Field of Vision wascommissionedbytheCaramoorCenterforMusicandtheArts. AdditionalsupportduringthedevelopmentandperformanceofFoVcamefrom BangonaCan;theUniversityofMichiganSchoolofMusic,Theatre&Dance; theUniversityofMichiganPercussionEnsemble(DougPerkinsand IanAntonioco-directors);theSō Percussion Summer Institute
15 Tuned Gongs (suspended on stands)
-E2 (2), B2 (2), C#3, D3 (2), E3, F#3, G#3 (2), A3, C# 4, D4, D#4
12 Tuned Bell Plates (suspended on stands and then hand-held)
-B3, C#4, D4, E4, F#4 (2), G#4 (2), A4, B4, C#5, D5
6 Concert Bass Drums
6 Tam-Tams
24 Brake Drums (on stands)
-8 high, 8 medium, 8 low
8 sets of Non-pitched Ringing Metals
8 sets of Non-pitched Wood (wood slab or block)
24 Wood Bundles (sets of bundled wooden branches or sticks)
12 pairs of Stones
49 Sixxen (suspended on 36 stands)
-D4 (1), E4 (4), F#4 (8), G4 (8), A4 (8), B4 (8), C#5 (2), D#5 (2), E5 (2), F#5 (2), G5 (2), G #5 (2)
Note: All similarly pitched Bell Plates and Sixxens should be slightly dis-tuned. Bell Plates and Sixxens can be tuned in equal or just intonation.
Instrumentation by Performer
Player 1- Gong (A3), Non-pitched Wood, Brake Drum (high), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (B4)
Player 2- Gong (G#3), Non-pitched Wood, Brake Drum (high), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (A4)
Player 3- Gong (E3), Non-pitched Wood, Brake Drum (high), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (G4)
Player 4- Gong (D3), Non-pitched Wood, Brake Drum (high), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (F#4)
Player 5- Gong (E2), Brake Drum (medium), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (E4)
Player 6- Gong (D3), Brake Drum (medium), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (D4, F#4)
Player 7 - Gong (B2), Brake Drum (medium), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (G4)
Player 8- Gong (E2), Brake Drum (medium), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (A4)
Player 9- Gong (B2), Non-pitched Wood, Brake Drum (low), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (B4)
Player 10- Gong (C#3), Non-pitched Wood, Brake Drum (low), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (B4, G5)
Player 11- Gong (F#3), Non-pitched Wood, Brake Drum (low), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (A4, F#5)
Player 12- Gong (G#3), Non-pitched Wood, Brake Drum (low), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (G4, E5)
Player 13- Bell Plate (B3), Bass Drum, Stones, Sixxen (F#4, D#5)
Player 14- Bell Plate (C#4), Tam-Tam, Stones, Sixxen (E4, C#5)
Player 15- Bell Plate (D4), Bass Drum, Stones, Sixxen (F#4, G#5)
Player 16- Bell Plate (E4), Tam-Tam, Stones, Sixxen (G4, G5)
Player 17- Bell Plate (F#4), Bass Drum, Stones, Sixxen (A4, C#5)
Player 18 - Bell Plate (G#4), Tam-Tam, Stones, Sixxen (B4, D#5)
Player 19- Bell Plate (F#4), Bass Drum, Stones, Sixxen (F#4, G#5)
Player 20- Bell Plate (G#4), Tam-Tam, Stones, Sixxen (E4, F#5)
Player 21- Bell Plate (A4), Bass Drum, Stones, Sixxen (F#4, E5)
Player 22- Bell Plate (B4), Tam-Tam, Stones, Sixxen (B4), Gong (D#4)
Player 23- Bell Plate (C#5), Bass Drum, Stones, Sixxen (A4), Gong (C#4)
Player 24- Bell Plate (D5), Tam-Tam, Stones, Sixxen (G4), Gong (G #3)
Player 25- Non-pitched Ringing Metal, Brake Drum (low), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (F#4), Gong (D3)
Player 26- Non-pitched Ringing Metal, Brake Drum (low), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (E4), Gong (E2)
Player 27- Non-pitched Ringing Metal, Brake Drum (low), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (F#4), Gong (B2)
Player 28- Non-pitched Ringing Metal, Brake Drum (low), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (G4), Gong (F #3)
Player 29- Non-pitched Ringing Metal, Brake Drum (medium), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (A4), Gong (A3)
Player 30- Non-pitched Ringing Metal, Brake Drum (medium), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (B4), Gong (D4)
Player 31- Non-pitched Ringing Metal, Brake Drum (medium), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (B4), Bass Drum
Player 32- Non-pitched Ringing Metal, Brake Drum (medium), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (A4), Bass Drum
Player 33- Non-pitched Ringing Metal, Brake Drum (high), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (G4), Bass Drum
Player 34- Bass Drum, Brake Drum (high), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (G4)
Player 35 - Bass Drum, Brake Drum (high), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (A4)
Player 36- Bass Drum, Brake Drum (high), Wood Bundle, Sixxen (B4)