Good2know Issue 1: June 9, 2014

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2014 Issue one


Tyler with li le sister Grace

Good 2 Know is a series of glimpses into the lives touched by your generosity. Thank you for making a difference for the children of Cascade Chris an Schools.

What was his prayer, that your gi answered?


In this issue of G2K:

hen the me came for Chris and Misty French to enroll their son Tyler in Kindergarten, they were uncertain of how he would do in a school se ng because of his boundless energy. A er much prayer and discernment, they felt the Lord’s call leading them to Cascade Chris an Schools.

Tyler’s Prayer …………. 1‐2 That guy says ……………. 3 21st Century Educa on 3‐4 In the know………………. 4 Upcoming events

The French's finances were reported back to us that Tyler already ght. When they heard was a typical well‐adjusted boy about the tui on assistance who simply had a lot of energy. program, they applied They were not willing to and were blessed write off a child “They were not with a modest simply because of willing to write off a award. his energy level, child simply because They started reap‐ but rather used ing the rewards his energy as a of his energy level...” from Tyler’s enroll‐ posi ve. We were so ment at Cascade Chris an grateful.” early into his The following year Tyler’s dad Kindergarten year. Chris, lost his job. When he found “By the me parent‐teacher another job, it was 100% commis‐ conferences were held that fall, we sion based. TYLER’S PRAYER were amazed,” Misty said, “They Con nued on page two

Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does” Psalm 96:3

Page two Tyler’s mom, Misty, talks about financial hardship and staying true to the Call of The Lord:



“To say the least, our need increased greatly from the previous year,” Misty con

nued. “We were thankful for

the (new) job, but truly trusted in God to help us con nue to provide a Chris an educa on for Tyler, which is our priority.

We prayed about our applica on and sent it in.”

During that me of financial uncertainty 7‐year‐old Tyler asked, “Will I get to stay at my school?” Misty on what to say to the kids:

“Our kids ask us each year, ‘Will we be able to go to Cascade Chris an next year?’ and the truth is we hope so,” Misty explained, “We include them in praying over our paperwork and strive to teach them to trust in God and that He will provide in His me.” She expressed it is an absolute journey of faith every me they apply.

Because of your gi , they were blessed again with tui on assistance which made it possible for Tyler to stay at his school!

“It is incredible to see God’s will provided through His people,” she spoke so ly, “My children are able to benefit because of a calling God placed into a donor’s heart.”

Misty said there are no words to convey the amount of gra tude in her heart, for the kindness you have shown Tyler through your gi .

“Your dona on to further the Kingdom is so important in this day and age. Just by being obedient to God, you are making an eternal difference.”

Chris and Misty have seen both academic and spiritual gains in Tyler. One recent example involved Tyler using his own money to buy a Valen ne‐gram for a classmate who he has not always agreed with in the past. When ques oned why he chose to buy them a Valen ne ‐gram, Tyler said, “I wanted to show them love because we are supposed to love everyone.”

Another example happened over the summer when Tyler buckled down and worked on his reading. His teacher, Sue Beard, gave her class an end of the year challenge. Misty explained why Tyler worked so hard to complete it, “Because of the level of respect taught at Cascade Chris an, Tyler cared about what his teacher would think. She told him he was capable and he wanted to show her that he was.”

Page three 21st Century Educa on below the fold

That guy says... “I asked my team to follow your gi s and come back with stories to tell. Our primary focus is on the kids. But we found out quickly when we “followed the gi s” to the kids, we couldn’t tell the whole story without stopping by and talking to their teachers, parents, coaches–the rest of the CCS community!” “When the stories started coming in, I had to agree with the Psalmist, “my heart overflows with a good theme.” Psalm 45:1—thus the tle of this newsle er, Good 2 Know (G2K). Enjoy the stories. They are your stories because your gi s are the catalysts that make them “good.” Thank you, from my heart, for giving so generously and making a difference for the kids at CCS, including Tyler, and, as you’ll see in the story below, Mrs. Bartle ’s whole first grade class!”

Rob Mi on Director of Development

Who knew 21st Century Educa on would look like this?


hen G2K stopped by one of the 21st Century Educa on pilot programs, to observe it in ac on, we thought we would see a class of students aglow with blue screen reflec ng from their eyes. Boy, were we in for a surprise. The students were engaged with the teacher and each other, and we were le standing there looking around for signs of technology! When our super sleuth eyes surveyed the “The way I incorporate it the most is to create environment, we found that the technology was conversa on within the classroom. The doc stealthily suppor ng the educa on and cameras and iPads are powerful tools for seamlessly integrated into the learning ‘developing mathema cal discourse.’ We environment. are signed up to have ten iPads for ...the technology was stealthily A er school we sat down with Tabitha Bartle , the genius teacher who was at the helm of that wonderment of 21st Century learning, and here is what she had to say:

suppor ng the educa on and seamlessly integrated into the learning environment.

one hour every Tuesday. The students work in groups in a math app that allows them to show their work. It’s now on all ten iPads so I can just walk around and project any iPad Con nued on page 4


21st Century Educaon on con nued: 21st Century Educa Con nued from page 3

We observed Mrs. Bartle using up onto the screen, in process, which is feedback by recording the kids as they really cool, so people can talk about read aloud in small groups and then what they are doing as playing it back. A er they are doing it. This “This opens up a whole new they reviewed the opens up a whole new world for class par cipa on.” story, she asked the world for class par cipa on. students a ques on and then asked Another math app, IXL is nice because it them to “turn and talk” to find the has feedback boxes. When they get an answer. The kids were engaged in answer wrong it pops up so they can find crea vity, collabora on, leadership, out why. This instant feedback is one of public speaking and self‐confidence. She men oned two students who previously weren’t as easily engaged as others. Those students and possibly the students around them might have been at a disadvantage for learning, un l 21st Century Educa on was piloted in her class. Now both students are leaning in and are engaged in their lessons. (We couldn't pick them out in our observa on)

“This instant feedback is one of the most important things with technology…” the most important things with technology, because without it, when I’m walking around, I’m addressing the students in the moment, but it may be a day or two before I can really delve into all that they have worked on and see the areas they need to pick up. A day in a first grader’s life is an eternity, so for them to have that instant feedback is valuable.”

This happening for them now, in first grade, paints a much brighter picture for their school careers.

Thank you for giving to 21st Century Educa on! The pilot programs are underway, making a real difference, and paving the way for CCS students now and in the future!

Page four

In the know: Come have a great me golfing with friends, while suppor ng the kids of CCS... September 13, 2014 Did you know? First prize is 4 passes to the final day of the 2015 U.S. Open at Chambers Bay! 2014. Volume One, Issue one. “Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.” -Psalm 96:3 NLT Good 2 Know is published by Cascade Christian Schools Development team and is the official newsletter of The Cascade Fund.

Director of Development : Rob Mitton Thank you for being a part of the Cascade Christian community. Questions or Comments: 253.841.1776 815 21st St SE Puyallup, WA 98372

Rob, it is good to know my gi s are making a difference! When the children ask, “will I get to stay at my school?” again, I would like to answer yes. Please accept my gi of $_____________ $____________

tui on assistance 21st Century Educa on

Here is how I will give:

check enclosed invoice me (pledge) debit/credit card online at cascadechris Give Now

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expira on date __________

phone # ______________________________

name as it appears on card ______________________________ signature ________________________________ date ____________

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