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The 1st innova-ve methodology now available in Italy aims to offer a proven highly specialized approach to buying and selling high end Real Estate proper-es by "sealed bid in a sealed envelope" formalized at the NOTARIES.

10 2014


IN THIS ISSUE v Italy Castle (XII-XV-XVI-XIX SEC.) v Main Floor in a ‘700 Venetian Villa v Italy Rome Historich House v Tuscan Hamlet v Liguria Sea View Villa v  Italy Piedmont Castle v Italy Premium Thermal Luxury Five Star Resort


elling through




he first innova-ve methodology in Italy for Buying and selling Luxury real Estate in ITALY by "sealed bid in a sealed envelope” at the appointed Notary. The mechanism of the Auc-on Sale used for over 100 years in the Anglo-­‐Saxon countries and synonymous with transparency, security and celerity in Sales is finally at your disposal. The CASA d’ASTA® auc-on sale formula performs specific func-ons, aggrega-ng skills that are not tools of "advice", but rather the use of a part of the "head" which is the "knowledge" useful to realize the "know-­‐how ". Marke-ng, Communica-on, Educa-on, Management, Growth, are all subsequent steps, because the market rejects any proposal and any solu-on that does not authen-cally vibrates ,and today, the winner company must have not the courage but the "method” to convert an 'idea into its real and concrete "execu-on." The market needs confidence and it is unthinkable "groped" to conquer it. It must be the certainty of being able to earn the market, that argues as a basis the energy and enthusiasm necessary. This is our job and our every day commitment, our strength in demanding to our "partner” that we need to understand as a first step and run as second step, in a workshop at the same table, puSng the same determina-on. CASA d’ASTA® is a project and a method that requires a four hands work and reciprocity of commitment and trust (which inevitably it builds along the way, by understanding the project that need to be lived, in order to verify its scope and power). Successful companies are winning thanks in small part to the innova-on of the idea they promote, or the product and service they can offer. Their success is largely due to the "do with method” formula, that is required by the system (which is above the men who govern both for prac-ce and for philosophy) aVer it has been interpreted and run in properly. Like you, we play to win and not just to try.


Mauro Tiboni Chief Execu+ve Officer CASA d’ASTA

v  IN THIS ISSUE v  Italy Castle (XII-XV-XVI-XIX SEC.) v  Main Floor in a ‘700 Venetian Villa v  Italy Rome Historich House v  Tuscan Hamlet v  Liguria Sea View Villa v  Italy Piedmont Castle v  Italy Premium Thermal Luxury Five Star Resort

Editore Immobiliare Torrelunga Srl Largo Torrelunga 11, 12 e 13 25123 Brescia Direttore Jenny Brown Assistente di direzione Martha Rossi Graphic Designers Isabel Berardini Advertising Stefano Milani

CASA d’ASTA ESCLUSIVE REAL ESTATE Largo Torrelunga 11 – 12 – 13 25123 BRESCIA ITALY From Abroad 00 39 036 55 90 047 - From Italy 800 82 12 44 Skype: CASA D’ASTA ITALY Email: Web Site:





The Castle (XII-­‐XV-­‐XVI-­‐XIX century.) is currently owned by an Italian Noble family. It’s an ancient fortress-­‐castle of medieval origins that has recently undergone major restora-on works, structoral preserva-on and ar-s-c recovery by the present owners . With its three towers and the imposing stone walls, da-ng back to the twelVh century, it dominates the surrounding valley. Its manor features three ages, the early Middle Ages (twelVh century), some of the remains can be s-ll found in the large tower and the defensive walls (with their barbican) which can exceed three meters in depth. The Renaissance age (XV-­‐XVI centuries. ) with its keep or tower of the Spouses which is connected to the core area of the castle. The Gothic Revival age (XIX century.) with its Belvedere Tower overlooking the ancient village. The frescoes in the noble level and in the towers, the furniture of great historical and ar-s-c importance are tes-mony of the feudal and noble origins of the whole site. Some famous and historical characters have stayed in the Castle. The main gate, so heavy and massive, is sustained by ancient ironwork. Creaking on its hinges it leads us into a mysterious realm of -meless things, all preserved within its protec-ve walls. This is the way the Castle appears when you see it for the first -me, with its powerful towers imprented in the bright and ancient sky light and sourranded by nature. The cradle of Italian civiliza-on, which saw the dawn of Italian art and culture but yet so close to the modern world with its scenic backdrop marked by olive trees, meadows, forests of oak and chestnut trees, featuring thousands of years of unspoiled landscape, the real "old heart" of Italy.

Arriving to castle

Ancient Balcony of Ladies XV century

Castle Secular Park

The cradle of Italian civiliza-on, which saw the dawn of Italian art and culture but yet so close to the modern world with its scenic backdrop marked by olive trees, meadows, forests of oak and chestnut trees, featuring thousands of years of unspoiled landscape, the real "old heart" of Italy. A panaramic and paved road leads us to the Castle, it appears suddenly around a bend, overlooking the valley. An image arcane but at the same -me reassuring that immediately makes us think of a des-na-on to reach, a great place where we can happily conclude our trip. This was the idea of the current owners, they wanted to create inside the castle not only a great place loyal to the rules of the medieval world, but a set of great places that can enhance and appreciate, without altering the magical atmosphere, the an-que spirit. The scent of old tradi-on and the unique charm of the castle can be felt every -me a visitor walks through the corridors the halls and lounges, visits the rooms, goes down the stairs, climbs up the towers and let himself wind by the unique storyline of powerful, mysterious but yet kind architecture, impenetrable and roman-c, true kaleidoscope of the incomparable "Italian art and architecture." The desire is to stay, not to leave that place so pervaded of ancient memories and great stories or to immediately return. This is the Magic of this magnifiscent Castle. The suites and lounges, all unique, the beauty of the bathrooms (miraculously made within the walls of unusual thickness) the rooms and halls with painted and vaulted ceilings, enhanced by the magnificent Vene-an chandeliers of various ages, the ancient pain-ngs and ceramics, give the visitors a sense of pleasure, admira-on and wonder that this is, in fact, the "made in Italy " at its finest. The magic emerges from those rooms whose stories are full of mysteries and legends, making the whole experiance unforge^able.

Painted Salle de Bain

For six centuries now the main keep of the Castle, the Nuptial Towerwas built in the 1400’s. It is the unforgettable contrast between the imposing walls and the elegance of its interior which makes this corner of the Castle the most loved by its guests.

The Swimming Pool of the Castle

The Swimming Pool of the Castle

The Swimming Pool of the Castle, strategically overlooking the gentle hills overlooking the Valley, is lying discreet and confiden+al at the foot of the castle walls, in the lower part of the garden and park in it come together. It 's called the "pool of the Four Seasons" for the beau+ful statues, white marble sculpture "Vene+an" style, that adorn depic+ng young women with features of the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Ancient Library

The Noble Floor of the Castle, apart from housing the most beautiful bedrooms and suites of the entire structure, also contains several grandiose and welcoming sitting rooms. The Ancient Library contains some of the most stunning wall paintings and ceilings of the entire Castle. Scenes of medieval Knights and Ladies enjoying age old jousts decorate the area below the magnificent 16th century wood and painted caisson ceiling, with its reproduction of the Castle’s symbols.

Renaissance Hall

The reading room next door near the Ancient Library, called “Golden Hall” with its enormous and stunning 1800’s Murano chandelier depic+ng “Spring at the Lagoon”, its painted green and gold lace-­‐like bordering around the upper wall invites its occupant to medita+on, the reading of a good book or the simple enjoyment of a fine cognac, a grappa or an old whysky.

Golden Hall

Suite Virgin Suite

Countess Suite

This splendid suite with terrace occupies one of the most important parts of the Castle on the noble floor and was always the master bedroom suite of the Castle. The two windows of the marvellously painted bedroom give onto, on one side, the park in front of the Castle, and, on the other side, the internal courtyard, illuminating it from sunrise to sunset.

Many have defined the Terraglio, the historical Roman road which links Treviso to Venezia, one of the most beau-ful straight roads in Italy. The wide countysides and the secular plane trees side by side that the road crosses make this historical street line so striking. But what mostly characterizes it and renders it unique are the numerous Veneto villas which rise on both sides: enchan-ng historical houses which, even if in a modern and dynamic environment, recall the ancient classic and glory. .

The villa, used as a residen-al compound, has been devided in seven rooms, becuase it was impossibile to use this huge structure as a unique residence. The works have been executed maintaining faithfully the building’s whole image: an accurate work of re-­‐moderniza-on, not too invasive, to allow to hedge in a fascina-ng page of the past history.


The VILLA can accommodate in a non-­‐conven+onal, elegant and refined atmosphere for up to 200 guests in the recep+on room and about 70 guests in room of 700.

This VILLA of the roman period was inhabited in the past by a famous duke nephew of Pope Pius VI, and From the first 800 were followed up to three different owners in the early 50's when the last owner, a french duke, inherited the estate and turned the complex of buildings that forms the house in Villa.

The village is the ideal place to reconnect with nature. Here your holiday will be centred on serenity, quietness and the renewed discovery of flora and fauna in the woods.We believe that true wellbeing can be gained only by slowing down the pace of your everyday life and allowing yourself the luxury to observe what surrounds you, relaxing in a warm and welcoming ambience where you can spend your -me on your own or with friends, in the Reading Room beside the fireplace or in the shadows of secular trees in the wide outdoors that surround il village.

This charming village is the ideal place to reconnect with nature. A place where you can spend carefree holidays, under the watchful eye of the most beau+ful tuscany hills, with it’s green fields. It consis+ng of 14 apartments and a co\age, fully furnished typical tuscany style, which evokes the magic of life.

The Village is currently intended to use for a COMMERCIAL HOLIDAY RESORT; all the accommoda+ons are rented weekly, with about 30 rooms.


T h e v i l l a i s s t r a t e g i c a l l y l o c a t e d 2 0 minutes from the Cinque Terre, 40 m i n u t e s f r o m Forte dei Marmi, 1 h from Genoa, 1 h 3 0 f r o m Florence.

The property is situated on the ridge of the hills above the Gulf of La Spezia, in a unique loca-on above the residence of CastelleS, with exposure to the South, unobstructed view of 360 degrees, from the Gulf of Spezia to the Apuan Alps, at an al-tude of 250 meters on sea level, 6 km away from Piazza Verdi (city center), 4 km from the railway sta-on, all accessible by different routes / alterna-ves. A 2.5 km there is the entrance of the new ring road of the city with direct motorway link provided. In 5 minutes you will reach the big new shopping center “Le Terrazze" which overlooks the property.


The Castle is located at the entrance of the valley of Susa, and is a historical building da-ng back to 1200 with frescoed rooms and a wonderful view over the valley. It’s an ideal place for elegant recep-ons, ceremonies, mee-ngs, christenings and vernissage, photo shoots. The current historic building, was founded in ancient -mes as a for-fied castle in strategically dominant posi-on, with a full view of the valley; was erected by Aurici’s noble family is then passed to Aschieri De Jallonio's, the most important family who ruled the country on behalf of the Savoy duke, and finally the Counts of Ripa Meana.La structure is now in the forms seventeenth century: it consists of three rectangular structures , a main and two service wings smaller side. On the ground floor dominated by a beau-ful porch eptas-lo shaped like a "T" crowned by a magnificent balustrade; the main floor terrace that offers a view of the sunrises and sunsets over the picturesque park features a wonderful plot created by the colors of the trees, hydrangeas and hollies, and the valley.

A former Monastery, located in one of the most beau-ful piedmont valleys, on the way to Moncenisio’s, fine finishes and a spectacular terrace with a breathtaking view 360 degrees.



The Project includes a 5 star luxury resort, spa with hot water sulfure in the hearth of Tuscany with a superb view on top of a hill. Area is a source of hot sulphurous thermal waters: it is water that flows in depth to 34.5 degrees. There is already a well, a cer-fica-on of the Ministry of Health and the authoriza-on to exploita-on. In this area there are also sources of pure mineral water. It’s a valuable investment in one of the most a^rac-ve areas of the tuscany.

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