WARNING! Are you being exposed to harmful pesticides? LATEST RESEARCH REVEALS
secrets on how to prevent chronic disease CURCUMIN
The new PAIN FIGHTER! Herbal medicine on the come back!
1 | Natural Health Crusader
FEELING OLD! Becoming BOWEL WISE! By Frank Caruso
Attention Young Mum's & Busy Women!
Are you getting the Vitamins & Minerals you need to help with Stress & Energy
There is no question that in Australia today the social demands are greater than ever before. Women work long hard hours to give their family the best things in life. As a result many people start adopting unhealthy lifestyle habits like eating take out, missing main meals and choosing processed food over home cooked nutritional meals. A multi vitamin will never replace a good balanced diet, but if this sounds like you please read on. While doing some research on lifestyle habits a couple of years ago, the team at Caruso’s Natural Health discovered that many Australian women were living very busy lifestyles. This inspired them to develop a complex multivitamin specially formulated for the needs of women and young mums. Caruso’s set out to develop a one-a-day multivitamin formula that would help provide your body with a good balanced dose of vitamins and minerals which may also help give you an energy boost. After many hours of research the team at Caruso’s developed what they believe is an incredible health product called Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi. How Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi works! Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi contains 24 ingredients and is enhanced with seven key vitamins and minerals, including iron which may help support your energy levels. Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi may also provide you with key vitamins which may help assist you with everyday stress and the healthy functioning of your
2 | Natural Health Crusader
nervous system. Here is a list of other good reasons to take Caruso’s Super Multi everyday… Maintain healthy bones! Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi contains Vitamin D, which may help the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D helps in the normal formation of bone mass. Help support healthy heart! Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi may support a healthy heart and may also help support a healthy cardiovascular system. Antioxidant support for your cells! Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi contains 6 powerful antioxidants, which help support your cells from free radical damage. Hair, skin and nails! Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi contains ingredients involved in the healthy growth of your hair, skin and nails. It may: help reduce the risk of nail splitting; assist with brittle nails; and help increase nail thickness. Support your immune system! Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi may assist and support the functioning of your immune system. Nutrients to help support healthy fertility! Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi contains zinc which may help support healthy fertility.
Caruso’s Women’s Super Multi is available from where you picked up this magazine from in 60 tablets size for RRP $28.95. For more information and nearest stockists, phone our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service on 1300 304 480 or visit our website for more details.
Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Health Care Professional. © 2016 Caruso’s Natural Health Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. Vitamin supplements can only be of benefit if dietry intake is inadequate.
CHC 71904-10/16
Becoming Bowel Wise by Frank Caruso
I was born in Australia in 1954. My parents and Nonna came to Australia from Calabria (Southern Italy) in the early fifties.
become a subject which no one wants to talk about. I guess it doesn’t make for great dinner party conversation, but as Bernard Jensen says in his bestselling book, Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management: "In the 50 years I’ve spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most of people’s health problems."
My Family 1965 (Back) Nonna, Mum. (Front)Me, John, Tony, Joe, Rita, Rick.
My Nonna didn’t go to school, so she couldn’t read or write, but she had a lot of wisdom. She knew that there was a connection between bowel health and good health. She would always encourage us to eat plenty of oranges and fibre foods so we could have a regular bowel movement every day. I know it sounds disgusting but when I was a child, it was normal for us to discuss bowel movements, although preferably not when my friends were around.
Most bowel problems start with poor dietary habits as much of the foods people eat are highly processed and refined. As a result, they lack the fibre needed for elimination and the essential vitamins, minerals and other basic nutrients that assist in proper digestion and assimilation. Many of us still think that it doesn’t really matter what we shove down our throats: down it goes and hopefully the rubbish will come out.
of water, a lack of exercise, eating late at night, stress, lactose-intolerance, antibiotics, eating too quickly – just to name a few. The most obvious symptoms of an unhealthy digestive system include indigestion, abdominal bloating, gas or wind, skin problems, body odour, constipation, heartburn, bad breath, fatigue, poor elimination, diarrhoea, stomach acid and nausea. Not a great line-up.
Did you know that 80% of Australian adults suffer from constipation? It’s amazing how many people I speak to who suffer from constipation. I’ve read recently that up to 80% of Australian adults suffers from it in some way. That’s quite incredible when you think about it. I have spoken to people who don’t have a bowel movement for 3 days and some don’t go for a week. My Nonna would be horrified if she learnt any of her grandchildren didn’t have bowel movements at least once a day. Time for an enema she would say and we would make a run for it! So needless to say we always ate lots of fruit, wholefoods, fibre foods and drank plenty of water.
"It has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most of people’s health problems."
Enemas every 6 months! In my parent and grandparents day (the 1930s up to the 1960s), it was common practice to have enemas every six months. I remember when I was about five or six, lining up outside my bedroom with my brothers and sisters, waiting for my turn. It may sound silly now, but my biggest concern was making it to the toilet on time. If it wasn’t embarrassing enough having warm water and olive oil pumped up my backside, it would be a whole lot worse if you didn’t manage to make it to the toilet on time. I do remember, however, that I felt great afterwards. Somehow, over the last 50 years, bowel wisdom has been lost and the bowel has
Well, I have some bad news for you. All too often it doesn’t: it goes down ok, but not all of it comes out! Some of it stays within your bowel and it rots. It’s enough to make you sick – and it does. Digestion, quite literally, means the breakdown of food in the body – your mouth, your stomach, small and large intestines and your colon. In addition, your digestive system is also important in supplying your cells with much needed nutrients and compounds for healing and rebuilding. If nutrients are not properly broken down and absorbed, your body cannot adequately fuel or repair itself, which means that everything suffers, from the smallest cells to the largest organs and tissues in your body. The most common causes of digestive problems are poor diet, overeating, poor elimination or constipation, a lack
The majority of Australian adults will have one bowel movement a day – generally in the morning, but it’s not uncommon for adults to go every two or three days or sometimes only once a week. Because constipation is a condition that often happens over a long period of time, starting in childhood and gradually worsening over the next twenty or thirty years, people don’t realise that their health is slowly being undermined. The good news is its never too late to become Bowel Wise. You can start by adopting better lifestyle habits for maintaining a healthy bowel today… to download a free copy of my 8 tips to maintaining a healthy bowel please go to my website; Natural Health Crusader | 3
r o f d e m a l b t e i d Poor
'S C A R Y ' scurvy return
Scurvy, an 18th century disease caused by a lack of vitamin C, appears to have made a surprise comeback in Australia. Historically associated with old-world sailors on long voyages, scarily scurvy has been detected in a number of diabetic patients at Westmead Hospital in western Sydney. But its re-emergence shouldn't come as a surprise because of the "poor" modern-day diet, says one expert. There is a direct link between not eating enough vegetables and fruit and lifestyle-related diseases, says Ms Reetica Rekhy who's just completed her PhD at the University of Sydney. "If we are not eating what we are meant to eat, it will have a reflection on our health and there will be all these conditions (like scurvy) that will emerge or re-emerge," she said. Most Australians don't meet World Health Organisation standards for vegetable consumption. Research conducted by Ms Rekhy, and recently published in the journal Nutrition & Dietetics, found that while almost half of Australians eat the recommended two serves of fruit daily, only seven per cent of adults - or one in 20 people - consumed the recommended two to eight serves of vegetables. Her research also found most of the 1000 respondents did not have a good understanding about specific nutritional benefits of most vegetables. She says appropriate vegetable consumption is crucial to reducing the risk of diseases such as cancers.
Professor Jenny Gunton from Westmead Hospital's Centre for Diabetes, Obesity and Endocrinology says several of her patients with long-running unhealed wounds were cured by a simple course of vitamin C. A lack of vitamin C in the body results in the
Association of Australia says while the number of scurvy cases reported is small, it's still "scary". "The only time it (scurvy) should be common in this day and age is for people who are in hospital for a long time with repeated surgeries, or cancer patients or burns patients, but not in the general population," said Mr McMaster, who also works for Diabetes Victoria. Interestingly, Mr McMaster says vitamin C deficiency has started to pop up among those following a low carbohydrate diet, mainly because they're cutting back on their fruit intake. He says it's important for people to remember that when they eat fruit it's not just the carbohydrate and sugar they're consuming, there are other important nutrients - like fibre that are good for health. Common foods that are high in vitamin C include oranges, strawberries, red and green peppers including capsicums, broccoli, kiwi fruit and grapefruit.
"If we are not eating what we are meant to eat, it will have a reflection on our health and there will be all these conditions (like scurvy) that will emerge or re-emerge,"
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defective formation of collagen and connective tissues, which can cause bruising, bleeding gums, blood spots in the skin, joint pain and impaired wound healing. When the patients were asked about their diet, some were eating little or no fresh fruit and vegetables. The rest ate fair amounts of vegetables but were over-cooking them, which destroys the vitamin C. Prof Gunton fears the problem could be much more widespread. "Human bodies cannot synthesise vitamin C, so we must eat foods containing it," she said. Tim McMaster an accredited practising dietitian and spokesperson for the Dietitians news-story/fd7bbbb90eb93740da922329ac6d4ecd
Introducing a new Curcumin formula for people suffering from painful, inf lamed stiff arthritic joints
Your body’s normal inflammatory response is to protect its tissues from irritation or injury. As we know swollen, inflamed joints can make life miserable. Excessive inflammation in your body caused by mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis can lead to pain, swelling, redness, heat, stiffness and limited movement in your joints. Australian made Curcumin formula Now there’s a high potency, Australian made Curcumin formula, specially developed to help your painful and swollen joints. An extract of the herb Turmeric, Curcumin fights inflammation in a number of ways. That’s why Frank Caruso and his expert team created Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief. It helps provide a simple, more natural approach to mild arthritic or mild osteoarthritic pain, inflammation and stiffness. Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief may help improve the overall quality of life for people suffering from mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis. What exactly is Curcumin? With a long tradition of use in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, the herb Turmeric contains bioactive compounds with medicinal properties. Curcumin is one such compound and is a natural extract from the root of the Turmeric plant. It is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce joint swelling, morning stiffness and walking time associated with mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis. Curcumin may also assist with the inflammation associated with mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis. As a powerful antioxidant Curcumin provides cellular protection and reduces the risk of cellular damage by free radicals. How does Curcumin work? Curcumin actually targets multiple steps in the inflammatory pathway. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent by modulating inflammatory pathways within your body and inhibiting the production of harmful inflammatory molecules. It is important to realise Curcumin’s health-supporting properties depend on its bioavailability. Regular Curcumin is poorly absorbed by your body when it enters your stomach and digestive tract. Unfortunately very little ‘regular’ Curcumin makes it into your bloodstream to work on inflammation and pain.
The effectiveness of Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief Curcumin must be absorbed by the cells of your body to benefit your health. Fortunately, Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief utilises advanced technology to enhance bioavailability and absorbability. It undergoes the patented UltraSOL® technology process which delivers superior absorption and bioavailability. This process means the Curcumin Caruso’s use is combined with a water soluble molecule (hydrophilic) and natural antioxidants. This allows it to dissolve better in your stomach. Forty six times more absorbable In fact, a randomised, double-blind, crossover clinical trial1 found the serum Curcominoid levels in the Curcumin used in Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief was forty six times more absorbable than regular Curcumin. This Curcumin, known as CurcuWIN, was also shown to be significantly more bioavailable than other enhanced Curcumin ingredients. CurcuWIN is manufactured from the highest quality Curcumin extract, as indicated by its strong yellow colour. Also, CurcuWIN provides 24 percent Curcuminoids. 100% Money Back Guarantee The quality Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people with their health he stands behind every one of his formulas with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team of experts who create all of his formulations. See the Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief carton or our website for more details. Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief assists with pain sensation and joint stiffness and also improves physical function such as walking for people with mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis. So if you’re suffering from the pain, inflammation and stiffness of mild arthritis or mild osteoarthritis, try Caruso’s Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief today.
Caruso’s Super Curcumin is available from where you picked up this magazine from in 30 tablets size for RRP $27.95 and in an economical 90 tablets size. For more information please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480 or visit www.carusoshealth.
1. Jäger et al.: Comparative absorption of Curcumin formulations. Nutritional Journal 2014 13:11. Super Curcumin Arthritis Relief is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health.
Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Health Care Professional. © 2015 Caruso’s Natural Health
carusosnaturalhealth Natural Health Crusader | 5
Is cystitis a
PAIN for you? Urinary tract problems are more common in women. Manage the pain and burning of cystitis with a new liquid, Caruso’s Super Cranberry 50,000! In healthy people, urine in the bladder is sterile. If bacteria infect the urinary tract, it is called Cystitis. Women who are at greatest risk include those who:* • Are sexually active – sexual intercourse can result in bacteria entering the urethra • Are pregnant – hormonal changes may increase the risk of cystitis • Have been through menopause – hormonal changes are often associated with cystitis • Are elderly – elderly women are more susceptible to cystitis The most common symptoms of cystitis are: • Frequent urge to urinate • Painful urination, with a burning sensation • A feeling the bladder is still full after urination Packed with antioxidants, cranberries are commonly taken by women with urinary tract conditions such as cystitis. Cranberries may provide a flushing mechanism for your urinary tract. They contain bioactive substances, which may help mask urinary odours associated with incontinence and urinary tract events like cystitis. Fantastic taste Many hours of research has gone into developing Caruso’s Super Cranberry 50,000. Our great tasting formula is pleasant
6 | Natural Health Crusader
to take and only one teaspoon is needed each day! Every dose delivers a massive 50,000mg of cranberries, the highest level available in a liquid on the Australian market! A personal message from founder Frank Caruso “As always I’m still closely involved in the development of my health formulas from conception to launch. From selecting the quality ingredients, reviewing the scientific evidence and the educational material. That’s why I’m happy to stand behind Caruso’s Super Cranberry 50,000 with a 100% Money Back Guarantee**. I’m also very proud to tell you that Caruso’s Super Cranberry 50,000 is made right here in Australia. Yours in Vibrant Health,
Frank Caruso.” Caruso’s Super Cranberry 50,000 is available from where you picked up this magazine from in a 300ml oral liquid for RRP $29.95. For more information please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480.
* Vasudevan R (2014) Urinary Tract Infection: An Overview of the Infection and the Associated Risk Factors. J Microbiol Exp 1(2): 00008. ** Please see website for details on my money back guarantee. Caruso’s Super Cranberry 50,000 is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. © 2015 Caruso’s Natural Health.
The History & Benefits of
HERBAL Medicine Herbs are commonly used in the kitchen and easily grown in vegie gardens or windowsills adding flavour and colour to our foods, but did you know the use of herbs as medicine has been used throughout Indigenous cultures since as early as 3000 B.C? Herbal medicine is often referred to as botanical medicine or phytomedicine and involves the use of herbs for medicinal purposes. History of herbal medicine Ancient Greeks and Romans were herbalists with the most well-known Greek physician being Hippocrates, who is also known as the “Father of modern medicine”. Hippocrates was regarded for his ethics associated with medicine and for the “Hippocratic Oath”. Two Greek surgeons in the Roman Army, Dioscorides and Galen compiled the materia medica texts that have become a foundation for modern day herbal medicine. Herbal medicine was preserved in Monasteries throughout Britain and Europe as they served as medical schools, with the Monks translating much of the works of Hippocrates, Dioscorides and Galen. Ways herbs have been used Herbs have been used in many ways throughout history, not only as the backbone for Indigenous medical systems, but also in healing rituals. Depending on the herb, there were many ways in which they can be used, such as ingestion of the herb, syrup, tinctures, ointments/salves, essential oils, smoking and consumption teas to name a few. The book 'The Devine Farmer’s Classic of Herbalism' is the oldest known herbal text in the world, compiled in China about 2000 years ago. Modern age herbal medicine The increased interaction with allopathic and holistic practitioners is enabling more people across the globe to embrace an integrative healthcare regime with the use of both herbs and pharmaceutical medicines. The use of herbal medicine has continued to grow and develop into the modern age, with professions such as naturopaths and herbalists continuing to grow in popularity. Universities and Colleges globally teach Naturopathy with the course
framework now heavily based on science and evidence, not only on the traditional use of the herbs. Herbal medicine plays a valuable part in prevention of ill health, with many people choosing to use herbs to aid in general health and wellbeing. Popular use of herbal medicine The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates over 50% of people in industrialised nations have used herbal medicines for some part of their health care, and in Africa, up to 80% of the population uses herbal medicine for their primary health care. Many popular body systems people lean towards herbal medicine include: Eye health – with the use of antioxidant rich herbs such as bilberry and lutein Digestive health – with the use of bitter herbs including gentian and globe artichoke Liver health – with the use of liver protective herbs milk thistle and schisandra Joint pain – with the use of anti-inflammatory herbs such as curcumin (turmeric) and boswellia Skin health – with the use of antioxidant herbs such as French marine pine bark and grape seed extract. Scientific advancements In the early stages of herbal medicine’s history, the exact mechanism of action of the herbs had not been established, relying on the effects they had on the person rather than being able to determine the active components involved or its actual biochemistry. Even though the active components were unable to be pinpointed at this time, research has shown that Indigenous cultures around the
world tended to use the same or similar plants for the same ailments. Often we see Indigenous cultures who never crossed paths use the same herbs for the same purposes at opposite ends of the globe. The developments in science has had a vast impact on what we know about the ways in which herbs work in the body and what component of that plant is responsible for the therapeutic effects. Since the early 19th century scientists have been able to analyse the herbs and establish their mechanism of action. They have also been able to determine which parts of the plant contains the highest levels of these active constituents. Generally the parts used in herbal medicine are the leaves, flowers, roots, seeds, berries and bark. Scientific advances and determining active components of herbs has paved the way for many pharmaceutical medications, in fact many of our drugs were originally derived from herbs such as aspirin which traditionally was derived from the herb Willow Bark, until ways to synthetically create these were discovered. There is an increase in herbs undergoing clinical trials for validity rather than only relying on the traditional use information already established about the herb. The shift to evidenced based herbal medicines is also seeing a swing to standardised herbal medicine preparations, in which the active components of the herb are identified and in concentrated forms in the preparation to ensure the active component is at a dose that may provide therapeutic actions. Simone Barrance Adv Dip Nat
Natural Health Crusader | 7
When you're fit, you...
DON'T FEEL OLD! As our working lives come to an end, life can start to take an exciting turn. The next chapter has a lot to offer – travel, time to enjoy the grand children, new hobbies, new friends, some long awaited “me time”, no rush hour… Just because we are getting older, doesn’t mean we need to slow down. Good health will enable us to get the most out of this time, and one of the best ways to maintain good health is with regular exercise. Regular exercise has been shown to: • improve insulin sensitivity, keeping our blood sugar levels healthy and lowering our risk of developing type 2 diabetes; • maintain normal blood pressure; • maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels; • reduce the risk of a heart attack and other chronic diseases; • build strong healthy bones and lower the risk of falls • recover better after periods of illness or bed rest • manage our weight • improve our psychological wellbeing • improve overall general well being (more energy, a better mood, better sleep, stress reduction etc.) In addition to these health benefits, researchers are learning that physical activity can also affect the risk of cancer. There is convincing evidence that physical activity is associated with a reduced risk of cancers of the colon and breast. Several studies also have reported links between physical activity and a reduced risk of cancers of the prostate, lung, and lining of the uterus (endometrial cancer). Speaking to a healthcare professional before you begin any exercise program is always recommended, but once you have decided on a course of action, the sky really is the limit and you could find yourself fitter and in better health than ever before. Staying active doesn’t only provide the benefits mentioned above. Picking the right exercises will also help to maintain balance, mobility, agility and co-ordination into your later years. Exercises that replicate everyday activities will offer many benefits in this regard, whilst strength training will help to maintain optimal muscle and bone strength. A mixture of exercises that promote strength, mobility, co-ordination, balance and cardiovascular fitness is optimal and a qualified exercise physiologist or personal trainer will help you to develop a program that is just right for you. Warming up and cooling down are vital to help prevent injury, and don’t forget to stretch! Exercises that promote flexibility will help to keep you mobile for much longer. 8 | Natural Health Crusader
Exercises to Promote Strength
Exercises to Promote Cardiovascular Fitness
Exercises which promote strength are many and varied and will often see you utilising either some hand held weights or your own body weight. If you are working out at the local gym then you may also like to use some of the machines on offer – speak to one of the trainers first to make sure you are using the machines correctly, as incorrect use may result in an injury. Strength exercises will usually isolate muscle groups such as those in the shoulders or thighs and should be done at least twice per week for best results.
Cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise is the most beneficial form of exercise for helping to maintain healthy blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It will also help to promote oxygen flow to the muscles and therefore increase energy.
Frank Caruso has developed a strength training exercise video which you can do in the comfort of your own home. The program can be viewed on the home page of the Caruso’s Natural Health website: These exercises have been designed to assist with strength training using your own body weight and will take just 20 minutes of your time. Start by doing them at your own pace and slowly build up so that you are able to perform them at least a few times each week. Don’t forget to check with your doctor first and if you have any trouble with any of the exercises, please seek the advice of a qualified personal trainer or exercise physiologist. Someone who is qualified will be able to help you out with correct technique and balance, or help you with some alternatives if you are finding these exercises too difficult. Exercises to Promote Balance and Co-ordination Believe it or not, golf is actually a really great game to play to help to promote balance, co-ordination and agility. Stability of posture through the golf swing requires balance and core strength. Balance is also practiced as you bend over to pick up balls and crouch down to check the logistics of a putt. Hand eye and general body co-ordination is trained as you are hitting the ball, and the muscles which stabilise posture are exercised as you carry your bag around the course. Other exercises to help improve balance and core stability include canoeing, kayaking or paddle boarding, surfing, cycling, boxing and bowling. Activities that may help to promote co-ordination include tennis, squash, cricket, softball and dancing. These types of activities are recommended to be done at least once per week for optimal results.
Any activity that gets your heart rate up will be promoting cardiovascular fitness and a healthy heart. Try to incorporate some kind of aerobic exercise into your routine at least two to three times per week for optimal benefits. It may take a while to build up your endurance levels. Start out by doing 5 - 10 minutes at a time and try to increase this slowly over the course of about a month until you are doing about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week. Some examples of cardiovascular or aerobic exercise include water aerobics, brisk walking (golf or walking the dog), hiking, tennis, cycling, swimming and dancing. Even a big day in the garden or washing the car can count as cardiovascular exercise. Exercises that Promote Flexibility and Mobility Being flexible and maintaining supple joints will aid in overall mobility and keep you active for much longer. Some examples of exercises which promote flexibility include yoga, pilates and tai chi. Rest and Fuel Set aside one or two days per week as rest days. This will help your body to recover after all of that activity! Eating a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of fresh protein and some healthy fats from nuts, seeds and avocados will ensure that your muscles and bones are getting all of the nutrients they need to keep up with you. Drinking at least 1.5 litres of fresh, clean water daily will also help to maintain hydration and make sure your body is ready to do it all again tomorrow! Remember, the best exercise program is one that is not only tailored to you, but one that you will enjoy and look forward to doing. Combining indoor and outdoor activities will keep things varied and interesting, and that will keep you motivated, active and healthy well into the golden years. Fiona Wing Adv. Dip. Nat.
Working long hours, feeling stressed and drained of
ENERGY? Whether you’re working hard, throwing a ball around
with the kids, or training in the gym, leading a busy, stressful, demanding life can take its toll. Fortunately, there is now a new multivitamin called Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi which is a broad spectrum, multi action formula combining a potent blend of 25 specially selected vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This formula has been designed to help meet the physiological and nutritional needs of men. Helps tired, stressed, or overworked men feel more energised The precision-engineered Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi formula is jam packed with eight important vitamins and minerals that may help support your energy levels. Nutritional help for stress Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi contains vitamins that may help assist you with stress and the healthy functioning of your nervous system. Offers more than energy and stress support Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi is very versatile. Apart from helping to support energy and stress, this formula may help other aspects of your health as well by providing you with key nutrients which may not always be in your diet. Support for a healthy heart
assist with maintaining normal healthy blood, whilst helping support a healthy cardiovascular system. Support your immune system If life is demanding and if you do not want to get run down, supporting your immune system may be the key. Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi contains ingredients such as Vitamin C and Vitamin D as well as the mineral zinc which may all be able to help you by helping assist to support your immune system. Antioxidant support to help your cells Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi contains 7powerful antioxidants, which may help support your cells from free radicals damage. Healthy hair and skin Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi contains Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Zinc & Selenium which are ingredients involved in the health of your hair and skin. Support your reproductive health! Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi contains Zinc which may help support healthy male fertility. This high potency formula may help active men like you power through the day!
Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi may help support a healthy heart and may
Caruso’s Men’s Super Multi is available from where you picked up this magazine from in 60 tablets size for RRP $28.95. For more information please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480.
CHC 71903-10/16 carusoshealth
Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your Healthcare Professional. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. Vitamin supplements can only be of benefit if dietry intake is inadequate. Caruso’s is Registered Trade mark © 2016 Caruso’s Natural Health
Natural Health Crusader | 9
Are you being exposed to
PESTICIDES in your fruits and vegetables?
ost of us know that choosing organic is good for our health and better for the environment; however the cost often prevents many of us from even considering it. This is where the ‘The Dirty Dozen’ and ‘The Clean Fifteen’ lists can come in handy.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is an American environmental organisation that specialises in research and advocacy in the areas of toxic chemicals, agricultural subsidies, public lands, and corporate accountability. EWG is a non-profit organisation whose mission is "to use the power of public information to protect public health and the environment”.
If you are able to purchase organic products, not only do you reduce your exposure to pesticides, but you support environmentally-friendly farming practices that protect workers, reduce soil erosion and care for water quality and wildlife.
Look for ‘certified organic’ on the label as well as the logo of the certification association as the word ‘organic’ in Australia is often misused. Each year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases these It is an expensive and long process for farmers to reach “certified organic” lists to help you decide which fruits and vegetables to purchase standards. The strict guidelines that need to be followed include prohibition based on pesticide residue of artificial fertilisers, pesticides detected. Those found with and genetically modified the least pesticide residue are components. Certified organic categorised as ‘clean’ and those eggs and meat includes with the most as ‘dirty’. The humane treatment of animals 5. Celery 1. Strawberries 9. Tomatoes EWG is an independent United that are raised on organic 6. Grapes 2. Apples 10. Capsicum States health and environmental food and prohibits the use of 7. Cherries 3. Nectarines 11. Cherry Tomatoes hormones and antibiotics. research organisation based 8. Spinach on the United States farming 12. Cucumbers 4. Peaches However not everyone has practices, however much of access to certified organic the findings are applicable in food or can afford it so please Australia. take a good look at the
The Dirty Dozen 2016 The Clean Fifteen 2016
Using the EWG’s lists as 6. Onions 1. Avocados guides when shopping will help us to reduce our exposure to 7. Asparagus 2. Sweet Corn pesticides as much as possible. 8. Mangos 3. Pineapples By choosing more from the 9. Papayas 4. Cabbage ‘Clean Fifteen’ list and if the 10. Kiwi 5. Sweet Peas Frozen budget allows, buying organic alternatives from the ‘Dirty Dozen’ list you can potentially reduce your pesticide exposure. However eating conventionally grown produce (non-organic) is still better than not eating fruits and vegetables at all. It is recommended to eat foods from the ‘Dirty Dozen’ list over processed products that are high in unhealthy fats, sugars and additives. A fruit and vegetable rich diet provides health benefits that outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure.
10 | Natural Health Crusader
11. Eggplant 12. Honeydew Melon 13. Grapefruit 14. Rockmelon 15. Cauliflower
‘Dirty Dozen’ and the ‘Clean Fifteen’ lists above to help make the healthiest choices from conventionally grown produce. Remember though, the ‘Dirty Dozen’ produce is still cleaner than processed and unhealthy foods!
by Leah Cachia BHSc Nat.
Are you having problems sleeping?
Up to 35% of Australian’s have experienced trouble sleeping at one time or another. Unfortunately, even minimal sleep loss can take a toll on your mood, emotions, energy, efficiency, and ability to handle stress. Therefore sleep is a necessity not a luxury which may help you to feel refreshed and perform up to your potential. If you suffer from nervous tension, mild anxiety, stress, irritability or restlessness; you may find it difficult to fall asleep; you may wake up in the middle of the night and then can’t get back to sleep; your mind may start racing when all you want to do is sleep. So rather than lying in bed, you should do something about it! The good news is there’s a new herbal and nutritional formula called Caruso’s Good Nights Sleep that may be just what you need. Delicious Sleep powder It has taken Frank Caruso’s scientific team hours of research to develop Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep to help you have a good night’s sleep. Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep powder is an easy to use, delicious natural vanilla cherry flavour. It contains a special blend of Magnesium, Hops, Lemon Balm, Taurine and Tart Cherry. The herbs Lemon Balm and hops have been traditionally used to help you to fall asleep, stay asleep, and assist stress and nervous tension impacting your sleep. It also may help in relieving muscle cramps, spasms and assisting restless legs. Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep is suitable for
children 12 years and over. Here’s more information about the ingredients in Caruso’s Good Night's Sleep… Hops With its calming and sedative action, Hops may assist when you are having difficulty falling asleep. In Traditional Chinese Medicine Hops is used for the relief of sleeplessness and restlessness. The herb Hops has also been used in Ayurvedic medicine for restlessness, nervous tension and as a sedative. Lemon Balm Stress is usually characterised by feelings of being overwhelmed. This may leave you feeling under pressure, nervous or mildly anxious. So sleeping soundly is made much harder when you feel stressed. This is why we included the herb Melissa Officinalis- commonly known as Lemon Balm; which may help to increase calmness in people with mild anxiety. Another benefit of Lemon Balm is that it has been traditionally used for sleep, nervous tension and mental fatigue. Melissa Officinalis has also been traditionally used in herbal medicine as a sleep aid particularly in times of restlessness due to mental stress.
Magnesium Stress increases your body’s need for Magnesium. Another reason why Magnesium is an important ingredient is because stress intensifies magnesium depletion. Low Magnesium levels may also lead to agitation and mild anxiety. Plus, it helps to provide relief of muscle cramps, spasms and assists restless legs. Taurine is also included as it may help support normal muscle function. This formula also contains Tart Cherry. So if you’re having trouble switching off and falling asleep... or you’re having trouble staying asleep try Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep tonight! Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep is available from where you picked up this magazine in a 75gram oral powder for RRP $23.95. For more information on Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep, please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480 or visit
carusoshealth Caruso’s Good Night’s Sleep is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health.
11 | read Natural Always the labelHealth and use onlyCrusader as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. *Please see website for details on my money back guarantee.
Natural Health Crusader | 11
Prevention is the best CURE
Almost half of Australian's have a
Chronic DISEASE! The latest research has shown that as little as 20 minutes of exercise a day can prevent your chances of developing chronic disease dramatically!
About half of all Australians have a
12 million Australians) still don’t do enough
Over the years I have developed an easy to
chronic disease, and around 20% of these
physical activity to maintain basic good health.
follow 20-Minute Functional Bodyweight
people have at least two chronic diseases
Physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause
Workout for all ages that you can do in the
according to the Australian Institute of
of death due to non-communicable disease
comfort of your own home. My workout
Health and Welfare (AIHW)*. These are
(NCDs) worldwide such as heart disease,
includes 8 easy exercises that you can do every
shocking statistics!
stroke, diabetes and cancers and contributes
morning as soon as you get out of bed, either
Older people are more susceptible to
to over three million preventable deaths
before or after a light breakfast. Functional
developing many diseases, and the Australian
annually. That is 6% of total mortality globally.
bodyweight exercises mean you will be using
populations increasing life expectancy means
Physical inactivity is also the second greatest
your own body weight to perform each
a greater chance for multiple conditions to
contributor, behind tobacco smoking, to the
exercise. So you won’t need to use heavy
arise. Nearly 40% of Australians aged 45 and
cancer burden here in Australia.**
weights or expensive exercise equipment. All
over have two or more of the eight chronic
The good news is that recent studies have
diseases examined in the study. For this
shown that by exercising for as little as 20
age group, the two most common chronic
minutes a day you can not only reduce your
diseases to occur in combination with any
Recently I produced a professional video that demonstrates my 20-Minute Workout which is now available FREE on my website at
chances of developing chronic diseases
other chronic disease were arthritis and
dramatically but also help manage the
cardiovascular disease.*
symptoms of many diseases.
However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Health
Many people who do exercise don’t exercise
Care Professionals have long known about
correctly or efficiently and as a result, many
the health benefits of regular exercise in the
muscles throughout their body are not
prevention of heart disease, obesity, and many
I have included on the next page an abstract from my video which gives you a short preview of the 8 exercises and all the muscle groups that will be engaged during the 20 minute workout. E WEALT
engaged. It’s important that your workout
other health conditions. However with all the
includes exercises that engage multiple
evidence supporting the benefits of exercise
muscle groups through a range of body
and the major role it plays in the prevention
12 | Natural Health Crusader
of chronic disease, over 70% of adults (almost
you need is an exercise mat or a clean floor.
Squats work multiple muscle groups. They engage your hips, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and your core muscles just to name a few.
Mountain climbers are a great total body exercise. They work multiple muscles, your legs, arms, core, shoulders, glutes as well as giving you a great cardio workout.
Lunges work your quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves and core muscles. As you get stronger you can hold light dumbbells in each hand if you prefer.
Push-ups also work multiple muscles; pectoral muscles, core, shoulders, triceps and deltoids.
Please try and follow my 20-minute Functional Bodyweight Workout everyday. After a few weeks I promise you will feel fantastic, probably the best you have felt in years. Within days you’ll have more energy, be less stressed, sleep better, and be ready to start your day in a positive frame of mind.
Dips work your triceps, shoulders and upper back. Use a strong and stable chair.
I’m over 60 and I can honestly say that I feel just as alert, vibrant and enthusiastic about life today than I did in my early twenties. I’m a good example that if you embrace the principles of natural living you can live a long, healthy and vibrant life. So what are you waiting for, go to and download my 20-Minute Functional Bodyweight Workout Video now. You will also receive my monthly newsletter “True Health is Good Health”. Remember, if you make time for good health, you will always have enough health for a good time!
4. CRUNCHES Crunches are great for strengthening your core muscles. For maximum results always keep your core muscles engaged.
If you have an existing health condition or are pregnant please speak to your health care professionals before starting any exercise program.
* chronic-diseases. ** internet/main/publishing. nsf/content/health-pubhlth-strateg-active-evidence. htm
By Frank Caruso
Plank Pulse is a great exercise for strengthening and defining your core muscles.
Glute Bridge strengthens and tightens your backside so it’s a great exercise for your backside.
carusosnaturalhealth Natural Health Crusader | 13
Are you suffering from aching, itchy, mild
varicose veins unsightly spider veins
or painful haemorrhoids?
aricose veins usually show up in your legs and feet, because standing for long periods of time and walking increases the pressure on them. Varicose veins look like bulging, bluish veins beneath your skin’s surface and are accompanied by varying degrees of pain and itching. The aching or heavy legs sensation is often worse at night or after exercise. Spider veins, which are small varicose veins, are blue, red or purple veins that form either lines or web-like clusters usually on the backs of legs and knees or they sometimes appear on your face. They are finer and do not bulge like varicose veins do. Haemorrhoids, on the other hand, are blood filled swellings caused by dilated varicose veins. They are common in pregnant women and being overweight increases the risk. Now there’s a new herbal cream called Caruso’s Veins Care, which has been specifically developed for people suffering from mild varicose veins, spider veins or haemorrhoids. Australian made premium quality formula The premium quality Caruso’s Veins Care formula is made in Australia. Suitable for use on any part of your body, including your face, Caruso’s Veins Care is absorbed directly into the affected areas of your skin. Helping the aching, itchy, heavy legs associated with mild varicose veins Caruso’s Veins Care cream contains Magnesium, Horse Chestnut and Witch Hazel. Magnesium is required for the regulation of vascular tone. Next is Horse Chestnut. This medicinal herb may assist with varicose veins. Horse Chestnut
Visit 14 | Natural Health Crusader
has traditionally been used for mild varicose veins, itching and heavy legs. Then there’s Witch Hazel. This herb has traditionally been used to assist with the symptoms of varicose veins such as heavy, painful legs. Traditionally, it has been used for localised inflamed swelling and bruises. Helping haemorrhoids Because Caruso’s Veins Care contains Horse Chestnut and Witch Hazel it may assist with haemorrhoids. Both Horse Chestnut and Witch Hazel have been used in traditional medicine for venous conditions like haemorrhoids. The Caruso’s Veins Care cream also contains the antioxidant French Marine Pine Bark, which may assist haemorrhoids.
ourselves on always offering premium quality formulations. Our formulas are made under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), which means they are produced and controlled according to Australian quality standards. If mild varicose veins, spider veins or haemorrhoids are causing you problems, why not try the quality Caruso’s Veins Care cream today? Caruso’s Veins Care is now available from the store you picked up this magazine for RRP $24.95. For more information on Caruso’s Veins Care please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480 or visit
Can be used for muscle stiffness Low levels of Magnesium in your body may result in muscle stiffness and muscle weakness. Magnesium may also help maintains muscle and nerve function in your body. Finally, the Caruso’s Veins Care cream may assist with your general health and wellbeing. 100% Money Back Guarantee The quality Caruso’s Veins Care was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people with their health he stands behind every one of his formulas with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team who create all of his formulations. See the Caruso’s Veins Care carton or our website for more details. We only offer premium quality formulas
Also at Caruso’s Natural Health we pride
CHC 70666-05/15
Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Health Care Professional. © 2016 Caruso’s Natural Health Caruso’s VEINS CARE is a Trade Mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. © 2016
Harmonise the mind and body with
Yoga is a form of spiritual and meditative based exercise that originated in India over 5000 years ago. By following a sequence of postures (or “äsanas”), whilst applying careful breathing control, you are able to harmonise the body and the mind, achieving health and relaxation. Yoga can be used to strengthen and stretch the body, maintaining flexibility and suppleness of muscles. Yoga can be practised by people of all ages and fitness levels from beginners to elite athletes. This is because there are many different forms of yoga – from strenuous and fast to meditative and calming. To figure out which style you may enjoy, we have compiled a brief summary of the most popular forms. Hatha Yoga This form of yoga gives you a gentle introduction to the basic asanas. This is great for beginners or kids. It is done at a slow pace and blocks or other props are often used to make sure the postures are done correctly. Emphasis is placed on breathing control and meditation so this type of yoga leaves you feeling very relaxed and refreshed. Iyengar Yoga Iyengar yoga moves on from the basics and starts to see the poses becoming more precise. More props are used with this form of yoga as the focus moves towards body alignment in each asana. Poses are held for longer which can be challenging as body placement needs to be very exact. If you are interested in discovering more about how the body works and enjoy learning about anatomy, movement and form, this is the yoga style for you. Anusara Yoga Anusara Yoga is based on the belief that we are innately
and intrinsically filled with goodness, and this goodness can be accessed and opened up through the practise of yoga and meditation. Anusara means “flowing with grace” and “following your heart” and it focusses on experiencing bliss and joy through yoga. The practise of this style of yoga provides the body and mind with resilience, happiness and balance, and is suited for those who wish for a type of activity that provides a total body, mind and heart connection.
Vinyasa Yoga The word Vinyasa means “to place in a special way”. Vinyasa classes are often choreographed to music, and you move through each of the poses in a dance like fluid way. Those who get bored easily and love intensive exercise will enjoy Vinyasa yoga. No two classes are choreographed to be the same, the poses aren’t held for long and the pace of the class is quick.
Bikram Yoga If you are looking for an entire mind and body workout that makes you sweat and burns hundreds of calories then Bikram may be for you. It consists of a specific set of 26 asanas and two breathing exercises performed over 90 minutes in a room heated to 40 degrees celsius and with 40% humidity, so remember to bring plenty of water! Bikram Yoga is great for improving fitness and flexibility. Practising yoga in the heat also engages your concentration, fortitude and patience to improve mental clarity and reduce stress.
There are many more forms of yoga available – almost 800 different styles! At the end of the day though, you need to find a style that you feel comfortable with. Any type of yoga will develop strength, flexibility and balance, so once you find one you love, stick with it. The health benefits are best seen when you can practise yoga regularly. So, grab your yoga mat and your water bottle and enjoy! Fiona Wing Adv. Dip. Nat Natural Health Crusader | 15
Have you been taking a course of antibiotics? A
fter taking a course of antibiotics it may be a good idea to take probiotics to give your digestive system a healthy boost of friendly bacteria.
Formulated by our experienced researchers each small capsule of Caruso’s ALIVE PROBIOTIC contains 25 billion live friendly bacteria. Caruso’s ALIVE PROBIOTIC contains a blend of 3 important probiotic strains that help to replenish crucial friendly bacteria that may be out of balance in your intestine.
“How many capsules do I need to take a day?” You only need to take one Caruso’s ALIVE PROBIOTIC everyday. If you’ve been taking a course of antibiotics, a probiotic like Caruso’s ALIVE may assist with maintaining normal, healthy intestinal flora.
“What about if I suffer from other digestive health conditions, will taking a probiotic supplement help?” In addition to Caruso’s ALIVE PROBIOTIC repopulating your intestines with friendly bacteria, the three high potency probiotic strains may assist in the management of Medically Diagnosed IBS, constipation, flatulence, bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and bad breath. So if you can relate to any of these health conditions it may be worth giving Caruso’s ALIVE Probiotic a try.
S ee
ck f
or d
e t a il s
“And what about my immune system and urinary tract?” Caruso’s ALIVE PROBIOTIC may also help support and maintain the health of your immune system. It may also help keep a balance of friendly intestinal bacteria in your gut and help support the health of your urinary tract.
“Do I need to store it in the fridge?” No, Caruso’s ALIVE PROBIOTIC does not have to be stored in your refrigerator and needs to be kept under 25°C, so it is ideal for travellers. Caruso’s ALIVE PROBIOTIC is also suitable for vegetarians.
The Frank Caruso Story In 1979 I discovered the benefits of natural living. I was so excited I couldn’t wait to tell all my friends and family. My darling wife Grace then sacrificed having a home to call her own so we could open a health food store and follow my dream in helping my fellow Australians live healthy lives. I’ve always had Grace’s support. She has been my rock! I opened my health food store on the 1st November 1982, on my 28th birthday. In 1995 I decided to create my own vitamin range. For over 20 years I’ve been totally committed to developing premium health formulas. My passionate team at Caruso’s work tirelessly researching and sourcing quality ingredients that go into every Caruso’s product, that’s why I’m happy to stand behind my products with 100% money back guarantee. Today I’m just as excited about helping people live healthier lives. Yours in vibrant health, Frank Caruso
“Where can I buy Caruso’s ALIVE PROBIOTIC?” Caruso’s Alive Probiotic is available from where you picked up this magazine from in 30 capsules size for RRP $34.95 and in an economical 60 capsules size. For more information please see our website or call our qualified Naturopaths on 1300 304 480. “What about if I’m not happy with Caruso’s ALIVE PROBIOTIC?” My passionate team at Caruso’s work tirelessly researching and sourcing quality ingredients that go into every Caruso’s product, that’s why I’m happy to stand behind my products with 100% money back guarantee.
The Goo
Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Health Care Professional. Caruso’s ALIVE PROBIOTIC is a Trade Mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. © 2016
Visit 16 | Natural Health Crusader
CHC 71799-0816
y e e s s ’ d l i h c r u o y t r o p p u s p Hel
NEW Caruso’s Kids Blue Light Eye Protect containing Lutemax2020! Caruso’s Kids Blue Light Eye Protect contains Lutein and Zeaxanthin which provides antioxidant protection to the eye by helping to absorb blue light. It also contains a natural source of Omega 3 DHA. DHA plays an essential role in the development of your child’s brain, nervous system and vision while Lutein and Zeaxanthin may help with eye strain and help filter blue light.
If your child is using a device on a regular basis it is a good idea to limit time spent on their computer or smart phone, encourage some “outside time” and provide a nutritious diet with lots of fruit and vegetables. It is ideal to get adequate intakes from the diet, however supplementation with Kids Blue Light Eye Protect may help to ensure they are getting what they need to help their eyes.
Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. © 2016
Caruso's Kids Blue Light Eye Protect is available from where you picked up this magazine from in 50 chewable capsules size for RRP $34.95. For more information on Caruso’s Blue Light Eye Protect please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480 or visit
carusosnaturalhealth Natural Health Crusader | 17
Are you feeling
Constipated? C
onstipation is a very common digestive problem which can really make your life a misery. It can be caused by a variety of things including simple changes to your lifestyle and not enough physical activity. Even travelling can upset your natural rhythm, causing constipation.
Australian made, premium quality formula to gently relieve constipation Caruso’s Bowel Clear is a herbal formula designed to work with your body’s natural processes to gently relieve constipation. Caruso’s Bowel Clear may also assist with flatulence. Gentle bowel action Caruso’s Bowel Clear contains selected herbs which stimulate your bowel. The action created by these herbs allows unwanted waste to move through your bowel. In particular, Caruso’s Bowel Clear contains the herb Calendula. Caruso’s Bowel Clear also contains the herb Cascara for easier defecation. Cascara triggers movement in your bowel, which causes the urge for you to go! Some other benefits of Caruso’s Bowel Clear Caruso’s Bowel Clear was also formulated for people suffering from bloating, dyspepsia and poor digestion. 100% Money Back Guarantee The quality Caruso’s Bowel Clear was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people with their health he stands behind every one of his formulas with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team who create all of his formulations. See the
Visit 18 | Natural Health Crusader
Caruso’s Bowel Clear carton or our website for more details. We only offer premium quality formulas At Caruso’s Natural Health we pride ourselves on always offering premium quality formulations. Our formulas are made under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), which means they are produced and controlled according to Australian quality standards. So if you’re suffering from constipation or other digestive problems like flatulence, bloating, dyspepsia or poor digestion, try Caruso’s Bowel Clear today! Caruso’s Bowel Clear is available from where you picked up this magazine from in 30 tablets size for RRP $29.95 and in an economical 60 tablets size. For more information call (02) 8818 0100 or visit
Bowel Clear is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health.
Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your Healthcare Professional.
CHC 70701-05/15
Suffering from Mild Anxiety? Living with mild anxiety has its challenges.
It is a combination of mixed feelings, nervousness, restlessness or irritability. Mild anxiety is a reaction or coping mechanism a person uses to deal with difficult situations.
f you are frustrated and tired of nervousness, some worry or sleeplessness, Frank Caruso and his team of passionate experts have created an anxiety remedy called Caruso’s Anxiety Aid. It contains herbs, which may help you relieve the symptoms of mild anxiety, so you can go about your day to day life as normally as possible. Relieve mild anxiety, stress and poor sleep… naturally By helping to manage your mild anxiety, things may get easier for you. Caruso’s Anxiety Aid contains ingredients for mild anxiety, stress and poor sleep. Caruso’s Anxiety Aid has been formulated to promote a feeling of calm, making your anxiety easier to deal with. The first herb in Caruso’s Anxiety Aid is Magnolia, which is also an antioxidant. Magnolia bark is a traditional Chinese medicine used as a general anti-anxiety and anti-stress agent. Also, within the context of a traditional Chinese medicine Magnolia has been used since 100 A.D. for assisting with the “stagnation of qi”, otherwise known as low energy. The next herb is Passion flower. This herb may assist with mild anxiety and nervousness. Passion flower may have a sedating action on you. Having problems sleeping? Passion flower is also great for people suffering from poor sleep. Passion flower may assist people whom have difficulty falling asleep. It has also been used for
tenseness, restlessness and irritability associated with a difficulty of falling asleep. Traditional calming agent The final anxiety fighting herbal ingredient in Caruso’s Anxiety Aid is Cyracos. This ingredient is an extract of the herb Melissa officinalis. This herb has been used traditionally in herbal medicine as a calming agent and may assist people suffering from the symptoms of mild anxiety. It may assist with a healthy mood and also help reduce tension, excessive activity and agitation. Caruso’s Anxiety Aid also contains a natural source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps maintain healthy mood.
Australian made Anxiety Aid If you would like help to relieve your mild anxiety, try the Australian made, naturally derived Caruso’s Anxiety Aid today! Caruso’s Anxiety Aid is available from where you picked up this magazine from in 30 tablet size for RRP $34.95 and in an economical 60 tablet size. For more information please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480 or visit
100% Money Back Guarantee The quality Caruso’s Caruso’s Anxiety Aid formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people with their health he stands behind every one of his formulas with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team of experts who create all of his formulations. See the Caruso’s Anxiety Aid carton or our website for more details. Anxiety Aid is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health.
Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Health Care Professional. © 2015 Caruso’s Natural Health
carusosnaturalhealth Natural Health Crusader | 19
s e p i c e R
Prawn, maanmgioa asnadlad macad
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Prawn, mango and macadamia salad
bowl as the d chili together in an l oi e iv ol e, ic ju • Mix lime pieces. dressing. o into similar sized ad oc av d an go ango, avocado • Cut man en add prawns, m th , et ck ro e ac pl the mango • In bowl to avoid bruising ly nt ge ir St g. sin and dres and avocado. hen serving. acadamia nuts w • Sprinkle with m
Nutella Substitute
• 1 tablespoon ta hini • 1 teaspoon hon ey • 1 teaspoon caca o
• Mix all ingredie nts together. • Enjoy
Nutella Substitute 20 | Natural Health Crusader 20 | Natural Health Crusader
Are you getting up frequently at night to go to the toilet? Native African Herb, Pygeum may help relieve mild to moderate symptoms of medically diagnosed Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (Enlarged Prostate)!
very year thousands of men are medically diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH), otherwise known as an Enlarged Prostate Pygeum is an evergreen tree native to African forest regions. Pygeum may provide relief of mild to moderate symptoms associated with Medically Diagnosed Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) such as : - Getting up frequently at night to go to the toilet - Trouble getting your urine stream to start The prevalence of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy increases as men get older If you have been diagnosed with mild BPH, the good new is Frank Caruso and his passionate team have developed a quality, herbal formula called Prostate EZE MAX for the mild to moderate symptomatic relief of medically diagnosed BPH. Prostate EZE MAX contains herbal extracts equivalent to 15,000mg of the clinically trialled
herb Pygeum. Pygeum may provide support for frequent night time urination, incomplete emptying of your bladder, after-dribbling, weak urinary flow and a hesitant, interrupted flow that’s associated with Medically Diagnosed Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH). Prostate EZE MAX also contains the herbs Saw Palmetto, Epilobium and nutrients Lycopene and Pumpkin Seed Oil. Because Prostate EZE MAX contains a clinical dose of Pygeum you only need to take one capsule a day. The Frank Caruso Story In 1979 I discovered the benefits of natural living. I was so excited I couldn’t wait to tell all my friends and family. My darling wife Grace then sacrificed having a home to call her own so we could open a health
food store and follow my dream in helping my fellow Australians live healthy lives. I’ve always had Grace’s support. She has been my rock! I opened my health food store on the 1st November 1982, on my 28th birthday. In 1995 I decided to create my own vitamin range. For over 20 years I’ve been totally committed to developing premium health formulas. My passionate team at Caruso’s work tirelessly researching and sourcing quality ingredients that go into every Caruso’s product, that’s why I’m happy to stand behind my products with 100% money back guarantee. Today I’m just as excited about helping people live healthier lives.
Caruso’s ProstateEZE MAX is available from where you picked up this magazine from in 30 capsules size for RRP $48.00 and in an economical 60 and 90 capsules size. For more information and nearest stockists, phone our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service on 1300 304 480 or visit our website for more details. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your Healthcare Professional. If you have not had your symptoms diagnosed or if you experience an increase in symptoms, see a Healthcare Professional. Prostate EZE MAX is a registered trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. © 2016 Caruso’s Natural Health.
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Natural Health Crusader is published by Caruso’s Natural Health. Information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace advice or treatment from Healthcare Professionals. Every care is taken to compile and check the content of the publication for accuracy, but the publisher, authors, their servants and agents are not responsible or liable for the continued currency of the information or for any publishing errors, omissions or inaccuracies, or for any consequences arising therefore. The inclusion or exclusion of any treatment in editorial does not imply the publisher advocates or rejects its use. Natural Health Crusader | 21
Introducing a high strength multi action antioxidant! Caruso’s Super Grape Seed 50,000 may assist: • Veins and tired, heavy legs • Skin elastin and collagen • Healthy eyes and eye strain • Blood circulation
100% Money Back Guarantee See pack for further details.
Caruso’s Grape Seed 50,000 is available from where you picked up this magazine from in a 500mL Oral Liquid size for RRP $29.95. For more information and nearest stockists, phone our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service on 1300 304 480 or visit our website for more details.
Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Health Care Professional.
ncent o r a C l t l i e r K g n i K s s ** e l r mega O 3 e r o u ! m o % 5 7 d s O Contain *
Caruso’s King Krill Concentrate may help: ✓ Relieve symptoms of mild Osteoarthritis ✓ Support Cardiovascular Health ✓ Support Heart Health ✓ Support healthy Brain & Eye Health ✓ Maintain healthy Cholesterol levels in healthy individuals Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. © 2016 * 98% odour reduction than our standard 1000mg Krill Oil ** Than our standard 1000mg Krill Oil
Caruso's King Krill Concentrate is available from the store where you picked up this magazine in a 60 capsule size. 22 | Natural Health Crusader
Did you know?
DEMENTIA ISN’T JUST AN OLD PERSONS DISEASE? THOUGH IT’S MUCH MORE COMMON IN OLDER PEOPLE, THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 25,000 AUSTRALIANS WITH YOUNGER ONSET DEMENTIA - A DIAGNOSIS OF DEMENTIA UNDER THE AGE OF 65, INCLUDING PEOPLE AS YOUNG AS 30. Most people associate good brain health with keeping mentally active, and whilst that’s important, physical exercise can be just as important. Physical activity reduces the risk of conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity, all of which can damage blood vessels and lead to disease in the brain (a major contributor to dementia!). Unfortunately there is no cure for dementia, but walking could reduce your risk or delay the onset. Now, more than ever, there is strong evidence that regular physical activity is associated with better brain function and reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia. So Alzheimer’s Australia is inviting all Australian’s to take a step in the right direction by joining them at Memory Walk & Jog this year.
With 353,800 Australians living with dementia, and that number being set to rise to approximately 900,000 by 2050, now is definitely the time to make a positive change in your lifestyle to help reduce your risk. Regular aerobic exercise, including walking, in sessions of at least 30 minutes has been found to be beneficial for cognitive health. It is thought that exercise may improve blood flow to the brain, reduce cardiovascular risk factors and possibly stimulate nerve cell growth and survival. In 2017, Alzheimer’s Australia will hold 18 Memory Walk & Jog events around the country to promote a healthy lifestyle and healthy brain through keeping active. The events also raise vital funds to support people with dementia and their families.
Memory Walk & Jog is the largest flagship fundraiser for dementia in Australia. It is a unique charity fun run that aims to get all ages and fitness levels engaged in physical activity. All walking and running courses are wheelchair accessible and there are different course distances from 1.5km to 10km to choose from, depending on your age and level of fitness. So whether you’re up for a Sunday stroll with friends or something a bit more competitive, Alzheimer’s Australia is encouraging you to register to take part.
The 2017 Memory Walk & Jog tour is open for registrations at To make a donation to Alzheimer’s Australia NSW please call 1300 636 679.
Natural Health Crusader | 23
y a m u o y w o h n o s Here’s good new ! s e n o b y h t l a e h help & maintain t n jus a th re o m d e e n u o y Did you know that bones? y h lt a e h g n o tr s d il calcium to bu
ur that the bone in yo And did you know out every 10 years¹? body is reformed ab s, lated by Osteoblast This process is regu up your skeleton the cells that build e cells that break and Osteoclasts, th . As long as the bone down your skeleton s Osteoblasts exceed building activity of s, tion of Osteoclast the destructive ac aining healthy bone the process of maint l. is kept under contro
In order for your body to build the bone structure, Osteoblasts produce a Vitamin K2 dependent protein called Osteocalcin. Osteocalcin binds calcium from your diet to your bone matrix helping to build healthy bones. Vitamin K2 helps maintain bone strength and may help support and maintain bone mineral density.
is essential for good bone health, Vitamin K2 is also a cofactor in helping to maintain bone health.
Bone building nutrients work and belong together
As we know the major use of calcium in your body is in your skeleton. You need calcium to help keep up the constant repair and rebuilding of your bones. However calcium does not function in isolation and it’s important to also maintain your intake of Vitamin K2.
Vitamin K2 naturally complements calcium as they work together as part of a team.
So if you want a quality vitamin, which may help your body build healthy bones, try Caruso’s Vitamin K2 today.
You may take a calcium supplement to maintain the health of your bones. However a key additional vitamin for your bone health is Vitamin K2. While calcium
Caruso’s Vitamin K2 is available from where you picked up this magazine from in a 60 capsules size for $24.95. For more information please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on 1300 304 480. Visit carusoshealth 1. The Basics of Bone In Health & Disease. Office of the surgeon General U.S. National Institute of health. 2004.
24 | Natural Health Crusader
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Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your Healthcare Professional. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. Vitamin supplements may only be of assistance if dietry intakes are inadequate