Message From GAR
Departments 8
Market Report Guam Real Est ate Sale s Volume Surges
Feature R ea d y, Set , Pa r t y! How to prepare your home for the holidays without going insane.
From the Experts B u y i ng M y F i r s t H o m e
December 2010 • Vol. 3 • No. 12
Realizing your Homeownership Dreams
Profile N ew H o r i z o n s After decades of working with the Department of Revenue & Taxation, Del Artero Ada enters the world of real estate.
P.O. Box 24881 Barrigada, GU 96921 Tel: (671) 472-3495 | Fax: (671) 472-3498 email:
|Publisher| Julian T. Cooper-Nurse
|Business Sales Manager| Jay-R S. Dominguez
|Display Advertising| Darrell Pereda
|Traffic/Circulation Manager|
How To D.I.Y. H o w t o R e p l a c e a Le a k y To il e t F i ll e r Valve So easy a kid could do it
Josie Redmond
|Production Manager| Mark S. Burke
|Production Assistant| Lynda Young
Curb Appeal C u r b Ap p e al S e l l s H o mes !
Who Ya Gonna Call?
Closing G u am As s o c i at i o n o f Re al t o r s® Post Contract Pitfalls
|Graphics & Layout| Mark S. Burke • Jon Barnhart
|Editorial Contributors| Faye Varias Creative Services Mark S. Burke Christopher Felix W. Nicholas Captain Peggy Araullo Llagas Anthony Godwin Nancy Gleason CasaGuam is Published by:
Message from the President By Christopher Felix CPM,CIPS,CCIM
ell, it’s December and for many of you it means the Holiday Season. For me it also means this is my last article and my last month as President of the Guam Association of Realtors ® (GAR). It has been a long year for me mostly because of the Military buildup and the election. I believe it was a good year and while the real estate market was slow, it was a lot better than most of the United States and in the last few weeks sure seemed to have picked up a bit. I’d like to take some time for “THANK YOUs”. I’d like to thank my Board of Directors and officers: Anthony Godwin, Steffen Niu, Bree McDowell, Loisa Cabuhat, Scott Campbell, Clare Delgado, Diane Licanto Lee, Layla Raymanova, Liz Duenas, Elmore Cotton and Neat Muna. They all have been great and very understanding at our Board meetings. A Board can make or break an organization and these people made it! I would also like to thank my non-board committee chairs; Marilou Lacson, Ryan Mummert, Ryan De Guzman, Vicki Anderson-Estes, Beverly Alerta-Brady, Vic Reyes and Del Ada. Again if the committee chair doesn’t take charge nothing gets done and these people stepped up to the plate. Also I need to thank GAR’s Executive Officer Peggy Araullo Llagas and her staff. She kept us going and pointed in the right direction. My respect and friendship for her has grown so much this year. Finally I’d like to thank all of you for your support and comments throughout the year. Many of you have come up to me and told me how much you liked my articles or asked me to help and clarify something or even disagreed with what I wrote. I was surprised this year at how many of you read these articles and have strong opinions on them. I wish you and your families’ success and a Merry Christmas and Happy 2011!!
Guam Association of Realtors® The Voice for Real Estate on Guam
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2 CasaGuam December 2010
Real Estate Listing By Village Looki ng for s ome t h ing i n pa r t ic ul ar ? See the listings index below to point you in the direction of a listing in this real estate guide that’s right for you. Simply look up the village, type of home or apartment and see the ad on the corresponding page number. H ap py H om e Hunt i ng !
Commerical For Lease H ag åt ña Alliance Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
H ar mo n Alliance Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Coral Sea Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Tamu ning W. Yamamoto Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
A s an
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BC
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .115
Pi ti
D e d ed o
B a r ri g a d a
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .115
W. Yamamoto Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
W. Yamamoto Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
S in a j a n a
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
Tal ofofo BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Tamu ning Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .115 Century 21 Realty Management . . . . . . . . . .IIFC
Multi-Family For Sale D e d ed o Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BBC
BC - Back Cover
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .14
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
IFC - Inside Front Cover
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Tamu ning
IBC - Inside Back Cover
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Latte Stone Properties, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Commercial For Sale
FC - Front Cover
Guam Beachfront Residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .14
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .115
H ar mo n H ag åt ña Century 21 Realty Management . . . . . . . . . .IIFC Century 21 Realty Management . . . . . . . . . .IIFC
W. Yamamoto Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
I n a ra j a n M a n g il a o Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .115 Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .114
Mong m on g- Toto- Mai te
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Century 21 Realty Management . . . . . . . . . .IIFC
Latte Stone Properties, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Coral Sea Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
O rd ot - Ch ala n Pag o
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BC
D e d ed o
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BC
M a n g il a o The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BC
M e r iz o The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
S in a j a n a
Mong m on g- Toto- Mai te Century 21 Realty Management . . . . . . . . . .IIFC
Century 21 Realty Management . . . . . . . . . .IIFC
Tal ofofo
W. Yamamoto Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .14
O rd ot - Ch ala n Pag o
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BBC
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
Y ig o
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BC
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BBC
Y ig o
Residential For Rent
MZ Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Tal ofofo
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BC
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BC
Tamu ning
Pi ti
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
A s an
Latte Stone Properties, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BBC
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
B a r ri g a d a
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
D e d ed o
Residential For Sale
Century 21 Realty Management . . . . . . . . . .IIFC
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .14
S ant a R i t a
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .115
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .114
Tal ofofo
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BC
Y ig o
Tamu ning
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 MZ Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Latte Stone Properties, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Ag a n a H e i g h t s BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .114
W. Yamamoto Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
Ag a t
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .14
H ag åt ña
Alliance Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BC
Alliance Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .14
Mong m on g- Toto- Mai te
Today’s Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BC
BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
A s an
O rd ot - Ch ala n Pag o
Century 21 Realty Management . . . . . . . . . .IIFC
W. Yamamoto Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
B a r ri g a d a
Tumon W. Yamamoto Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Yona BHI Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
Y ig o Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .115
Land For Sale Yona
Latte Stone Properties, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
W. Yamamoto Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Ag a t
Alliance Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
The Real Estate Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .115
4 CasaGuam December 2010
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .115
Century 21 Realty Management . . . . . . . . . .IIFC
Century 21 Commonwealth Realty . . . . . . . . .15
FREE OF CHARGE To those looking for properties
MLS 10-946
MLS 10-2378
MLS 10-2369
Las Palmas Phase III - 3Br / 2.5Ba Excellent Condition $265K
Pacific Garden Condo - 1Br / 1Ba Very Good Cond. $54,000
Summer Palace Townhouse Ex. Cond. 3Br/2.5Ba $2000-2,200/mo
MLS 10-3950
MLS 10-2278
MLS 10-4014
301 Route 8A - Barrigada 1,800 sq/ft 4Br / 3Ba $243,900
Tumon Heights - 3Br / 2.Ba Ex. Cond. Pool $1,900/mo
MLS 10-3013
MLS 10-3944
Summer Palace – C-Type House
Tamuning Office Spaces - Well Maint. 1000–2,400 sq/ft $1200-2800/mo
+ Den Like New 3Br / 2.5Ba $439K
MLS 10-3233
MLS 10-3384
Blue Pacific Lattice - Tumon 2Br / 1Ba FF Ex. Cond. $2,000/mo
House #363B - Chalan Pago 4 Br/ 2Ba $2,200/mo
MLS 10-2811
MLS 10-3627
Tumon - Excellent Condition 3Br / 2Ba $1,200/mo
Oka Plaza - Office Space for Rent 1st Floor - $640–1,360/mo
San Vitores Condo - Tumon 3Br / 2Ba $1,700/mo
MLS 10-1501 Tamuning Land - Takano St. ±8,644.50 SqM $1,093,000
MLS 10-1515
MLS 10-2125 Tumon Land - Ocean View Lot 4,047± SqM $1,350,000
Barrigada Heights View Lot $250-330K
Louisa Wessling Associate Broker
Christina Au
MLS#10-1584 & 10-2159 TALOFOFO - $265K or RENT $2,450/mo 3br/2.5ba
MLS#10-1342 MAITE - $189K or RENT $1,700/mo Agana Oceanview Condo 3br/2ba
MLS#10-4002 TAMUNING - 1.8M 2 Story Commercial Bldg. Fronting Chn San Antonio Ave. Good exposure for any business.
MLS#10-1736 PITI - LAND $500K 8000sm. Excellent road frontage property with high visibility for any business
Associate Broker
MLS#10-3245 DEDEDO - NCS $205K Renovated 5br/3ba. Fully fenced
MLS#10-3954 & #10-3958 YONA - Windward Hills Golf Course $475K or Rent $2,500/mo 4br/3ba wonderful features & scenic view
6 CasaGuam December 2010
MLS#10-1415 YIGO $259K 3br/2.5Ba on 1/2 acre lot. Family room, Living room & kitchen
MLS#10-2203 YONA - $220K Windward Hills Estates 4br/2.5ba. Fixer Upper!
MLS#10-2324 DEDEDO Ypaopao Estates $2,200/mo 4br/3.5ba.
DEDEDO - $205K 4br/1.5ba on 1/4 acre lot.
MLS#10-297 YIGO - $360K or RENT $2,450/mo. 3br/2.5ba Executive home.
MLS#10-3008 & 10-3007 SINAJANA - $2,000/mo 3BR/3BA. Delightful home with open floor plan.
Trini Sarmiento Associate Broker
MLS#10-1969 TAMUNING - $230K 3br/2ba on 600sm R2 zone lot.
MLS#10-2158 YIGO - $350K 2br/1ba, 2 homes on one lot.
TAMUNING - $1.6M Golden Motel 26 Rooms, free simple land/ imprvmnt, equip.and generator.
MLS#10-1954 TAMUNING - LAND $550K 1/2 acre w/ 4br concrete house.
MLS#10-961 & 10-3936 TAMUNING - Alupang Cove Townhome $695K or Rent $4000/mo Includes Utilities!
YONA - Baza Gardens $225K Fenced 3BR/2BA home with 2BR/1BA semi-concrete extension. Newly Renovated. 7
Market Repor t
Guam Real Estate Sales Volume Surges Market Transitioning Due to Commencement of Military Build-Up
ctivity Update –
Guam’s real estate market surged during the third quarter of 2010 with $106.9 million in total transaction activity, the strongest quarterly sales volume in two years and up more than 50 percent from the 2009 third quarter results, according to the latest figures released by the Captain Real Estate Group. “The September signing of the Record of Decision, formalizing the $15 billion Guam military build-up, provided additional confidence in the future of the local real estate market, and build-up related transaction activity was evident during the third quarter”, noted Nick Captain, President. The most recent figures were boosted by several lender-pressure induced deals including the indicated $15.4 million bulk sale of 28 luxury houses as well as the $5.0 million sale of partially improved townhouse lots at Talo Verde, Guam’s premier residential subdivision. A series of other high priced commercial, industrial and land sales, signaling a return of heightened interest among foreign investors, also contributed to the sharp increase in sales volume during the quarter. The residential sector of Guam’s real estate market slipped during the third quarter of 2010 with the median single family home price dropping 7 percent to $197,000 and unit sales sliding to 145, a 22 percent decline from the 185 units sold during the third quarter of 2009. The most recent figures were boosted by 23 sales within the newly completed Sagan Bonita residential subdivision in Mangilao. Condominium transaction 8 CasaGuam December 2010
By Nick Captain activity reflected just 34 sales this past quarter, one of the slowest periods since 2002. However, the median price of a condominium unit was up sharply to the second highest on record at $171,100, mostly due to new product sales at the highly successful Harvest Residence project and other high end condo sales. The high-end condominium market (priced above $350,000) rebounded sharply through September 2010 with transaction activity already doubling the entire 2009 sales volume. During this past quarter, a dozen residential properties sold at prices above $400,000. “Now that the military build-up is finally commencing, we’re seeing different markets act in different ways”, said Captain. Competition for industrial space and worker housing facility options intensified during 2010 as military contractors and new businesses closed numerous deals in these sectors. “We expect some unusual activity during this initial period of transition because sellers and buyers must find common ground or activity plummets”, noted Captain. “We see this period as the last window of opportunity for buyers, before inflationary pressure associated with the build-up significantly impacts Guam real estate prices”, added Siska Hutapea, Captain’s partner. The near-term may be tied to Guam real estate lending activity, which plummeted 36 percent through mid-2010. Notable Transactions – In addition to the lender-driven bulk sale of 28 Talo Verde houses and townhouse lots, several additional major transactions closed during the third quarter of 2010. These sales included Guam’s most impressive industrial complex,
IXORA, which was acquired by a Hawaii-based investor at $7.2 million. The nearly 90,000 square foot project has housed numerous luxury brands as well as a temporary courthouse that witnessed Guam’s most expensive trial, which was based on claims associated with the former Royal Palm hotel. Fittingly, another notable transaction during the quarter involved the 4.5 acre Tumon beachfront site formerly occupied by the Royal Palm. The property sold to a Taiwan-based investment group at nearly $8.5 million, or around $500 per square meter. An-
other Hawaii-based investor acquired 58,000 square meters of former federal excess land at Tiyan for $3.5 million, or $60 per square meter. Pago Bay Resort closed another five luxury home sites at The Laguna during the quarter at prices up to $448,000. A 50 lot undeveloped subdivision in Chalan Pago sold at $1,250,000 or $25,000 per lot. The most significant sale during the recent quarter involved Shell Guam Inc.’s sale of various service station properties (and business) to Philippine-based investors IP&E Holdings, LLC. 9
Ready, Set, Party!
10 CasaGuam December 2010
Feature By Rob Jones
How to prepare your home for the holidays without going insane.
The holidays – those being Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, and other ‘Holy-Days’ grouped roughly, and conveniently, around the Winter solstice – tend to be looked upon as a mixed blessing by many. Holidays are a time to welcome the ones you love into the center of your world that is your home, right? At the end of the day, it’s also nice to be able to show it off. But, another consideration is all about preparations for visitors. That takes effort, and sometimes causes stress in an already busy life. 11
Feature So, what’s called for well in advance of the holiday season, and the impending en masse visit to your abode, is a strategy to prepare for the holidays well before the crunch date. Take a look!
stress, and allow for a generous lead time should problems with delivery occur. Start a friendship with butchers, bakers, candlestick makers (you get the idea), and ask their advice about when the best times to order specialty items are.
1. Get the numbers early. It seems obvious, but getting a guest list in your mind and then down on paper as early as possible is a prime place to start when getting your home ready for the holidays. You want to allow enough time to prepare your home (and your sanity!) for the volume of feet moving through it. You also want to respectfully give others a chance to organize their own lives in time to confirm that they’re actually coming, and find out if they have special requirements. You can also use this step in recruiting help to prepare the meal! Despite how well you plan, of course, sometimes the numbers take on a life of their own, especially here in Guam.
2. Order specialty items early. Remember, you’re not alone when it comes to preparing for company. During the holidays, a lot of people are after the same items that you are. Ordering birds, cakes, trees, and other related items specific to your particular cultural traditions are best done early. This is not just for reasons of securing availability. But, doing things early will help you to minimize
12 CasaGuam December 2010
3. Stock your kitchen arsenal. The kitchen’s role as the nerve center of your home is really ramped up when holiday visitors come to call. So, making sure it’s ready is a great strategy when getting your home ready for the holidays. Clean your appliances thoroughly. If they’re older models, have them inspected when in doubt since they’ve got a big job ahead of them. Make sure you’ve got all of the pots, crockery, cutlery you need for the numbers and for the meals you’ve got in mind. Clear out your pantry to make room for the items you’re sure you’re going to need for the oncoming season. The same goes for your freezer, which may need to host larger items than usual, like turkeys, and (later on) leftovers in greater quantities than usual.
4. Think about seating. This is related to how many numbers you think you’re going to have. Like that step, this one seems simple and obvious. But making sure your guests are seated comfortably whether at the holiday table, or in your living areas before the meal begins can really
set the tone for your special event. Sourcing fold up chairs, portable trays, and tables to serve as ‘kid’s tables’, is generally pretty inexpensive prospects. If you’re planning a self-serve buffet, you can rent tables that will serve this purpose very well.
5. Create space for kids. For many, incorporating kids into a holiday event is a key area in making sure that the holidays are enjoyed by the whole family. Keeping children entertained, and making sure that your space is welcoming to children, is a great way to make sure that your holiday event is enjoyable for everyone. This could mean that your spare room, rec room, whichever room, is stocked with art supplies, games, dress-up clothes, story books, electronic devices in order to keep the young ‘uns occupied and entertained. Creating a place that is especially for the children gives them a sense that they are welcomed into your home, and have a literal place in your home while they’re there. The advantages of this is for your benefit, as well as for theirs of course, and for their parents too while they’re guests in your home.
6. “CCC” (Clear Closets of Clutter). No clutter, and plenty of room for all! One subtle addition to your holiday event is the visual presentation of your closet or slipper rack, one of the first impressions people will have of your space.
Feature Making room for them on a literal level communications all kinds of positive messages about how welcome they are on a symbolic level, too. So, “CCC” – clear your closets of clutter – and make sure that your guests know you’ve made a place for them. Take those old zoris and worn-out shoes and donate them, put other things into storage, buy some shoe organizing units and mats, and let the lack of clutter be your ambassador when company comes.
7. Think about safety. Once you have a houseful of people, the need for safety while everyone is in close quarters rises. This doesn’t mean that because of the holidays your house has become a potential death trap. But, it does mean making sure that cleaning products in the bathroom is put out of reach of visiting children. It means making sure that glassware and knick-knacks are also safely tucked away to avoid breakage and potential injury. It means putting poisonous holiday plants out of reach of visiting cats and dogs. And it means being mindful of open, festive flames too – candles, etc.
8. Think about a mess-prevention/clean-up strategy . Not only do you want to avoid the kind of mess that makes you say ‘never again!’ once your guests have left, you want to make sure you’ve got some strategies in place before they even arrive. For instance, red wine spills are exceptionally common. So, make sure you’ve got the materials you need to see to them – bicarbonate of soda, soda water. Think about a plastic dropsheet under children’s tables, and under wet footwear to make moisture and food fragments easy to deal with. Think about asking your guests to volunteer for clean-up duties after the meals. After all, many hands make light work at any time of the year. 13
Homes & Condos
Have a Merry Christmas & A Prosperous New Year Machananao,Ded $165K 3BR/1.5BA #10-3768
Goring Villa-Yigo $129K 3bd/2ba #10-1723
Agat $180K 4bd/2ba #10-3351
Villa Pacita Yigo $595K 3bd/3ba #10-3321
A’abang Astumbo Ded $128K 2 BR/1BA #10-3906
Holiday Tower - Sinajana $279.5K 2BR/2BA #10-3995
Villa Rosario Condo-Ded. $142K 3bd/2ba #10-712
Liguan Terr. - Ded $176.5 3BR/1BA #10-2340
Machanao-Dededo $200K 3bd/2ba #10-2054
Agana Heights $189K 3bd/2.75ba #10-1773
Goring Villa-Yigo $129K 3bd/2ba #10-1724
Pacific Towers Tamuning $90K #10-4052
Dededo $289K 3bd/2ba #10-1505
Oceanview Tumon Condos $385K 3bd/2ba #10-1490
San Vitores Garden Condo-Tum. $186K 3bd/2ba #10-898
Mangilao $263K 3bd/2.5ba #10-358
Dolores,Dededo $232K 3bd/2ba #10-2499
Alupang Cove Condo Tam $165K 1BR/1BA #10-3997
Anao Pt.,Yigo (New) $285K 4bd/3ba #10-2822
E.Gayinero,Yigo $329K 3bd/2ba #10-2899
Villa de Oro, Mang. $140K 3bd/2ba #10-1737
Liguan Terrace Ded. $195K 4bd/1ba #10-3220
Machuate,Barrigada $225K 3bd/2ba #10-33
Tun Akin Kabesa-Yigo $205K 3BR/1.5BA #10-2293
Alupang Beach Tower, Tam. $395K 3bd/2ba #08-281
Tecio Condo,Tumon $600K 3bd/3ba #08-1207
Perezville,Tamuning $625K 5bd/4ba #09-1332
Bumuchachu,Dededo $360K 4bd/3ba #10-1652
Asentadu Villa-Tam $229K 3bd/2ba #10-1623
Liguan Terrace Ded. $260K 4bd/2ba #10-1110
Barrigada $432K 4bd/2.5ba #10-3391
Villa Pacita Yigo $435K 3bd/3ba #10-3320
Perez Acres,Yigo $210K 3bd/1.5ba #10-428
Spring Hill Sub-Yigo Adacao, Mangilao $350K $300K 3bd/2ba #10-2204 3bd/3ba ea. duplex #10-2731
Taitano St. Dededo - 4BR/3BA 3100 sq.ft large home $3500/mo. 10-3796 Katsadan Paluma, Marianas Terr.Yigo - 3BR/2BA $1900/mo. 10-3895 Sta.Barbara Ave. Dededo - 3BR/1BA upgraded with large yard $1400/mo. 10-3892 Young Hwa Condo,Carnation Ln. Tamuning - 3BR/2BA. Nice unit $ 10-3994
Land (House Lot & Investment)
Agana Bay Condo,Tamuning - 2BR/1BA-Fully Furnished $2200/mo. 10-3848 Perez Acres,Yigo - 3BR/1.5BA storey townhome, upgraded $2200/mo. 10-3940 Tumon Horizon Condo, Upper Tumon - 2BR/1BA 1st.flr furnished $1900/mo. 10-3967
Santa Rita $89K 5,536sm #07-672
Tamuning $260K 702.24sm #10-843
Agat $648K 49,000sm #10-1802
Laguina Estates Yona $68K 1,211sm #10-2656
Holiday Tower,Sinajana - 2BR/2BA with view & amenities $2000/mo. 10-4018 Rte.4, Chn. Pago - Newly renovated spacious 2BR/1BA unit. furnished $1,250/mo. & Unfurnished $1,200/mo. (10-3222) Scharf, Piti - Affordable and spacious 2BR/2BA unit. $650/mo. (10-2298) Villa Pacita, Yigo - 3BR/3BA Gated Exec. home. $4,800 (10-3322) Estralita,Tumon Hts.-4BR/3BA-$1,450 Price Reduced (10-3297)
Rt. 15 Yigo $180K 7,407sm #06-2108
Agat $12M 140,150sm #07-1156
Dededo $60K 2,075sm #10-635
Yigo $65K 1,853sm #10-1037
Perez Acres, Yigo - 3BR/2BA Gated Exec. home. $2,300 (10-3379) Ypaopao Est.,Dededo - 3BR/2.5BA -$2450. (10-3046) Papaya Lane, Barrigada - 4BR/3BA Ocean view home. $3,800 (10-3696) Alupang Cove condo, Tamuning - 1BR/1BA Ocean view home. $1,900 (10-3460) Perez Acres, Yigo - 3BR/2BA Well kept home. $1,700 (10-3559)
Piti $125K 1,246sm #08-3496
Paseo de Oro Tam $252K 1147 sq.m #10-3868
Piti $3,280,000 545,687sm #06-605
Barrigada $545K 4,171sm #10-987
Horizon Townhouse, Tumon - 3BR/2.5BA Nice unit in gated community. $1,200 (10-3633) Pia Resort, Tumon - 2BR/2BA Nice ocean and city view. $1,600 (10-3648) Scharf Apts, Piti - 2BR/2BA Affordable and spaciousunit. $650 (10-2298) Piti - 2 bedroom 2 bathroom. Close to many locations on island, these units are centrally located. $650 #10-1221
Merizo $250K 43,837sm #10-622
Piti $498K 15,088sm #09-264
Yigo $55K 1,417sm #09-3041
Tumon $8,386,470 9,423sm #08-3021
Macheche-Dededo $100K 1,730sm #09-2902
Dededo $486K 4,460sm #10-2670
Monessa Lujan Chn.Pago $250K 1637 sq.m #10-3942
Chaco Rd.Yona $383K 17,108 sq.m #10-3933
Pacific Towers Condo Tamuning - Section 8 Accepted for this unit, located on the 7th floor w/partial oceanview. Starter unit for family w/kids & centrally located in Tamuning. Unit comes w/water, pool & coin operated laundry facility on the ground floor. 24 Hours security service. $1,254 #10-1209 Tamuning - A large 4 bedroom, 3 Bath, 3rd floor apartment off of Ypao Road near Royal Gardens. It has a walk around balcony. Basic appliances & air conditioners are included. It comes w/2 assigned parking spaces. $1,500. #10-3297 Horizon Townhouse Tumon - A nice kitchen nook countertop made of granite stone, which you will no longer need a dining table. Rent it before buying. $1,700 #10-923 Perez Acre Townhomes-Yigo - 3 br 2 bath,central A/C, 1 split in master br, marble floor, pool, gated security, close to school & shoppings. $1,700/mo #10-2944
Ipan-Talofofo $575K 27,774.22sm #07-3850
Yigo $3,776,240 58,096sm #07-328
Dededo $1,202,920 14,152sm #10-2590
Asan $650K 7,984sm #09-1983
Blue Pacific Lattice Cond Tumon - Fantastic view of Tumon Bay! Cozy 1 bedroom unit on the 7th floor. New ceramic tile floor. Semi furnished & owner is flexible for additional furniture. Rent includes water. $1,900 #10-2846 Trophy Condo Yigo - Great condo minutes to Andersen AFB & grocery stores. Safe well lit condo that is modern. Unit can come furnished or unfurnished & the tenant gets to pick out the furniture if they want to. Also comes w/a membership to the Nikko Hotel for the use of their facilities, to include the pool & many other amenities. $1,900. #10-2821
Feature Property
Farenholt Ave. Tam $2.998M 10,619 sq.m #05-1050
Tumon-H zone $2.008M 4016 sq.m #06-3020
Off Rt.4,Inarajan $45K 2280 sq.m #06-865
Acanta Mall MLS#10-3719 Various retail spaces from 654 sq.ft to 1970 sq.ft. Call for Details.
Perez Acre Townhomes-Yigo - 3-bedroom unit in established & well maintained Perez Acres complex w/the amenities to enjoy: swimming pools, fitness park, basketball court, play ground, mail delivery, a 24hour security, on-site management, pro landscape maintenance & more. Conveniently located to business establishments & schools in the area. $1,900 #10-1921 Perez Acre Townhomes-Yigo - Located in Guam’s best maintained residential complex, “Perez Acres”, this 2 story 3+1 bedroom Condo. offers you a comfortable home. The enclosed patio provides you w/extra living space & storage. The complex is gated, has two swimming pools, playgrounds & recreation areas. Mins away from the Air Force Base. $2,300 #10-3379
From the Experts
Buying My First Home
By Anthony Godwin
was barely 24 years old and a family friend approached me and asked me if I had my own home. I was like, “Nope, I’m just renting right now—owning a home is just a dream for me. I just work, pay bills and chill.“ The gentleman replied, your dream has just come true. So, I wondered how could this 20 something guy, staying with a room-mate paying $350.00 a month in rent and making a little more than minimum wage be able to buy his own home? No way! He replied… Yes way!
I wondered how could this 20 something guy, staying with a room-mate, paying $350.00 a month in rent and making a little more than minimum wage be able to buy his own home?
So we sat down and he asked me about my income, what my monthly payments were (such as car payments, personal loans, stuff like that) and then he ran some numbers and said, “well you can probably get a loan for somewhere around $45,000”. At the time all I had was just $100.00 in savings. So he figured out how I could get my own place, with my own keys for no money down and move-in within a few weeks. The place was something I could afford and more importantly it was mine. I could paint the
16 CasaGuam December 2010
walls whatever color I wanted; I could change the floors, the light fixtures, just about anything. It was the ideal place at the time and it set me on a journey that I’ve never ventured from. As I continued along, my needs changed and I ended up buying places that fit my ever-changing requirements. No, my first home did not exactly match my dream. It was not the two story home, with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, a hot tub and a five minute
walk to the beach. But, it was a great first step towards reaching my home ownership goals. By the way, if that gentleman had never approached me many years ago I would probably still be renting today. While you ponder this article, ask yourself this... will you realize your dream? Or help someone else realize theirs! Consider yourself approached. Make that call today and let’s get to work on buying your first home.
From Your Friends at
Guam’s Premier Real Estate Publication
New Horizons
By Faye Varias
After decades of working with the Department of Revenue & Taxation, Del Artero Ada enters the world of real estate.
Del Ar tero Ad a REALTOR®, Associate Broker Century21/Realty Management Co.
Graduate of the University of Guam’s College of Business and attended graduate school for regulatory examiners at the University of Illinois
Children: Motto:
Zina, Chuck, Bill and Jared
“Always put yourself in the other person’s situation. Do your best in everything you do, and NEVER say you can't or don't know how.”
In the next few years, she hopes to continue to grow in knowledge and experience and to provide the best service assisting people realize the American dream of being a homeowner. Outside of work, Ada says, “I enjoy cooking, caring and taking of my mother, my grandchildren and assisting my children when ever and where ever they need me. I enjoy decorating, and doing home interior designing, especially in my mom's room. I also like watching the cooking channels.”
h Casa Guam magazine is a great source and wealt of information for everyone, to include Realtors® 18 CasaGuam December 2010
hen most people retire, they envision days gardening and traveling, with no worries in the world. But not Del Artero Ada. When she made her decision to retire, she pursued a career in real estate. “And the rest is history,” she says. Ada spent more than 36 years working for the Government of Guam as a regulatory examiner. “We regulated the following industries: insurance, securities, banking and real estate,” she says. “My career with the department was very rewarding. I am one that needs to be challenged, and as a regulatory examiner, we are constantly facing those challenges with the industries we regulate with the different laws. Each situation we are faced with is different, which keeps me motivated and that is the reason how I invested that number of years.” And it is during this time that she found an interest in real estate. As a REALTOR®, Ada says putting people and places together is one of her favorite things. “It's a satisfying experience to assist my clients find a home for themselves and their families. It's also rewarding to be able to assist both buyers, sellers and renters achieve one of the most important decisions in their lives.” However, she says the most challenging are when she is trying to assist both buyers and renters with their specific needs that are not available within their budget. She says if there is something she would like more people to be aware of, it is that potential buyers should try to get pre-qualified for a mortgage loan, prior to seeking properties for sale. “Figure out how much you can afford. What you can afford depends on your monthly income, credit rating, and current monthly expenses,” she says. Ada says as far as banks, it’s important to shop around. “Obtain information from various financial institutions on the different mortgage loan packages offered, and what best suits your needs. Once you know what you can afford, it's time to shop for a home within your budget. Make a "wish list" of what you would like in a home. Choose a Realtor® you feel comfortable with to assist you in your real estate needs.” When making an offer, she says, “Discuss with your Realtor® the options and conditions you want expressed in your offer to include the following: a) Make your offer contingent on your ability to obtain financing, if it's not an ‘all cash’ offer. To ensure that in the event the loan is not approved, the contract offer is null and void and earnest money deposit is refunded to you the Buyer. This clause must be disclosed on the offer. b) Appraisal report within 10 working days after loan commitment letter is issued. If appraisal is lower than purchase price, Buyer reserves the right to renegotiate purchase price or cancel the transaction. c) Surveyor - marking of corner points by a licensed surveyor, and approved and accepted by Buyer at Seller's expense. (If property is both house and lot or vacant lot). d) Seller to provide clean and clear title, marketable and insurable by a licensed title company of Buyer's choice at Seller's expense. e) Home Inspection - normally if the Buyer chooses to secure this type of inspection, it would be at Buyer's choice. f ) Home-Owners Insurance - Shop around as well. This coverage has to be in place prior to closing of escrow. Be sure to read everything you sign, and ask questions if you have any concerns or unsure of the process.” 19
H o w To D . I . Y.
How to Replace a Leaky Toilet Filler Valve
he conversation goes something like this... "We need and article for D.I.Y this month do you have anything?" "We could do an article about changing toilet fill valves..." "Nobody wants to talk about toilets...that's gross!" Well, do-it-yourselfers, let's talk dirty, let's talk toilet valve repair! The funny thing is we spend a lot of time around toilets and no one likes to think about them much until they start running, and running, and running... then you start to get the subtle hints. "…Honey, the toilet won't stop running, when are you going to fix it?" You've jiggled the handle but it just keeps on running. What to do? Well, here's the good news, the problem is the tank, not the bowl! If your toilet keeps running you have a problem with your fill valve or flapper valve. If you have an old worn out flapper valve, five to ten minutes and usually less than ten bucks is all it takes to replace it. If you can change a lightbulb, you can change a flapper valve! If your flapper valve is good then your issue is with the filler valve. Many times a running toilet can be fixed with a simple adjustment of the valve. In the older "ball float" types, you can simply adjust the float or bend the bar down to make the float sit lower in the tank, when the water rises the bar on the end of the float pushes down on the valve that shuts off the water flow. Valves also have a small adjustment screw on the top of the valve that lets you adust the point at which the valve closes. But what do you do when the fill valve won't stop running? Change it! Now, this is where a lot of folks get all confused and nervous, those things look complicated. They aren't; besides you aren't repairing the valve, you're replacing it, you can get a brand new one for around 20 bucks in most hardware stores. Most of us have the old bowl and tank style toilets. No matter how fancy your toilet design is, they pretty much all work the same way and have the same parts. The bowl is the business end, we won't be working there! The tank is just that. A water tank; nothing nasty there! Just a tank full of water and a couple valves and pipes. It's really simple, most tank valve repairs take less than 15 minutes. With most filler valves, it's as simple as unscrewing a pipe coupling, pulling out the old valve assembly, putting in the new one and reattaching the pipe coupling. Really! It’s that simple! So, let's change the filler valve, and since you're going to be in there anyway, it wouldn't hurt to change that flapper at the same time. To start, let’s take a look at your typical toilet tank. There’s a filler valve and float, an overflow pipe, a handle and chain assembly, a fill tube and a 20 CasaGuam December 2010
By Mark S. Burke
3. Remove the Pipe Coupling and Valve Retaining Nut The pipe coupling and nut should come off easily, if you have an older filler valve, you may need a small pair of channel-lock pliers or a small pipe wrench.
Retaining Nut –>
<– Pipe Coupling
Toilet Tank Parts flapper; that’s pretty much it. Not so bad, right? Since we’re focusing on the filler valve today, let’s take a look at it. The picture above shows a typical “ball float” valve. Newer valve assemblies have built in floats, eliminating the need for those big ugly balls on the end of brass rods that corrode. Actually, if you think about it, these valves are brilliantly designed!
<– Float
Cylindrical Float Fill Valve
Here is a step by step guide to changing the filler valve:
1. Shut off the Water: The shut-off valve should be located on the main pipe connected to the toilet tank. This is the pipe attached to the filler valve.
Shutoff Valve
2. Flush the Toilet This empties most of the water fom the tank. You might want to have a small bucket handy to catch any remaining water when you take out the valve.
4. Remove Old Valve Assembly Believe it or not, that retaining nut is the only thing holding the valve assembly in. I told you this would be easy! You need to disconnect the fill tube (that little plastic tube connecting the fill valve to the overflow tube), then just lift out the old valve. Now that the valve is out, this is a good time to change the flapper valve if you have a new one. It either slides over the overflow tube or connects to the small hooks on the bottom of the overflow tube.
5. Install New Valve Assembly Each valve will have a rubber washer that fits over the bottom of the valve assembly. Different manufacturers have different types, but basically, all you have to do is slide it up over the threads so that it seats into the hole in the tank when you insert the valve. This washer keeps the water from leaking out around the valve threads. Install the retaining nut (hand tight should <– Washer be sufficient), reconnect the filler tube to the overflow pipe, the chain to the flapper. and you’re ready to finish!
6. Re-attach the Pipe Coupling, Turn on the Water. Thats it! You’re done, if you need to make adjustments to the float, just follow the instructions that came with your new valve kit. Wow! that was so easy, I think I’ll teach my grandson how to do it (when he turns seven).
Curb Appeal
The Word on the Street: Curb Appeal Sells Homes ave you ever judged a book by its cover? Or, have you, in a frenzied state at the movie store, with no time to kill, grabbed what turned out to be a very bad movie because the cover was, well, pretty. Although many of us might like to think we are above such biased judgment calls, in all likelihood, most all of us have judged something according to what has been presented on the outside. This phenomenon, holds true for prospective buyers looking at houses, as well. A large percentage of home buyers will decide whether or not they want to view a home, based on its curb appeal the outside attractiveness that can hook a buyers attention. Consider that with the advent and now prolific use of the internet everywhere and within the world of real estate, buyers are presented with a wide scope of choice and information. The information that they put the bulk of their faith in, statistically, are photos. So, as well as having good quality photos of your house, consider the importance of curb appeal as one of the first elements that will peak interest in your property. Secondly, consider that if interest is not peaked a first time, there is little, to no chance, that the buyer in question will choose to view your property at all. Like a shopper bombarded with a million product choices in the super market, something with an appealing package may catch their eye, over the product that has superior quality. We do make judgments based on packaging, especially under stress. So, after that little diatribe, you are hopefully convinced of the value of curb appeal when selling your home. Now, we can get into the nitty gritty details on how you can create an appealing curb. There are some questions to ask yourself. Better yet, ask yourself, and then ask a friend to give you their opinion. Of course, don't let their answer disturb your friendship-an honest response may help you sell and perhaps fetch top dollar for your property.
1. What is the first impression of your house and yard? 2. Look at specific features and make a list of the good ones. 3. Look again, and make a list of the worst exterior features. Enhancing curb appeal, without a major overhaul is based on the enhancement of the good stuff and the minimization or improvement of what is not-so-good. Begin first with what is challenging- in this case those features that are not so attractive. But, before jumping into elements that may involve some project work, start first with anything that needs a good-old-fashioned clean up. Perhaps some of those negative features, just need a coat of paint or a pressure wash. Here are some ideas.
By Nancy Gleason
Once you have generally cleaned up, look again and consider some landscaping decisions. As with interior home staging, the attractiveness of an un-cluttered interior holds true for the exterior of a home as well. Begin first with removing what landscaping elements seem to be cluttering others that needs to shine. Most buyers, have a hard time visualizing changes. But take note that buyers who can visualize necessary changes may well come to you with an undesirably low offer.Your own foresight and curb appeal work will attract buyers, and fend off low offers. Here are some tips to consider for appealing landscaping: • Shrubs generally work best when they anchor the corners of a house. • A tree should function for protection or as an accent. Trees are most appealing when they to not disturb the line of sight. • Frame the greeting area or front door with flowering plants and low shrubs. • Stone and rock and can be used cosmetically to add a look of durability to your home. In creating curb appeal, always consider the importance of the entranceway. Visual attractiveness is based on creating a focal point, and that point is usually the entranceway of a house. Door color should match the accent color of your home. A door that is colorful can be friendly and inviting, but make sure it is not shockingly bright. A second focal point is good, when it serves to lead the eye along a path to the entranceway. A garden bench or arbor are good secondary focal points. What we have outlined in this article are smaller, more manageable projects you can do yourself to enhance the curb appeal of your home. If it seems like your home requires more than you can manage yourself, hire a professional who can write up a detailed. plan. Either way, do not neglect the power of packaging as you prepare your house for a competitive market.
• Clean gutters and windows. • Kill mold and mildew on the roof, house, sidewalks and driveway. • Paint the exterior of your house an attractive color. Consult your surrounding neighborhood to see what works. • Pressure wash dirty siding and dingy decks. • Edge sidewalks. • Remove vegetation growing between concrete or bricks. • Trim trees or plant limbs that are touching or near your home. Greenery should showcase your home, not hide it. • Attend to all sides of your house, including the rear. Buyers do look everywhere! 22 CasaGuam December 2010
Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution 23
24 CasaGuam December 2010
Who Ya Gonna Call
Classifieds M a n g i l ao
Commercial Rentals
Commercial Sales
H ag a t n a
Ta mu n in g
3rd Floor Residential and 2nd floor commercial space available. Walking distance to restaurant, courthouse and banks! Call DEE @ 727-3777
Business opportunity. Event planning business for sale in a great location. Asking $40,000. Call KAMAKA for more info @ 689-2553
D e de do
Residential Rentals
Nice house on a cul-de-sac street in Latte Hts. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with all ceramic tiles and split a/c units per room. Newer kitchen counters and appliances. Fenced back yard. Has always been leased to military personnel for their tour on Guam. Asking $2,100 / month. Call DEANNA @ 688-2855
Ag a t
Ord o t-C ha l an Pa go
1br / 1ba house, close to schools, stores, beach and church. Asking $600.00. Call 649-8265 or 888-7447
Flora Pago Gardens Condo. Security, Pool, BBQ area, Minutes to hospital, , Agana Shopping mall. Asking $1700/mo. call PAT @ 727-4728
106 East Sta. Barbara, Dededo 4bed/1 ba corner house, fenced, and gated. Centrally located close to church, school and malls. Asking $1,200/month. Call MYRNA @ 488-0144
Ord o t-Cha l an Pa go Commercial space for rent. Approx 2155 sq ft. Ideal for laundromat, bakeshop, video store or retail business. Asking $2,500/mo. Please call ANGIE @ 727-2228 Commercial space for rent. Approx 850 sq ft., video store or retail business. Asking $850/mo. Please call ANGIE @ 727-2228
Ta mu n in g Tamuning – Oka Plaza Commercial Offices -Unit 201 is a choice location on the 2nd floor. Rental space can be larger by joining adjacent offices w/ pass thru door. Basic rent for #201 is $810 plus caf of $121.50( .15 cent per sf). Full back up generator. After 1 week, tenant to share cost of operating generator$810/mo. Please call 637-7165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333 / 477-7042 Tamuning Commercial Spaces 500 sq ft ~ 2400 sq ft. Asking $1.15/sqft + common area.Please call 637-7165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333 / 477-7042
Tu mon Fountain Plaza for Rent: Finally prime commercial space in the much desired Fountain Plaza. Own your very own business amongst the likes of many long time established busibesses already patroning this plaza. Where can you go wrong, San Vitores road frontage with ample space, there are no lossers and YOU are the winner. Asking $2,700/mo. Please call DANIEL @ 687-5422 Cozy Karaoke Bar on the second floor in the heart of Tumon Bay at very reasonable price. Equipped with Karaoke system with 2 TV monitor, ice box, beer cooler, Split A/C, ceiling fan and 100% back-up generator. Asking $2,000/month. Call MIHO @ 687-7198 26 CasaGuam December 2010
3 bedroom / 2 ba house, close to schools, stores, beach and church. Asking $1250.00. Call 649-8265 or 888-7447
Asan Asan Beach House Newly Renovated, Fresh paint and ceramic tiles. Asking: $2,200.00/mo. Call FRANK @ 479-4663
Flora Pago Condo - Awesome 2bd/1.5ba unit w/a redone kitchen, ceramic tiles on the first floor & Berber carpet from the stairs to the 2nd floor. Swimming pool on the grounds. Basic cable, telephone and internet also included. Asking $1700/mo. Please call JEFF @ 777-2227
P i ti
Asan 3bd./2ba. Ocean Views Newly Renovated - All ceramic tiles. New a/c's. Asking: $1,900.00/mo. Call FRANK @ 479-4663
2br/1ba apt close to Port Authority of Guam , NavSta, Polaris, store, church, park and beach! Ocean Breeze Apartments $600. Call 649-8265 or 888-7447
B ar r i g a d a
Ta l ofofo
2b/1b, near Subway with water $830/mo. Please call 637-7165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333
Ipan Talofofo 3 bd House for Lease: Live on this quiet street and enjoy the views, and the breezes. This 3 bedroom 1.5 bath has all ceramic tile, split a/c units large windows, typhoon shutters and security System Installed. Water included and the furniture can stay or be removed by request of the Tenant. Asking $1950/month. Call DEANNA @ 688-2855. MLS 10-1400
D e de do Dededo – 2br / 2ba Ester Gdn(formerly Ester Villa) Apt is near McDonalds NCS and Finegayan Elementry School. This is a must see complex with nice floor plan, central a/c, accordian typhoon shutters, refrigerator, stove/oven, washer & dryer. Sec 8 OK with one month fully paid security deposit & utilities in tenants name. Shows Very Well.$850/mo. Please call 637-7165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333
Ta mu n in g Large 3bd/ 2ba. good location. Asking $1,200. Call 637-7165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333
Great spacious house located near Paradise Estates. 5bd/3bth. Section 8 okay with full security deposit. Call 646-9870/1
Tamuning behind GPO - 3 bedroom 2 bathroom, 2nd floor, stove / refrigerator. Asking $800.00. Call CORAL SEA REALTY 649-6088
Villa Rosario - Large 3bd / 2 ba First floor, pool, tennis court, excellent condition. Asking $ 1,500. Call 637-7165 / 688-0887/ 689-3333 / 477-7042
Beverly Palms Condo; Newly Renovated 3bd./2ba. 2 Story Townhome Asking: $1,750.00/mo. Call FRANK @479-4663
3Bd/2Bd/1Bd located near schools/church/store and front of park Semi-Furn. Sec.8 & Military OK. Pls. leave message at 632-1200
M on gm on g- To to -Ma i te Maite – 2b/1b, 2nd floor, near Shop – 4Less. $800/mo. Please call 637-7165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333 /477-7042
Ypao Apartments 2bd./1ba Directly across Ypao Beach Asking: $1,250.00/mo. call FRANK @ 479-4663
Tumon – Dai-Ichi Condo – 3b/1b, 3rd floor. $1,300/mo. Section 8 OK. Please call 637-7165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333 / 477-7042 Tumon Heights Court - Very Nice 3bd / 2 ba, corner unit, excellent condition, pool. good location. Asking $1700/m. Please call 637-7165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333 / 477-7042 Tecio Tumon Villa: Nice two bedroom two bath condo located in Tumon. Condo is just a walking distance to the beach, stores, restaurants and nightlife. Asking $2,100/month. Call VIC @483-7518 FURNISHED,remodeled ,upgraded end with best view in Building A. Covered balcony overlooks hotels and Tumon Bay. Walking distance to beach, restaurants, bank and shopping. Building A has several guest parking next to security guard sta & mail boxes. Asking $1450/m. Please call 637-7165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333 / 477-7042 Tumon 2bd / 2 ba + Den. excellent condition. Asking $1200. Please call 637-7165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333 / 477-7042 Tumon Holiday Manor ; 4 bedroom, beatifully furnished with pool and BBQ area, near beaches. Asking $3,800/month. Call VICKI for a showing @ 687-3558 Happy Landing Road, Tumon 3bd, 2ba, Condo : Enjoy your island paradise in this 2nd floor unit within walking distance of Tumon Beaches. Complex has a pool and the unit is all ceramic tile, central a/c and accordion typhoon shutters. Asking $1,900/month. Call DEANNA @ 688-2855 MLS 10-133 Tumon Penthouse for Lease: A Rare Penthouse, Oceanview unit is now available. This large 2 bedroom 2.5 bath Condo was upgraded and is in like new condition. Security, Full Back-up Generator, Pool, 2 parking all go along with your desire for the ''good life'' while on Guam. Water included. You CAN have the dream. Asking $3,800/month. Call DEANNA @ 688-2855 MLS 10-744 San Vitores Terrace Condo: 3bd/2ba, 3rd floor unit with oceanview, upgraded unit with new carpets, pool, security and basic cable TV. $1800. Call Coral Sea Realty 649-6088
Y ig o
Tu mon
Perez Acres: 4 bedroom, 2 bath with pool & playground. Corner unit. Asking $1,900/month. Call SANDY @ 687-6006
Popular Pia Marine 2 bedroom 2 bath units available for Month to Month Rentals. Utilities/Furnitures included with cleaning services. $2400.00.Call Nick @ 689-2939.
Perez Acres: 3 bedroom / 1.5 ba townhouse with extra room great for family room or office, gated and secured community, pool, mail delivery. Asking $1900 . Call CORAL SEA REALTY 649-6088
Classifieds Residential Sales B ar r i g a d a Opportunity Knocking.... Buy the home you deserve! Newly renovated 4BR/2BA home with a snazzy kitchen, fenced and waiting for YOU to move now! Asking $445,000. Call DEANNA @ 688-2855 Studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom. Clean, Renovated, Ceramic Tile, Pool and WATER included. Call 646-9870/1
D e de do
In a ra ja n 2 bedroom / 2 bath on a living area of 800 sf and 5,526 ± sm lot. Fixer upper home on a beautiful beach front property, over an acre in size. There is already Power&Water if you would like to rebuild. Asking for $628,054. Call DEANNA @ 688-2855
M a n g i l ao Latte Heights House with 3 bed / 2 ba, ideal location with carport, fully fenced, gated, spacious yard with patio. Asking $200,000. Please call ANGIE @ 727-2228
TAMUNING Executive 2 Storey and Spacious House for Sale by Owner. Great location beside Cost-U-Less Tamuning and Guam Premium Outlet. Great lifestyle and community environment with 5 bd/3ba corner lot; nice sized bd on 1st and 2nd flr; luxurious master suite w/ jacuzzi spa tub; quality granite staircases; hardwood railings; crown molding all over the house with open spacious kitchen and stainless steel appliances. Dream home and a good investment! Please call owner/lv msg at 487-1862.
Tu mon M on gm on g- To to -Ma i te Newly built Dededo home with 3bed / 2ba house with car covered garage, typhoon shutters, ceramic tiles, nice kitchen, fenced and gated. Asking for $219k. Please call MYRNA @ 488-0144 DEDEDO Multi-Family House located in front of Dededo Park, Library and Mayor's Office. Lots of nearby schools, markets and churches. Income Property with fully occupied and screened Tenants. Property located in a corner lot with fence. This is a wise choice of investment property. For sale by owner. Call now and lv msg at 487-1862. Las Palmas Phase I Great 3bd / 2.5 ba Townhouse style condo. Great for first time home buyer or investor. Complex includes Pool, playground, BBQ cabanas and night security. Asking $195,000. Please call DEANNA 688-2855 Dededo Villa Rosario Condo 3bd/2ba 3rd Floor located beside pool Great Investment - Pls call 632-1200 A nice 3bed/2ba house completely renovated in 2008 with ceramic tiles, french windows and security grills, waiting to be your home. Located in a quiet neighborhood that's perfect for raising a family. Priced to sell at $169,000. Call MYRNA @ 488-0144 Dededo house with 3bed/2ba, fully fenced, income producing and lots of potential. Asking $185,000. Please call ANGIE @ 727-2228
Land For Sale C h a la n Pa go Chalan Pago LAND FOR SALE Great Investments with Lots of Potentials Near Front Road Zone C More than an Acre Size Lv Msge 632-1200
D e de do Chalan Koda: 2,266 sq. meters. Asking: $75,000.00. Call FRANK @ 479-4663 Dededo Land with 830± sm with R-1 Zoned and minutes to NCS with paved access. Asking $45,000. Call YUMIKO @ 688-7791
HA R M O N Exceptional 3bd and 3.5 ba home waiting for that special family to fall in love with. Enjoy the view, separate refrigeration and stove for the person who enjoys cooking, the pool and the great central location. Asking $630k Call JUDY @482-7775
Ord o t-C ha l an Pa go Quiet, Private, and centrally located 4 bedroom 3 bath house on a 1/2 acre lot. this would be great if you enjoy your privacy and appreciate being close to shopping malls, grocery stores, and schools. Asking $315,000. Call JOYLYN @ 4885069 for a showing. MLS 10-2077 Apusento Gardens Condo : Great price with seller financing. Just like you pay monthly rental, without bank fees. Downpayment is required. Asking $105k. Call JAMES @482-0498
Ta l ofofo Talofofo Homes for Sale: Great starter home on large lot with fruit trees. Outside kitchen and laundry room with metal roof attached to house. Asking $85K. Call LIBBY @ 686-2627
Priced to SELL! Rare Tecio 2 bedroom 2 bath unit for only $265,000. Ocean View, 909 sq ft. Fee Simple Call Nick @ 6892939 for easy showings.
Y ig o Yigo Duplex, income producing 3bd/2ba each unit on half care lot. Only minutes to AAFB Asking $298k. Call ROWENA @ 777-4317 Don't miss out on this very well priced 4 bedrooms with 2.5 ba with 1,687 sq ft at the end of a quiet culdesac in Marianas Terrace in Yigo. Price REDUCED to $169,000. Call RENEE @ 777-7071
P i ti Turner Rd. - Channel 10 - (Nimitz Hill) Piti. 151,508 sq. meters of unobstructed ocean views Asking: $2,300,000.00 Call FRANK @ 479-4663
S an t a R i t a
Yon a Winward Hill Estates: Lovely 4 bedrooms / 2.5 ba with beautifully upgraded kitchen and bathrooms, nicely appointed living & dining spaces & bedrooms. Large, well maintained yard with lots of gorgeous plants, flowers, trees and a cozy verandah & spacious tool shop in the middle of it all! Come see this beauty in Yona. Asking $289,000. Call MARILOU @ 988-5600
Ta mu n in g Private and secluded Tamuning 3bed/1ba house with partial ocean and city view. Recently painted and upgraded with ceramic tiles, french windows and accordion typhoon shutters. Fenced and gated, and comes with 4 split A/Cs'. Asking only for $229K. Call MYRNA @ 488-0144
Presently being used by owner to store vehicles. Property is View lot next to last lot below Airport Exit Traffic Light on Pangelinan Blas Street in Harmon/Tamuning. Axcess is paved road with side-walks, water and sewer. Power is up to adjacent lot below. Asking $490,000. Please call 6377165 / 688-0887 / 689-3333 / 477-7042
Baza Gardens 3bd./2ba 1,600 s.f.Extended with game room. Asking $175,000.00. Call FRANK @ 479-4663 Baza Gardens - $169,000 - Best Deal! 3 BR 2BA corner lot home in great condition - call for details...Asking $169,000. Call LIZ @ 687-0911
MLS - 10-1088 Santa Rita Land, 2,023 + / -sm, A - Zoned, Mountain View, Paved access. Asking $99,000.00. Call DENNIS @ 727-3815 MLS - 09-2086 Santa Rita Land, 1,003 + / -sm, Paved access. Panoramic Ocean view. Asking $129,000.00. Call TOM @ 688-8196
Ta l ofofo MLS - 10-2308 1,041 + / - sm, level topography, paved access, A - Zoned, Fee simple Asking $49,000 Call JEFF at 777-2227
Y ig o Great Price! LOT 4,417 +/- Sq Meters. What more can you ask for. Fairly level property with utilities near by. Asking $80,000. Call JOYLYN @ 488-5069 for a showing. 27
Message from the Executive Officer
he antitrust laws are designed and intended to protect competition and prevent monopolies. Awareness of and sensitivity to the antitrust laws is imperative for real estate brokers in today’s marketplace. Real estate and housing issues are a vital concern of government at all levels. This means that the real estate brokerage business may be often under scrutiny, and any anti-competitive conduct is likely to be detected and prosecuted. The nature of real estate practice makes real estate brokers particularly susceptible to antitrust challenges. Brokers vigorously compete to secure property listings to offer for sale, but they also regularly cooperate with one another, as subagents, buyers’ agents or “facilitators,” to identify ready, willing and able buyers for those listings. This dual tradition of competition and cooperation, which exists in few other professions, presents frequent opportunities for antitrust misconduct, whether intentional or inadvertent. In today’s business environment, it is a prerequisite to survival that brokers be conscious of and abide by the requirements of antitrust law.
1. Price/Commission Fixing. Antitrust problems most frequently arise out of agreements – conspiracies – among competitors which have the purpose or effect of eliminating or restricting competition between the parties to the agreement. A common subject of such agreements is the price or fee each competitor charges its customers for its products or services. Real estate brokerage firms are no different, and in the real estate profession, that usually means commission rates. A commission is the charge to a seller for successfully procuring a ready, willing and able buyer for the seller’s property on terms set forth in a listing agreement, or other such terms as the seller is willing to accept. Another form of commission is the charge to the buyer by a buyer’s agent for assisting the buyer in locating and acquiring suitable property. The antitrust prohibition on fixing commission rates means, simply, two or more real estate firms may not agree on the commission rate that each will charge. As noted earlier, price-fixing is a per se violation of the antitrust laws. Brokers must not agree with others on commission rates, and must take care to avoid even implying that they have discussed and/or reached agreement on fees. Salespeople must exercise similar caution to avoid the implication that the firm with which they are affiliated is part of a price-fixing conspiracy. 2. Fixing Commission Splits. A per se illegal price fixing conspiracy can involve not only the prices a firm charges customers or clients, but also the fees it pays for goods and services. In particular, listing brokers may not agree on the commission “split” to be paid to compensate cooperating brokers who produce a ready, willing and able buyer for a listed property. Conspiracies among competitors to fix the compensation paid to cooperating brokers may also be deemed per se illegal. For this reason, brokers must determine their cooperative compensation policies in the same unilateral and independent manner that they establish the commission or fees charged to clients. Listing and selling brokers may, of course, have occasion to discuss or negotiate the compensation they will pay to each other in connection with individual transactions. These negotiations, however, generally take place before an offer to purchase has been procured by the cooperating office, and in any event should never include a representative of a third office. 3. Agreements As To Other Listing Terms. Antitrust law also condemns agreements among competitors regarding other terms or conditions of a listing agreement, such as the length of the listing, the type of listing accepted, or the marketing services to be provided by the listing 28 CasaGuam December 2010
broker, although such agreements may not be treated as per se violations. Any express or “understood” agreements as to the terms and conditions of listing agreements or other broker-client agreements raise serious antitrust concerns. The lawfulness of such agreements will in many cases be analyzed under the Rule of Reason, which balances the pro-competitive effects of the agreement, if any, against the anti-competitive consequences. 4. Boycotts. A practice that is in a sense directly at odds with cooperation is group boycotting. Like price-fixing, group boycotting is generally characterized as a per se violation of the antitrust laws, although certain boycott activities may be addressed under the Rule of Reason. A group boycott is a concerted refusal to deal with a particular party, such as when two or more businesses agree to refuse to deal with another competitor in order to force a change in a competitor’s behavior or to attempt to drive the competitor out of business. As with price-fixing agreements, treatment of a group boycott as a per se violation of the antitrust laws results in the alleged conspirators being denied the opportunity to offer pro-competitive or other justifications for the conduct. The typical group boycott allegation in the real estate brokerage business involves a claim that two or more real estate firms have agreed to refuse to cooperate, or to cooperate on less favorable terms, with a third firm. Often the target of the alleged boycott is a broker that employs a “discount,” “ alternative,” or other non-traditional commission/compensation arrangement with clients. In some cases targets of alleged boycotts are real estate firms that offer non-traditional property marketing services. The purpose of the boycott, either explicitly or implicitly, is to eliminate the firm as a competitor in the market, or to cause the firm to abandon the discount or alternative marketing strategies. The antitrust laws are clearly make boycotts such as these per se illegal. Real estate firms or professionals may also be accused of boycotting service providers to the real estate firms. Such a group boycott may target a supplier or purchaser, rather than a competitor, of the brokers alleged to be the conspirators. Concerted refusals to deal will be treated as per se illegal whenever they involve the purposeful elimination or limitation of competition, regardless of the ultimate motive or objective of the alleged conspirators. Real estate brokers may, for instance, agree not to patronize a provider of goods or services necessary or beneficial to the practice of real estate brokerage. For example, an agreement among several real estate firms not to employ the services of a particular printer to produce marketing materials, or to refuse to purchase advertising in a certain publication, may be an unlawful boycott of this type. The most effective and obvious way to avoid antitrust liability for such boycott activities is for each firm to unilaterally and without consulting any other firm determine the service providers it will use and the terms and conditions of using such suppliers. -National Association of REALTORS®-
Guam Association of Realtors®
The Voice for Real Estate on Guam 414 West Soledad Avenue, GCIC Building, Suite 500-U, Hagåtña, GU 96910 Office: (671) 477-4271 • Fax: (671) 477-4275 • email: