CasaGuam Volume 09 Issue 01

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Let ter from the Editor Letter from the Editor

Departments 4

Market Report 2015 Wrap Up



Feature 5 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Home


Real Estate Spotlight What Value does a Title Insurance Company Provide


Profile Joe Rosario Rosario Shines Light on His Success

January 2016 • Vol. 9 • No. 01 P.O. Box 24881 Barrigada, GU 96921 Tel: (671) 472-3495 | Fax: (671) 472-3498 email:

[ Publisher ] [ Business Sales Manager ] Jay-R S. Dominguez

[ Editor ] Arlene Taitague Taitingfong

[ Display Advertising ] Evelyn Trinidad


From the Experts

[ Traffic/Circulation ]

Shine on Guam!

Carol Aperocho

[ Production Manager ] 18

How to D.I.Y. Resolve to Start a Box Garden

Mark S. Burke

[ Graphics & Layout ] Mark S. Burke Edwin E. Valencia

[ Website Development ] 22

Curb Appeal Resolve to Improve your Car Port


Who Ya Gonna Call?





Edwin E. Valencia

[ Editorial Contributors ] Melinda Fulmer Anthony R. Godwin Arlene Taitague Taitingfong Jeff Voacolo Kim Anderson Young

Arlene Taitague Taitingfong

Happy 2016 Guam! Many of us have made our personal new year’s resolutions, but have we made them for our homes? Our first issue for 2016 touches on things we can all work on to resolve to do in improving our home-sweet-home. Our FEATURE by Melinda Fulmer, a writer for HGTV, shares five resolutions for your home. These five items are easy to do and can be checked off your list before the month is over! Joe Rosario, our PROFILE this month, is someone who can bring light to the subject of renewable energy — literally. Find out how he crossed over to the solar energy industry and made his way into homes across the island. Our FROM THE EXPERTS writer this month is Jeff Voacolo, VP of Micronesia Renewable Energy. He gives insight into the world of solar power and shares his views on its ongoing growth on Guam. We also have your favorite monthly submissions from Kim Anderson for REAL ESTATE SPOTLIGHT and Anthony Godwin for MARKET REPORT. We welcome the new President for the Guam Association of REALTORS®, Deanna Palmer. Read her first message as president in MESSAGE FROM GAR, as well as a message from Peggy Illagas, Executive Officer of GAR. This year, you will be seeing a few new features added to our magazine, but we are saving that as a surprise for later, so be on the watch! We also welcome ideas or topics you are interested in seeing. Please let us know at Keep safe Guam! May your new year be blessed and prosperous!

Cover Photo: Mark S. Burke CasaGuam is Published by:

Arlene Taitague Taitingfong

CasaGuam Advertising Disclaimer All Advertisers agree to hold the publisher harmless and indemnify it against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including attorney’s fees) made against or incurred by the publisher, officers or employees with respect to, or arising out of, the content, text, graphics or representations of any ad published herein, including but not limited to the sole negligence and/or fault of the publisher. The publisher is not liable for any claims, losses or damages of any kind, arising from the wording, text, graphics or representations of any ad published herein, or the condition of the articles sold through the publication, or performance of services advertised in this publication. All advertising and/or performance of services advertising and/or submissions become wholly the property of CasaGuam Magazine. CasaGuam Magazine is a registered trademark of PTI Pacifica Inc. Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the publisher is prohibited. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any ad and to reprint any photo for promotional use.

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Market Repor t

2015 Wrap Up Year 2015 was very good for real estate on Guam! Inventories have continued to decline bringing average single family home prices higher. As of December 17th, the average price for a single family home on Guam was $302,216. On average it is still taking 160+ days to sell a home on Guam. There were just 219 homes for sale as of this writing across all price points and locations. Most single family home sales are typically to owner/occupants. The top sale of a single family home on Guam was in Tamuning. The home was on the market for less than 30 days and sold for $1,680,000. The average selling price for a condominium/townhouse unit on Guam has been $200,694, similar to 2014. Days on market has also remained steady at 130. Condominium/townhome sales are most probably driven by our investment market. Inventory is low at just 107 units. A unit at Villa Kanton Tasi, along the beach in Tumon, sold for $1,250,000 making this the top sale so far in 2015. Rentals continue to command the spotlight in Guam’s real estate market. REALTORSŽ reported 1689 units rented so far in 2015. Of these, 1,030 were apartment/condominium/townhouse rentals and 659 were single family. Subsidized rentals (programs such as section 8 and the military house benefit) continue to impact average market rental rates on Guam. The average rental rate for a condominium/townhouse/apartment unit as of December 17th was $1,575.00 per month and $2,262.00 for a single family dwelling. Average market times for rentals was about two months.

Where are we going? Just as we are about to turn the page on 2015, the Federal Reserve hiked interest rates slightly. Lenders typically follow with rate hikes of their own. Even with the recent rate hike, the rates are still historically very low. How will the rate hike affect you? Well, with a higher interest rate, borrowers will typically qualify for less loan money as the rate will determine monthly payments‌ so now is a good time to take advantage of the current low rates! Buy! Refinance! This is not a hint. This is an opportunity to take ACTION! For 2016 we believe property inventories will continue to be challenging. Average sale prices will probably continue to increase. New home and condominium prices will be impacted by the costs of land, construction labor, building materials and infrastructure. Stay tuned for our next report in February! Happy New Year! 4 CasaGuam Januar y 2016

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Market Repor t

Market Snapshot January 1, 2015 through December 17, 2015 By Anthony Godwin

Top Sale: $1,680,000 – Tamuning Single Family • $1,250,000 – Tumon Condominium Condominium/TownhomesFor Sale Number Sold: 156 Average Sold Price: $200,694 Average Days on Market: 134 Currently For Sale: 107

Condominium/Apartment/Townhome Rentals Number Rented: 1030 Average Monthly Rental: $1,575 Average Days on Market: 59 Currently For Rent: 205

Single Family Home Sales Number Sold: Average Sold Price: Average Days on Market: Currently For Sale:

Single Family Rentals Number Rented: Average Monthly Rental: Average Days on Market: Currently For Rent:

266 $302,216 167 219

659 $2,262 66 131

Disclaimer: All information provided is from the Guam Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for the period January 1, 2015 through December 17, 2015. Prior year comparison data is for the same period. 5

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5 New Year's Resolutions for Your Home

By Melinda Fulmer (attributed from

very year when January rolls around you vow to lose weight, save money or spend more time with family and friends. But what goals do you set for your home? In the spirit of new beginnings, HGTV has consulted the experts and come up with some resolutions that will make your home a more beautiful, efficient, clean and green place in the coming year. Here are our five picks for the best home improvement resolutions for the new year and how to achieve them: 1. Streamline the stuff One of the best and least expensive ways to feel better about your home is to clear it of clutter. Each year most of us acquire a mountain of stuff. Without some regular purging, cabinets and drawers get jam-packed and it becomes hard to find the things you use and enjoy the most. (All that clutter also makes your house look dated and dirty, designers say.) This year resolve to go room-by-room periodically clearing anything that you don't use, wear or love and donate it to charity. After that, think twice about what you bring in, says Antoinette Nue, an Atlanta consultant who specializes in helping people simplify and go green. "Fill your home with the things that raise your energy level and make you feel good, and get rid of the things that drain your energy or are broken," she says. Stash useful (but not beautiful) items such as DVDs, remotes and those kicked-off shoes in simple woven baskets. Group similar items together on sleek trays, says Stuart McCormick, a designer with Liz Levin Interiors in Washington D.C. Clear your counters of everything you don't use on a daily basis. And get ready to breathe a little easier in your own home

2. Make it safe and sound Your home may be beautiful, but is it safe? There are a few things that every homeowner should do to ensure that they're not living with a potential health hazard or fire risk. 8 CasaGuam Januar y 2016

First, check your house for radon. This colorless, odorless gas causes about 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year from the radioactive particles it traps in your lungs as you breathe, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. One in every fifteen homes has elevated levels. And with test kits costing as little as $20 at your local hardware store, there's no reason not to get right on that. While we're on the subject of deadly gas, make sure you install a carbon monoxide detector on every bedroom floor in addition to fire detectors. If a chimney flue or furnace vent gets blocked or leaks, carbon monoxide could back up in your house and kill you. Like a radon test, this is a small investment — $40 or more — for such an important safeguard. Watch out for dryer lint. We know you clean the little trap inside the door, but most people neglect to clean the vents and ducts behind the dryer. Lint may seem innocent, but it's highly combustible, according to the U.S. Fire Administration, accounting for more than 15,000 building fires a year. Make sure your house can breathe. Hickory Hills, Ill. home inspector Jack McGraw is always surprised at how many people's bathrooms and attics aren't vented to the outside (or the vents are covered over with shingles.) This makes you a prime candidate for mold. And if you're considering a remodel — and your home was last built or remodeled before 1978 — consider testing for lead paint and asbestos flooring. It will have to handled properly during removal, or particles can be released into the air for you to ingest.

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Feature 3. Shrink your bills (and your carbon footprint in the process) When people think of going green, they often think it takes solar panels or a hybrid car to make a difference. Not so, says Bob Schildgen, who writes the "Hey Mr. Green" column for Sierra magazine. It just takes a little old-fashioned common sense. • The best place to start is by cutting your energy usage in your home: • Remember your mom's advice and switch off the lights when you leave a room. • Turn off your air conditioner when you leave the house and dial your heater down to 55 degrees at night. • Install compact fluorescent bulbs and low-flow showerheads. • Try drying some of your clothes on the line and wait for the dishwasher or washing machine to be full before you run them. • Turn off your power strips and/or set your home computer to revert to sleep mode when not in use. • Water your yard less. Put in drought-tolerant landscaping if necessary. • Give composting a try. Your garden will thank you.

4. Work out a weekly system for keeping your house clean Here are a few tips for keeping the mess under control from Jeff Campbell, author of the book Speed Cleaning and owner of the Clean Team housekeeping service in San Francisco. Daily: Dishes go in the dishwasher every night - no excuses! Dirty clothes go in the hamper and jackets or clean clothes are hung in the closet. Bring everything back to its assigned place.

For optimum efficiency, enlist the help of your family. If you can, divide the jobs among at least three parties: One of you can do the dusting/vacuuming and changing beds, the other can do the bathroom cleanup, leaving only the kitchen and trash emptying for you to handle. The upside? You can get the whole house done in 45 minutes, Campbell says, leaving more time on the weekends for the park or the movies.

5. Get your place ready for entertaining Each year most of us vow to spend more time with family and friends. To make you feel like inviting people in, why not give the areas you entertain in a little update? You don't have go for broke here and invest in a new kitchen remodel. All it takes to get a fresh new look is a little bit of rearranging and a few updates says designer McCormick. One easy update that makes your home seem more "finished" is the addition of plants, she says. "They bring in new energy and help clean the air," she says. "And it's a great way to decorate if you're on a budget." A couple of dramatic presentations like a large flowering agapanthus or potted palm in a bright ceramic planter that complements your existing color scheme will do the trick. Pulling out a new accent color from your existing decor can make the whole room seem fresh. Pick an underused color in the room and add more of it in the form of a new pillow or throw to update your look, McCormick advises. A colorful rug or runner can also help anchor your space. Lastly, take some time to rearrange your furniture so it is oriented in conversation groups and not just facing the television. That just might up for chances for real conversation and connection in the New Year.

Weekly: Clean your entire house, using these tips: Keep all of your cleaners, as well as rubber gloves and spare cleaning cloths - in a portable carryall that moves with you from room to room. Stash cleaning implements such as a toothbrush, scraper, sponge, a few cleaning cloths and plastic bags in a builder's apron that you wear when you clean. Hook your glass cleaner and all-purpose cleaning spray on the loops to keep your hands free as you work around the room clockwise, cleaning from high (cabinets) to low (floors.) Focus on one type of cleaning at a time. It's faster, Campbell says. Wipe down fingerprints on all of the cabinets, for instance, before moving on to spraying and wiping counters. Then move on to windows and mirrors and appliances. Once that's done move on to sweeping and then mopping floors. 9

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On The Cover

Mangilao Magic


rand New, Executive 2–Story home, located in a get away area in Mangilao, with a partial ocean view from the second floor. In a quiet neighborhood with a lot of privacy! This four bedroom, three and a half bath has so much room to offer in and out, with ample yard space that is fully fenced and gated! It includes a two car garage with lots of storage room. The first floor offers a great living area with a beautiful kitchen layout accented with dark cabinetry. The second floor has two balcony areas with access from each room! Do not miss out on this deal!

Why wait? Call now to arrange the showings! Mangilao Executive Home

MLS # 15-3330 10 CasaGuam Januar y 2016

• Asking $620,000.00 • Modern 4 Bdrm 3.5 Bth • Living 3,641 sq.ft • Lot 1,384 +/- • BRAND NEW • Spacious Living • Two Car Garage • Fully Gated • Great View


Karen Pan Principal Broker

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Real Estate Spotlight

What Value does a Title Insurance Company provide?

By Kim Anderson Young

Unless you are involved in a real estate transaction, you may not have experience working with a title insurance company. Please let me break down our value into five easy steps: 1. Purify land title systems. Title examiners find gaps, errors and omissions in the recorded public records. Once identified, we work with owners to correct the situation. One simple but common example; a previous owner’s mortgage may not have been released when it was paid off. Our escrow officers will contact the previous lender and request a release, which we record and clear the public record. 2. Establish the status of the title. Our title searchers create a “chain of title” by searching land management records for any document that involving the subject property. This will surely contain deeds and mortgages; many also contain leases, easements and judgments by the court. This chain is a chronological list of how the property came to be owned by the current owner and what other interests such as leases or mortgages may currently affect the property. 3. Accounting for the Real Estate Transaction. As an independent third party to a real estate transaction, we follow the contract between the buyer and seller, as well as instructions from the lender to ensure the money is distributed as intended by the parties. We ensure that lenders, surveyors, appraisers, Realtors and other contributors to the transaction are fully paid. We search real property tax records and if necessary, pay any outstanding taxes so that the buyer acquires the property without any surprise expenses popping up later. 4. Handle Transaction Management. Escrow officers daily track down payoffs and releases. They juggle collection of executed deeds, mortgages, affidavits and settlement statements. An escrow officer is also tasked with collecting and clearing funds from sources such as the buyer, the lender and when applicable, 1031 tax deferred exchange facilitators. They work closely with the Realtors and lenders to deal with issues that inevitably arise and work to ensure the transaction closes in a timely manner. 5. We insure what we do. Then we back up our work with a title insurance policy that guarantees your ownership of the property! 12 CasaGuam Januar y 2016

Rest assured that your favorite REALTOR® regularly works with title and escrow companies to ensure a professional closing.

About the Author Kim Anderson Young, president of Security Title, has over 30 years of experience in the real estate industry. Contact her at kim® or 647-8100.

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Rosario Shines Light On His Success

By Arlene Taitague Taitingfong


Joe Rosario has a knack for being in the right place at the right time. He is currently the Director of Business Development of Micronesia Renewable Energy. His journey to this point was paved with opportunity and timing, and of course, being an amicable person. His honesty and good nature are some of the characteristics that I’m sure opened many doors for him, as well as his knowledge of his products. Many of you might know Rosario from his past positions. At one point, he was the Sales and Marketing Director for KUAM/Pacific Telestations. He later became the Sales Manager of Mid Pacific Distributors. His background and experience has led him to be acquainted with many business owners. In 2006, he started his own business offering monitoring services to daycare centers. It was something that Guam didn't have and it was a very thriving industry in the mainland. Unfortunately, he found out that Guam wasn't ready for this service, so he veered his direction to security monitoring services for large corporations. A year later, he came across information on solar power and did his research. He knew that solar energy would be an emerging market for the island. One of his first projects was installing solar streetlights for a good friend who happened to be a housing developer. “From there, it was just understanding the technology and opportunities began to present themselves,” said Rosario. At that time, there only a handful of companies that offered solar service, and soon enough, opportunity did knock, landing him the contract to install solar systems on base, which is still being used to this day. “We were successful in installing solar energy systems (on base) at a time when very few outside the fence were talking energy efficiency or renewable energy.” Rosario noted that seven years ago, there were only three companies that offered solar energy solutions. Now, there are eight. In 2010, Rosario was introduced to Jeff and Tracy Voacolo by a mutual friend. They too were in the solar energy industry. The meeting resulted in Micronesia Renewable Energy welcoming Rosario’s company into their fold. Both parties had something to bring to the table to make it the success it is today. One of the keys to their success is Rosario’s ability to surround himself with a skilled work force - all local hires. If anyone is interested in getting into this field, training is available with their company. He also noted that there is an apprenticeship program available through Guam Community College. He added, “Whether it’s as a sales person or if you are looking into starting a solar business, always do the right thing. Always tell the true story.” He continued to explain that the industry is still very new and fragile. “If we collectively do the things right, the industry will 14 CasaGuam Januar y 2016


flourish and continue to grow. On the flipside, if it’s to get that sale at all cost, the industry will fail.” And how are sales in this industry fairing? According to Rosario, there are about 38,000 single family dwellings on Guam. “I really enjoy seeing the ever increasing number of Guam homeowners taking advantage of solar energy. Before we started our solar program in mid 2014, there were less than 50 homeowners with solar energy systems. There are now more than 700 customers. That’s unprecedented growth, and to think we’ve only scratched the surface!” He shared that he uses CasaGuam as a resource. “CasaGuam appeals to a market segment that makes up 70% of our target audience. It allows us access to real estate professionals who ultimately become the conduit to homeowners.” When he is not overseeing large projects or working with clients, Rosario enjoys hunting and going to the shooting range.

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From the Experts

Shine On Guam! Being in the Renewable Energy industry for over 35 years, I have seen a lot of changes, and always for the better. Growing up in Hamilton Township New Jersey, and being 12 miles from where the first solar panels were developed and placed on a pole in Lawrenceville, NJ by Bell Laboratories in 1954, it is hard to imagine that after 61 years these panels are still producing power— but they are. Every time I am asked how long will these solar panels really last, my best estimate is well over a 100+ years. Not bad for a technology that one places on one’s roof with no moving parts and can literally walk away after installation. The weak link in a solar energy system is the inverter, but even this technology has made tremendous leaps and bounds as far as improvements and warranties over the last five years. Now, warranties on inverters are easily at the 20 year mark, and there are some models that you can get at 25 years. The Holy Grail in this industry has always been energy storage. Thankfully, with companies like Telsa and BYD, huge amounts of money for research and development have gone into the so called “missing link” for the solar industry over the last 5 years, to finally allow the residential sector to benefit from battery backup systems; and inverter technology has kept up with storage. The more sophisticated inverters come with different functions that now allow solar energy customers to keep all of the solar energy produced during the day, not exporting back to the utility grid, and storing the excess power in the battery backup to take that power needed at night when the sun goes down. This eliminates the argument with the utilities over the debate that the solar customer is not paying their fair share for the transmission and distribution lines and admin fees, and the one-for-one credit that we benefit here in Guam and in the US. We can now keep the energy we produce. I never agreed with the net meter debate that the utilities have produced. I believe that distributed solar energy generation in multiple locations, like residential solar, actually helps the utility enormously, especially for a non-interconnected utility like GPA with their line loss on the transmission and distribution, saving on fuel purchase, O&M and multiple other scenarios, since the energy is spread out over numerous locations during the day their generation capability. I believe where solar energy and storage is concerned, it will be a very short few years where the average homeowner will no longer need the utility for their energy provider.


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By Jeff Voacolo

In every industry, there is always the natural transition to better technology and usually the older technology struggles with this change. In the private sector, we all know it is change or die; if you are not keeping up with what is going on in your industry, you will get run over. This is all coming at a time when our planet so desperately needs this business model to change. Fossil fuel and oil burners are being pushed to the side, and renewable energy with storage is starting to taking the lead. Our planet is suffering from 100 years of carbon damage and must be weaned off of fossil fuels if we expect our grandchildren to live in a world that is sustainable. I believe Pope Francis got it right in his speech at the climate change summit in Paris, France stating that we must all be stewards and take care of our Mother Earth. It is our Christian duty to do so. I also believe that Mr. Herman Scheer, the godfather of Renewable Energy in Germany, when he stated that all the conventional power plants of today are the stranded assets of tomorrow. About the Author: Jeff Voacolo is the Vice President of Micronesia Renewable Energy, Inc. and has been in the Renewable Energy industry for over 35 years.

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H o w To D . I . Y.

Resolve to Start A Box Garden


Out of all the resolutions you can make for your home, perhaps the most easiest one to fulfil would be the resolve to start a box garden. In this article, I will use the terms “box garden” or “raised bed” loosely, to refer to any type of gardening where the seeds are not directly sown in the ground. The difference between planting in a raised bed vs. planting in the ground is that the box garden will get better aeration and drainage compared to planting directly into the earth. Also, you are in control of the quality and integrity of the soil. A box garden not only looks nice, but makes harvesting easier. This is a very “hands on” project that will require a bit of time on your part, plus some TLC. If you feel you don’t have a green thumb, but would like to take a “baby step” in the world of gardening, a box garden is an ideal project for you. Creating and maintaining one can be very therapeutic, and tending to the garden is a great way to unwind after a long day at the office. Start with identifying an area where you will have your garden.

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By Arlene Taitague Taitingfong

Space will determine the size, but for this instance, let’s look at having a “beginner’s” garden. Try out a 2’ x 3’ space in your yard. Seek out areas that get good sunshine from the morning to the afternoon. For details on how to make this type of box garden, check out and view the article entitled, “The Perfect Raised Bed” by Johanna Silver. They even have how-to videos you can watch. If your space is limited to having only a balcony or small patio to work with, you can start out with an oblong planter or even a large galvanized water trough. These work great for small spaces. Next, you need to decide on what plants you want to grow. Are you interested in flowers? Vegetables? Herbs? Your garden need not be limited to one item. It is possible to grow more than one in a single planter. You can purchase seeds from the gardening section of your favorite local home and garden store. I have seen some people save the seeds (or clippings) from their favorite plant to use, like the Chamorro donne’ peppers or cherry tomatoes.

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H o w To D . I . Y. For more information on what plants to try, check out an article by Kathleen N. Brenzel: “21 Best Crops For Your Edible Garden”, which you can view on Now let’s look at pots and containers. You can use any type of container of sorts, i.e. boxes, containers, pots, and the like. The material of the pot itself isn't terribly important, though each type has its advantages in terms of cost, weight, durability and beauty. In order to retain moisture and provide more nutrients and a stable environment, it's almost always best to choose as large a pot as possible. If you plan to order or build a box garden, make sure it is deep enough so that the roots of the plants have growing room. Also, pay attention to the potting mix: it should be light and fluffy. Ask your home and garden center or your favorite gardener questions on issues with soil. Some like to take potting soil and mix it up with some dirt and/or rocks.

The next step is to plant your seeds. Follow the directions on the package. A rule of thumb is to plant about 2 inches apart. This is dependant on what you are planting. If you plan to have more than one type of plant in one container, be extra mindful of spacing. You will also want to place taller plants in the back area of the container, and plant the next size down in front of that, and etcetera and so for. Basically, you want to arrange your seeds so that all of your plants get sunlight and oxygen. As your plants mature, step back and enjoy the beauty and progress of your garden, and soon, you will be able to eat what you sow! 19

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Curb Appeal

Resolve to Improve Your Carport

By Arlene Taitague Taitingfong


Carports, in comparison to garages, are quite simple looking. Their function is important as it is the space that protects the second most important possession a homeowner has - their car, boat, or motorcycle. Many homeowners have made improvements to their carport by way of closing the area and converting it to an additional room. If you are looking for a less expensive resolution, but one that doesn't completely close the space, here are a few suggestions. One solution is to close off the open sides of the carport. This can be done by adding a trellis from ceiling to ground all the way to the back. A wide spaced one will work well here. You can either paint or stain the trellis and decorate it with climbing vines or orchids. This will provide some level of privacy. Another option that is not as labor intensive, is to plant bamboo along the open sides of the carport. The plants are great for creating privacy and is resilient in windy weather conditions. How you position your seedlings will determine how close or far apart you want them to be. The closer you place the seedlings, the denser the “wall� you will create. Also, because there are many varieties of bamboo, it is best to do your research and get the type you prefer before investing in them. You might want to look into the Hedge/Screening bamboo group.

If you want to create an additional room without totally enclosing the carport, try a partial close. This is an inexpensive way to create more living area. The new space can be converted into an outside entertainment area, an exercise room, or a hobby/arts & crafts room with loads of storage. Speaking of storage, you can convert the carport into a mini storage area. Homeowners are always looking for more storage space and the converted carport can give you that. Create a clutter-free area and use proper racks and plastic storage bins to establish some form of organization. If you have the budget, go one step further and create a superficial roof if the roof is flat. Constructing a facade will give the carport visual strength. You can transform the existing carport posts into matching pillars or columns so that they match your changes. Any upgrades you make to your carport will increase the value of your home and improve its curb appeal. 22 CasaGuam Januar y 2016

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W h o Ya G o n n a C a l l ? 25

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Classifieds Commercial Rentals





2BR, Ocean view! Across the beach! Close to Port, Naval Station, Polaris, & Stores. Max two tenants. $650 (Price does not include utilities) Call 649-8265 or 727-8265.

4BR/2Ba NCS Mabini St., Fenced R2 Zoned Currently has Tenant Renting @ 1800/Mo • Priced to Sell $250,000 Call Joy 456-1515 or Mike 488-4025

3BD/2BA Home, gated, storm shutters,

Commercial space for rent. 1,792 square feet. $3,500/month. Call Ellen’s Realty at 647-0888 for more details!

3BD/2BA home. Fully fenced.

Sinajana Tamuning 1,100+/- square feet of office space. Marine Corps Dr frontage. 2nd floor unit. Excellent condition. $1,925/mo.

Price reduced. 305K. Call Ellen’s Realty @ 647-0888

Holiday Tower Condo - 2BD/2BA. Corner unit. Ocean & island views. Upscale & upgraded kitchen w/ extra counter space & stainless appliances. $2,205/mo. Call Sandy @ 687-6006.

for more details! 3BD/2BA home. Fully fenced. Price reduced. $305K. Call Ellen’s Realty

Home with swimming pool for sale! 4BD/4.5BA + 2 carports. Includes concrete gazeebo, concrete fence & sliding steel gate, typhoon shutters, A/C’s, stove & dishwasher. 1,822 SqFt living area + 1/2 acre lot. Call Rena at Buena Vista Realty at 687-7362 for more details!

Land for Sale

Tamuning Paradise Estate - 4BD/3BA.


clinics, restaurants, office or bed &

Call 688-8276 or 653-5679.

at 647-0888 for more details!

Call Dennis @ 727-3815.

Exceptional commercial bulding, great for

split A/C, backup generator. $195,000.

Located in one of the few well

4BD/2BA centrally located home for rent, along Carlos Heights. Tumon is closeby. Call Lolita @ 688-6743 or 479-8891 for more details.

a family home and a smart investment.


3BD/2BA Home, gated, storm shutters,


maintained residential areas. Great for Call Tara @ 482-2074.

14,221 SqMtrs. Fairly level. $711,050. Call 649-2121 for more details.

breakfast facility. $6,000/mo. Call Yumiko @ 688-7791.


split A/C, backup generator. $195,000.

Residential Rentals Agat MILITARY APPROVED! 3BR. Ocean View!

San Vitores Terrace - 3BD condo w/ ocean view of Tumon Bay & ocean. Partially furnished or unfurnished. Negotiable monthly rent. $2,350/mo. Call Julie @ 687-6900.

Renovated. Near Base, Stores, and Schools. Call 649-8265 or 727-8265.


Tecio Tumon Villa - Awesome 3BD/2BA unit in the heart of Pleasure Island. Walking distance to beaches, dining, shopping & more! $2,600/mo. Call Janet @ 687-1841.

5BD/5.5BA home. $4,800/mo. Call Ellen’s Realty @ 647-0888 for more details! 3BD/2BA home for rent. $1,980/mo.

Tumon Horizon Condo - 2BD/1BA. Fully renovated & furnished. Water included. Call Weiwei @ 777-0688.

Residential Sales

Fully renovated. Fenced & gated. Call Loisa @ 727-6880.


Ordot-Chalan Pago

HOT PROPERTY! 3BD/1BA on 1/4 acre, mature trees. $18K in New Renovations, $18.5K/yr prior RENTAL INCOME! Near Naval Station. $3K Seller’s credit available. MLS # 15-296. ONLY $159K. (671) 687-6900. Call (425) 941-5232

Peaceful and serene 4BD/2BA home. 1,922+/-sf of living space. Upgrade master suite. 3-car covered car port. Call Suzanne @ 482-6426.

Call 688-8276 or 653-5679.

Sinajana Grand and private 2 story home w/ endless features. 5BD/3BA. Over 3,086 +/- sf of living space. Backup generator. Large master bedroom. Amazing landscaping. $589K. Call Duane @ 689-7777.

Tamuning Tamuning Cliff-side Castle - 5 spacious bedrooms and 4 baths. over 5,000+/- sf of living space. Panoramic ocean views. Near major establishments. $1,397,000. Call Anthony @ 688-8198.

Toto Modern, newly renovated executive 4BD/3BA home with a living area of 1,950 SqFt and a lot of 1,351+/- SqMtrs. Energy efficient. Built w/ quality materials. Gated. $368K. Call Karen @ 988-1883.

2,024 square meter lot. Subdivided into 3 or can be consolidated into one. Call Loisa @ 727-6880.

Talofofo Birds eye view of the CPP Golf Course and the ocean. 2,118+/- square meters. Nearby lot also available for a larger estate. $125K. Call Sandy @ 687-6006. 929+/- square meter land for sale. Quarter acre lot, rectangular in shape. $57,400. Call Lolita @ 688-6743 or 479-8891 for more details. Construction started on property but not finished. Owner has building plans and permits on file. Power and water are on site. $60,000. Call Clare @ 483-2120 for more details.

Yigo Paved access. Utilities on site. 1,916 square meters. Call Geri @ 687-8865. 27

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Message from the President Deanna Palmer 2016 President Guam Association of REALTORS®

Welcoming in the New Year for 2016 as the President of the Guam Association of REALTORS® is an honor and an exciting challenge for me. I anticipate the year 2016 to be busy for our island home. It is an election year and the Guam Association of REALTORS® is the Voice of Real Estate. We have been growing our knowledge and relationships with our government leaders over the last years. Working with Guam leaders in efforts to make Guam a place where everyone can own a home is a priority of GAR. The increase in funding for major projects on Guam to accommodate the additional personnel needed for the Marine Corps move to Guam has started. More investments are happening in the Tourism market too. More jobs are available and more projects will be started. Interest rate may raise a small amount soon, which can cause a bit of adjustment to how much home a family can afford. However, with prices where they are, it is a great time to purchase. First Time Buyer loan have been helping more people buy their first home. Yes, I am optimistic about 2016. I look forward to working with my fellow REALTORS® and using all of our talents and knowledge to serve our Guam community and our Guam Association of REALTORS®. Deanna Palmer


The Voice for Real Estate on Guam Suite 236A Julale Center 424 West O'Brien Drive, Hagatna, Guam 96910

Office: (671) 477-4271 • Fax: (671) 477-4275 28 CasaGuam Januar y 2016

Message from the Executive Officer and Government Affairs Director Peggy Araullo Llagas Guam Association of REALTORS®

It has been quite a year for all of us! As I look upon the year 2015, I would like to acknowledge our supporters, partners and valuable volunteer leaders who have made our success possible. Thank you for a great year! Wishing you all happiness and success in the coming year. The Guam Association of REALTORS® shall remain your leading advocate for promoting and protecting homeownership on Guam. Visit our website at

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