“I assumed I would get good grades, 8888 University Drive, BC V5Aand 1S6 start a graduate in aBurnaby, few years T 778.782.4154 F 778.782.4958 sfu.ca successful career intel aviation. University Advancement +1 778.782.4154 8888 University Drive fax +1 778.782.4958 I was wrong.” Burnaby, BC donation@sfu.ca •
help shape the next 50 years
Canada V5A 1S6
September 6, 2016
When I came to SFU, I was excited to start a new chapter in my life. I was on a good path, doing the right thing….but I ended up going through one of the most defeating experiences of my life. Until someone like you believed in me. My name is Rajvir. I’m 26 years old. My parents emigrated from Punjab and raised me and my two younger siblings in Surrey. My father is a contractor and mother is a stay-at-home mom. I grew up in a very conservative family where the main focus was academics and sports. Since childhood, I’d always been intrigued by a giant piece of metal in the sky. After high school, I completed an Avionics diploma at BCIT, then set my sights on an engineering degree at SFU. My first couple of years at SFU were tough. I became disinterested in engineering. The enthusiasm seemed to slip away and I started to struggle. My GPA plummeted, and as a result, I was required to withdraw from the university. I was lost, I felt like such a failure. It was not how things were supposed to go. My family was so disappointed in me. You may never know just how much your support has influenced a student’s life. You are the one, behind the scenes, helping those who need it most. After the shock of having to withdraw, I had a few options given to me: transfer my SFU credits to another university, enroll in SFU’s Back on Track Program…or drop out of university all together.
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Area of support (optional): All donations are eligible for a tax receipt. For monthly donations, you will receive a consolidated tax receipt for all donations made within the calendar year each February.
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My confidence was low, so it was hard to find the drive to continue my studies. I needed to take some time to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. Easy, right? During these months, the gang violence in Surrey got worse. Most of you have probably heard or read about it. For me, that’s my home…I couldn’t sit back, I needed to do something. I started getting involved in local politics, participating in dialogue between community members and politicians. I uncovered a new passion and purpose. I wanted to study law and I wanted to excel. I enrolled in SFU’s Back on Track Program and changed my major to Criminology. The program helped me identify my weaknesses and gave me strategies to study effectively. My confidence was slowly returning as my study habits improved, but when I received the donor-funded Back on Track Award, it was the first time I honestly felt like I was going to make it. Your support goes far beyond recognition of achievement or financial aid. You make students feel valued and motivate them to succeed. Please give again today - 100% of your donation goes to students.
It’s hard to put into words how much I appreciate the kindness of donors like you. The Back on Track Award was a turning point because it symbolized achievement. Many awards require an outstanding GPA and I wasn’t eligible. So when I received mine, it felt really good that my hard work had been recognized. Thank you so much for supporting students like me. Graduation is around the corner, but I’ll never forget that feeling of having someone believe in me, someone I didn’t even know. With gratitude, Rajvir Rajvir with Ruth Silverman, the donor who created the Silverman and Knight Family Back on Track Award
P.S. I understand first-hand how much your generosity means to students who truly need it. I hope you’ll consider giving again.
8888 University Drive • Burnaby, BC • Canada V5A 1S6
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Thank you for your continued support. You’ll receive a consolidated tax receipt for your donations in the calendar year each February. You can change or cancel your payroll donation by calling 778 782 5309 or donation@sfu.ca
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