Living in a world without race! Without the space to separate! That disgrace we faced when we tried so hard to blend! showing only that thing that comes from within ! We live in strife wanting more than a life only to be defined by our skin. !
Our skin, our largest organ stretched around our bodies so thin! Is a shade created by the level of melanin we were born in. !
We were made into teams that by any means went into office and were sworn in.! Scorned and forlorned by bodies believed to be insecure so they ! Deceived and planted seeds that grew into weeds that somehow turned into more than!
Dignity and a belief formed by family but somehow fueled a fire of fear that function when wars win !
Our skin, yes, deeper than a shade but a representation of a group of people that formed a nation. Power in numbers not alienation ! formed greatness pelted! now patients to a pot melted desperately wait in the room to be relieved of the heat and the pressure created by low self esteem. !
Just to redefine the color lines that class couldn't create! The great mistake to think that money makes the mask time couldn't break. ! We keep silently defined by those damn lines that go beyond that fake creation of what we call race. !
It's now a disgrace how we still can decide to place people of different shade states into sections ! Selecting one great, ! we all need to make mass introspections !
Walking around with hair straight in a nation that made slaves, now played by origins that made orphans and created self hate. !
All I'm sayin, love is not a game that we play in. We have to realize that love has a soul that goes beyond the vessels that we hold and that greatness has to be defined by our distinctive states of mind that are all different in their own units of measure. ! And that each and everyone of us is a vessel that holds great treasure connected to this unit of land sea and air ! Human beings need to care about something that we all share! From our creator Is what comes from within ! What and who's we are is greater than the shade of our damn skin!
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~ Caselove! Poem 11/06/11