The Medieval Book

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The Medieval Book I. 1. Art Patronage and Function of Medieval Manuscripts Art patronage is an active collaboration between the artist and the patron leading to completion of a work of art. In the Middle Ages it was of essential importance for the artistic creation; both sides provided contributions to the realization of the project without which no medieval work of art could have been made. We can see the phenomenon of patronage of book production in the Middle Ages from two angles: the collective ownership of books intended for the common use by a religious community and the individual patronage of a religious person or layman, the phenomenon that gradually took over during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The books ordered for individual use mirror a variety of personal interests. They were collected for the purpose of self-educational study, satisfying one's eagerness for information. A phenomenon of ardent bibliophile interest also occurs relatively frequently during the Middle Ages. Finally, a specific kind of a book intended for private devotion and contemplation of an individual was favored in the Late Middle Ages. In the Early Middle Ages, the majority of books produced served as the liturgical books and were used by priests and monks in churches and monasteries. These books especially Bibles -were seen as the property of the titular saint of the church or monastery in order to assure their attachment to a particular community and symbolize its continuation. Very often we find the representation of the titular saint depicted on the dedication page or book opening, sometimes together with a symbolic representation of the community. This very attitude expresses itself also in the occasional inclusion of transcriptions of important documents related to the legal status and privileges of the community or even of its historical accounts. The proximity of these documents to the sacred text obviously should supply them with larger credibility and authenticity. The major need for new books appeared when a new monastery was founded and had to be furnished with all the necessary liturgical equipment. As a common practice, the abbot or the monks came from an already established monastic community, which then provided the most urgent books for the new community; other necessary books were been copied as soon as possible. We are shown by the example of the first abbot of the French monastery of St. Evroult, who himself copied a number of books and led a scriptorium there, what kind of books were needed in the newly founded monastery. Among those the abbot copied was an Antiphonary, a Gradual and a Collector. Other books were copied by his companions, as were the excerpts from the Old Testament and its commentaries, Heptateuch and a Missal.

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