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The Virtual Latin American Art Exhibition 2020

Welcome to the Third edition of the Latin American Art Exhibition that will be in a virtual format in this occasion. The Exhibition showcases the artistic work of visual artists presenting a variety of drawings and paintings inspired in Latin America. The Exhibition is part of a Festival that will include a series of online programming in diverse disciplines including dance, film-making, literature, music, and theatre.
This Festival was planned originally to take place in a traditional format, in person, but due to the current unprecedented pandemic COVID-19, it was decided to continue with the programming in a virtual format. It has not been an easy process to put together this project due to different circumstances that our world is living trying to adapt and be protected from the pandemic.
We believe that is especially important to continue to do our work, now in a digital format. First, because we can showcase the talent of artists. Second, because we can provide to those who are isolated with some options to be entertained or educated. Third, because we need to keep a positive spirit and be resilient and adapt to the new circumstances. A better future is coming after the storm.
We would like to invite you to visit and look at the work of the 21 visual artists presenting at the Virtual Latin American Art Exhibition. We have participation from Canadian and Latin American artists with a diverse array of artwork. Please support the artists and our organizations by considering acquiring a unique piece of art.
Finally, we would like to thank to all the artists and organizations that are part of the program. Thanks to Calgary Arts Development, cSpace King Edward, and Spanic Arts for the support in the organization. Thank you also to Asi es Colombia, Carlita Show, ExpresArte, Grand Entertainment Productions, Hernan Moreno Productions, Hispanic Arts Society, IMAGINA, Mictlan Arts and Research, Teatro Gato Negro, Raices del Peru and others supporting the program.
Best Regards, Miguel Cortines President Casa Mexico Foundation / Tu Espacio
Thank You for Supporting Our Local Artists!

Federico Airaudo, Hervert Sanchez Beltran (Sanbel), Claudia Chagoya, David Cheney, Elisa Rubalcava Cobo, Maya Corona, Carolina Duran, Sharina Fong, Alejandro Loera García (Dionysos), Juan Carlos Guzman, Claudia Janet, Felipe Jasso, Avril Lopez, Jessica Armas Noda, Viviana Pacheco, Kim Parrent, Alan Rodriguez, Juan Carlos Urria, Almendra Vergara, and Lovelia Vera.