! s n o i t a c o l R U O F t a n u F r e m m u S pus Frederickson Cam • 253-537-9339 3425 176th Street E
McAlder Campus e miles has moved just thre p m ca p llu ya Pu ur O the our new campus in from the JH/HS to y! Sumner/Orting Valle 4382 Puyallup • 253-25615502 96th Street E, Tacoma Campus • 253-473-0590 1819 E 72nd Street JH/HS Campus 82 yallup • 253-293-91 811 21st Street SE, Pu s) (select Sports Clinic org w.cascadechristian. To enroll, go to ww s icon. e Summer Program riv Th e th on k ic cl and No online access? r assistance. Call 253-841-1776 fo
Summer oppor tunities are al so available fo Kindergarten r Preschool an students ages d 3-5 at our Earl y Learning Cen ters in: Frederickson • 3425 176th St re et E, 253-537Puyallup • 1818 5195 S Meridian, 25 3-848-7165 Tacoma • 1819 E 72nd Street, 253-473-0590 Call Campus fo r details.
Summer d
oesn’t hav e t o be bor i n de ca g s a C ! h it w E IV R H T l il w n re d il our ch
Y ! s m ra og r P er m m u S ’ ls oo C hr ist ian Sch THRIVE Sum
mer Progra
ms include
Day Camp: Th
s nine excit
ing weeks o f:
e Great Outd Fun Outdoo oors! r themes ea ch week. Fie special gue ld trips, swim sts add to th ming and e summer fu See pages 3 n! –5 Enrichment
lasses: A great opti on to provid e students experience with ways to something learn and new over th See pages 11 e summer! –17 Sports Clin
s and Camp Helping to d s: evelop fund amental spo See pages 7 rts–8
specific skill
Leadership T
raining: For all Junio r High camp ers. See page 6 for more info rmation NEW this y ea
r – Camp In This week-l vention! ong STEM c amp will insp confident in ire students their natura to be l ability to d See pages 9 re am and cre –10 for more ate! information
THRIVE 20 14 is open to all children 6th grades. entering 1st (K-8th grad through e at McAlde r)
p m a C y a D T HR IVE
The Great O utdoors!
ing • Swimm es (optional) p.m. Wav 0 ld 0 i : 6 W ptional) o o ( t . • s e m . s a s a 0 l C :3 s • O pen 6 opens at 6:00 a.m.) eek • Enrichment pecial C amp Event w n ct S i r t s i D l l F( rederickso exciting t hemes each • A ests! u d G n l a a , n o d w i e e t d i a • N Sens s pr ov k c • a n s l a n o i • Nutrit s rip • Field t Weekly Theme s tting your bearing
Week 1
Pitch a tent
il On the Hiking Tra
Rock Climbing
Star/Sky Gazing
res Nature’s Creatu
Q Great Outdoor BB
Focus s: Spiritual Compas the Holy Spirit start. Finish what you ect your Allow God to dir path. hing We can do anyt t. ris Ch through God created the heavens. fire in us God can light a out. go r ve that will ne rs We can be fishe of men. Seek God d and Read God’s Wor ! ys sa it at do wh
Scripture John 14:26 1 Thessalonians
Isaiah 2:5 Philippians 4:13 ; 1 Corinthians 15:41 Genesis 9:12-13 Hebrews 12:29 Mark 1:17 Proverbs 2:4-5 Psalm 119:10
Day Camp
Costs THRIVE Da y Camp Re gistration F registration ee: The ann fee of $100 ual non-refu must accom Current CC ndable pany the re S families m gistration fo ay pay at th or on their rm. eir campus RenWeb ac office, by P count throu complete u ayPal onlin gh PayNow ntil registra e, . Note: Reg tion fee is p istration is aid, and all not paperwork Day Camp is submitte Weekly Fee d. : Includes a swimming ll materials, sn and field tr ips. acks, camp T-shirt,
5 days per week: $175 per week 4 days per week: $155 per week 3 days or le ss per week: $121 per we ek Register be fore May 31 and save 10 long! For fu % off of ever ll-time cam pers, that’s y week’s tu ition all sum over $157 in mer savings! A 10% siblin g discount applies to w from the sa eekly tuitio me family at n for each ad tending Th Counselors ditional stu rive Summer ). dent Day Camp (excludes Ju nior
How to En
roll Admission to THRIVE Day Camp basis. To re is processed serve your on a first-co space, go to Thrive Sum me, first-se www.casca mer Progra rved dechristian ms icon. .org and clic k on the If you have questions, o r don’t have 253-841-17 online acce 76. ss, call the District Offi ce at
Summer S
wimming Swimming at Stewart Heights (1st Swimming -8th grade) Schedule: M (Included in ondays for Tuesdays fo camp cost) Tacoma and r McAlder. A Frederickso life jacket o required fo n camps an r a signed lif r all studen d ts. (Life jack e jacket wai Camp.) ets are not ver will be provided b y Thrive Su mmer Wild Wave s (Optional Add-on Pro Wild Wave gram for 5th s Program grade and Fee: $50 Wild Wave up) s Discounte d Season P Campers en ass (for reg tering 5th g istered day rade throug all-day Tues campers) $ h 8th grade day trip to 70 in the fall m Wild Waves well as tran ay add-on th . The $50 fe sportation e e co covers add sts from th Tacoma cam itional staff e McAlder pers adding as ca m -o p camp on Tu u n Wild Wav esdays).Wild es must chec s. (Frederickson and Waves fee k-in/out at permitting). co the McAlder vers a maxim Season pas ses are reco CCS for $70 mmended an um of 8 sessions (wea through a sp ther d may be p ecial CCS/W urchased th ild Waves p rough romotion.
first day of ments and due by the d lle bi Billing/Payee be ill will be w ks of camp l-day campers)
ul The first two w E Day Camp (f ged if June 23, THRIV fee will be char ng ni 50 in 2. $1 eg B A p. s. al rv cam te in made k be ee t may e for two-w e date. Paymen du ng billed in advanc lli line bi on e le th schedu received by . See payment ce ffi O payment is not t ic tr is D ailed to the at the site or m s. for billing date
wal) rop or witherdiara d , d d (a s you must e , g ls n a mat Schedule Ch er staffing and at
op event th g, to ensure pr at camp. In the t en es pr When registerin be ill dule, ADD/ ys your child w attendance sche ’s ild ch indicate the da ur yo fee may apply. ake changes to fice. A change of p m you need to m ca ch ea e available in Fridays. DROP forms ar ade by noon on m be t us m es Chang permission Site Coordinator ith w d de ad have been days may be ter statements af d de Add: Additional ad ys da E 2014 ADD for additional mpany a THRIV co ac t only. Payment us m ) le the Billing Cyc mailed (check form. ing a day (or any time. Dropp at d pe op dr DROP form is d days may be ed THRIVE 2014 gn si e th Drop: Schedule if LY N y dropped. in a credit O vance of the da ad in k days) will result ee w ll fu imum of one received a min rdinator THRIVE Site Coo ch Ea l: sa is m Day Camp, ithdrawal/Dis of any THRIVE al aw Involuntary W dr ith w t t is deemed ht to reques whose conduc t en reserves the rig ud st ip sh standards of ss or Leader nform to camp co to re Enrichment Cla ilu Fa y. unsatisfactor ithout refund. undesirable or iate dismissal w ed m im in lt su behavior may re
ions? Billing Quest D s epartment
Call the Busines , or email at 253-841-1776 echristian.org hanksb@cascad
Leadershi p
(McAlder Campu s only) For all Ju nior High studen exciting day ca ts, camp includ mp activities an es d field trips, plus training activiti participation in es that concentr le ad at ership e on positive re responsibility an inforcement, m d trust. They also entoring, have the option Wild Waves trip to add the Tues (see details unde day r “Summer Swim ming” - page 4) .
The Junior Cou
nselor Program Registered McA : lder Campus ca mpers who are grade in the fall entering at leas may apply for a t 7th limited number Counselors. Juni of positions as or Counselors w Junior ill participate in activities in a le all THRIVE Lead adership capaci ership ty, receive a 40 summer camp tu % discount on th ition, and attend ei r weekly a special Junior Counselor party. Junior Counselo rs assist staff by organizing and activities, arts an participating in d crafts, and fie games, ld trips with the Christian exampl campers. They es by demonstra se rve as ting the 3R’s (res positive relations pect, responsibi hips) towards ca lity and mpers, other JC s, and staff. To become a Ju nior Counselor: First, register fo be a Junior Coun r camp. Then, ap selor by emailin ply to g two letters of from a teacher, recommendatio and another from n: one a pastor or yout (Puyallup Site Co h pastor, to Kath ordinator) at re i Renn nnk@cascadec for leadership do hristian.org. Re es not automat gistration ically guarantee of Junior Counse JC acceptance. lors is based on Selection availability, letter and personal in s of recommenda terview during the first week of tion, camp.
s c i n i l C d n a s p Sports C am Sports-specif ic C
amps and C linic s are of fered t o all ow children an opport unit y t o develo p fu d yout h t he n for part icipat ion and c om damental skills pet it ion.
ling, Individual l Camp - $75 Boys’ Basketbaldual Offense, Team Offense, Ball Hand enir basketball, divi p includes a souv Emphasis on: In d and Agility. Cam d ee Sp , es and awards, an se en ef mpetitions, priz & Team D co , es : m or ga ct s, ire cu D mp tal fo and coaches. Ca T-shirt, fundamen guest speakers l ia ms. For ec ia ill sp W ith y w rr n Coach Je interactio ity rs Va ol ho Sc n High Cascade Christia 70. call: 253-370-58 se ea pl , 1-4:30 p.m. questions CCJH/HS 17 , 16 , 15 , 14 ly Ju 1st-8th Week 4
l Camp - $75 osphere. Girls’ Basketbal e basic skills camp in a fun-filled atmam, individual,
titiv ll, including te This is a compe pects of basketba as l al n ar dual skills le ill w Campers p includes indivi m Ca s. ill sk e iv fens yan Peterson offensive and de games. Coach: Br am te d an ns io 9 a.m.-noon competit CCJH/HS 18 , 17 , 16 , 15 ly Ju 3rd-8th Week 4 0 t dance to Cheer Clinic - $6 CCHS Summer arn chants, a camp cheer and a shor e clinic (8/14). th ill le the final day of Cheerleaders w ily and friends on m one-on-one fa r ng ei di th en r sp fo perform crafts while r ee ristian ch in e at ip rtic Head Cascade Ch h: ac Co ic They will also pa in Cl s. titively HS Cheerleader e cheered compe Sh . ry ea time with the CC Cl y an eted her ity Coach, Britt She then compl s. le tit l na High School Vars tio na cited to inning state and iversity. She is ex Un n to ng for four years, w hi as W to share reer at Western the opportunity ve ha d cheerleading ca an S CC eat program at be a part of a gr you! 9 a.m.–noon the program with McAlder , 15 13 11, t us ug A Week 8 K-6
June Coug
r Football Instructed Clinic - $60 by the CC (includes a S Football players, th T-shirt) coaching st is 3 aff, curren can learn fu -day football clinic is t and form a non-con nd er tact camp divided into amentals of football where play and have fu g ers n! Players staff for bo roups by grade leve will be l and instru th offense cted accord and defen se. Head C 2nd-8th ingly by ou June 4, 5, oach: Ran r dy Davis & 7 CCJH/ HS W, Th 5:30 -7:30 p.m. & Sat 10-n Soccer Sh o on ots - $80 Soccer Sh ots® is a u niquely de soccer to signed pro your child gram that in a fun, sa program e will introd fe , and contr mphasizes uce olled envir characterplay, conc o fo n m entration, rm e n in t. g O lessons su cooperatio a positive ch as fair te ur n and enco influence o a m uragemen n children creative p t. We striv by teachin lay, enjoym e to be g them ba ent of spo sic soccer rts and he K–3rd skills, althy com Week 8 petition. Aug 11, 13, 15 McAlder Cougar Bo 1-3 p.m. ys’ and Gir Led by the ls ’ V o ll eyball Cam Cascade C hristian vo an excellen p - $75 lleyball co t opportun aches, this ity for boy the basic s camp is s and girls kills and p to learn an roper tech developm d develop nique for v ent. Betwe olleyball g en them, c over 15 ye rowth and oaches Am ars’ experi y Wood an ence work high, and h d Lori Tan ing with yo igh school g have uth at the level; and elementary both comp • For bo , junior th boys an eted at the d girls. college lev • Players el. must bring knee pads • The fe , e fo indoor cou rt shoes, a • Enrollm r the camp includes nd water. a t-shirt an ent is limit d daily aw ed to 45, s ards. o sign up e 1st-6th arly! Week 5 July 21-25 Reality Sp C C JH/HS orts ® Wre 1-3 p.m. Cascade C stling Cam hristian Sc p O ffered by d hools is pro offering th onation ud to part is wrestlin ner with R g camp fo primarily o eality Spo ® r 3rd-12th n takedow rts in graders. T ns and coll mat techn he camp w egiate (folk iques. Drill il l focus st ing, situati yle) top an training, a onal wrest d bottom nd spiritua li n g, live matc l de Jesus Chri hes, menta st will be in velopment based on l cluded. Ca the word a shorts, two mpers nee nd life of shirts to w d to bring: w orkout in, teachable restling sh a sack lun attitude (h ch, and a h oes, eadgear is and Brian ard-workin optional). Peterson. g and Coaches: C hris DiCug 3rd–12th no Week 3 July 7-10 CCJH/HS 9 a.m.-3 p .m.
! r a e Y s i h New T C amp In
v e n t – A S ion
e, Techno logy, EnT EM C amp gineer ing, Mat h
S T EM : Scienc
Camp Invention – a
es not apply) camper discount do ay (d ek we e th r fo $220 ention.org. Register at campinv pires children to be ek-long camp that ins we a is n ce, Technology, tio en Inv Camp m and create. Scien ea dr to y ilit ab l ra tu nds-on, creative, confident in their na ts are explored via ha ep nc co M) TE (S th esented with Engineering and Ma ams, children are pr te in g kin or W s. itie of critical-thinking problem solving activ e direct application th e ot om pr at th s d citizenship in real-world challenge colleges, careers an by ed nd ma de ills sk and communication needed see page 11. nded care hours are te ex If y. ur nt Ce st 21 the partnering with Christian Schools is e ad sc Ca n, tio en richment program By hosting Camp Inv profit elementary en nno d, ize gn co re the only nationally Fame. nal Inventors Hall of backed by The Natio ol science e Christian High Scho ad sc Ca by d te ec Camp Invention is dir teacher, Lucy Cole. 9:00-3:30 McAlder 8 4st gu Au Week 7 1st-6th
s e s s a l C t n e m h Enr ic Enrichment Classes can be taken either as an
enhancement to THR IVE Day Camp or on their own for students not attending Day Camp. Classes provide expanded learning in Creative Arts, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineer ing, and Mat h), Academic s, Culinary Arts, and Technology. summer lear ning loss ents gain conf idence • Reduce skil ls and help st udport unit ies • Sharpen hands-on lear ning ophing new • Provi de try somet o t s ie it un t or p p O • sses available on a
th new cla ough August 22, wi sses run June 23 thr Cla t en hm ric En Schedule: sions each day. are usually two ses noted): weekly basis. There days (except where ld on the following he are s sse Cla t Enrichmen Wednesday/Friday McAlder: Monday/ day Wednesday/Thurs Tacoma: Tuesday/ ay rid y/F da ay/Thurs ate the Frederickson: Tuesd ered to accommod ss times will be alt Cla t en hm ric En 4 ly 30 – Ju The week of June sure. Friday, July 4th clo erved a first-come, first-s sses is processed on on space Cla t sed en ba hm is ric e En nc ssion to essential. Accepta is ion Enrollment: Admi rat ist for the 2014reg ing rly ter limited, so ea student will be en the de gra the basis. Enrollment is for listed for classes are availability. Grades ar. ye l 2015 schoo ion for fees. See camp descript es: Class fees vary. Fe mp Ca t en hm t Enric t on all Enrichmen eive a 20% discoun rec nts ipa rtic pa unt: Day Camp Day Camper Disco s. Classe the first session. prior to attending fees are due in full ss Cla t en hm ric Payments: All En students for Enrichment Class Care is offered to d de ten Ex re: Ca Extended Enrichment Class maximum). e. Fees are: (two-hour per day an additional charg class extended care maximum). er y aft da r or e pe for ur be ho r he extended care (fourss $54 per week for eit cla er aft d an e both befor $101 per week for ce a session ll not be issued on richment Classes wi En one week st for lea ds at fun m Re for y: wal Polic E 2014 ADD/DROP RIV TH a Voluntary Withdra t ou fill d, re proper refun has begun. To ensu ce). le in each camp offi ab ail (av e es nc va in ad el any class that do es the right to canc erv res tor the ct ina nta ord Camp’s Site Co family’s account. Co Cancellations: Each ll be issued to the rollment. Credit wi en . um on ati nim mi orm et inf not me 6 for refund ent at 253-841-177 Business Departm
(20% disco
t Class Des
unt on enri
chment clas ses for reg American Si istered Day gn Langua Campers.) ge. This su share the ar mmer Mrs. t of signing Carson, inst to music. Yo get the opp ru ctor from Th ur ortunity to child will ex e Arts, is ex perform a Si perience an cited gn Langua d learn a ne Fee: $75/$6 ge song dur w culture as to 0 for Day C ing Friday ampers well as lunch. 2nd-6th Week 7 Aug 4, 6, 8 Ballet ‘N Ja McAlder zz. Carson, who Cascade Christian ha 10-noon (p s partnered erform at no will be teac this summer hing your lit on) Jazz gives with “The A the studen tle ones ho ts freedom w to dance rts” Instruct dance cam of expressio . Teaching or p will also in , Mrs. dance styles n with differ clude a Bib your child to Ballet and ent moves, le study tim creatively p m us e as well as ic and rhyt raise Jesus during Frid an ex hm. This through dan ay’s lunch parents wel ce. Students pressive dance time to any colored come. Req allow w leotard and ill perform ui re d attire: ha a short rout pink leathe ir pulled bac r ballet shoe ine Fee: $75/$6 k in bun, pin s (no slipper 0 for Day C k tights, s please). ampers K-2nd W eek 1 June 23, 25, 27 McAlder M/W 10 a.m Cupcake C .-noon and lub. Come F 10:15 a.m.-1 le ar twists. Then n to decorat 2:15 p.m. (p e your own share your erform at no tasty delight beautiful cu on) pcakes wit Week 2 Fe creations w h e: $24/$19 al it h l ki friends and nds of FUN for Day Cam family. pers • Wee 1st-6th k 4 Fee: $3 Week 2 6/$27 for D July 1, 3 1st-6th ay Camper Week 4 s Frederickson July 15, 16, 17 Extreme D 13 p .m. Ta co ance Camp m a . The Arts d summer ’s in 9-11 a.m. ance instru tensive dan ctor Mrs. C ce camp. St study then arson is exci udents will will jump in ted to teac learn God’s to Ballet, Ja choreograp h the wor zz, Hip-Hop hed dance and Choreog d through a short Bib piece to per way to exp le raphy. Stud form Friday ress themse ents will lear at noon. Not lves, they ar Required at na e learning d only are stud tire: Ballet iff hair pulled en erent styles leotard, jazz back into b of movemen ts learning a new pants or sh un, p t to glorify orts over b God. allet uniform ink tights, leather bal Fee: - $90/$ let shoes an t-shirt over 72 for Day y color leotard if d Campers esired. 3rd-6th Week 3 July 7, 9, 11 Jazz Camp McAlder . Open to al l worship m any instrum 9 a.m.-noon usicians, gui ent. Meant (perform at tarists, sing for students jazz reperto noon) ers, drumm of all levels ire, improvi er s, , th b sa an is music theo tion, cover w d or st ks ud ho en p ts of ry, small en jazz history, will involve sembles, an learning an together w d large ense listening to various ar d playing ith instruct tists and st mble. Stud or Mr. Micha will conclu yles, basic ents will div el Gray will de with a co ide into sm present a un ncert featur own instrum all groups an ique piece ing worksho ent, and ha d to the class. T p participan ve a basic ab read basic he week ts. Instrum chords). ility to read entalists m sheet music ust have th (piano/guita Fee: $135/$ eir r must be ab 108 for Day Campers le to 7th-12th Week 5 Ju ly 21, 22, 23 , 24, 25 CCJH/HS lunch break (students b 10 a.m.-noon ring sack lu nch) 12:3 0-2:30 p.m .
ces and rld visiting new pla as we travel the wo us in imals Jo an . ng mp azi Ca t am n - Summer Ar peek at some Kids N Art Creatio will even get a sneak of mediums We y iet y. wa var a the use ng to alo t s will ge rkley, meeting a few artist ncils. The students s are led by Darla Ba ir beauty with our pe expression. Classe ve ati while capturing the cre d ls. an oo art Alder grade sch ir enjoyment of years at the local Mc while enhancing the sses for the last 12 cla art d cte tru ins s who ha y Campers 9-11 a.m. Fee: $60/$48 for Da McAlder 9-11 a.m. July 21, 24, 25 5 ek We er Ald Mc K–6th 20, 22 18, g. Au 9 go bricks – ek We K-6th ost anything with Le n build it! Make alm ca s of FUN! u yo ton it, ve ine ha d ag an im s, u can rning, engage mind lea Lego Mania 1! If yo n s-o nd ha re bricks! Explo ers thousands of Lego 0/$24 for Day Camp Weeks 2 & 3 Fee: $3 • ers mp Ca y Da for 10 a.m.-noon Week 5 Fee: $20/$16 McAlder , July 1, 2 30 ne 1-3 p.m. Ju 2 n ek We Frederickso K-6th 11 10, 8, ly 9-11 a.m. Ju Week 3 Tacoma 1st-6th ger ly 22, 24 Ju 5 ek We Bigger, Bigger, Big 1st-6th d engineering skills. an n , tio ion ina vat ag ser im ob ur nue to develop yo ce concepts through Lego Mania 2! Conti basic physical scien r ve co dis d an er togeth N! Lego Mania 2. Build ile having tons of FU n, critical thinking wh reasoning, predictio y Campers 10 a.m.-noon Fee: $30/$24 for Da McAlder 9, 11 7, ly 1-3 p.m. Ju 3 n ek We Frederickso K-6th 18 17, 15, ly 9-11 a.m. Ju Week 4 Tacoma 1st-6th ly 29, 30, 31 Ju 6 h CCSek We 1st-6th Barber has been wit r Gardener, Dr. Anne carefully, plant ste we Ma n g. rde nin ga rde the Ga tilize, and harvest fer Lettuce Eat Healthy nt, pla ic fruits and to an us org , ing years, teach learn about nutrition us lps he Frederickson for 4 les tab ge ning fruits and ve in the Spring. Garde eat healthier. o als d an les vegetab for Day Campers 1-2 p.m. Fee: $5 per week/$4 Frederickson June 27 – Aug. 22 us rio Va 1st-6th Weeks ry Available re 1. The first culina s Culinary Adventu Kid en ” ch ing kit mb the Cli of k lls Series: “Roc foundational ski Let’s Cook! Cooking ients that obloch, will focus on Kn red a ing Lis al r tur cto na tru d ins an h ole l adventure class, wit us on foods using wh osition. Students wil trition. Class will foc ced nutritional comp lan er ba inn ll and explore basic nu an we g ll din era fin ov t y as well as an en to a story abou provide lasting energ n do s week. Kids will list ca thi We es 3, um 4:1 leg ns d pia an s bean ing” – Philip learn about grains, Theme: “Rock Climb path to a Holy life. strength through a rist. anything through Ch y Campers 9-11 a.m. Fee: $62/$50 for Da Frederickson 18 17, 15, ly Ju ek’s Week 4 Adventure 2. This we 1st-6th fires” Kids Culinary mp d Ca an d ls an nsi ing ute d ish Series: “F ile using limite Let’s Cook! Cooking ing and campfires wh they are They will imagine ers explore both fish g. mp tin ca ea let l for wil le son ilab les ava fish God’s of of es all typ ct s pe of variou at it means to res exploring the world campfire story, . They will learn wh ing fire ax en rel op a h an wit er d ov en will n light a cooking outdoors g food. Each class brews 12:29, God ca oking and preparin creations. Theme: He d Creatures while co foo ty tas ir the mpers enjoy read aloud while ca ver go out. ne l wil t tha us in fire y Campers 9-11 a.m. Fee: $62/$50 for Da Frederickson 8 7, 5, g Au Week 7 1st-6th
Let’s Cook! Cook ing Series: “Nat ure’s Creatures” final week of Cu Kids Culinary Ad linary Adventures venture 4. For th students will im light-hearted co is part what they ha mpetition. Stud ve learned into ents will pick fro with cooking te a m a list of recipes chniques and pr , they will practic esentation, befo through cooking e re having a celeb . They will learn ration of their su what it means to while cooking an ccess respect all of Go d preparing food d’s creatures, ev and respecting “Natures Creatu en yourself and othe res” – Proverbs rs always. Them 2:4-5, Seek God. e: Fee: $62/$50 fo r Day Campers 1st-6th Week 8 Aug 12, 14, 15 Frederickson Move It - Week 2. Students will 9-11 a.m. participate in ga team building ex mes and activitie ercises and creat s wh ich ive will center on and obstacle co movement. Kids urses, as well as will work togeth dancing in celeb er to build tents out” story time. ration and finish Theme: “Pitch a with a group “cam Tent” – Acts 20:24 p , Finish what yo Fee: $32/$25 fo u start. r Day Campers 1st-6th Week 2 July 1, 3 Frederickson Move It – Week 3. Students will 9-10:30 a.m. use their imagina adventures with tions and build obstacle and pla on the previous ying various grou dance. Students week’s p games with cre will listen to sto ative movement ries about followi the Hiking Trail” and ng directions th – Isaiah 2:5, Allow ro ugh God. Theme: God to direct yo “On ur path. Fee: $32/$25 fo r Day Campers 1st-6th Week 3 July 8, 10 Frederickson Move It – Week 9. This class will 9-10:30 a.m. focus on getting will experience students excited an energetic atmo about life. Studen sphere around ga partnership and ts mes and activitie effort. Students s that encourag will dance in celeb lasting habits of e ration of life and movement. For wo th rk on building is final week of of God and seek Move It kids will to understand th celebrate the wo e importance of Outdoor BBQ” – rd following His wo Psalm 119:9, 10, rd. Theme: “Gre Read God’s Wor at d and do what it Fee: $32/$25 fo sa ys! r Day Campers 1st-6th Week 9 Aug 19, 21 Frederickson Pinterest Crafts. Together we will 9-10:30 a.m. create FUN capt inspired by Pinte ivating crafts, de rest. corations and gif ts all Fee: $40/$32 fo r Day Campers 2nd-6th Week 1 June 24, 26, 27 2nd-6th Frederickson Week 2 July 1, 2, 3 9-11 p.m. 2nd-6th Ta Week 8 coma Aug 11, 13, 15 9-11 p.m. McAlder Private Piano Le ssons. With Jene 1-3 p.m. ssa Gonzales. Ou songs, theory, mu r summer will be sic comprehens full of music - fu ion games and mu on learning note n ch more! For be s and basic rhyt ginners, we will hm notation, as working toward focus well as learning reading music. Th so ngs by rote, while e more advanced their sight-read students will co ing, theory, and ntinue to build up technique skills. on Fee: $93/$75 fo r Day Campers 1st-6th Week 1–Week9 Thursdays Frederickson June 26, July 3, TBD with 10, 17, 24, 31, Aug. SEW Much Fun. 7, 14, 21 instruct Perfect for all lev or el of sewers! Sa ndi Gillman teac hes the basics to create
- more , or beach bag llow, pillow case pi es and k or hin hw ac tc m t pa ar to make a CUTE me! State of the se lco oo we Ch . rls ct gi d oje a COOL pr sewers. Boys an le for advanced d.) options availab supplies require e om (S d! supplie equipment are 1-3 p.m. r Day Campers Fee: $89/$71 fo McAlder 1-3 p.m. ly 7, 9, 11 Ju k 3 McAlder 3rd-6th Wee 1-3 p.m. 21, 24, 25 ly Ju k5 Tacoma 7 gin 6, 3rd-6th Wee 5, Aug workshop. We be k 7 , ree-week theatre th ills 3rd-6th Wee a sk r g fo tin er ac m m he Arts” this su child will develop “T ur in yo Jo ll es p. wi m ho ga ild ks n ch Theatre Wor rkshop your , then through fu the end of the wo short Bible study confidence. At d or Mrs. Carson. our day with a ct an y tru log Ins . ino on stage term August 1st at no n, tio uc pronunciation, od pr t perform a shor get a chance to rs 9-11 a.m. for Day Campe Fee: $225/$184 McAlder 18 , ,16 14 ly Ju ks 4, 5 & 6 , 30, Aug. 1 2nd-6th Wee July 21, 24, 25, 28 ness and FUN. ge and run for Fit m, en all ias us Ch th er en m , m . Accept the Su -spirit, friendship ub am Cl te le e, Mi nc 0” de “5 nfi a co today and be Summer Time concentration, greatness - Join y, conditioning, s, competition, es Skill, poise, loyalt sn ou tri us ind eration, self-control, coop 0” Mile Club. Summer Time “5 e th of r be em m 1-2 p.m. Day Campers Fee: $12/$9 for Tacoma 21 ug -A ly1 Ju Weeks 2-9 K-6th T, W, Th Only
ule At-a-Glance
ss Sched Enrichment Cla s Enrichment Clas )
Spring (June 3-8
otball Clinic
June Cougar Fo
Week 1 (June 23Ballet ‘N Jazz Pinterest Crafts
sons Private Piano Les hy - Gardening Lettuce Eat Healt - July 3) Week 2 (June 30 Lego Mania 1 Cupcake Club t”
a Ten Move it! “Pitch
sons Private Piano Les Pinterest Crafts 50 Mile Club
W/Th evening Sat morning
M/W on) F (perform at no
Tacoma Tacoma
T/W/Th T/W/Th
5:30-7:30 p.m. 10 a.m.-noon
10 a.m.-noon p.m. 10:15 a.m.-12:15 9-11 a.m. TBD 1-2 p.m.
10 a.m.-noon 1-3 p.m. 9-10:30 a.m. TBD 9-11 a.m. 1-2 p.m.
Grade 2nd-8th
K-2nd 2nd-6th 1st-6th 1st-6th
K-6th 1st-6th 1st-6th 1st-6th 2nd-6th K-6th
Enrichment Clas s
Week 3 (July 7-11
Reality Sports® Wr estling Camp
Extreme Dance Cam
SEW Much Fun
Move it! “HOn the Hik
ing Trail”
Lettuce Eat Health y-Gardening Private Piano Les sons 50 Mile Club
Boys Basketball Cam
Let’s Cook! Series
Lego Mania 2 Lettuce Eat Health y - Gardening Private Piano Les sons Cup Cake Club 50 Mile Club Week 5 (July 21-
Boys’ & Girls’ Vo lley
ball Camp
ck a lunch)
Theatre Workshop
Weeks 4-6
Kids N Art Creatio
SEW Much Fun
M/Th/F August 1
Tacoma - August 1)
Theatre Workshop
Weeks 4-6
Lettuce Eat Health y - Gardening Private Piano Les sons
50 Mile Club
50 Mile Club
Lego Mania 2
M/T/W/Th/F M/T/W/Th/F
Lego Mania 1
Week 6 (July 28
M/Th/F T/W/Th T/W/Th
M/W/F August 1
1st-6th 1st-6th
1-2 p.m.
1-2 p.m.
1-4:30 p.m.
9 a.m.-noon
M/W/F August 1
1-3 p.m.
3rd-6th K-6th
9-10:30 a.m.
Weeks 4-6
1-3 p.m. 10 a.m.-noon
Theatre Workshop
Week 4 (July 1418)
Girls’ Basketball
9 a.m.-noon (perform at noo
Lego Mania 1
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Lego Mania 2
10 a.m.-noon (perform at noo n)
9-11 a.m.
1-3 p.m.
1-2 p.m.
9-11 a.m.
1-2 p.m.
1-3 p.m.
10 a.m.-2:30 p.m
10 a.m.-noon (perform at noo n) 9-11 a.m. 1-3 p.m. 9-11 a.m. 1-2 p.m.
10 a.m.-noon (perform at noo n) 1-2 p.m. TBD 9-11 a.m. 1-2 p.m.
7th-12th 2nd-6th K-6th 3rd-6th 1st-6th 1sKt-6th
2nd-6th 1st-6th 1st-6th 1st-6th K-6th
Enrichment Class ) Week 7 (August 4-8
American Sign Lan
-Gardening Lettuce Eat Healthy sons Private Piano Les SEW Much Fun 50 Mile Club
Soccer Shots® Cheer Clinic Pinterest Crafts -Gardening Lettuce Eat Healthy sons Private Piano Les 50 Mile Club
Week 9 (August 18-2 n
Kids ‘N Art Creatio Move it!
-Gardening Lettuce Eat Healthy sons Private Piano Les 50 Mile Club
Week 8 (August 11-1
9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 10 a.m.-noon (perform Friday) 1-2 p.m. TBD 1-3 p.m. 1-2 p.m.
1-3 p.m. 9 a.m.-noon 1-3 p.m. 1-2 p.m. TBD 1-2 p.m.
9-11 a.m. 9-10:30 a.m. 1-2 p.m. TBD 1-2 p.m.
Grade 1st-6th 2nd-6th 1st-6th 1st-6th 3rd-6th K-6th
K-3rd K-6th 2nd-6th 1st-6th 1st-6th K-6th
K-6th 1st-6th 1st-6th 1st-6th K-6th
Kindergarten PrepPr ogram Summer (McAlder C ampus
on ly)
This suppo rtive and n urturing pro for students gram is des who are 5 y igned ears of age entering Kin and who w dergarten fo ill be r the 2014-2 This Christcentered p 015 school ro year. g activities a ram incorp nd games, o ra te s e d ucational arts/crafts, and more! cooking, sc This progra ie nce, m class, so ea is limited to rly registra 10 s tu d ents per tion is high ly recomm ended.
Cascade C hristian Sch ools NOW Enro l (We have bot h Full Da ling for Fall 2014 All C y and 1/2 Day Kinder garten at 4 locat ions!)ampuses Photos of Cascade’s new McAlder Campus, located in the Sumner/ Orting valley!
A grea t educ W hat ation wit h better G od’s gift ca pur po n a pa se in m rent g ind ive t he ir child ?
W con hen S sider C
s over. .
C hrist
an in syst depend em, e serv nt, inte r ing infan denom Our inat ts th core iona thro r o p u u l g rpos ugh h grad school e is purp teac e tw to h ose elve befo ing and transfo . rm c re G train o u i n d l tu C hild C are – g pe . ople res Preschoo l – in th Kindergarte Thro eir u
ian Sc
on six campus n – Grade 12 es in P ierce C ount y.
Inte gh our g c Trai ration, E ore valu ning es o duca , f to g lorif and Uni tional E Biblica y Go l Wo ty, C edu x cell ca d r a who tion de by prov scade C ence, Le ldview dica hrist ade iding are s rs te prep i ared piritually d to de quality, an Scho hip o velo C , per to im ls st hrist pin so riv pact -c We thei nally, an g discer entered es love r n d w ing acad learn our orld s . emic leader i and ng, and tudents s ally ! t t diffe alents s o find a It is our o n r d arou ence… a they ca d use th esire to nd t n ma n im e he ir Go hem pact k d-gi lp them . … in e a ven the gifts love wor ld
Call 2 a pe 53-84 rs 1 you onal tou -1776 and r and toda your Casc fami learn mo y to sche ade ly c du re C onlin e to hristian S an beco about h le ow www me p choo ar ls .casc adec communi t of the ty hrist ian.o . Or, go rg.
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