Sy. 9233 - Diana Syrse - To be told (2024)

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Diana Syrse

To be told

for ensemble and electronics 2024


master processed on 01.07.2024

Sy. 9233/01

ISMN 979-0-2042-9233-2

Copyright © 2024 by G. Ricordi & Co. Bühnen- und Musikverlag GmbH, Berlin

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

All rights reserved / Tutti i diritti riservat

To be told

III. To be told for ensemble and electronics

I. Forward

II. Otto

Commissioned by the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie funded by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation




To be told


Flute/Piccolo/Death whistle

Oboe/Death whistle

Clarinet in Bb/Bass clarinet/Death whistle

Bassoon/Death whistle

Violin 1

Violin 2

Viola 1

Viola 2

Cello 1

Cello 2


Technical requirements

- An audio engineer that can tr igger the audiotracks from a computer and prepare the click track for the conductor There are three audiotracks, one for each movement The click track will star t t wo measures before the beginning of the music.

- Three to five monitors, one for the conductor, and the others for the musicians.

- Four to six loudspeakers Two speakers placed in front, t wo in the middle and two from the back for the audience.

Note: This piece is in stereo and the electronics could be also perfor med through more speakers by a musician through diffusion controlling the volume on each speaker.

Program note

“To be told” is a piece in three par ts commissioned by the Junge Deutsche Philhar monie suppor ted by the Er nst von Siemens Music Foundation The premiere of this piece is planned on September 1, 2 0 2 4, at the histor ic St Paul's Church in Frankfur t perfor med by the Junge Deutsche Philhar monie conducted by André de Ridder. This site holds great symbolic significance as the location of the first German National Assembly in 1848.

The 15 - to 2 0 -minute piece is crafted for ensemble and electronics, chosen to create an intr icate and immersive soundscape within the church's resonant acoustics By incor porating concise statements from the 1848 National Assembly, the piece weaves a r ich tapestr y of histor ical and contemporar y reflections on democracy tangible through music, emphasizing the impor tance of diverse opinions, lively discourse, and the vibrant inter play of different voices The piece challenges the notion of societal division and instead highlights the strength found in diversit y and the dynamic nature of democratic engagement The first movement is inspired by fragments of the statements of the National Asembly, the second is inspired by L ouise Otto-Peters, a Ger man suffragist and women's r ights movement activist, and the third one portraits the concept of democracy from a global perspective.

“To be told” stands as a testament to the endur ing power of the ideals of equalit y, and the ongoing str uggle to create a just and inclusive societ y Through this composition, the audience is invited to reflect on the past, engage with the present, and envision a hopeful future where power thrives on the participation and collaboration of everyone.

Violin 1
Violin 2
Viola 1
Viola 2
Cello 1
Cello 2
Monitor 1
Monitor 2
Monitor 3
Flute Oboe
Bass Clarinet
Violin I
Violin II
Viola I
Viola II
Cello I
Cello II

Der Tag der Freiheit ist angebrochen.

Vorwärts! ist der Ruf der Zeit.

seagull effect free velocity on the gliss. don't change the distance between fingers during the glissando.

don't change the distance between fingers during the glissando. don't change the distance between fingers during the glissando.

Wir wollen jetzt aus dem herauskommen, was uns der Polizeistaat der letzten Jahrhunderte gebracht hat. Wir wollen den Rechtsstaat auch für Deutschland begründen.

„Deutschland will Eins sein, ein Reich, regiert vom Willen des Volkes, unter Mitwirkung aller seiner Gliederungen.

Wir sollen schaffen eine Verfassung für Deutschland, für das gesamte Reich.


Der Beruf und die Vollmacht zu dieser Schaffung, sie liegen in der Souveränität der Nation.“


Es gibt keinen Pöbel, keinen rohen Haufen, kein Gesindel mehr,

denn wir, so sprechen die Todten, haben mit unserem Blute euern Bürger- und Freiheitsbrief besiegelt.

Allen gleiche Rechte, gleiches Gesetz, gleiches Gericht, gleiche Teilnahme an der Gesetzgebung.

Freiheit für Alle ohne Unterschied der Geburt, des Standes und des Glaubens, ist das Ziel, nach welchem das deutsche

Clarinet in B
Violin I
Violin II
Viola I
Viola II
Cello I
Cello II

Play percussive sounds (noise) with your instrument this can be: col legno battuto, hitting on the wood or white noise with muted strings.

Play percussive sounds (noise) with your instrument this can be: col legno battuto, hitting on the wood or white noise with muted strings.

Play percussive sounds (noise) with your instrument this can be: col legno battuto, hitting on the wood or white noise with muted strings.

Violin I
Violin II
Viola I
Viola II
Cello I
Cello II

Vor dem Gesetz gilt kein Unterschied der Stände. Der Adel als Stand ist aufgehoben. Alle Standesvorrechte sind abgeschafft. 01:37

There shall be no class dis/nc/on before the law. Nobility as a class is abolished. All class privileges are eliminated. words in different lenguages (crescendo)

Die Deutschen sind vor dem Gesetze gleich.

Everybody is equal before the law...

no deben ser restringidos por un censo de votación, por la preferencia de una religión, por una elección según clases específicas.

tap the wood part of the instrument with your fingers tap the wood part of the instrument with your fingers tap the wood part of the instrument with your fingers tap the wood part of the instrument with your fingers tap the wood part of the instrument with your fingers tap the wood part of the instrument with your fingers

(note without neuma is a random note)

(note without neuma is a random note)

(note without neuma is a random note)

(note without neuma is a random note)

(note without neuma is a random note)

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