What is Bottarga and its Recipe?

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What is Bottarga and its Recipe?

Let’s Start If you have ever found yourself in an Italian restaurant, chances are you have seen or tasted Bottarga. Bottarga itself is an exquisiteness of cured fish roe with its unique flavor and aroma changing the lives of many recipes. This salted fish roe has recently jumped the fence of the Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily, and it’s now been recognized worldwide. When sprinkled over pasta dishes, these delicate fish eggs will sure bring back the memories of the sea. Well, there will always be that one meal or ingredients to try in a lifetime, and Bottarga is one of them. Casa Albergo Positanonews, a renowned Italian restaurant, base in Naples is here to walk you through what this gem is all about and how you can add it to any dish that picks your fancy to make a memorable meal.

What exactly is Bottarga The unique name was a borrowed word from Italian which originated from the Arabic word battarikh. The product came into existence through the novelty thoughts of some fishermen who aren’t ready to waste any part of the fish they caught. Bottarga is base from the roe pouch of grey mullet or bluefin tuna. Although Sardinians use mullet or tuna, there are other fish options such as weakfish, mackerel, swordfish, white seabass or any other similar species.

Ingredients • Prep time:15 mins cook time:15mins serves: 4 • 2 dried red chilies, crumbled • 5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil • 350g spaghet • sea salt • 5 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • black pepper, freshly grinded • 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced • 3 tbsp fresh flat-leaf parsley, unevenly chopped • 2 tbsp bottarga, grated. And more ungrated for garnish (about 3 ounces total) • 250g soft, ripe cherry tomatoes • ½ cup breadcrumbs, grinded


Grate ž of the bottarga in a plate, add the chopped garlic and parsley, season it with chili and pepper. Slowly add the 3 tablespoons of olive oil to form a paste. Leave it for 30 minutes for the ingredients to breathe in their flavors.

Bottarga Spaghetti • Bring a large pot of salted water to boil over high heat. When it is boiled, add the spaghet, and cook until it is al dente. Remember the bottarga is salted, says Casa Albergo Positanonews, add a lesser salt than usual to the water. • • When it is cooked, drain the water from the pasta and keep a cup of the water. • • Add the remaining olive oil in a large pan and place it medium heat. Add spaghet, black pepper, ground garlic, and the sauce prepared. Add some of the reserved cooking water if the sauce is too thick. Remove from the heat, put more bottarga, toss and turn to ensure it is well coated. • • Finally, grate a good amount of freshly grated bottarga on top of the meal and serve. • • The good rule of thumb is to avoid cooking bottarga, if you don’t want to miss the delicacies of its flavor says Casa Albergo Positanonews. Buon Appetito!


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