Health Remedies Guide Issue 4

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Health Remedies GUIDE

Your guide to better health, prevention & wellbeing naturally

Ailments Index Abdominal pain ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 06, 08, 23, 39 Anxiety �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 06, 29, 40, 43 Bad breath ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 06, 21, 35 Bone health ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 09, 14, 25, 29 Bowel health �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������08, 23, 36, 37, 39 Bruising �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Children’s health ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Cholesterol ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������07, 11, 17, 27, 28, 30 Concentration ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32, 38 Constipation �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������08, 21, 23, 35, 37, 39 Detoxification ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30, 36 Digestion ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23, 35, 39 Eye health ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������07, 20 Energy �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11, 14, 24, 33, 34, 45 Fluid retention ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 Hair health ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10, 21, 22 Heart health ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������07, 11, 16, 17, 27, 31 Immune health �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������07, 09, 26, 33, 45 Joint health ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 07, 13, 15, 34 Osteoarthritis �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������07, 13, 17, 27, 28, 29 Pregnancy ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16, 17, 34, 45 Poor mood ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 Prostate health ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35 Memory ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32, 38 Menopause ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32 Muscular cramps and pain ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11, 15, 31, 34 Nervous tension ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 06, 20, 29, 40 Skin health �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������07, 09, 10, 17, 20 Sleep ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 06, 20, 38, 43 Stomach cramps ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11, 23 Strength and stamina ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33, 41 Stress ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 06, 29, 34, 40 Thyroid management. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19, 42 Weight management ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 Wind/ flatulence ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������06, 08, 23, 35, 39 Urinary tract health �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 Veins health ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20, 44


Product Index Alive Probiotic �������������������������������������������������������������������������06 Anxiety Aid �������������������������������������������������������������������������������06 Arthritis Fighter ����������������������������������������������������������������������07 Hawaiian Astaxanthin ��������������������������������������������������������07 Bowel Clear �������������������������������������������������������������������������������08 Vitamin C Complex ��������������������������������������������������������������09 Calcium + D3 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������09 Super Collagen Builder �����������������������������������������������������10 Co-Enzyme Q10 ��������������������������������������������������������������������11 Cramps Away ��������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Cranberry 30,000 ������������������������������������������������������������������12 Super Cranberry 50,000 ����������������������������������������������������12 Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief �����������������������������������13 Mega B Complex ������������������������������������������������������������������14 Vitamin D3 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������14 Exit Pain Arthritis Cream ���������������������������������������������������15 Exit Pain ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Fertile MAX �������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 Half-the-size Fish Oil �����������������������������������������������������������16 Natural Fish Oil 1000 �����������������������������������������������������������17 Triple Strength Fish Oil ������������������������������������������������������17 Fluid Away ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 Super Garcinia Cambogia �����������������������������������������������19 Super Garcinia Cambogia Liquid ��������������������������������19 Good Night’s Sleep ��������������������������������������������������������������20 Super Grape Seed 50,000 ������������������������������������������������20 Gut Defence �����������������������������������������������������������������������������21 Hair Food �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 Hair More �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������22 IBS Remedy �������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 Intestinal Broom ��������������������������������������������������������������������23 Iron + C Complex �����������������������������������������������������������������24 Joint Freedom �������������������������������������������������������������������������24 Vitamin K2 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������25 Kids Calm & Behaviour ������������������������������������������������������26

Kid’s Probiotic Immune Booster ����������������������������������26 King Krill 500 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������27 King Krill 1000 �������������������������������������������������������������������������27 King Krill 1500 �������������������������������������������������������������������������28 King Krill 2000 �������������������������������������������������������������������������28 King Krill Osteo �����������������������������������������������������������������������29 Life EZE PLUS ���������������������������������������������������������������������������29 Liver Detox ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������30 Super Liver Detox �����������������������������������������������������������������30 Super Magnesium Complex ������������������������������������������31 Super Magnesium Powder ���������������������������������������������31 Mega Memory ������������������������������������������������������������������������32 Menopause Relief �����������������������������������������������������������������32 Men’s Super Multi �����������������������������������������������������������������33 Male Mojo ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������33 MSM MAX 1500 ���������������������������������������������������������������������34 Mum’s Multi ������������������������������������������������������������������������������34 Nourishing Flora ��������������������������������������������������������������������35 Prostate EZE MAX �����������������������������������������������������������������35 Quick Cleanse 7 & 15 Day Detox ���������������������������������36 Quick Fibre Plus ���������������������������������������������������������������������37 Memory Recall �����������������������������������������������������������������������38 Sleep More ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������38 Slippery Elm Powder ����������������������������������������������������������39 Stomach Clear ������������������������������������������������������������������������39 Stress & Anxiety Spray �������������������������������������������������������40 Stress Clear ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������40 Testorod ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41 Thyroid Manager �������������������������������������������������������������������42 Total Sleep ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Tranquil Calm ��������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Veins Care Cream ������������������������������������������������������������������44 Veins Clear ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������44 Women’s Super Multi ���������������������������������������������������������45

Address: 14 Shale Place Eastern Creek NSW Australia 2766 Phone: 1300 304 480 | Website:


“Colon Health, the key to a vibrant life!”


The Frank Caruso Story... How it all began! It all started in my early twenties when I decided to join a gym to lose some weight and get fit at the same time. One day I arrived at the gym with a burger in one hand and a can of cola in the other. George (the gym owner), pulled me aside and said “Frank, it’s great that you are training
here to lose weight and get fit but if you
don’t change your
diet, you are not going to live a long, healthy
life. What you eat today is what you are tomorrow!” I said “So George, what in your opinion is a good diet?” George turned around and picked up a book and said “Look Frank, do yourself a favour, buy this book, read it and I promise it will change your life”. I took the book home and read it from cover to cover in just three days. George was right, the book changed my life forever. I went from one day eating everything that my wife Grace put in front of me to the next day not eating anything she cooked.

Eat to live - Not live to eat

Me (1982)

The book was called the ‘Miracle of Fasting’ by Paul Bragg. A few days later I started reading another book called ‘Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management’ by Bernard Jensen and after that ‘Colon Health the Key to a Vibrant Life’ by Norman W. Walker. Since reading these books over 36 years ago, and until today, I honestly believe with all my heart, that true health begins in the bowel. I was so inspired by what I had learnt in these books I couldn’t wait to tell the world. I wanted to educate as many people as I could on the principles of bowel health through natural living. I had never heard the saying “Prevention is better than cure”. I had never heard anyone say, “Eat to live”, where most people live to eat. I continued to purchase every book I could get my hands on about bowel health, internal cleansing, liver health, herbal medicine, nutritional cooking, raw vegetable juices, organic gardening and anything relating to natural living. I couldn’t wait to share everything I’d learnt with all my friends and family - that’s all I wanted to talk about.

New house or open a health food store? After reading another 20 books I said to my wife Grace “I really would like to do this full time.” I thought, why not open up a Health Food Store so I could talk to people all day about bowel health and the principles of natural living. At the time, that’s what made me
the happiest. I said to my wife Grace, “Do we build a house or do we open a Health Food Store?” Grace had always wanted a new house. We discussed it and she said “Look it’s your passion, let’s open the Health Food Store and worry about the

Selling what I believed in (1982)

Me, Grace and our 2 boys (1983)


*Author Norman W. Walker Colon Health

house later.” I’ve always had Grace’s support - she has been great. So I quit my job as a motor mechanic and we opened the Health Food store on the 1st of November 1982, on my 28th birthday.

Talking to customers is what made me happy From the very first day of opening the doors, I just couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I just talked and talked and talked to every customer that came into my store. In fact I think I hold the longest record for talking to one customer, in one period. She came into the store at 9 o’clock and she left at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. I’m not kidding - my wife is a witness to that.

Creating my own vitamin range

Wit h my wife Grace (1983)

After a few years of
working in the Health
Food Store, I realised 
that there weren’t many
 people in the industry that were as passionate as I was on natural health. So in 1995, I decided to create my own vitamin range. The idea was to originally bring out a small range of internal cleansing programs that would support digestion and take a load off the digestive system, so the body could focus on healing itself. My first product was Quick Fibre Plus followed by my most successful and the product I’m most proud of “Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Program”. Since then, the range has expanded to over 100 items. I have included all of my quality nutritional and herbal formulas and their amazing health benefits within this publication. That’s my story in a nutshell. Now you know how it all started.

Love my products like I do or your money back All of my formulas are developed within Australia by my personal team of passionate experts using the best quality ingredients. We invest thousands of hours on new product research and go to great lengths sourcing the best quality ingredients that go into our formulas. That’s why I’m happy to stand behind my products with 100% money back guarantee. Today with the support of my family and a team of experts, I’m as excited as ever in helping my fellow Australians live healthy lives. I’m now over sixty and I can honestly say, I feel just as alert, vibrant and enthusiastic about life today than I did when I was in my twenties. I’m a good example that if you embrace the principles of natural health you can live a long, healthy and vibrant life. Remember, if you make time for good health you will always have enough health for a good time!

My family & Caruso’s passionate team (2014)

Yours in vibrant health,

Frank Caruso Founder of Caruso’s Natural Health

Me (t oday) 05

Alive Probiotic Have you been taking Antibiotics? Or are you suffering from Medically Diagnosed IBS, constipation, flatulence, bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, bad breath, atopic dermatitis or allergies? Your intestines should be completely lined with friendly bacteria. However, sometimes the good bacteria become out of balance with unfriendly bacteria and the bad bacteria multiply. That’s why it may be a good idea to take a probiotic, especially following illness, so you can replace the beneficial bacteria.

Powerful, high potency probiotic now available! Caruso’s Alive Probiotic is a powerful, high potency multi-probiotic blend of live friendly bacteria. It contains 25 billion friendly bacteria in every capsule. Caruso’s Alive Probiotic contains three important probiotic strains. Combined they replenish crucial friendly bacteria that may be weakened or missing in your intestine. These probiotics may assist in the management of: Medically Diagnosed IBS, constipation, flatulence, bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and bad breath.

For your immune system and urinary tract Caruso’s Alive Probiotic may help support and maintain the health of your immune system. It may also help keep a balance of friendly intestinal bacteria in your gut and help support the health of the female urinary tract. If you’ve been taking a course of antibiotics, a probiotic like Caruso’s Alive Probiotic may assist with maintaining normal, healthy intestinal flora. And as a bonus, Caruso’s Alive Probiotic does not have to be stored in your refrigerator,* so it is ideal for travellers and is also suitable for vegetarians. *Store below 25ºC. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Anxiety Aid Are you suffering from anxiety? Living with anxiety is challenging. With its natural ingredients, Caruso’s Anxiety Aid has been formulated for mild anxiety and stress. It’s designed to promote a feeling of relaxation, calm and wellbeing.

Helps calm you down If you are experiencing a bout of anxiety, it is possible your mood may be up and down. Caruso’s Anxiety Aid formula was developed to calm you down, but not dull your senses.

Combat anxiety…the natural way Caruso’s Anxiety Aid contains potent but gentle anti-anxiety herbs, which may help you feel less tense and more relaxed. These herbal ingredients include Magnolia, Passion Flower and the Lemon Balm herbal extract Cyracos®. Magnolia is traditionally used for mild anxiety, tension, stress and restlessness. Passion Flower may assist with mild anxiety and nervousness. The final anxiety-fighting ingredient in Caruso’s Anxiety Aid is Cyracos®. It is a special extract of the herb Melissa officinalis, which is traditionally used as a calming agent for people suffering from anxiety symptoms. Recent studies have shown that Cyracos® helps to relieve the symptoms of mild anxiety.

Having problems sleeping? Passion Flower may assist if you have difficulty falling asleep. It may assist with tenseness, restlessness and irritability associated with difficulty sleeping. Anxiety Aid also contains a natural source of Vitamin D, which helps to maintain mood. If you are suffering from anxiety, try Caruso’s Anxiety Aid. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.



Arthritis Fighter Osteoarthritis is a common health problem in Australia. It causes pain, inflammation and stiffness Fortunately, there’s a double action Osteoarthritis remedy available called Caruso’s Arthritis Fighter, which contains Turmeric and Green Lipped Mussel.

Natural Osteoarthritis Formula created


Frank Caruso and his hard working research team are passionate about helping people with their health. That’s why they developed the double action Arthritis Fighter formula. Caruso’s double action Arthritis Fighter contains a special combination of Turmeric and Greenshell® Green Lipped Mussels. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, Turmeric is used for the inflammation and pain associated with Osteoarthritis. The remarkable Greenshell® Green Lipped Mussel has been included in Caruso’s Arthritis Fighter for very good reasons. Sourced from pristine waters off New Zealand, Greenshell® Green Lipped Mussels may help to reduce joint inflammation associated with Osteoarthritis. It may also provide temporary relief from the pain and joint swelling experienced by people suffering from Osteoarthritis.

Getting on with life... If you’re suffering from the pain, stiffness and inflammation of Osteoarthritis try Caruso’s double action Arthritis Fighter today! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Hawaiian Astaxanthin Astaxanthin packs a powerful health punch Scientific research has confirmed Astaxanthin’s unique free radical fighting qualities. It is nature’s most powerful antioxidant. Your body can’t make Astaxanthin. However, almost every one of your cells may benefit from its superior capabilities. This is why taking Caruso’s Hawaiian Astaxanthin makes so much sense. It contains a massive 6 milligrams of naturally sourced Hawaiian Astaxanthin and offers a range of protective health MADE benefits covering your heart, cardiovascular system, brain, nervous system, joints, AUSTRALINIA immune system, skin, eyes, liver and muscles.

How does Astaxanthin work? Astaxanthin has a different structure to other antioxidants and works differently in your body. Astaxanthin, like that found in Caruso’s Hawaiian Astaxanthin, is designed to protect all parts of the cell. Its structure is similar to all other human cell membranes, which allows the Astaxanthin molecule to link precisely into the shape of the cell wall making it a perfect antioxidant to protect against cellular damage. It offers protection from free radicals on both the inside and outside of the cell. Most other well-known antioxidants do not have this ability.

Combats multiple free radicals all at once Astaxanthin is so powerful it can neutralize multiple types of free radicals all at once. Caruso’s Hawaiian Astaxanthin is naturally sourced from Red Marine Algae grown in Hawaii. So if you would like a premium quality, high potency antioxidant formula, which is easy to swallow, try Caruso’s Hawaiian Astaxanthin. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Bowel Clear Are you feeling constipated? Constipation is a very common digestive problem, which can really make your life a misery. It can be caused by a variety of things including simple changes to your lifestyle and not enough physical activity. Even MADE IN travelling can upset your natural rhythm, causing constipation.

Australian made, premium quality formula to gently relieve constipation Caruso’s Bowel Clear is a herbal formula designed to work with your body’s natural processes to gently relieve constipation. Caruso’s Bowel Clear may also assist with flatulence.

Gentle bowel action Caruso’s Bowel Clear contains selected herbs, which stimulate your bowel. The action created by these herbs allows unwanted waste to move through your bowel. In particular, Caruso’s Bowel Clear contains the herb Calendula. Caruso’s Bowel Clear also contains the herb Cascara for easier defecation. Cascara triggers movement in your bowel, which causes the urge for you to go!

Some other benefits of Caruso’s Bowel Clear Caruso’s Bowel Clear was also formulated for people suffering from bloating, dyspepsia and poor digestion. So if you’re suffering from constipation or other digestive problems like flatulence, bloating, dyspepsia or poor digestion, try Caruso’s Bowel Clear today! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.



Vitamin C 1,000 Complex For your health and wellbeing Vitamin C plays many important roles throughout your body and is necessary for normal growth and development. But its predominant role is in protecting your body. As your body can’t manufacture its own Vitamin C, you need to get it from other sources. Caruso’s Vitamin C 1,000 Complex is an easy-to-swallow, easy-on-the stomach (low acid), time-release formula, which works for you, all through the day.


Time release for on-going support for your body The time-release technology used in Caruso’s Vitamin C 1,000 Complex ensures the Vitamin C is released slower and steadier into your bloodstream. This helps promote your body’s continual absorption of Vitamin C, so you get the best possible benefit. Vitamin C is also important for our immunity. It may assist in reducing the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms and it supports your body’s natural resistance to cold and flu.

Other health benefits of Vitamin C Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It helps maintain healthy skin by supporting skin suppleness and elasticity. Caruso’s Vitamin C also helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and assists with your general health and wellbeing. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Calcium + D3 Bone Health with Caruso’s Calcium + D3 Calcium and Vitamin D3 are two important nutrients necessary for healthy teeth and bones. Calcium is a bone building mineral and is essential for developing and maintaining strong, healthy bones. A diet deficient in Calcium can lead to Osteoporosis in later life. Importantly, women’s calcium requirements are also increased after menopause. Whilst Vitamin D3 can help assist in the regulation of Calcium and increase its absorption into your bones. This helps in the normal formation of bone mass and bone density. Vitamin D3 helps you get the best possible benefit from the Calcium you consume. This is why taking a Calcium and Vitamin D3 combination makes so much sense.


Caruso’s Calcium + D3 formula offers these highly beneficial nutrients in one convenient tablet Other health benefits of Vitamin D3 include immune and cardiovascular system support, strong healthy teeth and general health and wellbeing. This formula is also suitable for pregnant and lactating women by addressing their additional Calcium needs. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Super Collagen Builder All new Collagen building formula for healthier hair, skin and nails now available... Collagen is responsible for your skin’s elasticity. A high abundance of collagen is why young skin remains taut and smooth. However, as you age collagen production becomes disrupted and your skin loses some of its natural elasticity and firmness. This can result in wrinkles and fine lines. Frank Caruso and his clever team of researchers have developed Caruso’s Super Collagen Builder to support the production of collagen in your body and help improve the health of your hair, skin and nails. This delicious tasting formula contains a number of active ingredients including Astaxanthin, Silicon, Vitamin C, Biotin and French Marine Pine Bark. Together, these ingredients support your hair, skin and nails, helping to maintain their health and appearance.


Collagen building action Caruso’s Super Collagen Builder contains Vitamin C and Silicon. Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen and may assist in the maintenance of collagen and connective tissue. Silicon is also involved in the formation of collagen. Silicon plays a fundamental role in the crosslinking mechanism of collagen and elastin.

Astaxanthin for healthier looking skin Has your skin lost its spring? Caruso’s Super Collagen Builder contains Astaxanthin for healthier skin. Astaxanthin is a powerful red coloured antioxidant. It helps fight free radicals and may help skin health and supports the moisture content of your skin. Plus, it may assist with wrinkles and skin elasticity by protecting the skin. Caruso’s Super Collagen Builder also contains another powerful antioxidant, French Marine Pine Bark.

For healthier, thicker, fuller hair Having beautiful, healthy hair doesn’t happen by accident. Your hair needs good nutrition to look its best. Unhealthy hair can be a combination of dull, limp and lifeless, weak, brittle and splitting, thinning or just plain unmanageable hair. Caruso’s Super Collagen Builder contains selected ingredients for healthier hair. That’s why Biotin is in Caruso’s Super Collagen Builder. The Silicon in Caruso’s Super Collagen Builder helps support your hair and may improve the strength of your hair.

For healthier, stronger nails With age or through poor nutrition, your nails may become weak and brittle. This can lead to them cracking, splitting, chipping, flaking or growing slower. Your nails need vitamins and minerals just like the rest of your body to stay healthy. The Silicon in Caruso’s Super Collagen Builder helps support your nails, feeding the nail bed and encouraging the growth of healthy, strong nails. Whilst Biotin may assist people with brittle nails by increasing nail thickness. It may also reduce the risk of nail splitting and improve nail strength. So if you want healthier hair, skin and nails, try Caruso’s Super Collagen Builder today! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Co-Enzyme Q10 150mg naturally fermented Co-Enzyme Q10 for your heart, cardiovascular system and energy Co-Enzyme Q10 is naturally found throughout every cell of your body and is beneficial in many ways. Caruso’s Co-Enzyme Q10 contains 150mg of naturally fermented, premium grade Co-Enzyme Q10.

Heart and cardiovascular health


Caruso’s Co-Enzyme Q10 may maintain and support the health of your cardiovascular system. It assists in maintaining a healthy heart, by supporting heart muscle function and healthy arteries. And it may assist blood circulation, particularly to the heart and the maintenance of normal blood pressure in healthy individuals.

Do you feel tired or fatigued? Your body needs Co-Enzyme Q10 for energy production. Caruso’s Co-Enzyme Q10 helps build your body’s energy reserves and may assist if you are tired and fatigued.

Improve athletic performance Co-Enzyme Q10 is found to improve athletic performance and helps athletes recover quicker after strenuous exercise. This formula may reduce muscle weakness and aid in boosting your stamina and muscle endurance. And if you suffer from migraines, Caruso’s Co-Enzyme Q10 may assist in the management of them and help reduce their frequency. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Cramps Away Do you suffer from Cramps, Spasms, Muscle Pain, Lower Back and Joint Pain? If you do, you know how uncomfortable they can be. Cramps can occur anytime. They can occur in the middle of the night. And if you’re an active sportsperson, painful cramps can come on after vigorous exercise.


Improve blood circulation Poor blood circulation may cause muscle cramps. Caruso’s Cramps Away may assist with poor blood circulation to your peripherals including your legs and feet. It may help strengthen capillaries and blood vessels.

Helping your muscles Tight, inflexible muscles may cause muscle cramps. Caruso’s Cramps Away may help improve muscle strength, particularly with elderly people. Caruso’s Cramps Away may assist with muscle action and muscle weakness.

Fight the pain! Caruso’s Cramps Away contains a natural analgesic, so it may assist with muscle pain, lower back pain, joint pain, inflammation and sprain injuries. If you suffer from cramps, spasms, muscle pain, lower back or joint pain, try Caruso’s Cramps Away! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Cranberry 30,000 Is an attack of Cystitis a real pain for you? Cystitis is an acute bladder infection, caused by bacteria, typically E. coli. This bacterium enters your bladder, causing it to become infected and inflamed. In persistent cases, it is recommended you consult your doctor who may want to send a sample of your urine off for analysis. If you are suffering from Cystitis you will no doubt experience pain and burning. And as you would know, this symptom can really make your life a misery.


Relieve Cystitis and its unpleasant symptoms Caruso’s Cranberry 30,000 is designed to provide you with relief from Cystitis and its unpleasant symptoms. Cranberry is a natural ingredient, which is used to relieve Cystitis. It is also used to significantly reduce the risk and frequency of Cystitis re-occurring. Cranberry may also mask the urinary odours associated with cystitis.

A massive 30,000mg of Cranberry Caruso’s Cranberry 30,000 contains an extract equivalent to a massive 30,000mg of dried Cranberry, plus other important immune supporting nutrients. Caruso’s Cranberry 30,000 is designed to help reduce the risk of Cystitis occurring and then from re-occurring and boost your immune system. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Super Cranberry 50,000 Is Cystitis a pain for you? Urinary tract problems are more common in women. Manage the pain and burning of cystitis with a new natural liquid, Caruso’s Super Cranberry 50,000! In healthy people, urine in the bladder is sterile. If bacteria build up occurs, it is called Cystitis. Women who are at greatest risk include those who: • Are sexually active – sexual intercourse can result in bacteria entering the urethra • Are pregnant – hormonal changes may increase the risk of cystitis • Have been through menopause – hormonal changes are often associated with cystitis • Are elderly – elderly women are more susceptible to cystitis MADE AUSTRALINIA The most common symptoms of cystitis are: • Frequent urge to urinate • Painful urination, with a burning sensation • A feeling the bladder is still full after urination Packed with potent antioxidants, cranberries are commonly taken by women with urinary tract conditions such as cystitis. Scientific studies have demonstrated the benefit of taking cranberry for reducing the risk of urinary problems. Cranberries may provide a flushing mechanism for your urinary tract. They contain bioactive substances, which may help mask urinary odours associated with incontinence and urinary tract events like cystitis.

Fantastic taste Endless hours of intensive research have gone into developing Caruso’s Super Cranberry 50,000. Our great tasting formula is pleasant to take and only one teaspoon is needed each day! Every dose delivers a massive 50,000mg of cranberries, the highest level available in a liquid on the Australian market! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief Introducing a new Curcumin formula for people suffering from painful, inflamed and stiff arthritic joints Your body’s normal inflammatory response is to protect its tissues from irritation or injury. As we know swollen, inflamed joints can make life miserable. Excessive inflammation in your body caused by mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis can lead to pain, swelling, redness, heat, stiffness and limited movement in your joints.

Australian made Curcumin formula Now there’s a high potency, Australian made Curcumin formula, specially developed to help your painful and swollen joints. An extract of the herb Tumeric, Curcumin, fights inflammation in a number of ways. That’s why Frank Caruso and his expert team created Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief. It helps provide a simple, more natural approach to mild arthritic or mild osteoarthritic pain, inflammation and stiffness. Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief may help improve the overall quality of life for people suffering from mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis.

What exactly is Curcumin? With a long tradition of use in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, the herb Turmeric contains bioactive compounds with medicinal properties. Curcumin is one such compound and is a natural extract from the root of the Turmeric plant. It is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce joint swelling, morning stiffness and walking time associated with mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis. Curcumin may also assist with the inflammation associated with mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis. As a powerful antioxidant Curcumin provides cellular protection and reduces the risk of cellular damage by free radicals.

How does Curcumin work? Curcumin actually targets multiple steps in the inflammatory pathway. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent by modulating inflammatory pathways within your body and inhibiting the production of harmful inflammatory molecules. It is important to realise Curcumin’s health-supporting properties depend on its bioavailability. Regular Curcumin is poorly absorbed by your body when it enters your stomach and digestive tract. Unfortunately very little ‘regular’ Curcumin makes it into your bloodstream to work on inflammation and pain.

The effectiveness of Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief Curcumin must be absorbed by the cells of your body to benefit your health. Fortunately, Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief utilises advanced technology to enhance bioavailability and absorbability. It undergoes the patented UltraSOL® technology process which delivers superior absorption and MADE bioavailability. This process means the Curcumin Caruso’s use is combined with AUSTRALINIA a water soluble molecule (hydrophilic) and natural antioxidants. This allows it to dissolve better in your stomach.

Forty six times more absorbable In fact, a randomised, double-blind, crossover clinical trial1 found the serum Curcominoid levels in the Curcumin used in Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief was forty six times more absorbable than regular Curcumin. This Curcumin, known as CurcuWIN, was also shown to be significantly more bioavailable than other enhanced Curcumin ingredients. CurcuWIN is manufactured from the highest quality Curcumin extract, as indicated by its strong yellow colour. Also, CurcuWIN provides 24 percent Curcuminoids. Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief assists with pain sensation and joint stiffness and also improves physical function such as walking for people with mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis. So if you’re suffering from the pain, inflammation and stiffness of mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis, try Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief today. 1. Jäger et al.: Comparative absorption of Curcumin formulations. Nutritional Journal 2014 13:11.

Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Mega B Complex Strong, broad spectrum B-vitamin complex B-vitamins are required by the body to break down the food we eat and convert it to energy. B-vitamins are utilised more by your body when you’re under stress or exerting energy. And as your body can’t store them, you need to replenish these B-vitamins every day. Fortunately, Caruso’s Natural Health has developed this strong, broad spectrum B-vitamin complex. This is important because each member of the B-vitamin family has a unique function and performs a special role. Caruso’s Mega B Complex may assist with: energy production; stress levels; fatigue; healthy functioning of the nervous and immune systems; cellular function and blood health; hair, skin and nails; and your general health and wellbeing.


Get the most out of your B-vitamins with this time release formula At the one time, your body can only absorb a limited amount of some B-vitamins. Caruso’s Mega B Complex uses time release technology, which means it’s B-vitamins are continually released into your system over 8 hours. Because you gain a constant supply of these Vitamins throughout the day, you are getting the most B-vitamins you need for your health. Caruso’s Mega B Complex also has a special slippery slide coating, which makes the tablets easier to swallow. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 is essential for life We all need Vitamin D3. It’s essential for life and affects many parts of your body. A major reason many people suffer from inadequate Vitamin D3 is because of a lack of sun exposure. Plus as you age, your skin’s ability to make Vitamin D3 from sunlight exposure decreases. The quality Caruso’s Vitamin D3 formula is an easy and convenient way to help ensure you are getting adequate Vitamin D3.

Strong, healthy people need strong, healthy bones Adequate Vitamin D3 is required for maintaining normal calcium metabolism and is essential for strong healthy bones. Vitamin D3 helps in the normal formation of bone mass, so you support the development of strong healthy teeth and bones.

Other health benefits of Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 may help reduce the risk and incidence of fractures in elderly people. Plus it helps support muscle function. It may help provide support for your immune system. It is also beneficial for supporting your heart and cardiovascular system. And it assists in the maintenance of your general wellbeing.

Your daily dose of sunlight Caruso’s Vitamin D3 contains 1,000IU of Vitamin D, which gives you an adequate dose of this Vitamin. So if you would like a premium quality Vitamin D3, try Caruso’s Vitamin D3 today! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.



Exit Pain Arthritis Cream Is mild Arthritis causing your joints to be painful, stiff and inflamed? Pain and inflammation is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. It can affect the joints in your knees, neck, lower back, hands and hips. Your shoulders, elbow joints and wrists can also be affected.

Use Caruso’s Exit Pain Arthritis Cream where it hurts! Caruso’s Exit Pain Arthritis Cream is a double action, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic cream and includes Camphor and Arnica. Camphor is traditionally used as an analgesic and may assist with Osteoarthritis, Rheumatism, pain, sprains and inflammation. Whilst Arnica has been traditionally used for mild Rheumatism, bruises, sprains, swelling, inflammation, muscle and joint pain. Arnica also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions. It may assist back pain, strains and sore and aching muscles. Also contains Emu Oil and Rosemary Oil.


Easy to apply! Rub Caruso’s Exit Pain Arthritis Cream straight onto your painful areas. With gentle massaging, your nagging pain should feel so much better. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Exit Pain Are you suffering from the pain of Arthritis, Gout, Chronic Joint Pain, Joint Tenderness, Swollen Joints, Poor Joint Mobility, Back Pain or Muscle Pain? Here’s some really great news. Researchers from Caruso’s Natural Health have developed Exit Pain tablets, which may assist in the temporary relief of Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout, Chronic Joint Pain, Joint Tenderness, Inflamed Joints, Joint Swelling, Poor Joint mobility and Back and Muscle Pain.

More Rapid Improvement The first two powerful ingredients in Caruso’s Exit Pain tablets are Glucosamine and MSM. A clinical study1 of 118 people, of which 30 took a combination of Glucosamine and MSM, found they worked faster and were more effective in relieving the symptoms of Osteoarthritis, when taken together, than if you took either of them separately. When used together Glucosamine and MSM may significantly decrease the pain and swelling of Osteoarthritis and may provide better, more rapid improvement in the condition. Even on its own Glucosamine may assist with the symptoms of Arthritis including joint inflammation and swelling, joint tenderness.


Great for bones, joints and cartilage Caruso’s Exit Pain tablets contain Boron and Boswellia. Boron is traditionally used to relieve the symptoms of Osteoarthritis. It may assist with the healthy development and maintenance of your bones and joints. The herb Boswellia may assist with the arthritic symptoms of morning stiffness, pain, joint tenderness and joint swelling. It may also assist in relieving the symptoms of Gout. 1. Usha et all. Randomised double blind parallel placebo controlled study of oral Glucosamine, Methylsulfonylmethane and their combination on Osteoarthritis Clinical Drug Investigation, 2004.

Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Fertile MAX Are you planning on starting a family? If you are, healthy male fertility is really important. As you prepare for pregnancy, it is easy to only focus on your own health. However, healthy fertility does not rest solely with you. Males also have a role to play. Researchers are finding having healthy sperm may be just as important as the total amount of sperm produced. While normal, healthy men are likely to have healthy sperm, it’s good to know there are ways to help maintain sperm health.


Help promote healthy sperm movement Oxidative stress may damage the sperm membrane, decreasing the sperm’s flexibility and tail motion. This is one reason why Co-enzyme Q10 is in Caruso’s Fertile MAX. Also, the energy for movement in sperm cells depends on the availability of Co-Enzyme Q10. As such, Co-Enzyme Q10 may help promote healthy sperm movement.

Essential Nutrients for DNA DNA is the building block of all human cells. So it’s important your sperm has good quality DNA. This is why Folic Acid is in Caruso’s Fertile MAX.

Optimum production of both sperm and semen Caruso’s Fertile MAX may help promote healthy sperm production and it may help maintain seminal volumes within the healthy range. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Half-the-size Fish Oil One a day for General Health and Wellbeing Caruso’s Half-the-size Fish Oil is an odourless, concentrated formula in a convenient, easier to swallow small capsule.

Who is Caruso’s Half-the-size Fish Oil formulated for? Caruso’s Half-the-size Fish Oil may provide symptomatic relief of: Osteoarthritis, swollen joints and Dermatitis. It may help maintain normal healthy: Cardiovascular system, Brain function, Blood circulation, Cholesterol levels and may assist in General Health and Wellbeing.

1 Caruso’s half the size capsule = 1 standard 1000mg size equivalent to 1000mg Fish oil Omega 3 levels Why Caruso’s Half-the-size Fish Oil is a good idea… Because Caruso’s Half-The-Size Fish Oil is in a concentrated form, its capsules only need to be half the size of a standard 1,000mg Fish Oil capsule. This makes them easier to swallow. Importantly, you only have to take the same amount of these capsules as you would a standard 1,000mg Fish Oil capsule. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.



Natural Fish Oil 1,000 The benefits of Caruso’s Natural Fish Oil 1,000 Each capsule of Caruso’s Natural Fish Oil 1,000 contains 1,000mg of odourless, deep sea Fish Oil, rich in Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. The Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids in Caruso’s Natural Fish Oil 1,000 are beneficial for maintaining general health and wellbeing and may assist with the symptomatic relief of a wide range of conditions including Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Osteoarthritis and swollen joints. Caruso’s Natural Fish Oil may also be beneficial for maintaining a normal, healthy cardiovascular system, brain function, blood circulation and cholesterol levels. Caruso’s Natural Fish Oil 1,000 contains balance of EPA and DHA and is Polysorbate 80 free.


Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Triple Strength Fish Oil Taking Fish Oil the easy and convenient way! Fish Oil is one of the most popular supplements people take. But now it’s even easier to take. Introducing Caruso’s Triple Strength Fish Oil... It is triple strength because each capsule of Caruso’s Triple Strength Fish Oil contains three times the EPA and DHA than a normal 1,000mg Fish Oil capsule. You see, a normal Fish Oil capsule delivers 300mg of EPA and DHA in a 1,000mg capsule. This means you can take fewer capsules as you would a normal 1,000mg Fish Oil capsule.

Osteoarthritis relief Caruso’s Triple Strength Fish Oil may help provide temporary relief from symptoms associated with Osteoarthritis.

Heart and cardiovascular health


Your heart is one of your most important organs. So it makes good sense to look after it by eating lots of healthy foods and exercising regularly. The Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids contained in Caruso’s Triple Strength Fish Oil may help you maintain a healthy cardiovascular function. They may assist in the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels in healthy people and may also help maintain healthy blood flow and circulation.

Dermatitis and psoriasis Caruso’s Triple Strength Fish Oil may help ease the irritating and embarrassing symptoms associated with dermatitis, including dry, flaky skin. It may also have beneficial effects on psoriasis by decreasing the level of skin inflammation.

Brain, nervous system health The Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids in Caruso’s Triple Strength Fish Oil help play a vital role in healthy brain function in normal individuals. They may assist in the maintenance of your nervous system. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Fluid Away Is excess fluid making you look and feel bloated? Water retention can be responsible for that bloated feeling. What makes it worse is when this swelling and bloated feeling becomes uncomfortable. The good news is you don’t have to accept that having some excess fluid is a fact of life. You can do something about the bloating and other symptoms of mild fluid retention. Now there’s a herbal and nutritional formula called Caruso’s Fluid Away, which has been developed just for you!

For people suffering from fluid retention Formulated by Frank Caruso and his clever researchers, Caruso’s Fluid Away has been developed for people suffering from mild fluid retention. The high potency Fluid Away pill contains three powerful herbs; Celery, Dandelion and Phyllanthus, as well as Vitamin B6. The first powerful herb is Celery seed. It is a well known diuretic and may assist in the treatment of mild fluid retention. The second herb is Dandelion. It has been traditionally used as a diuretic and may assist with some excess fluid. The Ayurvedic herb Phyllanthus may assist with some excess fluid because of its diuretic actions. The fourth ingredient in this comprehensive formula is Vitamin B6. This vitamin MADE also assist with excess fluid. Vitamin B6 is also used to alleviate some forms of AUSTRALINIA Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, especially fluid retention associated with Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. As a bonus Caruso’s Fluid Away is very versatile. In addition to mild fluid retention Caruso’s Fluid Away may be able to help you with some other health conditions.

Are you suffering from mild rheumatism, osteoarthritis or gout? If your joints are stiff and swollen because you suffer from mild rheumatism, osteoarthritis or gout, Caruso’s Fluid Away may be able to help you with relief from these conditions.

Need more energy? Maybe Caruso’s Fluid Away can help! Because Vitamin B6 is involved in the production and release of energy, it may help your energy levels. Vitamin B6 also supports general health and wellbeing. So if you’re fed up with the puffiness and bloating of excess fluid, you should try Caruso’s Fluid Away! Another good thing about Caruso’s Fluid Away is you don’t need to get a prescription to use it. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Super Garcinia Cambogia Do you need help with your weight? Most of us struggle with our weight from time to time. Regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet will help put you on the right path to achieving your desired weight. If you need a little extra help along the way Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia has been specially formulated to support your healthy exercise and dietary activities.


What is Garcinia cambogia? Garcinia cambogia is the scientific name for an exotic fruit called the Tamarind. It is naturally rich in the active Hydroxycitric acid, which is also known as HCA. An important consideration for you is knowing how much HCA is in the Garcinia formula you use. Because Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia is abundant in Hydroxycitric acid we guarantee our formula contains 60% HCA. With its high HCA content Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia offers you important benefits. Garcinia helps to reduce feelings of hunger by assisting satiety. When you eat less, your body responds by releasing stored fat in cells. Not many people enjoy consciously suppressing the urge for food.

Massive dose of 7,500mg Importantly, each tablet of Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia contains a Garcinia cambogia dry extract equivalent to 7,500mg of the Garcinia cambogia fruit peel.

Need a boost of energy Apart from the guaranteed 60% HCA in every tablet, Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia contains valuable B group vitamins for your energy needs. Particularly if you are exercising Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia may give you the extra energy you need to help you achieve your weight goals. As a bonus Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia has no preservatives or additives. It is also gluten free. With your regime of regular exercise and healthy eating along with support from Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia, looking forward to a healthier, more energetic you is a real possibility. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Super Garcinia Cambogia Liquid Do you need help with managing your weight? Many Australians struggle with managing their weight. Regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet will help put you on the right path to achieving your desired weight. If you need a little extra help, Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia has been specially formulated to support your healthy exercise and dietary activities.


This formula is triple action. Garcinia may assist with weight management. Garcinia may also help by suppression of appetite. Chromium may assist the maintenance of normal healthy blood sugar balance in healthy individuals. Finally, Iodine (a key nutrient required for the production of thyroid hormones) which is responsible for the regulation of metabolism in the body.

Convenient Liquid that tastes great Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia is a great tasting liquid. If you have difficulty or don’t like swallowing tablets it could be just what you need. New Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia has been specially formulated to support your healthy exercise and dietary activities. Try Caruso’s Super Garcinia Cambogia today! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Good Night’s Sleep Are you having problems sleeping? Then it’s time to get a Good Night’s Sleep If you suffer from nervous tension, mild anxiety, stress, irritability or restlessness; you may find it difficult to fall asleep; you may wake up in the middle of the night and then can’t get back to sleep; your mind may start racing when all you want to do is sleep. So rather than lying in bed, you should do something about it! Frank Caruso and his passionate team have created Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep to help you have a good night’s sleep. It may help you to fall asleep, stay asleep, and relive stress and nervous tension impacting your sleep. As well as relieving muscle cramps, spasms and restless legs.


Australian made premium quality formula The premium quality Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep, is made in Australia. Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep is an easy to use powder and mixes well with water. It has a delicious, natural vanilla cherry flavour. Take it 30 minutes before bedtime to begin to wind down and prepare for sleep. What’s more this natural formula is suitable for children 12 years and over. Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep may support sleep in 3 ways:

• Soothes nervous tension • Helps mild anxiety • Provides a sedative action Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Super Grape Seed 50,000 Are you looking for a whole body antioxidant? Introducing Caruso’s Super Grape Seed 50,000, an antioxidant formula designed to support veins, eyes, skin and collagen.

Veins May assist with blood circulation (venous blood flow) to the legs and feet. Grape seed (extract) may help to prevent Bruising (by increasing the strength of the capillaries and other blood vessels).

Eyes Grape seed extracts helps maintain healthy eyes and supports healthy eye function.

Antioxidant Grape Seeds contain high concentrations of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC). OPCs are powerful antioxidants with free radical scavenging properties.

Skin and Collagen OPCs help stabilize connective tissue tone and assist with wound healing. Grape seed extracts have the ability to bind to the enzymes which degrade and breakdown the structure of the skin.

Great tasting liquid In a versatile liquid format, Caruso’s Super Grape Seed can be taken straight from a teaspoon or added to your favourite smoothie. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.



Gut Defence Does your Gut need rescuing? When your digestive tract is deficient in good bacteria you may suffer from constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, cramping, irregular stools, bad breath or dermatitis. Caruso’s special triple action Gut Defence formula provides an entire army of good bacteria to help fight against the invasion of bad bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. The whole idea behind Caruso’s triple action Gut Defence is to favourably alter your intestinal bacterial balance and promote good digestive health.

Additional support makes a difference Caruso’s triple action Gut Defence contains an essential matrix of three good probiotic bacteria. They include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus rhamnosus. Lactobacillus acidophilus may assist in the relief of bloating, constipation, flatulence, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, cramping and irregular stools. It may also improve atopic dermatitis. Bifidobacterium lactis may assist constipation, bad breath and flatulence. Lactobacillus rhamnosus reduces the duration of diarrhoea; help in the management of bad breath; enhance your immune response and assist with atopic eczema. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Hair Food Do you suffer from Hair Problems? Thousands of men and women wonder why their hair is not as full and gleaming as it once was. Perming, bleaching and colouring agents contain a cocktail of chemicals that can rob your hair of the essential proteins and moisture it needs. This can leave your hair fragile, brittle and easily damaged. Many people have problems with their hair, that’s why Frank Caruso developed his special Hair Food products. The range contains Caruso’s Hair Food supplement, Caruso’s Hair Food Shampoo, Caruso’s Hair Food Conditioner and Caruso’s Hair Food Lotion.

How does Caruso’s Hair Food supplement help your hair? Your hair grows from a little pouch in the scalp called a ‘follicle’. Tiny blood vessels link your blood supply to these tiny pouches, feeding the growing hair shaft. Nutrients like those found in Caruso’s Hair Food supplement are supplied by your blood to support tiny follicle cells.


Are you concerned about losing your hair? If you are losing your hair, Caruso’s Hair Food may help you. A deficiency of Biotin is associated with hair loss and dandruff production. Inositol has also been included in this formula because it is used to assist healthy hair growth. Other nutrients in Caruso’s Hair Food Plus are Vitamin B2 and Silica. Vitamin B2 helps to maintain healthy hair, whilst Silica plays a role in the formation of connective tissue giving integrity, stability and elasticity to hair cells.

Your hair also needs support from the outside! The hair care team at Caruso’s Natural Health, have also formulated their Hair Food shampoo, conditioner and scalp lotion to care for your hair from the outside. After using these formulations you will notice your hair is softer, having more body, shape, lustre and bounce. The nutrients based shampoo and conditioner cleanses your scalp and hair follicles, giving you naturally shiny, bouncy hair. Whilst Caruso’s Hair Food Lotion spray contains a blend of specially selected nutrients which you gently massage into your scalp. The special Caruso’s Hair Food products help care for your hair from the inside and out! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Hair More Kit Are you losing your hair? Have you been noticing any of these symptoms of hair loss recently?


Your hair is thinning or you’re developing a bald spot. Your hair is not as thick and strong as it used to be. Your hair lacks the volume and density it once had. If you are losing your hair, you should try Caruso’s Hair More Kit, which is an advanced, double action hair loss remedy! The most common type of hair loss is Androgenic alopecia or male and female pattern hair loss (baldness). Androgenic alopecia is a hormone dependant condition, where Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays a major role in pattern baldness.

Hair Loss Remedy works on your hair loss from the inside and out! Easy to use, Caruso’s Hair More Kit contains two specially developed formulas; Hair More supplements and Hair More Lotion. The Hair More supplements are a high potency nutritional and herbal tablet that works on your insides. Whilst the Hair More Lotion is specially formulated to target your hair loss from the outside. Both the tablets and stimulating lotion contain Serona repens, Cysteine and Biotin. Serona repens may assist with alopecia (hair loss). Importantly, Serona repens may inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Inhibiting DHT reduces the risk of damage to your hair follicles and may assist with the management of hair loss. Serenoa repens may also assist with improving hair mass, hair thickness and hair density.

Reduce your hair from falling out The tablets and stimulating lotion also contain Cysteine and Biotin. Cysteine may be used in the management of alopecia and hair weakness. Cysteine may help improve the quality, texture and growth of your hair. It may also assist with hair mass, hair thickness and hair density. Biotin may assist with reducing hair loss. In addition to these powerful ingredients the tablets contain Trigonella foenum graecum (Testofen), which may assist by improving your hair’s volume density and resistance to breakage. And the stimulating lotion includes Vitis vinifera, as well Dimethyl Sulfone (MSM).

Hair more is suitable for both Men and Women! If you are losing your hair or your hair is not as thick and strong as it used to be, you should try Caruso’s Hair More Kit. The comprehensive and easy to use Caruso’s Hair More Kit contains one month’s supply of Caruso’s Hair More tablets and Caruso’s Hair More Lotion. Caruso’s Hair More Supplement is also available to purchase separately. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


IBS Remedy Do you suffer from Medically Diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Or do you suffer from any of these common digestive problems - constipation, wind, diarrhoea, nausea, digestive cramps, stomach-aches, gastritis, intestinal spasms, nausea and cramping or indigestion? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition, which affects the entire digestive tract. Symptoms vary, but often include diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal bloating or mild abdominal pain. However, many more people MADE AUSTRALINIA suffer from digestive symptoms, which aren’t always associated with IBS. These digestive problems include constipation, wind, bloating, diarrhoea, digestive cramps, nausea, indigestion and dyspepsia.

How does IBS Remedy work? Caruso’s IBS Remedy contains a herb, oil, nutrient and fibre blend which is designed to help your digestive system. The specially selected ingredients include Globe Artichoke and Ginger. These ingredients may help relieve the symptoms of medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Ginger is also used in traditional medicine to relieve stomach-aches. Also included in Caruso’s IBS Remedy is Mentha Piperita. It may assist the relief of medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms including indigestion, nausea, diarrhoea, abdominal bloating, intestinal spasms and digestive cramps. Mentha Piperita may help to relieve the intestinal spasms by smooth muscle relaxation. Caruso’s IBS Remedy contains Inulin and Magnesium. Inulin for example may act as a prebiotic by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine. It may also act as a laxative for the relief of constipation. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Intestinal Broom If you’re suffering from Constipation or medically diagnosed IBS… Here’s some really great news! There’s a new, delicious, high fibre and multi digestive enzyme formula, which works just like an Intestinal Broom! Caruso’s Natural Health has created the Intestinal Broom, a new multi-fibre and enzyme formula, which may help with constipation and regularity. It may also help with medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Plus it helps improve your general well-being.


Cleansing your insides Caruso’s Intestinal Broom helps cleanse your insides. It contains the natural fibres Psyllium, Inulin and Oligofructose. Psyllium is made up of soluble and insoluble fibre. Insoluble fibre increases stool bulk and is really the stuff which makes you ‘go’! Psyllium may help relieve constipation. It may assist with the management of medically diagnosed IBS. It is suitable for haemorrhoid sufferers as it aids defecation. Whilst Inulin and Oligofructose help support and maintain a healthy digestive system. As prebiotics, they promote the growth of beneficial bacteria within your bowel. Caruso’s Intestinal Broom also contains the natural digestive enzymes Bromelain and Papain. In particular, Papain may aid digestion by helping to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.


Iron + C Complex Keep your Iron levels healthy Are you always tired? Do you feel listless? If any of this sounds like you, maybe you need some Iron? You lose Iron every day through your skin and intestines and women lose it during menstruation. Plus Iron requirements increase during pregnancy and lactation. This is why keeping your Iron levels healthy is so important.


Caruso’s Iron + C Complex gets to work immediately Fortunately, Caruso’s Iron + C Complex contains an organic form of Iron. However, when combined with B Group Vitamins and Vitamin C co-factors, like those found in this formula, its Iron’s absorption and utilisation is maximised. And because Caruso’s Iron + C Complex contains these co-factors, it helps minimise unpleasant side effects like constipation. Not only that, Caruso’s Iron + C Complex gets to work immediately.

Caruso’s Iron + C Complex offers many health benefits Caruso’s Iron + C Complex offers a broad range of health benefits. It has been formulated to: help with tiredness; increase your energy levels; assist with weakness and fatigue; increase your physical performance; assist with stress; help the growth of your hair, skin and nails; assist in the maintenance of collagen and connective tissue and the healing of minor wounds; and support for your immune system. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Joint Freedom Healthy joint support for a brighter, active life! Joint Freedom has been formulated for people wanting to enjoy a more active lifestyle, but are inhibited by joint pain, stiffness, swelling and inflammation. It is powered by red Krill Oil, Glucosamine, Boron and Vitamin D. For the same result as you get from Fish Oil, you take fewer capsules containing Krill Oil. The Essential Fatty Acids in red Krill Oil are more easily absorbed by your intestinal lining than fish oil. This makes red Krill Oil very convenient to take. A daily dose of 300mg of red Krill Oil may help reduce joint inflammation and provide temporary relief from pain associated with arthritis. Importantly, our red Krill Oil contains Astaxanthin.

Glucosamine provides powerful joint support Glucosamine is a natural component of cartilage and synovial fluid and is important for the elasticity, resilience and shock-absorbing properties of cartilage. It is a very popular nutrient for people suffering from Osteoarthritis. Glucosamine helps to rebuild the cartilage between joints, so they are healthy, supple and mobile. Glucosamine has both anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions. It may help keep your joints healthy and it may help protect them. It may also assist with joint pain and improve joint function.

Healthy bones, muscles and joint function Boron plays a significant role in regulating healthy bone and joint function, that’s why it has been included in Caruso’s Joint Freedom. Boron may provide a favourable effect in supporting bone-building. Vitamin D may assist with muscle weakness. The stronger your muscles are the better your joint movement will be. Vitamin D may also assist with bone health. And the inclusion of Boron may help to activate Vitamin D, which is important for proper bone development. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.



Vitamin K2 Discover how Vitamin K2 may help utilise Calcium and Vitamin D for better bone building and healthier bone support!


Did you know every bone in your body is completely reformed about every 10 years? This process is regulated by Osteoblasts, cells that build up your skeleton and Osteoclasts, cells which break down your skeleton. As long as the bone building activity of Osteoblasts exceeds the destructive action of Osteoclasts, the process of maintaining healthy bone is kept under control. Osteoblasts produce a Vitamin K dependent protein called Osteocalcin. It needs Vitamin K2, like that found in Caruso’s Vitamin K2, to become biologically active and function properly. Once this happens, Osteocalcin binds Calcium to your bone matrix and helps build healthy bones. This makes your skeleton stronger and less susceptible to fracture. Without adequate Vitamin K2, Calcium will not properly attach to your bones. Caruso’s Vitamin K2 may help support and maintain strong, healthy bones. It is the most beneficial for bone health maximisation.

Bone building nutrients belong together You need a steady supply of Calcium to help keep up the constant repair and rebuilding of your bones. Calcium for example may be better taken with Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3. If you want a quality bone building formula, which helps your body better utilise Calcium and Vitamin D3, try Caruso’s Vitamin K2 today. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.


Kids Calm & Behaviour Is your child’s behaviour worrying you? Parents face many challenges in raising their children to be safe, happy and well adjusted. Most parents would move mountains to ensure their children are getting a good start in life.


Australian made children’s behaviour formula The Australian made Caruso’s Kids Calm & Behaviour formula is suitable for children from two to teenage years. Delicious tasting it contains a blend of French Marine Pine Bark, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Zinc and Silicon.

Help your child’s behaviour Caruso’s Kids Calm & Behaviour has been developed to help your child’s behaviour. French Marine Pine Bark helps supports healthy, good behaviour. Magnesium may have a positive influence on behaviour. Zinc may help support a child’s behaviour.

Stress and mild anxiety Magnesium is used to relieve stress and has a calming effect on the body. Also, low levels of Zinc are associated with behavioural and mild anxiety problems in children.

Excitability, irritability and sleeping problems As Magnesium has calming effects, it also helps with the symptoms of excitability and irritability. Also low Magnesium levels may result in nervousness, agitation, mild anxiety, sleep problems, fatigue and tiredness. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Kid’s Probiotic Immune Booster Support your child’s immune system By taking the quality Caruso’s Kid’s Probiotic Immune Booster formula, your child is receiving the friendly bacteria their body needs to flourish. Taking a probiotic like Caruso’s Kid’s Probiotic Immune Booster everyday will help keep their intestinal tract and immune system healthy. Caruso’s Kid’s Probiotic Immune Booster may assist in the management of allergies and allergic inflammation such as Eczema and Dermatitis.

For your child’s digestive health When your child’s digestive system is deficient in good, friendly bacteria (known as probiotics), they may experience the following digestive problems: • Constipation • Bloating • Diarrhoea • Stomach cramps • Wind/Flatulence Delicious chewable strawberry tablet Each chewable Caruso’s Kid’s Probiotic Immune Booster tablet contains 5 billion good, friendly bacteria. Furthermore it’s fridge free so you don’t need to store it in the fridge. Take probiotics after antibiotics Caruso’s Kid’s Probiotic Immune Booster may also help to re-establish micro flora after antibiotic use. This provides your child with the support they need for a healthy immune and digestive system. So if your child has taken antibiotics; is suffering from digestive and stomach complaints; has atopic dermatitis or eczema; or to give your child’s immune system a boost and support them through year round and day to day immune challenges, try Caruso’s Kid’s Probiotic Immune Booster. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.


King Krill 500 Caruso’s King Krill offers you many health benefits The goodness of the red krill oil in the quality Caruso’s King Krill 500mg formula offers you many important health benefits. Caruso’s King Krill 500mg may assist with the pain, stiffness and joint inflammation of Osteoarthritis. Caruso’s King Krill 500mg helps support your Heart and Cardiovascular system. Caruso’s King Krill 500mg may also help maintain healthy cholesterol levels in normal healthy individuals. The Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids found in Caruso’s King Krill 500mg may assist with maintaining healthy cognitive function and maintain healthy mood levels.


Smaller capsules are easier to swallow For your convenience, Caruso’s King Krill 500mg capsules are ultra small and easy to swallow.

Why is King Krill so good? Harvested from the icy waters of the Antarctic, Caruso’s King Krill is of the highest quality red krill oil available. Like fish oil, Caruso’s King Krill 500mg contains the Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA). However, this is where the similarity ends. Caruso’s King Krill 500mg formula is a very rich source of Omega 3. Importantly, Caruso’s King Krill 500mg contains natural Astaxanthin. If you would like to take a quality krill oil formula, try Caruso’s King Krill 500mg! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

King Krill 1000 Caruso’s King Krill offers you many health benefits The krill oil in the quality Caruso’s King Krill 1000mg formula may assist with the pain, stiffness and joint inflammation of Osteoarthritis. Caruso’s King Krill 1000mg helps support your Heart and Cardiovascular system. It may also help maintain healthy cholesterol levels in normal healthy individuals. Caruso’s King Krill 1000mg may assist with maintaining healthy cognitive function, healthy mood levels and eye health. Caruso’s King Krill 1000mg may even assist in the maintenance of your nervous system.


Why is Caruso’s King Krill 1000mg so good? Caruso’s King Krill 1000mg is of the highest quality of krill oil available. The Ultra Omega Caruso’s King Krill 1000mg formula is a very rich source of Omega 3. The krill oil from Caruso’s King Krill 1000mg has a superior phospholipid structure making it more easily absorbed by the body. Importantly, Caruso’s King Krill 1000mg contains Astaxanthin. If you would like to take a quality krill oil formula, try Caruso’s King Krill 1000mg! * Caruso’s King Krill 1,000mg is double strength when compared to Caruso’s King Krill 500mg formula. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


King Krill 1500 The many health benefits of Caruso’s King Krill 1500 Frank Caruso and his team have gone to great lengths to source the best possible krill oil. That’s why the quality Caruso’s King Krill 1500 formula offers you many important health benefits. The krill oil in Caruso’s King Krill 1500 formula may assist with the pain, stiffness and joint inflammation of Osteoarthritis. Caruso’s King Krill 1500 helps support your Heart and Cardiovascular system. It may also help maintain healthy cholesterol levels in normal healthy individuals. Caruso’s King Krill 1500 may assist with maintaining healthy cognitive function, eye health and general health and wellbeing.


Why is Caruso’s King Krill 1500 so good? Caruso’s King Krill 1500 is harvested from the icy waters of the Antarctic. The high potency Caruso’s King Krill 1500 formula is a very rich source of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. Like fish oil, Caruso’s King Krill 1500 contains the Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA). However, this is where the similarity ends. Importantly, Caruso’s King Krill 1500 contains the antioxidant Astaxanthin, which naturally occurs within krill and is responsible for its bright red colour. Caruso’s King Krill 1500 also contains Vitamin D.

Convenient one–a–day dose You only need to take one Caruso’s King Krill 1500 capsule to receive the benefit for Osteoarthritis. If you would like to take a quality krill oil formula, try Caruso’s King Krill 1500! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

King Krill 2000 Could your painful, Osteoarthritic joints use a little oil and a lot of love? The many health benefits of Caruso’s King Krill 2,000mg The krill oil in the quality Caruso’s King Krill 2,000mg formula may assist with the pain, stiffness and joint inflammation of Osteoarthritis. The mega dose Caruso’s King Krill 2,000mg helps support your Heart and Cardiovascular system. It may also help maintain healthy Cholesterol levels in normal healthy individuals. Caruso’s King Krill 2,000mg may assist with maintaining healthy cognitive function, healthy mood levels and eye health. Caruso’s King Krill 2,000mg may even assist in the healthy development and maintenance of your Nervous system.

Why is Caruso’s King Krill 2,000mg so good? Caruso’s King Krill 2,000mg is of the highest quality and potency of krill oil available. Like fish oil, Caruso’s King Krill 2,000mg contains the Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA). However, this is where the similarity ends. The mega dose King Krill 2,000mg formula is a very rich source of Omega 3. Caruso’s King Krill 2,000mg contains natural Astaxanthin and added Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 may assist with bone health. It may assist the normal formation and maintenance of healthy bone through regulating and increasing the absorption of calcium. If you would like to take a quality krill oil formula, try Caruso’s King Krill 2,000mg! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.



King Krill OSTEO Are you suffering from Osteoarthritis or want strong, healthy bones? Introducing Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO, a Krill Oil and special marine based, bio-active Calcium, plus Vitamin D formula to fight painful Osteoarthritis and support strong, healthy bones. For Osteoarthritis, this formula may help reduce joint inflammation and MADE AUSTRALINIA swelling. It may help increase joint mobility. Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO may also assist in the prevention of Osteoporosis and help with strong, healthy bones.

The benefits Krill Oil The 300mg of Krill Oil in this quality Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO formula may help reduce joint inflammation and provide temporary relief from pain associated with Osteoarthritis.

Assist in the prevention of Osteoporosis Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO has a strong focus on supporting strong, healthy bones and Calcium replenishment may assist in the prevention of Osteoporosis.

A marine based Calcium called Aquamin FORTE King Krill OSTEO contains a special marine based form of Calcium and Magnesium called Aquamin FORTE. Aquamin FORTE is different to Calcium Carbonate.

Assist with bone and muscle weakness Vitamin D may assist with bone health and muscle weakness. It may help the absorption of Calcium and help reduce the risk of Osteoporosis. This is important because a diet deficient in calcium can lead to Osteoporosis later in life. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Life EZE PLUS Are you feeling a bit low, suffering from mild anxiety, nervous tension or stress? The quality Life EZE PLUS formula contains the natural ingredient S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe). Clinical trials have shown it to balance the activity of several brain chemicals involved in supporting mood. This means people who are suffering from mood swings, have poor mood or are generally in a bad MADE mood, may benefit from increased SAMe levels. By helping manage your mood, AUSTRALINIA SAMe is beneficial in times of stress and anxiety or when you’re feeling a bit low. Life EZE PLUS has a calming effect, which may help you think more clearly and stay in a positive state of mind.

Why is Life EZE PLUS so effective? Numerous scientific and clinical trials using SAMe indicate promising results for stress, nervous tension and mild anxiety. Life EZE PLUS also contains co-factors.

Special coating for maximum absorption Each Life EZE PLUS tablet is enterically coated. This helps ensure its important ingredients reach your small intestine for maximum absorption and utilisation by your body, so you get the most benefit from them.

The highest quality Life EZE PLUS contains the highest quality ingredients, it’s packed in special blister sleeves to ensure that the active ingredients are protected from moisture and other harmful elements, which can interfere with its stability. If you’re feeling a bit low, suffering from mild anxiety, nervous tension or stress, try Life EZE PLUS! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Liver Detox Help eliminate harmful chemicals and substances from your body with Liver Detox Liver repair and restoration Caruso’s Liver Detox is a liver tonic formulated to support the healthy function of your liver and assist with liver related conditions. This quality formula may not only assist in protecting your liver, it may also support the natural regenerative ability of the liver in healthy individuals. This helps the liver to heal itself. Caruso’s Liver Detox contains antioxidants, MADE IN which scavenge free radicals and reduce the damage caused to your liver cells.

Caruso’s Liver Detox and detoxification


The primary role of your liver is to filter toxins allowing for detoxification. Caruso’s Liver Detox may support the natural elimination of waste from your liver and restore your liver’s ability to detoxify.

Liver associated conditions Caruso’s Liver Detox helps in the management of many functions of the liver. St Mary’s Thistle assists with the distribution and digestion of fats in the digestive system. Both St Mary’s Thistle and Dandelion root have been traditionally used for bile stimulation, disturbances in bile flow, dyspepsia and as a blood and digestive tonic.

Caruso’s Liver Detox and digestive function Caruso’s Liver Detox helps to emulsify fats and may be used to assist in the assimilation of fats within the digestive system.

Gall bladder support Caruso’s Liver Detox may assist in stimulating the secretion of bile and provide support for your gall bladder. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Super Liver Detox Is your liver keeping up with your lifestyle? Here’s an easy way how to naturally detoxify, revitalise and rejuvenate your liver! Did you know that your liver has over 500 metabolic functions vital for good health? It processes virtually everything you eat, drink, the air that you breathe and anything you rub on your skin. It’s working every second of everyday, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It never rests!

Your Liver’s challenges Here are just a few of your liver’s challenges; digesting processed foods, deep-fried fatty foods, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, smoking cigarettes, dehydration, over-indulging and lack of exercise. All of these can have a negative impact on your liver.

New Natural Liver Tonic now available The good news is, there’s a new all-natural herbal formula called Caruso’s Super Liver Detox. Endless hours of intensive research has gone into developing this formula. Caruso’s Super Liver Detox is an all-natural, delicious, berry flavoured liquid formula containing a therapeutic blend of two high quality herbal extracts. Caruso’s Super Liver Detox not only naturally protects your liver and accelerates the detoxification and natural regeneration of your liver but it’s also a great health tonic for your whole digestive system. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.



Super Magnesium Complex Magnesium is important for your health Magnesium is needed by every cell in your body. In fact, twenty six percent of your body’s total Magnesium content is stored in your muscles. If your blood is low in Magnesium, it takes it from your muscles. Without enough Magnesium your muscles can stiffen up or contract. This may result in painful cramps and MADE IN spasms. Magnesium helps with a range of other health conditions as well.


6 different forms of Magnesium Caruso’s Natural Health has developed a special, broad spectrum, total Magnesium formula called Caruso’s Super Magnesium Complex. This convenient, one-tableta-day formula combines the potency of 6 different forms of Magnesium, which are slowly released into your body.

Time release for the best possible result You cannot take high doses of Magnesium without it causing a very uncomfortable laxative effect. So it makes sense for Caruso’s Super Magnesium Complex to use time release technology to slowly dispense its Magnesium content. With Caruso’s Super Magnesium Complex, Magnesium is released over 8 hours, at a rate whereby your body can properly absorb and utilise the mineral. So if you would like a convenient, premium quality Magnesium formula for muscle cramps and spasms, cardiovascular health, your general health and wellbeing or any of the other benefits of Magnesium, try Caruso’s Super Magnesium Complex today! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Super Magnesium Powder New delicious tasting, great value Magnesium Powder with 6 different forms of Magnesium now available! Introducing Caruso’s Super Magnesium Powder, this great value formula may: assist cramps and spasms; help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system; assist restless legs when you are sleeping; your general health and well-being. Caruso’s Super Magnesium Powder offers you many health benefits. Magnesium is needed by every cell in your body and is essential for many metabolic MADE IN and cellular functions. In particular, it is required for proper muscle and nerve function.

6 different forms of Magnesium in powder form


Caruso’s Natural Health is a broad spectrum Magnesium formula. Developed specially for people who don’t like swallowing tablets, or would prefer a drink, this delicious tasting powder mixes easily and combines the potency of 6 different forms of Magnesium, including a number Magnesium Chelates. All six forms deliver a daily dose of 300mg of Magnesium, which may assist:

• Muscular cramps and spasms • Restless legs during times of sleep • Leg cramps during pregnancy

• Intestinal cramps • Period cramps and pain • General health and wellbeing

Caruso’s Super Magnesium Powder may even help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and improve PMS symptoms including mood changes. Also, as Caruso’s Super Magnesium Powder comes in an economical 250 grams size, you get a massive 50 doses of this special Magnesium powder. That’s nearly 2 months worth at a great value for money price! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.


Mega Memory Do you want to improve your memory, concentration and learning ability? Improving the power of your brain You can improve the power of your brain, no matter what age you are. To help your brain’s performance, exercise, good nutrition and keeping your mind active are essential for helping it to stay healthy. Fortunately, the quality Caruso’s Mega Memory formula combines a powerful blend of special herbs for your brain.


Combination formula for greater effectiveness The one tablet a day Caruso’s Mega Memory herbal formula is designed to assist brain function. The first key ingredient is BacoMind®, a patented extract of the popular Ayurvedic herb Brahmi, also known as Bacopa. BacoMind® has been extensively researched and clinically tested. BacoMind® has been involved in a number of clinical trials with people from all ages. Results of these trials1,2 show BacoMind® benefits brain function and memory. Caruso’s Mega Memory also contains Ginkgo, which is one of the most researched herbs for brain function, memory performance and learning. Ginkgo may help improve your ability to concentrate and memory recall. If you’d like support to assist your brain function, try Caruso’s Mega Memory! 1. Usha et al. J. Pharm. Toxicol. 2008. Sponsored by the Government of India. 2. Harshad et al. J. Pharm. Toxicol. 2008. Sponsored by Natural Remedies.

Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Menopause Relief It’s important how you deal with Menopausal symptoms The quality Caruso’s Menopause Relief formula has been specially developed to address menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, stress, mood swings and poor concentration.

Reduce hot flushes and night sweats The Kudzu and Black cohosh in Caruso’s Menopause Relief may assist with hot flushes, night sweats and perspiration. Need help with stress? Caruso’s Menopause Relief contains Siberian ginseng, which has traditionally been used during times of stress andmay allow your body to adapt to stress.

For sleeping problems and mood swings The Black cohosh in Caruso’s Menopause Relief may assist with sleep problems and nervous irritability associated with menopause. It may help with mood swings caused by menopause.

For cognitive function, concentration and headaches Kudzu may assist with the cognitive function of women with menopause. Black cohosh may assist with concentration and menopausal headaches you are experiencing.

For healthier bones Caruso’s Menopause Relief contains Vitamin D to help maintain healthy bones. It may effectively reduce post-menopausal bone loss. Positive effects of Tribulus Tribulus has traditionally been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a uterine tonic.

For heavy and irregular periods The Vitex in Caruso’s Menopause Relief may assist with menstrual conditions such as heavy or irregular periods. If you’re suffering from the symptoms of menopause, try Caruso’s Menopause Relief! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.



Men’s Super Multi Feeling stressed and drained of energy? Helps tired, stressed, overworked men feel more energised If you work, train and exercise hard, taking a potent, energy releasing multi vitamin and mineral formula makes sense. Working naturally on your body, the precision-engineered Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi has been formulated to MADE meet the specific physiological and nutritional needs of men. AUSTRALINIA Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi is a multi action formula combining a blend of 25 specially selected vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Jam packed with energising nutrients Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi has been specially developed for your energy needs. It is jam packed with eight important energy generating vitamins to help boost your energy levels. And if you are into sport or working out at the gym, Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi may help support exercise and sports performance.

Nutritional help to combat stress Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi may assist you with stress. It may assist in the healthy functioning of your nervous system.

Offers more than energy and stress support Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi is very versatile. It may also help support your heart, blood, immune system, reproductive health, cell health, hair, skin, nails, memory, mood, liver, eyes and general wellbeing. If you would like a premium quality multi vitamin and mineral formula try Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi today! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Male Mojo Have you lost your Sexual MOJO? Caruso’s Male Mojo has been formulated to awaken your sexual mojo. Caruso’s Male Mojo may help maintain healthy Testosterone levels in your body. In traditional Chinese Medicine Panax ginseng is an aphrodisiac. It’s used to promote sexual performance and may enhance your sexual desire. The Damiana in Caruso’s Male Mojo has been traditionally used as an aphrodisiac. MADE AUSTRALINIA Ashwagandha and Tyrosine have been added as they may enhance your sex drive.

Get into the Mojo mood! The neurotransmitter Dopamine is known as your brain’s pleasure chemical. Caruso’s Male Mojo contains Tyrosine which is a precursor to Dopamine. Whilst Damiana has traditionally been used to support mood associated with a lack of sexual desire.

Nothing kills Sexual Mojo more than stress & anxiety Panax ginseng may help counter the effects of stress and help your body adapt to stress. Withania and Tyrosine are good for stress. If you’re feeling anxious Damiana may assist with nervous tension and mild anxiety.

Increase your stamina & energy levels An imbalance of Testosterone levels can cause fatigue. That’s why Caruso’s Male Mojo contains Tribulus. Ashwagandha and Panax ginseng may help with your energy and stamina levels also. If your get up and go has got up and gone, try Caruso’s Male Mojo. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


MSM MAX 1500 High potency remedy for Osteoarthritis or Gout Osteoarthritis is a common health problem right throughout society. Fortunately, the quality Caruso’s MSM MAX 1500 formula contains a clinical dose of Dimethyl Sulfone (MSM), which may reduce the pain, inflammation, immobility and joint swelling due to Osteoarthritis and Gout. MADE Research shows a minimum concentration of MSM is required by your body to AUSTRALINIA preserve normal joint structure and function. This is why MSM supplementation has demonstrated benefits associated with all areas of Osteoarthritis, including Gout.

More freedom of movement Osteoarthritis and Gout cause a restriction of movement in combination with swollen, inflamed, painful joints. By helping to reduce the swelling and inflammation, MSM helps get your joints back to where they should be, enabling them to have greater movement. Caruso’s MSM MAX 1500 comes in an easy to take 1,500mg tablet, so you get exactly what you need for the pain, inflammation, tenderness, swelling and immobility of Osteoarthritis and Gout.

How MSM works MSM helps produce collagen (the primary constituent of cartilage, joints and connective tissue). Not only does MSM work by improving the integrity of cartilage and joints, it reduces inflammation. If you’re suffering from Osteoarthritis or Gout, try Caruso’s MSM MAX 1500. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Mum’s Multi Feeling tired, stressed or lacking in energy? The quality, bi-layered Caruso’s Mum’s Multi tablet has been formulated to help keep you feeling good and looking great! Its ‘Feel Good’ layer has been designed to be released quickly, whilst its ‘Look Great’ layer releases gradually over eight hours.

Tired, fatigued, need more energy? Caruso‘s Mum’s Multi helps give you the energy you may need. Stress getting the better of you? This formula helps you with stress. Immune system support Caruso’s Mum’s Multi helps support your immune system. For healthy blood Caruso’s Mum’s Multi may assist in maintaining normal blood. Plus it may support healthy heart function. The Mum’s Multi formula contains Folic acid.

Support skin health Use this formula for the elasticity, firmness and strength of your skin. Blood circulation, general health and wellbeing Caruso’s Mum’s Multi may assist blood circulation. Plus it contains Magnesium, which is important for health and wellbeing.

Healthy hair, skin and nails! Caruso’s Mum’s Multi helps support the health of your hair, skin and nails.

For healthier digestion Caruso’s Mum’s Multi aids digestion. Protecting your body’s cells Caruso’s Mum’s Multi helps protect your cells from free radical damage. To look after your family the best way you can, you have to look after yourself first. Try Mum’s Multi! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.



Nourishing Flora Are you suffering from poor internal health? If you suffer from constipation, flatulence, bloating, bad breath and poor digestion your internal health may be in trouble. These symptoms are tell tale signs your internal health is crying out for help.

Formulated for your Internal Health Caruso’s Nourishing Flora is a high quality Multi-Probiotic blend containing seven special strains of Lactobacillus and one strain of Bifidobacterium. Each capsule provides you with no less than 5 billion beneficial micro-organisms (good bacteria), which are important in maintaining a healthy digestive system and optimum internal health. Caruso’s Nourishing Flora is specially formulated to replenish your digestive system (including your bowel) with billions of beneficial bacteria. This helps to relieve the many symptoms associated with an unhappy digestive system, so your internal health can get back on track!


Multiple strains for multiple benefits Your digestive system contains many different strains of probiotics and these strains play different roles within your gut. Did you know you have over 400 species of beneficial bacteria within your gut? So when supplementing with a probiotic, it is important to take one, which contains multiple strains so you get the best intestinal coverage possible. Caruso’s Nourishing Flora is a simple, convenient way to help look after your internal health. Why not try Caruso’s Nourishing Flora today? Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Prostate EZE MAX Prostate Health Check Do you suffer from any of these prostate symptoms? • Needing to go to the toilet at night to urinate • Taking longer to urinate because your urine stream is weak or it stops and starts • Difficulty getting the flow of urine started • Feeling you haven’t quite finished or needing to urinate again If you can relate to any of these symptoms you should consult your Healthcare Professional. The quality Caruso’s Prostate EZE MAX formula contains extracts from some of the most powerful herbs known to help your prostate. Clinical or traditional evidence support their beneficial effects on the symptoms of Medically Diagnosed Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) or Enlarged Prostate.


Super High Potency Herbal Formula Caruso’s Prostate EZE MAX contains extracts equivalent to 15,000mg of Pygeum. Clinical trials show taking 15,000mg of Pygeum a day provides symptomatic relief of Medically Diagnosed BPH. Caruso’s Prostate EZE MAX may also assist with the continual management of Medically Diagnosed BPH.

Caruso’s Prostate EZE MAX contains Saw Palmetto and Lycopene Saw Palmetto may assist in supporting the health of your prostate gland. Lycopene may protect against the damaging effects of oxidative free radicals on the prostate gland. Caruso’s Prostate EZE MAX also contains Epilobium and Pumpkin seed oil and is good to take daily to promote prostate health and well-being. If you’re suffering from Medically Diagnosed BPH (Enlarged Prostate), try Caruso’s Prostate EZE MAX! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program If you suffer from medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), constipation, flatulence, bloating, diarrhoea... Caruso’s Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program maybe just what you need! Digestion, quite literally, is the breakdown of food at different locations within your body; your mouth, stomach, small intestines and your bowel. Ultimately, the food you eat determines exactly how efficiently your entire body system works. However, the very best of diets are no better than the worst if your digestive system is clogged with a collection of waste. Your digestive system plays a major role in supplying your cells with nutrients for general health and wellbeing. The bloodstream feeds every cell in your body. If your digestive system is not functioning efficiently many nutrients are not properly broken down or absorbed, therefore, your body cannot adequately fuel itself. As a result your body and other digestive organs struggle to maintain fitness. This is why good digestion and regular elimination of waste from your bowel is essential for good health.

The benefits of Internal Cleansing The purpose of internal cleansing is not just about emptying your bowels, which it will do quite well, but rather to draw into your intestines any toxins, impurities, unwanted waste and pollutants from every part of your body and eliminate them through your bowel. This is a natural process of elimination, removal and neutralisation of toxic substances from your body via your liver, kidneys, and bowel and to a lesser extent, your skin and lungs.

Good Health Begins in the Bowel Internal cleansing is one of the oldest known methods for cleansing the body. Medical records dating as far back as 1880 refer to the use of detoxification and fasting as a treatment for various conditions. The body has an exceptional capacity to heal itself, if it is given the opportunity to do so.

Introducing Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program Frank Caruso formulated Quick Cleanse in 1998 after many years of research. Since then over one million Quick Cleanse programs have been sold in Australian and New Zealand. Caruso’s Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program consists of 27 specially selected herbs and nutrients along with 3 strains of probiotics, which have been carefully blended and formulated to support your digestive organs. Caruso’s Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program also includes a special eating plan that is designed to take a load off your digestive system thus promoting the cleansing progress. Together with the eating plan, these nutrients, herbs and probiotics optimise the detoxification process during and after completing the Caruso’s Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program.

Designed to get your digestive system back on Track! Caruso’s Stomach Clear, Liver Detox and Bowel Clear are designed to detoxify your body and help to get your digestive system back on track. These are to be used during the Caruso’s Quick Cleanse Internal Cleansing Detox Program. Caruso’s Alive Probiotic is taken after completing the program are designed to replenish the natural flora in your entire digestive system for optimal health, and should be taken at the completion of the Program. Each product is designed to focus on different digestive organs, which means that each product can also be used individually for specific problems after completing this Program. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.



Quick Fibre Plus Try Caruso’s Quick Fibre Plus... It works! Caruso’s Quick Fibre Plus is available in three delicious flavours - Carob, Natural and Chocolate. A great nutritional breakfast for all the family! INGREDIENTS Oat bran, Flaxseed (Linseed) Meal, Rice Bran, Psyllium Husks, Carob Powder (11%), Slippery Elm Powder. No Preservatives No Artificial Additives No Added Sugar* No Dairy Products


No Yeast No Artificial Colouring No Added Salt No Animal Products

Packed in Australia from Australian & imported ingredients. This product contains gluten.

Available in Carob, Chocolate and Natural flavours. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


*Per 30g *Per 100g Energy 411kJ 1370kJ Protein 3.3g 11.1g Fat, total 3.6g 11.9g saturated 0.7g 2.2g trans fatty acids 0 0 polyunsaturated 1.7g 5.7g omega 3 fatty acids (alpha linolenic acid) 651mg 2170mg monounsaturated 1.2g 4.0g Carbohydrate, total 7.2g 24.0g sugars Less than 1 gram Less than 1 gram Dietry fibre, total 12.6g 42.1g Calcium 129mg (16% RDI) 430mg Potassium 225mg 750mg Sodium 6.6mg 22mg *All specific values are averages

*Chocolate contains sugar


Nutritional panel - Carob flavour Servings per package: 12.5 Serving size: 30 grams (2 heaped tablespoons)


Add 2 heaped tablespoons of Caruso’s Quick Fibre Plus to your favourite breakfast cereal, soy milk, smoothie, water or fruit shake!


Memory Recall How is your memory recall, concentration, alertness or learning capacity working? Or are you suffering from Tinnitus? Containing herbs and nutrients including Gingko biloba, Ginger, Bioflavonoids, Vitamin B6 and B12, Caruso’s Memory Recall was formulated for your memory recall, concentration and learning capacity. It was also formulated for the symptomatic relief of Tinnitus. As a bonus Caruso’s Memory Recall may help support your nervous system.


For your memory, concentration and cognitive performance Keeping your mind active is essential for keeping your brain healthy and improving the way it performs. Feeding your brain selected herbs and vitamins may also help. This is where Caruso’s Memory Recall comes in. • Gingko biloba may increase your learning capacity • Gingko biloba may help improve memory and support brain function in normal, healthy people • Gingko biloba may assist in improving working memory and cognitive performance • Gingko biloba may provide symptomatic relief from Tinnitus • Vitamin B6 and B12 may help support your nervous system • Bioflavonoids may help increase the blood circulation to your brain Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Sleep More Sleep naturally with herbal sleeping tablets Caruso’s Sleep More is a strong, all natural, herbal sleeping tablet containing Passion flower, Hops, Zizyphus and Kava. The natural amino acid Theanine has also been included because of its relaxation properties. Difficulty falling asleep is a primary problem for poor sleepers. That’s why Passion MADE AUSTRALINIA flower and Zizyphus are in Sleep More. And if you are sleep deprived, Hops and Zizyphus may help you sleep. Hops may even improve the quality of your sleep. Whilst Kava may help you relax and get an enhanced deep, restful sleep.

Don’t let nervous tension, mild anxiety, stress, irritability or restlessness get in the way! Caruso’s Sleep More has been specially formulated to address these symptoms of sleeplessness. Passion flower is used for nervous tension, mild anxiety, irritability and restlessness. Hops is used for mood support such as mild anxiety, restlessness and sleep disturbances. Hops is used in Ayurvedic medicine for restlessness and nervous tension. Hops has also been used in North American Indian medicine as a sedative and it may have a calming action on you. Zizyphus may act as a relaxant and may assist you with stress, nervous exhaustion, irritability and restlessness. Kava may support your mood and it may assist in overcoming nervous anxiety, stress and restlessness. Theanine may assist with the effects of stress, thus reducing mental stress. If you’re having problems sleeping, try Caruso’s Sleep More! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Slippery Elm Powder


Slippery Elm is soothing on your digestive system! Caruso’s Slippery Elm is a soothing, easily digested beverage. It is loaded with mucilage properties, which act like a lubricant throughout your stomach, intestines and large bowel. This has a soothing effect on your whole digestive system. Caruso’s Slippery Elm is excellent when you have a sensitive stomach and is particularly beneficial when you are having problems with your digestion. Because it’s gentle and easily digested, Caruso’s Slippery Elm is well tolerated. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Stomach Clear


Developed for the health of your stomach Suffering from stomach conditions like indigestion, flatulence, abdominal bloating and nausea can be very unpleasant. That’s why it’s good to know that Caruso’s Stomach Clear is specifically developed to help calm an upset stomach.

Caruso’s Stomach Clear uses only quality ingredients Caruso’s Stomach Clear is a quality herbal and nutritional formula designed to aid in gastrointestinal disturbances such as indigestion. Caruso’s Stomach Clear may also help to reduce wind, bloating and nausea. Caruso’s Stomach Clear contains ten selected herbs which stimulate digestion and aid in the relief of many digestive conditions. In particular, Caruso’s Stomach Clear contains Zingiber officinalis, Foeniculum vulgare, Mentha X piperita and Cynara scolymus for their beneficial effects on your stomach. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Stress & Anxiety Spray Is stress or mild anxiety getting to you? Caruso’s Stress & Anxiety Spray is Australian made. It may assist with stress and mild anxiety. It may increase calmness, help in the management of mood swings and help support a calm, positive mood.


Help your memory The Melissa officinalis found in Caruso’s Stress & Anxiety Spray has been traditionally used to strengthen the memory. It may help increase alertness and support concentration and mental focus.

Help balance stress hormones When you are stressed, the levels of cortisol, the ‘stress hormone’ in your body can increase. Caruso‘s Stress & Anxiety Spray helps balance your cortisol levels.

Clinically trialled formula The premium quality Caruso’s Stress & Anxiety Spray features an Australian clinically trialled ingredient called Bluenesse®, an extract of the herb Melissa officinalis. If you’re suffering from stress or mild anxiety, try Caruso’s Stress & Anxiety Spray! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Stress Clear Feeling stressed about your life? If you’re feeling stressed, don’t worry! Caruso’s Stress CLEAR is a new anti-stress formula jam packed with herbs to meet the increased demands of stress on your life. These herbs include Siberian ginseng and Panax ginseng. Plus Caruso’s Stress CLEAR contains a special extract of the herb Withania called KSM 66.

Relief of stress symptoms Siberian ginseng may be beneficial during times of stress. It’s known as an ‘adaptogen’ because it may allow MADE your body to adapt to stress and change more effectively. Whilst Panax ginseng AUSTRALINIA may help in the relief of symptoms associated with stress. It may aid your body’s resistance to stress. KSM 66 may assist with stress and mild anxiety.

Having problems sleeping? KSM 66 may assist with your insomnia.

Help for your energy, stamina and fatigue Stress can affect your energy levels. Siberian ginseng is used in traditional Chinese medicine to increase energy and vitality. It may assist with fatigue, endurance and performance. In traditional Chinese medicine Panax ginseng is an energy tonic. It has been included because it may help promote an improvement in your physical and mental performance. It may help support in the relief of fatigue related symptoms.

Support for your immune system Panax ginseng is traditionally used to support your immune system. So if you’re feeling stressed, try Caruso’s Stress CLEAR! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Testorod Do you want help to increase your energy levels, build big, strong muscles or improve your sex life and stamina? Whether you’re in the gym, on the sports field or in the bedroom, maintaining normal testosterone levels in your body is important for performance. So if you want to increase your energy levels, build big, strong muscles or improve your sex life and stamina, Caruso’s Testorod may be just what you need.

Testosterone in your body Caruso’s Testorod contains high potency doses of Testofen® (Fenugreek extract), Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6 which may help maintain normal, healthy testosterone levels in your body.

Clinical study on energy, muscle development and libido An Australian double blind, randomised, placebo controlled study1 based on the above ingredients, used in exactly the same proportions as found in Caruso’s Testorod has been undertaken. This study, over a six week period, involved 54 men completing a questionnaire on their experiences with either the active formula or a placebo. Twenty seven (27) people took the active formula and 27 people took the placebo. It was reported by those taking the active formula that:

• Energy improved in 77.8% of all cases • Muscle strength improved in 66.7% of all cases • Sexual performance improved in 77.8% of all cases

• Muscle mass improved in 63.0% of all cases • Male libido improved in 85.2% of all cases • Stamina improved in 51.2% of all cases

If Caruso’s Testorod has worked so well for these people, imagine what it may do for you, when it also contains Panax ginseng, Avena sativa and Urtica.

Overcome stress, fatigue, weakness and tiredness If you lead an active lifestyle, you don’t want stress and fatigue to get in the way. With Panax ginseng, Caruso’s Testorod may help relieve the symptoms of stress and fatigue. Panax ginseng may also be used as a restorative agent for exhaustion and tiredness.

Improve your strength Working out hard should improve your strength and help you build big, strong muscles. The good news is Caruso’s Testorod may be able to help you get stronger. The strong therapeutic doses of Zinc and Magnesium in Caruso’s Testorod may improve your strength, muscle metabolism and efficiency.

Choose Caruso’s TestOrod for your immunity


The more time you can spend in the gym the better and Caruso’s Testorod may be able to help keep you there. With its dose of Zinc, Caruso’s Testorod may be beneficial for wound healing and may assist with your normal immune function. Panax ginseng may help with your immunity as well. Plus it may help with your mental performance, so you can stay as sharp as ever!

Improve your sex drive, stamina and sexual performance Caruso’s Testorod contains the special sex herb Panax ginseng and Avena sativa. Panax ginseng may enhance your sex drive and sexual performance while Avena sativa and Panax ginseng may increase your energy and stamina. So if improving your sex life and stamina, increasing your energy levels or building big, strong muscles is important to you, try Caruso’s Testorod today! 1. P hysiological Aspects of Male Libido Enhanced by Standardized Trigonella foenum graecum Extract and Mineral Formulation. PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH 2011 Sponsored by AZPA International.

Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Thyroid Manager Do you realise how important your Thyroid Gland is? Your thyroid gland affects many organs and systems in your body. It regulates how much energy you produce; how quickly you burn calories; it regulates your body’s temperature; your consumption of oxygen and your heart rate. Your thyroid also regulates how sensitive your body is to other hormones and helps with pregnancy. So if you want help to support your thyroid’s health Caruso’s Thyroid Manager could be the answer.


Help the health of your thyroid gland Thyroid hormones regulate many of your body’s metabolic processes, including growth and energy use. Fortunately, the powerful Caruso’s Thyroid Manager formula provides key nutrients involved in normal thyroid hormone production and metabolism. These nutrients include Iodine, Selenium, Tyrosine, Zinc, B group Vitamins, Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

Helps maintain healthy thyroid hormone production Caruso’s Thyroid Manager is formulated to help support thyroid hormone production and maintain healthy metabolism. Iodine is one of the most important components of thyroid hormones and is required for thyroid hormone production on a continual basis. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and your body’s ability to burn carbohydrates and fats for energy. Significantly your body can’t make its own Iodine, this is why it is in Caruso’s Thyroid Manager. Selenium has been added because it is essential for normal thyroid hormone metabolism. Both Selenium and Iodine are needed for the production of thyroid hormones. Also, studies have shown thyroid hormones in the elderly are influenced by Selenium status. Next is the amino acid Tyrosine. It reacts with Iodine to form thyroid hormones. In addition to Iodine, Selenium and Tyrosine, Zinc and Vitamin D may help support your thyroid gland health. Zinc may help support normal, healthy thyroid function, whilst Vitamin D helps support your thyroid gland’s health generally.

Support the thermostat of your body Thyroid hormones make cells use more energy. By controlling how much energy your cells use, they also help to regulate your body temperature. Heat is released when energy is used, increasing your body’s temperature.

Help your stress levels Caruso’s Thyroid Manager has been formulated with your stress levels in mind. Vitamins B1 and B6 may assist your stress levels and support your nervous system. Tyrosine also helps here. It acts as an adaptogen and may relieve the physical symptoms of stress.

Help keep your immune system strong Particularly as you grow older your immunity becomes more important. Zinc and Vitamin C help maintain a healthy immune system. Whilst Zinc, Selenium and Vitamin B1 may assist with normal immune system functioning. Vitamin D also provides support for the immune system. So if you are looking to support the health of your thyroid gland, help thyroid hormone production and your metabolism try Caruso’s Thyroid Manager today! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Total Sleep Sleep helps your body rest, restore, recover and rebuild You do need a solid, deep, restful sleep to help your body recover and rebuild. If you’re suffering from sleep problems like sleeplessness: you may find it difficult to fall asleep; you may wake up during the night and then not get back to sleep; you may wake up too early or you may even wake up not feeling refreshed. Sleeplessness can be caused by numerous factors such as stress, nervous tension, mild anxiety, irritability or restlessness.

Sleep naturally with herbal help The quality Caruso’s Total Sleep formula is a complex formulation containing the herbs Valerian, Hops, Chamomile and the clinically trialled KSM-66 adaptogenic herb Ashwagandha.


A deeper, longer, better quality sleep will help you feel refreshed If you have difficulty falling asleep, the herb Valerian may help. Next is Hops, which is used as a mild sedative. Valerian, on its own, or in combination with Hops, may help improve your ability to fall asleep faster. Valerian may also stop you from waking up during the night. Don’t let stress, nervous tension, mild anxiety or restlessness upset your sleep! KSM66 is a clinically trialled adaptogenic herb Ashwagandha. It may assist with stress, nervous irritation and mild anxiety. Chamomile may assist with restlessness and mild cases of Insomnia, due to nervousness.

A peaceful, refreshing night’s sleep naturally If you’re having trouble sleeping, try Caruso’s Total Sleep! Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Tranquil Calm Relax and have a good night’s sleep! If you feel restless, anxious and or suffer from nervousness during the day, Caruso’s Tranquil Calm may help your body stay calm, by assisting you in winding down, so you get a sound, restful sleep at night. The quality Caruso’s Tranquil Calm formula is holistically developed to assist you by relieving sleeplessness, restlessness, mild anxiety and irritability. It contains 8 ingredients including herbs and nutrients used to help calm and relieve the pressures associated with today’s hectic lifestyle, which then helps you get a good night’s sleep.


Herbal combination for sleeping Caruso’s Tranquil Calm features a combination of herbs, which have been traditionally used to assist with sleeping including Passion flower, Hops, Lemon balm and Skullcap. These herbs have been traditionally used to help give you a good night’s sleep. Passion flower is a very calming herb for tenseness and irritability. Hops may improve the quality of your sleep and helps provide you with a restful night’s sleep.

Added minerals for a healthy body Caruso’s Tranquil Calm contains Calcium. Calcium plays a role in the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels and may help maintain a healthy nervous system. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Veins Care Cream For mild varicose veins, spider veins and haemorrhoids Caruso’s Natural Health has developed the Caruso’s Veins Care Cream for people suffering from mild varicose veins, spider veins and haemorrhoids.

Help for the aching, itching and heavy legs


This formula contains Magnesium, Horse Chestnut, Witch Hazel and French Marine Pine Bark. Magnesium is required for the regulation of vascular tone. Horse Chestnut has traditionally been used for mild varicose veins, itching and heavy legs. Witch Hazel has been traditionally used to assist with the symptoms of varicose veins such as heavy, painful legs. Caruso’s Veins Care Cream may also assist with haemorrhoids.

Can be used for cramps and restless legs As a bonus Caruso’s Veins Care Cream helps prevent and relieve muscular cramps and spasms. It may help with restless legs.

A quality Australia made formula The quality Caruso’s Veins Care Cream formula is Australian made and is suitable for use on any part of your body, including your face. It absorbs directly into the affected areas of your skin where it may do the most good. If mild varicose veins, spider veins or haemorrhoids are a problem for you, try Caruso’s Veins Care Cream. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Veins Clear Good circulation is important for healthy legs The Caruso’s Veins Clear formula is designed to strengthen vein walls, reduce inflammation and swelling and improve blood circulation. Weak vein walls are a primary cause of varicose veins and spider veins. Caruso’s Veins Clear contains Grape seed extract, which may help strengthen your capillaries and blood vessels. The MADE AUSTRALINIA Ruscus, Vitamin C and Hesperidin found in Caruso’s Veins Clear may help strengthen your capillaries and tighten your veins, for better venous tone and blood flow.

Help vein strength and elasticity Collagen is an important structural component of blood vessels. Vitamin C is important for the synthesis of collagen, whilst Grape seed extract may inhibit the destruction of the collagen in your blood vessels.

For the pain, heaviness and cramps associated with varicose veins The Ruscus, Vitamin C and Hesperidin found in Caruso’s Veins Clear may assist with the pain, heaviness and cramps associated with varicose veins. They may assist with swollen legs and inadequate blood drainage caused by swelling. Ruscus may assist with swelling associated with varicose veins. It may assist with heavy, tired, swollen and painful legs, plus leg fatigue associated with varicose veins. If you’re suffering from varicose veins, spider veins, painful, tired, heavy legs, leg fatigue, leg cramps or swollen legs, try Caruso’s Veins Clear. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.


Women’s Super Multi Feeling stressed and drained of energy? Tiredness can be a big problem for busy, active women. If working full time is not draining enough, when you get home you have many more hours of work ahead of you before you can relax and unwind; preparing dinner, cleaning, washing, looking after the kids, doing the laundry, ironing and general housework, shopping etc. That’s why Frank Caruso developed his new, broad spectrum Women’s Super Multi formula. Frank wanted to create formula that would help support active women who deal with the demands of modern life everyday.


Healthy functioning of your nervous system Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi works naturally on your body. The formula contains a total of 24 ingredients, including seven key vitamins and minerals, which may help boost your energy levels. If you are feeling fatigued, this formula may help you cope better and may assist you with stress and the healthy functioning of your nervous system. In addition to energy and stress, Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi may offer you many other benefits as well.

Healthy blood glucose metabolism Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi contains Iron for energy, vitamin D for strong, healthy bones because it may help support the absorption of Calcium. This helps in the normal formation of bone mass. Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi contains nutrients that support a healthy heart, may assist with maintaining normal healthy blood, help support a healthy cardiovascular system and healthy blood glucose metabolism.

Help protect your cells, hair, skin and nails, eye health and liver support Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi contains 6 powerful antioxidants, which help protect your cells from free radical damage, ingredients that support healthy hair growth, and may reduce the risk of nail splitting, assist with brittle nails and increase nail thickness. And also nutrients that may support your livers detoxification processes.

Support immune, memory and healthy female fertility Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi may also assist and support your immune system, may support your memory and Multi may help support healthy female fertility. Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi may support eye health.

Special Time-release formula Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi features special timerelease technology. This means its ingredients are gradually released into your body over 8 hours. So if you are looking for a comprehensive, premium quality multi vitamin and mineral formula why not try Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi today. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your Healthcare Professional.

Information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace advice or treatment from Healthcare Professionals. Every care is taken to compile and check the content of the publication for accuracy, but the publisher, authors, their servants and agents are not responsible or liable for the continued currency of the information or for any publishing errors, omissions or inaccuracies, or for any consequences arising therefore. The inclusion or exclusion of any treatment in editorial does not imply the publisher advocates or rejects its use.






"It's the way we make it, that makes all the difference ." Frank Caruso | Founder, Caruso's Natural Health

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