Steffen Wick WOMB
3 ßutes (3rd player also piccolo & alto ßute)
2 oboes
2 Bb clarinets
2 bassoons (2nd player also contrabassoon)
4 F horns
3 Bb trumpets
3 trombones
1 bass tuba
4 percussionists strings: 12-10-8-6-4
The score is written in C | duration: ca. 10:30 min.
percussion set ups
I timpani in C, G (also play with superball) two tuned chinese gongs (Eb4 / E4)
lionÕs roar (from setup of player IV) three very high crotales (antique cymbals) in slightly different tunes (no deÞnitive pitch given)
II bass drum (soft mallets, superball)
III marimba (C2 - C7)
IV hanging cymbals for rolls
two large styrofoam plates for scraping noise small hanging cymbal with double bass bow (for high, screeching sound) high and middle tom toms
lionÕs roar (to be placed near setup of player I)
general notation
ßt ßutter tongue
ord. ordinario: all (special) playing techniques beforehand are not valid anymore, produce tone normally.
glissando always start at the beginning of note value
highest note possible dal niente al niente
gradually change to new articulation, start at the beginning of arrow
humming & singing individual notes and progressions can be transposed into the most convenient register; always mix with instrumental sound. Lyrics are written for English pronunciation unless otherwise indicated.
accidentals are valid for the whole bar
crescendo & decrescendo signs without dynamic markings are to be performed as minor changes within the previously marked dynamic.