Vote Pro Bike by Nov. 8!
Check out our endorsements on page 3.
NOVEMBER 2011 / Vol. 41, No. 11
Dates for 2012 event registration
Mark these dateS for 2012!
et excited because the 2012 Cascade events are scheduled to roll! We know the registration process was challenging in January, and we do not want to repeat that experience. In order to offer smooth service to event riders, we’ve made some improvements to the event registration process for 2012 season. First, registration for the 2012 regional tours, RSVP1 and RSVP2 will be handled by a lottery system. The lottery will remain open for application for several weeks as indicated on the schedule below. You can enter the lottery at any time until it closes, and there is no advantage to registering on the first day. Lottery draws will be random. Second, registration dates will be staggered. We believe that the following schedule will provide a better online registration experience for all event riders. Note: We expect RSVP1, RSVP2 and the regional tours to sell-out during the lottery. In order to participate in the lottery and advance registration dates, your Cascade membership must be current. Renew online today at Registration for 2012 events will occur as follows:
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2012
Members-only registration opens for Chilly Hilly, Flying Wheels, STP, and RAW opens.
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012 Members-only lottery for RSVP 1 opens. Members-only lottery for RSVP 2 opens.
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012 Members only lottery for regional tours opens, with one lottery per tour.
Friday, Jan. 27, 2012
RSVP 1 & 2 lotteries close. Registration process details will be sent with notification of lottery draw.
Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012
RSVP 1 & 2 registration for lottery winners opens. Public registration for Chilly Hilly, Flying Wheels, STP, and RAW opens.
Friday, Feb. 10, 2012
Regional tours lotteries close. Registration process details will be sent with notification of lottery draw.
Tuesday, Mar. 27, 2012
Registration for High Pass Challenge and Kitsap Color Classic opens.
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2012 Event Dates Bike Swap..................................Feb. 12 Chilly Hilly................................Feb. 26 Seattle Bicycle Expo..........Mar. 10 – 11 Bike to Work Breakfast............... May 4 Bike to Work Day..................... May 18
Group Health Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic.................... July 14 - 15
t’s fall 2011, and already many eyes are drifting to the 2012 election. But don’t forget to mail your ballot by Tuesday, Nov. 8 – this Election Day is too important to sit out. Once again, Tim Eyman is threatening the financial stability of our state and our transportation infrastructure. Cascade Bicycle Club urges you to vote NO on Initiative 1125, which would jeopardize important transportation projects throughout the state. These include the SR 520 Bridge, which includes a new pedestrian and bicycle path across Lake Washington, and East Link light rail to Bellevue and Redmond. I-1125 would raise the cost of transportation projects and prevent the state from feasibly using tolls as a revenue source and congestion management tool. Governments are cutting transportation funding around the country – it’s up to voters in Washington to stop that trend. Eyman’s I-1125 would further challenge our ability to construct safe roads and bike facilities in Washington. Increasingly it’s apparent that we have to work together for holistic solutions for transportation choices – for people who walk, bike, drive and ride transit. Thousands of bicyclists load their bikes onto buses every day – King County Metro estimates 10,000 in that county alone. Pierce Transit and Snohomish County’s Community Transit have already slashed bus hours - for commuters, children, older adults and the disabled alike - because taxpayers could not be bothered maintain this important public service in the recession. Cascade endorses Clark County Proposition 1 to preserve bus service in Vancouver and surrounding areas. Without it, Clark County faces a devastating 40% cut in service. Prop 1 is funded by a 0.2% sales tax increase. Fully a third of our population cannot drive, and the rest of us deserve choices besides spending $4 per gallon on gas and spending thousands of dollars per year owning, maintaining and parking our cars in urban areas. We must put our careful decisions to raise taxes in this context. We also have a chance to vote for Seattle’s Proposition 1 – our opportunity for faster transit and safer streets. Prop 1 raises $204 million for Seattle’s Transportation Benefit District through a $60 vehicle license fee. Roughly half or $100
Cyclefest...............................TBD, July
In This Issue
Ride Around Washington.....Aug. 4 -11
Club election results........................................2 Almgren family helps keep Cascade strong.................................................2 2011 Election Endorsements..........................3 Vote YES on Prop 1........................................3 Riding with Reindeer:......................................3 Another Successful Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Year!.............................4 Bicycle Film Series...........................................4 Bike Business Forum.......................................4 Consider a Gift to Cascade............................5 November Rides............................................ 5-7
RSVP.................................Aug. 17 - 18 RSVP2...............................Aug. 18 - 19 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
7400 Sand Point Way NE, Suite 101S Seattle, WA 98115
Flying Wheels............................ June 9
Mail your Ballot By November 8
High Pass Challenge.................. Sept. 9 Kitsap Color Classic................. Sept. 30
will build transit-friendly corridors in the city, 30% for critical road pavement and safety projects, and the remaining portion to pedestrian and bike projects. Roughly $14 million would be available to build safe and family-friendly bike facilities. Cascade will push for an update to the city’s Bicycle Master Plan that brings in innovations like Neighborhood Greenways – signed routes and traffic calming measures for side streets. There is a budding movement for Neighborhood Greenways, which can serve as safe routes to school and alternatives to busy arterials for bicyclists. They are also appealing to neighborhood residents because they lower the speed of cars on their street and often include attractive trees and sidewalk improvements. Please join us in voting YES on Proposition 1 for fast and reliable transit and safer streets for walking, bicycling and driving. You can learn more at Cascade has also endorsed over 40 candidates for local office, listed on page three. You can follow links to their websites and learn more at and on the Bike Blog. These include Lake Forest Park’s Dwight Thompson, who as deputy mayor, has been a cool head on the contentious Burke-Gilman Trail renovation. His opponent for mayor, Mary Jane Goss, got the city involved in a protracted legal battle with King County government that cost city taxpayers $300,000 and delayed the construction of a safe trail by many years. We also support champions like Bruce Bassett on Mercer Island, who saved bike and pedestrian facilities in that city’s planning process. Bruce listened to constituents who were concerned that councilmember El Jahncke had instructed staff to remove the bike lanes…from the bike plan. Cascade has endorsed Debbie Bertlin, who is challenging Jahncke and commits to supporting safer streets. We hope that you will take the time to review Cascade’s endorsements and ask us your questions. If you’d like to help Cascade support these candidates, please make a contribution to BikePAC at www.cascade. org/BikePAC. Our local elections decide who is in charge of our streets and whether we make them safe for people of all ages and abilities. Hold your leaders accountable and remember to vote by Nov. 8.
Welcome new staff!.........................................8 Thank you for supporting BikePAC...............8 Turkey in 2012................................................9 Cyclist of the Month......................................10 RAW 2012 route announced........................10 Dear Miss Panniers........................................11 Cascade Contacts............................................11 Membership Form...........................................11 Welcome New Members................................12 Volunteer Appreciation Party........................12 A Guide to Falling Down in Public............12 Bike maintenance parties beginning...........12
November 2011
From the Board of Directors
Club election results by George Durham, President, Board of Directors
n behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to express my appreciation to everyone who participated in the annual membership meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 11, and to everyone who voted in the election of new directors and regarding the proposed modifications to the by-laws. Cascade is a membership-based organization, and its members ultimately determine the course, impact, and efficacy of the organization in working towards its mission of creating a better community through cycling. Each of us has an impact on furthering that mission as we ride, speak with, and interact with other members of the communities of which we are all part. As a Board, we were gratified at the election of four very strong new directors, and we look forward to working closely with Dr. Rayburn Lewis, Mo McBroom, Charles Ruthford, and Ed Yoshida. I am confident their background, expertise, and passion for cycling will serve the organization very well in the coming years. I would also like to express our deep gratitude to all of the exceptionally strong candidates who stood for election and expressed their commitment to the club and its mission. The club is in an enviable position to have such strong members who are willing to take on volunteer leadership roles within the organization. As a club member, I am grateful to everyone who volunteers their time and devotes their energy to the club and its programs; your passion, enthusiasm, and commitment are an example to all of us. The board would like to see greater participation of the club’s membership at all levels, including balloting, rides and community events. As you’re thinking about how and where you can participate, please consider inviting friends, colleagues and other club members to join you! There was valuable discussion at this year’s membership meeting surrounding the bylaws and the need for the proposed changes, which were ultimately passed by the membership. As indicated there, the changes are intended to improve the consistency and clarity of the bylaws as they relate to the governance and administration of Cascade. No bylaws are perfect, to be sure, but as an organization of 14,000-plus members, and growing, this board is committed – as previ-
Keeping Cascade Strong
Candidates elected to the Board of Directors: Dr. Rayburn Lewis Mo McBroom Charles Ruthford Ed Yoshida Passed: Proposed bylaw changes ous boards have been –to maintaining the integrity and soundness of the organization so that it can continue to play an effective and impactful role in the community and in serving the various constituencies the club serves. The changes represented a good-faith effort on the part of the Board to address some important issues that – in our view – needed updates, modification, and clarity. In the coming year, the Board will continue a thorough review of the organization’s by-laws as a whole and will seek to improve those bylaws to ensure Cascade remains a robust and capable organization that is equipped to deal with the challenges and opportunities it will continue to face. It was extremely gratifying to hear from Cascade’s professional staff as they shared highlights of the work and impact of the club’s program areas in 2011. Anyone who was there can attest to the important impact the club has, and should have confidence in the club’s ability to continue to play an active and important role in education, advocacy, recreation, and outreach in the coming years. As we look ahead to 2012, I can assure you that the Board of Directors is committed to serving the club, its members, and its mission in as thoughtful, deliberate, and active a way as we can. I encourage you to reach out to board members – join us for rides, or for a cup of coffee, or to attend a meeting. While there is room for improvement, we are doing our best to operate in a manner that is transparent, collaborative, and inclusive; please continue to provide us your thoughts and feedback so that we can do so even more effectively. Finally, a note of appreciation and commendation to Ms. Joey Gray, whose term on the Board ended in October. Joey served the organization admirably during a period of transition and some uncertainty, and was a passionate and engaged board member throughout her tenure. We all benefitted from her insight and perspective. Thank you again to everyone. Keep the wheels turning!
For the Almgren family, keeping Cascade strong is a family affair
eff and Jeanyce Almgren started bringing their son and daughter, Chris and Jenny, to STP packetstuffing parties when they were babies. The kids led their first rides, from Matthews Beach to Log Boom Park and back, when they were seven years old – the youngest ride leaders in Cascade’s 42-year history. And when Jenny graduated from college and became an Americorps member at Cascade, the whole family showed up to help, wielding hex wrenches late into the evening to ensure that the bikes used for our Major Taylor and Basics of Bicycling programs were ready to roll. The Almgrens will be the first to tell you that Cascade Bicycle Club is about community. It’s about giving back to that community, in order to make it stronger. And it’s about the joy of riding a bike, no matter what your age or occupation, no matter where you’re going, or where you’re coming from. When you give $500, $100, $50 or whatever you can afford, you’re sup-
porting Cascade programs that make your community a bicycle-friendly community. You’re getting more kids and adults out onto bikes, pedaling safely with their families. And you’re investing in making our community a better place to live and bike in. You’ll find a donation envelope inserted in this month’s Cascade Courier. Please mail it in today. Your gift truly helps us create a better community through bicycling. Thank you!
“The bicycle is the great equalizer in this club.Whether you’re a janitor, a CEO, a retired person or a student, you still have to pedal a bike.You have a common interest.Your other trappings are marginalized. Someone asked me the other day how you meet people in Seattle who want to ride bikes. I told her to get involved with Cascade Bicycle Club.There’s something to do every day that fits for you.” — Jeff Almgren
M.J. Kelly, Editor Diane English, Editorial Assistant; Susan Hiles, Photography; November Contributors: Craig Benjamin, George Durham, Stephanie Frans, Tessa Greegor, John Mauro, Erica Meurk, Chris Rule, Elliott Sherburne, Alan Van Vlack, Peter Verbrugge The contents of this newspaper do not necessarily represent the views of the Club or any of its members. The views expressed are those of the individual contributors. Submissions guidelines: Article ideas should be discussed with the Editor in advance as the publication calendar is planned two months prior to publication. Final materials are due the first Tuesday of the month, though earlier is appreciated. Articles submitted after that will be considered on a space-available basis. Items can be emailed to. If you send text attachments, please format files as native MS Word files or .RTF. For line art please use an .eps format and for photos please use .jpg or .tiff format. The Courier is printed at 300 dpi, so a small 72 dpi photo will not reproduce. If you attach your name and phone number, I will do my best (conditions permitting) to discuss any major changes with you. All submissions are subject to editing for comprehension, grammar or space requirements. Please be concise!
Classified ads are free to Cascade members. See the Classifieds section for further details about submitting a classified ad. Inserts: We have room for 6 single sheet qualifying inserts in each issue. The minimum fee is $300 per insert. Please contact Erica Meurk, 206-522-7517, for a copy of our insert policy and request form. The request and fee are due by the first of the month prior to the desired month. Advertising: Advertising: Display ads can be placed in the Courier. Prices range from $125-$300 per month. Discounts available for multiple ads. Contact Erica Meurk, 206-522-7517, erica.meurk@ Reprints: Articles may be reprinted or abstracted in publications of nonprofit groups provided that the author and Club are credited. Please send us a copy of the reprinted material. Membership Information: Club records and finances are available to members upon request from the club office at 206-522-3222.
Vol. 41, No. 11
2011 Election Endorsements Cascade Bicycle Club has endorsed the following BALLOT MEASURES NO ........................................... Initiative 1125 YES .......................................... Seattle Proposition 1 (Found on Seattle ballots only) YES ........................................... Clark County Proposition 1 CANDIDATES Claudia Balducci ....................... Bellevue City Council John Chelminiak ....................... Bellevue City Council John Stokes ................................ Bellevue City Council Dan Pike .................................... Mayor of Bellingham Lucy Krakowiak ......................... Burien City Council Diane Buckshnis ........................ Edmonds City Council Mike Cooper .............................. Mayor of Edmonds Frank Yamamoto ........................ Edmonds City Council Drew Nielsen ............................. Everett City Council Fred Butler.................................. Issaquah City Council Joshua Schaer ............................. Issaquah City Council Joe McDermott .......................... King County Council Richard Mitchell......................... King County Council Dave Asher Kirkland .................. City Council Jessica Greenway ........................ Kirkland City Council Rob Gelder ................................. Kitsap County Council Chuck Paulsen ............................ Lake Forest Park City Council Catherine Stanford ..................... Lake Forest Park City Council Dwight Thompson ..................... Mayor of Lake Forest Park Bruce Bassett .............................. Mercer Island City Council Debbie Bertlin ............................ Mercer Island City Council Richard Hildreth ........................ Mayor of Pacific Joshua Putnam ........................... Pacific City Council Tom Flynn ................................. Redmond City Council Sue Stewart ................................. Redmond City Council Ramiro Valderrama .................... Sammamish City Council Nancy Whitten ........................... Sammamish City Council Tim Burgess ............................... Seattle City Council Sally Clark .................................. Seattle City Council Bobby Forch ............................... Seattle City Council Bruce Harrell .............................. Seattle City Council Tom Rasmussen ......................... Seattle City Council Gael Tarleton .............................. Seattle Port Commission Chris Eggen ................................ Shoreline City Council Robin McClelland ...................... Shoreline City Council Stephanie Wright ........................ Snohomish County Council Ben Stuckart ............................... Spokane City Council Mary Verner ............................... Mayor of Spokane David Boe .................................. Tacoma City Council Ryan Mello ................................. Tacoma City Council Kate Kruller ............................... Tukwila City Council Liz Aspen ................................... Woodinville City Council Scott Hageman ........................... Woodinville City Council Les Rubstello .............................. Woodinville City Council Sharon Wylie .............................. WA House, 49th District, Position 1
Vote YES on Seattle Transportation Benefit District Proposition 1 by Craig Benjamin, Policy and Government Affairs Manager
our decades ago, Seattle could have made the decision to become the next great American city, but we made the wrong choice. By rejecting the Forward Thrust ballot measures we didn’t make the investments necessary to become a city where citizens have the freedom to safely take transit, walk, bike or drive to get where they need to go. As a result, we’ve struggled through four decades of political paralysis and gridlock, fiercely battling over every incremental transportation improvement. Making matters worse for Seattle, a decade’s worth of Tim Eyman-backed state initiatives have eliminated many traditional transportation funding sources, leaving our transportation system in a state of disrepair and our city with few options to fund necessary investments like improving transit and filling potholes. Now, like four decades later, Seattle faces another defining choice. We can choose to build a transportation system that will make our city work for our future by voting yes on Proposition 1. Or we can choose to struggle through another four decades with inadequate infrastructure where it’s not safe for our kids to walk or bike to school, crossing the street is a life-threatening event, it’s bone-jarring to drive or ride down our pothole-riddled roads and traveling from one neighborhood to another on transit takes half the day, if you can get there at all. Proposition 1 is a down payment on becoming a 21st Century great American city. It’s a balanced $204 million investment in transit, road repair and maintenance and pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements funded through a $60 vehicle license fee that will expire in ten years. Through thousands of smart, simple improvements, Proposition 1 will make our transportation system work better for everyone. Proposition 1 will generate $14 million for bicycle infrastructure over the next ten years. That’s real money that will make a real difference in dramatically accelerating the implementation of the Bicycle Master Plan and providing the funding necessary for Seattle to start building separated facilities for the thousands of people who want to ride, but just don’t feel safe. Hopefully, it will help prevent more tragic and unnecessary deaths. A $100 million investment in transit will fund speed and reliability enhancements on major transit corridors, helping move buses 20% faster and on schedule. It will expand the electric bus network to provide more
service at lower cost with less pollution. It will improve neighborhood access to transit, making short trips from neighborhood to neighborhood even more convenient. For $60 million local streets will be repaved and repaired, making them work better for everyone. The city will nearly double the number of annual neighborhood re-paving projects, fix thousands of potholes, and maintain crosswalks, signals, traffic cameras and signs. And a $30 million investment in our neighborhoods will double our city’s annual investment in new sidewalks, add hundreds of crossing improvements and new pedestrian countdown signals, fund the completion of a freight master plan, and expand the Neighborhood Street Fund by nearly 50 percent to provide more sidewalks, safe crossings, and other safety needs identified by neighborhood councils. Once this package of transportation improvements is in place, a citizen’s panel will ensure accountability of priorities and spending. We can’t afford another four decades of gridlock, political paralysis, and petty fights over incremental transportation improvements. Proposition 1 is our opportunity to move beyond the bad decisions of the past and build a city where we can rely on the bus to get us to daycare and pick up our kids on time, the roads are smooth, we can safely cross the street to get to the neighborhood park, and our kids can walk or ride their bikes to school. That’s why Proposition 1 has united our city and is endorsed by a diverse coalition of more than 45 social justice, low-income advocacy, environmental, community, labor and business organizations and more than 1,100 Seattle residents. It’s why Proposition 1 is endorsed by people who would lie down in front of the tunnel boring machine and by people who would dig the tunnel with their own hands. It’s why Proposition 1 is endorsed by the Mayor and the entire City Council. We are united in working together to pass Proposition 1 so Seattle can start becoming a 21st Century great American city. Please join Cascade Bicycle Club in voting YES on Proposition 1.
Cascade Presentation Series season kick-off
Riding with Reindeer: A Bicycle Odyssey through Finland, Lapland and Arctic Norway Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. Seattle REI, 222 Yale Ave N FREE!
n the summer of 2007, Seattle author Robert Goldstein departed Helsinki on a self-supported bicycle epic across Finland with the goal of pedaling to the Barents Sea. Aboard a folding bicycle, towing a wagon, he weathered furious storms, survived a near-disastrous accident and obsessed whether he would be eaten by a bear as he made his way through the remote forests of Eastern Finland. In sparsely populated Lapland, his solitude was relieved by reindeer who became his constant companions as he slowly made his way through the Arctic. More than a travelogue, “Riding with Reindeer” intersperses an often humorous narrative about the author’s adventures
(he manages to get trapped in the women’s shower in one remote village) with rich cultural and historical anecdotes as he passes through endless forests littered with rotted fortifications, rusted tanks and mass graves—the detritus of Finland’s desperate defense against a massive Soviet invasion in the winter of 1939. “Riding with Reindeer” gives insight into the mind of the solitary traveler and into the soul of a country whose honest and resourceful yet often taciturn citizens are always willing to lend a helping hand to the stranger on the bicycle, gamely grinding his way through their “Suomi” – literally “the end of the land.”
“Creating a Better Community Through Bicycling”
Praise for Riding with Reindeer “The one true armchair travel book I found was Robert M. Goldstein’s Riding with Reindeer, which describes his solo bike trip from Helsinki to the Barents Sea. The maps are wonderful, and the photos–so often lacking in books of this sort–add to the book’s appealing conversational tone.” — Nancy Pearl in Book Lust to Go – Recommended Reading for Travelers, Vagabonds, and Dreamers. 3
November 2011
Another Successful Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Year!
Bike Business Forum: Opening the gates to best practices
by Tessa Greegor, Principal Planner
by Stephanie Frans, Manager of Commute Programs
n Sept. 27, 28 and 29, before the sun came up, volunteers around the state set out to nearby intersections and trail corridors with pencils and count forms in hand. As volunteers for the fourth annual Washington State Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project, more than 300 people spent two or more hours of their time counting bicyclists and pedestrians at more than 200 locations around the state. For four consecutive years, hundreds of volunteers have committed time to this effort, and we can’t thank them enough. With bicycling and walking on the rise in communities around the country, our ability to document these trends in more than 30 cities across Washington is tremendously valuable as we continue to build support for new and improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities. As the volunteer coordinator for this project, I’ve been amazed by the level of volunteer support and enthusiasm that continues to grow and strengthen the count effort each year. I often think, no one is going to want to stand, potentially shivering, on a street corner for two hours to count bicyclists and pedestrians. But every year, to my pleasant surprise, the volunteers show up, rain or shine, reporting after that they enjoyed the experience. After four years, it’s clear to me that people understand the importance of this data. Now, if you haven’t participated in the statewide counts in the past, and you’re still wondering, what is the importance of this data, let’s take a look. First, most communities suffer from what is called data deficiency disorder when it comes to biking and walking. Data about these modes of transportation and recreation is severely lacking, making it difficult to communicate the benefits of and opportunities for bicycling and walking. Census data and other household travel surveys offer some information about nonmotorized travel, but they don’t provide a complete picture. For example, Census data
Bicycle Film Series
Hell on Wheels Friday, Nov. 18 Doors open at 6p.m, Film 6:45 sharp. Seattle REI, 222 Yale Ave N Film length is 123 minutes Tickets: $7 ($2 off for Cascade members) @ Do you like watching Academy award winning film makers work their magic AND cool films about the Tour? If so then you’ll love Hell On Wheels, a wonderful film about professional bike racing that just about anyone can appreciate, featuring some of the world’s best bike racers of the past decade − Lance Armstrong, Eric Zabel, Jan Ullrich, Tyler Hamilton, Alexandre Vinokurov, Andreas Klöden. The film is directed by Academy Award-winning film maker Pepe Danquart. The Tour de France is one of the toughest and most prestigious sporting events in the world. Year after year hundreds of thousands of fans line the route, cheering on their heroes and willing them to victory, while millions of viewers worldwide tune in on their televisions to do the same from home. Academy Award-winning director Pepe Danquart, fascinated by the spectacle of the three week race, chose to focus on the courage, the pain and the fear of the riders of the Tour.
Counting bicycles is fun! Join us for counts next year.
only looks at commute trips, and commute trips are only 15 percent of daily trips (National Household Travel Survey). Also, Census data doesn’t tell us where people are biking and walking and therefore doesn’t give us information about route and facility preference. The count data that’s collected through the Washington State Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project begins to address some of these data deficiencies. It helps us to paint a more complete picture of how people are using public right of ways. There are many other uses for this data as well. For instance, numbers about bicycling and walking help communities and advocacy groups advocate for and ultimately receive funding for new bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The data also supports planning efforts focused on projecting future demand for bicycling walking in addition to providing trend information about these modes. The data is also useful in supporting research to determine the factors that influence mode choice and facility preference. There are many other uses for this data, but hopefully this is enough of a list to encourage you to come out and count next year! So again, we want to thank our dedicated volunteers who make this data collection a successful undertaking year after year. The results of the 2011 Washington State Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project will be posted by the end of December at
ascade’s Bike Business Forum convened on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to learn more about best practices for employee bicycle amenities. Between the line-up of excellent speakers and the tour of the incredible bicycle commuting amenities at the Gates Foundation, attendees came away with insight, information and inspiration. Business Forum members, consisting of the region’s bike friendly business leaders, enjoyed networking time over lunch before a series of presentations on the topic of “best practices for bicycle amenities.” Cascade convened a series of three presenters who are leading the way in the implementation of best practices for bicycling.
Presenting the Best of the Best
Georgi Zatloka, a property administrator with CB Richard Ellis at the 2201 Westlake Building shared a comprehensive overview of on-the-ground suggestions for bike amenities and higher-level strategies for working with building owners and tenants. Georgi’s great work, informed by her professional expertise in property management and personal experience as a bike commuter, has created a vibrant bicycling community among her tenants (PATH and Amazon, both bike-friendly employers themselves.) Next up, Bree Moore, Transportation Program Administrator for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, spoke to “Relocation: a case study in opportunity.” Bree shared how the new Gates Foundation headquarters not only build great amenities, but the opportunity implement supportive policies and deploy information and education their employees. Cascade worked with the Gates foundation to design custom classes, attend transportation fairs, and offer information to both current and potential bike commuters. Bree closed by reporting that bike commuting has more than doubled at the Gates Foundation since the move. Director of Transportation for Seattle Children’s Hospital, Paulo Nunes-Ueno, topped off the presentations by sharing how Training his lens on Team Telekom’s GerChildren’s is literally taking best practices man superstar sprinter Eric Zabel and his for bike amenities to the streets. Children’s loyal domestique Rolf Aldag, Danquart capnot only supports employee bike commuttures the thrill of the race and the teamwork ing with great on-site amenities, but is also behind the stars of the peloton. He also shines proactively driving growth in bicycling. light on the Tour’s supporting cast − the Paulo summarized Children’s Livable Street directeur sportifs, masseurs, and, of course, Initiative, which will create safe familythe wildly enthusiastic fans. Reveling in the friendly bicycle infrastructure to and around stunning landscape − from the Alps to the the main hospital campus. Pyrenees to the Massif Central to Paris − and Tour de Best with a nice dollop of the Tour’s history, Hell To see best practices in action, particiOn Wheels transcends the sport it celebrates pants were treated to a guided tour of the to reveal an astonishing human endeavor. commuter amenities in the gorgeous Gates This is one of the very best cycling docuFoundation headquarters. The commitment mentaries ever produced. to strategic investments and innovative solu-
Coming in December:
Bicycle Film Series Holiday Party!
tions was evident in their bike commuting amenities as in all their work. Locker Rooms were well-appointed with the basics (lockers and showers) as well
thoughtful touches like a hand-held steamer. More importantly they were built to accommodate future growth, a wise choice considering that bike commuting has more than doubled among their employees doubled since the move. A special feature was the mud room, where commuters can hang their wet (or smelly) clothes. A special ventilation system helps ensure that clothes are dry(er) for the commute home. The jury is still out on aroma. The employee bike parking was notable for its abundance as well as location. An unutilized interior space was lined with hundreds of employee bikes nearly as far as the eye can see. Future renovations may push employee bike parking back out to the employee parking garage, which was notable because it was half empty. As a visitor, there is no easier – or possibly safer – place to park a bike. The visitor parking garage offers a covered bike rack right at the entrance and the frontage along 5th Ave is lined with a dozen styling bike racks, patrolled by security guards, and well-utilized by business forum attendees.
Building on the best
Cascade has been actively working with many leading businesses around the region to support the implementation of best practices both on-site and on the streets. In fact, the Bike Business Forum grew out these vibrant relationships. Cascade announced the next exciting development in that work at the conclusion of the Business Forum. In early 2012, Cascade will be launching a best practices guide for bike-friendly businesses as well as a certification system that will score businesses. Both the guide and certification address : Infrastructure (on-site and external), Policy & Planning, Programming & Messaging, Leadership, and Data & Performance. Stay tuned for more information in the new year.
Breaking Away Friday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. Seattle REI, 222 Yale Street FREE! Come one, come all to the mother of all American bicycle films, the Academy Award winning (we are not kidding!) Breaking Away. We’ll have separate seating/cheering sections for both fans of the Cutters and Team Cinzano, plus prizes for best movie related costumes . It’s fun and it’s free, so bring down the whole gang to enjoy this festive end of the year special presentation.
Vol. 41, No. 11
NOVEMBER RIDES Cascade Bicycle Club Ride Classification FOR MORE RIDES SEE WWW.CASCADE.ORG AND CLICK ON FREE DAILY RIDES CALENDAR. LOOK FOR WEB-ONLY LISTINGS. In order to pick the rides that suit your skills and energy level, use the following guidelines: • PACE: The speed on level ground without breaks: Easy: Under 10 mph Leisurely: 10-12 mph Steady: 12-14 mph Moderate: 14-16 mph Brisk: 16-18 mph Strenuous: 18-21 mph Super Strenuous: 22+ mph • TERRAIN: These descriptions should be considered in the context of the pace and length of the ride: Mostly Flat: Trails and/or mostly flat roads with a possible gentle upgrade Rolling: Climbs are short and easy, not too numerous. Some Hills: A few short steep hills, some moderate upgrades and/or longer gentle climbs.
Hilly: Many true hills, but none outrageous. Extremely Hilly: Steep & long climbs with grades >9% and/ or mountain passes Unlimited: “Out of category”; only for those very sure of their ability to climb any grade, any length at the advertised pace. Off Road: Significant unpaved sections. • MAP: Whether a map or cue sheet is provided. • REGROUP: None and Occasional regroup categories expect experienced riders who can fix their own mechanical problems and follow a map/cue sheet if they are separated. • RAIN: Weather conditions that cancel the ride. Helmets are required on all rides. When using a cell phone you must pull off the road/trail and STOP. Put away all earbuds/headphones/music devices before the ride starts. All riders are required to sign a waiver form. Rides are cancelled or are no longer considered Cascade rides in the event that the ride leader does not show up or does not provide a waiver form for signatures of riders. Riders are expected to be ready to ride at the time listed (i.e. that’s not the time to drive
into the parking lot with a full bladder and empty tires) and to ride in a safe, courteous, legal manner. Riders are expected to cooperate with the leader(s) and ride within the advertised pace. If unsure of your ability to keep up, try a slower level ride to get an idea of ride paces. For “Hilly” rides, consider choosing a pace down from your usual level. Unless indicated, it is not necessary to RSVP the ride leader to participate in a ride. Riders should: be able to ride at a strenuous effort level on the flats and in the hills; possess the endurance to ride more than 50 miles; be comfortable with, or have desire to, master paceline riding techniques. Youth riders may also join regular club rides. Permission must be obtained from the ride leader at least 24 hours in advance for youth to join a regular club ride. Children 15 and under must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian OR must have parent/legal guardian sign a consent form designating a guardian for them on the ride; youth ages 16-17 may ride without a parent or guardian
with advance permission of the ride leader AND a signed parental consent form (available at www. which must be given to the ride leader at the start of the ride. Cascade does not sponsor or endorse any non-bicycling activities that people may participate in while on these rides. Each cyclist is responsible for his/her conduct and decisions while on a Cascade ride. Cascade membership and activities are open to anyone able and willing to participate in a safe, courteous and cooperative manner and in support of the purposes of the club. Ride information is also available at: www.cascade. org. Only Cascade certified ride leaders may post and lead Cascade Daily Rides. See Ride Leader Information on our website or email the Rides Chair at cbcrides@
Tuesday, Nov 1
Be home in time for lunch after some urban exploration. Fixies and single speed bikes welcome. Ride leader will be riding a single speed.
This month we will ride south past Puyallup. We stop and pick up additional riders at Leschi and Bicentennial Park. Total elevation gain is about 5500 feet. We’ll do low and medium traffic roads and trails including the Des Moines Creek trail, the Lakeland Hills trail and the Interurban trail. Try to carry enough water/drink to make it 3 hours since water may not be available in the parks. Lunch is at Don’s Drive In in Puyallup. The pace will be a flat effort level of 18 or 19 mph with regroups after hills. We will stop for flats. Cue sheets provided. I expect to be back at NE 65th St Park & Ride by 5:30 p.m. Sunrise and sunset are 7:58 a.m. and 5:48 p.m. so lights are required. We will leave promptly at 6:30 a.m.
Please join us for a fun ride with beautiful views. We will meet in the Iron Horse State Park Parking area near the bathrooms, ride the soft surface Iron Horse Trail up a 2 percent grade for 19 miles, through the 2.3-mile-long Snoqualmie Tunnel, and meet the Brisk riders at Hyak to have lunch, then return to the parking lot. Leave your carbon road bikes at home--you’ll want a touring, mountain, cross or hybrid bike with fat, low pressure tires. The tunnel is dark, wet, and cold; so lights and jackets are necessities, and fenders are a good idea. Bring food and minimum of TWO LARGE WATER BOTTLES, or better yet bring a 2-3 liter hydration pack. The only water source on the ride is at the Hyak Trailhead. NOTE: this is an off-road ride; effort level will be higher than a similar pace and distance on the road. Take I-90 to Exit 32; go south on 436th Ave SE, turning into Cedar Falls Rd SE; follow this main road 3.1 miles. For free parking follow the signs to the Rattlesnake Lake parking. To be closer, go to the Iron Horse State Trail parking, which requires a Discovery Pass.
TREATS: Ride to Alki 30 mi • Steady • Some hills • Map • Stay together • 10 a.m. • Gas Works Park, Seattle • Steady rain cancels • David Bordewick, 425-822-8546,
Snow and/or Ice also cancel ride. We will ride to Alki Point area and have a coffee break at a bakery/ coffee establishment.
Afternoon Lite 12-18 mi • Leisurely • Mostly flat • No Map • Stay together • 1:15 p.m. • Gas Works Park, Seattle • Showers cancel • Bill Lemke, 206-2842843
Pedal through neighborhoods within an eight-mile vicinity of Gas Works Park and stop at points of interest. Ride will return to Gas Works by or before 4 p.m. If we do ride hills, we’ll do them slowly. Seniors and new riders welcome.
Cycle Tuesdays 25-35 mi • Super strenuous • Some hills • No Map • Occasional regroup • 5:45 p.m. • Gene Coulon Park, next to Kidd Valley, Renton • Ice/ snow cancels • Russell Moul, 206-200-7314, 253657-9568 • Pete Grey, 425-558-0451, pgrey@
Year-round training rides for one day STP riders. Rides stress safety, cooperation and group riding skills. Fast pacelines with regroups from Renton to surrounding areas. Large turnout splits into multiple groups. No parking in Coulon parking lot. Lights required.
Wednesday, Nov 2
WRUMPS: Over Hill and Dale 35+/- mi • Steady • Hilly • Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Juanita Beach Park, Kirkland Showers cancel • Don and Jane Volta, 425-8280138
A HILLY ride in and out of Kirkland with a lunch stop. Ride distance and route are weather dependent.
Thursday, Nov 3
THUMPS: Home for Lunch 20-35 mi • º • Some hills • No Map • Stay together • 9:30 a.m. • Leschi Starbucks, Seattle • Steady rain cancels • Mike Nelson, 206-325-9068
More Cycle Tuesdays 25-35 mi • Super strenuous • Some hills • No Map • Occasional regroup • 5:45 p.m. • Gene Coulon Park/Next to Kidd Valley, Renton • Ice/snow cancels • Tom Baker, 425-221-0631, • Brian Ohlemeier, 425-985-6980 cell
Year-round training rides for one day STP riders. Rides stress safety, cooperation and group riding skills. Fast pacelines with regroups from Renton to surrounding areas. Large turnout splits into multiple groups. ** No parking in Coulon parking lot. Lights required.
Friday, Nov 4
FRUMPS: Circle SeaTac Airport ~40 mi • Moderate • Some hills • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Tukwila Community Center • Showers cancel • Michael Moreland, 206-439-9890
We are riding to Des Moines for lunch in a restaurant. First half of ride has some hills. Second half is mostly flat. Tukwila Community Center is located at 12424 42nd Ave S, just north of the intersection of Macadam Rd S and Interurban Ave S in Tukwila.
FRIDAY RIDERS: Go to Seward Park/ Northwest African American Museum ~30 mi • Leisurely • Some hills • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Gas Works Park, Seattle • Steady rain cancels • Bill Lemke, 206284-2843
We will ride by the Lake to Seward Park and then return via the Mt Baker tunnel with a long lunch stop at the Northwest African American Museum. Museum Admission is $4 for seniors; $6 for others. Bring a sack lunch or snack to eat at the museum. Senior and new/slower-paced riders welcome. We will ride verry slowly up the hills.
Saturday, Nov 5
Saddletime I 115 mi • Strenuous • Hilly • Map • Stay together • 6:30 a.m. • NE 65th St Park & Ride under I-5, Seattle • Ice/snow cancels • Gil Flanagan, 206524-9428,
Consider a gift to Cascade when planning your estate
eaving a will ensures that you, not the government, decide how and to whom your estate will be distributed. You can designate your estate to go to your heirs, a charity, or both. A will that includes contributions to a charity can possibly lower the taxes your heirs will pay. When planning your estate, please consider a gift to Cascade. Bequeathing part of your estate to our tax-deductible organization not only offers tax relief to your heirs, it is also a great way to make sure that an organization you care about will thrive well into the future. For more information and sample bequest language, please contact Tarrell Wright, Development Director at or 206.240.223. “Creating a Better Community Through Bicycling”
Saddletime II 101 mi • Strenuous • Hilly • Map • Stay together • 7:15 a.m. • Leschi Starbucks, 121 Lakeside Ave, Seattle • Ice/snow cancels • Gil Flanagan, 206524-9428,
Stay in shape over the winter. Come ride a century with us. We’ll have a little warm up on Lake Washington Blvd and then some nice hills down to Tukwila. The loop from Bicentennial Park is described in Saddletime III. Total elevation gain is about 5000 ft. Lunch is at Don’s Drive In in Puyallup. Try to carry enough water/drink to make it 3 hours since water may not be available in the parks. The pace will be a flat effort level of 18 or 19 mph with regroups after hills. We will stop for flats. Cue sheets provided. I expect to be back at Leschi at 4:45 p.m. Sunrise is 7:58 a.m. so lights are required. We will leave promptly at 7:15 a.m.
Saddletime III 74 mi • Strenuous • Hilly • Map • Stay together • 8:30 a.m. • Bicentennial Park, Tukwila • Ice/ snow cancels • Gil Flanagan, 206-524-9428,
I have a brand new loop for this month. Four hills before lunch and two after lunch for a total 3700 feet of climbing. We’ll start going up south of SeaTac and down the Des Moines Creek trail to the Sound, then back over the hill and down Reith Rd to West Valley Highway. We’ll go up into Federal Way and through Milton and do some nice roads SW of Puyallup before lunch at Don’s Drive In. After lunch it is Edgewood and Lakeland Hills with the newly built Evergreen Way. Rest stops at a Shell Station in the morning and a park in the afternoon. The pace will be a flat effort level of 18 or 19 mph with regroups after hills. We will stop for flats. Cue sheets provided. Bicentennial Park is on the Green River Trail, just east of Southcenter. If you are driving take Exit 1 off of I-405 and go south on Interurban Ave/West Valley Hwy, then turn right on Strander Blvd. The park is on the right, right after the bridge. I expect to be back at Bicentennial Park by 3:30 p.m. Lights are not necessary. We will leave promptly at 8:30 a.m.
Iron Horse Trail Over Snoqualmie Pass/Moderate 40 mi • Moderate • Off-road • Map • Stay together • 9 a.m. • Iron Horse Trail Parking Area, North Bend • Showers cancel • Marizel Miller, 818-590-8167,
Iron Horse Trail Over Snoqualmie Pass/Brisk 55 mi • Brisk • Off-road • Map • Occasional regroup • 9 a.m. • Iron Horse Trail Parking Area, North Bend • Showers cancel • Brad Coston, 206-414-8851,
Please join us for a fun ride with beautiful views. We will meet at the Iron Horse State Park parking area near the bathrooms, ride the soft surface Iron Horse Trail up a 2 percent grade for 19 miles, through the 2.3-mile-long Snoqualmie Tunnel, and on to the far end of Keechelus Lake, returning to Hyak to have lunch with the Moderate riders, then return to the parking lot. Leave your carbon road bikes at home: you’ll want a touring, mountain, cross or hybrid bike with fat, low pressure tires. The tunnel is dark, wet, and cold; so lights and jackets are necessities, and fenders are a good idea. Bring food and minimum of TWO LARGE WATER BOTTLES, or better yet bring a 2-3 liter hydration pack. The only water source on the ride is at the Hyak Trailhead. NOTE: This is an off-road ride; effort level will be higher than a similar pace and distance on the road. Take I-90 to Exit 32; go south on 436th Ave SE, turning into Cedar Falls Rd SE; follow this main road 3.1 miles. For free parking, follow the signs to the Rattlesnake Lake parking. To be closer, go to the Iron Horse State Park Trail parking, which requires a Discovery Pass.
A Brisk Lark To Madison Park 40 mi • Brisk • Some hills • Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • 200 Mill Ave S, Renton • Steady rain cancels • Jake Wright, 206-271-6703,
PLEASE NOTE START TIME. We start at 200 Mill Ave S (old Renton City Hall), then follow Park Avenue North to Gene Coulon Park, ride around Mercer Island and on to Madison Park. There will be a coffee and pastry break at Tully’s in Madison Park before returning to Renton via Rainier Ave. Come enjoy a morning ride with some pastry & coffee thrown in; afterwards
November 2011
NOVEMBER RIDES enjoy brunch in a downtown Renton restaurant. Restrooms located near start.
A Moderate Lark To Madison Park 40 mi • Moderate • Some hills • Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • 200 Mill Ave S, Renton • Showers cancel • Jenny Anderson, 702882-3040,
PLEASE NOTE START TIME. We start at 200 Mill Ave S (old Renton City Hall), then follow Park Avenue North to Gene Coulon Park, ride around Mercer Island and on to Madison Park. There will be a coffee and pastry break at Tully’s in Madison Park before returning to Renton via Rainier Ave. Come enjoy a morning ride with some pastry & coffee thrown in; afterwards enjoy brunch in a downtown Renton restaurant. Restrooms located near start.
A Steady Lark to Madison Park 31 mi • Steady • Some hills • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • 200 Mill Ave S, Renton • Showers cancel • Page Temple, 425-576-8667 cell,
I am filling for Marizel today and this WILL BE a true steady paced ride (12-14mph on the flats)! We start at 200 Mill Ave South (old Renton City Hall) and do a shorter route than the Moderate group, heading up Rainier Avenue first, to Seward Park, and then on to Madison Park. There will be a coffee and pastry break at Tully’s in Madison Park, then we’ll retrace our route and pick up the I-90 trail across Mercer Island, thru the Mercer Slough, and then south along the Lake Washington trail. Come enjoy a morning ride with some pastry & coffee thrown in. Restrooms located near start.
Seattle City Loop 28 mi • Leisurely • Hilly • No Map • Stay together • 10 a.m. • Gas Works Park, Seattle Showers cancel • Ron Evans, 206-938-2247, • Marge Evans, 206-9382247,
We will circumvent Seattle via these neighborhoods: U District, Shoreline, Richmond Beach, Innis Arden, Phinney Ridge, Greenlake, & Fremont. Very unusual route passing many schools & playfields. Bring lunch or lunch money for a food stop near the beginning and another toward the end.
Pie and Lunch at the Fall City Church Bazaar 17 or 27 mi • Steady • Rolling • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10:30 a.m. Tolt McDonald Park, Carnation • Ice/snow cancels • Jan Johnson, 425-672-0617
Bicycle to the annual Fall City Methodist Church Bazaar. If there is heavy rain, we will drive after meeting at MacDonald Park. Bring cash, (about $7.50-$8.00, please no big bills) for a fixed-price lunch of HOMEMADE soup, bread, drink, and pie(s). The church members cook and serve the food and there are small Christmas items to buy. This is a bit of small town America. If the weather is good you might want to independently bike up to Snoqualmie Falls to work off the lunch. The Tolt McDonald Park access road is west off Hwy 203 on the south outskirts of Carnation and before the bridge when traveling south. Not the ball fields that are right on Hwy. 203.
SPOKESPEOPLE rides! 8 mi • Easy • Rolling • Map • Stay together • 2 p.m. • 4219 Wallingford Ave N. at the south end of Wallingford Playfield • Steady rain cancels • Cathy Tuttle, 206-547-9569, 206-713-6269, • Michael Snyder, 206781-7221,
Please join SPOKESPEOPLE, http://www., on the first Saturday of every month for a fun, low-carbon, community ride. All Spokespeople rides meet at the south end of Wallingford Playfield at 42nd & Densmore and ride on the road to an adjacent urban center. New riders welcome! Please come by 1:45 if you are new to riding in groups or if you need help with adjusting your helmet or bike. All ages and skill levels welcome! All rides are on the road with traffic, and include expert commuters who accompany us to offer encouragement and model
good road riding techniques for new, returning and reluctant cyclists. Please join us! This is a Bike Smart Seattle ride. All are welcome!
Sunday, Nov 6
Crepe Cruise 25-35 mi • Leisurely • Some hills • No Map • Stay together • 9 a.m. • Gas Works Park, Seattle • Steady rain cancels • Don Martin, 206-363-9964
Come and join us with an empty stomach and $9. We head immediately to the nearby Swedish Club for their Sunday pancake breakfast, then spend the rest of the day cruising the city working off all the Ham & Crepes we ate. If weather is questionable, check with leader.
Madison Park Bakery Danish & Coffee Run 32 mi • Moderate • Some hills • Map • Frequent regroup • 9:30 a.m. • Newcastle Beach Park, Bellevue • Steady rain cancels • Alan Lawrence, 425-891-7079,
We’ll start at Newcastle Beach Park off the Lake Washington Exit off I-405 and ride around the south part of Lake Washington before heading to Madison Park for a Danish and cup of coffee. Restrooms located near the start. Then we’ll cut across Mercer Island to return to the start. This will be a friendly ride; we’ll regroup at the top of hills.
Wine, Spice and Everything Nice 25 mi • Leisurely • Rolling • No Map • Stay together • 10 a.m. • Northshore Athletic Fields Pkg Lot, Woodinville area • Steady rain cancels Jeff Stewart, 206-356-6755, jeff@cyclepathescapes. com
The ride starts on the Sammamish River Trail(SRT), heading southeast thru Redmond/ Avondale, then north on Paradise Lake Rd to the Maltby Cafe where we will enjoy a cinnamon roll/ coffee break the quick way on the covered back porch (“Maltby Café thru the Back Door”). We will then head back to Woodinville and the SRT. Optional stop afterwards around 1:30-2 at nearby Columbia Winery for Flat Pizza and wine tasting. Northshore Athletic Fields Pkg Lot is just east of the SRT on NE 145th (SR-202) and just west of Woodinville-Redmond Rd (Hollywood District).
Spokespeople West Seattle: Spinning around Alki 25 mi • Moderate • Mostly flat • No Map • Stay together • 11 a.m. • Jack Block Park parking lot, 2130 Harbor Ave SW, West Seattle • Ice/snow cancels • Stu Hennessey, 206-938-3322, alkistu@
Break away to the great outdoors for your spin session. No carpets, no walls, no toxic air--just the fresh air and scenery of Alki Beach. Fall and winter are the best times to acclimate yourself to seasonal climate changes with outdoor riding for a healthier winter season. Dress accordingly but be able to peel down. Food stop after; water during.
Monday, Nov 7
MUMPS: Do The Lake 40-60 mi • Moderate • Hilly • No Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Tracy Owen Station/Logboom Park, Kenmore • Steady rain cancels Craig Mohn, 425-890-5234 cell, 425-313-3669
The basic route is a counterclockwise loop of north Lake Washington with a food stop en route. Because of the Burke-Gilman Trail closure, the option to join the group in Leschi will be somewhat later than usual-contact the ride leader for more details. Distance and route may vary to suit weather conditions and group. A brisk pace group may be added only if a certified ride leader volunteers to lead it. Check with leader if weather appears questionable.
Tuesday, Nov 8
TREATS: Eastside Meander 30+/- mi • Steady • Hilly • Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Juanita Beach Park, Kirkland • Showers cancel • Jane and Don Volta, 425-8280138
A HILLY ride in and out of Kirkland with a lunch stop. Ride distance and route are weather dependent.
Cycle Tuesdays See Cycle Tuesdays, 11/1.
Wednesday, Nov 9
City Lakes & Trails 32 mi • Leisurely • Rolling • No Map • Stay together • 10 a.m. • Magnuson Park, 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle • Showers cancel • Don Martin, 206-363-9964 • Dottie Smith, 425-4836586
An in-city loop ride on city streets and trails with rest/food stops. Includes a short (wide shoulder) section on Bothell Way NE and a short, steep downhill section of road. Meet and park in large parking lot at east end of NE 74th Street. Please do not use parking near CBC offices. Leaders will be arriving by bike.
WRUMPS: Marysville/Sylvana/Stanwood 50 mi • Moderate • Mostly flat • Map • Stay together • 10 a.m. • Marysville Park & Ride Showers cancel • Saul Snatsky, 425-485-7896, 425-273-4156 cell,
A mostly flat half-century that goes thru suburban and rural areas between Marysville, Smokey Point, Stanwood, Sylvana and Arlington. There are NO public restrooms at the start, so take care before arriving. From I-5 N, take Exit 199; right turn (4th St); right on Beach Ave; right on 3rd St; park along the fence.
Thursday, Nov 10
More Cycle Tuesdays See More Cycle Tuesdays, 11/3.
Friday, Nov 11
FRUMPS: Alki thru the backdoor 36 mi • Moderate • Hilly • Map • Stay together • 10 a.m. • Tukwila Community Center • Showers cancel • Jim Shedd, 206-772-0955
A hilly roundabout route via Des Moines Drive, Burien, Marine View Drive, and Beach Drive to Alki for lunch. Flat return via the Duwamish Trail, Jack Block Park, South Park, and Green River Trail. NOTE: meet on the west side of the parking lot.
Saturday, Nov 12
West Seattle Hills & Thrills 25 mi • Leisurely • Hilly • No MapvFrequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Jack Block Park, West Seattle • Showers cancel • Ron Evans, 206-938-2247, • Marge Evans, 206-9382247,
This ride is for hill training. New and slow riders are welcome. The hills are not extreme and none are more than three-quarters of a mile long. We will have a food stop at midpoint and an exit strategy then, too, if it’s too hilly for some.
Wandering West Seattle 50 mi • Moderate • Some hills • MapvFrequent regroup • 10 a.m. • 200 Mill Ave So., Renton • Showers cancel • Jake Wright, 206-271-6703, • Abdoul Gafour, 206-9095441,
PLEASE NOTE RIDE START: Ride starts at old Renton City Hall, 200 Mill Ave S and follows the Green River Trail out to South Park and on to Alki where we have a quick stop at the Beachside Café before climbing to West Seattle and stopping at a local deli before heading back to Renton where riders can relax over lunch.
Fall Leaves Ride 25 mi • Steady • Some hills • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Juanita Beach Park (parking lot) • Steady rain cancels • Gail Wentworth, 425823-1606
Sunday, Nov 13 Please check the Cascade Internet Daily Rides Calendar for possible WEB-ONLY ride listings.
Monday, Nov 14
MUMPS: Do The Lake See MUMPS: Do The Lake, 11/7.
Tuesday, Nov 15
TREATS: Lake Ballinger Loop 28-32 mi • Steady • Some hills • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Ball fields by Ballinger Lake Golf Course, 23000 Lakeview Drive, Mountlake Terrace • Showers cancel • Jan Johnson, 425-672-0617
This is not the route to Everett. There will be many turns, back roads and some hills, to a lunch stop. From I-5 take Exit 177 (“Hwy 104/Ballinger Way”); go west (as if to Edmonds); turn north on 76th at the light and then east on 228th which curves and the parking is on the right. (Note: there are many ways to get here; choose yours from the Internet if you wish.) Park in the parking lot at the ball fields adjoining the Ballinger Lake Golf Course, 23000 Lakeview Drive, Mountlake Terrace, or along the street if there is a ball game going on.
Afternoon Lite See Afternoon Lite, 11/1.
Cycle Tuesdays See Cycle Tuesdays, 11/1.
Wednesday, Nov 16
WRUMPS: Magnuson Park-Edmonds 36 mi • Steady • Hilly • Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Warren G Magnuson Park, 7400 Sand Point Way, Seattle • Showers cancel • Loretta Goetsch, 206-525-4714, lagoetsch@aol. com
Meet in lower/east large parking lot, not the one outside the Cascade Bike office. Food break in Edmonds.
Thursday, Nov 17
More Cycle Tuesdays See More Cycle Tuesdays, 11/3.
Friday, Nov 18
FRUMPS: South Lake Loop 45-50 mi • Moderate • Some hills • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Licton Springs Park, north Seattle • Showers cancel • Dan Garretson, 425-985-8570
We will ride from Licton Springs to south end of Lake Washington with a lunch stop in Leschi. Licton Springs Park is at 9536 Ashworth Ave N in Seattle. Meet by the play ground.
Saturday, Nov 19
Tutus & Tiaras—Birthday Ride! 29 mi • Moderate • Mostly flat • Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • 200 Mill Ave S, Renton • Showers cancel • Julie Pearl, 206-2261311, • Jenny Anderson, 702-882-3040,
It’s my birthday and everyone gets to ride. We start at 200 Mill Avenue South (old Renton City Hall) then follow 2nd Avenue to Rainier Avenue to Seward Park, through Leschi then stop at Madison Park Tully’s before the return trip. Come help me celebrate my birthday, have a little coffee and brunch afterwards. Tutus & Tiaras are optional but appropriate. Restrooms located near start.
Monday, Nov 21
MUMPS: Do The Lake See MUMPS: Do The Lake, 11/7.
A fun, fabulous, fall ride from Juanita Bay to Enatai Beach Park in south Bellevue. Lunch will be at La Cocina del Puerco in Bellevue-a cafeteria style Mexican restaurant with fresh, authentic food. Join me for a great ride and hot meal with friends. See you there!
Vol. 41, No. 11
NOVEMBER RIDES Tuesday, Nov 22
TrEaTs: around Mercer Island 25 mi • Steady • Rolling • No Map • Stay together • 10 a.m. • Gas Works Park, Seattle Showers cancel • Norm Tjaden, 206-525-2366
Tully’s. The pace will be high-steady/low-moderate. SEE YOU THERE!
MoNday, Nov 28
MUMPs: Do The Lake
Urban ride with some traffic. A clockwise ride around the island and then a brief stop for lunch/ snacks in Leschi.
See MUMPS: Do The Lake, 11/1.
Cycle Tuesdays
TrEaTs: Winter roads and Trails Late start
See Cycle Tuesdays, 11/1.
WedNesday, Nov 23
City Lakes & Trails See City Lakes & Trails, 11/9.
Thursday, Nov 24 Please check the Cascade Internet Daily Rides Calendar for possible WEB-ONLY ride listings.
More Cycle Tuesdays Cancelled-Happy Thanksgiving
Friday, Nov 25
FrUMPs: Do North Lake Washington 40 mi • Steady • Some hills • No Map • Frequent regroup • 10 a.m. • Tracy Owens/Logboom Park, Kenmore • Steady rain cancels • Sue Matthews, 206-687-9338
Too much to eat? How about a casual clockwise romp around the north end of Lake Washington? About 40 miles with a stop in Leschi on the way back.
redhook Brewery - Lake sammamish Loop 33 mi • Moderate • Rolling • No Map • Occasional regroup • 10 a.m. • Redhook Brewery parking lot, Woodinville • Steady rain cancels • Gail Wentworth, 425-823-1606
Let’s get out (if the weather cooperates--Snow/ Ice also cancel) for a bike spin around Lake Sammamish on the day after Thanksgiving and the day before the Husky home game with Wazu. There will be a 1/2 hour coffee break mid-ride at
Tuesday, Nov 29
20-32 mi • Steady • Rolling • No Map • Occasional regroup • 11 a.m. • Log Boom Park, Kenmore • Showers cancel • Jan Johnson, 425672-0617
ICY/SNOWY/FROSTY/FREEZING CONDITIONS ALSO CANCEL. Let’s hope for decent weather; it sometimes happens. A recreational ride sometimes on the road, sometimes on paved trail when necessary. There could be a hill and some traffic. Weather will determine the route. There will be a food stop.
afternoon Lite See Afternoon Lite, 11/1.
Cycle Tuesdays See Cycle Tuesdays, 11/1.
WedNesday, Nov 30
WrUMPs: Lark ride to Blackdiamondford ~40 mi • Steady • Rolling • No Map • Frequent regroup • 9:30 a.m. • Ron Regis Park, Renton Steady rain cancels • Pete Jack, 206-498-9363,
Ride to Black Diamond via both spurs of the Cedar River Trail. Lunch at the BD Bakery. If it’s been wet expect some splashes, and about six miles of the ride are unpaved, but nothing a road bike can’t handle. There is a very short bumpy hill you may want to push a bike with 23 tires up.
AvAilAble At Any vehicle licensing office or get A mAil-in ApplicAtion from
“Creating a Better Community Through Bicycling”
November 2011
Welcome new staff!
With several new hires and a fresh crew of Americorps, you’ll some new faces around the Cascade office and at your service. Please welcome them to the team.
Mary Collins
Americorps Member, Commute Program
My name is Mary Collins and I will be taking over for Luke Harris as the Commute Program Assistant. My primary duties will revolve around supporting the Policy, Planning, and Government Affairs Committee. Some of my projects include the soon-to-be-unveiled Bicycle Friendly Business Certification System, Bicycle Friendly Business Best Practices Manual, and May 2012 Bike Month festivities. I recently moved to Seattle from Madison, Wisconsin, where I earned a bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with an emphasis in geographic information systems. I got ‘serious’ about cycling as an undergraduate—first as a reluctant four-season bike commuter, then as a recreational ride leader for the Madison outing club, then as a part-time bike messenger, and finally as a full-fledged winter bike enthusiast and amateur bike advocate for the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin. I relish this opportunity not only to combine my interests in urban geography, transportation planning, and bicycles; but also to be part of this 14,000-strong team. I am looking forward to getting acquainted with some Cascade members –and the Seattle metro area—through some daily rides this fall!
Emma Epstein
Americorps Member, Major Taylor Project
Nice to meet you, I’m really excited to learn more about what role Cascade plays in the community and to get involved on the internal level. Growing up in Seattle with parents who were bike commuters, I always knew it was a possibility to get around chilly, hilly Seattle by bike; but I never accepted that fate as my own until recently. I will be working with the Major Taylor program and am eager to continue working and serving youth who hail from a diverse background. I received a BA from Colorado College with a degree in Anthropology and Spanish and since graduation in 2009, have used my bilingual skills to obtain various jobs. I worked as a legal assistant in Washington DC, assisting detained immigrants with applications for political asylum, and taught Spanish in an after-school program. After completing my first year of volunteering for Americorps in Washington DC, I decided it would be more of an adventure to bike home, fully loaded with front and rear panniers, Washington to Washington. 71 days and 3300 miles later, I have finally started to self-identify as a biker. I enjoy riding on the weekends (we will see how long that lasts after a winter commute in Seattle), dancing (every type, but especially salsa and swing), acroyoga, potlucking, and speaking Spanish.
Erica Hann
Americorps Member, Community Programs
Hello Cascade Community! I am really excited to be a part of the team here at Cascade Bicycle Club. Originally from California’s Bay Area, I relocated to Tacoma for college at the University of Puget Sound and just made the move to Seattle a few weeks ago. So far, I have had a great time meeting and working with staff, volun-
teers, and fellow AmeriCorps members. In school, I studied both international political economy and environmental policy, and am looking forward to the opportunity to test my knowledge by working directly with community members on transportation and bicycling issues. My position is in the outreach and communications department, so I’ll have the chance to work with a variety of different ongoing projects including Bike to School Month, the Major Taylor Program, and advocacy efforts. I’ll also be selling helmets both in and out of the office, so if you need a new helmet or just a better-fitting one, I’m your gal! I’m very excited to work with such a diverse group of people and programs, and hope to learn a lot about all the various ways in which Cascade reaches the bicycling community. A formerly reluctant cyclist myself, I especially hope to reach out to those who are just beginning to ride or have some apprehension about getting on a bike. I also can’t wait to participate in daily rides and big events like the STP next summer, events where I will hopefully get to meet even more of the Cascade membership community. Looking forward to a great year!
Leah Pistorius
Communications Specialist
I am excited to be the new Cascade Specialist at Cascade, and I am honored to be standing alongside such a dedicated team of staff and volunteers. A native of Kansas City, I graduated from the University of Kansas in 2009 with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Industrial Design. I have always been one to look towards the future and imagine what we can do together to foster a brighter tomorrow. Since school, I have been serving two terms with AmeriCorps, working in my community to reduce the human footprint on the planet. At Cascade I will be focusing on digital and print media and how best to get our message to the public. I welcome any input from our members, so please contact me with your suggestions or comments! Cascade Bicycle Club has a multi-faceted and powerful mission that I could not be happier to support. Seattle is leaps and bounds above many other major metropolitan areas in terms of bicycle infrastructure, and it is inspiring to see all the work that has already been accomplished. As the movement continues to grow, we will always have even more work ahead of us to ensure that every single person who wants to ride a bike will be able to do so happily and safely. I am here, like you, to create a better community through bicycling.
stoked on bikes? Not sure what the catch is, but I’ll take it. I have been circling Seattle like a shark for the past few years: university in Olympia and Bellingham as well as growing up in the southern part of the state. A little part of me knew that, despite being deeply smitten with global travel, I would always end up here. Now that I’m here and part of an organization I believe in I can’t imagine my life any other way. When I’m not crashing my way down Whistler in the summers I prefer playing soccer, skiing, getting angry at FIFA, attempting to cook and whiskey tasting. My daily commute takes me about 40 minutes from Phinney Ridge and the best part about it is that when I get home I feel like I’ve earned that chocolate bar.
Alan VanVlack
and classes, major events and rides, and bicycle advocacy. I really enjoy working for an organization that is making a difference. Beyond that, the location is great because, internally, the building is a pleasant place to work with a lot of character and, externally, the surrounding Magnuson Park is charming and the proximity to the Burke-Gilman Trail is incredibly convenient. As part of the Operations team, my role within Cascade is to support both the accounting and database needs of the organization. Each day has provided different tasks, but mostly my work involves data management, integrity, and presentation, as well as handling accounts payable. Currently, my goal is to help provide synergy throughout the organization by making it easier for people to get what they want out of our systems.
Database and Accounting Coordinator
What initially struck me at Cascade were the people. Everyone was welcoming and it was immediately apparent that everybody is extremely motivated by the work they do. I still feel the same way a month and a half later. It is easy to feel good knowing your work supports camps
Thank you for supporting BikePAC
heartfelt thank you to all of you who stepped up during October to support BikePAC and the bike-friendly candidates whose campaigns are strengthened by your generosity! As of October 17, we had raised $16,924 from 92 dedicated individuals who believe in a better community for all cyclists. This vital funding goes to the candidates and causes fighting for safer, better supported and more complete bicycle infrastructure in our region. Please consider a gift to one of Cascade’s many areas of focus. Whether your passion is political advocacy, youth education, community outreach or simply the thrill of the ride, Cascade has a program for your giving to have transformative impact.
Thank you to our BikePAC Donors!* Charles Ayers, Soren Gantt, Jon Gould, Jeffrey Halldorson, David Hiller, Candace Inagi , Serena Lehman, Richard Seroussi, Edward Yoshida, William Ptacek, Todd & Karen Vogel & Hust, Tim Schottman, Kevin Carrabine, Alexander Lazar, John Mauro, Michael Yesley, Louise Chandler-Hones, Jakob Funkenstein, Brian Baumhover, Paul Backstrom, Gloria Rose Properties, Chris Rule, Greg Linden, Scott Amick, Anne Kroeker, Bob Koenig, John O’Connell, Gary Prince, Elizabeth Sanocki, Jonathan Mark, David Gordon, Jeffrey Eustis, Katherine McCabe, Steven Martin, Jim Walseth, Bill Horn, Catherine Stanford, Julie Salathe, Diane English, Charles Stockmeyer, Kevin Carrabine, Dale Sperling, William Lemke, Bruce Bachen,Michael Snyder , Jennifer Macuiba, Tarrell Wright, Timothy Kornegay, Peter Goldman, Matthew Cohen, Charles Ruthford, Shannon Raah, Mike Kelly, Tracy Popowics, Howard Eustis, Courtney Potter, Sandy Koppenol, Tim & Catherine Hennings, Stephanie Frans, Charles Redell, Ilsa Govan, Kristy Andrews, Annie Groeninger, Scott Pinegar, Thomas von Schrader, Steven Meineke, Michael Lazarus, Mo McBroom, Nancy Ritzenthaler, Sally Bagshaw, Richard Trask, Erik Nilsson, John Duggan, Bruce Harrell, Dave Rodgers, Mike O’Brien, LB Kregenow, Rayburn Lewis, Ronald Sher, Peter Verbrugge, Eric Schreiber, Rich Knox, Jessica Szelag, Nick Sprang, Jeffrey Weissman, Douglas Beeman, Andrea Learned, Matt Leber, Peter Hallson, Everett Fruehling, Norman Tjaden, Daniel Weise. *donations through 10/17/11
Elliott Sherburne
Americorps Member, Youth Programs
Joining Cascade Bicycle Club is probably one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever had to make. My life would be completely different had my older brother not introduced me to the concept of mountain biking when I was early in my single-digits. Not long after I started racing the OBRA series and at Mt. Hood Ski Bowl with two of my closest friends. Since then cycling has informed, or at least been in the background, of every major life decision I’ve had to make. Having recently spent the last year in an elementary school in South Korea I knew the Youth Program Assistant position was going to be a perfect fit – be around fellow cyclists and get kids totally
Vol. 41, No. 11
Cascade Bicycle Club Affiliated Tours present: Turkey in 2012 Aegean to Mediterranean Bicycle Tour by Tour TK Sept. 23 to Oct. 4, 2012
he Aegean to Mediterranean Bicycle Tour will explore the west coast of Turkey, starting in Selcuk and travelling through Guzelcamli and the Dilek peninsula, Didim, Guvercinlik, Bodrum and the Bodrum peninsula, Cokerteme, Akyaka and the Gokova area and returning to Izmir by bus with a stop at the World Heritage site of Pamukkale. The tour will include visits to famous antiquities sites such as Ephesus, Priene, Temple of Apollo, Bodrum Castle and others. In addition, the AMBT will introduce participants to modern historical sites, local markets, Turkish Steam Baths, Turkish carpets and other aspects of the Turkish culture. The start of the tour is in Selcuk, an ancient town steeped in history and with many sights to see within walking distance - www. selcuk/ . In addition to historical sites, the Saturday market is worth a visit, as is the carpet making workshop, plus the local beach, etc.
Sunday, Day 1
Our tour starts on Sunday evening with dinner on the rooftop of our boutique hotel. We will have a meeting where we will introduce all the staff and participants, collect medical insurance information from all the participants, hand out routes, maps and information on the areas we will be visiting.
Monday, Day 2
After breakfast (all breakfasts are in the hotels where we are staying), we will start the day with a “shake-down” ride to Sirince, a local Greek village in the nearby hills. Although short, approximately 16 km, the route is challenging and will give participants an idea of the kind of terrain they will encounter and the roads surfaces they will be riding on. Sirince is a very attractive village and has an extensive market. It is famous for its fruit wines. After lunch in Selcuk, we will have a guided tour of Ephesus, one of the great cities of Asia Minor and a sacred site for Christians due to its association with St Paul, St John and the Virigin Mary. The amphitheatre at Ephesus is still in use. During this time, if any adjustments need to be made to the bikes, our mechanic will do this while the group is touring Ephesus. For those who want the experience, we will visit the local Turkish Bath to scrub away the dust and fatigue of our visit to Ephesus. Our dinner will be at a local hotel. Prior to dinner, we will listen to a history of Turkish carpet making, examine carpets from different villages, plus ceramics and other authentic Turkish handicrafts.
Tuesday, Day 3
Selcuk to Guzelcamli – approx. 50 km. On our full day of cycling we will start off on highway before turning off onto backroads. Right at the turn off, will visit a train museum, a sample of Turkish modern history before continuing on backroads to our lunch
in small village. We continue on minor roads until we reach Guzelcamli where we will stay the night in a private hotel. We will have dinner at the hotel.
Wednesday, Day 4
Dilek Peninsula – approx. 50 km. This area, locally known as Milli park is a national park. We will have a day of exploring the park, picnicking on the beach and depending on how the group feels, we may include a short hike. We will once again have dinner in our small, family owned hotel.
Thursday, Day 5
Guzelcamli to Didim – approx. 76 km There is plenty to see along today’s route . We have a planned stop at Priene just before lunch. This ancient site is peaceful and features a number of unique side streets and structures. Lunch will be in a local restaurant before we carry on to Miletus. A visit to Miletus is optional. From Miletus, we continue on quiet roads into Didim where we will visit the Temple of Apollo before settling into our hotel. Dinner will be in a local restaurant
Friday, Day 6
Didim Guvercinlik – approx. 90 km This day is a full day of cycling with no stops to view antiquities. We have 3 significant climbs through forested areas and along the coastline before reaching our lunch spot in a small fishing village. After lunch we continue on quiet roads before joining the main highway on the Bodrum Peninsula which will take us to our overnight stop in Guvercinlik. We will have dinner in the hotel.
Saturday, Day 7
Guvercinlik – Bodrum – approx. 70 km We will travel south of the highway and explore the Bodrum peninsula. We will lunch in a local village before heading into Bodrum.
Sunday, Day 8
Free day in Bodrum, optional 30 km morning ride Bodrum is the hub of the Aegean coast and it successfully combines traditional Turkish life and the hustle and bustle of a modern tourist centre. It is considered second only to Istanbul for its nightlife, and handicrafts, such as Meerschaum pipes, and carpets. We will plan an optional morning bike ride out of Bodrum and along the coast. There are spectacular views on this coastline of both the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. We will re-group for lunch on the water front. Participants will be encouraged to use the afternoon to visit the Castle of St. Peter which dates back to the 11th century and is one of the few Christian castles remaining in Turkey. There is also an amphitheatre from
“Creating a Better Community Through Bicycling”
the 3rd Century BC and other antiquities to visit for those who do not want to shop or hang-out along the waterfront in one of the many outdoor cafes. Dinner will be in a local restaurant.
Monday, Day 9
Bodrum to Cokertme – approx. 70 km Leaving the city, we will once again be cycling on very scenic and quiet backroads, exploring more of the Bodrum Peninsula. Many of the villages along this route cater to the water trade and as such, traffic is minimal.
Tuesday, Day 10
Cokertme to Akyaka – approx. 60 km Following the coastal road, we will make our way to our final destination of Akyaka. The roads we will follow will provide scenic views of the Mediterranean and we will once again pass through many small villages and lots of farmland.
Wednesday, Day 11
Akyaka morning trip – approx. 50 km We will leave this day somewhat flexible. In the morning, participants will have the option of visiting the Akyaka market, or riding to a local waterfall/swimming hole on more scenic backroads. Depending on the group, we may hire a boat to take us along the river and/or to a local beach area in the afternoon. The rest of the day will be spent packaging up bikes in preparation for our last day.
Thursday, Day 12
Bus trip to Izmir airport – approx. 400 km We will leave early in order to visit the World Heritage Site of Pamukkale. Pamukkale means cotton castle and it gets its name from the travertines and terraces of carbonate minerals left by waters from hot springs flowing over the hillside. At the top of the hill are the ancient ruins of the City of Hierapolis. Pamukkale is one of Turkey’s top attractions for its extraordinary look and its ancient history. The bus will bring participants back to Izmir Airport.
Cdn/$790 US including single supplement) on July 1. Our cancellation policy is 90% refund before July 1. No refund after that, regardless of whether or not your cancellation is outside your control.
Includes: • All meals, beverages (does not include alcohol) • Hotel Accommodation (11 nights) • Van Support + Turkish speaking driver and photographer • Turkish/English speaking cycling guide, 2 English speaking cycling guides • Tours (Ephesus, Train Museum, Priene, Temple of Apollo, Pamukkale) • Professional tour guides to Ephesus and Pamukkale • Route Book, maps • Return Bus trip to Izmir Airport
Not Included: • Airfare • Initial Airport Transfer (70 TL or $50 US) • Transfer of bike boxes to Akyaka (price may vary, approx. 60 TL) • Any visits listed as optional Limit 12 participants per tour. Must bring own bike & helmet. Bike Rentals are an additional Fee of $300 Cdn/$315 US. (If a bike is being reserved, add $100 Cdn/$105 US to deposit) Must bring documentation confirming overseas medical insurance, contact information and proof of passport valid for 6 months after date of trip. We recommend minimum of 32C tires for although all roads are paved, some of the pavement can be a little rough as we are using as many minor roads as possible. Please visit the International tours website for additional information and online registration at tours/intltours.cfm
Dates: Sept. 23 – Oct. 4, 2012 Fees: $1950.00 Cdn or $2050 US (TourTK reserves the right to alter the price if the exchange rate fluctuates by more than 5%. For those paying by credit card, the charge will be processing in Canadian funds and your financial institution will make the conversion (depending on the financial institution, there may be additional fees applied by them) There is a single supplement fee of $300 Cdn/$315 US. The registration fee is payable in three instalments - $500 Cdn/$525 US to secure a spot, $1000 Cdn/$1050 US on April 1 and balance ($450 Cdn/$475 US – or $750
November 2011
RAW 2012 route announced Dates: August 4-11, 2012
Cyclist of the Month
by the Raw Scouting Team
by Erica Meurk, Staff Writer Age: 63 Occupation: Retired Wheels: Mountain bike
et Ron Sims to talk about community, and he gets excited. The volume of his speech rises, the pace of his words quickens. His eyes shine. And every time he makes a significant statement – about the importance of focusing funding for bike infrastructure improvements within King County’s lowincome neighborhoods, say – he drives it home by pounding on the table between us with his right hand, for emphasis. When I met Ron for coffee near his Mt. Baker home on a rainy morning in October, he greeted me with a hug and insisted on paying for my Americano. This former King County Executive, who recently returned home from a stint in Washington, D.C. as Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, is nothing if not humble. When I asked him how he’d like me to list his occupation, he told me with a smile, “I’m retired. I’m going swimming at 11.” Retired or not, he has much to say about the need for dense urban communities connected by multi-use trails, bike lanes and transit lines. But he’s quick to point out that when he started advocating for these so-called “smart communities,” back in the ‘90s, no one had named them yet: “We didn’t call it ‘smart communities,’ ‘sustainable development’ or anything else. We just didn’t want sprawl. We weren’t going to allow that kind of growth.” And how does bicycling fit in to those communities? “Bicycling will be our future,” he tells me. “We will have far more bicycling. The issue is whether we make infrastructure a priority.” Ron thinks that infrastructure could be higher on his home town’s priority list. He travelled the country within his role at HUD, and he’s been impressed with what he’s seen elsewhere: “In Austin, Atlanta and Little Rock, they’re all so proud of their trails. This region assumes it has it all. But we can’t be complacent.” He calls losing the battle for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Trail during his term as King County Executive his “greatest disappointment.” “If we had made it a priority, we would’ve been on the world map for our trail system.” At the time, Seattle had plans for a bike share program like the one in D.C., too, “but people said it wasn’t cost-effective.” And we were supposed to have a trail to the airport, again, like the one in D.C. Ron asks, “Why does Seattle have objections to a trail near the airport when the national airport doesn’t?”
Seattle is falling short, and Ron’s sense of urgency is palpable. He knows that our health and well-being depend upon those trails; he points to research indicating that we can predict medical conditions by zip code. “Poor areas are least likely to have bicycle trails. We need to focus our efforts in these areas. We can’t spread the peanut butter too thinly.” He continues, “If you have a park within a quarter-mile, you’ll be fit. If you have one within in a half-mile, you’ll be fit. If you have one within three-quarters of a mile, you probably won’t be fit.” For every rebuttal, Ron has a counterpoint: “People say there are gyms, but I know gyms. Gyms are occupied by ballers. If you don’t have game, you don’t play.” Improvements like trails, parks and bike lanes are about more than physical health. “It’s not just about nice comfortable amenities, it’s about how people act, and how they feel about their communities.When people know there’s something better and they’re not getting it, crime rates go up.” He pulls out statistics to back up this point: all other factors being equal, crime rates are 70 percent lower in communities with green around them. We’ve made some strides, but we have a long way to go. He points to a trail he worked for in New Holly, and to bike lanes that were recently installed on Renton Avenue. But he also has a laundry list of missing connections, dead ends and bad pavement, particularly in the south end of the city. “I ride on Martin Luther King Way, but I wouldn’t take my kids on it. MLK is a bad accident waiting to happen.” He believes that dedicated individuals, elected officials and advocacy organizations like Cascade will be the ones to move the dial. “Change hasn’t been brought about by institutions,” he tells me. “Bicycling should not be background music. It’s too essential. It needs to be an essential part of the musical score of our region.” Here’s hoping the time is coming when we’ll enjoy that symphony together.
ide Around Washington 2012 joins the beauty and splendor of two of our favorite past routes and areas of the state. We are planning a loop ride that will start north of Spokane among shady ponderosa pine trees. Riders will enjoy spectacular vistas through the Colville National Forest, along the Pend Oreille River into Idaho and by scenic Lake Coeur d’Alene. Our route will continue south where we will enjoy three days of riding through the majestic amber waves of grain and rolling hills of the Palouse. Along the way we will
pass through small towns with names like Latah and Tekoa, and enjoy the panoramic view from Steptoe Butte. Finally the route turns north through Riverside State Park along the Spokane River. Exact details of the route will be available in December in the Cascade Courier (and on the Cascade website). Registration will open in early January; please check the complete event registration date listings in this newsletter. We look forward to seeing you on Washington’s premier summer touring event.
Nominate a cyclist of the month! Send nominations to
Vol. 41, No. 11
DEAR MISS PANNIERS Dear Miss Panniers, I love bicycling. I love my bike commute, I love riding around our community with my kids, I love riding Cascade’s events. Naturally, bicycling frequently comes up in many of my conversations: at work, at church, at social gatherings, even in line at the grocery store. Here’s the rub. Traditional etiquette requires that one avoid politics as a topic of conversation. And lately it seems that bicycling has become a political topic. I am mystified by this turn in rhetoric and uncertain of the etiquette implications. Peter L., Columbia City Gentle Peter, With all due respect to her traditional counterpart Miss Manners, Miss Panniers must insist that you continue to talk about bicycling, specifically because of the rhetoric that has developed. For the vast majority of people, bicycling is simply a way to get around town, get some exercise or explore the world. For some, bicycling is a religion (that other taboo topic of
polite conversation.) And for a few, bicycling has become a polarized and divisive issue. Miss Panniers feels that polite conversation about bicycling plays a critical role in steering the rhetoric back toward civility. Through your conversations and your companionship you help to humanize bicyclists to those who know you. The operative word here is POLITE conversation. Whatever the topic – taboo or not – you can influence the outcome by setting the tone. Stick to the high road and simply tell your story – about your ride, your family and your neighborhood. That’s hard to hate on, my dear. But Miss Panniers suggests that you DO talk about politics. Because you are the case for Seattle’s Proposition 1. Because your children are the case for HB 1217. Because good policy and planning – like proper etiquette - “reduces those inevitable frictions of everyday life that, unchecked, are increasingly erupting into outbursts of private and public violence...” Miss Manners must be a bicyclist.
Home Page: Office phone: 206-522-3222 or 206-522-BIKE Fax: 206-522-2407 Email:
CBC Office 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Suite 101S Seattle, WA 98115
STAFF Note: All email address are
Erica Meurk, Staff Writer
Jenny Almgren, Education Program Assistant
(206) 522-7517 erica.meurk@…
(206) 694-9148 jenny.almgren@…
Leah Pistorius, Communications Specialist
Chuck Ayers, Executive Director
(913) 579-7629 leah.pistorius@…
(206) 523-9495 chuck.ayers@…
Robin Randels, Classes Coordinator
Craig Benjamin, Policy and Government Affairs Manager
(206) 390-3945 robin.randels@…
(206) 713-6204 craig.benjamin@…
Chris Rule, Political Program Manager
Mary Collins, Americorps Member, Commute Program
(206) 371-1242 chris.rule@…
(206) 861-9890 cpa@…
Julie Salathé, Education Director
David Douglas, Event Producer
(206) 523-1952 julies@…
(206) 522-BIKE david.douglas@…
Elliott Sherburne, Americorps Member, Youth Programs
Diane English, Office & Member Services Manager
(206) 861-9875 ypa@…
(206) 957-7944 diane.english@…
Kat Sweet, Youth Program Manager
Emma Epstein, Americorps Member, Major Taylor Project (206) 427-3090 kat.sweet@… (206) 957-6960 mtpa@…
Anna Telensky, Events and Sponsorship Coordinator
Ed Ewing, Major Taylor Project Manager
(206) 778-6099 annat@…
(206) 778-4671 ed.ewing@…
Kim Thompson, Event Registrar
Stephanie Frans, Manager of Commute Programs
(206) 526-1677 kim.thompson@…
(206) 522-9479 stephanie.frans@…
Alan Van Vlack, Database and Accounting Coordinator
Tessa Greegor, Principal Planner
(206) 226-1858 alan.vanvlack@…
(206) 204-0913 tessa.greegor@…
Peter Verbrugge, Event Producer
Chris Hanger, Individual Giving Officer
(206) 517-4826 peterv@…
(360) 402-9743 chris.hanger@…
Tarrell Wright, Development Director
Erica Hann, Americorps Member, Community Programs
(206) 240-2235 tarrell.wright@…
(206) 957-6623 cmpa@… Max Hepp-Buchanan, Advocacy Campaigns Manager
(206) 226-1040 MaxHB@…
Note: All email address are
Mike Inocencio, Corporate Development Director
(206) 522-2403 mikei@…
George Durham • george.durham@...
M.J. Kelly, Director of Communications & Marketing
Vice President
(206) 853-2188 m.j.kelly@…
Daniel Weise • daniel.weise@...
Diana Larson, Volunteer Coordinator
(206) 852-6827 diana.larson@…
Michael Snyder • michael.snyder@...
Sander Lazar, Rides Program Coordinator
(206) 694-9108 sander.lazar@…
Don Volta •
Serena Lehman, Community Outreach Manager
Executive Committee Member-at-large
(206) 291-4032 serenal@…
Emily Moran •
Kathy Mania, Finance Director
(206) 522-4639 kathy.mania@… John Mauro, Director of Policy, Planning & Gov’t Affairs (206) 446-3688 john.mauro@…
Ron Sher • ron.sher@... Kevin Carrabine • kevin.carrabine@... Joey Gray • joey.gray@...
Kathy McCabe, Deputy Director
Bill Ptacek • bill.ptacek@...
(206) 204-0587 kathy.mccabe@…
MEMBERSHIP FORM Please detach form and return to: Cascade Bicycle Club •7400 Sand Point Way NE, Suite 101S • Seattle, WA 98115 o New member o Renewal FIRST NAME
To help promote cycling, we occasionally share names with other organizations. We never share telephone numbers or email addresses, only postal addresses. May we share your name? ◊ Yes ◊ No TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP 1 YEAR 2 YEARS GIFT SOCK SIZE OFFICE NOTES
o $ 35 o $ 60 o $ 100
o $ 65 o $ 115 o $ 195
Cycling socks
o $ 250 o $ 500
o $ 495 o $ 995
Cycling socks
Cycling socks
Student/limited income (e-news only)
o $ 15
o $ 25
Household/Family* Supporter* Advocate*
Tax-deductible donation to the CBC Education Foundation** TOTAL ENCLOSED o
A check payable to the Cascade Bicycle Club is enclosed. ($20 fee for returned checks.)
Please charge my VISA/MASTERCARD: — — — Cardholder’s name (Please print):
Exp. date /
Cardholder’s signature: *Contributing members may include household and family members on their membership. **The Cascade Bicycle Club Education Foundation (CBCEF) is an IRS 501(c)(3) charity. Donations to the CBCEF are tax-deductible. Membership contributions or gifts to the Cascade Bicycle Club 501(c)(4) are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
“Creating a Better Community Through Bicycling”
Welcome New Members Scott Adams Evil Amey Tina Anderson Laurie Barron Richard Becvar Ronda Benbrooks Ivan Berrios Fred Bonallo Andrew Brink linda Capriotti Marty Chakoian Elizabeth Chiulli Leane Church David Cody Joseph Condon Madge Dodson Joe Dumelin Monica Elenbaas James Elenbaas Jacob Ephron Sam Ephron Jon Erickson Brandon Figueroa Andrew Fletcher Karen Fletcher Lyn Frumkin Ari Gerdes Shannon Grant Adam Gray Mark Gringle Steven Guichard
Tom Hagar Jude Hernandez Mitch Hill Cherie Hill Mitchell Hill Matthew Hill Rebecca Hoskyn Robert Houze Fred Hughes Darlynn Hunt Eliza Hutchinson Adam Hyla Dave Johnson Nancy Karnes Erica Karnes Charles LaMaire Richard Lamb Nancy Lamb Martha Lane Trystan Larey-Williams Joyce Larson Marjorie Laughlin Bill Laughlin Bella Ledesma Alicia Leeds Anna Leung Alice Long Rachael Ludwick Zoe McAdams Patti McClure Sarah Meranda
Thomas Miller Laura Montez Lisa Moore Avilio Moreno Stephanie Murphy Kevin Murphy Erin Murphy Kerry Murphy Kyle Murphy Milo Nackos David Natali Judy Ogden Holt Ogden Mason Ogden Kiva Oken Stephanie Oliver Joan Olson Christopher O’Neill Alicia Ossenkop Jeff Pfost Beth Pfost Kirk Rasmussen Karren Rasmussen Donna Rosenberg Scott Rossick Michele Royer Will Russell Colleen Rutherford Alexander Rutherford Anna Rutherford Sarah Scalzo
Bruce H. Schatmeier Robin Seiler David Serbousek Lindsay Serbousek Sean Seu Carlton Seu David Severski Jim Shaver Michael Shriver Zhe Liang Sim Matthew Sponseller Esad Suskic Sandra Suskic Dennie Suskic Adi Suskic Edith Szabo William Thelin Erica Tollefson Debbie Torget Wyona Turner Lewis Turner Alan Van Vlack David Waite Chris Williams Stephen Williams Hayden Williams Diana Zapalac Marietta Zintak
Cascade Presentation Series
A Guide to Falling Down in Public with Joe Kurmaskie, The Metal Cowboy Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. Seattle REI, 222 Yale Ave N Tickets: $7 ($2 off for Cascade members) @
he fifth book in the Metal Cowboy series hits the open road in high gear and never looks back. Whether he’s outsprinting African elephants and dictators in Zimbabwe, or confounding Mexican freedom fighters in Copper Canyon with nothing more than broken Spanish, questionable geopolitical skills, and the magic of a bicycle, Joe “Metal Cowboy” Kurmaskie has mastered the painful art of falling down and the flat-out rush of getting back up again. He celebrates beautiful wrecks on five continents, the extraordinary people met along the way, and all the awe-inspiring, sweat-soaked miles ridden in between. This collection, a kaleidoscope of bicycle touring adventures told through exuberant stories spanning four decades and thirty countries, with many illustrations, embraces the absurdity of living at any speed, the fragility in each of us the world over, and simple wonders waiting just up the road. This is the Metal Cowboy’s only scheduled appearance for Cascade Bicycle Club over the next 12 months, so don’t miss it!
Bike maintenance parties beginning late November by Elliott Sherburne, Americorps Member: Youth Programs Assistant Calling all friends of Cascade Bicycle Club! Starting in late November we will be holding weekly three hour bicycle maintenance parties on Wednesday nights here at Cascade’s office on Sand Point Way. We need you to come in and help us work on bikes for the Basics of Bicycling program. Pizza, drinks and music will be provided. You just bring the company (and music devices for added variety)!
Weekly Wednesday Bike Maintenance Party Dates: Nov. 23 and 30 Dec. 7, 14, 21 Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25 Contact Elliott at for more information.
Kat Sweet delivering bikes to schools for use during the Basics of Bicycling program.
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