5 minute read
Sigrid Toye: Harbor Voice

Sea Center To Open Soon
By Sigrid Toye, Special to VOICE
WALKING ALONG STEARNS WHARF OVER THE WEEKEND, I looked in the direction of the Museum of Natural History’s Sea Center, one of the Wharf’s most popular locations. This highly interactive marine education facility is known for actual school closures and the quarantine. The return of the museum’s volunteers remains a work in Close Encounters of the Third (or maybe Fourth) Kind experiences with marine progress until the opening is well underway. animals who make their home in the Santa Barbara Channel. Little fingers, and big ones too, have “We will open with just staff present for the first weeks, after which we’ll invite those volunteers the opportunity to touch and interact with the sea life located on the main floor of the museum who are ready and willing to return,” Smalldon added. “The safety and comfort level of volunteers, including sharks, rays, sea stars, and sea anemones. Children visitors, and staff are of the highest priority.” especially enjoy feeding the sharks, accompanied by a full set of During the hiatus, the Sea Center was chosen to participate instructions, as they learn about their habits and lifestyles in real time. in the global ‘Light it Blue’ campaign honoring those on the Looking in the museum’s direction that day however, it stood silently front lines, especially health care workers, first responders, and with doors closed, the usual crowd nowhere to be seen. others who continue to keep Santa Barbara up and running
Since the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, this wonderful – during the pandemic. The Museum joined hundreds of and much missed – attraction has been shuttered, along with most of structures including national landmarks and historic buildings Santa Barbara’s public spaces. However, according to the Sea Center’s illuminated with blue light in solidarity to those who risked Director Rich Smalldon, the good news is that a re-opening will be their lives for the safety of others. taking place very soon. “We are really excited to open our doors on The Sea Center’s opening is in a scant few days, but future July 8th,” he announced happily. “My staff and I are looking forward projects are now underway which include a marine life exhibit to sharing our own enthusiasm with our visitors as we welcome of live sea horses and an updated online presence for virtual them back!” The Sea Center will be open Wednesday through Sunday from 11am to 3pm under the umbrella of the Santa Barbara Health The Sea Center’s Whale got a cleaning during the closure! visitors to enjoy the educational opportunities and exhibitions over the Internet. The Museum’s President and CEO, Luke Department’s COVID-19 regulations. Swetland affirmed, “The Museum of Natural History is delighted that the Sea Center will soon be
“Needless to say, we are honoring the six feet distancing requirements,” explained Smalldon, back to enjoy a close up look at many of the wonders that live in the Channel. We hope that every “and are allowing a limited amount of people to explore the museum in a one way flow to maintain visitor gets their hands wet in our touch tanks!” the required distancing and traffic control.” He added that opening the museum during this cautious That certainly describes my plan for July 8th! Hope to see you there too ... time is uncharted territory, therefore, the Sea Center’s crew will be present to assist visitors and their www.sbnature.org/visit/sea-center/ children and to maintain sanitary conditions on all surfaces for the safety of the public as well as the staff. Masks, of course, are required. The Board of Trustees of the Museum of Natural History provided for the museum’s staff to be Sigrid Toye volunteers for the Breakwater Flag Project. She is on the board of directors of the Maritime Museum and participates in Yacht Club activities. An educational/behavior therapist, Sigrid holds a Ph.D in clinical psychology. She loves all things creative, including her two grown children who are fully maintained during the hiatus of almost three months. “Our animals were lovingly cared for and working artists. Send Harbor tips to: Itssigrid@gmail.com we took the opportunity to do some work during those long weeks in preparation for the day we would be allowed to open our doors again,” shared Smalldon. The museum’s normal day-to-day operations before the virus onslaught included over 150 VOTED BEST ANTIQUE STORE 9 YEARS IN A ROW • CORNER OF CARRILLO ST. & SANTA BARBARA ST. Photos courtesy of Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History BILL VAUGHAN Broker | Principal | Realtor® CalDRE#00660866 BV@MontecitoVillage.com 805·455·1609 Cell NA N E T T E VAU G HA N Sales Agent & Principal CalDRE#01927919 www.BirnamWoodEstates.com www.MontecitoVillage.com ® B i r n a m W o o d P r o p e r t i e s As Birnam Wood Residents, please let our Birnam history and Montecito experiences work for you. volunteers of all ages, many of whom are students and seniors whose status is yet uncertain due to The Sea Center lit blue in honor of those risking their lives to save others EVERYTHING MUST GO! • TOTAL LIQUIDATION • EVERYTHING MUST GO! • TOTAL LIQUIDATION • EVERYTHING MUST GO! • 133 E. Carrillo Street • 805.845.1285 Monday-Saturday 11-5, Closed Sunday www.anticafurnishings.com Direct Importer of Asian Antiques & Fine Furnishings STORE CLOSING... EVERYTHING MUST GO! • Store Available for Lease • Entire Store Inventory for Sale - Text 805-708-9481 ~ Don’t Disturb Tenant. EVERYTHING MUST GO! • TOTAL LIQUIDATION • EVERYTHING MUST GO! • TOTAL LIQUIDATION • EVERYTHING MUST GO!