Friday, January 31, 2014
Seven actors to receive the Virtuosos Award including Adèle Exarchopoulos (above), Michael B. Jordan, Brie Larson, Daniel Brühl, June Squibb, Oscar Issac, and Jared Leto 5
���������� Don't Miss Film Feast - It's not your typical dinner & a movie!� 40, 41
Oprah Winfrey
������������������� ���������������
����������������������������������������������� ����������
������������� UCSB Arts & Lectures: Cirkopolis. . . . . . . . . . . 6 SBIFF SB Filmmakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 17 Local Movie Listings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Pacific Standard: TV, Movies Can Inspire Altruism. 29 The Ticket: SB Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Open House Invitations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Tech: by Gary Woods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Finance by Harlan Green. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-43 Local Interest Rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 SBAOR President's Column by Ed Fuller. . . . . 43 Art Venues & Galleries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45
February romance begins with Art & Culture this 1st Thursday... Enjoy the UCSB Middle Eastern Ensemble on �����������������������
Santa Barbara A Welcoming City? Sites of Conscience... by Mary Watkins, PhD
Poster design by Barbara Boros
Robert Redford to receive the American Riviera Award� 8
Photo by Cliff Watts, Courtesy of Harpo, Inc.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese to receive the Cinema Vanguard Award �
����������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������������������������������� The Santa Barbara ����������������������� International Film Festival is ����������������������� dedicated to discovering ����������������������� and showcasing the ����������������������� best in independent and �������������������������� ���������������������������� international cinema. ������������������������ Now in its 29th year, SBIFF ��������������������������� offers 11 days of 200+ films, ����������������������� tributes and symposiums that range from American ��������� indie films to world cinema ������������ and everything in-between. ���������������������� With its commitment to ����������������������� cultural diversity and ��������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ����������������������� powerful storytelling, ������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������� SBIFF transforms beautiful ����������������������� ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� downtown Santa Barbara, �������������� � �������� ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ CA into a rich destination ����������������������� �������������������������������������� for film lovers which ����������������������������������������� ����������������������� � ��� attract more than 75,000 ���������������������������������������� � �� ��������������������������������������� Oprah Winfrey as Gloria Gaines in attendees. SBIFF brings to ��������������������� ������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������� Lee Daniels’ The Butler the forefront the importance ���������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������ � ������������������������������ and power of the art of �������������������� � � �������� � ������������������������������� filmmaking and continues its commitment ����������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� to providing free children’s education and ���������������� ���������������� �������������������������������������� community outreach programs through its ����������������� � � ������������ 10-10-10 Student Filmmaking and Screenwriting ������������������������������������ �������������������� ������������������ Competitions, Mike’s Field Trip to the Movies, ���������������������������������������� �������������������� ��������������� AppleBox Family Films, 3rd Weekend and ������������������������������������� �������������� educational seminars. For more information, ��������������� ����������������������������������������� please visit ��������� ���������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������ ������������������ ��������������������������������� � ����������� ������������������ ������������� ����� � �������� �������������������� ������������� ���������������������������������� ������������������� ����������������� ������������������������������������� �������������������� ����������������� ���� � ������������������������������� �������������������� ����������������� ������������������������������������� ������������������ ���������������� ������������������������������������� ��������� ���������������������� ������������������������������������ Oprah Winfrey as Sofi a in The Color Purple For up-to-date Festival info visit ����������������
Courtesy Photos
SA F T. IRS 1:0 T 0 - OP 4:0 EN 0P .M
805.886.9000 • License #: 01005773
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����� �� ������� ��������� ��� ������� �� ���� ����� ������� ����������������������������
Courtesy photos
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By Robert F. Adams / Special to CASA
��������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������
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The sponsor for the Virtuosos Award is Travel + Leisure. For up-to-date info and tickets visit
Courtesy photos
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Corporate Season Sponsor:
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Creative Genius at Home
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By Lucy Barnes / CASA
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By Jeanette Casillas / CASA
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Median Sales Price Jan-Nov. 2009-2013 $945,000
$950,000 $900,000 $850,000
$750,000 $700,000
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Timothy Walsh
805.259.8808 License #00914713 �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
RICHARD MANN 805.689.5978
NEWLY OFFERED AT: $3,295,000
OFFERED AT: $1,250,000
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Adjacent to the historic Arlington Theater Nearing completion International, 1 & 2 Bedroom Units $840,000- $2,600,000
Sales Center Now Open 1321 State Street 805.845.4393 Call for an appointment
Never to be duplicated Emily Kellenberger
Tim Walsh
Pippa Davis
Elizabeth Wagner
License #01397913
License #00914713
License #01419280
License #01440591
LIFE AT THE BEACH $19,500,000 Enjoy 2 extremely private level acres with 175 feet of ocean frontage & a secluded cove nearby. Presently there are 2 homes on site. Thomas Dabney, 805.689.7306
VILLA DI SERENITA $17,750,000 Spectacular ocean & mtn views from this 5bd/6.5ba authentic Italian estate on 21.5 acres. Main flr master, pool house & elaborate gardens. Riskin Assoc, 805.565.8600
PRIVACY, PROVENANCE $16,700,000 Gem in Golden Quadrangle of Montecito. 6 bd/9 bth estate with ocean/mountain views. Richly appointed rooms, 13-seat theatre, so much more! Loyd Applegate, 805.570.4935
PREMIER OCEAN VIEWS $14,900,000 Expansive ocean & mtn views and 20+/acres of unrivaled privacy are just the beginning of this luxurious Montecito Med estates offerings. Riskin Assoc, 805.565.8600
NEW MEDITERRANEAN $13,795,000 Majestic 12,000 +/- sqft estate w/ all the amenities: 3 ocean/mtn view acres, theater, pool, guest house, sprawling lawns & gardens. Riskin Assoc, 805.565.8600
BINGHAM HOUSE $12,900,000 Nestled against the foothills & moments away from the Pacific Ocean, a truly unique & historical property located in the heart of Montecito. Pamela Regan, 805.895.2760
���������������� SPECTACULAR $6,500,000 Condo w/ stunning ocean & city view. 5,000 +/- sq. ft. 2 story 4 bd + separate gym, att’d guest quarters w/ sep. entry. Direct beach access. John Henderson, 805.689.1066
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YOUR OWN RETREAT $12,900,000 Located on Padaro Beach enjoy sunsets & nearly 100 ft. of beachfront. Two legal parcels & two separate dwellings on .75 acre. Surfers dream! Pamela Regan, 805.895.2760
TUSCAN VILLA $11,880,000 Spectacular 2004 Showcase House on 11 acres w/ unsurpassed quality & style. Wine cellar, tiled pool, 1bd guesthouse, ocean/mtn vistas. Riskin Assoc, 805.565.8600
PICACHO LANE $10,000,000 Ocean view entertainer’s estate by Chester Carjola w/ guesthouse, pool house, den, sunroom, office & guest suites on 2.5+ enchanting acres. Riskin Assoc, 805.565.8600
REFINED ELEGANCE $9,875,000 Expansive ocean views grace this sophisticated 5bd/6.5 bth estate on nearly 6 acres w/ high ceilings, 1st fl. master, pool & manicured gardens. Riskin Assoc, 805.565.8600
ENGLISH MANOR $7,995,000 Designed by Chester Carjola, 7bd/8bth manor boasts ocean & mountain views, rose garden, pool/spa, 2bd/2bth guesthouse, & space to expand. Riskin Assoc, 805.565.8600
FABULOUS SEA MEADOW $6,450,000 Fabulous new listing in the prestigious Sea Meadow enclave. 4bd/4.5bth, beautifully appointed. A rare find in this fabulous seaside community. Gayle Lofthus, 805.689.9011
LA OTRADA $5,595,000 One of the 1st homes built in Hope Ranch. La Otrada-the quintessential Spanish Colonial estate. 2.7 prime acres. 4bd/3.5bth + Guest w/full bth. Colleen Parent-Beall, 805.895.5881
TIMELESS DESIGN $5,495,000 Situated down a creek side lane this exceptional quality constructed 4bd/5.5bth Mediterranean Estate sits on 1.44 manicured acres. John Sener, 805.331.7402
CHIC SOPHISTICATION $5,495,000 Contemporary compound on 1+ acre near Montecito’s Lower Village. Ocean/ mountain vistas, lush gardens, two detached guest suites, two pools. Riskin Assoc, 805.565.8600
EXTRAORDINARY $5,195,000 On 3.6 ± acres, rests this extraordinary compound estate with guest quarters & exceptional equestrian facilities. Natalie/Brian, 805.895.6226
ICONIC MONTECITO $4,450,000 Designed by James Morris. Classic architecture in a Blue Chip location with both mountain and ocean views. Pool. Motor court for 12+ cars. Tim Walsh, 805.259.8808
MEDITERRANEAN ESTATE $3,995,000 2 acre estate, 4bd/4.5bth Mediterranean. Also charming 2 bedroom guest house, pool & beautiful landscaping. Visit Natalie/Brian, 805.895.6226
SUPERB SETTING $3,980,000 Hope Ranch, ocean/mtn vws, 3.77 acres. 4,206+/- sqft of living space, flowing floor plan. 4 stall barn w/storage & office. Brian Campbell, 805.294.2890
LOOKING FOR SOMEONE $3,500,000 love this home like the owners do. Resort Amenities, Kitchen with 2 FPs & walls that open to the back yard. Charm, character & beauty. Gail/Carey, 805.689.7767
BEAUTIFUL & QUIET $3,395,000 Hope Ranch 4,400 +/- sqft 3bd/3 full & 2 half bths property features front & back gated entrance, large perimeter hedge, pool & Jacuzzi. Charles F Clayton IV, 805.895.6039
VillagePropertiesSB VillageProps
BIRNAM WOOD $3,295,000 In Montecito's prestigious Birnam Wood Golf Club, Contemporary home offers rich finishes throughout. Guest house, pool & spa on an acre. Patricia Griffin, 805.565.4547
STUNNING $3,195,000 3bd/4.5bth, library, office, media room, garage, gourmet kitchen. Stunning 2006 built urban town home in the heart of SB Cultural Center. Tim Walsh, 805.259.8808
MAGNIFICENT $2,999,000 By renowned builder William Painter. Architectural excellence complimented by custom designer finishes. Gameroom, pool & gourmet kitchen. Darin Guglielmo, 805.698.8260
JUST LISTED $2,795,000 Montecito 3+bd/3 bth single level home boasts mountain views, lovely master suite, separate office/4th bed & detached office, pool & spa. Gregg Leach, 805.886.9000
JUST LISTED $2,795,000 Amidst mature oaks & dramatic boulders in the foothills of Santa Barbara, newer built (2003) Mediterranean home is full of exquisite details David/Natalie, 805.315.8444
ALMA DEL PUEBLO $2,500,000 Two bedroom 2.5 bath unit, located in the Center of Santa Barbara’s cultural & performing arts scene is Alma Del Pueblo. Pippa Davis, 805.886.0174
DESIRABLE LOCATION $2,495,000 Two structures on 1 parcel. 16 parking spaces. 1888 2 story Victorian w/10 ofc. Suites. Good cond. Full rehab. in 1980's. Jackie Walters, 805.570.0558
BEL AIR KNOLLS $1,795,000 Impressive English Tudor. stunning Santa Barbara views. Meticulously crafted in 1980 with a well-designed floor plan of approx. 3,572 sq.ft. John Bahura, 805.680.5175
INCREDIBLE $1,645,000 5bd/3bth home built in 1996. Almost 3,000 s.f. Gourmet kitchen, hardwood floors. Large .79 acre lot, covered patio, numerous fruit trees. Bob Curtis, 805.895.1951
WONDERFULLY LARGE $1,395,000 Offers many amenities. 2 levels of living areas & large guest retreat too! Garage parking for 4 cars, RV garage, RV hookups & more parking! Louise McKaig, 805.637.4774
RESORT STYLE $1,385,000 Private, ocean view, tropical resort style living. Custom built 2002. 2bd/2bth. Fireplace in Master & Living room. Waterfall, Koi pond. John Faulkner, 805.570.9454
ALMA DEL PUEBLO $1,250,000 One bedroom 1.5 bath unit, located in the Center of Santa Barbara’s cultural & performing arts scene is Alma Del Pueblo. Tim Walsh, 805.259.8808
JUST LISTED $1,195,000 2,100sqft on two levels. 4 bd/2 bth. Coved ceilings, hardwood floors, original light fixtures & tile. Gorgeous kitchen w/ Viking appliances. Julie/Jeff, 805.895.9498
UPPER EAST DUPLEX $995,000 Each unit has 1bd/1bth, living dining, kitchen & their own in unit laundry, private fenced patio & lawn area. Shared 2 car garage. Jeff/Julie, 805.895.2944
SUMMERLAND RETREAT $865,000 3bd/2bth, amazing ocean and island views from this light & bright remodeled home! Excellent vacation rental property or dual living Move in ready! Amy J Baird, 805.478.9318
MUST SEE! $759,000 Clean & bright Kellogg School area 3bd/2bth. Open floor plan, yard, near the end of a cul-de-sac & bike trail. Location, location, location. Mike Long, 805.304.5664
POLO CONDO $745,000 2bd/2bth, top floor polo condo. Beautiful remodel. Susie Maybery, 805.565.8884
INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! $599,000 Updated kitchen & dining area; high ceilings, wood floors & tiled fireplace in LR; generous sized flat lot, 2 car-garage. Natalie/Brian, 805.895.6226
JUST LISTED $599,000 Rarely available large 3 bd / 1.5 bth end unit townhouse on Catlin Circle. Immaculate condition, attached two car garage. Great location. Kathy Henry, 805.895.6226
EL ESCORIAL $575,000 Near East Beach, 1 bd/1 bth first floor unit has everything Santa Barbara has to offer. Boasts fresh paint, remodeled kitchen & more! Rachael Bissig, 805.895.4449
GREAT INVESTMENT $550,000 Great opportunity! 3 units fully rented in Oxnard CA. Lots of potential.
SAN ANTONIO VILLAGE $549,000 Two story townhouse, completely remodeled & updated! 2bd/1.5bth, community pool, spa & clubhouse! Close to bike path to beach. Julie/Jeff, 805.895.9498
CONVENIENT LOCATION $469,000 Single story ground floor end-unit w/ rare fenced back patio/yard area. Sunny & south facing. Single garage space directly behind unit. John Bahura, 805.680.5175
DESIRABLE $398,000 Upper level 2 bedroom condo located in a quiet part of the association. Fresh paint and newer carpets, this home is ready for a new owner. Thomas Johansen, 805.886.1857
OPPORTUNITY! $349,000 Short Sale in Oxnard. Great Opportunity! Large home with lots of potential! Close to college & high school.
Christina Ruelas, 805.452.9931
Christina Ruelas, 805.452.9931
WWW.VILLAGESITE.COM Santa Barbara • 805.681.8800 | Montecito • 805.969.8900 Santa Ynez • 805.688.1620
UTTERLY EXQUISITE $14,500,000 This 205± acre premier Ranch has all that is needed for the operation of an ideal horse farm & the enjoyment of a luxurious lifestyle. Carey Kendall, 805.689.6262
SON SERENO $10,900,000 Spectacular 116± acre Estate distinguished by architecturally significant modernist house, horse facilities & much more. Vineyard potential! Carey Kendall, 805.689.6262
VINEYARD & RANCH $7,900,000 Watch Hill Vineyard & Ranch, approx. 122 ac. 3bd/5bth. Pool, equestrian facilities, vineyard ft 18+/- acres of a stellar variety of vines. Carey Kendall, 805.689.6262
STUNNING $6,250,000 10-acre gated estate with modern, country French farmhouse built 2007. Flowing indoor/outdoor floor plan, ideal for entertaining, must see! Gail Shannon, 805.448.7887
INSPIRING VISTAS $6,150,000 Set on 38 acres, 5bd/6bth Spanish/ Mediterranean home, unique 2nd residence/''barn'' & 3bd/2bth home & detached workshop/barn. Carey Kendall, 805.689.6262
MAGNIFICENT DESIGN $5,200,000 French inspired estate of approx. 10,000 sq. ft. 4bd/6bth, luxury amenities thru-out, 4 stall barn, infinity pool with Jacuzzi, views. Carey Kendall, 805.689.6262
VILLA DEL SOL $3,750,000 Enjoy sweeping views from every room in this fabulous, one-of-a-kind, Regency Hills Estate. For a tour go to www. Carey Kendall, 805.689.6262
PRISTINE ESTATE $3,495,000 10 acre Adobe Hacienda on pristine park-like grounds. Remodeled gourmet kitchen, outdoor patio w/ fireplace, Salt water pool, much more! Carey Kendall, 805.689.6262
CUSTOM ESTATE HOME $3,295,000 4bd/5bth in Regency Hills Santa Ynez. 7.8± acres w/ sweeping views from each room. Entertainer’s delight. Complete remodel 2008, much more! Carey Kendall, 805.689.6262
FANTASTIC VIEWS $1,695,000 3bd/3bth + approx 1800 sq. ft tri-level guest house, 18+/- acres with panoramic views of the mountains. perfect for entertaining! Jonee Hanson, 805.455.6175
JUST REDUCED $1,575,000 This exceptional 4bd/2.5bth farmhouse on over an acre of land offers a large salt water pool, a jacuzzi and plenty of room for horses. Connie Meynet, 805.680.6001
TRULY IMPRESSIVE $1,049,000 On 1.63 +/- acres in the Town of Los Olivos, this impeccable two story home features 4 bedrooms and 3 baths, salt water pool & spa. Nancy Rizzo, 805.403.2700
VILLAGE COLLECTION $998,000 A quality Village Collection 4bd/3bth, .41 +/- Acre home with numerous custom features including vaulted ceilings throughout the house. Connie Meynet, 805.680.6001
EXTENSIVELY REMODELED $925,000 4bd/3bth on 2 legal parcels of approximately 2 acres. Delightful kitchen, open floor plan, views from almost every room. Zoned for horses. Jenae Johnson, 805.452.9812
PLANS AVAILABLE $795,000 Downtown Santa Ynez, Zoned C-2. Prime corner lot, neighboring established, successful businesses. Awe inspiring mountain views. Jenae Johnson, 805.452.9812
HOME + LOT $699,000 3bd/2bth, Panoramic Views! Purchase the home and adjoining lot for $699,000 or the vacant 1.09 acre lot for $250,000. Nancy Rizzo, 805.403.2700
GREAT OPPORTUNITY! $450,000 Commercial property on a popular spot in Los Alamos. Comes with a new lease/ tenant! Don't miss this opportunity to own a piece of history! Nancy Rizzo, 805.403.2700
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CHARMING $329,000 Charming 2 bd/2 bth single-level endunit on second story Solvang condo. Turnkey home w/recent updates. Convenient downtown location. David McIntire, 805.315.8444
ALISAL RANCH $299,000 Charming 3bd/2bth home boasts serene setting looking through the majestic eucalyptus trees to the golf course beyond. On 1.9 acres. Jonee Hanson, 805.455.6175
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Santa Barbara
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Santa Ynez
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SBIFF ��������������
FRI, JAN 31 8am | BFFs
Andrew Putschoegl 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 90 min | Looking for a few days of vacation and amusement, two best friends pretend to be lovers while attending a couples weekend workshop. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
8:10am | Omar
Hany Abu-Assad 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa | 96 min | A noir psychological thriller set in the occupied West Bank, Omar is a meditation on trust, friendship, loyalty, and the way individuals to harm those close to their heart. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
8:20am | The Wind Rises
Hayao Miyazaki 2013 | Feature: Animation, Special Presentations | 126 min. | Jiro Horikoshi, visionary designer of one of the most beautiful airplanes in history, lives a simple, rural life in his fantasy world, up on the highest clouds. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8:30am | Ilo Ilo
Anthony Chen 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 99 min. | ILO ILO chronicles the complex relationship between the Lim family, their troubled son, and their newly arrived Filipino maid. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | Revival
Alice Nellis 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs, U.S. | Premiere | 115 min. | Forty years after separating, four friends decide to reunite their rock band through a revival that takes an unexpected turn. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10am | The Village of Peace
Nicholas Philipides, Ben Schuder 2014 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, Kolnoa, World Premiere | 68 min | The stories of four African Hebrew Israelites illuminate a community whose daily lifestyle includes polygamy, health, nutrition, education and spiritual enlightenment. | SB Museum of Art
10:20am | The Missing Picture (L’image manquante)
Rithy Panh 2013 | Feature: Doc, Pan Asia | 92 min. | Rithy Panh uses clay figures, archival footage, and his narration to recreate the atrocities Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge committed between 1975 and 1979. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
10:40am | October November (Oktober November)
Götz Spielmann 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 114 min | A family reunion at a mountainside inn lays bare old wounds and reveals long-held secrets. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
11am | Lutah
Kum-Kum Bhavnani 2014 | Feature: Doc, Santa Barbara Features, World Premiere | 68 min. | Architecture was her career. Santa Barbara was her passion. Initially eclipsed by male contemporaries, Lutah Maria Riggs navigated her way through the male-centric world of architecture, blazing a trail for women. Stunning tours of some of Santa Barbara’s iconic structures and a rare glimpse of private homes. | Lobero
11am | Wounded (La herida)
Fernando Franco 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. | Premiere | 95 min. | An ambulance driver struggles with a devastating personality disorder. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
11am | Story of Flying A
Santa Barbara Historical Museum | Event | 60 min. | FREE to Passholders - Guests $10 A nostalgic glimpse of Santa Barbara’s contribution to the film industry with a presentation by lecturer-historian Neal Graffy. From early 1911 to the summer of 1912, the American Film Company’s western unit consisted of half-a-dozen actors and a
handful of cowboys shooting onereel westerns around Southern California. Known as the Flying A, the company settled in Santa Barbara. | SB Historical Museum
1pm | Invitation to Dance
Christian von Tippelskirch, Simi Linton 2014 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social | Justice, World Premiere | 84 min. | A wheelchair-riding activist takes us out dancing with the avant-garde of disabled dancers – and on a quest for equality, justice, and a place on the dance floor. | SB Museum of Art
1pm | Make Hummus Not War
Trevor Graham 2012 | Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine | 76 min. | Hummus is claimed by multiple Middle Eastern nationalities and is one of the oldest-known prepared foods in human history. Could a regional love of this distinguished dish be the recipe for peace in the Middle East? | Metro 4 Thtr 1
1:20pm | The Gambler (Losejas)
Ignas Jonynas 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 109 min. | A paramedic, passionate about gambling, is struck with an idea to create an illegal game related to his profession. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
1:40pm | For A Woman (Pour une femme)
Diane Kurys 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l | 110 min. Inspired by director Diane Kurys’s family history, For A Woman moves through time and memory, a historical melodrama lingering between the 1980s and postwar France. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
2pm | Noble
Stephen Bradley 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 101 min. | Vietnam. 1989. A funny, feisty, and courageous woman overcomes the difficulties of her childhood in Ireland to discover her destiny on the streets of Saigon in 1989. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
2pm | Of Horses and Men (Hross í oss) Benedikt Erlingsson 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 85 min. | This quirky country romance cleverly shows the human streak in horses and the equally horse-like qualities that humans possess. | Lobero.
2pm | Story of Flying A
Santa Barbara Historical Museum | Event | 60 min. FREE to Passholders - Guests $10 | A nostalgic glimpse of Santa Barbara’s contribution to the film industry with a presentation by lecturer-historian Neal Graffy. | Santa Barbara Historical Museum
4pm | Chu and Blossom
Charles Chu, Gavin Kelly 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 104 min | A coming-of-age comedy centers on an unlikely brotherhood between a pensive, awkwardly tall Korean foreign exchange student and a militant performance artist, both trapped together in a small town. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
4:40pm | La juala de oro (The Golden Dream)
Diego Quemada-Díez 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 102 min. | This gritty, uncompromising portrait follows a group of teenage Guatemalan immigrants on their journey for a bright new life in the United States. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
5pm | Do You Believe in Love?
Dan Wasserman 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, Kolnoa, U.S. Premiere | 50 min. | Tova, a unique matchmaker with muscular dystrophy, tirelessly strives to find love for everyone around her. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
7pm | Mount Joy
Jack Lewars 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 86 min. | A lead singer places his band’s national bar tour on hold until he gets answers from the girl who broke his heart, but he soon discovers she harbors a secret that could change everything. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
7pm | Roaming Wild
Sylvia Johnson 2014 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice, World Premiere | 64 min. | An activist, a cowboy, and a mountain man search for solutions to protect life and land in this modern-day Western about America’s wild horses and the federal government’s controversial roundups. | SB Museum of Art.
7pm | The Past (Le passé)
Asghar Farhadi 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 130 min. | While traveling to Paris from Tehran to finalize his divorce, an Iranian man finds himself suddenly and tragically drawn back into the lives of his ex and her daughter. | Lobero
7:20pm | We Are the Best! (Vi är bäst!)
Lukas Moodysson 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 102 min. | In this raucous & ebullient tale, three preteen outcasts form an all-girl punk band. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
7:40pm | Cold Eyes
Cho Ui-seok, Kim Byung-seo 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 118min | In this sizzling South Korean action-thriller, a high-tech police surveillance team attempts to take down a gang of ruthless bank robbers. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8pm | Queens & Cowboys: A Straight Year on the Gay Rodeo
Matt Livadary 2014 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, World Premiere | 92 min. | Roping and riding and busting stereotypes, the dauntless members of the International Gay Rodeo Association face constant obstacles in their quest to qualify for the World Gay Rodeo Finals. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
4:30pm | Gabrielle
Louise Archambault 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 104 min | A developmentally challenged young woman sets out on a quest for independence and sexual freedom. | Lobero
10:10pm | 82 min | The House with No Doors | Oana Nechifor 2013 | Jon lives alone in a tower house, isolated from the outside—choosing to spend his time in an imaginary world where he can play with shadows. Tome of the Unknown | Patrick McHale 2013 | Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious place called the Unknown, a place where long-forgotten stories take shape around them as they search for a way home. Woody | Stuart Bowen 2013 | A wooden character wants to play piano, but he only has paddles for hands. Drunker Than a Skunk | Bill Plympton 2013 | In an adaptation of a poem by Walt Curtis, a cowboy town torments the local drunk. Me + Her | Joseph Oxford 2014 | When Jack and Jill of Cardboard City are separated by Jill’s torrid illness, Jack must think outside the box to assure they will be together again. The Gravedigger’s Tale | Min Young Oh 2013 | The gravedigger leads a solitary existence, so far from the living, yet so close to the dead. This is her love story. Bakerman & the Bunnymen | Scout Raskin 2013 | In this 1920s-style short, a baker is cannibalized by his creations. *Warning: This program may not be suitable for children. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
10:20pm | Eastern Boys
Robin Campillo 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 128 min. | A middle-aged Frenchman solicits a young foreigner and finds himself entangled with a group of young Eastern European hustlers. | Metro 4 Thtr 3.
10:30pm | Falcon Song
Jason Brown 2014 | Feature: Fiction, Santa Barbara Features, World Premiere | 109 min. | A guitar-playing drifter helps a rancher’s granddaughter find her true calling. | Metro 4 Thtr 4.
SAT, FEB 1 8am | The Passage
Alex Douglas 2013 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice | 61min | Metro 4 Thtr 1 Rithy Panh 2013 | Feature: Doc, Pan Asia | 92min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
8:20am | Two Lives (Zwei leben)
Georg Maas 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 97min | A woman who has built her life on a fake identity stands to lose everything when her lies and deceit are unraveled. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
Alex Douglas 2013 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice | 61 min. | This investigation of the Panama Canal’s impending expansion explores whether Panama is able meet the social challenges that will undoubtedly expand alongside the canal. | SB Museum of Art Yuri Bykov 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l | 99 min. | While speeding down a rural road, a police major runs over a young boy— with the boy’s mother standing helplessly nearby. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
8:10am | The Missing Picture (L’image manquante)
4pm | The Passage
4:20pm | The Major
Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 100 min | A woman traveling to a friend’s house to escape her marital crisis is soon consumed by the secrets of those around her. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
8:30am | Eastern Boys
TRIBUTE! Outstanding Director
DAVID O. RUSSELL ���������������� ��������������������������
10pm | Algunas chicas (Some Girls) Santiago Palavecino 2013 | Competition,
Robin Campillo 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 128 min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | Despicable Me 2
Pierre Coffin, Chris Renaud 2013 | AppleBox, Feature: Animation, Free Admission | 98 min | An ex-villain is recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help deal with a powerful new super criminal. | Arlington
10am | Paulette
Jérôme Enrico 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Screen Cuisine, The World Laughs, U.S. Premiere | 87min | An older woman living
The Past (Le passé) alone in the projects of the Parisian suburbs can no longer make ends meet and resorts to selling drugs. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
(producer, Before Midnight).
Nadine C. Licostie 2014 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice, World Premiere | 80min | This feature-length documentary traces the history of the AIDS Memorial Quilt and the role it continues to play as a response to the disease itself. | SB Museum of Art
Drew Rist 2014 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine, Social Justice, World Premiere | 94min | For 120 years, Dublin Dr Pepper was manufactured in a small Texas town. After a lawsuit closes the bottling plant, residents wonder about the future of their town, and the public outcry continues. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10am | The Last One
10:20am | Mount Joy
Jack Lewars 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 86min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
10:40am | Blue Jasmine
Woody Allen 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 98min | After everything in her life falls to pieces, Jasmine, an elegant New York socialite, moves into her sister’s modest apartment in San Francisco to try to pull herself together again. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
11am | A Life Outside
Catherine Brabec 2014 | Feature: Doc, To the Maxxx | 83min | This documentary follows the six surfers who pioneered the 1960s surf scene at the New Jersey Casino Pier. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
PRODUCERS PANEL 11am | | 90min | Lobero
Moderated by Los Angeles Times film writer John Horn, this year’s panelists include: Albert Berger (Nebraska), Robbie Brenner (Dallas Buyers Club), Dana Brunetti (Captain Phillips), Dede Gardner (12 Years a Slave), Joey McFarland (Wolf of Wall Street) Charles Roven (American Hustle), Gaby Tana (Philomena), and Ron Yerxa (Nebraska).
1pm | Queens & Cowboys: A Straight Year on the Gay Rodeo Matt Livadary 2014 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, World Premiere | 92min | SB Museum of Art
1pm | Sam
Elena Hazanov 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, World Premiere | 85min | After living with his mother since his parents’ divorce, seven-year-old Sam is forced to move in with his father, a struggling writer with no source of inspiration. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
1:20pm | Warren
Alex Beh 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 84min | After giving up on making it in the Chicago improv scene, a young comedian fatefully reconnects with a former love while working at a coffee shop in his hometown. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
1:40pm | The Grand Seduction
Don McKeller 2013 | Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs | 115min | The residents of a small Newfoundland fishing village conspire to charm a big-city doctor into becoming the town’s full-time physician. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
4pm | Bottled Up: The Battle Over Dublin Dr Pepper
4pm | Acquisitions Seminar
SBIFF 2014 | Free Admission, Seminars | 45min | SB Museum of Art
4:20pm | We Are the Best! (Vi är bäst!)
Lukas Moodysson 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 102min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
4:30pm | Omar
Hany Abu-Assad 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa | 96min | Lobero
4:40pm | Cold Eyes
Cho Ui-seok, Kim Byung-seo 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 118min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
5pm | BFFs
Andrew Putschoegl 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
7pm | Gabrielle
Louise Archambault 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 104min | Lobero
7pm | Menthol
Micah Van Hove 2014 | Feature: Fiction, Santa Barbara Features, World Premiere | 84min | When four friends reunite for a night of fun in their hometown, a crisis forces them to confront the consequences of their lifestyles. | SB Museum of Art
7pm | Night Has Settled
Steve Clark 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 90min | A 13-year-old boy, who is wellpoised to enter the precocious teenage world of sex, vodka, and possible love in New York City, is traumatized by an encounter with his housekeeper. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
7:20pm | A Year in Champagne
David Kennard 2014 | Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine, World Premiere | 84min | A detailed portrait of winemakers and their families reveals some of the most intimate secrets behind creating the legendary bubbly beverage. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
7:40pm | Revival
Alice Nellis 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs, U.S.Premiere | 115min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8pm | Transit
Hannah Espia 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa, Pan Asia | 93min | When Israel enacts a law to deport the children of immigrant laborers, a group of very different people join together to protect a young boy from being taken from his father. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
2pm | Roaming Wild
Sylvia Johnson 2014 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice, World Premiere | 64min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
WOMENS PANEL 2pm | 90min | Lobero
Moderated by Madelyn Hammond, this year’s panelists include: Kristine Belson (producer, The Croods), Dede Gardner (producer, 12 Years a Slave), Lauren MacMullen (director, Get A Horse, Animated short), Rachel Winter (producer, Dallas Buyers Club) and Sara Woodhatch
For updates visit
By Daniel Kepl / CASA
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Selma Rubin with Director Beezhan Tulu
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������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ The public is invited to attend a free reception following the screening on Tuesday, February 4th. The reception will include wine, cheese, coffee, and desserts in the Faulkner Gallery at 8:15pm. Please contact Beth at 963-1622 x103 by Friday, January 31st to RSVP.
lavish Southern-style wedding to prove he’s changed his ways. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
SUN, FEB 2 8am | Do You Believe in Love?
Dan Wasserman 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, Kolnoa, U.S. Premiere | 50min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
8:10am | Wounded (La herida)
Fernando Franco 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 95min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
TRIBUTE! Outstanding Performer of the Year Award
CATE BLANCHETT ���������������� �������������������������
10pm | Make Hummus Not War
Trevor Graham 2012 | Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine | 76min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10:10pm | The Gambler (Losejas)
Ignas Jonynas 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 109min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
10:20pm | The Past (Le passé)
Asghar Farhadi 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 130min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
10:30pm | Orenthal: The Musical
Jeff Rosenberg 2014 | Feature: Fiction, Santa Barbara Features | 89min | An eccentric theater artist struggles to stage an OJ Simpson musical with the help of his childhood friends. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
8:20am | Of Horses and Men (Hross í oss)
Benedikt Erlingsson 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 85min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8:30am | Sam
Elena Hazanov 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, World Premiere | 85min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | God’s Slave (Esclavo de dios)
Joel Novoa 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Inspired by true events, this is the story of two extremists, one Islamic and the other Jewish, who cross paths while on opposing sides of the 1994 Buenos Aires AMIA bombings. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10am | Monsters University
Dan Scanlon 2013 | AppleBox, Feature: Animation, Free Admission | 104min | During their days at Monsters University, Mike and Sulley weren’t necessarily the best of friends. | Arlington
SB DOC SHORTS 10am | 99min | Tar Wars | Emily de Moor 2013 | An investigation into the impact of offshore drilling on natural oil seepage in the Santa Barbara Channel leads to a
contentious discussion that reaches far beyond the local science. Where the Wonder Went | Bryan Latchford 2014 | This documentary highlights educators who are inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers through creativity, ingenuity, and passion. Mabon “Teenie” Hodges - A Portrait of a Memphis Soul Original | Susanna Vapnek 2013 | This documentary features the legendary Memphis guitarist, Mabon “Teenie” Hodges, co-wrIter of many of Al Green’s hit songs. The Alchemistress | Andrew Schoneberger 2014 | Working with a Civil War-era camera and processes, Lindsey Ross creates beautiful photos at her studio in Santa Barbara, CA. Douglas Kirkland on Photography: A Life in Pictures | Scott Erickson, Mia Shimabuku 2013 | Legendary photographer Douglas Kirkland assembles his first visual memoir and recalls pivotal moments in his career. | SB Museum of Art
10:20am | Adria Blues
Miroslav Mandic 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 91min | Paralyzed by depression, an aging former rock star from Bosnia is pushed by his wife to reengage with life. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10:40am | The Grand Seduction
Don McKeller 2013 | Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs | 115min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
11am | A Year in Champagne
David Kennard 2014 | Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine, World Premiere | 84min | Lobero
11am | Barefoot
Andrew Fleming 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 94min | An upper-class, hard-luck gambler invites a shoeless eccentric to his brother’s
Charles Chu, Gavin Kelly 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 104min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
SOCIAL JUSTICE DOC SHORTS 1pm | 81min | Life on the Line | Sally Rubin, Jen Gilomen 2014 | An elevenyear-old girl finds her family separated by the U.S./Mexico border while her mother awaits a visa and her father awaits a liver transplant. Alfredo’s Fire | Andy Abrahams Wilson 2014 | An Italian writer sets himself on fire at the Vatican, igniting troubling questions about the clash between faith and sexuality. Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution | Matthew VanDyke 2013 | The story of the Syrian revolution is told through the experiences of two young Syrians, a male rebel fighter and a female journalist. | SB Museum of Art
1:20pm | Clownwise
Viktor Taus 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 120min | After 30 years of separation, three clowns reunite to restage the famous act that launched their careers — while also attempting to forgive one another for the fight that tore them apart. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
1:40pm | October November (Oktober November)
Götz Spielmann 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 114min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
2pm | The Village of Peace
Nicholas Philipides, Ben Schuder 2014 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, Kolnoa, World Premiere | 68min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
2pm | The Wind Rises
Hayao Miyazaki 2013 | Feature: Animation, Pan Asia | 126min | Lobero
4pm | Late Spring
Keun-Hyun Cho 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, Pan Asia, World Premiere | 120min | A brilliant sculptor loses his desire to create after being diagnosed with a progressive paralysis disorder. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
Courtesy Photos
SBIFF ��������������
1pm | Chu and Blossom
Bella Vita
4pm | The Last One
Nadine C. Licostie 2014 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice, World Premiere | 80min | SB Museum of Art
4pm | The Thief of Bagdad
Raoul Walsh 1924 | Feature: Fiction, Free Admission, Super Silent Sunday | 155min | A recalcitrant thief vies with a duplicitous Mongol ruler for the hand of a beautiful princess. | Arlington
7pm | Warren
Alex Beh 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 84min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
ANIMATED SHORTS 7:20pm | 82min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
7:30pm | Wings
Jérôme Enrico 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Screen Cuisine, The World Laughs, U.S. Premiere | 87min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
William A. Wellman 1927 | Feature: Fiction, Free Admission, Super Silent Sunday | 144min | Two World War I fighter pilots-one rich, one middle class--are in love with the same woman. | Arlington
Jillian Elizabeth, Neil Dalal 2014 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, World Premiere | 109min | A group of students and their teacher confront fundamental questions about the nature of reality and self-identity at a remote forest ashram in southern India. | Lobero
Diane Kurys 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l | 110min | After the death of her mother, a young director delves into the history of her parents, determined to discover secrets her family was intent on keeping hidden. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
4:20pm | Paulette
4:30pm | Gurukulam
4:40pm | Two Lives (Zwei leben)
Georg Maas 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 97min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
7:40pm | For A Woman (Pour une femme)
8pm | Algunas Chicas (Some Girls)
5pm | Noble
Santiago Palavecino 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 100min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
7pm | A Universal Language
Steve Clark 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
Stephen Bradley 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 101min | Metro 4 Thtr 4 Igal Hecht 2013 | Feature: Doc, Kolnoa, The World Laughs | 80min | Six Canadian comedians explore comedy, identity, and history on a journey through the Holy Land. | SB Museum of Art
7pm | Invitation to Dance
Christian von Tippelskirch, Simi Linton 2014 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice, World Premiere | 84min | Lobero
10pm | Night Has Settled
10:10pm | Intruders (Jo nan-ja-deul)
Young-Seok Noh 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 99 min | A screenwriter retreats to a secluded cabin in the woods only to be rudely interrupted by some uninvited guests. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
For updates visit
�������������������������������������������������� 10:20am | Ilo Ilo
SBIFF �������������� ��������������������������
10:20pm | My Sweet Pepper Land
Hiner Saleem 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 100min | This modern Kurdish interpretation of the Spaghetti Western offers drama and romance as a former war hero and a beautiful woman seek to restore order and civilization to their damaged country. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
10:30pm | Cupcakes (Bananot)
Eytan Fox 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa | 90min | When a heartbroken Tel Aviv baker gets together with her friends to watch a song contest, the catchy tune they write to cheer her up unexpectedly ends up as Israel’s official song entry. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
MON, FEB 3 8am | Menthol
Micah Van Hove 2014 | Feature: Fiction, Santa Barbara Features, World Premiere | 84min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
8:10am | The Grand Seduction
Don McKeller 2013 | Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs | 115min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
8:20am | La jaula de oro (The Golden Dream)
Diego Quemada-Díez 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 102min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8:30am | Roxanne
Valentin Hotea 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 97min | An immature man in his late thirties discovers that he might be the father of a son he never knew about. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | Gurukulam
Jillian Elizabeth, Neil Dalal 2014 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, World Premiere | 109min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10:20am | Orenthal: The Musical
Jeff Rosenberg 2014 | Feature: Fiction, SB Features | 89min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
10:40am | Gabrielle
Louise Archambault 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 104min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
11am | Sam
Elena Hazanov 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, World Premiere | 85min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
Premiere | 94min | SB Museum of Art Keun-Hyun Cho 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, Pan Asia, World Premiere | 120min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
1:40pm | Wounded (La herida)
Fernando Franco 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 95min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
2pm | A Life Outside
Catherine Brabec 2014 | Feature: Doc, To the Maxxx | 83min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
2pm | My Sweet Pepper Land
Hiner Saleem 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 100min | Lobero
4pm | Falcon Song
Jason Brown 2014 | Feature: Fiction, Santa Barbara Features, World Premiere | 109min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
SOCIAL JUSTICE DOC SHORTS 4pm | 81min | SB Museum of Art
4:20pm | Intruders (Jo nan-ja-deul) Young-Seok Noh 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 99min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
1pm | Bottled Up: The Battle Over Dublin Dr Pepper
Drew Rist 2014 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine, Social Justice, World
Viktor Taus 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 120min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
Andrew Fleming 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 94min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
10pm | The Major
Yuri Bykov 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l | 99min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
5pm | Make Hummus Not War
Trevor Graham 2012 | Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine | 76min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10:10pm | Omar
Dario Aguirre 2013 | Doc, Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine, U.S. Premiere | 88min | Dario Aguirre, a vegetarian, is called home to Ecuador from Germany to help save his meat-loving father’s grill from bankruptcy. | SB Museum of Art
10:20pm | Cold Eyes
Hany Abu-Assad 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa | 96min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
7pm | César’s Grill
Cho Ui-seok, Kim Byung-seo 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 118min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
10:30pm | Mount Joy
Jack Lewars 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 86min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
7pm | Siddharth
SBIFF 2014 | Free Admission, Seminars | 45min | UGG Australia Pavilion Serik Aprymov 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 97min | When a nine-year-old boy living on his own is revisited by his brother, he believes his life will change. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
8pm | Clownwise
4:40pm | Barefoot
Hayao Miyazaki 2013 | Feature: Animation, Pan Asia | 126min | Lobero
1pm | Bauyr (Little Brother)
Jason Baffa 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, To the Maxxx, U.S. Premiere | 85min | The surf of the Italian coast carries surfer, artist, and environmentalist Chris Del Moro on a pilgrimage back to his ancestral homeland of Italy. | Arlington
Robert Lepage, Pedro Pires 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 90min | The lives of three characters intersect in a sublime narrative geometry within this haunting adaptation of Robert Lepage’s celebrated theater work, Lipsynch. | Lobero
Georg Maas 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 97min | Lobero
12pm | Social Justice Seminar
8pm | Bella Vita
4:30pm | Triptych (Triptyque)
Richie Mehta 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 96min | A poor Delhi street merchant desperately searches for his missing young son in this powerful and heart-rending tale. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
11am | Two Lives (Zwei leben)
The Pamplemousse | Jonathan Watton 2013 | An introverted young female artist’s and a suicidal man’s paths cross while looking at the Mona Lisa at a special exhibit in Quebec City. A Letter Home | Markus Walter 2014 | A mother and father receive a disturbing letter from their daughter who is away at college. Bunion | Jessica Sanders 2014 | This is the story of a man, his foot, and finding happiness. Satellite Beach | Luke Wilson, Andrew Wilson 2014 | Two space shuttles—the Endeavour and the Atlantis—make their final journeys to the California Science Center and the Kennedy Space Center. Across Grace Alley | Ralph Macchio 2013 | A young boy struggling with his parents’ divorce seeks solace in his infatuation with a captivating woman he discovers through a neighboring window. Sinceridad (Sincerity) | Andrea Casaseca Ferrer 2014 | A young man decides to tell his parents a secret he’s been keeping to himself. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
1:20pm | Late Spring
TUES, FEB 4 8am | Sombras de azul (Shades of Blue)
7pm | The Wind Rises
Kelly Daniela Norris 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America | 95min | As a way of processing her brother’s suicide, a young Mexican woman, Maribel, books a one-way ticket to Cuba, the place where her brother always wished to travel. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
7:20pm | BFFs
Andrew Putschoegl 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
8:20am | For A Woman (Pour une femme)
Diane Kurys 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l | 110min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
7:40pm | 93min | Mr. Polman Wants to Fit In | Carla Dauden 2013 | A 76-year-old man must devise a way to overcome his technological ineptness in order to communicate with the potential woman of his dreams.
8:30am | Warren
Alex Beh 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 84min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | Driven
Courtesy Photos
Ben Pitterle, Brian Hall 2014 | Feature: Doc, To the Maxxx, World Premiere | 72min | In a look at the fascinating and obscure world of marathon swimming, three swimmers place everything on the line to swim 20 miles across the Santa Barbara Channel. | SB Museum of Art
10am | Night Has Settled
Steve Clark 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
For updates visit
Anthony Chen 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 99min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
7:40pm | La jaula de oro (The Golden Dream)
10:40am | October November (Oktober November)
Diego Quemada-Díez 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 102min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
11am | Dog Days
Robin Campillo 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 128min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
Götz Spielmann 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 114min | Metro 4 Thtr 3 Kasey Kirby, Laura Waters Hinson 2013 | Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine | 75min | Two underdogs of the DC food cart scene set out to discover whether the American Dream can still become a reality. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
8pm | Eastern Boys
12pm | Free Admission, Seminars | 45min | UGG Australia Pavilion
1pm | Burt’s Buzz
12pm | Breaking into the Industry Seminar
Jody Shapiro 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc | 88min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
SBIFF 2014 | Free Admission, Seminars | 45min | UGG Australia Pavilion
1pm | Siddharth
Richie Mehta 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 96min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
1:20pm | The Gambler (Losejas)
Ignas Jonynas 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 109min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
2pm | Victor Young Perez
Jacques Ouaniche 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l | 103min | In a true and incredibly moving story, Victor Perez, a Tunisian Jewish boxer, is taken to Auschwitz and forced to fight for the amusement of the Nazis. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
4pm | BridgeWalkers
Kara Rhodes, Suzan Pelfrey, Dennis Aig 2014 | Feature: Doc, Santa Barbara Features | 74min | Tribal Leaders from around the world gather in ceremony to witness the coming of Greenland’s 20,000 year old Prophecy | SB Museum of Art
4pm | The Japanese Dog
Tudor Cristian Jurgiu 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 86min | When a flood kills his wife and destroys his house, a man attempts to reconnect with his son who arrives from Japan with his wife and child. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
4:20pm | Cupcakes (Bananot)
Eytan Fox 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
4:30pm | The Missing Picture (L’image manquante)
Rithy Panh 2013 | Feature: Doc, Pan Asia | 92min | Lobero
4:40pm | Of Horses and Men (Hross í oss)
Benedikt Erlingsson 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 85min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
5pm | Saudade
Juan Carlos Donoso Gómez 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/ Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Set amidst the backdrop of the Ecuadorian economic crisis of 1999, SAUDADE tackles notions of economic dislocation, friendship, family, and young love. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
7pm | Burt’s Buzz
Jody Shapiro 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc | 88min | This wry, intimate documentary explores the life of the reclusive Burt Shavitz, who is the (bearded) face and co-founder of the all-natural personal care brand Burt’s Bees. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
7pm | Selma Rubin and Community of Life
Beezhan Tulu 2014 | Feature: Doc, Santa Barbara Features, World Premiere | 62min | When a legendary environmentalist discovers that a developer is planning to build 1,500 homes on Santa Barbara’s Gaviota Coast, she decides to use the power of community to stop him. | SB Museum of Art
7:20pm | Paulette
Jérôme Enrico 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Screen Cuisine, The World Laughs, U.S. Premiere | 87min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
11am | The Japanese Dog
Alice Nellis 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs, U.S. Premiere | 115min | Lobero
Igal Hecht 2013 | Feature: Doc, Kolnoa, The World Laughs | 80min | SB Museum of Art
Vittorio Moroni 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 98min | After being tormented into a submissive life, a teenage boy is mentored by a mysterious old friend of his deceased father. | Lobero Tudor Cristian Jurgiu 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 86min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
11am | Revival
1pm | A Universal Language
11am | If I Close My Eyes I’m Not Here (Se chiudo gli occhi non sono più qui)
TRIBUTE! Virtuosos Award
10pm | Triptych (Triptyque)
Robert Lepage, Pedro Pires 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10:10pm | The Amazing Catfish (Los insólitos peces gato)
Claudia Sainte-Luce 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 89min | A lonely young woman becomes a live-in caregiver for an ailing but indomitable matriarch and her brood of kids. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
10:20pm | A Year in Champagne
David Kennard 2014 | Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine, World Premiere | 84min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
10:30pm | Transit
Hannah Espia 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa, Pan Asia | 93min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
WED, FEB 5 8am | Siddharth
Richie Mehta 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 96min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
8:10am | Cupcakes (Bananot)
Eytan Fox 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
8:20am | Victor Young Perez
Jacques Ouaniche 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l | 103min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8:30am | BridgeWalkers
Kara Rhodes, Suzan Pelfrey, Dennis Aig 2014 | Feature: Doc, Santa Barbara Features | 74min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | Hue: A Matter of Colour
Vic Sarin 2013 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice, U.S. Premiere | 85min | Vic Sarin’s documentary shines a light on skin color—not race—as a factor in shame and bigotry, examining both national and ethnic attitudes. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10:20am | uwantme2killhim?
1pm | Through A Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People
Thomas Allen Harris 2013 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice | 92min | In exploring the role of photography in shaping the identity, aspirations, and social emergence of African Americans, this film lifts the veil on the hidden history of a people and a nation. | SB Museum of Art
1:20pm | Intruders (Jo nan-ja-deul) Young-Seok Noh 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 99min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
1:40pm | My Sweet Pepper Land Hiner Saleem 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 100min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
2pm | Transit
Hannah Espia 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa, Pan Asia | 93min | Lobero
2pm | Triptych (Triptyque)
Robert Lepage, Pedro Pires 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
4pm | César’s Grill
Dario Aguirre 2013 | Doc, Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine, U.S. Premiere | 88min | SB Museum of Art
4pm | Roxanne
Valentin Hotea 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 97min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
4:20pm | Late Spring
Keun-Hyun Cho 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, Pan Asia, World Premiere | 120min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
4:30pm | Lutah
Kum-Kum Bhavnani 2014 | Feature: Doc, Santa Barbara Features, World Premiere | 68min | Lobero
4:40pm | Eastern Boys
Robin Campillo 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 128min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
5pm | Heart of a Lion (Leijonasydän) Dome Karukoski 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 99min | The leader of a gang of racist skinheads falls for a waitress whose son is of African descent. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
7pm | Bauyr (Little Brother)
Serik Aprymov 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 97min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
7pm | The Last Black Sea Pirates Svetoslav Stoyanov 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc | 72min | An ex-con captain and a motley crew of outcasts search for sunken treasure in this modern pirate story. | SB Museum of Art
7pm | The Priest’s Children (Sve!enikova djeca)
Andrew Douglas 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, U.S. Premiere | 92min | A handsome and popular boy finds himelf in a dangerous online relationship and suffers the harrowing consequences of his actions. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
Vinko Bre!an 2013 | Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs | 93min | A naïve Catholic clergyman strives to boost the birth rate among his Dalmatian island flock, with the use of unconventional (and hilarious) tactics. | Lobero
Beezhan Tulu 2014 | Feature: Doc, Santa Barbara Features, World Premiere | 62min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
Mark Young 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 90min | A teenage girl trapped in the underworld of violence realizes the only way to save her family is by scheming to pit one
10:40am | Selma Rubin and Community of Life
7:20pm | Wicked Blood
pawn against another, in a cunning real-life chess game. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
7:40pm | Child’s Pose (Pozitia copilului)
C”lin Peter Netzer 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 112min | A wealthy, aging Bucharest matriarch tries to buy her son’s way out of a hit-and-run conviction. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8pm | Sombras de azul (Shades of Blue) Kelly Daniela Norris 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America | 95min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
2014 | SB Museum of Art
10:20am | The Amazing Catfish (Los insólitos peces gato)
Claudia Sainte-Luce 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 89min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
11am | Bethlehem
Yuval Adler 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa | 100min | A young Palestinian man finds himself caught between loyalties when he discovers his employers are plotting to assassinate his radical brother. | Lobero
12pm | Representing Women of Color Seminar
Courtesy of Harpo, Inc. Photo by Cliff Watts
SBIFF 2014 | Free Admission, Seminars | 45min | UGG Australia Pavilion
1pm | The Japanese Dog
Tudor Cristian Jurgiu 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 86min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
1pm | Tough Bond
TRIBUTE! Montecito Award
OPRAH WINFREY ���������������� ����������������������
10pm | Clownwise
Viktor Taus 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 120min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10:10pm | Under the Starry Sky
Dyana Gaye 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 88min | Delving into the shadowy world of undocumented travel, this transcontinental drama charts the interconnected destinies of three far-flung sojourners. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
10:20pm | Unforgiven (Yurusarezaru mono)
Lee Sang-il 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 135min | A Japanese remake of Clint Eastwood’s UNFORGIVEN follows an infamous former swordsman as he is lured back into action to perform one final job. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
10:30pm | Saudade
Juan Carlos Donoso Gómez 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
THURS, FEB 6 8am | César’s Grill
Dario Aguirre 2013 | Doc, Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine, U.S. Premiere | 88min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
8:10am | The Major
Yuri Bykov 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l | 99min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
8:20am | Child’s Pose (Pozitia copilului)
C”lin Peter Netzer 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 112min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8:30am | Saudade
Juan Carlos Donoso Gómez 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | Under the Starry Sky
Dyana Gaye 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 88min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
SB DOC SHORTS 10am | 99min | Douglas Kirkland on Photography: A Life in Pictures | Scott Erickson, Mia Shimabuku 2013 The Alchemistress | Andrew Schoneberger 2014 Tar Wars | Emily de Moor 2013 Mabon “Teenie” Hodges - A Portrait of a Memphis Soul Original | Susanna Vapnek 2013 Where the Wonder Went | Bryan Latchford
Austin Peck, Anneliese Vandenberg 2014 | Feature: Doc, Santa Barbara Features | 83min | Following four kids over three years, TOUGH BOND braves the violence and harsh reality of Kenyan youth who are cut off from traditional villages and who must endure the hell of street life. | SB Museum of Art
SCREEN CUISINE SHORTS 1:20pm | 90min | Sikh Formaggio | Katie Wise, Dan Duran, Devyn Bisson 2013 | This is the story of a community of Sikhs and how the tradition of making cheese plays a role in their lives. Sausage | Robert Grieves 2014 | The idyllic market square of two artisan stallholders is invaded by a slick fast-food vendor, set to steal all their customers. People & Plates | Miguel Calayan 2013 | The inked-and-pierced Los Angeles-based culinary artist, chef Christian Navarro, reflects on what it means to serve those around him. The Story of an Egg | Douglas Gayeton 2013 | Two poultry farmers explain the real story behind such terms as ‘cage-free’ and ‘free-range’ so consumers can make informed decisions when they go to their local supermarket. Mabel | Pia Clemente 2013 | Proving that age is only a number, 99-year-old Mabel Sawhill continues to run her catering business in the Maryland and DC area. The Trouble with Bread | Maggie Beidelman 2013 | A self-deprecating, glutenintolerant filmmaker journeys from farm to mill to table on a hunt for the perfect loaf – and a quest for answers about gluten intolerance. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
Feature: Fiction, Int’l | 103min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
4:30pm | The Broken Circle Breakdown
Felix van Groeningen 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 111min | Elise and Didier fall in love at first sight, in spite of their differences. He talks, she listens. He’s a romantic atheist, she’s a religious realist. When their daughter becomes seriously ill, their love is put on trial. | Lobero
4:40pm | Cannibal (Caníbal)
Manuel Martín Cuenca 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 116min | A mild-mannered tailor, who is a secret cannibal, unexpectedly finds himself falling in love with his latest prospective victim. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
5pm | African Metropolis
Six short films tell about urban life in six major African cities | African Metropolis, Competition, Short: Fiction, Special Presentations, U.S. Premiere | 92min | The Line-Up | Folasakin Iwajomo 2013 The Cave | Ahmed Ghoneimy 2013 Berea | Vincent Moloi 2013 Homecoming | Jim Chuchu 2013 To Repel Ghosts | Philippe Lacôte 2013 L’autre Femme (The Other Woman) | Marie KA 2013 | Metro 4 Thtr 4
7pm | Hue: A Matter of Colour
Vic Sarin 2013 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice, U.S. Premiere | 85min | SB Museum of Art
7pm | Metalhead
Ragnar Bragason 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 97min | A grief-stricken young woman adopts the persona and decibel-blasting predilections of her deceased brother. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
7:20pm | uwantme2killhim?
Andrew Douglas 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, U.S. Premiere | 92min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
7:40pm | When Jews Were Funny
Alan Zweig 2013 | Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs | 90min | This documentary surveys the history of Jewish comedy, exploring not just ethnicity in the entertainment industry, but also what it means to be Jewish. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8pm | 1982
Tommy Oliver 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent | 87min | A father struggles to protect his daughter from the reality of her mother’s drug addiction. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
Haifaa Al Mansour 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 98min | An enterprising Saudi girl signs on for her school’s Koran recitation competition as a way to buy a bicycle, a simple desire that raises cultural and societal repercussions. | Lobero
4pm | Shadow in Baghdad
Duki Dror 2013 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Kolnoa, Social Justice, U.S. Premiere | 70min | To discover what happened to her missing father, a Jewish woman who escaped from Iraq connects with a young journalist from Baghdad. | SB Museum of Art
Alan Zweig 2013 | Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
8:20am | Wadjda
Haifaa Al Mansour 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 98min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8:30am | 15 Years + 1 Day (15 años y un dia)
Gracia Querejeta 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 96min | A grandfather will overcome generational differences to fight for his troubled grandson. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | Tough Bond
Austin Peck, Anneliese Vandenberg 2014 | Feature: Doc, Santa Barbara Features | 83min | SB Museum of Art
DRAMATIC SHORTS 10am | 91min | They Came at Night | Andrew Ellis, Alex Mallis 2014 | Deep in Central Africa, an abducted child soldier risks his life to flee from Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) after years of being forced to fight. Little Secret | Martin Krejci 2013 | An innocent lie a son tells his mother snowballs into a suspenseful drama. My Father’s Truck | Mauricio Osaki 2013 | Ten-year-old Mai Vy skips school one day to help her father with his passenger truck for hire. Looms | The Funk Brothers 2014 | With nobody left to continue the legacy of the family farm, a farmer struggles to find purpose in his life. Hog’s Tooth | Olek Lyzwanski 2013 | When two American scout snipers fail to quell an insurgent attack on a small Iraqi village, the mission becomes a rescue operation when one of their own is taken behind enemy lines | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10:20am | One Way Ticket to the Moon (Bilet na ksiezyc)
Jacek Bromski 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 120min | Set in 1969, two brothers travel across Poland, with the older brother trying to give his younger brother some life experiences before he begins military service. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
12pm | Screen Cuisine Seminar
TRIBUTE! Cinema Vanguard Award
MARTIN SCORSESE & LEONARDO DICAPRIO ���������������� ��������������������������
10pm | God’s Slave (Esclavo de dios) Joel Novoa 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
FICTION SHORTS 10:10pm | 93min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
10:30pm | Wicked Blood
Mark Young 2014 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, World Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
4:20pm | Victor Young Perez
Jacques Ouaniche 2013 | Competition,
8:10am | When Jews Were Funny
Tommy Oliver 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent | 87min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
3pm | Found & Lost
Xiao Wei Zhu 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia, U.S. Premiere | 160min | Based on a true story, a woman who has led a difficult and lonely life, yearns to find and reconnect with her father. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
Dyana Gaye 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 88min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
11am | 1982
2pm | If I Close My Eyes I’m Not Here (Se chiudo gli occhi non sono più qui)
2pm | Wadjda
8am | Under the Starry Sky
Hiner Saleem 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 100min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
Lee Sang-il 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 135min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
Vittorio Moroni 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 98min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10:40am | My Sweet Pepper Land
1:40pm | Unforgiven (Yurusarezaru mono)
For updates visit
SBIFF 2014 | Free Admission, Seminars | 45min | UGG Australia Pavilion
1pm | Bauyr (Little Brother)
Serik Aprymov 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 97min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
1pm | On a River in Ireland
John Murray 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc | 100min | Wildlife cameraman Colin Stafford-Johnson lives for a year on the Shannon River, on a quest to film the natural history of the river as it has never been seen before. | SB Museum of Art
1:20pm | Ilo Ilo
Anthony Chen 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 99min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
SB DRAMATIC SHORTS 2pm | 94min | ReMoved | Nathanael Matanick 2013 | A 10-year-old girl navigates her way through the foster care system after being removed from her home and separated from her younger brother. Teddy | Ali Lassoued 2013 | A young boy sets his mind to save his kidnapped sister from an evil priest. Present Trauma | Mark Manalo 2013 | In
Courtesy Photos
Frozen this psychological drama, a Marine veteran struggles to cope with family life after a combat tour overseas. To Us | T.S. Meeks 2014 Chrysalis | Carissa Stutzman, Joshua Stutzman 2014 | Confined to a rural town, 15-year-old Riley is forced to face her precarious, dominating uncle. Trespass | Keith Schwalenberg 2014 | On his way to his girlfriend’s house, a young man mistakenly finds himself in the wrong backyard, where a man is about to hang himself. | Lobero
7:40pm | Heart of a Lion (Leijonasydän) Dome Karukoski 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 99min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8pm | Solo
José Ramón Novoa 2012 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 87min | A story of one man’s quest for redemption. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
2:00pm | Cupcakes (Bananot)
Eytan Fox 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
4pm | Code Black
Ryan McGarry 2013 | Feature: Doc, Special Presentations | 88min | The idealistic and adrenaline-seeking ER residents at the Los Angeles County Hospital struggle with the realities of American health care. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
4pm | Shadow in Baghdad
Duki Dror 2013 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Kolnoa, Social Justice, U.S. Premiere | 70min | SB Museum of Art
4:20pm | The Amazing Catfish (Los insólitos peces gato)
Claudia Sainte-Luce 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 89min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
SB COMEDY SHORTS 4:30pm | 96min | Lobero The Wallet | Buck Lindelof 2013 Break Dreams | Paul Mathieu 2014 | A man and a woman banter about previous misadventures while trying to plan a vacation to a new destination. Prickly Rose | Ken Berris 2014 Long Way Down | Sam Benenati 2014 | After his wife kicks him out of the house, a middle-aged man is finally pushed over the edge when three youngsters harass him at a hotel pool. The Plastic Pest | Jessica Hokanson 2014 | An animated world is inhabited by insects made out of plastic bags. Greetings From Seaward | Ryan Murphy, Nate Ptacek 2013 Other People | Joakim Svensson 2014 | No one goes through a breakup alone. Especially not Freddie. Martha Cook | Tony Estrada 2014 | A wannabe cowboy is set up on a blind date he mistakes for a bounty hunt – only to discover that his date is actually a man-hating serial killer. A Love Possessed | Kiarash Reghabi 2013
5pm | Adria Blues
Miroslav Mandic 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 91min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
7pm | Dog Days
Kasey Kirby, Laura Waters Hinson 2013 | Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine | 75min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
7pm | Driven
Ben Pitterle, Brian Hall 2014 | Feature: Doc, To the Maxxx, World Premiere | 72min | SB Museum of Art
7pm | Unforgiven (Yurusarezaru mono) Lee Sang-il 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia | 135min | Lobero
7:20pm | If I Close My Eyes I’m Not Here (Se chiudo gli occhi non sono più qui) Vittorio Moroni 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 98min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
TRIBUTE! American Riviera Award
ROBERT REDFORD ���������������� ���������������������������
10pm | Metalhead
Ragnar Bragason 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 97min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10:10pm | The Priest’s Children (Sve!enikova djeca)
Vinko Bre!an 2013 | Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs | 93min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
10:20pm | The Broken Circle Breakdown
Felix van Groeningen 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 111min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
10:30pm | Violet
Luiso Berdejo 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 90min | A Spanish boy living in Santa Monica falls for a girl he sees in an old Polaroid. He decides to look for her, despite having no clue of who she is or how long ago the photo was taken. | Metro 4 Thtr 4
SAT, FEB 8 8am | 1982
Tommy Oliver 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent | 87min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
8:20am | The Priest’s Children (Sve!enikova djeca)
Vinko Bre!an 2013 | Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs | 93min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8:30am | The Last Black Sea Pirates Svetoslav Stoyanov 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc | 72min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | Frozen
Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee 2013 | AppleBox, Feature: Animation, Free Admission | 102min | Fearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoff in an epic journey in a race to find Anna’s sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter. | Arlington
10am | On a River in Ireland
John Murray 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc | 100min | SB Museum of Art
migrants crossing the Arizona desert. Discussion to follow • MultiCultural Ctr Theater • Free • 8938411 • 6pm Wed • 2/5.
SANTA BARBARA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL: An eleven day celebration of cinema
at several historical theaters. SBIFF will present a diverse slate of more than 200 films, educational programs, celebrity tributes, seminars, and panels to over 75,000 film enthusiasts • • Thur-Sun • Through 2/9. E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: A troubled child
summons the courage to help a friendly alien escape Earth and return to his home-world • Plaza Playhouse Theater, 4916 Carpinteria Ave • $5 • 684-6380 • 7pm Sa • 2/1. CUP OF CULTURE: DETAINED IN THE DESERT:
Two people on opposite sides of the immigration debate find each other lost in the desert and discover their humanity and the true plight of
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4pm | 90min | Lobero
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A Lucid Dream is a dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming without waking up from the dream. This doc is a visually interesting and intellectually stimulating presentation of this state of mind • Karpeles Manuscript Library, 21 W. Anapamu St • Free • 729-4250 • 7pm Wed • 2/5. ANYTHING GOES FILM SERIES: WINGS OF DESIRE: An angel tires of overseeing human
activity and wishes to become human when he falls in love with a mortal • Museum of Contemporary Art SB, 653 Paseo Nuevo • Free • 966-5373 • 7pm Fr • 2/7. METROPOLITAN OPERA “LIVE IN HD”: RUSALKA: Renée Fleming sings her first Live
in HD performance of one of her signature roles, the lovelorn mermaid Rusalka, in Dvorák’s sumptuously melodic opera • MAW, Hahn Hall • $27 • 969-8787 • Live 9:55am Sat (2/8) & Encore 2pm Su (3/2) • 2/8 & 3/2. METROPOLITAN OPERA “LIVE IN HD”: FALSTAFF: Ambrogio Maestri sings the iconic
basso buffo role of Sir John Falstaff, Angela Meade is Alice Ford, and Stephanie Blythe is the sharp-tongued Mistress Quickly • MAW, Hahn Hall • $27 • 969-8787 • Encore 2pm Su • 2/9.
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Purchase Tickets Online
4:20pm | The Old, the Young & the Sea
Mario Hainzl, Andreas Jaritz 2013 | Feature: Doc, To the Maxxx, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Cinematographers, photographers, and storytellers go on a 16-week journey in two old VW buses to create a documentary about surfing in Europe. | Metro 4 Thtr 2
4:40pm | Tim’s Vermeer
Teller 2013 | Feature: Doc, Special Presentations | 80min | Inventor Tim Jenison seeks to understand the painting techniques used by Dutch Master Johannes Vermeer. | Metro 4 Thtr 3
5pm | God’s Slave (Esclavo de dios)
Joel Novoa 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | The Great Beauty (La grande bellezza)
7pm | A la Bizkaina
Paolo Sorrentino | Special Presentations | 120 min. | Metro 4 Theatre 3
Aritz Galarza 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine, U.S. Premiere | 67min | The mystery of the traditional Basque Bizkaia sauce is explored. | SB Museum of Art
DOC SHORTS 10:20am | 181min | Do Not Duplicate | Sean McGing, Jonathan Mann 2013 | Desperate to be remembered, an eccentric locksmith uses his craft and creativity to leave a lasting legacy in New York’s Greenwich Village. The Kids of 5114 | Michael Rothman 2013 | This glimpse at the rapidly evolving landscape of the American family is told through the eyes of a group of teenagers who share 50% of their genetics from one anonymous sperm donor. Running Blind | Ryan Suffern 2013 | E. J. Scott set out to run 12 marathons in 12 states in 2012 for charity—and he did it all blindfolded. Cowtown Keeylocko | Ira Chute, Nathan Henry, Trevor Gavin 2013 A man abandoned at birth lived a hobo’s life, fought in two wars, and then started his own town—an Old West cowtown where he raises his livestock and opens his doors to any friendly face. Real Change | Adam Michael Becker 2013 | Four homeless individuals navigate life in Washington State and consider what homelessness in America means today. Metro 4 Thtr 2
7pm | One Way Ticket to the Moon (Bilet na ksiezyc) Jacek Bromski 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 120min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
7pm | The Broken Circle Breakdown Felix van Groeningen 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 111min | Lobero
7:20pm | Code Black
Ryan McGarry 2013 | Feature: Doc, Special Presentations | 88min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
7:40pm | Bethlehem
Yuval Adler 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa | 100min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
11am | uwantme2killhim?
Andrew Douglas 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Independent, U.S. Premiere | 92min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
WRITERS PANEL 11am | 90min | Lobero 12:15pm | Found & Lost
Xiao Wei Zhu 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia, U.S. Premiere | 160min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
1pm | Through A Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People Thomas Allen Harris 2013 | Competition, Feature: Doc, Social Justice | 92min | SB Museum of Art
SCREEN CUISINE SHORTS 1:20pm | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
DIRECTORS PANEL 2pm | 90min | Lobero 2pm | The Act of Killing
Joshua Oppenheimer 2012 | Feature: Documentary, Special Presentations | 160 min. | Metro 4 Theatre 4
4pm | Le Chef (Comme un chef)
Daniel Cohen 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Screen Cuisine, The World Laughs | 84min | A veteran chef faces off against his restaurant group’s new CEO, who wants the establishment to lose a rating star so he can bring in a younger chef. | Metro 4 Thtr 1
4pm | African Metropolis
A complication of short films directed by Jim Chuchu, Ahmed Ghoneimy, Folasakin Iwajomo, Marie Ka, Philippe Lacôte, Vincent Moloi 2013 | African Metropolis, Competition, Short: Fiction, Special Presentations, U.S. Premiere | 92min | The Cave | Ahmed Ghoneimy 2013 Homecoming | Jim Chuchu 2013 To Repel Ghosts | Philippe Lacôte 2013 Berea | Vincent Moloi 2013 L’autre Femme (The Other Woman) | Marie KA 2013 The Line-Up | Folasakin Iwajomo 2013 | SBMAm
10am | The Old, the Young & the Sea
Mario Hainzl, Andreas Jaritz 2013 | Feature: Doc, To the Maxxx, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
DOC SHORTS 10am | 181min | SB Museum of Art
10:20am | 15 Years + 1 Day (15 años y un dia) Gracia Querejeta 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 96min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
10:40am | Le Chef (Comme un chef)
Daniel Cohen 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Screen Cuisine, The World Laughs | 84min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
YOUTH CINEMEDIA 11am | Youth CineMedia Short Docs YCM | Free Admission | 90min | Old Town Orange | 2014; Innocent Bystander | 2014; No Letters Allowed Behind Bars | 2014; Dissent is Not a Crime | 2014; Hideous Hair | 2014; Hospital Horror | 2014; Gang Injunctions Under the Microscope | 2014; Behind the Music of Los Bandits | 2014; In the Studio with Navajo Artist Clifford Brycelea | 2014; Tesuque Grandmother Speaks | 2014; Stop Killing Our Sons | 2014; 10 Year Retrospective | 2014; Killer Cops Off Our Streets | 2014; Decolonize: Aztlan Underground and the Rising of the Sixth Sun | 2014; Anaheim Uprising: The Police Killing of Manuel Angel Diaz | 2014 | Lobero
1pm | Metalhead
Ragnar Bragason 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Int’l, U.S. Premiere | 97min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
DRAMATIC SHORTS 1pm | 91min | SB Museum of Art
1:20pm | Cannibal (Caníbal)
1:40pm | Tim’s Vermeer
Teller 2013 | Feature: Doc, Special Presentations | 80min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
2pm | A la Bizkaina
10:40am | Child’s Pose (Pozitia copilului) C”lin Peter Netzer 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 112min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
their cave is destroyed, a caveman family must trek through an unfamiliar fantastical world with the help of an inventive boy. | Arlington
Manuel Martín Cuenca 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 116min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
Aritz Galarza 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc, Screen Cuisine, U.S. Premiere | 67min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
Courtesy Photos
2pm | Before Sunrise
TRIBUTE! Modern Master Award
BRUCE DERN ���������������� �������������
8pm | Violet
Luiso Berdejo 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10pm | Adria Blues
Miroslav Mandic 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 91min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
10:20pm | Wadjda
Haifaa Al Mansour 2012 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 98min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
10:30pm | Cannibal (Caníbal)
Manuel Martín Cuenca 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 116min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
SUN, FEB 9 8am | Solo
José Ramón Novoa 2012 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 87min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
8:20am | Bethlehem
Yuval Adler 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Kolnoa | 100min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
8:30am | Found & Lost
Xiao Wei Zhu 2013 | Feature: Fiction, Pan Asia, U.S. Premiere | 160min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
10am | The Croods
Kirk De Micco, Chris Sanders 2013 | AppleBox, Feature: Animation, Free Admission | 98min | After
Richard Linklater 1995 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 101min | Meeting by chance on a train from Budapest, an American backpacker and a Parisian student decide to spend the night wandering through Vienna before his plane departs the next morning. | Lobero
2pm | 10-10-10 Screenings & Awards
SBIFF 2014 | Student Film | 120min | Arlington
4pm | The Last Black Sea Pirates
Svetoslav Stoyanov 2013 | Competition, Doc, Feature: Doc | 72min | SB Museum of Art
4pm | Violet
Luiso Berdejo 2013 | Competition, Feature: Fiction, Spanish/Latin America, U.S. Premiere | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 1
4:20pm | When Jews Were Funny
Alan Zweig 2013 | Feature: Fiction, The World Laughs | 90min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
4:30pm | Before Sunset
Richard Linklater 2004 | Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 80min | Jesse and Celine cross paths again in a Paris bookshop and embark on a soulsearching ramble by the Seine, bathed in the golden light of the late afternoon. | Lobero
SB DRAMATIC SHORTS 4:40pm | 94min | Metro 4 Thtr 3
SB COMEDY SHORTS 7:20pm | 96min | Metro 4 Thtr 2
7:30pm | Before Midnight
Richard Linklater 2013 | Closing Night Film, Feature: Fiction, Special Presentations | 109min | Celine and Jesse, in the middle of their lives, are winding up a vacation on a Greek peninsula where the strength of their love will be put to the test as never before. | Arlington
7pm | Roxanne
Valentin Hotea 2013 | Competition, Eastern Bloc, Feature: Fiction, U.S. Premiere | 97min | Metro 4 Thtr 4
For updates visit
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Por Tom Jacobs ��������������������������������������� Un artículo de Pacific Standard Magazine ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������ ���������������� ������������ ����������������� ��������������� ���������������� �������������� �������������������� ������������ ����������������� �������������� �������������� ���������������� ��������������� ���������� �������������������� ���������������� �������������������� ������������� ����������������� ��������� ����������������� ��������� �������������������� ���������������� �������������������� ���������������� ������������� ��������������� ��������������������� ������������� ��������������������� ��������������� Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society ������������������� ������������� ������������������� ����������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ ������������������� ������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������� ����������������������� ��������� �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������� ������������� ���������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� About Tom Jacobs: Staff writer Tom Jacobs is a ������������������������������ ����������������������� veteran journalist with more than 20 years experience ��������������������������������������������� at daily newspapers. He has served as a staff writer ����������������������������������������������� for The Los Angeles Daily News and the Santa Barbara News-Press. His work has also appeared in ������������������������������������������������������ The Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune and Ventura ������������������������������������������������������� County Star. Read more at ��������������������������������������������������� Photo Courtesy of Touchstone Pictures
By Tom Jacobs An article from Pacific Standard Magazine
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La Canterina a comic opera by Joseph Haydn • Center Stage Theater • $23/$18 • 963-0408 • 8pm Fri, 1/31. �����������������
Carr Winery, 414 N Salsipuedes St • Free • 965-7985 • 6-8pm Fri, 1/31.
Point Conception Lighthouse First Order Fresnel Lens was lit in 1856 • Maritime Museum, 113 Harbor Way • $10/Members Free • 962-8404x115 • 5:30-7pm Sat, 2/1. ���������������������������������������
UCSB Extension course • off campus site TBA • $325/$275 • 893-7974 • 9am-Noon Sat, 2/1-2/22. �����������������
A day & night of creativity including workshops, storytelling, msic & art exhibit • Art From Scrap • $10 • 884-0459 • 10am-9pm Sat, 2/1. ����������������
Visitors may ride as often as they like on this special day • Railroad Museum, 300 N Los Carneros Rd • Free • 964-3540 • 1:15-3:45pm Sat, 2/1.
Bronfman Family Jewish Com Ctr, 524 Chapala St • 957-1115 x109 • 10:30-11:30am Fri.
Pacific Pride Fdn Office, #A-12 • Free • 963-3636 x130 • 4-5:30pm Fri.
For children ages 0 to 3 & their families. Builds early literacy skills through music and movement • Central Library • Free • 564-5603 • 10:30am Fri.
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With Hector & Dannielle • $15 • info@santabarbara • 127 W Canon Perdido • 7pm beg.; 8pm Int/Adv, Fri.
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with Taran Collis • La Casa de Maria, 800 El Bosque Rd • $12/8 for $80 • 969-5031 • 9-10:15am Fri.
���������������� Experience Capoeira & Brazilian music live • MCC Lounge UCSB • Free • 893-8411 • 1pm Sat, 2/1. Birds stories, ages 3-6 • Laguna Blanca Lower School, 260 San Ysidro • Free • 695-8143 • 9-10am Sat, 2/1. Play With Me, Learn With Me for caregivers of children 1-3 • Goleta Library, 500 N Fairview • Free • 964-7878 • 10:15-11:30am Sat thru 2/25. ������������������������������
Kids earn a badge with the help of a Cachuma Park Naturalist • Lake Cachuma • $2 + Park admission • 688-4515 • 12:30-1:30pm Sat.
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Cottage Rehab Hosp • Free • 569-8999x82101 • 10amNoon Fri.
Chinese New Year Extravaanza performed by youth & adult students • Elings Performing Arts Center, Dos Pueblos High • $15 • 967-2983 • 7:30pm Sat, 2/1.
The Story of the Flying A - Film History in Santa Barbara • SB Historical Museum • $10/Members Free • 966-1601 • 11am & 2pm Fri, 1/31. ���������������������������������
McCune Conference Room, 6020 Humanities & Social Sciences Bldg • Free • 893-8411 • 4pm Fri, 1/31. �����������������
SBCC Center for Lifelong Learning CLL presents a lecture followed by panel discussion: The Middle East: What’s Happened Since ‘The Arab Spring’? • SBCC Schott Campus, Tannahill Aud, 310 West Padre St • $5 • Register: • 7-9pm Fri, 1/31. �������������������
Will consider the real legacy of the War on Poverty • Multipurpose room Student Resource Bldg UCSB • Free • 893-3071 • 1pm Fri, 1/31. ����������������������������������
Drop-in assistance for downloadable eBook & Audiobooks • Central Library • Free • 564-5604 • 10am-1pm Fri. �������������������������
At Sino West, 5718 Hollister Ave., Ste 105, Goleta • $11-20 • 967-2983 • 9-10am Sat. �������������������������
Gather at Cachuma Lake Nature Ctr for guided walks • Free w/ $10 park admission • 688-4515 • 10-11:30am Sat.
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La Casa de Maria, 800 El Bosque Rd • Donation • 969-5031 • 9am-1pm Sat, 2/1. �������������������������������������
Bob Hopper, author of The HSA Strategy: The Future of Health Insurance in America • Schott Campus, 310 W Padre St • $15 • 965-0581 • 9am-Noon, Sat, 2/1.
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Guitarist & singer of what he calls Fattback Blues• Carrillo Rec Ctr, 100 E Carrillo St • $10/Blues Society members free • 722-8155 • 8pm Sat, 2/1.
A web marketing seminar presented by Taylor Reaume, founder of Search Engine Pros • Verde Restaurant, 532 State St • Lunch/$20 • (800) 605-4988 • 12:30-2pm Fri.
Groundhog Day Eve show • St. Marks In The Valley, 2901 Nojoqui Ave, Los Olivos • $12 • 688-9894 • 8pm Sat, 2/1.
Camerata Smyrna woodwind quintet & pianist Zeynep Ucbasaran • St. Mark’s-in-the-Valley Episcopal, 2901 Nojoqui Av, LO • $25 • 688-4933 • 7:30pm Fri, 1/31. �����������
Afro-Indie Soul • MCC Theater UCSB • $15/$5 • 8932064 • 8pm Fri, 1/31.
The essence of Afro-Indie Soul • MCC Theater UCSB • $15/$5 • 893-2064 • 8pm Sat, 2/1. �����������������������������������
Blues, R&B, Country & Rock & Roll • Reds Wine Bar, 211 Helena St • No cover • 8:30-11:30pm Sat, 2/1.
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Outrageously wild & downright hilarious! • Granada Theatre • $33-$93 • 899-2222 • 8pm Sat, 2/1.
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Board games for families • Goleta Library, 500 N Fairview Ave • Free • 964-7878 • 2-4pm Su, 2/2.
Over twenty-five years of acquiring hard-earned experience and expertise.
Gustafson Dance Studio • $10 • 705-3683 • 8:3010:30am & 11-1pm Su.
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With Jeannette Weisskopf • Alice Keck Park • Free • 452-0706 • 9:30am Su. ��������������������������������
Yoga Soup • $5-10 • 451-4731 • 10:45-12:15pm Su.
Mahakankala Buddhist Ctr, 508 Brinkerhoff • $10 • 563-6000 • 9:30-11am Su.
SBCH Macdougall Eye Center, 2400 Bath St • Free • 569-8264 • 11:00 am–1:00 pm Mon.
Personalized classes • La Casa de Maria, 800 El Bosque Rd • $12 • 969-5031 • 9-10:15am Mon, Fri.
Alameda Park • Free • 683-7554 • 8-10am Su. Strength, awareness, character & consciousness • Alchemy Arts Ctr, 35 W Haley St • $20 • 899-8811 • 10:30am Su. ��������������������
Enrollment counseling sessions, Affordable Care Act • Lazy Acres Café • Free • 962-0292 • 3-4pm Su.
Practice your Italian • Arnoldi’s, 600 Olive St • Free • • 5:30-7pm Mon.
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10-week program • Ridley-Tree Ed Ctr • $485/Members $400 • 884-6441 • 6pm-9pm Tues, thru 3/18. Eight-week session culminating in an Improv Showcase • Plaza Playhouse Theater, 4916 Carpinteria Av • $125/$96 returning • 284-2622 • 6:30-8:30pm Tues, thru 2/28.
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Docent-Led • Granada • Free • RSVP 899-2222 • 121pm Tues.
Four Palms to Red Hut • Butterfly Beach Stairs • Ocean Duck • Free • 569-1220 • 9am Su.
Critically acclaimed new staging of Giselle UCSB Arts & Lectures • Granada Theatre • $43-$153 • 899-2222 • 8pm Wed, 2/5.
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Circus arts, dance, and theater UCSB Art & Lectures • Granada Theatre • $19-$65 • 899-2222 • 8pm Mon, 2/3.
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Carrillo Recreation Center Studio 1, 100 E. Carrillo St. • $11-15 • 897-2519 • 10-11:15am Mon. ����������������������������
Carrillo Rec Ctr garden, 100 E. Carrillo St. • $11-20 • 705-3426 • 3-4:15pm Mon. �����������������
With Jeannette B. Love • La Casa De Maria • 969-5031 • donation • 1-2pm Mon. ��������������������
Guided breathing • Mahakankala Buddhist Ctr • $5 • 563-6000 • 12:30-1pm Mon/Wed/Fri. ��������������������
30 minute meditation practice & a special lunch menu • Alchemy Arts, 35 W. Haley • $20 • 899-8811 • Mon & Wed. ����������������������������������
La Cas de Maria, 800 El Bosque Rd • Donation • 969-5031 • 1-2pm Mon.
Bronfman Family Jewish Comm Ctr, 524 Chapala St • $7-$50 • 957-1115 x109 • 3-4pm Tues. Trampoline & Tumbling, ages 4-16 • SB Gymnastics Club, 4179 State St • Free intro class • Call for times 683-1724 • Tu-Thu, Sat.
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Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden on island • Free • 564-1939 • 5-7pm Wed.
Carrillo Rec Ctr, 100 E. Carrillo St., Studio 1 • $11-20 • 897-2519 • 10-11am Wed & Sat.
With S. Dunn • La Casa De Maria • donation • 9695031 • 10:30-11:30am Tues. Three mile walk, jog, or run with the Canary Hotel’s general manager, Caroline Dyal • Canary Hotel, 31 W Carrillo St • Free • 884-0300 • 6:30am Tu & 6:30pm Thu. ������������������
Grief support groups • Hospice of SB, 2050 Alameda Padre Serra, #100 • Free • 563-8820x110 • noon, Tues.
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Little Hope, Little Change: African Americans and Their Discontent in the Age of Obama • MCC Lounge UCSB • Free • 893-8411 • 5pm Tues, 2/4. ����������������������
Public universities will thrive if they address society’s aspirations • McCune Conf Rm 6020 HSSB UCSB • Free • 893-2004 • 5pm Tues, 2/4.
Short teachings & meditations. All levels • Mahakankala Buddhist Ctr • $10 • 563-6000 • 6:30-7:30pm Wed. ��������������
Weekly one-day Juice Cleanse • Alchemy Arts Ctr, 35 West Haley St • $75 • 899-8811 • 9:30am Wed ��������������������������
Santa Ynez Valley Cottage Hospital • Free • 694-2351 • Noon-1pm Wed. ��������������������������
SB Cottage Hosp • Free • 569-7201 • 10-11am Wed. ����������������������
Cottage Rehab Hosp • $15 • 569-8999x82330 • 1011am Wed. �����������������
Designed to encourage total well-being • Bronfman
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(2/8); 7pm Tu (2/11); 4pm Sa (2/15); 8pm WeSa, 2 & 7pm Sun • 2/6-2/23. SPEAKING OF STORIES: GILBAR’S GIGGLES AND GUFFAWS
A comic opera about a young singer and her mother who deceive two suitors • Center Stage Theater • $23/$18 • 963-0408 • 8pm Fr • 1/31. WESTMONT COLLEGE: ELECTRA
The plot hinges on the murder of Electra’s father by her mother. Electra is driven to the edge of madness as she is consumed by a fierce desire for justice and revenge • Westmont’s Van Kampen Hall • $15/$10 • 565-7140 • 8pm Fri (1/31), Sa (2/1), Th-Sa (2/6-2/8) • 1/31-2/8. Created to showcase the musical theatre talents of SBHS’s Performing Arts Dept students • SBHS Theatre • $25-$49 • 966-9101 x220 • 7pm Fri-Sat • Through 2/1.
Follows the onstage and off stage exploits of a company of actors appearing in a dreadful bedroom farce called Nothing On • Rubicon Theatre, 1006 E. Main St • $25-$49 • 667-2900 • 8pm Th-Fri; 2 & 8pm Sat; 2pm Sun; 2 & 7pm Wed • Through 2/23.
A comic drama about social class takes place in two Boston neighborhoods and is filled with humor and pathos • New Vic, 33 W Victoria St • $40-$65 • 965-5400 • Opening Night 8pm Sa
Chapala St #103 • Free • 687-0212 • 3-8pm Wed, 2/5.
Dr. Brisby and staff will evaluate • The Training Room, 1 N Calle Cesar Chavez #110 • Free • 6pm Wed.
Members & friends learn how AWC-SB can help you achieve your business goals • Antioch College, 602 Anacapa St • Nonmembers $20 • • 5:30-7:30pm Wed, 2/5.
Support group for those grieving the death of a loved one by suicide • Hospice of SB • Free • 563-8820x110 • 5:30-7pm 1st & 3rd Wed.
Free grant-application workshop • Fund for Santa Barbara, 26 W Anapamu St • Free • 962-9164 • Noon1:30pm Wed, 2/5. �������������������������
Bring awareness to heart disease with a red wine tasting & dessert of chocolate & raspberry mousse • Blush Restaurant, 630 State St • $15 • 450-9718 • SBCottage Hosp Central Courtyard • Free • Noon-5pm Wed.
With Radhule Weininger • La Casa De Maria • donation • 969-5031 • 6–7pm Thu. Alchemy Arts Ctr, 35 W Haley St • $30 • 899-8811 • 5pm Thu. �����������������������������
Drop-in assistance for downloadable eBook & Audiobooks • Central Library • Free • 564-5604 • 10am-1pm Wed.
SBCH Macdougall Eye Center, 2400 Bath St • Free • 569-8264 • 2:30-4:30pm Thu.
Organization for the defense & equal rights of SB youth • Casa de La Raza, 601 E Montecito St • Free • info: • 6-8pm 1st & 3rd Wed.
Cottage Rehab Hosp • $15 • 569-8999x82347 • 10-11am Thu.
Visit the house, gardens & workshop of Montecito’s only National Historic Landmark • $20 • RSVP Required: 565-5653 • 10am & 2pm Wed & Sat.
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Practice your French • Pacific Crepes • Free • 569-1659 • 5:30-7pm, Wed.
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With comedian Stephen Tobolowsky • Granada Books, 1224 State St • Free • 845-1818 • 6:30pm Wed, 2/5. �����������������������������
& DAY SPA with discounts, raffles & games • 350
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UCSB Extension • $235/$285 • 893-7974 • 6:30-9:30pm Thu, 2/6-3/13. �����������
Discussion: Tikkun Olam and U.S. Jewish Women in Their 20s • MCC Lounge UCSB • 6pm Thu, 2/6. �������������������������
Character analysis plus acting craft such as motivation, given circumstances, subtext & beats • Center Stage Theater • $200 • 963-0408 • 6pm Th, thru 3/13. ��������������������������������
Train to lead 90-minute docent tours of the 1920s George Washington Smith 11-acre estate • Free • 5655653 • 9:30am Thu, thru 3/20. ����������������������������������
Drop-in assistance for downloadable eBook & Audiobooks • Central Library • Free • 564-5604 • 4-6pm Thu.
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Make new friends • Sojourner Cafe, 134 E Canon Perdido St • Free • 4-6pm Thu.
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Fearless Hearts & PacifiCraft Imports wearable art • Museum of Art Store • Free • 884-6454 • 5-8pm Thu, 2/6. ���������������
chemistry panel • Cottage Hospital, Castillo St entrance first floor • $25 • (855) 247-9355 • 7:30-10am Sat, 2/8. �����������������������
Her new book, LUST: Poems • Granada Books, 1224 State St • Free • 845-1818 • 6pm Sat, 2/8.
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Dvorák’s Rusalka • Hahn Hall, Music Academy • $27 • 695- 7931 • 9:55am Sat, 2/8. �����������������
SOhO • $20 • 962-7776 • 9:30pm Sat, 2/8.
Music & poetry of best-loved Latin American composers • Guadalupe City Hall Aud, 918 Obispo St • Free • 343-2939 • 7:30pm Sat, 2/8. �������������
Chamber music • Faulkner Gallery • Free • 969-7183 • 3pm Sat, 2/8. ������������
Singer guitarist • Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 820 N Fairview Ave • $15 • 403-2639 • 7:30pm Su, 2/9.
Contemporary visual & performance art collaborative • Forum Lounge,Museum of Contemporary Art, Paseo Nuevo • Free • 966-5373 • 7pm Thu, 2/6.
Paint, listen to music & enjoy refreshments • The Barn Gallery, 128 W Ortega, #6 • $30 + canvas fee • 707391-0400 • 6-9pm Thu.
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Explore your by looking closely at life & death issues • Hospice of SB, 2050 Alameda Padre Serra #100 • Free • 563-8820x110 • 10:30am-noon, Fri, 2/7. ����������
SOhO • $10 • 962-7776 • 8:30pm Thu, 2/6.
Develop your acting & public speaking skills • Center Stage Theater • $200 • 963-0408 • 6pm Wed, thru 3/12.
Concert of the Baroque era’s musical delights • UCSB Arts & Lectures • Campbell Hall UCSB • $10-$45 • 893-3535 • 8pm Thu, 2/6.
Re-Reading the Feminist Sixties • McCune Conf Rm 6020 HSSB UCSB • Free • 893-2004 • 5:30pm Fri, 2/7.
His book Surviving American Medicine • Chaucer’s Books, 3321 State St • Free • 682-6787 • 7pm Wed, 2/5. ���������������
Family Jewish Comm. Ctr, 524 Chapala St • Donation • 957-1115 • 10:30-Noon Wed. ��������������������
The Good Funeral: Death, Grief and the Community of Care • Lotte Lehmann Concert Hall, UCSB • Free • 893-2317 • 5pm Thu, 2/6.
Find good tablet & smartphone apps for children • Central Library • Free • 564-5619 • 10:30am Thu, 2/6.
Bill Egan reads Some of Us Have Been Threatening Our Friend Colby by Donald Barthelme; Dan Gunther reads Nativity, Caucasian by Allan Gurganus; Tony Miratti reads The Kugelmass Affair by Woody Allen; and Simon Williams reads Goodbye to All Cats by P.G. Wodehouse • Center Stage Theater • $28/$18 • 963-0408 • 2pm Su & 7:30pm Mo • 2/9 & 2/10. Students from the Adderley School for the Performing Arts present musical theater performances as a culmination of their recent workshop training • Center Stage Theater • $23/$18 • 963-0408 • 6pm Su (2/9); 7pm Fri (2/14); 10am, 12:30, 3, 5, & 8pm Sa (2/15); 12:30, 3 & 5pm Su (2/16) • 2/9, 2/14-2/16.
Violinist Gilles Apap with Pianist Grace Fong • St. Mark’s-in-the-Valley Episcopal Church, 2901 Nojoqui Ave, Los Olivos • $30 • 688-4933 • 7:30pm Fri, 2/7. ���������������
Chamber music by Hummel, Piazzolla & others • Weinman Hall, Music Academy • $15/$10 • 965-5935 • 7pm Fri, 2/7. �����������������������
A program of chamber music benefitting SB Strings • Hahn Hall • $50 • 705-0938 • 7pm Fri, 2/7. ������������������
Globally themed revolutionary music • The Hub, UCSB • $15/$5 • 893-2064 • 8pm Fri, 2/7. �������������������������
Music & poetry by Latin American composers • Isla Vista Schl, 6875 El Colegio Rd • Free • 893-5037 • 7pm Fri, 2/7. ������������������������������������
Dance band from the 80’s • SOhO • $22 • 962-7776 • 9:45pm Fri, 2/7.
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Help raise awareness for heart-disease in celebration of National Wear Red Day & National Heart Month by wearing an item of red clothing for the day • Fri, 2/7. �����������������������
Dress up for the sock hop & view the work of Ruby Gloger • Curious Cup Bookstore, 5285 Carpinteria Av • Free • 220-6608 • 5-8pm Fri, 2/7.
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The Tearaways, on-stage, Q&A with Alan Parsons, screening of the Ed Sullivan Show of Feb. 9, 1964 • Plaza Theatre • $20/$12 • 259-9779 • 8pm Sat, 2/8 & 3:30pm Su, 2/9. Deep In the Heart of Friendship: a festive Westernthemed luncheon, Heart-Art & live auction to benefit Friendship Center • Fess Parker’s Doubletree Resort, 633 E Cabrillo Blvd • $100 • 969-0859 • www. • 11:30-2:30pm Sat, 2/8.
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Will discuss savoring the harvest experience in maturity • Live Oak Unitarian 820 N Fairview Ave • Free • 967-7867 • 7pm Su, 2/9.
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Falstaff • Hahn Hall, Music Academy • $27 • 969-8787 • 2pm Su, 2/9. �������������������������������
Chamber music recital for 2 flutes & piano • Trinity Episcopal Church, State & Micheltorena St • Free • 965-7419 • 3:30pm Su, 2/9. ����������������������
SB Jazz Society presents Grammy nominated 24 piece group • SOhO • $25/$15/$7 • 687-7123 • 1-4pm Su, 2/9. ���������������������
Music & poetry by Latin American composers • Front steps, Museum of Art (2pm) & Marjorie Luke Theatre, SB Jr. Hi (7pm) • Free • 884-6430 • 2pm Su, 2/9.
Bring a Bistro memory to share, proceeds benefit Profant Foundation scholarships • Fess Parker’s Doubletree Resort • $50 includes dessert, concert & dancing • 682-8184 • 6pm Su, 2/9.
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Prizes, surprises & fun • Montecito Country Club • $55 • 699-6756 • 11:30am Su, 2/9. ��������������������������������
Create your own seed calendar • Front steps, Museum of Art • Free • 884-6430 • 1:30-4:30pm Su, 2/9. �������������������
Find out how you can get involved in an unforgettable job or volunteer experience at the SB Zoo • SB Zoo, 500 Los Niños Dr • Free • 962-5339 • 3-5pm Su, 2/9.
Jeanne Martin, Ph.D. ������������� ���������������������������
RANDY FREED ������������
Santa Barbara to the Santa Ynez Valley
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Blood pressure screening, cardiac risk profile & blood
Students in the Pre-Professional training company perform • Center Stage Theater, Paseo Nuevo • $20 • 963-0408 • 2 & 7pm Sat, 2/8.
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Basic preventative check for heart disease, diabetes & stroke • Cottage Hospital • $25 • Register: 855-2479355 • 7:30-10am Sat, 2/8.
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By Mary Watkins, PhD / Special to CASA
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Mary Watkins, Ph.D., is a community psychologist and co-chair of the Community Psychology, Liberation Psychology, and Ecopsychology Specialization of the M.A./ Ph.D. Depth Psychology Program at Pacifica Graduate Institute. She is co-author of Up Against the Wall: Re-Imagining the U.S.-Mexico Border (to be published by University of Texas Press).
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Mary Watkins, Ph.D., es Psicóloga de la comunidad y co-presidente de la Psicología Comunitaria, Psicología de la Liberación, y Especialización de la Ecopsicología M.A. / Ph.D. del Programa Profundo de Psicología en el Instituto Universitario de Pacifica. Es co-autora de Up Against the Wall: Re-Imagining the U.S.-Mexico Border / Contra la Pared: Re-imaginando la frontera EE.UU.-Mexico (que será publicado por University of Texas Press). Translated by Jeanette Casillas / CASA
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By Gary Woods / Special to CASA
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Open Sunday 1-4 • 1066 Toro Canyon Rd.
Open Sunday 1-3 • 1230 Northridge Rd.
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Open Sunday 1-4 • 745 Casiano Dr.
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Open Sunday 1-4 • 1090 Toro Canyon Rd.
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Open Sunday 1-4 • 2510 Calle Galicia
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Open Sunday 1-3 • 2030 State St. #14
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Hedy Price Paley Contemporary Art
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Romantic 1914 Italian Estate $15,950,000
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Monday-Saturday 10-6, Closed Sunday
Refined Montecito Country Estate $6,100,000
Dramatic Seaside Oceanview Retreat $7,950,000
Exclusive Representation for Discerning Buyers & Sellers of Exceptional Estates in Montecito License#00878065 |
133 E. Carrillo Street • 805.845.1285
FEB 23 3PM
MAR 23 3PM
MAY 10 8PM
An inspiring multimedia performance with stunning NASA imagery, live world music and dance onstage SPONSORED BY MONTECITO BANK & TRUST
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Come enjoy the sweeping views Rivera living has to offer while accessing the convenience to downtown the Lower Riviera can provide. This superbly upgraded, Santa Barbara style charmer comes complete with 2 master suites, a gourmet kitchen with Italian Carrera marble countertops and Viking appliances. Experience ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ bedroom 2.5 bath condo “lives” as a stand alone home that includes 2 outdoor patio spaces to take in the view, an outdoor grassy area located creekside, and a two car garage. This is a timeless gem that will be appreciated by most!
OFFERED AT $1,495,000 OPEN SAT 1-4 & SUN 11-2!
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win the california dream enter
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Some of Santa Barbara’s finest foods will be offered as part of Film Feast, like Opal Restaurant.
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and tasting flights and 16 hotel packages are being offered. �������������������
����������������� ��������� ���������������� ������������� ������������������ ������������������� ������������������������ ��������������������� ���������������������� ���������������� ������������������� ��������������� Alchemy: Spa. Wellness. Café. ��������������� ������������ ����������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������� ���������������������������� Film Feast is presented by Santa Barbara Downtown Organization and Visit Santa Barbara. For info visit
Local divers collect Sea Urchin...
The Mortgage Corner
Housing Construction Continues Increase ������������������������������������ �������������������������������������� �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������������������� ��������������������������������� �������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������������������� ������������������� ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������������������������� �������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� �������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������������������� ������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ ����������������������������������� ���������������������������������� �������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������ �������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ���������������������������� ����������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������������������� ��������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������� ��������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ������������������������������ ��������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ������������������������������ ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������ �������������������������������������� ������������������������������ �������������������������������������� �������������������������������� �������������������������������� ����������������������������� �������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ���������������������������� ������������������������������ �������������������������� ��������������� ������������������������������ �������������������������������� ����������������������������������� �������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������������������ �������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������������� �������������������������������� Harlan Green has been the 11-year ������������������������������������ Editor-Publisher of PopularEconomics. ������������������������������������ com, a weekly syndicated financial ����������������������������������� wire service. He writes a Popular Economics Weekly Blog. He is an ������������������������������������� economic forecaster and teacher ����������������������������������� of real estate finance with 30years experience as a banker and �������������������������������������� mortgage broker. ������������������������������� By Harlan Green / Special to CASA
CASA Classifieds
January 31, 2014 • Established 1993
23 East Canon Perdido Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Experience • Knowledge • Reliability Professionalism • Kindness • Attention to Detail
(805) 965-6448 • FAX (805) 966-9827 PUBLISHERS & EDITORS
Mark Whitehurst & Kerry Methner
G E N E R A L M A N A G E R & T R A N S L AT O R
Jeanette Casillas
�������������������������������������� �����������������������
������������������������� ����������������� �����������
������������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������
Email: 32 years experiene & Integrity
Corp. Lic. # 01521555
Residential • Commercial • Construction • Investments
4141 State St., Suite D-3 • Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Phone (805) 681-6363 Fax (805) 681-6365
Central Coast Circulation (805) 683-1669 A D V E RT I S I N G Q U E S T I O N S
������������������������� �����������������������
������������ California DRE Broker’s #00444968
DANA ZERTUCHE Sales Associate, DRE#01465425
805.565.8145 Office 805.403.5520 Cellular
3 Months $35 • 6 Months $69 All real estate advertising in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” This publication will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of this law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are available on an equal opportunity basis. The opinions and statements contained in advertising or elsewhere in this publication are those of the authors of such opinions and are not necessarily those of the publishers.
CASCADE CAPITAL (805) 688-9697 1290 Coast Village Road Montecito, California 93108
Private Money for Real Estate Notes and Loans Land • Multi-Family Commercial
�������������������� ���������������
Lucy Barnes
����� ���������� ���� ������������� ��� ������� ������ �� ��� ���� ��������� ����� ��� ��������� ��� �� ����� �������� ���� ��� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Daniel Kepl
CA Real Estate Broker D.R.E. License #00461906
2008 REALTOR® of the Year
Experience you can count on!
CHRIS AGNOLI (805) 682-4304
������� Dramatic ocean view Apt. 1BD/1BA. On the top floor with no steps. Remodeled. Covered parking on a dead end street. Only 6 blocks to the ocean and only 2 blocks to the Mesa shopping Ctr. Available Dec 16th. $2000/mo. Call John at 451-4551. Fully furnished 1BD Apt with stunning ocean views. Move in today. End unit on a dead end street. Quiet and 1 block to the beach. Laundry on site. Covered parking. Great vacation rental. Short or long terms available. $2400/mo. Call John at 451-4551.
��������������������� �������������������
By the President
������������������������������������ �������������������������������������
Photo by Priscilla,
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962-2147 •
By Ed Fuller / Special to CASA
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Voted #1 �������������������������������
(single family)
15-Year Fixed
������������������������������������������ ��������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������������������ �������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ ����������������������
Village Properties
��������������� ����������
������������� ���������������������
CONFORMING JUMBO LOANS $417,000-$625,700
30-Year Fixed
15-Year Fixed
$625,701 and Over
30-Year Fixed
15-Year Fixed
Rate APR Down Rate APR Down Rate APR Down Rate APR Down Rate APR Down Rate APR Down Rate APR Down Rate APR Down Rate APR Down
BANKERS PACIFIC 4.125 4.25 20% 3.25 3.375 20% MORTGAGE, INC. Harlan Green, Broker, (805) 681-6363
BANK OF AMERICA HOME LOANS Please call for current rates • Coastal Housing Partnership Member • Alex Koper, Vice President, NMLS#633113 (448-2000) Holly Nelson, NMLS# 853155 (560-3363) • Ryan Plowe, NMLS# 826292 (560-3367) • John Murphy, NMLS# 362627 (560-3347) • Cindy Schwartz, NMLS# 72709 (560-3353)
���� ��������
SINCE 1972
2.75 2.88 20%
4.25 4.38 20%
COMMUNITY WEST BANK Ask us about rates. You’ll like what you hear! Terre Lapman (403-0909); Clay Dickens (692-4429); Kathy Martin (966-2912) CALLOAN CORP 4.25 4.524 20% 3.25 4.625 20% 3.000 4.555 20% 4.375 4.468 20% (805) 963-8939; PARAGON MORTGAGE GROUP (805) 899-1390
3.25 3.375 20% 3.25 3.375 20%
4.875 5.0 25% 3.625 3.75 25%
3.375 4.567 20% 3.25 4.485 20% 4.500 4.486 20% 3.75 4.584 20%
3.375 3.50 25%
3.000 4.475 20%
Please call for current rates.
Please call for current rates. UNION BANK Teri Gauthier (565-4571), Janice Baxter (899-8488), Allison Keenan (681-7268), Ed Soto (564-6485)
*Rates are supplied by participating institutions prior to publishing deadline and are deemed reliable. They do not constitute a commitment to lend and are not guaranteed. For more information and additional loan types and rates, consumers should contact the lender of their choice. CASA Santa Barbara cannot guarantee the accuracy and availability of quoted rates. All quotes are based on total points including loan. *Rates are effective as of 1/29/14. ** Annual percentage rate subject to change after loan closing.
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CALL FOR ARTISTS ��������������������������
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Almost Anything Goes: Architecture and Inclusivity
Amorphis LA, Atelier Manferdini, Ball-Nogues Studio, Design Bitches, DO/SU Studio Architecture, and Digital Physical / Variate Labs
Bloom Projects: Zack Paul, Geometric Landscapes Exhibitions on view: January 5 – April 13 at MCA Santa Barbara
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HE 1ST THURSDAY PROGRAM������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Bicycle Race 2, Oil on canvas, by Douglass Parshall is part of Santa Barbara Old School on view at Sullivan Goss - An American Gallery
�� ���������������������������������������������������123 E Canon Perdido St • 965-0093 • Pastimes by Candlelight: Enjoy a rare opportunity to visit the Presidio by candlelight with living history vignettes. See the Presidio as you might have two centuries ago... watch the soldados relax after a long day’s work, enjoy the music and dance of Early California.
�� �����������������134 E Canon Perdido St • 965-7922 • Join us for the annual Solstice Poster Contest viewing and voting, along with folk musician Randall Lamb (think Cisco Houston, Townes Van Zandt, Woody Guthrie) and wine tasting. The place for dinner before wandering around to the other venues, and a great place for closing out your evening.
� �����������������������������������������1528 State St • 962-6444 • Tales
From Three Cities: Watercolorist Mike Rider explores the people and places of Santa Barbara, Managua, and Addis Ababa. An artist reception accompanied by local scenes and scenes from his travels to Niguargua & Ethiopia. Music & wine. Artist will be present.
�� �������������������������������Paseo Nuevo Center Court • A community volunteer organization, formed in 1984, the Master Chorale is in its 24th season. For the first time ever, Santa Barbara will host the American Choral Directors Association’s Western Division Conference, Feb. 19 to 22nd. Nearly 1,000 attendees and 28 professional and amateur choirs will attend. Of special interest is an appearance by the Los Angeles Master Chorale at 7:30pm on February 22nd. A free Welcome ACDA Concert is on Wednesday, Feb. 19th (8pm) at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church, featuring four of Santa Barbara’s well-known choirs: Adelfos, the Quire of Voyces, and the Chamber Choir and Concert Choirs of Westmont College.
� �������������������1230 State St • 845-7656 • Introducing Brazilian culture to Santa
Barbara. The restaurant includes traditional Brazilian menu items. Inside the 1400 square foot studio offers Capoeira (Brazilian martial arts), Samba classes, Afro Brazilian dance, or an intense boot camp. Or learn Brazilian Portuguese. Junte-se a nós – Come join us!
� �����������������11 W Anapamu St • 568-1400 • Into a New Year: Art Raffle & Auction Celebrating our 9th Anniversary, we stage a special Art Raffle & Auction. We’ll give away a Patrick Gaboriau painting in a free raffle and offer other works in a low priced silent auction. Our exhibition features of recent works by gallery artists, including Michael Moon and Keith Clark. � ������������������������������1213 State St., Suite F • 770-2862 • Gallery
owner and photographer Stacey Byers will show some of her work with an exhibition titled Captured in Light and Shadow. This exhibition celebrates the classic elegance of portraits completed exclusively in black and white. Walk through “La Plazuela” and to see.
� ������������������������������1130 State St • 963-4364 • Fearless Hearts
and PacifiCraft Imports Trunk Shows The Fearless Hearts are a way for the McDermott family to “pay it forward.” They offer 10% of Fearless HeartTM profits to support your favorite charity. The beautiful and iconic hearts remind us hardship does not have to mean defeat.
�� ��������������������������������������������653 Paseo Nuevo, Upper Terrace • 966-5373 • Forum Lounge: The Bridge Club, Plan In. The four artist-performers work to collect, process, and interpret information through sensory and perceptual tools. The performer’s actions reference planning and plan-making as a metaphor. Happy Hour 5-7pm, Performance 7pm.
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�� ����������������740 State St Suite #1 • 845-5780 • Celebrate our 1st Anniversary and the art of the family heirloom with the artwork of Leslie Lewis Sigler. Her paintings, which focus on silverware, china and tools, provoke memories and explore the lineage that connects us. Sip local wine and beer and see how these pieces are given new life & perspective through art!
� ��������������������������������������7 & 11 E Anapamu St • 730-1460 •
�� ��������������������15 E De La Guerra St • 965-0093 • Presenting I See Beauty in this Life: A Photographer Looks at 100 Years of Rural California, a traveling exhibit from the California Historical Society (CHS), curated by writer and photographer Lisa M. Hamilton. Over the past two years, Hamilton has been telling the stories of rural communities in her multimedia work, Real Rural.
� �������������������40 E Anapamu St • 962-7653 • The Santa Barbara Art Association,
�� ����������������������27 E De La Guerra St • 962-8347 • Channing Peake, modernist painter and cowboy, demonstrates a unique artistic vision developed over years of training. His relationships with Pablo Picasso and Rufino Tamayo encouraged and inspired his cubist interpretations of ranch life, dynamic abstract compositions and use of color.
Celebrating Santa Barbara Old School, an exhibition devoted to an almost-forgotten chapter in local art history – the founding of the SB Art Institute, founded in 1965 by Ray Strong, James Armstrong, Joseph Knowles, Douglass Parshall and John Gorham. The school operated until 1974.
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founded in 1952, presents a juried show with artwork in various media by some of its 571 members. Open during regular library hours.
� �������������������������105 E Anapamu St • 568-3990 • Inside/Outside: Santa
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Barbara Art Association is a juried exhibition celebrating the artistic talents of members of the Santa Barbara Art Assn and features a wide variety of artist styles and media. Juried by Randy Sommer, Co-Owner of the ACME Gallery, LA. (Gallery on 1st floor of the County Admin. Bldg)
� ���������������������1114 State St #24, La Arcada Ct • 884-1938 • February
features Santa Barbara Felt Artist, Valerie McLean. Honing her love of felting since 2004, McLean has taken workshops with master felters and teaches locally. Come see her variety of items and get your own hands wet as she demonstrates the wonder of felting.
�� ����������1114 State St #22, La Arcada Ct • 722-4338 • Come join us for a book signing
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with Jennifer Strube as we celebrate her new book The Virgin Asanas: How Yoga, Sex, and Mother Mary Changed Everything. Also serving up local vino + live jazz music from the Blue Moon Quartet.
�� ��������������1114 State St #8, La Arcada Ct • 965-6611 • Gail Lucas is Artist of the Month with a show called Santa Barbara Environs, exhibiting her oil and acrylic paintings of Santa Barbara landscapes, gardens, and buildings, plus a few of Lotusland. The featured artists are Robert Waxman, Iben Vestergaard, Sally Hamilton, Jim Zimmerman, and Sue Slater. �� ���������������������
1114 State St #9, La Arcada Ct • 962-8885 • The Gallery is in going on its 30th year and 23 years in La Arcada. It features artwork from some of today’s finest nationally-known painters. Works include California Landscapes, Figurative and Still Life paintings of the highest quality. Ralph Waterhouse will give a painting demonstration at 6pm.
�� �����������������1108 State St,
Cris! Basimah The UCSB Middle East Ensemble will perform at Marshall’s Patio
in La Arcada Ct • 962-8111 • Enjoy the beauty of captured light in Thomas Van Steins’ plein air paintings currently on exhibition at Oliver & Espig Gallery. The artist will be in attendance to discuss his award winning work on display in Night & Day.
�� ����������������735 Anacapa St • The Santa Barbara Arts Collaborative, in partnership with the Downtown Organization, will lead a curated Art Crawl through the 1st Thursday festivities. The guide for December is acclaimed assemblage artist Sue Van Horsen. The Art Crawl starts at 5:30 sharp in de la Guerra Plaza on the back steps of City Hall. �� ����������������������������������136 E De La Guerra St • 966-1601 • In honor of Valentine’s Day, we invite you to experience our exhibition, Luminescent Santa BarbaraLockwood de Forest, with a romantic evening of wine and music by guitarist Tony Ybarra. An avid traveler and designer, de Forest settled in Santa Barbara. Family friendly activity available. �� ����������������������������630 State St • 957-1300 • Join the American Heart Association at Blush to launch of the 11th annual National Wear Red Day, February 7, 2014, bringing awareness to education and research to bring an end to heart disease, the #1 killer of women. A portion of the night’s proceeds will go towards finding a cure for heart disease. Enjoy music, muchies, and a port and chocolate tasting package. Be sure to wear red! ���������������������������������������Join us for 1st Thursday: After Hours, 7:30pm- 9:30pm when the Historic Theatre District venues of The Lobero Theatre, The Granada Theatre and The New Vic extend 1st Thursday culture, art and music offerings to provide the community unique live entertainment and behind the scenes experiences and opportunities to meet other performing arts enthusiasts. This month visit The Granada Theatre • 1214 State Street • 899-2222 for entertainment by Téka, local renowned Brazilian vocalist. Delicious nibbles compliments of Cielito Restaurant, a “no host” full bar provided by Marquee Events, and wine tasting by Summerland Winery.
�� �����������������������1103-A State St • 966-1707 • We are honored to be attending the AGTA GemFair Tucson, sourcing the most beautiful and inspiring gems for the upcoming year. Ongoing show: Spirit Of The West by Thomas Kelsey continues through February 28th. See you in March! �� �����������������924 State St • 965-2424 • Rooms & Gardens Furniture Antiques and Interior Design is hosting an open house featuring the work of local artist Garrett Speirs, a trunk show with pillows made by Bravo TV’s Million Dollar Decorator Kathryn Ireland, wine tasting with a local vintner, and tempting samplings of artisan chocolates hand-made in Santa Barbara. �� ���������������918 State St, Suite C • 965-5593 • Featuring Santa Barbara artist Angie Lazzar. Her work is both visually and emotionally impactful, each painting telling a story with a dark palette, symbolism, and ethereal characters. �� ����������������������������Marshall’s Patio, 900 State St • The UCSB Middle East Ensemble is an official “Ethnomusicology Performance Ensemble” in the Department of Music at UCSB. Begun in 1989 by professor Scott Marcus, the ensemble performs music and dance from Arab, Turkish, Persian, Armenian, Greek, Jewish and even Assyrian cultures. �� ���������������23 E Canon Perdido • 965-6448 • Red Tango evokes a passion that engages the senses and tantalizes the soul. Sculpture, assemblages, paintings, and more reflect this sensuous theme. Join us for Tango Music, red refreshments, passionate poetry, and an artist’s reception.
Giant Bird of Paradise, watercolor, by Brenda Geneau is part of Inside/Outside: Santa Barbara Art Association on view at Channing Peake Gallery
January 31, 2014
CASA Magazine • 20 YEARS STRONG! •
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