2 minute read
An Archaeology of Colonial Transformations at Ancient Lattara By Benjamin P. Luley
Examines the impact of Roman rule on the city of Lattara, Gaul 500-200 BCE. With the decline in popularity of the term 'Romanization' as a way of analysing the changes in the archaeological record visible throughout the conquered provinces of the Roman Empire, scholars have increasingly turned to the important concept of 'identity'. This volume provides a detailed study of the ways in which the Celtic-speaking peoples of the ancient settlement of Lattara in Roman Mediterranean Gaul fashioned their lives under two centuries of Roman rule.
Oxbow Books • 9781789255669 • Hardback • b/w and colour illus. 240 x 170mm • 304 pages • October 2020 • £50.00
Britannia Romana
Roman Inscriptions and Roman Britain By R.S.O. Tomlin Presentation, translation and interpretation of all known, major inscriptions from Roman Britain.
This book collects 487 inscriptions (mostly on stone, but also on metal, wood, tile and ceramic), the majority from Britain but many from other Roman provinces and Italy, to illustrate the history and character of Roman Britain (AD 43–410). Each inscription is presented in the original (in Latin, except for eight in Greek), followed by a translation and informal commentary; they are linked by the narrative which they illustrate, and 236 are accompanied by photographs.
Oxbow Books • 9781789255485 • New in Paperback 240 x 170mm • 464 pages • September 2020 • £29.95
Life in the Limes
Studies of the People and Objects of the Roman Frontiers Edited by Rob Collins and Frances McIntosh A collection of papers exploring diverse themes focused on the Roman frontiers.

Lindsay Allason-Jones has been at the forefront of small finds and Roman frontier research for 40 years in a career focused on, but not exclusive to, the north of Britain, encompassing an enormous range of object types and subject areas. Divided into thematic sections, the contributions presented here celebrate the many achievements of Lindsay Allason-Jones, all representing at least one aspect of Lindsay’s research interests.
Julius Caesar's Battle for Gaul
Edited by Andrew P. Fitzpatrick and Colin Haselgrove
The latest archaeological research on the Battle for Gaul and its aftermath.
Oxbow Books• 9781789250503 Paperback• 336 pages Available Now • £38.00 The Roman Villa at Maasbracht
Edited by W.K. Vos, Corrie Bakels and T.A. Goossens A beautifully illustrated analysis of the famous Roman Villa at Maasbracht.
Sidestone Press • 9789088908569 Paperback • 204 pages Available Now • £45.00
Glass of the Roman World
Edited by Justine Bayley, Ian Freestone and Caroline Jackson
Eighteen papers on how glass was produced, traded and used in the Roman world.
Oxbow Books• 9781789253399 New in Paperback• 232 pages Available Now• £35.00 Settlement Project
By John Zant Examines the primarily Roman evidence from excavations at Maryport.
Oxford Archaeology North 9781907686337 • Paperback 188 pages • Available Now £25.00
Army of the Roman Emperors
By Thomas Fischer and translated by M.C. Bishop
A major overview of the imperial Roman army.
Oxbow Books• 9781789251845 Hardback• 456 pages
The Maryport Roman
Available Now• £45.00
A Bath House, Settlement and Industry on Roman Southwark's North Island
By Victoria Ridgeway, Joanna Taylor and Edward Biddulph Presents new evidence of