herb has been used traditionally in herbal medicine as a calming agent for people suffering from the symptoms of Anxiety. Anxiety AID also contains a natural source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps maintain mood. 100% Money Back Guarantee We are very confident with Caruso’s Anxiety AID. So much so, we’re offering you a 100% Money Back Guarantee. See the pack for further details. If you would like to relieve your Anxiety, try the naturally derived Anxiety AID today! Anxiety AID is available from leading health stores and pharmacies in a 30 tablets size for RRP $34.95. It is also available in an economical 60 tablets size. For more information on Anxiety AID please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480 or visit au Anxiety AID is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. © Caruso’s Natural Health Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. CHC52829-04/13

Discover how to manage your blood pressure naturally! Most people are aware that high cholesterol levels are not a good thing. Have you ever wondered what you can do to help reduce and manage your risk of developing high blood pressure? What causes high blood pressure? Blood pressure can rise as you age due to the build-up of a substance called plaque in your arteries. As blood flows from your heart and through your body, pressure builds in your arteries as a result of this plaque. This causes high blood pressure. Factors which can influence plaque build-up include: a highly stressful lifestyle, a diet low in phytonutrients and anti-oxidants, smoking and excess alcohol consumption, and genetic factors. Fight higher cholesterol with better lifestyle and diet choices Genetic factors may play a role in your tendency

to acquire higher cholesterol, although diet and lifestyle are likely to play an important role as well. Even if you had the best genes in the world, an unhealthy diet high in saturated fats and low in essential nutrients would more than likely create problems for you in the end. Therefore, minimising or completely avoiding fatty pieces of meat, deep fried foods and food high in sugar and refined carbohydrates (which turn to fat in your body) is a great place to start. Don’t worry, you can still enjoy a steak! Just choose a lean cut and combine it with a crunchy green salad and baked potato on the side, rather than a pile of greasy chips! Not all fats are “bad fats”! In fact, some fats are actually very good for your heart and overall cardiovascular system. Omega 3 fatty acids, for example, can help offer protection against the development of high cholesterol, and therefore, high blood pressure. Fatty fish (such as tuna, sardines, salmon and herring), avocados, olives and olive oil, nuts and seeds, all contain high levels of these essential fatty acids.

Your body is a complex organism. It requires an incredible amount of ongoing nutritional support to keep it healthy. Fresh vegetables and fruits provide a nutrient rich supply of the essential nutrients needed to do this. 5-6 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit every day is ideal. It is also important to moderate your intake of salt. Salt can disrupt the levels of some other minerals in your body, and contribute to high blood pressure. Keep an eye on the salt content in pre-packaged foods and limit the amount of salt used in cooking. Chill Out! Stress contributes to the development of a whole list of health conditions, and high blood pressure is absolutely one of them. Excessive and ongoing stress increases the heart rate and initiates inflammatory processes in your body which may contribute to the narrowing of arteries, thereby placing extra pressure on your heart. Ensure you allow yourself time to relax and unwind at the end of each day. Falling down on the lounge in front of the TV with a beer or three may feel relaxing, but in reality it is placing more stress on your body. In fact, feeling fatigued to the point of exhaustion at the end of every day is a sign that your diet and/or lifestyle may need a check-up. Moderate exercise is a positive way of reducing every day stress. It will assist your body’s inherent detoxification pathways and encourage the flow of blood through the arteries. p11


Your body is designed to take nutrients in, utilise their goodness, and then eliminate any toxins or by-products produced from what we ingest. However, many people do not absorb adequate nutrition, nor do they eliminate toxic material properly. This may lead to a build-up of toxins and a deficiency in the vitamins, minerals and other substances that are essential to life. Ideally we would visit the toilet between one and three times daily, although some people only pass a bowel motion once every 4 to 5 days, or even less! Toxic materials are therefore sitting stagnant inside their bodies for days and days. On the other hand, some experience more frequent, often loose motions which may indicate that they are not absorbing the nutrients their body needs before it passes through the intestine.

Eating Healthily helps you avoid illness.

A healthy digestive system will help keep you healthy. If you visit an Alternative Health Practitioner, they will stress the importance of having a healthy digestive system. At the moment, more and more research is coming out emphasising the importance of a healthy gut, and how it impacts on your overall health and wellbeing. A Sick Body is a Toxic Body What do you consider to be a “healthy” diet? Unfortunately, many of us are under the impression that what we eat on a daily basis IS healthy. But in reality, our diets are making us incredibly unwell without us even being aware of it. Symptoms including bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, burping, flatulence, pain, fatigue, restlessness, frequent colds and flus, and the presence of skin conditions are all signs that something isn’t quite right. These symptoms can often have long term health effects, and may contribute to a variety of unwanted health conditions. Your body is a machine. And, just like your car, it requires a clean engine and a number of individual working parts, otherwise it will break down. One function feeds directly into another, which is why it is very important to manage all aspects of your digestive health in order for the body to function at an optimal level.

Helping your digestive system What can you do to maximise your bowel health? Drinking plenty of filtered water and focusing on a diet high in fibre and nutrient-rich foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits is a good place to start. Eating adequate fibre will aid with the passing of food through your digestive system, and promote the removal of unwanted toxins. It is also important to be aware of foods that can place excess stress on your digestive system, which generally includes animal sourced products (meat and dairy), sugars and refined foods such as white pastas and white rice. Try to eat these foods in moderation. Making healthier eating options and taking care of your bowel health will be a rewarding experience. Remember, if you take care of your body, it will take care of you!

Do you ever suffer from cramps or muscle pain? If you suffer from cramps, spasms, muscle pain or lower back pain, here’s some good news. Now there’s a strong, herbal and mineral formula called Cramps away, which you should try. Helping your muscles The Magnesium in Cramps away may alleviate muscle cramps. If you are elderly, Vitamin D may help improve muscle strength. Do you have tired, heavy legs? Cramps away may assist with symptoms of tired, heavy legs. Fight the pain! Cramps away may assist with pain... it may assist muscle pain and lower back pain. Cramps away may also assist with joint pain and inflammation, particularly if you suffer from arthritis or osteoarthritis. p12

Cramps caused by PMT If you experience cramps because of PMT, Cramps away may help you. Cramps away may also help intestinal cramps. For blood circulation Cramps away may assist with poor blood circulation to your peripherals including your legs and feet. 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE We are very confident with Cramps away. So much so, we’re offering you a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Please refer to our pack for details. If cramps, spasms, muscle pain or lower back pain are a problem, try Cramps away. Cramps away is available from leading health stores and pharmacies in a 30 tablets size for only RRP $22.95.

It is also available in an economical 60 tablets. For more information please call 1300 304 480. Cramps away is a Registered Trademark of Caruso’s Natural Health. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. CHC52833-03/13

What’s new?

Do you want to improve your memory, concentration and learning ability? Just like the rest of your body, your brain needs essential nutrients to perform at its best. Now there’s a new, one-a-day herbal formula specifically developed to help your brain’s performance and it’s called Caruso’s Mega Memory ADVANCED! Improve your memory, concentration, mental capacity and learning ability The first powerful ingredient in Caruso’s Mega Memory ADVANCED is BacoMind, which is a patented extract of the herb Brahmi. This herb has been traditionally used to improve memory, learning, concentration and mental capacity. May improve your memory, concentration and cognitive performance Caruso’s Mega Memory ADVANCED also contains Gingko biloba. Gingko may improve your ability to recall. It may also help your ability to concentrate. Gingko is an excellent herb for helping to improve memory and brain function in normal, healthy people.

It may boost your brain’s memory processors. It may also improve working memory, concentration and cognitive performance. Blood circulation and your brain Ginkgo may increase blood flow to your brain. Relieve mild anxiety Caruso’s Mega Memory ADVANCED contains the patented extract of Brahmi, BacoMind. Brahmi may help you relieve mild anxiety. If you’re a student, professional or someone under pressure, Mega Memory ADVANCED may be helpful. 100% Money Back Guarantee We are very confident about Caruso’s Mega Memory ADVANCED. So much so, we’re offering you a 100% Money Back Guarantee. See pack for further details. Mega Memory ADVANCED is available from leading health stores and pharmacies for only RRP $36.95. It is also available in an economical 60 tablets size. For more information on Mega Memory ADVANCED

please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480. Or visit www. Mega Memory and BacoMind are Registered Trade marks. © Caruso’s Natural Health. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. CHC52979-07/13

For more health articles or product information visit

Is getting to sleep faster or staying asleep longer something you only ever dream about? Now there’s a new herbal sleeping pill called TOTAL SLEEP, formulated to help you: - Fall asleep faster - Stay asleep longer - Get a deeper, sounder sleep - Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day It contains Valerian, Hops, Ashwagandha and Chamomile. Herbs for a better sleep If you have difficulty falling asleep, the herb Valerian may help. The herbal combination of Valerian and Hops may assist with insomnia. Valerian, on its own, or in combination with Hops, may help improve your ability to fall asleep faster. Valerian may also stop you from waking up during the night, so you end up getting a longer sleep. Valerian and Hops may help with an improvement in total sleep time.

Don’t let stress, nervous tension, anxiety or restlessness upset your sleep! Sleeping soundly is made much harder when you feel stressed. This is why we included a special extract of the herb Ashwagandha in TOTAL SLEEP, called KSM-66. KSM-66 may help you sleep. Whilst the ‘calming’ herb Chamomile, also found in TOTAL SLEEP, may assist with restlessness in mild cases of insomnia, due to nervousness. 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE We are very confident with Caruso’s TOTAL SLEEP. So much so, we’re offering you a 100% Money Back Guarantee. See the pack for further details. A peaceful, refreshing night’s sleep naturally So if you’re having trouble sleeping, try TOTAL SLEEP! Total Sleep is available from leading health stores and pharmacies in a 24 tablets size for only RRP $22.95. It is also available in an economical 48 tablets size. For

more information on TOTAL SLEEP please call our qualified Naturopaths on 1300 304 480 or visit www.carusoshealth. TOTAL SLEEP is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health KSM-66® is a Registered Trade mark © Caruso’s Natural Health Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. CHC43010-04/13


Do you suffer from mild varicose veins or spider veins? A

re you too embarrassed to wear shorts or go to the beach because you suffer from mild varicose veins or spider veins?

If the appearance of your legs is important to you then here’s some really great news. Now there’s a herbal and nutritional formula called Veins Clear, which has been specifically developed for people suffering from mild varicose veins or spider veins. The quality Veins Clear formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, which is a proud, Australian owned family company, Frank Caruso founded by Frank Caruso. In 1979 Frank’s life changed when he discovered poor bowel management and poor nutrition cause many health problems. In 1982 Frank opened his first health food shop. In 1995 Frank began Totally Natural Products (now Caruso’s Natural Health). Frank still remains passionate about educating and helping people achieve better health. What are varicose veins and spider veins? Varicose veins are twisted, darkish-blue veins that form just under your skin. As a sufferer of mild varicose veins you may be familiar with an associated aching in your legs. Spider veins look like a spider’s web and are usually red or blue in colour. Spider veins are not caused by varicose veins, but they are often found in association with them. What causes varicose and spider veins Leg veins have a challenging task carrying the blood away from your feet, towards your heart and up against gravity. When the walls of your veins become weak, the veins stretch too much and special valves within these veins are hindered from closing tightly to stop blood

flowing backwards. As a result, blood pools in your veins, making them dilate. Spider veins occur when a small group of blood vessels near the surface of your skin becomes larger. How Veins Clear Works Good circulation is important for great looking legs. The Caruso’s Veins Clear formula is designed to strengthen your vein walls and improve blood circulation. Strengthen your capillaries and blood vessels Weak vein walls are a primary cause of varicose veins and spider veins. Caruso’s Veins Clear contains Grape seed extract, which has been included to help strengthen your capillaries and blood vessels. Whilst the Ruscus, Vitamin C and Hesperin found in Caruso’s Veins Clear have been included to help strengthen your capillaries and tighten your veins, for better blood flow. Help vein strength and elasticity Did you realise collagen is an important structural component of blood vessels? Vitamin C is important

for the synthesis of collagen, whilst Grape seed extract may inhibit the destruction of the collagen in your blood vessels. Caruso’s Veins Clear works to naturally strengthen and tighten your veins and promote vein elasticity. For the aching associated with mild varicose veins The Ruscus found in Caruso’s Veins Clear may assist with aching in your legs caused by mild varicose veins. 100% Money Back Guarantee We are very confident with Caruso’s Veins Clear. So much so, we’re offering you a 100% Money Back Guarantee. See the pack for further details. If mild varicose veins or spider veins are a problem for you, try Caruso’s Veins Clear today. Veins Clear is available from leading health stores and pharmacies in a 30 tablets size for only RRP $29.95. It is also available in an economical 60 tablets size. For more information on Veins Clear please call our qualified Naturopaths on 1300 304 480 or visit Veins Clear is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. © Caruso’s Natural Health Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. CHC52805-03/13

Natural Health Crusader is published by Caruso’s Natural Health. Information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace advice or treatment from Healthcare Professionals. Every care is taken to compile and check the content of the publication for accuracy, but the publisher, authors, their servants and agents are not responsible or liable for the continued currency of the information or for any publishing errors, omissions or inaccuracies, or for any consequences arising therefore. The inclusion or exclusion of any treatment in editorial does not imply the publisher advocates or rejects its use.


Summer Recipes Summertime Berry Ice Blocks Ingredients: - 1 cup fresh blackberries

- 2 cups low-fat yogurt

- 1 cup fresh blueberries

- 2 tbsp of honey

- 1 cup fresh raspberries Method: Blend blackberries, blueberries and raspberries with yogurt and honey in a blender until smooth. Pour into ice block moulds and add ice block sticks. Freeze 6 hours.

Refreshing Pineapple Water Ingredients: - 1 cup cubed pineapple (sliced or cubed)

- Fresh lemongrass

- 5-7 fresh mint leaves

- Pinch of organic sea salt

- Sliced ginger

- 1 litre of purified water

- 2-4 lychees (pitted and sliced)

- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Method: Muddle lychees, ginger and mint in a small bowl and add to a large 1 litre glass jar, add remaining ingredients and stir, refrigerate for 4-6 hours.

Salad with Grilled Chicken and Fresh Strawberries Ingredients: - 2 Chicken breast

- 1 avocado

- Handful of fresh spinach

- Goat cheese, to taste

- 1 cucumber

- Cold pressed olive oil, to taste

- Punnet cup of strawberries

- Organic sea salt, to taste

- Punnet cup of blueberries Method: Grill chicken and slice into strips and place in a bowl. Slice the cucumber, strawberries and avocado and add to the bowl along with the spinach, blueberries and goats cheese. Finally drizzle with cold pressed olive oil on top with a sprinkle of organic sea salt and mix.


“If you’re not happy with any of my new vitamin formulas, I’ll give you your money back!” Hi, my name is Frank Caruso, founder of the Australian owned family company Caruso’s Natural Health. For over 30 years now I have been dedicated to helping Australians lead healthy lives. Today I’m proud to introduce you to my new, exciting Caruso’s ULTRA MAX vitamin range. Importantly, Caruso’s ULTRA MAX formulations are made from quality ingredients, but they’re great value as well.

100% Money Back Guarantee I’m so confident in my new ULTRA MAX formulas I stand behind them with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. See the ULTRA MAX cartons or visit my website for more details on the Money Back Guarantee.

“It’s the way we make them that makes all the difference!”

Caruso’s ULTRA MAX formulas are available from leading health stores and pharmacies. For more information on the ULTRA MAX range, please call our qualified Naturopaths or customer service representatives on 1300 304 480 or visit See the pack for further details on the 100% Money Back Guarantee. ULTRA MAX is a Registered Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. © Copyright 2013.

Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. CHC53063-10/13


Frank Caruso

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