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Back to Essence

AT Design designed Bole Art Hotel located in the river bay of the Yangtze River in Wuhu City, a shining pearl inlaid at the intersection of Wanjiang and Qingyijiang.


The hotel is named "Bole", which means that the hotel is like a cruise ship anchored on the Yangtze River. Designers Shen Mo and Tao Jianpu from AT Design combined concepts such as the water of the Yangtze River, docks, containers, and sailboats into the space design. The original building is arc-shaped, and transparent “boxes” are constructed of glass. Every space can enjoy the view of the Yangtze River. The hotel covers an area of 2,000 square meters, and has planned 12 guest rooms, restaurants, party areas, open-air infinity swimming pools, public rest areas and other areas. Particular attention is paid to the public rest area composed by a restaurant, a bar front desk and a sunken deck. Through the floor-toceiling glass, the space suddenly opens up.

The top of the entire public area is a piece of wood. The curved block surface of the bottom of the cruise ship is extracted and the mast is used as the support column, full of surprises and highlights.

An arc-shaped walkway runs through the guest rooms on both sides. In order to make the building independent, a metal plate with a circular hole is used to separate it from the surrounding environment. Light penetrates through the circular hole and spots are reflected on the wall like sparkling water. Shuttle in the light and shadow, like a dream and illusion. The 12 guest rooms of Bole Art Hotel are all facing the river. Surrounded by natural landscape, the space is more unique and touching. In the parent-child room, the circular window in the cabin becomes the main structure of the bed. The circular skylight reflects the blue sky, interacting with people layer by layer, and the space becomes interesting.

The suite on the west has a living room and lounge area, a casual bookcase and a spa area. The elegant colors and furniture are full of modern and artistic sense. The arc elements of the sailing boat are extracted on the top to fill the space with a sense of shape. A metal texture imitates the texture of the water waves, and dialogue with the distant river scene. The elongated skylight design brings the space closer to nature, and natural light fills the entire space. This comfort is irreplaceable. The black box shaped wall extracts the concept of the container and contrasts it with the original wood-colored decorative surface. Between the pure colors, warm lights and furniture give the space warmth and comfort. There is a tea space in the guest room, looking at the river view in the distance, taste tea culture, tradition and modernity collide. Returning to the essence of the hotel allows travelers to calm down and enjoy the tranquility of the moment.

Address: Block C, Binjiang North Road - Wuhu, China

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