OPPLAN for Robin Sage - Annex B

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FOREWORD Welcome to the 10th SFG’s Exercise “Robin Sage”, it is the last phase of the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) before 10th SFG Trainees/Candidates receive their "Green Berets". This ArmA II mission is an unconventional warfare (UW) exercise. The Special Forces trainees/candidates are required to apply and exercise the skills taught to them in the Special Forces Qualification Course/School. This mission will be as realistic as possible within the bounds of computer coding and human role playing. The goal of Robin Sage is to have trainees demonstrate:         

Troop leading procedures Mission planning: Warning Orders (WARNOs), Patrol Orders, Frag Orders (FRAGOs) Small unit tactics: (Raids, ambushes, recons) Air operations (Drop Zones (DZ), Landing Zones (LZ), message pick-up) Basic field craft: (survival, expedient navigation, etc.) Demolitions Communications Weapons Common skill tasks

As a participating player in this mission you will fall into one of four categories. Each category has been given an Operations Order (OPORD) or Mission Script; in order for this exercise to be successful each player must follow their OPORD or Mission Script. 

Opposing Forces (OPFOR), traditionally are not members of the 10th SFG, and come for other allied units or organizations. As OPFOR they are assigned the task of defending certain objectives, acting as a response force and seeking out or destroying BLUFOR or Guerrilla Forces. They are supplemented by computer AI.

Friendly Forces (BLUFOR) are 10th SFG Candidates or Pilots. Neither pilots nor 10th SFG Personnel are subject to evaluation and their sole purpose is to provide transportation, role-play or drop supplies to BLUFOR units. SF Students have been given at random, a series of objectives to complete. Such objectives include but are not limited to the training, advising, and assisting of guerrilla forces, the completion of certain objectives in a set amount of time. Some of those objectives will require the entire team to complete; others less. Some objectives have to be completed at the same time; others not.

Civilian players are generally 10th SFG Instructors or other role playing models, and under the Rule of Engagement (ROE) cannot be shot or killed unless performing an act that would disqualify them. Such acts are but not limited to, being a saboteur or otherwise becoming an armed combatant.



Guerillas Forces are determined to liberate their country from oppression. These individuals are 10th SFG Instructors that role-play the indigenous leaders and are supplemented by Computer AI.

As this is an exam, 10th SFG Members are prohibited from discussing the mission events, tactics used, objectives or any information that would jeopardize the mission integrity with 10th SFG Candidates or Trainees that have not participated in the mission. I ask those allied individuals that are participating as OPFOR also to do the same and not discuss the mission outside of those individuals that have participated. Over the last few weeks 10th SFG Candidates have been scored and given points based on how well they did during training. These have been recorded on an Excel Spreadsheet, and the sheet has been sorted by the total points scored by each of the candidates. In Order to pass Candidate School, students must have a minimum score of 1800 with a maximum score of 2400, Robin Sage in one of the few areas where an individual can generate a negative score. Therefore I cannot stress how important it is for the candidates to do their very best, as this mission will in essence sum up all of what they have learned and hopefully been practicing. This exam is designed so that neither party has a clear upper hand; it is what you make of it. This is Robin Sage!



INTRODUCTION Welcome to Operation “Robin Sage”, this is the last phase of your Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) before 10th SFG Training/Candidates receive their "Green Berets" after the Unit Final Evaluation. All 10th SFG Students will be assigned as BLUFOR, and as such you represent a United States Army Special Force ODA Team whose mission is to insert into a hostile island country to carry out covert Direct Action operations against specified targets and to train/lead a fledgling guerrilla force in operations against the hostile occupying government forces. As members of the BLUFOR ODA Team you will be required to demonstrate the following:         

Leading a ODA Team Conduct mission planning: (Warning Orders (WARNOs), Patrol Orders, Frag Orders (FRAGOs)) Use small unit tactics: (Raids, ambushes, recons) Conduct air operations (Drop Zones (DZ), Landing Zones (LZ), message pick-up) Use basic field craft: (survival, expedient navigation, etc.) Conduct demolitions Setup and Use communications Proficient use of various weapons Common skill tasks

On the island there are various military targets, some of which the ODA Team will be required to engage and destroy. The mission designer has utilized Kronsky’s Urban Patrol Script to place patrols in some of the countryside, but not all of it is covered. Additionally, there are a number of human opponents that are OPFOR and are entirely under the control of their human commander.


Copy 1 of 2 Copies Unit: JSOC HQ Loc: DTG: OPERATIONS ORDER 121-39 References:

MAP: Podagorsk OPPLAN: Robin Sage

Time Zone Used Throughout the Order: ZULU TASK ORGANIZATIONS: 10th Special Forces Group ODA-331 1st Special Operation Wing 20th Special Operation Squadron 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment USS Dallas USS Iwo Jima USS Thorpe HMAS Anzac HMAS Perth HMS Coventry HMS Broadsword TERRAIN AND WEATHER: The in mission/exercise time will start in the late evening and the weather will range from cloudy to stormy. Moon Phase: New Moon 1. SITUATION Democratic People's Republic of Podagorsk and the Republic of Chernarus have been at odds with each other since the break-up of the former Soviet Union. This is mostly due to a border dispute between the two countries. With Chernarus’ current state of political unrest, the Podagorsk’s political leaders chose to invade Chernarus feeling there was no better opportunity to increase its country size and resolve the issue once and for all. Their reasoning was with the current civil war between the western backed democratic government and the pro-communist rebels, Chernarus would be unable to respond. Unfortunately they were wrong, and Chernarus mounted a limited response by bombing Podagorsk largest military airfield three weeks ago. Damage was limited, but the Podagorsk government was surprised. Concern is mounting in the political and military structure of Podagorsk with the Chernarussian government recent request for help and the recent appearance of a United States Expeditionary Strike Group off the coast of Chernarus. The Podagorsk’ government has entered into negotiations with


Chernarus and the United Nations, and the military is gearing up to defend itself. In light of the Chernarus request for assistance, Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom have agreed to provide limited assistance.

Enemy Forces The armed forces of the Democratic Republic of Podagorsk (DRP) is gearing up to defend itself and hold onto it’s recently gained territory from Chernarus. Therefore the bulk of its military ground forces have been move forward to the Podagorsk/Chernarus Border. The DRP navy is limited to a few brown water coastal patrol craft. The DRS air force is modern and like the Army has undergone a rebuilding program. They have been able to acquire some of the best of the former Soviet and modern Russian/Chinese equipment. So it still packs a relatively powerful punch when compared to the Chernarus military forces, but is highly out class by the weight of our task force. Recently there has been a growing guerilla movement within the Democratic Republic of Podagorsk. The leaders of the Independent Movement to Free Podagorsk (IMFP) have requested U.S. assistance in their struggle to free themselves of the harsh leadership of their government. Disposition, Composition, and Strength Disposition: The Podagorsk Liberation Army (PLA) is a well equipped military force utilizing some of the best of the former Soviet Union and today’s modern Russian/Chinese equipment. PLA forces are on alert due to recent guerilla activities and our presence in the surrounding international water of Chernarus. Bolshevik Airfield Bolshevik Airfield is a military/civilian airfield, and recently was bombed by the Chernarus Air Force. This military airfield is located on the largest southern island of Podagorsk and has small dock on its north side to ferry worker to and from the airfield. On the southern side is a larger dock able to load and unload various military equipment and containers. Recently Signals intelligence (SIGINT) indicates a mobile Anti-Air Radar has moved onto the airport. Satellite imagery shows several hardened aircraft shelters (HAS), hardened support facilities and a two temporary structures. This facility is heavy guarded by three SA-19 Grisons, one ZSU-23-4 Shilka, two squads of infantry, heavy machine gun emplacements and the surrounding water is patrolled.


The following airframes have been observed utilizing the Podagorsk facility on a regular basis: Quantity


NATO Reporting Name



















Kutznetsk Military Reservation

Kutznetsk Army Base Kutznetsk Army Base is the largest army installation in Podagorsk and is located in the southeastern portion of Podagorsk. It has several non-hardened hangers to store helicopters and other military hardware. It is home to the 31st Airborne Infantry Regiment, 42nd Tank Brigade, 29th Artillery Battalion and the 160th Mechanized Infantry Brigade. These units are considered crack troops and survived the last Chernarus Border War under the leadership of the new PLA’s Commander in Chief, General Stepan Osipovich Makarov. Troops from this installation have been tasked to root out any insurgency and routinely patrol the country side looking for guerilla forces. Recent satellite imagery shows no movement or unusual activity within the compound within the past 72 Hours. This installation has Mi-8, Mi-17, and Mi-24 helicopters at its disposal for Air Assault operations. PLA mechanized troop units are equipped with BTR-90, BMP-3 and the new Vodnik APCs and the Tank Brigade fields the T-72, T-90 and a few Chinese Type 99 Tanks. The artillery battalions can field mixed companies of BM-21 Grad Rocket Launcher, and D-30 122 mm howitzers. HUMINT however suggests though the PLA has recently acquired a two or three new artillery systems.

Kutznetsk Anti-Artillery Radar


There are two Anti-Artillery Radar units within the Kutznetsk Military Reservation. One is located within the Kutznetsk Army Base itself and the other is located on an island just off shore. The island radar is guarded by approximately 8 personnel. Kutznetsk Communication Antenna This Communication Asset is located somewhere southwest of the Kutznetsk Anti-Artillery Radar site and south of the main Army base, most likely on somewhere in the island chain. This communication site maybe portable in nature or semi-harden against aerial attack. Kutznetsk SF Camp Kutznetsk SF Camp is located on Kutznetsk Island chain and is the Primary Garrison of the PLA Special Forces Troops. These troops are often transport via the PLA most modern helicopters.

Sona Military Detention Facility Sona Military Detention Facility is located on Sona Island on the eastern side of Podagorsk; it is only accessible by air and boat. This is Podagorsk “Devil’s Island� and houses the few living political prisoners that have openly opposed the communist government of Podagorsk. The facility is an old medieval keep converted to a rudimentary prison. The IMFP movement leader Aleksandr Sokolov is rumored to be imprisoned here. The facility is guarded by a dozen of lightly armed men, and the beach is supposedly mined to prevent prisoner escape.

Podagorsk Anti-Aircraft Radar Site and Defense System In response to Chernarus bombing of Podagorsk largest military airfield three weeks ago, the PLA has raised two semi-harden radars sites. The Pijma Anti-Artillery Radar Site is located in the northern section of Podagorsk, at the top of Hill and has a small garrison located near the facility. The number of security personnel assigned to the site number no more that two full squads with only one squad on duty at any one time. A SA-19 Grison has been attached to the garrison to air defense protection. A second site is located near Kronotsky Hill on the southern side of the peninsula and is almost identical to the northern site with the exception of all security and support personnel are located on the actual radar site itself with no second facility.

Sona Army Base


Sona Army Base is located in the eastern side of the DRP. This installation houses a battalion level of mechanized infantry. The installation is used for military training, maneuvers, testing and supports various C3 facilities. In addition it contains the PLA Supreme Headquarters’ Staff when its leadership is not inspecting troops or maneuvers. Although it is an important center for policy, planning and implementation no prosecution is done at this facility. It is mainly a location for the top political and military leaders of the DRP to discuss its military policy and programs. PLA mechanized troop units are equipped with BTR-90, BMP-3 and the new Vodnik APCs.

Rail and Roadway Bridges The Pavlov River Reservoir runs east to west cutting the Podagorsk Peninsula in two. There are two railroad bridges and one Vehicle Bridge that cross this reservoir with a dam on each end of it. These locations are lightly guarded with no more that a couple of machinegun bunkers and squad a piece.





18:00 Local

Unit Form up

18:15 Local

Briefing Given



Grid 112115

Remarks Kronotsky Anti-Aircraft Radar Site


Kronotsky Anti-Aircraft Asset

(Vicinity) 090051

Pijma Anti-Artillery Radar Site


Pijma Anti-Aircraft Asset

(Vicinity) 083159

Bolshevik Airfield


Kutznetsk Army Base


Sona Army Base


Fielded Artillery Battery


Sona Military Detention Facility


Kutznetsk Anti-Artillery Radar


Kutznetsk Communication Antenna


Kutznetsk SF Camp


Usinsk Communication Antenna


Protvino Roadway Bridge


Protvino Railway Bridge


Berezinik Railway Bridge


d. Personnel Plan for processing of EPW's. Replacement plan. Personnel reporting requirements. 1) Replacements: a) In the event a SF operator becomes disabled or KIA, a replace will be sought within the local area of operations at the request of the losing commander or team. b) ODA Team will establish a rally point to receive replacement personnel prior to mission start. 2) EPW's Enemy Prisoners of War (EPW) are not expected, and are not the goal of this operation. SF personnel will abide by the terms of the 1949 Geneva Convention and its three protocols in the event enemy prisoners present themselves. EPWs will be treated with respect and will be removed from the AO as soon as it is safe to do so. An EPW processing and holding facility has been established in Chernarus. e. Civil-Military Cooperation. i. All Joint Task Force Special Operators are allowed to confiscate and use unoccupied or un-manned civilian equipment if no other alternative is present due to the nature of this mission you. ii. SF personnel are to make every attempt to minimize to collateral damage as it is contrary to the Joint Task Force mission of creating goodwill and to generate support a popular uprising against the incumbent hostile government and its military forces. iii. SF Personnel are not to involve or utilize civilian personnel whom are not connected with the Independent Movement to Free Podagorsk (IMFP) as this is a covert operation. f. Miscellaneous.


i. SF personnel are to destroy any equipment that readily identifies them as members of the United States Armed Forces or establishes the presents there of. ii. In the event that United States military aircraft is shot down are disabled during insertion/extraction every effort will be made to destroy the asset to prevent it from falling into enemy or hostile forces hands. 5. COMMAND AND SIGNAL A. Signal. i.

JTF Personnel will utilize the JSOC TeamSpeak Server; communications is on a non-directed network between CP and ODA on Channel ArmA II. The ODA shall utilize the completion matrix and should maintain radio silence as long as possible. Communications with Air Assets is Channel Armed Assault. ii. Due to the nature of the operation a Communication matrix will be supplied to SF personnel prior to departure. ii. Sign/Counter-sign: Thunder/Lighting iii. Number of the day: 20 iv. Running Counter-Sign: Haven v. Visual and Pyro-Technique Signals: Smoke: Purple Flare: Green Air Support Emergency Marker Smoke: Red/Red Flare at Night vi. Call Signs: Rapier


RULES OF ENGAGEMENT (ROE) NOTHING IN THESE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT LIMITS YOUR RIGHT TO TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION TO DEFEND YOURSELF AND YOUR UNIT. 1. You have the right to use force to defend yourself against attacks or threats of attack. 2. Hostile fire may be returned effectively and promptly to stop a hostile act. 3. You may not seize civilian property to accomplish your mission. 4. The shooting or killing of civilians is prohibited unless they are performing an act that would disqualify them. Such acts are, but not limited to, being a saboteur or otherwise becoming an armed combatant. The only exception is when a 10th SFG instructor directs the shooting or killing of a civilian as part of the exercise. 5. The wanton destruction of cities, town, villages or forests is prohibited. Nor are you allowed to destroy an area to get to an enemy. 6. SF Personnel are not to involve or utilize civilian personnel whom are not connected with the Independent Movement to Free Podagorsk (IMFP) as this is a covert operation.



The above map is to give you an idea of the size of land mass involved. An 8.5 megabyte PNG graphic showing the island in great detail will be provided upon request to allow the OPFOR to plan their actions prior to mission start. Unfortunately, I have not been able to convert it into any other format at this time.


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